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[color=sienna][i]The sun seared at his eyes, the simple brisk burning of the incandescent sun shawn like a burning ball of gentle fire. Fire had been the one true bringer of life and death in Ilythiirtar's life. The only thing that his mind would commit to would be that his life and childchood would not be stolen, he would save the lands of arctic blunder... so be the meeting of this trivial countess. Dropping to his knees, the poverty-striken young man begins weeping, his entire everything lost and he had to do somthing... anything to save it... or at least free those still enslaved. Enthralled(sp?) by the prospect that he would very well die never occurred to him, merely the fact that his limited knowlege allowed him to respire was all that mattered. He sometimes wondered exactly what happened to his short lived father, Sebastian. No one but the man he soon would visit has had any recollection of his father, this...this was his chance to apocolate the redemtion for his village.[/color][/i] [b][color=indigo]Ilythiirtar:[/b] (while walking to the village square) "Destiny, foolhardy beatiaries filled to the brim with an apocolyptical destined quaver...why will I be so foolish as to undergo a deviation of my true meaning on this here planet...why in the realm of sacrifice will I attempt to reconcile with the stignant faculty of my father's last known sedations?"[/color] [i][color=sienna]Even as he entered the festival square of Ashenmyst, his gaze studiously drifted upon the stalagmite-like oblisk of the towns hence-reverent center monument. His eyes drifted back down with reverence, and in a brief second, he had been flattened. Clobbered in an astracious cleave. An instant later he was back on his feet and veering into the eyes of this aggressor, a lean, grizzled looking figure of an aged warrior, his name was soon to be discovered as Waldemar Boukreev. He was laughing in an exhausting yet overjoyed way that was rather unsettling to Ilythiirtar...but none the less, he inquired;[/i][/color] [b][color=indigo]Ilythiirtar:[/b] "I am terribly sorry, but you must be more careful when in mid-swing.... and my I interogate as to the reason you are laughing so? That is such a hindering aspect of your already disfuntionate profile..." [/color][color=sienna][b]Boukreev:[/b] "Ah just like y'ear fahtheer y'arr...git ovar heer yah little girkin..." [/color][color=indigo][b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] (in shock) "...you...you..yo..you..you kno...know...m..my..my fa...father?"[/color] [color=sienna][i]Waldemar Boukreev lit a very occasional cieger, letting the warm tocabbo roast in the bright cherry of the wrappings... his first inhale was like that of a professional smoker, the toxins that entered his aura were immediately wavered away as he held back a well wanted cough. Clasping the deventalated Ilythiitar around the shoulder, the tarnished battle vetran led on, to the small table near the entrance to the center vespra. For so he spoke many words of truth about his fallen resistance patriot, his man at arms... his partner and almost brother. After the discussion had ended, Waldemar, with his heavy kohrnish accent walked off, issuing Ilythiirtar witha much needed word of appraisal...[/i] [b]Boukreev:[/b] "Like y'arr fahtheer, juu will be ah gleat waheeor." [i]It did not take much for the young man to peice the broken slang into tangible segments of meaning...Walde (as he will soon thereafter call him) wished to teach Ilythiirtar the skills manditory to liberate his village..[/i][/color][color=sienna] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [size=3]Outside the town of the singing bards...[/size] [i]Danielle sat, munching on her daily supplement of gruel, and from no where Bandit dropped from a nearby tree what looked like a large walnut, thus clobbering her over the head, nearly knocking her out.[/i] [/color][color=purple][b]Danielle:[/b] (rubbing her head gently) "God dang stupid Bandit...that hurt... what the hell was that anyway?!" [/color][color=sienna][i]Scanning her surroundings, he inspects the oversized walnut... smiling, she whipps it at her furry friend with a giggle.[/color][/i] [b][color=purple]Danielle:[/b] "goof..."[/color]
RPG Why start a new rpg when you can't finish one?
