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Everything posted by Phantom

  1. OOC: im very sorry for this spam... i will be posting very scacely in all my rpgs...and i am sorry..i need a break from ob..
  2. OOC: im very sorry for this spam... i will be posting very scacely in all my rpgs...and i am sorry..i need a break from ob..
  3. OOC: im very sorry for this spam... i will be posting very scacely in all my rpgs...and i am sorry..i need a break from ob.. Also Eve has plans to be with Blaze.. i dont know how or why but it hurts me..and i am happy for it... again... im sorry...
  4. OOC: im very sorry for this spam... i will be posting very scacely in all my rpgs...and i am sorry..i need a break from ob..
  5. ARRRG ... your never too late to get into a band like thaT! EVER ......i just made a pic... :-D :modrod: grrr
  6. hehe thnx.. but it wasnt a filter.. i used corel and had to doit mostly without 'filter's lol....
  7. if anyone using this as a wallpaper looked they would know wat the names are hehe i made them that way on purpose :-D but yea im sorta dumb so i spell stuff badly a lot.. hehe.. thnx
  8. Ok my new fav band...!!! i had to make a pic for them!! hehe..burn? praise? come now give it a rating too... [url]http://esphantomes.250free.com/Music/laruko8x6.jpg[/url]
  9. [color=sienna][i]Ilythiirtar stood looking at fallen mentor, realizing how dumb he had been. For the first time he was forced to truly focus his auras. Ilythiirtar stood above his felled brother, moving to one knee, he places his hand over the chest and heart of Serenol. The pour of blood impeded. Ilythiirtar undertakes the energy transversal in an odd, warped enthralling, but pain full twist of mana?st. Knowing the profound damage a reverse energy transversal would bring, he kneels over his brother, preparing for the caustic influx of pain. (not the same as what he did with Eve. She was semi alive, so he did a normal transversal and just fed her the energy. This time he is straight out giving Serenol his life and core..) As the transfer begins, all light is sucked into a vortex of dark magic; the vortex pulls nearly all of Ilythiirtar?s life magic into Serenol. His manipulations of the transversal quite well adept now, most of the party members were not profusely affected. All accept Mara and Eve, who freely allowed Ilythiirtar to extract their energies for Serenol. The flow of mana?st arched out in spectacular shadows of vigor, trailing off like a serpent?s tail, as Ilythiirtar supplied the last ounce of life into his brother, causing a rapid heart beat, and a whole lot of blood to spurt from Serenol and Ilythiirtar?s mouths. Ilythiirtar plagued with the overwhelming pain, now writhes on the ground, twitching as his well prepared body devours the pain, sucking it in, making him stronger?he continues to convulse for minutes before his muscles relax. The pain had only made him stronger; he rests, in need of much strength to continue? The others just look on, not quite understanding what had taken place, Oblivion, the newest addition to their entourage of warriors, stood in the shadows, glaring at the entirety of the situation, eyes glinting as he hovers out to tend to Serenol.[/i][/color]
  10. *grins at jesus* Looks like your rating is gona be ignored. Yea Cera.. .no hard feelings, i liked it a lot.. *grinz ear to ear* ... Thnx for the re-assurance.
  11. CHAOS!!! hehe.. .love chaos.. love love love.. in any text hehe... i like the simplicity... good job j00!
  12. Lets say, its called constructive critisism... i wasnt 'knocking' you.... i dont see that shape of face often... i was mostly giving you praise, your supposed to overlook the bad parts of peoples comments :twitch:
  13. As I said, I dont know adobe, but i could get that same effect with one click in corel.. *moans at the pleasurable manual scripts* ...ah sorry.. .i just amde a plastic thingy..so it does like 20 things to the pic and makes it look like plastic... ...
  14. thats pretty sweet... u should change.. i love the whole .......crap lol..loss of words...this is funny.. i never am at a loss of words...i liek that circle round the guys head... it captivates me :-D
  15. hey, i know im dumb..no need for sarcasm :twitch: lol
  16. You did post it afterall.. you already got my critique... ile just give my rate, and why 8/10 , its good, its reliant and true to the word.. the being who this was based upon has every right to be considered as you consider... good job
  17. Awe, that is soooooo romantic :-D soo soo this is based on a real dude eh?
  18. Phantom

    New Banner

    Yea, a fellow mike...wel heh i liek the banner... for all its worth, its the best text only banner i have ever laid eyes upon.
  19. Jpg dont have transparency.. its ...not that well rounded of a file architecture... however gif is... ok to the critique...the ripples are too compact and it definetly doesnt look like a tear drop. The words are quite easy to read and for that i am happy hehe... it is all around pretty good especially since your new to gfx. 6/10
  20. Well chosen pic... well positioned...you may have done a lil extra with him...but thats coool... um the pic...i dont know adobe..but it looks like a plastic filter of some sort...not sure. hehe.. ido like...
  21. haha! thats neat!!!! .... ..i like... im not even gona rate.. its too cool...maybe not all techy but its kew.
  22. um the pic is good, more tha i could ever do... even though i know i cant do that iim gona critisize :) the face shape doesnt look right, a lil too wide.. ok hehe that sall i can come up with..in fact it looks like a malaysian girl i know... hehe... u dont want all the decimal ratings? ile give it an 8/10.. no decimals..happy? hehe
  23. Sorry neil...Too much trunk, not enough hentai...such a let down The pic however rox... would look very nice colored in...
  24. i liek your gif's... um the first a bit hard to catch it all hehe..but...still neat.. second...pretty cool too... i like the new banner no-name...expecially the plastic effect u used
  25. Good, but simple... not your average peice. You were only fooling around, which explains why it has that abstract look to it... Good though...
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