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*snickers* Newb's cant stop em lol...
[color=sienna][i]Ilythiirtar struggles to his feet, looks at Karina and Serenol. Shifting his eyes to Eve, he tells her telepathically that he is ok?That Grief is so dead. His eyes a flame, he strolls to a tree, putting his fist through the heavy wood, it falls with a crash, and Ilythiirtar bounds off, heads for his home, he needs to sleep it off, he will meet up with the others as soon as possible.[/i][/color] OOC: SORRY! i didnt mean to make such a [b]short[/b] post... lol..maybe somone can out do me? i dont know..... i will be posting very scacely in all my rpgs...and i am sorry..i need a break from ob..
[color=sienna][i]Meeting up with Mara, Haas decided to ask his young companion would accompany him?he decided he had revenge to seek. Much like Lacroix, but he dislikes the lissome thwart producer. His eyes flare momentarily as he clamps the thought of watching an ally stand aside as other do the work. Taking Mara?s hand, grinning, he asks her if she will help him. He needs a smart mind to go with his brute force; he knows he will just lose unless he has that brain backup. She accepts willingly, more happy to undergo a mission with a gargantuan creature such as Haas.[/i] [b]Haas:[/b] ?I hope you can handle not being around Hunter, I know how u flirt with him, we have a mission to do and I know you?re a reliable mage, and I need you?? [b]Mara:[/b] ?pfft. Any day good friend, besides..? (jokingly) ?..we all know your so much hotter than him?? [b]Haas:[/b] ?Silence fool!!!? (grinning at her, red cheeks) ?..Thanks but we have a mission to do...? [i]They parted the group, Haas knows, so Mara flips on his back, standing atop his shoulders as he muscles his way to their destination. After time, her legs grew tired, so she sat on his huge shoulders, falling asleep on his head, her arms crossed over his balding skull.[/i][/color]
[color=sienna][i]His eyes low, grey dark orbs of cloudy pain. Ilythiirtar walks in the wake of his sauntering mentor. Not one to usually look at appearances as something special, he cannot help but feel overly dark, gripping, the intenseness of what he just witnessed stirs him, Lacroix notes this and smiles inwardly, knowing he has a true follower of every sense of the word. Mara bumped Ilythiirtar as she walked by, in his haste, he amphoricates before her, looking into her hurt eyes. A hand out, he speculates what has happened, before he looks up he can feel it, Hunter has changed as well. Mara pushes him aside as he grows weary. A second later he was kneeling in front of his brother, staring up at him oddly, shaking his head, Ilythiirtar stands up straight.[/i] [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] ?So you are finally taller than me old bloke?? [b]Serenol:[/b] (deeply) ?Yeah, it comes with the whole Chronomancer package?? [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] ?Something wrong with your wife? I could feel her hurt?? [b]Serenol:[/b] ?I think?In thinking of her well-being, I may have raped her of her destiny, it was for the best right?? [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] ?Maybe so, but I think she is quite capable, the power she held was not wanton. It would be like me turning Eve into a powerless peasent?Understand?? [i]Flipping back, beside Lacroix, who loomed in the scene, still marveling at his discovery. Ilythiirtar smiled at him, sort of happy in a sense. Shaking his head, he spots Eve, sporting her staff around precisely. Once she saw Ilythiirtar, he felt her, knowing exactly what she wanted, he darts to her swiftly, smiling into her eyes, and he grips her tightly, sharing a loving embrace. The others scarcely notice the two as they press their lips tightly, happy to be united.[/color][/i]
Heh thanks Veg-man...Life's good.. i dont know why in hell i write poems on the derivative of melancholy.. but i do and i find i am better that way heh... *grins* oh heh.. i needa get on a first name basis with Harly, unles he wants me to call him as the motorcycle for the rest of my OB days lo
Wow, Harlequin used love in the same sentance that is showing praise...i feel quite good now.. hehe btw: i was sorta waiting for your responce... harlequin... sorta wanted to see the opinion of another twisted mind...:-D