Phantom replied to BearsBaby635's topic in Theater
...in my opinion, this is a very pointless question. Jaimie... common sense answers this question... and I cant understand why im actually writing here but I may as well go for it; [quote] [color=blue]Why do people start a new rpg when they can't/don't finish another one?[/color][/quote] Human nature... If you use the common sense that you were born with..you would understand that not everyone is perfect.. nor will consistently write to your needs. If you want to read and be one hundred percent sure its reliable...get a book. [quote] [color=blue]why start so many of them they can'tkeep track of them?[/color][/quote] Human neglegence... come on use your head jaimie. thats all. -
[color=sienna][i]Ilythiirtar's face, matted with a beard coupled with snow and ice, peeks up above a snow dune, his eyes humble as he makes his way to the plains of Faerun's north fields. His eyes scan for obvious intrusions of life in an abdomination form... His well-used mind powers dimished to nothing... All he is focused on is to reach the spired tower of his father's Mentor...[/i] OOC: sure this rpg is damned near dead...dont mean we can spam... keep this info asking and retrieveing to pm's please...thnx[/color]
[color=sienna][i]His eyes narrowed at the altar that rest before him, it lay astern to the large casket-like fornication of his fathers? burial. In a blurred presence, Ilythiirtar?s body emerges from the gloom of his father?s shadow, appearing before the altar, his eyes locked on the crusted transcription of his father?s lore-like procession. The artifact placed quite the stress on Ilythiirtar, for it was worn as a necklace around his own father?s neck. It posed as a major threat if by chance his mind had not yet adapted to the soul stealing ways. All that forgotten, he gripped the chain of the pendant? --- [b]Four hours later[/b] Ilythiirtar?s eyes open, the decimal cut of the landscape digs into the back of his mind like a swept notch of dust being flung about in a Vlirmabliu rain storm. He had only needed a couple seconds to realize he was at the entrance to the gates of Naught?[/i][/color]
[color=indigo][b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] (gratefully smiling) ?Thanks Goran, your always so understanding.?[/color] [color=sienna][b]Goran:[/b] (waving the young man away with a gentle smile) ?Ah, Illay! Get out of here before I make you pay for that! Heh..? [i]The wind blows like a savage warrior, beating at the decimal prairie landscape. The billows of wind pour over the red face of the young Ilythiirtar like a vortex of concentrated ice, furiously pushing his lissome body against its fierce force, making his trek home difficult. On the distant horizon, he notices a fire, not like any other he had seen before. The black clouds produced from the fire rose like a giant?s beard, flowing with such a lipid bulkiness, Ilythiirtar falls to his knees, instantly placing recognition to the fire, knowing for sure what ails his village?the tattered scrap of bread, graciously handed to him by Goran falls to the ground beside the young man. His body grows tense as he fights the tears, fighting the urge to run to help his mother?fighting the urge to try save his remaining family.[/i] ----- [b][size=3]Somewhere in the northeastern hemisphere of the planet.[/size][/b] ----- [i]A young girl paws at the man she refers to as her brother; her age is merely eleven, a relatively young age for a former slave to be liberated. Her bright violet eyes shine up at him, tugging at his arm, her minute wrists, clad with a bracelet each, pull at his arm.[/i][/color] [color=purple][b]Danielle:[/b] ??.food?food pweeze?? [/color][color=sienna][b]Brother:[/b] ?Just wait Danielle? Please, this is a learning experience for you?? [i]She nods solemnly, her young mind more focused on her belly than what was about to take place before her eyes. ?Brother?, steps out into the middle of a market place, leaving her alone for a brief second. She hears two screams and, watches as her brother uses a ferret trained to climb into those inconspicuous places, retrieving valuables, shiny objects, and in certain cases, scare the living knickers off people, to divert attention. This soon would be Danielle?s first tool in the skills of thievery. Brother returns with a handful of grapes, and a swiftly swiped loaf of fresh bread. He smiles, handing her the grapes, splitting the bread in two halves.