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Everything posted by Phantom

  1. My mind is forever lost in this dance of filth/love/hate/lust ... no one ever gets in without me hinting to the miniscule truths of my mind... and thank you for the praise, always welcomed in this art...
  2. [color=blue][size=4]T[/size]hese two poems will diverge into separate and very dissimilar styles of poetry? The first; a forlorn, melancholic tale taking you into the depths of my dark mind at its paramount. The second is much more gentle, soothing in its divergence, it will walk you to the crest of my love for my angel, my lover?Danielle Marie?[/color] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [color=sienna][size=3][b]The Burgundy Truth[/b] [/size]Locked away, why does it hide? Why would it, it has no where to go? It must run off that ominous drive? The will for life? It?s just as ineffectual, it will perish regardless? Does it not feel? Meh, why would it? Talk, walk, bequeath, and bestowing its fear? The resolve to never give in? Oh the lord of shadows he would see this granite infestation of memorial as nothing but the flaw of mankind? Locked away, why does it hide? Why would it, it has no where to go? It must run off that ominous drive? That force pro verve? Ignorance is an odd virtue of undead? But so common, foraying? It would steal a child?s diligence? But the truth lays beneath, guilt-stricken, deprived? Oh the lord of shadows he would see this granite plague of cenotaph as nothing but the blemish of mankind? Let it bleed through, the kind truth of it all? In each person it hides, veiled behind a locked door, Why would it hide, its useless, its strong but without numbers? All and sundry conceals their very own, dark-thought secrets? Able but indisposed?frightened but haughty? So arrogant that it will never come to be? All this burgundy truth requires is a chief? A collective leader-to-be?path of guidance? Oh the lord of shadows he would see this granite influx of monument as nothing but the gateway to destroy mankind? M.S. Hunter[/color] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [color=teal][size=3][b]The Placid Breeze[/b] [/size]Don?t get me wrong, no love can compare, No wind can tell, no heart may equate to her? Nevermore can nor will, nevermore can nor take? An egotistic horde they are, why does it trouble me so, why do their opinions even hassle me? She is the rose-petal, the orchid unrevealed, the one true conscious lover, She is the angel; the wild lily unpicked, the one true essence of lust, Don?t get me wrong, no heart can share, All gusts would yield; all souls? are inferior? Forevermore cannot and will not, forevermore can?t and will not filch? And only she can pilfer my soul, and no more than she may fondle my heart?steal my being and hold my crossed fate? Danielle Marie, my soft breeze, my calm, placid gust of love? Danielle Marie, my only love, my resolve, my will, my windy goddess? My Angel? M.S. Hunter[/color]
  3. [color=sienna][i]Looking from the top of the narrow shaft, Ilythiirtar gazes downwards, through the duct-like shaft of cobwebbed nothingness, he decides against physically climbing down. In an instant his body meticulously vaporizes, transcending the flight of untrustworthy ladder steps in a gaseous state of being, only to rematerialize at the bottom?nothing at all to be seen other than that the lighting was now a strange, almost ghostlike haze of fire?the torches shine a dark light on the passageway.[/i] [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b](thinking) ?I wonder, what has my father placed in store for me for this segment of the trek?? [i]After several moments of contemplation, Ilythiirtar pleads with his own tortured soul, speculating on if Vau-Like, the demon enchantee was the only protection?hell the remote climate and the fact that Nilothakir would never care to look at his apprentice?s grave was all that mattered to Sebastian Nailo. After some serious deliberation Ilythiirtar walks on, unsure and unaware?his life hangs on the thread of if this is his last salvation?or final sanctum of learning?Unsure, he walks on, willing to take peace for his life any day?[/i][/color] OOC: I decided to TRY to get past my current writers block..but?.but idont know?.ile TRY?best I can give?
