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Everything posted by Phantom

  1. Phantom

    Now What?

    I WUV OUTWAW STAR! .... omg.. its the coooolest anime... and i like jim.. koot and kew! ..lol sorry
  2. THEY OWN!! IF URE AMERICAN/Canadian/Mexican..WATEVER! and uve not heard these bloke's... DOWNLOAD THEIR MUSIC!!! Get alll u can from them and/or Hyde... or Tetsu69... omg they own....and for those who know of them... please post here... .I need people to discuss this amazing band with hehe..!!!
  3. [color=sienna][i]Ilythiirtar barged past the remnants of the beings, if one could say so? his mind projecting himself exactly to where Eve was, his mind hit the brink of lucid breakdown, he groaned with pain but found the strength to move on, his eyes grey and angered. Hunter in his wake, they enter the red and black room. Bleed was waiting for them obviously, his eyes bright and content, a bright happy red was not a pretty face. Ilythiirtar broke the chain with quite honestly exquisite grace before passing out from drain of energy, his mind almost letting him slip away forever, which can happen if life energy is drained so much. His soul drives him on, letting him stand? Eve jumps free but is badly tattered, he lands beside Ilythiirtar, leaving the Alaris wielding Serenol to fight Bleed, as Illy and Eve were momentarily immobilized.[/i][/color]
  4. [color=sienna][i][size=2]Ever since I was a kid, Clancy has been my favorite author. Ask a grade five who spends twelve months getting through one of his books what they like about Tom Clancy and they would say blood guts and stuffz.... Which is simply put, the basis of my growing obsession for this guy. As the years went by reading Clancy work after Clancy work... I realized that he has way more talent than he is given credit for. 1. He can write romantically. I swear, give him a chance. Choose a better setting though. In Red Storm Rising, one of his main characters fall in love with an Icelandic girl, the situation was odd, family dead at the hands of the Red army and her being raped. The 'american' comes to the rescue... or in Without Remorse. Lets not get into the details there, lets just say it was involving hurt pain and prostitution. His true romance side comes out with his descriptive nature. I swear the sob has a thesaurus(sp?) slung under his arm twenty four seven. His natural descriptiveness would set him up for a multi million dollar romance novelist position. :twitch: 2. His plot strategy is quite well planned and when you seriously need to read every page in a suspensfull, gripping embrace with descriptive fortitude...well lets say you learn a lot and at the same time enjoy the novel. Enough of the whole 'he owns' garble... WHAT DO ALL YOU!!! think of this Clancy character?? ...Fav books? movies? games? (I love ghost recon... *kisses the box* ....mmm recon...real...mmm..) ok...hehe.. um....tell me how you think... i wana get some input from other Clancy lovers, haters as well.. i need some odius people to keep this thread active :)[/color][/size][/i]
  5. um...me...ide prolly have as much sex with danni as possible.. hell u wanted the answer... hell im giving it :-D :love: :tasty:
  6. ooc: this is dumb... ..aaaah..forget it.. im quitting... i dont see how this is falling apart but its HIS rpg after all...*leaves*
  7. ok..thanks man.. it was gona be an interactive journal...so i post my issue and smile as my gf can read and post her own..or take not on mine and such... hehe...but thnx Aries.
  8. Thanks.. watabout Ikonboards?
  9. ooc: i dont know wat ure talking about... but if your constantly making new rpgs, how can you expect to keep all your rpgs tip top... btw... this rpg is a hell of a lot better than some other boards...A LOT...at least everyone is typing more than 1 line...
  10. its good... #EXcEllent...for mspain..
  11. COREL!!! SWEEET!!! Its not the best corel ...but its COREL!!!! MY FRIEND~!~!~ *falls on ground happy, smiling at the sky* COREL!!!!!! :-d ...ok sorry... i like the banner
  12. a lot of stuff above...i decided to neglect the other's comments. I think it rocks except for the lack of originality in the animation... meh.... thats all
  13. im gona have to make a private forum for mine and danni's journal... um whats a good free forum board that i can use to make privately?
  14. netfirms man!!!! less space but 1gb bandwidth per month...