[/i] [b]Brother:[/b] (proudly) ?You see, its all about the right hand, the right time, and the right diversion?you pay close attention to me little one and you will learn fast?.? --- [b][size=3]Somewhere in the northwestern hemisphere of the planet.[/size][/b] --- [i]Ilythiirtar?s now twenty year old eyes squint in the sun, his mind dazed, and this day new?he cannot even comprehend the feeling inside his soul?but his ambition drive is finally restored?[/i] [/color][color=indigo][b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] (thinking) ?Who is Danielle... Weird dream?? [/color][color=sienna]----- [b][size=3]Somewhere in the northeastern hemisphere of the planet.[/size][/b] ----- [i]Danielle?s now seventeen year old eyes open wide, gazing at the starry sky while she lay on her back, her mind dazed, and this day over?she cannot even comprehend the feeling inside her soul?but her ambition drive is finally questionable?[/i] [/color][color=purple][b]Danielle:[/b] (thinking) ?Who is Ilythiirtar... Weird dream??[/color][color=sienna] --- OOC: Angel, This is just a glimpse at their lives up until present day?when you start writing..remeber? Something happens to one..happens to other?doesn?t have to be exact..just something along lines..hehe?[/color]
[color=sienna][i]Ilythiirtar stared at his wife in awe, her untold beauty, the violet in her eyes tells him the story a million times over.[/i] [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] (sighing) "Oh angel, my darling....we must be off and take the various quests of our lives and conclude them into the wrath-beconed fate..." [i]Looking back at Lacroix, the insane bastard was panting heavily, as if he had run a marathon. Ilythiirtar smiles at this odd odd man, watching his hilarious antics. [/i]Crazy bastard [i],he thought.[/color]
[color=sienna]ooc: no prob, though I did not mention your name, I think that yeh..bleh..on with the story *nods approvingly* dont mind me, im just a silly canadian.. heh. IC: [i]Ilythiirtar smiled at his new love with approval. She had an uncanny communication skill to provise a group of these powerfull hog-like creatures. Somehow she had been able to tame them moderatively. Their senses were somthign to contend with, though they are only powerfull, their defenses are quite weak, and they all died off fast as the two elven lovers encountered various feats of the Mire. Ilythiirtar looked to Eve, wondering what was travelling through her mind, wondering when, and if she would tell him her plans.[/i] [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] "Eve...tell me, if you are warding off any communication with the others, how will we ever know when we are needed?" [b]Eve:[/b] "You know, I think that I have to do things that I feel, and right now all I am feeling is to explore this deadly place, maybe learn more about what we are up against. I will however open a link with Ryuu, to be my link to my dear friend Lacroix and the others...Yes, does that suite you my love?" [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] (gripping her by the hips, pulling her warm body to his, smiling tenderly) "You bet my love.." OOC: John, I think that in an rpg, all players must be able to communicate with others, but under certain circumstances, when one is leaving, purposely to keep away from a certain character for a certain time, (to get a break), I think it is that particular character's choice when the two characters in question will re-unite, as friends, and/or siblings. In much more blunt and simple terms, even you can understand, "She wants to be separated from her brother for a while" ... remember, this is only an rpg, let somone else make the desicions for a sec....[/color]
[color=sienna]EFK, your score was 4, 8, 8, 10, 7. [b]37[/b] CH, your score was 5, 5, 6, 8, 8, 5. [b]37[/b] MDE your score was 10, 9, 7, 9, 2, 8 [b]45[/b] Wow, if danni scored lower than the EFK or CH, there would have been some problems if you two tied. heh its funny cuz it was 100% random... thats odd.. not random, actually, its rather odd..bleh..anyway congrats my very late wife...im glad u decided to put some effort into it or you woulda lost definately hehe.[/color]
[color=sienna]OOC: Sorry Flynn, I know this is your rpg, but if everyone does the same things at the same time, wouldnt it get boring? heh. [i]Ilythiirtar smiled, as Eve was wading knee deep in a murky bog-like collection of water. She slipped and fell under, only to pop up behind Ilythiirtar, and pat his shoulder. As he turned, she was gone, once again in front of him, only her entire body was soaked with the water. Ilythiirtar caught glance at Eve, who suddenly seemed to begin shunning away somthing. Her mind was consciously warding off anything that [/i]may[i] try to communicate with her, Ilythiirtar merely guessed it was a goodbye message from her brother, perhaps he was right, but he knew Eve's intentions, and the one mystery that still lay in the back of his mind would be where she is leading him. Ilythiirtar smiled and gripped Eve from behind, letting his head rest on her shoulder for the time being, until she recovered from the wave of stimulus that poured within her cerebral cortex.[/color][/i]