  4. Title? i like the peom and it IS very good thank you... hehe.... i really like it but i sure hope its not a personal reflection of an experiance... :(
  5. Thanks...even used red for once.. needed to splay my minds feelings out... that one... instead of using a thesaurus and giving u the most heavily wacked words.. i said my feelings... wasnt feelin too good heh...but thnx Flynn, your praise is of the highest value to me. >>>Phantom
  6. [color=red]They stir, dwelling in the warmth, the weakness, the cultivated lust of pain, Intertwined into the abyss of beauty, the fane, the grave disgust...it ruins the suggested life...love, The anger, the distraught frustration, subdued only by the egotistical presence of Pollock. Strange visions of utter chaos, no, not the kind you see in movies, but the nailing of the cross into the pledged crucifix, brings a smile to the underdeveloped brain of a Halfling, and a grimace to the petrified iris' of the saddened monk, Do not refrain from this passion, enlighten the darkness, severe the bright links, implode the infrastructure of Aton, deny the life its chance to be suggested...let the hate take control... bring the odius outrage into the quelm of loathing... >>>Phantom[/color]
  7. [color=sienna][i]So very true to his mark that after the first barrage of swings he was completely torn from his mind?he was a raging lycanthrope?his shasmir all but out of use?Lycantar now beamed control over the Xzarite, his feral claws transforming the mythical long blade into his jagged silver claws, which swept violently at the mock of his father? It parried, it lunged, it never gave up, but the one thing Lycantar figured out about the fiend, he could not hit it?no matter how fast, he would and could not scathe the creature? [b]Vau-Like:[/b] ?Elszik mahz kiroz kiroz kiroz backt!? [i]Ilythiirtar dropped to the floor as he hears his fathers voice tell him in the tongue of his ancient forefathers, the booming voice as he was a child, that re-assuring voice? he was sure of it now, and the insanity was swept away, the lycanthrope of Ilythiirtar had all but dissipated as his body turned back elfish, his mind and soul all together?[/i] [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] (tears streaming his eyes as he draws the shin-bar, forged by his very father..) ?I am so sorry father?.? [i]Knowing it would only take one prick of the fiery blade to destroy the aspiration that vau-liek held?the ambition to halt any one from entering, and lurking?Ilythiirtar jumped at the creature, and slide the sharmir from the corner of the shoulder directly into the heart, the mindless soul of the creature it was? The area around the blade turned to a caustic gas as it entered the body of his mock father?his soul screeched, knowing this was the savior to his father?.within these catacombs, lays the soul of his father?the puzzle to release the banished soul of his father?to end the curse that plagues his freedom? The body of Vau-Liek turned to gas as its remaining fragments of dust pelted the ground with a light swish?standing in the middle of the dust, Ilythiirtar traces a pentacle forwards four times, starting facing east, once a pentacle is on each of his directions, he levitates and calls the darkness in?allowing it in the center with him?.knowing the soul of vau-liek will never be fully gone until corrupt with light (sorry, it don?t make sense but hehe?). Once the darkness of the soul looms into the path of the pentacles, ilythiirtar traces one pentacle above his head backwards and one below him backwards?he amphoricates from the box of darkness and light?All evil trapped within as he sends a beckon of release out? the soul is reincarnated before his eyes and he smiles as the flesh and blood vau-liek, reaching out with a vein of soul stealing tendril. Once it hits the scared, scrawny being, stealing its soul and feeding the raider (ily) with much needed life force? The quest will move on?and the pentacles shall shun away anything from walking beyond the gates of naught.[/color][/i]
  8. [color=sienna][i]X was barely awake when he saw Zero coursing the halls of the hq. Looking at his buster, X takes due note of the upgrades, the homing torpedo segment of his programming had been advanced, the scripts purged and replaced wit a new algorithm specifically designed to peirce heavy armor and than explode, duely causing over a hundred percent more damage. Looking at Zero, X strolls to his brother in arms, wondering exactly what may be pulsating through his mind.[/i] [b]X:[/b] "Restless are we?" [b]Zero:[/b] "You would be too if you had as much to worry about as me....damnit...its hard X..." [b]X:[/b] "Heh, This I know Zero, dont let it get to you...we are a team...right?" [i]Zero nods accordingly, and X smacks his buster off his brother's shoulder, turning on his heels, heading back to his port, ready to rest the night away.[/i][/color]