  15. [color=sienna][i]Ilythiirtar smiled at his angel, he woke up before her and had to leave again, to his dismay, of course he would never leave her on purpose. He left her a note saying why, his father had visited him again in his dreams. The dream was of full color and was true, even to the vivid detail of his father?s face. Looking at his love one last time with just happiness, he places a kiss on her forehead, leaving the note folded in her fingers;[/i] [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] (whispering his note) ??My love, my angel, my intertwined soul?the thing that tries to mask your beauty shall perish at my hands, he will be DESTROYED, with mine own fingertips. The vorpal slash will only destroy his body and damn his soul to hell, I will devour his soul, taking his power, taking his right to be in hell! I must leave though, I must learn my new command of souls, I must master my touch, master the soul raiding fortitude I was destined to have. Nilothakir once tried to vanquish my father because of these powers. He wanted me not to go through this pain. Nilothakir would have made my father his minion, if not for his love of my mother?Angel.. I will be back, but I must visit the decimate landscape of the Asunsheiro arctic deserts north, beyond the most outer rim of Faerun.? [i]Hopping to his feet, he smiles down, placing a kiss on his angels head with his telekinesis. Leaping into the shadows, he begins his journey to the catacombs where his father had been buried, deeply hidden away so he would never find?Or would he? Ilythiirtar cared not, he must find his father, and would stop at no ends to do so. The amphorication lasted merely two hours, and he was at the outer rim of Faerun, at the outpost town of Asun formerly known as ?Nilothan?, the cold land where his father grew up, and where Ilythiirtar was born, and where his father was banished. Banished for what? Stopping an endless siege on the town? Stopping masses of vile hordes of lucid beings of death. Ilythiirtar knew the truth, he knew all along, or he would not have been allowed in the orphan house in Ashrenia. Relieved at his homecoming, he went to his fathers past dwelling. Looking at the hut in the rear of the town brought him sadness, but joy, the tears strewn his face, his eyes grey and sad.[/i] [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] (to himself) ?I miss my dad?? [i]The town of Asun was still as bustling as before and his ancestors have been all but perished, or have been shunned away. He walked through the streets, recalling his very infant memories to mind, smiling softly in the cold breeze, and the frigid air shaping to the contours of his lungs. He had to find his father; he had to unearth the soul obligatory possession that held him from control over his incoherent powers.[/i][/color]
  16. [color=sienna][i]Something had been plaguing Ilythiirtar?s dreams that night, something had caused his mind to falter, a dream?ghastly as it was, the dream was true, the visions of Eve?chained, bestrewed with Bleeds tattered concession. His eyes flutter open. A cold sweat strewn along his fore figure, his eyes beady grey, something had happened and he had to find out. With a swift joist of attentiveness, his astral body was thrown into the planes of abrahm, his mind sought the shack of Eve, so the projected path of his astral being, forged with the pure energy of his elfish state ignited, sending his mind through the portal to Eve?s shack?He gasped and yanked the silver cord attached to his physical being and he was once again in his true conscious state of being.[/i] [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] (to himself) ?Bleed, you will pay, the havoc you have wrought will surely deny you any likelihood for existence?? [i]Rubbing his eyes like mad, fanatically rubbing the images from his eyes, the fire still lit his mind, her hut, her one sanctified place, in ruins. He jumped to his feet, while running to the castle where he would find Serenol, he consciously projected his mind into the plane of ?Digjn Vae-Vul ?, his mind slamming into the past, his astral double followed Bleed?s every step until he had memorized the cave in which he entered, and how in which he entered the dungeon. Snapping out of the plane, his astral double plummeted back into his body, causing Ilythiirtar to drop to his knees in pain. He yanked himself up, with great pain, but continued to the castle, knocking over the two main guards as he ran into the main entrance, to find Serenol in very much the same position as him?he calls to his fellow warrior in arms, asking him to help?[/i][/color] OOC: Yes they are only ten, lets not forget that :)
  17. [color=sienna][i]Ilythiirtar and Elsyan share glances, and promptly shake their heads at their new companion. Mara glares at the two and laughs, her state of mind obviously faltered. This happens when in the presence of someone like Lacroix for too long. Eve simply walked to Ilythiirtar and whispered something in his ear, which punctually led him to a fanatical onslaught of laughter. Lacroix?s head cocked the other way now, not quite sure if he did understand the situation. Pondering away, contemplating if all these creatures were just his imagination, or if they were real. After Ilythiirtar finished his ranting hilarity, he began to relax, Eve in his arms. He stood as Eve jumped to his shoulders, motioning at the unreceptive Lacroix, who seemed to be eyeing up a small rodent.[/i] [b]Lacroix:[/b] (grinning with what seemed to be a toothy smile) ?Leave me be, be on with ye quest. I?ll catch up?.? [b]The group:[/b] ?Yea, have fun with your?chipmunk?? [i]Lacroix crawled up to the rodent silently, the group had already left, he would catch up?once he got his meal?[/color][/i]
  18. Here is some..well stuffz... take a peek....hell im always up for burning and evil critisism :twitch: hehe....praise too but im not sure this stuff is worth praise.. :-D Aura: -------------------- [url]http://esotaku.netfirms.com/images/aura1.gif[/url] ------------------- Es-Wallpaper: ------------------- [url]http://esotaku.netfirms.com/images/eswpweb.jpg[/url] ------------------- Avatars I like!: ------------------ [url]http://esotaku.netfirms.com/images/spectralweb.jpg[/url] ------------------ ALLLLLL FIXED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. OOC: Damn, you always get the cool characters, heh.. IC: [color=sienna][i]As Eve, Mara, Elsyan, and Ilythiirtar reach the opening of the temple of darkness, they see a slumped figure snoring rather loudly, his head on the dead tree. They look at him, his dark lissome frame snapped to attention as they group neared him. Jumping up, his weapons drawn, he rears back. Ilythiirtar just slumped beside the tree Lacroix was sleeping at as Eve and Mara looked at Lacroix, moving to him.[/i] [b]Elysan:[/b] ?You don?t suppose they will ever learn to relax do you?? [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] (grinning) ?pfft are you kidding?!? [i]Once close enough to Lacroix, Eve jumped on him, pinning him down while Mara moved in.[/i] [b]Elsyan:[/b] ?Your right, we shouldn?t even begin to try, hehe.? [i]The two elves just sat parallel on the opposite sides of the tree, relaxing as the other two have their fun.[/i][/color]
  20. OOC: John, sorry we never quite left Ganshed?s cabin, but we will play along. :twitch: we always do. IC:[color=sienna][i]Ilythiirtar followed the group, he watched on, rather bemused at everything going on around him. He watches contently, watches it unfold. He enjoys watching it unfold. Watching, learning, maybe so one day he should participate. He leans in and presses his hand on Blaze?s chest.[/i] [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] ?Hmm, Blaze you will be okay?? [i]A ball of red lamenting mana?st glows forth from Ilythiirtar?s arm, his last ounce of the energy he received from his chant a while ago. The blood orb hits Blaze, causing him to cough and jerk violently, his body started twitching.[/i] [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] ?ooooo?that musta hurt?he will be okay though..?[/color]
  21. Personally i love the third one down the most.. they all own...cept the banner... i dont like ure text...everything else owns.... SHIEHZ.. i love that third one down.. .omg..thats kikin!