[color=sienna][i]Like an abnormal twist in the fabric of space, Ilythiirtar was fully cloaked, and kneeling beside Delita. His eyes focused and hardened. He blinks once before disappearing, leaving Delita with the all the information he needs,[/i] [/color][color=crimson][i]Like vertigo it caresses your mind, but deep, trapped, locked beneath is the forced embolism that traps the soul. Gaeb, a man with simple human qualities, the one true seeker of the befitting sequence. Immunity, perhaps the possibility of an alliance?[/color] [color=sienna]Ilythiirtar left Delita with a riddle, one that not many would even understand, and that was the aspect of it, no need for comprehension, especially in as vile a territory as this, one must keep alert. And so feeding Delita with fragments of his thoughts should indeed do the trick. Within the hour, the young elf was in the arms of his newfound lover, her back pressed to the solid base of a nearby oak tree. The lips of these two meet in an adequate surreptitious quaver of secretive tribunal amid the two souls.[/color][/i]
[color=sienna][i]Springing upright, into a defensive position, Eve and Ilythiirtar trade a hurried glance, noting that they woke up in the same bedding of leaves. Surely not enough time for them to catch glance of a solid looking sheet of metal splintering three of the power hogs into shards of green tissue. Eve looked around worriedly,[/i] [b]Eve:[/b] ?Where is my brother!!!???? [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] (sensing who Delita is a fraction of a second before Eve) ?Right there?? [i]Before they could jump to Delita?s aid, he had turned the creatures from the Mire into nothing but three mounds of rich ichor, and the glimmering metal cadaver-like body. Standing there, almost motionless. Just than he transmutes back into Blaze, keeping his eyes shamefully away from his sisters.[/i] [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] (trying to keep the spirits high) ?Looks like he got them all?? [b]Eve:[/b] (an odd look in her eyes) ?Guess so?? [i]Eve and Ilythiirtar walk to Blaze, not knowing how to address him without hurting him. Both had the same interests. Make sure Blaze is ok. Eve kneeled in front of her brother, inspecting his arm from afar. Ilythiirtar merely sat next to a nearby tree, keeping a keen eye on the situation. It all Clicked within Ilythiirtar?s mind. That was what Gaeb was searching for!!!! Just than Ilythiirtar realized that Delita?s metallic embellishment was immune to the corrosive toxins that most of these creatures from the Mire are so saturated with. Ilythiirtar would wait for the right time to release this information to Delita as at the moment he was Blaze. So he than closed his eyes?the nights wear had taken its toll on him. Early the next morning, Ilythiirtar?s eyes open to Eve?s soft forehead, his lips had been planted there for most of the night, breathing his warm minty breathe over her hair, as if an omen to ward off any unwanted creatures. His protective warmth allowed her mind to rest for the night. Her life was about to change for the better, and worse.[/i][/color]
[color=sienna][i]Cautiously, Ilythiirtar pats his acquaintance on the shoulder gently. Looking at Eve now, Ilythiirtar smiles tenderly, hastening the process in which it will take him to relax. Ilythiirtar secretly was ashamed that he discarded the mission for Blaze, abandoning all efforts and forsaken the chance at helping. A long, very relieved sigh escapes Ilythiirtar?s lungs, free at last. The happiness lasted for a mere moment before in his ears Ilythiirtar heeds to a very unsettling crack. Eve has gone to work on her brother. The sound is of that one would witness when a cedar log is crackling in a fire, kindling only small amounts of sound while the one long, piercing crack of the humorous bone snapping into place rings in the young elf?s ears like thunder.[/i] [b]Eve:[/b] (Smiling, proud of herself) ?All done?now stop whining?? [b]Blaze:[/b] (Grimaces as he cradles his arm like a child) ?Yeah, you know I could have very well done that on my own? [i]Ilythiirtar looks up, feeling much more relieved that Blaze?s arm is relocated. He points Blaze to the camp for the night?knowing of course this wolven friend does indeed require to rest. And though he knows it or not, Eve is than also directed to her own sleeping quarters as well. Whether they love each other or not, that is not common knowledge, and conveniently the black raven?s feather rests on the branch above her head. She smiles and takes it, almost as if his reply to her solemn expression of love was a confirmatory response of love?so she rests, unsure of what lays before her in the subsequent days.[/color][/i]