  9. ooc: *mocking* strongest in the land, outward and outgoing.. ilythiirtar walks in from the dusk... LOL ..sorry john...i just HAD to :) IC: [color=sienna]Ilythiirtar knew it wasnt the end...feeling it was somthing they all had to be presented with the inclination of...knowing wat to do was the hard part. Eve, torn and beaten, sat upon her bed, lookin into the vanity mirror in horror..her body covered with cuts and wounds, she had never taken the time to look at her beauty, she did not realize that the cuts were not her true beauty, just that temporary mask that denies her the right to smile... She does not cry, she never cries...she is too strong for that...but Ilythiirar, who is bruised and beaten accordingly, walks into the room, sits on the edge of her bed and looks at her....his eyes displaying the sadness, torn hatred between his soul and grief....who still actually lingered within him....[/i] [b]Ilyhtiirtar:[/b] "Eve...?" [b]Eve:[/b] "Yes Illy?" [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] "I am sorry...."[/color]
  10. [color=sienna][i]It was already decided. With a nod, a helpful smile and an unwavering sense of relief, Ilythiirtar merely followed the group, silently, not with cold intent however. His eyes remained locked on the back of Eve?s head?When she turned occasionally his glance shifted. For the first time in his existence, he had a crush?something to obsess about?Frankly he enjoyed the game of shy, intent parody. It was rather appealing to watch and admire rather than to confront and adjunct his feelings to her. Attaching his person being to another would be rather uncalled for, instead he followed, actually worried if he will measure up to the other?s expectations. Eve may be able to sneak around as a ferret?but would never get into the compound unnoticed without his technical expertise. The temporary evil slowly fading away, his eyes return to normal, but the pain he had shunned away grew back, only stronger?but with less heart?less feeding necessity. Alas, he could control the evil within; the balance was of pristine equilibrium.[/i][/color]
  11. simply put, your effort is amazing. The main differnce in me, is that your effort comes from determination, and the rhymes are wvery well thought out and contructed. :-D Me? well i just have my words and my thjought hehe... like how use proper nouns when you run out of real words... exceellent touch :-D
  12. [color=sienna]OOC: PEEEPLE?..WE GOTTA KEEP OUR RPG GOIN PLEASE!!??? Flynn: Carnal, not in the sexual way my dear friend, but as in the impure way...Thesauruses(sp?) blow when you are trying to extend thine vocabulary.... which I am forced to do so frequently, being around all these superb rp'ers..... I didnt mean it sexualy...Just as his instincts have been so darkened, and his destination is a place not many would wish to visit...it is so 'impure'...hehe sorry Flynn.. (for those of you who do not know to who this is directed....read up, and find out who this is replying to....or wait for "Flynn" to respond :) IC: [i]Ilythiirtar strode through the cavernous corridors with a rather oblong chip on his shoulder. He could tell something was hailing from wake. It drew near and dear god could he feel it. [size=2]The life force of the creature would have to be relatively sizeable[/size] Ilythiirtar thought. Turning; Ilythiirtar?s frame is almost instantly pushed against the ice strewn walls of the passageway, the creature, whatever it was, bypassed his field of protection, forcing Ilythiirtar to reach back for his blade. The demon Vau-Like drove his blade at the nearly immobile Elf, missing only for the aura of protection that surrounds the warrior, and the wire-fleece ? elf-enchanted quilted armor, nearly impenetrable by melee ? that helped shun away the metallic foundation of the blade itself. Rolling to his freedom, but also condemnation, Ilythiirtar looks up, the ghastly creature has the face of his father?It mocks the youthful warrior with tears of its own, as it lunges at Ilythiirtar?wondering if the dark challenger is pure enough to understand this test. His mind races, his soul trembles as he leaps around the vile creature. Ilythiirtar?s conscious state of thought allows his body to parry, while he collects this thoughts?[/i] [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] (Thinking) ?I know my father is dead, at the hands of Nilothakir himself, that mundane fool?How could he leave me to retrieve my past?knowing I will, knowing it will destroy him for good?.no..wait?.he IS a fool!!! Nilothakir!!!! Your so well permeated with idiocy it is not funny?Your mind is so instilled with mundane perfection, you do not think Serenol CAN kill you with his vorpal slash?You FOOL?., so saturated with downright unreserved declaration?you feel so sure of yourself?.dont you!!!! YOU BELIGERANT BASTARD!!!!! YOU WILL PAY!!!!? [i]As Ilythiirtar snaps from the reverie of hatred for Nilothakir, he at once realizes that the test is only to do what ever it takes to help destroy the foul necromancy dark horse (yes failure?necromancy is not meant for evil?)