  22. [color=sienna][i]Ilythiirtar came to. Looking up, he saw Mara alone by the massive elm. Her half-elf features glowed in contrast to her dark surroundings. It captivated the young elfish raider. He walked to her promptly after reading her thoughts. Not touching her, for the power he wields is in a state of chaos. He approaches silently, but Mara hears him. The assassin?s ears falter not he thinks to himself.[/i] [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] ?I would hug you, but I am afraid I cannot even touch you, it would steal your soul with even the most brisk contact, I feel I cannot control it now, like most of my powers, I cannot do so much as direct them.? [i]Getting and idea, Ilythiirtar floats his Bearer of Release over her head. Smiling, he leans down, wrapping his arms around her in a brotherly hug. After a couple seconds of the embrace, she smiles and looks up at crying Ilythiirtar.[/i] [b]Mara:[/b] ?Don?t you worry, Eve is going to be just fine?? [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] ?Oh I know?? [i]The embrace between Serenol and Eve had spun its last weave and neared its demise. By the time Ilythiirtar strode to his love, Hunter had let go. Eve looked up briefly at Ilythiirtar before cowering into what seemed like a transparent cloak of shadows. He smiles at her, levitating the purple disc over her head, the dim light aluminates her dark hair, her evil features wrought on by her deepest evils. He cared not, looking at her, open arms, soft eyes. Looking up at him, the embarrassment not the least bit hidden, tears flow from her eyes, but no sobs, no crying. He reaches down to her, wrapping his arms around her stomach, lifting her in his arms, moving to a dark place, laying her down on her back. Ilythiirtar leans over Eve, kissing her forehead softly, than her nose, than lips.[/i] [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] ?I would never stop loving you?I left to fulfill my calling. Serenol may be the one to kill Nilothakir, but I will wrench his souls power into my being for eternity, not allowing him a chance to ?revive? himself.? [b]Eve:[/b] ?Oh m..Ilythiirtar, I love you so much?? [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] ?Shh, my angel, I love you too..? [i]He presses his lips to his love, kissing her softly, his arms enveloping her, he smiles. They meet back at the cabin, Oblivion still waiting, not quite sure of how to suite himself into this group, just doing the needed and well-prescribed helping hand when needed. His fighting skills have yet to be defined but he is not one who seems to be a pitiful warrior. Ilythiirtar looks at him with a weary eye. He soon will need fight alongside this man. Let him be a loyal companion?[/i][/color]
  23. [color=sienna][i]The power seemed to stem from his soul, extending its reach un-manipulated to catch the fleeing souls in their last breathes of existence. As the creatures lunged at the elf, they either were caught in his grip of soul stealing insanity, or just splattered to small piles of goop before Ilythiirtar?s feet, or their souls stolen before they reached his barrier. However he saved the soul stealing for the specters, they just loved his power, and they leap in without realizing the trap. Pitiful beings for all their potential he thinks deftly as the masses of creatures merely die as he looks on almost unaware of their presence, stopping occasionally to collect their souls. Lumbering forward, his mind slowly reaching its peak of concentration, he bellows, dropping to his knees, feeling the ground rumble beneath him. Tilting his head back he screams.[/i] [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] ?Are you happy father!!!!! You must be proud of your son aren?t you!?? [i]He falls to the ground, his defenses down, the imps and gnomes charge in on the helpless elf. Once his skin is torn, the canine instincts take hold, warping his body into a midnightwolf, a brief blinding light envelopes the forest revealing Lycantar, Ilythiirtar?s lycanthrope form. A gentle hiss from his nose resonates the dark imperative nature of his anger. His snout emitting a dark mist of blood. With a snarling swipe, all the creatures near him were dead. He looses control and darts from the forest at lightening speed, his claws occasionally leapt up and swathed random pests from attacking. Once he reached the cabin where Lacroix and Oblivion were resting, he collapsed, smiling with his razor teeth glinting in the moons light. He would rest, his body needed it.[/i][/color]
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