[color=sienna][b]One lie cannot expell the truth[/b] One lie, untold the truth behold, our lives can tell your here, Two lies, too old, unwise, and cold, our eyes do sense your near, Three lies, one sold, truth hides, unbold, our gloomy faith reveared, Through the haze of gospel times, through those holy gospel lies, the rhymes that near and deprive, through expelled truth... Four lies, alone, filled with a groan, can enthrall, replace and bestow anger-riddled faith, to expell the truth, until there is no more... in an awkward embrace with unjust faith... alone and cold... m.s Hunter[/color]
[color=sienna]ooc: yes, flynn the dispute is over, im oddly enough too controlling. eh m8? IC: Jumping from the tree, Ilythiirtar lands on the hog-creature and unsheathes his Gekitsuu, pulling it along the throat of the beast, slipping forth, the green blood instantly spews from the wreck of the hog's neck...utterly draining the beast, and in an instant it's neck catches fire enveloping the body. Soon, thereafter, the beast was nothing but a rancid pile of ashes. This feat makes Ilythiirtar smile upon his conquest. A small one yes, but his first true killing of a being from the Mire.[/i] [b]Ilythiirtar[/b] (loudly) "See, I didnt need your help Eve....bleh!" ooc: lol, oh danni...ile try settin u up more :-D ... btw.. grrrr! forget it lol[/color]
The following is a quote that yes indeed, I wrote...It might, let you glimpse into the oddesy(sp? itz late sorry) of my mind... [color=sienna][b]P[/b]ain? When you have broken the ties with stupidity? Errant rage and unwise descisions? What is [b]p[/b]ain furthermore? When you send a shrill of toxin filth into those who you hold dear, and love? No... [b]P[/b]ain is the result of ones own stupidity...one's own misfortune is caused by pride and unneeded self confidence... [b]P[/b]ain? [b]P[/b]ain isnt real, it is merely the fabrication of your wildest nightmare in practical application. M.S. Hunter[/color]
[color=sienna][i]The distant trappings of his inner thought aroused absolutely no suspicion. Was there no one following him? Was it merely a dream that he felt a friend?the one friend he shared absolutely the most intense glances with?.was she not here? He had no clue as she did not retrieve her raven? feather. In an equivocal haze of de facto, his mind became restless, as if yes it was merely a reverie delusion caught by his central fancy. His true want, his eager repetitive dreams?. Flipping out of the murky water, his eyes glow bright grey, and he shakes his head, maybe it was just his vibrant mind's eye, maybe not but as he walked by the feather a telepathic force thrusts it into his hand, where he than slides it back into his tunic, wondering why he would keep this black feather, its not like it meant anything to anyone?it was probably just a lost feather. Ilythiirtar?s mind recaps the current mission, wondering what he was to do, but before he gets far, two feet land on his back, hurling him helplessly into a tree with sufficient force to crack his lissome ribs. As he looks around, after managing to get up, he sees a beast of uncanny size?[/i] [b]Ilythiirtar[/b]: (thinking) ?How could a?*cough* puny thing like you deliver such a rapid, potent blow?? [i]The hog-like creature with four hind legs, two on the top for most likely the type of attack that hit Ilythiirtar, and two legs on the ground, for what else?trotting, just looked at him, as if to tell him that he has intruded, so kindly leave my home, or I will kill you type of smirk on its face. Amazed at the little brute?s force, Ilythiirtar reels back and climbs the tree with much pain, he finds himself strung out on a branch just out of reach by this?.warped beast?waiting for help or something!!!!! But he finds it rather comical?and he makes faces at the pig-like creature.[/i] OOC: Danielle please no blow another PERFECT setup for you to type something magnificent?please? Your last post was basically spam. And we ALL KNOW u own at rpging..so take time and make it own like we know u kix azz at doin[/color]
