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Everything posted by Phantom

  1. [quote][i]originaly posted by shyguy[/i] I don't see my online friends as real people.[/quote] ROBOTS I TELL You!!!
  2. umm...your ****ED MAN... the first thign i do is beat the hell out of the eavesdropper and find some new girls...simple as that.. if ure that kinda guy... honestly... new crowd.. but than again this is coming form a married man who would never leave the girl i want lol.. i cant help u much
  3. [color=red]Trying to escape the strict ways of her grip? The way it hits you is like a jack hammer? You try your best and for that cause? Your demise is near? The counterfeit smile is veiled behind a cold visage? She sucks you in and spits you out? The worst part is that you come crawling back? Crawling back to the façade of delusional fane? There is no escaping the phosphoric nothingness? The naught is founded by the keeper of the gates? Once you get in once?you?re forced back? Her defining glares?the defaming libel? She is, however, the all, the match?your match.[/color] ------------------------------------------------------------------- [color=blue]Deteriorating filth is all the condolences the red bird would present Splendid love is an unforgiving dream garnered by the banshee. Hordes of minions crawl faithfully to the tune of their corpulent master. I want nothing more than for her to call out and depict her love?call for me, tell me that I am hers?instead she would rather leave me to a melancholy state of freehand poetry writing syndrome. However, for no reason but, I am happy?releasing the seeds of your desolation to flourish into the minds of the sick is but a tuned instance of gratification to me. Redeeming the pain for pleasure, from the hatred stricken?panic has changed to a triumphant status?. exultant pride overwhelms the heart and soul?and the pitiful granulae waits unto tu-you.[/color] No names have been decared for these...give me suggestions..I will decide.. its just mindless typing...
  4. umm....i would like..go back in time to when Bobby Carlson was still 5.. beat the ****ing **** out of him....prick doesnt deserve to live... ive been beaten up by him so much its almost comical lol.... What else... ide prolly lend a helping hand and let the black slaves obtain uzi's and a couple mp5's ...than goodbye everyhting.. lol...we would have a black president booyah...than ile destroy the lives of Jean Cretien... stupid canadian ****.. i hate my prime minister... die :) ...hehe... thats it...ile prolly do more... but other than that..nupe
  5. there was this awfully obese teacher who always fell asleep in class ..she couldnt move form her desk much and well..april fools came along and when she passed out...we erased the boards and wrote April, 1, 2042, or somthing...was kinda funny.. too bad she didnt have a degree of some sort.. she caught on...we were hoping she would be like "**** i ate all!!"
  6. ....neopets was the onyl one i ever heard of... it sucked complete royal ***.. but if you want to get into fun stuff... get into role playing on our boards.. it truely expands thine mind....hehe
  7. ....huh? I really dont know what your getting at...um.. you want adice? ..want some relation? ... ok... advice... if anyone wants to force you to do anything than they arent friends.. .if u wana make up, doit but dont let anyone or anything FORCE you to do things. Especally make up b4 ure ready to. also, i remember once when a buddy of mine told me i needed to just right piss off... eithe that or do watever he wanted..when he wanted.... once i didnt agree so he punched my false teeth out (yeah i lost teeth cuz i had accident lol), anyway.. yeh thats my relation hehe
  8. Michael Steven Hunter.... Michael Steven means nothing whatsoever... my older brother died....and he was named after my grandfather..and my uncle kevin died and he was named after his grandfather...so my parents werent takin any chances...so they made my name random.. however that caused quite the dilema to the shallow minded people that I attended schools with... most would walk by me with their hands on their crotch "ohhh MY C*NT HURTS!!" ..well thanks to my friend adam...noo ne does that no more... once this complete moron was doin that and walked by me just to piss off my friend adam...2 seconds later the guy was on the ground after receiving a knee to the groin from my friend adam... the one thing i can remember is... "yeh...your c*nt hurts alright hehe" ....oh adam good guy...
  9. *laughs* ...oh Piro..your eyes are so magnificently cobalt..their retnas gleem with perfection....pfft lol... *awaits the coveted one-two* ... hehe. personaly... blue is not all that big of a deal...i like hazel.. mmmm bewtyful hazel..