?and the first and probably most well thought booby trap would be a true killing machine, that would spark an influx of sadness within the true seeker of these ruins. Ilythiirtar?s mind clicked promptly, his sword held out in usual elf manner, and he pats the fiery edge of Bargos ? shin-bar ? to this chest as he lunges at the demon, which?s only weakness is that of pure will. Only Ilythiirtar could kill him, and only if his heart is unaltered?The blade may only penetrate if the wielder is true to his mark?[/i][/color]
  13. Thnx Juu...your praise is so indiminishing...:) if thats even a word :) Thnx Juu
  14. hey...i FINALY like your lettering... BOOYAH :)..simple but i actually like....somthing you have finaly accomplished :)
  15. [color=sienna][i]Illy loosed four potatoes at the lead gull, missing fruitlessly. His aim had not improved since his ivonleague days. However one potatoe clogged the rear bomb hatch of the lead gull, causing it to self explode in mid air... Lacroix looked at Illy, quite impressed...but very unhappy, Jesus still angry, but ready for battle... PBBB was struggling from the rancid pile of dung, he still had a grand smile strewn upon his visage as he emerged...[/i] [b]PBBB:[/b] (waving) "ITS ONLY ICING!!!!!!!!!"[/color]
  16. [color=sienna][i]Ilythiirtar?s ears perk up, he looks at Lacroix, than to Raistlin. They too know, its an uncanny instinct likely to fall into any Elvin?s mind. Eve was already weary, her dark cape covering any of her emotions, she merely nodded at Lacroix. Alastuin shakily stood, her eyes hiding any pain, only her physical condition would bestow those implications to the eyes of her companions. Alastuin motioned to the labs. Lacroix, Ilythiirtar, and Alastuin knew all too well of human treachery. Ilythiirtar, who lucked out, had been spared and allowed to live nearly unharmed with the humans. Lacroix, his love, his soul and spiritual embodiment, Alastuin, her pain shared with him, they together knew of human corruption too vividly. Simply the trading of glances allowed the party to form a indefinite plan. Words only broke the silence once details were required. Raistlin spoke up?[/i] [b]Raistlin:[/b] ?Well, he has been plagued with this mess, he is a friend?how do we plan to save him?? [b]Lacroix:[/b] ?Humans, sadly enough are very resourceful, they will indeed have their ?experiment? chambers well protected.? [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] ?Ah no worries, I have spent my life forced to work within such environments?Get us there and I will bypass their terrible technology.? [i]Everyone nodded with populous agreement. They set off?Alastuin?s connection with Blaze allowed her to guide the rest towards the eminent liberation of Blaze?[/i][/color]
  17. [color=sienna]Here's the scoop. It's 6am here in Staunton, and I'm just ____(Grabbing)_____ myself out of my bed, which is kept in an ____(Dog)___, don't ask me why. I got to meet some guy named ___(Frank)____ who owns a ____(Nail)____. He's the leader of a gang called the ____(Cars)_____ and all I know about them is that they hate the MAFIA in ____(Shitville)____, so much so that I was ordered to ____(Run)____ the Don. I can't even return to that area anymore, it doesn't matter what ____(Log)____ I drive or what time it is; one of his goons always whips out a ____(Can)____ and shoots at me! I still gotta collect some ____(Sweaty)___ packages in that area which contain some ____(Phone)_____. Er..anyway, this Kenji guy is mad at me for some reason and told me to take out at least ____(63)____ of these guys selling the SPANK. These guys are ____(Mongolian)____ and seem to be allies with the Cartel, another gang. I screwed up the mission on the first try because I was ____(Gasping)____ so fast, I ran over too many old ____(Eyes)____ carrying their shopping bags, so naturally the pigs come chasing after me. A two-star wanted level quickly turned into a ____(8)____ - star wanted level, meaning a _____(Cat____ was soon chopping away in the air. The two guys in it were shouting at me, saying things like "We're gonna ____(18)____ you!" and "You're ____(Sharp)____, big ____(Sterio)____". Luckily, I had some police ____(Toes)____ at my hideout to get rid of them - works every time! I think I might go see Ray, he's a ____(Membranous)____ cop who seems to live in a ____(Dung)_____ in a park! This is a ___(Putrid)___ city I tell ya....[/color]
  18. Ah Neil sees the light....hehe... Shine'get is gona own...yet i still dont know fully what it is... just a gamecube site?