[color=sienna][i]Though Ilythiirtar trod through his own path, along his own way, his mind could not help but hear the screams of a fallen elf, Blaze to his memory, Blaze to his thought, Blaze to his haunt, the words of encapsulate within his mind, repeating themselves over countless times. The numerous chances for rebuke, the numerous chances lost in the snare of fate, all precedent?aching. His body stops, Ilyhiirtar turns in an instant and rolls to the underbrush of a nearby shrub. The dense forest-like swampland that he has been trekking though has proved to be the staging grounds for confrontation. Knowing exactly the distance and co-ordinates of whatever is following him, he implements the basic maneuvers that being would take if it had just witnessed his stop/roll into the cover. Knowing it would be up a tree somewhere investigating and surveying the scene, any movement (ie: Ilythiirtar) would be seen? Emerging from under the marsh-like swamps of tall grass and probably vile creatures, Ilythiirtar pokes his head from behind his new vantage point, approximately the exact opposite way that the being following him should be looking. He scales the trees, nothing. He looks harder but still does not see anything even resembling a living organism. Just than he realizes the feather he had acquired from the camp from the previous night, his plan is now distinguished. After concentrating moderately hard, Ilythiirtar summons and controls a short, soft gust of wind?and along the feather flies, controlled by him it lands in the center of the clearing before him. He waits, a gargantuan smirk strewn on his face?[/i][/color] Ooc: John, You couldn?t tell the difference between sarcasm and bullshitting?I was hurt? honestly, I didn?t think you were so naïve to think I would purposely make you want to call me more names?sure I said ?GIVE ME MORE MAN? Like it can hurt..? ?wasn?t ..oh lets drop this now..please.
I use Phantom, just because it was free... i mean, it wasnt very likely that it would be free when i sdigned up..so i guess im sticking with it..but along the idears of allowing name changes is very cool indeed... i liek that idear... a lot...if i say dislike phantom for some odd reason ide always have the ability to change... iliek that diversity....
ooc: ah, to accompany me would be most alarming, oddly enough, i knew you where there the entire time. [color=sienna][i]Ilythiirtar had never been so alone, yet surprisingly, the demon he sensed following him was enough to keep his solitary nothingness at bay. His dark grey eyes hidden well by his cloaked black tunic, which was all that protected him from the decimal landscape. In his sleep he dreamt of his mother, her bronze hair, bright green eyes glimmering down at her son, the undying love she placed on him was only equaled to that bestowed by his father. They alone gave thier child the will to care, and that alone broke free within his slumber...set him free from the evils that stole away his consciousness... Eve knew he was pooched for the evening, his eyes flopped in the back of his skull as he slept away on his unfurnished pad of leaves. She decided not to resist the urge to touch him. She crept to him silently, her meek legs only making enough sound to suppress the air that traveled past her. Sitting next to him, her eyes remain curious, like a child of sorts, wanting to reach out and touch knowing it may spoil the stealth she thinks she has accomplished. He feels the soft back of her palm slide across his sweat-lathered forehead, her soft touch instantly wards the worry he once possessed. As she slides her hand along his cheek, she feels him stirr, but doesnt leave, and reaches down, planting her lips on his forehead before jumping back, walking backwards slowly, not looking away from him until the very last second, she smiles, turning away, concealing herself in the obscure darkness. Having been awake for the last five minutes, Ilythiirtar struggles to remain calm, knowing she is guarenteed to be watching him. After a couple minutes of wait, he decides to 'wake up', moving his hand up to his cheek, letting a fake yawn escape his lungs. A smile spreads abroad his face...this time the smile is of mischeif (sp?) and marvel, he shakes off the dust and leaves, swinging his cloak over his shoulder, and begins walking...toward the center of the Mire. Before he sets off, he notices a black feather, laying beside his cot-of-leaves. Ducking down, he picks it up, looking, as if now feeling her right next to him, and slides it into his cloak, and begins walking, maybe happy, but unsure of what the others would think...