[color=sienna][i]His eyes never shut, sleep was something he hadn?t been getting for a while now, Ilythiirtar looks around, lifting himself on one arm, he watches Lacroix, and the new one, he noticed she looks much like the rest of them. All except the talons which were quite thin, sharp, probably of a human-made alloy, or something along the lines. Ilythiirtar?s ears were peeled. The song, oh the longing he felt for an elfish melody. His ears have been contaminated, the only elfish he ever truly learned was from Ganshed, a Humus Chordate. Shaking his head, letting his mind immerse with the melody, he is for once partially content. Getting up fully, He recoats, sliding on his top and light armor. The one article of clothing he has left from his parents. The Shadow Gorge, the name he placed on his armor. Briskly walking to the two, unsure if Alastuin (yay some one with a name partially hard to remember! Heehe) had spotted him laying silently in the grass, he follows behind. Lacroix knew he was there, so did Alastuin, however unsure if she knew last night, he pipes up, but before he can say a word, she glares at him, basically conveying the message he was about to ask for.[/i] [b]Lacroix:[/b] ?Be easy young one, she has had a miserable time, she would talk but, it takes so much concentration, its best you don?t talk to her for now..? [i]Ilythiirtar just nods, knowing outright how it feels to be unable to talk. After being orphaned, he had nothing, no one but a cruel scientist named Gaib, who merely told him to shut the hell up if he began to cry. Nothing but Ganshed allowed his survival. Ilythiirtar would have been very well destined to be captive of human slavery if not for Ganshed. Even with Ganshed, he had trouble talking, his eyes always away from the humans, always away from the pain. Shunning the thoughts from his mind, he simply did as he was told, quite accustomed to following orders, at least this order was for the good of some being, instead of that pitiful swine Gaib. Looking up at Blaze, Ilythiirtar grins, flipping up to him, landing in the tree with that polished elegance that elves were so well known for.[/i] [b]Blaze:[/b] ?Hello young one.? [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] ?Again, I wish to thank yee for the day of past. Without your, whirl of whatever that was, I would surely have been injured beyond definition.? [b]Blaze:[/b] ?You talk too much, hell you think too much, but the pleasure was mine.? [i]Motioning at Ilyth?s Gekitsuu, the flame enchanted kris, Blaze, takes it, examining the abstract impurity of the blade. After slight commenting on the profound exquisiteness, he hands back, smiling.[/i] [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] ?Thank you, it was my fathers?? [i]Eve, Ganshed, and the un-named one emerge from the cabin, all with sleep still in their eyes, ready to start the day, and move on?[/i][/color]
[color=sienna][i]X just watched on, not his style but he had a suspicious feeling vile would be lurking around somewhere. As Vile vectored in on Zero?s position, X caught glimpse of [b]Launch Octopus[/b], he was firing off his torps with an alarming rate, reeking havoc on the HQ?s vital structural supports. Not wishing to let this happen, X darts out, his enormous buster glinting with a foreshadowing psyche, X was pissed. Kneeling forward, X takes aim, loosing a completely charged, nearly constant burst of plasma, severing all but two of Octopus?s torpedo wielding arms. Jumping forward, facing the Mav, he grins, looking at the pitiful fiend. Octopus fires two torpedoes off, both arching at X. Looking from side to side, still smiling, X using his lithe agility, flips forward in time for the torpedoes to fail to spot him nearly colliding in the process. As they arch up, seeking their target again, X undertakes a series of flips and rolls as the torpedoes continually miss him. By this time he had practically ten torps vectoring on him? Flipping forward for a final dash, they all zoomed in on him from behind, knowing this, the grin has yet to be swiped from his face, he jumps, smacking the flailing Octopus with his gargantuan boot, knocking him back, X flips backwards as the torpedoes have no where to go but into their originator, causing him to explode, his remanding tendrils land across the platform, as the rest of his body drops to the tarmac in ashes, like snow, slowly sifting their way to a final rest. X, arm up, shielding himself from the blast, finally stops to look, seeing the power up left behind by the fiend, clutching it, consuming the power it wields, X holds the ?Homing Torpedo? skill, his eyes look one way, his mind races another?he spots [b]Armored Armadillo[/b]. He grins.[/i] [b]X:[/b] (firing off a couple torpedoes, than charging his buster for a full out plasma attack) ?Always wanted to do a rolling shield..? (he snickers to himself.)[/color]
If you want a far less simple jist of poetry/song ... read my: Depths of Fear
Yo...Laenska...CALM DOWN .. ive never seen u act liek that.....i dont want u to ever change it.... please dont misinperperet me...
