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Everything posted by Phantom

  1. Acccck!!!! ..did u want the border like that? If you choose a transparency, you can take away the white...but on a first attempt. Excellent... mike (me) to Cole (aries): You unoriginal bastastard! cole in retort: Why thank you! Flynn (harlequin): *grimaces at 'harly'*
  2. ps: neil doesnt even frikken hold the authority to bann...why dotn we all just get along with each other...? hmm hmmm?
  3. thnk you..i was waiting for somone to say somthign bad hehe...hehe thank u.. *smiles*... i was my first try and i need critisim if i will ever do better
  4. naw... im just an acid child... but thnx for the compliment..
  5. i like the idear of year round schooling...too bad im done... its like 6 weeks on .(weekends off) 2 off... or.. 9 weeks on... 3 off... and an extended summer break and extended spring break.... the only reason we have a full summer off is because in the early 1900's farming families required all the farm hands they could get all summer... meh... i think year round schooling is way more productive... besies you dont need to take review at the begining of the year either,... pardon me for being all logical.. hehe
  6. ime done highschool now.. um...but i gota go take this cisco ccna course... somtime in september.. ooooh aaaahh.. :-D
  7. ...yo no need to git all mussed up... i misread..sorry... "ive been here longer than u.. bwahha.. im higher on tha foood chain..git in mah bellie!" ... ok lol sorry... i dont know what has come over me thse lase few weeks :-D
  8. [quote][i]Dude guy .... His name is SuperSayain. But other than that, everyone was very nice and I appreciate it [/quote] That is Neil...I am not refing as if i KNOW him..just from what I have observed... he is a...well..he is...cocky to say the least..dont take what he says all to seriously...
  9. Corel Photopaint 9... before the year is out, ile be the Corel guru of OB
  10. .....What are your PERSONAL faves?... and or... do u like anything from Hyde's new solo stuff?
  11. Amen No - name.. heh... the way u wasted neil was utter grace... *grinz at neil* ...he was right though.. :)
  12. Yea, it just....if u saw before i blurred...you would agree that a blurr would be the most definitive thing to do... i also tried to peel the eye away with fancy lines and sweet lettering.. i swear the one thing im good at... Lettering... :D thnx for compliments
  13. [color=sienna][i]So the quest had begun? The temple, or to Lord Sepet? Haas did not know, he knew only that he had to destroy the dark lord before he would ever feel redeemed. His eyes shifted to Mara, than Namida, than finally to Firemyst. He watched the lissome elf weep, not understanding why, he walked to him, thumped his grand hand down on the small elf?s/dragoon?s shoulder.[/i] [b]Haas:[/b] ?We have all been haunted by our pasts.? [b]Firemyst:[/b] ?Yea, you think I didn?t know that?!? [i]Haas threw his left fist over the dragoon?s cheek lightly, a smile on his face. He knew the feeling all to well, being trapped?being eaten alive. He walked to Mara, lowering his shoulders, she hopped on, watching observantly.[/i] [b]Mara:[/b] ?I think something is in the bushes ahead Haas? [b]Haas:[/b] ?I know, saw them a long while ago?? [b]Mara:[/b] ?Waaa?? [b]Haas:[/b] ?They cant hurt us, too small, not enough numbers?let them attack and let them die??[/color]
  14. OOC: I still don?t know wtf is going on?.Heh [color=sienna][i]Ilythiirtar kept close behind the two elder beings, his mind calm, his eyes observant, merely his youthfulness allowed him to be so strung about. Looking at the sky, his eyes flickered with a hint of evil, his damned price, the one price he had to pay to end his misery. Not that much, he thought, not all that much to give up for the ridding of his ghastly pain. Silently following Lacroix and Raistlin, he kept close, unsure of his whereabouts; his eyes merely reserved their vibrant beaming alchemy of observation in power, he would want to remember everything on this quest.[/i][/color]
  15. OOC: Posts spanning longer than two lines are ALWAYS welcome... Ic: [color=sienna][i]Ilythiirtar had all but drained his spiritual energies on saving his newfound companion; Eve. His mind raced, his heard thudded as Serenol dove at Bleed, missing the demon by mere inches, the Alaris gleaming brightly. Ilythiirtar shot up, pulling his tulwar out, seeing Serenol in danger denoted another surging gush of adrenoline, his eyes flickered yellow as he dove into Bleed, the tulwar ripping a large gash in the side of Bleed's abdomen. This only enraged the demon, who flung an enthrawled claw at Ilythiirtar, opening the youn elf's arm up, the bone protruding out te top of the clavicle grotesquely...[/i][/color]
  16. Yap.... i totally agree.. but seriously... i lik yukki... he is a pretty good mixer too.. i like sakura too.....hell i ..like everythin' bout the band... hyde the most... damn.. im in love lol..
  17. Chin omg!!! ARIES... ure right!! GRRR... wont mess that up next time... Blurr..well i had to blurr or the shading would mess up...and im sorry bout the purple... :( Me sowwie
  18. I saw shine get early on..but didnt know wat it meant... just thought it may be somthing along the lines of a mario attack in a new game or somthing.. heck.. :-D ... ide like a shine get banner..but if ure bussy i could prolly make my own...minus the shine get part. it would look the same...cept without the .'shine get' ...grrr... i wana shine get one! :) hehe
  19. Ah..my first anime digital coloring job... AK!!! ---------------------------------------------------------- [img]http://esotaku.netfirms.com/images/gokudon541.jpg[/img] ----------------------------------------------------------- [size=3]BEFORE!!!!!!!![/size] ----------------------------------------------------------- [img]http://esotaku.netfirms.com/images/gokudon54.jpg[/img] ----------------------------------------------------------- [size=3]AFTER!!!!!!!!!![/size]
  20. i liek them to an extent... i dont think that i cold stomach TOO much of their loud music.. aye.. .i like L'arc-en-ciel...... i think im obsessed.... hehe... my gf would be mad cuz im in love with their lead singer :) [size=5] THIS IS MY 500 POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 [/size]
  21. Ever heard of L'Arc-en-ciel... ..well ... they may just be the most undescovered band ever known... now that is their own fault...the fact that i have not once seen a promo in the state or canada or...well any non-asian country... may be their fault...but i still think everyone should give it a try.... L'arc~en~ciel... :D
  22. [color=sienna][i]Illy and PBBB walk smile, and wink, thowing a bucket over each other's heads. They walk on, meeting up with the rest of the gang...[/i] [b]PBBB:[/b] "I swear...if only we could see where we were going." [b]Illy:[/b] "You fool... that is not the point..." [i]Illy fires off a potato round into PBBB's stomach and he immediately falls over laughing. Illy does the same as the others watch...Their faces break into wry smiles as they begin pummeling the two felled gunmen.[/i][/color]
  23. I am sorry man, you are the FIRST additional corel user i have seen.. and im ....honored its u instead of .. like somone who cant even figure it out :)
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