[/i] [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] (aloud) "What about your Brother? Both you and I have skills that would prove usefull in saving his life, why waste two good hands of help in the process..he...needs you..." (in thought) "...I need you..." [i]The road to the Mire is a dark one, for it seems that it is forever dark below the canopy of this toxic forest...it will remain dark for this leg of Ilythiirtar and Eve's journey...maybe they will help, in some way by venturing out into the sure-fire suicide, or..maybe not, never more, forever nothing will abide by the laws of normal civilization. Life in the Mire wil prove meticulously uneasy.[/i] OOC: yes, your post wasnt too shabby my wife.. MY angel...[/color]
[color=sienna]OOC: Good good, excellent re-entry my friend, though i have no god damned clue what is going on, i will continue on my path... and good biddings to you all.. IC: [i]Ilythiirtar strode his way through the narrow well-trodden pathway through the swampy wastelands leading to The Mire. His mind hung, his head as well. Not to his surprise, he was beign stalked. By what, this young elf had no clue, he could merely feel the eyes searing into the back of his skull, watching, observing, silently waiting for him to let up his guard. In the time that it has taken to trek this far, Ilythiirtar had luckily managed to destroy his conscience entirely, now walking off inpulse, as if wishing death but too cowardly to doit himself, he smiles. The grin sweeps his face like a tortured habitation of guilt and sorrow, a well hidden glare for the deep immoral infestation of greed that surges through his body. Oh the way it takes his mind, manipulating it to ends of expulsion...sieze the moment, he feels, sieze it and capsises within his mind... in an instant he is sleeping, and the dreams float through his selfish mind, the grin is forevermore plastered to the face of this dark, useless elf...why...in his mind he doesnt care, maybe the stalker was a friend? No, that would be too much to expect. He just lays, deep in slumber.[/i] OOC: oh yeh john, i just read danielle's post..looks like she is varifing your reasons for writing that.. heh i didnt know that it was real... sorry for yelling...if i had have known u were using your TRUE life experiances and stuff i wouldnt have stopped you from writing that in this 'fictional' rpg.. hehe sorry bro, but if you kiss the corner of my mouth like hers ile rip ure balls off :)[/color]
[color=sienna][i]Ilythiirtar gazed to the heavens, his eyes unsure and uncaring. Wondering what he was here for must have coursed his consciousness to the point of exasperation.[/i] [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] (thinking) "Oh, why...whats the point anyway...I stand no chance at whatever lurks within The Mire, nor at saving this here Blaze..." [i]He instantly slumps over, caught up in his uselessness the young elf pulls the short blade 'Gekitsuu' from its sheath...his eyes examine it briskly. During the few moments it takes to fully interogate the meaning of the blade, his own life catches up with him. After shaking his head, Ilythiirtar rises to his feet and just walks... the thoughts of his mother and father, moreso his father, for he labored over the making, curing and enchanting of this blade, the Gekitsuu... his fathers soul was trapped within this blade...so it shall come to be. He walks on, right past Lacroix and Eve, toward the Mire, away from the group. As he passes the two, Eve looks up to see the cloaked figure stalking absently into the night, nothing but the black tunic enthralled her mind, the last thing she saw brustling in the dark wind.[/i][/color] =========== [b]OUT OF CHARACTER...SOOOO OUT OF CHARACTER!!!![/b] Well I'm glad you liked it Danielle, frankly I cant stand even seeing any of his characters in eye contact with yours, the calm display of brotherly/sisterly love was pathetically unreal... not many are close enough to ...what was it? "Blaze grimaced slightly as his sister laid her head upon his bare chest"...wait..thats not all..crikey... ive shown this entire 'sequence' to a few others and they all conclude that, john your post is in no way brotherly... if you take the time to create such ... 'brotherly' stuff again... im gona be forced to smack you... ...meh, Good luck, illy will remain on his own for until he can learn to grow up, somthing i also should learn to do.