Beautiful poetry... You have done what i have been craving for... somone to do a free-verse poem with STANZAS!... also the repetition of Stanza1.. .nice nice nice... there is only one critisism i can think of making and im not even gona make it cuz this poem would suck if u changed it.. 9.69/10 EXCELLENT!
[color=sienna][b]My Baby[/b] (I know the sound in my head, but i have yet to make the music for it...) It?s just another night... Without my babe, It feels like it?ll never end? I just want my??babe, I?m just sitting here? Without my angel, Beside me, Just wanna be held? Chorus: [i]Have you ever walked and walk and walked, Waiting for your time to come, Never getting where you want, Never getting there? I want my angel, To come to me, I want my angel, Right here?[/i] It feels like another place? Alone and afraid, It?s just me myself an? I tonight? I want my baby more than life, Chorus Angel please come to me, oh ?angel please come, I didn?t ask to be alone; I didn?t want this fate, But another night with out my baby? Is another night alone and maybe, Chorus Chorus It?s just another night... Without my babe, It feels like it?ll never end? I just want my??babe, M Hunter.[/color]
SWEEEEET ... i just read bout half of .it....... it is very good... good for simple people like me.. hehe
Thank you... It is a very good picture Krys.
Thankz peoples, im sorta an odd boy like i said, but the rich depths of melancholy just suck me in when i get concentrating.
first off.. MS PAINT BLOWs.. only use if u ahve to... invest in a good prog like Adobe Photoshop or Corel *(no one uses corel so dont get it lol)* ... just have u know mspain only dealth with bmps
[color=sienna][b]Depths of Fear[/b] Loathing, betrayal? Disgust, inceptive creations of profound hatred, It rips one?s soul into shards of abhorrence, The odium grows, breeds its unjust nature, [i][size=1]Do you panic yet? Is this trepidation enough?[/size][/i] Antipathy, perfidy? Repulsion, describing the repugnant fiend you revolt, It shreds, thrashes, and cleaves at your endless affliction, The torment expands, causing an unholy deprivation of being, [i][size=1]Do you dread yet? Is this terror enough?[/i][/size] Detestation, duplicity? Pierced love, the contradictive denunciation of passion, It tears, slits, and threshes into your deepest love, and razes it, The ordeal continues, abruptly disjointing everything you stand for, [size=2][font=courier]Severing the need to live?[/size][/font] [i][size=1]Do you drivel in unsanctified fright yet? Is this anxiety enough?[/i][/size] M Hunter[/color] [list] [/list]
Hey thnx wrist cutter.. i sorta need translations hehe.. im not all that good with anything other than english and french lol... *grinz* im liking the whole international go at it.. my suggestions were just reverberations of 'Odd Sun' ...hehe..