  19. There are countless people like that. I dont know if they cant undertand but usually, asking for somthing like that is not the best way to go. You can send subliminal messages showing you have what it takes but....ugh... it doesnt work if u go and ask for it...prove yourself, meh.. idont now.. .forget this.. im just agreeing with Neil.
  20. I wouldnt doupt if it was his password spelled out using english keys on a Japanese font. Heh, wouldnt doupt if it had somthing to do with hentai either... but what do I know about Japanese ideographs...
  21. [color=sienna][i]The harsh decimate winds of the north. They blow in an unending siege of naught. They are like him?They follow their given path; they kill, and reek havoc on whatever they touch. The decimate winds of the north, they lay waste to anything and everything. Ilythiirtar, now on the edge of town, looking onwards to the catacombs that await him, knowing it is only he who may enter, only he who will thwart the plethora of traps, beings, and demons that wait for the unworthy to enter. Sighing once for the sake of it, Ilythiirtar trudged along. The carnal instincts given to him from his father have rarely faltered. Driven by these instincts he comes to the Catacombs of Naught. As he enters the crypt, four ghoul-like crescent beings surround him. His uncanny field of radiance literally turns the first one?s hand to mush as it leaps quietly into attack, moving into the area of protected life. Ilythiirtar stopped dead silent, concentrating his aura, he kneels forward, the encircling element of indiscernible darkness around him grows, enthralling the poor beings in the soul slaying snare of irrevocability. Their bodies turn to mush as Ilythiirtar rapes them of their souls, not even allowing them eternity in hell?He is merely doing them a favor? The astral field which was projected around him in a conscious yet deathly real pattern of indiscernible waves of dark ki fold around his body?These creatures are nothing compared to the challenges he will face ahead, his mind cant barely comprehend how his father nearly killed himself to plant the forsaken amulet of his son?s fate?Knowing full out Ilythiirtar would eventually come home to retrieve his lost, and renewed faith. Drudging on, he can?t help but be caught up in the pristine beauty of the crystalline surroundings. Overhead, the beams of stationary wood hold the icy ruin in place. The blue glint to them only hinted at their inevitable demise, for soon they will implode, sending wave upon wave of icy shards into the ground. The walls of course ice covered granite, the cavernous walls of this copse preserve merely suggest that this crypt will not proffer much longer. The floor, a dark blue transition of ice, wood, and granite brick?Sturdy, but not welcoming. The wonders of this cavernous catacomb only overwhelm the young soul raider?s senses. Ilythiirtar does not even realize that the demon ?Vau-Liek? was following him, he drudged on, unaware of the crucial danger that lurked behind?[/color][/i]
  22. OOC: im back and u quit again john and i break your face... secongly...gohan enraged.. that is VERY against the rules.. .not only is it 2 pictures in one sig, one of them is too big, and!!!! your sig is too tall.. meh...
  23. SORRY!!!! *whines* ....Shane :D ... again i like the pic cept for border
  24. OOC: I'm soo sorry Flynn, I wanted this to be a great rpg, and it still can be, maybe if we were more descriptive on how things were... What i THOUGHT had happend.. was we were ALL at Ganshed's place outside the human town... even Raistlin but i could be mistakin....Alastuin left towards a rather dry place... and hit the ground.... illythiirtar followed her partially, and took note..came back to cabin.... where blaze was bleeding and the rest were ther... all i know is john did somthing odd and all the sudden blaze is gone..and we are all in the mire... i have no clue how or why..GRRRR I'mm sorry Flynn...damn..
  25. ....I love crowds..... *smiles inwardly as he imagines elbows flailing and broken noses. Releasing a wave of unbecknowst carbondioxide from lungs as he exhales the remnants of his petit harmonic endevour with public violence.* ...Sowwie.. i mean..fighting in crows is fun... makes the game feel all that much better in your clenches knowin u faught off four hundred fat tubs/toothpicks/pychos/and angred janitor gamer crack heads to get your paws on the game. just that feeling of gratification... heh sorry
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