Love, your not sorry for double posting lol... you coulda just edited post :)
[color=sienna][size=4]Fates of Precedent[/size][/color] [img]http://esotaku.netfirms.com/fop.jpg[/img] [color=blue][b][size=4]T[/size]his role play is going to be ...well it will consist of two people, (I will venture deeper into the plot and choosing at a later time.) and those two people will start in a separate land. A home country¡KThey follow their own quests and follow their own paths. The object of the role play is to take the character into a journey across the lands until they meet the other player. Each character must be an avid adventurer, and cannot have any magical skills. Skills are learned along the way, magic can be a teaching, but it will require much effort, for the adventurer will be forced to concentrate most of his/her time on practicing the magic, while the melee characters will spend much of their time moving around without a master, they are solo adventurers while the magic learners will be forced to have their own mentor, npc (non player character) that will be their teacher.[/b] [b]Requirements:[/b] - character starts young¡Kno older than twenty. - character starts WITHOUT any fighting nor magical skills. - If character has chosen to learn magic, he/she may not use it until well into the rpg, and cannot wield a weapon and be useful with it. - must choose a deity to worship. (make this up, and give detail to this gods powers and meanings.) - all character bio/intro MUST be included, no "will be revealed as rpg grows.¨ will be accepted¡KI use this information for screening of entries. [b]Objectives:[/b] This is a dynamic role playing game, and the outcome will not be clear, however there is a story line. Both adventurers have been having premonitions, premonitions of a great disaster, evil yes, but it will adversely affect their homes and neighboring towns. Both adventurers are connected together in a strange and odd way, what happens to one, happens to the other. If a horde of cannibalistic mountaineers attack one person's camp, than a horde of SOMETHING is going to attack the other's camp. There is only three occurrences that MUST happen. 1. Each player's village needs to be saved,who will save it? Who else :)once this quest is done, the players will collectively leave their homes, move on but this first quest of occurrence will not be an easy accomplishment remember, we begin with both players completely skill less. 2. While on their own, each player will encounter an NPC that will aid and befriend them in their quests, this person will help them in a fight against the beasts of the land who have oddly arisen. Both players will realize that there is an increase in the amounts of demons, and undead monsters in the lands of their country this part of the journey must be where the adventurer will fight off these beings, than finally after many side stops, and dilemmas, and general fun stuff that we HAVE to place into the rpg, the players will converge at the center, the one place where the evil has sprung and than the band will have four members each player and their friend. 3. both players must than seek out this evil and than eliminate it it will not be easy and the outcome may or may not be pleasant [b]Note![/b] Monsters, bad humans, demons, etc!!!!!! NONE ARE PREDETERMINED the final bad guy is a coalition of OUR ideas throughout the rpg. This is gona be a joint effort. [b]Char:[/b] (must have every field filled in with an asterisk [*] beside it) [b]Name:[/b]* Ilythiirtar Nailo [b]Age:[/b]* 20 [b]Height:[/b]*5¨11 [b]Weight:[/b] 220lbs [b]Class:[/b]* Warrior/Adventurer [i](other choice would be Mage/Adventurer)[/i] [b]Nationality:[/b]* Born in Asunsheiro arctic deserts outside the country of Faerun - North Western Hemisphere [i](make your own up and tell the position on the "planet" it would be in)[/i] [b]Ambitions:[/b]* Find true love, and make a family. [b]Skills:[/b]* Good Language skills, and can show great learning abilities. [i](keep in mind that they cannot posses any fighting skills)[/i] [b]Gear:[/b]* Short Falchion blade Bronze helmet Silk weaved gloves Burlap rucksack Ox-hide Boots [b]Bio:[/b]* His father was very short-lived Sebastian Douglas Nailo, a farmer/adventuer, he died when he was only thirty seven, leaving his son Ilythiirtar to run the family, but after his mother and brother died in a village pillaging in the summer of twenty armat sixo, he has been living with an uncle, in the City of Ashenmyst in the lower regions of Faerun, he is setting out on a journey back to his home village, but not until he acquires the skills to help save the village. [b]GOOD LUCK!!!!![/b][/color]