IT makes me feel worthless only being able to say 'its great' every time i read your poems... SO i have decided to tell you WHY i think it is great...maybe i can end the malice within my head if i can just feel like i made a dif hehe... to start: flawed in one way or another individually diffrent The lines hit me in a way unlike most of the other lines, they grip my mind into trying to understand how everyone agrees, but doesnt want to. When i see poems like this, you know the type that only re-state stuff we already know so well... i find it hard to get the meaning to be sanctive and unique, since i already know the info your splaying forth... so the way you did it, was use a shiznit load of adjectives, in a tense all of its own.. makes me like it... hehe.. .there now i can explain what i mean... its not often using in only a couple words and two lines, one can imply somthing quite pessimistic, [b]flawed in one way or another[/b] followed up by somthing that could be either or, but im leaning to OR, i dont thikn it can be both... im goin wiht optimism.. [b]individually diffrent[/b] .... it only makes sense to me because im an odd boy.. and i dont see that type of writing much.... I LIKE
[color=sienna][i]After some serious rouse, Ilythiirtar came to, his eyes now look at his fallen companion, body twitching. He looks to Karina, his eyes telling her that she wasnt the only one who felt the distraught sensation of helplessness. Looking around the group, he realizes that he will not have more of this mess to spread. Placing his hand on his brother-to-be's chest, he chants an elfish spell, along the lines of aminoh canton, and suddenly begins to also spit blood, coughing mildly. Serenol was thus cured of the plaguing ailment, and Ilythiirtar merely drew back, spitting a shadow-like specter from his mouth. The specter was the demon that laid malice upon Serenol's mind, and Ilythiirtar merely twisted the auras with a predetermined chant of the soul.[/i][/color]
Well that is so, he did ID my wf and eaglehorn lol.. ok fine, HE IS COOL lol..but grrr.. ugly sob..
[color=sienna][i]Springing out of the lucent haze, Ilythiirtar's eyes glow a roguish yellow-grey. He is sweating; his torment ends with a flux of inconspicuous definition. His auras calm, the unsettling dream that had entrapped him were nothing but clericals of hate, the very seed of dense manifestation.[/i] [B]Ilythiirtar:[/b] (keeping his thoughts to himself) "Yes Alriy, its quite likely so, since we all had them." [b]Alriy:[/b] (nodding gently) "Suppose you are right Ilyth.." [i]Knowing that they have a short time of outburst, joy and luck, Ilythiirtar packs his things. He knows where he is to go, alone or not, he still finds himself in a doom-like prison of naught. His mind trembles with a wave of tremor of quaver as his mind is shot into the brink of insanity. He drops to the ground once more, twitching madly. Imagery of the Hellkite once again splays his mind into chunks of rotting flesh. Looking at its wings unfold in an unholy flaunt its judiciary power, its vice of nothing more than an iniquity of pain, odium, and frustration. Looking down with its eyes of flame, rich beady vile crimson eyeballs of aghast, its gargantuan maw closes down over Ilythiirtar. With his life being wrought to an abrupt end, his death eminent. The interior of the Hellkite, Ilythiirtar observes, is nothing unalike to the outer appearance, the ghastly distinction of its corpulent ways disperse Ilythiirtar?s skin with a acerbic scathing precision. He wakes up from the flash of the Hellkite to realize, everyone else had the exact flash as he. His eyes poured out a vaporous trail of liquid, for a time when elves were not known to emit such toxins; it discouraged Ilythiirtar from moving, his body begun shaking, his mind set astir into another uncanny besiegement of his consciousness.[/i][/color] OOC: im very sorry for this spam... i will be posting very scacely in all my rpgs...and i am sorry..i need a break from ob..
I heard it isnt for usage as a standalone graphics editing program, but if you give me ten, fifteen mins, i could surely find you an 'cough' adobe tutorial... christ they are everywhere...
There are so many variants on the technique you have saved. The program you are using.. I cannot even begin to comprehend how to fix your problem...need more info....Needless to say, your Samus avatar 'looks' fine...
Ohh ohhh.. lightning.. *gapes in awe* .....oh lol.. yea excellennt peice of work. Except i think you constantly wish to make us squint to read... i love the gfx... but i needa read too..other than that..its perfect.