  10. ...Because they are sick sociopathic men with nothign better to do. Simple as that. They are expert marksman playing in a dangerous city for terrorists...maybe it was a game, maybe it was a statement..maybe they were sleeper agents maybe they were power hungry money sucking dumbshit retards who think they can pilfer money through killing unsuspecting victims. All in all at first, i would instantly have said it was not the sniper/(s) ..why? ... the real sniper would never sleep near his gun.. the real sniper would not be caught dead in a suspicous place sleeping..the cars trunk that was aparntly fitted to be shot from had only enough room to shoot..but not see from..thus eliminating the ability to fire from effectively...all in all..i was rather skeptical about it.. now.. i could care less... Yeh...thats what i think..
  11. *smiles* now tht i know wat L_A wanted... hehe i can do some more posting: Lady Asphyxia: Brown hair, black eyes. Sirven: Black hair, white eyes Flynn: Black hair, blue eyes, James: Blonde hair, hazel eyes, Piromunkie: Brown hair, brown eyes, Ravenstorture: Red eyes, Maroon hair, Supersayain: Red hair, brown eyes, Boba Fett: Masked mofo... Mitch: hell.. i thought he was a girl.. christ im not sure any more... originaly cuza name Animelover and red text.. i just smacked blonde hair and green eyes together and put on a girls face... im still not sure... Break: After receiving a rather cocky series of pm's from him, i figured he looked like the devil.... but realisticly.. yeh.. he looked like satan lol... More to come!
  12. I always visualized Mist as looking like a swiss hiking girl lol..though i know in fact she has asian features.... i always thought of Flynn as having black hair and black eyes and walks like a cat all over the place... u know.. pale skin and such... i dont know maybe he does but in the pic he has cute blonde hair lol... *pinches his cheeks* Um.. who else... ile proly do more later :-D
  13. Volley ball is fun, good simple, clean sport... bleh. I dont know, i cant really say much more, im answering the basics of yur q. hehe. :)
  14. The police are an infrastructure that is based to maintain and uphold the practical application of law. They are not made to fight weak people's battle against assholes. They, simply put, protect the basic human rights and verdict the logical law into a physical medium... Police are just civil servants with much more risk than average. Nothing more, nothing less.
  15. Like i said, its funny...I wasnt even looking for their music...i was lookin for some techno remix of a sarah mclauchlan song.. and i found some rather ...christianny god'y music that at first i wanted to delete...than ...grrr.. addictive stuff i tell you!!!
  16. .....Revenge is one thing..but it takes more strength to just suck it up and forget it even happened... maybe... at least. If it happens again than ide just beat the **** out of them....so eloquently..
  17. But you forget mathguy.. the only time your mac address is ever broadcasted thru port 80 (http), is when you need to associate your self with the server,with an arp request...also, they do not save mac addresses in arp tables for more than oh...10 mins at MOST.. THUSSSSS unless the person's mac adress was constantly arp requesting ob's server... ob's server would lose the mac adress anyway. Bleh... you could ask somone to setup script that would SAVE mac adresses, and than scan each time somon....****!! what am i talking about.. Mathguy.. have you ever heard of packet switching? ...after the router switches packets through the internetwork, the ip is somtimes switched throught the packets... BUT ..if OB is on a server that is of higher end quality, there will be a switch of some sort filtering the collison domain on which the server is running from....even though the packets are being sent through your ip...the acess of the Frame (where the MAC address is stored in the frame header) that the SERVER see's will have the SWITCH's mac address, not the the host's (me or you). You see? Even if you block my MAC ..that doesnt matter... the only mac address the server see's would be either the closest Switch/Router's MAC ...because, in order for the packet to make its hops.. it has to be packet switched... bleh.. im not sure if you understand what i am getting at..but there are so many drawbacks of using the physical adapter adress for banning purposes.. cuz i can just see...the program being defective and blocking the nearby router/switch's mac addres..thus blocking ANY incoming traffic... thus banning everyone lol.. :) even the admins..
