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Everything posted by Phantom

  1. Unlike what most would think..dope doesnt do as much for your grades as you think..especially if u doit in school..paranoia kicks in fast...just works diff with diff people.. i however didnt work with weed too well..so i quit..no biggy hehe.
  2. hehe no..i was a pothead and it royally messed me up.. :-D now we are clear on that. hehe
  3. Ok, lets get some discussion going about some music that is less heavy, less modern, but in its own way more modern...i wonder who has the most broad acceptance towards all genres of music...Who likes: Yanni Enya Pink Floyd Laruku Orbital MxPx America Sting Sarah Mclachlan etc... I mean...diversity is a huge part of this planet.. how many people can honestly state that they would listen to any music...bleh.. i love it all.. who is with me!? hehe..
  4. Yes, much unlike the effects that it gives to some... it royally messed me up...anyway.. past is past... life is good..life is great... we all made mistakes in our past.. i dont see what you are refering to when you say: "riiiggghht" ... either its disbeleif that it would affect me negatively or disbeleif that i even did it..its ok.. im fine now. hehe
  5. The best way to propagate myself through the realm of abnormal is to sleep at an abnormal time.. maybe for four days straight..oddly it works. Monday: sleep from 3pm to 10pm, stay away rest of night.. Tuesday: sleep at 11am to 6pm, than stay up til 4 in the morning, Wednesday: Sleep from 4 am to 4pm ...wake up for dinner (make sure somone wakes you up, and surprises you while doing it).. than eat dinner as if its your breakfast.. than go outside...stare into the sky and god be damned if you dont feel like you are in a completely differnt body than somthin is messed...
  6. I have developed the ability to manipulate my dreams, of course, everyone can doit, so long as its a crisp, well segmented dream... I also acquired the ability to project my astral self in a plane of lifeless/lifefull unreality, reality. Astral projection is not supernatural.. its very natural..Anyone who has/does astral project themselves openly..the OBE is of such a natural feeling.. its comprable to that of breathing...its very natural... Its almost hard to explain....
  7. Elementary school: Average grades HighSchool: grade9-11 = poor grades HighSchool: grade12 = amazing grades *(stoppped smoking dope..helped me alot lol)* College: ...um im like acing everything its funny.
  8. well, in order to answer your initial question the simplest way is No, your not overreacting, your acting in a very natural way. Im 18, and im leaving my family to move to New Orleans... they still dont even beleive it, they are pretending im not gona follow through with it... they are hurt and my dad started crying when I followed through with the basics of it...they are asking me what i want for christmas and i am only asking for things that will help me when im out on my own.. they dont wana.. heh.. yeh.. your fine ~GohanRulz~...perfectly natural.
  9. Well see, you ARE on somones list..and if you werent that obviously means your not a role model... or people dont respect you.. hehe common sense answers your question hehe. but luckilly your on Mitch's list...*pats ure back*
  10. Ide cry in a corner... it would be very stressfull to me.. and everyone.. ide just grab a farkin' coco and let myself build the guts to dump the girl and than go with the one i love...
  11. Yes, Mitch and I shared a couple PM's and have reached an understanding. Also, This thread was not meant to change rules that are phenominaly inexistent. If the rule you are refering to as SPAM is being broken, than I profusely appologize. However, there are no rules specifically noted in the rule book. This thread instead, was supposed to broaden my aspect of how our administrative staff can flexiblally handle a topic like this. Honestly, if there was a single thread set away for only flash stuff, spam doesnt matter, and you set it so that the posts do not count toward the person's total post count... it might not be all that bad...because eventually, SOMONE (because a very large chunk of this boards is comprised of rather intelligent, though provoking people) will eventually start some decent intelligent convo. I still am not asking any rules be broken. And I already know this is going nowhere because I have absolutly no one but Tiger backing me..hehe and tha is definately not enough push to let this idea follow through. Anyway, This will be my last point making (or attempt at point making) post, I just want to know if what I am saying is meaning anything, or if I'm just a lone wolf fighting battle I dont care alll too much about. :)
  12. I have all but decided to submit.. James is more than right in this case, regardless. I was only angered at Mitch's decision to close that thread BEFORE even giving discussion a chance to start.. that, is pretty ignorant, especially since the reasons included "Advertisement, and spam" ...Which either of which were happening...But, yes on an average, James is right.
  13. But not much does provoke all that much inteligent convo when it comes to visual exploration. How much intelligent posts do you think the Art and such forums produce? Not all as much as you might think. IF flash movies as art, than would the appropriate place to list them be there? Honestly, the remarks on most flash movies are the same GENERALLY as some art threads. With that said, critique of art is much more intelligent than saying "thats a bowl of laughs!" or "What a nut job movie!! lol! haha" ... but, if the originator of the thread posts his/her movie, or link to it... than asked for certain opinions to be stated? Maybe that would help? I just think maybe the lounge's rules conflict with flash because they require intelligence to be used...Im thinking maybed a different forum might be adaptable for usage of flash movies. AS LONGGGGG as the originator has more than 5 lines exlplaining why he/she wants people to watch and comment intelligently...You know? Hate to look at this as if we are on separate teams here cuz truthfully we are on the same one...we want a quality community to share our beleifs, opinions, comical opinions...anything.. and i dont wana come up here and state somthing thinking that im gona have to fight my way out of the discussion.. more like collaborate and append our idea's together... :) mish mash conceptualizm :)
  14. its 100% random.. cute...maybe they should remake and and...bleh.. i dun oh .. its cute regardless lol
  15. Well, ok... Banana: [url]http://esotaku.netfirms.com/d.gif[/url] I have to add Mitch(formerly known as Animelover) to my list of respect stuff hehe. Mitch is an pretty good mod... very patient, never loses cool.. i respect that... also writes VERY good poems.. *thumbs up*
  16. ive heard of them... they are pretty damned good... still nothing in comparison to Laruku... :) ..nothing in my eyes can compare. cept maybe pink floyd hehe. and no i have not heard the new madonna song.