  18. ...but.....a perfect mate is MADE because of her/his faults.... some people cannot grasp that whole concept... what IS perfect? ..there is no such thing as perfect in the the realm of humans... gosh..i have a perfect mate..why? cuz she has lots of faults i find rather lovable.. bleh... gosh.. heh.. i just bleh! *sits in corner and has some odd sorta spasm* lol..ok i feel better :)
  19. [quote][i]originally posted by Transtic Nerve[/i] nothing shows more stupidity than fighting[/quote] Wana bet?.. hehe Well, im not sure what kinda discussion this thread will start, but i'll give it a go.. When it comes to fighitng (this is the thread's theme right?) its best to avoid it at all costs....you avoided fighting right? [quote][i]originally posted by Acid[/i] I almost got into 2 fights today.[/quote] Well...i guess you did avoid fights... im proud of ya son :) lol.
  20. Well, as a guy who has never knocked anyone out, nor really fought in anything but using body shots... ive had my *** severly beaten countless times. Since grade 11 i havent been beaten up once, maybe cuz i just laugh at them every time they doit i dont know...but since like grade 4-10 it was a customay thing to have hordes of dumbasses just pick fights with me cuz they knew i wouldnt fight back. Originally it started off with me being from a low income family so i wore some rather nasty ruckety clothes...thats when i was fiesty and would fight back...or try. anyway, im only talking bout myself cuz somthing Alexus_bing said.. ."fight club" or somthing... just laugh at them... heh..well ive had my share of being decked in the face over and over and i they never could quite knock me out... ide just get back up and start laughing my *** off...by grade 10 i could take like five good clean shots to anywhere on the face and just laugh it off...i guess thats how come im so desensitized too all this stuff.... im done highschool now and i just cant get over how people make the same mistakes as i did...by not just decking them back ... cuz i mean so many times i coulda just 1 2...lights out... and they' wouldnt bug me no more... i just think Break and Alexus_bing should have just clobbered them. The second Alex got decked.. he shoulda just out of no where threw his arm into the little sob and knock him out...usualy mob psychology works liek that..they had the numbers and they had the psyke to feel strong..but the second one gets knocked out.... its like WHOA!! ... how many else are willing to take a shot to their face for their fallen dick licking *** hole... they are just dumb *** punks who dont know **** and would likely run away...if the numbers were higher...in the 20's maybe some wouldnt even knotice..bleh.. as BREAK said...this has never happened to him b4... and i understand his acttions..all too well... first time i got beaten i was bawling my eyes out...so i envy him for not losing it....
  21. if there was - which there is- a way to just simply have a dynamic box at the top of the first page of any thread that changes itself each time a new post is made.... let me explain: post1: hey guys. post2: sup!? post3: Notta.. well...above post one.. the most recent post is always going to be there... so if the thing is 30 pages long lol... the last post will be up there.. no matter wat... i dont like the idea... and maybe... it might work.. but i still dont think it would be all too good. in fact the way the boards are set up rightnow... is pretty much the best for convienience..
  22. SaRA: ide not kill my love.. nope never... screw the world.. if i was FORCED to do anything ide kill myself.. um... Ryan: who said people who are starving dotn work hard? or HARDER than the average person over here in Canada and US?... Its just if everyone gets to eat....everyone than however gets to live and thus destroy our already struggling planet oh so much faster. I aint being selfish by saying they can starve.. sure i take for granted that i can eat and drink every day..who doesnt? its really hard to actually take our simple life sustaining food and nourishment and cherish it with undying and everlasting praise. anyway its only gona kill stuff.. lol..we dont want to end all life just to make everyone stuffed. World hunger is always going to be an amazingly odd societal issue. Yep..
  23. naw.. .wouldnt.. .just means there would be more people on earth..more waste...more everything... ide go for earth life over human life... if people starve.. i'm sorry... not my fault.
  24. awe, aint you two so cute.... its a real marriage or just a pretend one for now? ... :) ..still cute... i finally tied the knot in heaven law with my angel...on the eve of Halloween but we were pretend married for like 6 months hehe.
  25. Yes i remember it...did i like it? hell no..why? because i never played it until about a year ago when it was so obsolete(sp?) that it provided no fun whatsoever. But i remember it.. the one game i still like though, it JETPACK...oh so fun hehe.
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