  17. ooc: im still unsure wahts goin on since last time... so ile just wing it like flynn does. D_A: dont forget this is John..he finds excuses to kiss/love/touch/feel anyhing.. lol :) IC: [color=sienna][i]Looking utterly worked, Ilythiirtar peers out the window ducket of his room into the courtyard where Tyron is being fraternized. His eyes shift to Eve, who remains in her bed at the opposing wall of the room. He periodically moves back to her, checking her limbs for any remnants of the scars left...but her dark elvin features have healed her naturaly in mere hours of restless tossing in her sleep.[/i][/color]
  18. [color=sienna]Geeze, I feel the pain, stupid stupid stupid vB code.. ide love to have it plain old Sienna every time :) *sends a peircing glance at James* .
  19. Ok, lets star this off by stating that I am prepared for a quality debate, and if that comes to pass, than do not take my opinions as hostile intent...and bann me.. I am just ready to defend my cause with utmost loyalty. Links to flash movies, spam? In my opinion, I can see that if the content of the posts within a thread like this consists of "HERES COOL LINK, Check it out!", followed up by "Yeah that was funny!", than yes thats spam, and tonnnes of it. However if a thread had consisted of actuall conversation, and discussion, directly derived from the movies being shared, than it shouldnt be classified as spam on that end of it. A second end of it, showing the links might be considered advertisement, thus spam? That, is perposterous, if the site is free, there is no membership, the poster gains nothing from it, no solicitation takes place, nothing whatsoever, just a shared link, than it cant possibly be advertisement, it dodges so many of the manditory rules of advertisement it is unreal. If this is a growing concern, than maybe we can setup a number of things ot work it out. 1. A dedicated comedy/serious/videos made in flash and other multimedia Thread. IF there is growing concern, than maybe making a dedicated thread may help. Take the SPRITES thing. They grew so much, they got their own Forum. Depends on how much people may want to share the links. Ok, more ideas can and will flourish with given reader support, or descrimination... I just dont like the fact that Animelover can close these threads, on reasons such as: Advertisement, pointless. Because its in her eyes that it is pointless, so many others can and do get a kick out of watching flash movies, it is a free opinion and free expression lounge, if it is indeed regulated well...and I dont beleive it is being regulated all to well on this end of it. >>
  20. Actually, there would be contraversy massif, if somone would close a thread that allowed users to share links, and stuff...sure it could be ruled pointless, IF people began wasting posts by saying "Sweet!" ..but if people continually share, continually not just spam.. than it SHOULDNT be ruled pointless. Thnx though for your insight Son Goten...maybe they' will close, maybe not.
  21. The Audition: [url]http://www.goonland.com/audition.html[/url] Ultimate Survivor: EP1 [url]http://www.killfrog.com/00/us1.swf[/url] EP2 [url]http://www.killfrog.com/00/us2.swf[/url] EP3 [url]http://www.killfrog.com/00/us3.swf[/url] EP4 [url]http://www.killfrog.com/00/us4.swf[/url] EP5 [url]http://www.killfrog.com/00/us5.swf[/url] EP6 [url]http://www.killfrog.com/00/us6.swf[/url] Ultimate Surivor: (Outback) preview: [url]http://www.killfrog.com/01/us2e1.swf[/url] EP1 [url]http://www.killfrog.com/01/oba1.swf[/url] EP2 [url]http://www.killfrog.com/01/oba2.swf[/url] EP3 [url]http://www.killfrog.com/01/oba3.swf[/url] [url]WWW.KILLFROG.COM[/url] - funny other stuff.. these just the funniest things i saw in a while.
  22. ..i was originally somthing like GhostZaphorian.. long sob wouldnt fit.. or i chose wrong email.. bleh somthing..so i just used Phantom.. not expecting it to be free..but no one took it..bleh...spur of the moment shiz.. i didnt even think ide get this name hehe. Oh yeah its not even Aeris... its Aerith.. lol.. bleh.. isaw his name and thought the GOD OF WAR!! ALL POWERFULL UGLY SOB... but im sure shane not ugly.. i dont think... hehe..sorry just XENA blows :) *rants to self for a while*
  23. You know, the first time somone quoted me HAD to be from one of my anger-riddled wiseass posts.. heh..my luck... yeh..he probably is...though we all know he has a grudge gainst that band... somone has to hate them with a passion :) ... yeh i appologize for being cocky..even as i hit the Submit Reply, I knew it was wrong...
  24. TN, your not the only person who's opinion is worth a damn. You are wrong, System is in my opinion a very crappy band..they cant sing, and all they do is scream... the times they dont scream, it sounds like they a goat is being slaughtered alive. But friggen regardless...thatss MY OPINION.. im not god..neither are you so get a grip man...
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