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Everything posted by Phantom

  1. [color=sienna][i]Haas smiled, inwardly of course, he could not have himself the juggernaut splay emotions. Still yawning, Haas moved along the trotted path towards the rest of the group. Alriy looks at him with a hesitant snarl. Mara smiled, her usual beautiful self, while Raislin and Firemyst conversed some, the monster was gone, but they both had their game faces on as well as Lacroix, who sat on the edge of the group, observing. Haas strode by Mara, picking the youngster up, spinning around a couple times. She had no reason why he was doing this but played along, landing in a dizzy way, falling over onto her bedroll. With this done, Haas treaded quickly to the two combatants, wishing to join in, knowing that this is where his true element lays, with talk of battle.[/i] [b]Haas:[/b] (without interrupting) ?May I please join this conversation?? [b]Hunter:[/b] ?I do not see why not, you are going to have to do some heavy work here, may as well know what we are going to have to do.? [i]Hunter, the obvious leader of this quest, continues his chatter about their proposed quest. Everything that had to be done was known, however not the specifics.[/i] [b]Haas:[/b] ?Maybe we should call the others? Maybe start this day appropriately?have everyone healthier acquainted with our calling?? [b]Raistlin:[/b] ?Yes, that sounds like the best course of action?? [i]And so the three confronted the group, smiling, all present but Lacroix, who would most defiantly be observing, listening periodically whilst keeping surveilent (sp?) eye for enemies. Namida also was not present, she would need to be further briefed later, and Haas quickly volunteered.[/i] [b]Alriy:[/b] ?I am happy to see she is making friends quickly?? [b]Haas:[/b] ?She is quite the enchanting woman??[/color]
  2. here it is!!!.. laugh as you please.. i did when i was... oh...10 lol...
  3. As a first banner that rocks Juu....Um.. Nothing to critisize..thats an excellent job as a first banner... you all just wait.. il go find the first banner i ever made lol....
  4. Good, Like your work, maybe instead of creating so many threads, make 1 and keep posting your free verse poems in it? also allowing others to do the same? .. just a sugestion.. This poem denotes those same school ideas over and over... you dont like school much? the way you write, you put more effort into the bad parts.. .well who 'loves' school? hehe not me.. but i cant say i dlislike.... Well im finaly DONE school for good hehe.. so here we are.. good peom... a simple yet satisfying description of school as it should be.
  5. That poem is rather touching... a blunt intrusion of hate.. displayed quite well. directing it as if talking to one, however talking to many... yea...send that to AIN, or somthing like that... its pretty gripping... sounds like somthing i would hear in a world vison commercial... well not really they are usualy nice... but you get the point.
  6. [color=sienna][i]Immersing him in an ecliptic construct of wavered anecdotes, his mind shifts as his eyes open. Looking at the stunning young mage, his eyes flicker bright fluorescent green, the spirit of the tree captivating his mind.[/i] [b]Haas:[/b] (nodding happily at the dark mage) ?Impressive!? [b]Namida:[/b] (smiling amiably) ?Oh I know Haas, and your eyes! I didn?t know they can change like that!? [b]Haas:[/b] ?Yes, they ?can?, but my mana?st is rather weak and I cannot paint a portrait with my eyes if I wished. I also see oddly, for my eyes have been altered over the generations to allow me quite an uncanny sense of movement.? [i]Smiling at each other, they move on, Koru just grumbles as his soul-meshed tear entwines herself into a flirtatious bearing. As if from no where, Haas?s back was up to the tree, with Namida?s chest pressed to his, her eyes gaze into his invitingly. Kissing her, his lips entail hers, bringing her close, his massive palms bring her to him without a sliver of qualm. Ending the rather brief kiss, both their faces glow bright red, they cannot even see straight for the remainder of their walk. Koru begins purring as Namida?s fingers travel along his soft mane. He lets out a soft meow as she tickles behind his ear as the three of them walk back to camp?[/i][/color]
  7. Hmm, interesting... The format is odd and i am not sure what the message you are conveying means. HOWEVER, i love free verse, keeping it plain, simple... spitting out the meanings that come first, spewing the splayed message in bits. in an agonizingly attenuative illustration.... GOOD WORK mano.
  8. [color=sienna][i]Haas sat with Mara and Alriy, both enjoying their morning. Noticing the new young woman walk away with her tiger, he jumps to his mighty feet, blundering after her? She notices and awaits the same lashing Lacroix had. Though she did not know why Lacroix was being yelled at, she waits.[/i] [b]Haas:[/b] ?You often venture out alone?? [b]Namida:[/b] ?Yes, especially since I am one with my element. The forest..? [i]Continuing his lofty stroll beside this minute creature, his eyes drift to the tiger, Koru. Wondering how it was able to travel with her, he inquired further.[/i] [b]Haas:[/b] ?So, how close knit are you with this tiger?? (his crystal white eyes beam gently) ??It seems you must be very close, otherwise it would not have been granted permiss to come along?Would you explain how close you two are?? [b]Namida:[/b] (rather surprised at this inquiry) ?Well, we will all know about me soon enough. Can we just continue this peaceful walk without words?? [i]Nodding gently, they continue to venture out, silently traveling into the wooded forest that flanks their camp?[/i][/color]
  9. Ooc: unlike ilythiirtar, Haas has no resemblance to me physically nor mentally? I decided to make a character who ISNT me?and see If I can play it?.more challenging. So if his character implies anything that may seem as though he is talking to tell you a message from me? he isn?t? its just his character? If I want to tell you all something ile use ooc?. [color=sienna][i]Sighing malevolently at the group, Haas, grimaces. Not waking him up in time to fight, Haas wanted to test his new shields. Besides the brute was about his size, he wanted to destroy it with might. Bastards?. His eyes flicker to the drow assassin.[/i] [b]Haas:[/b] (with an advising tone) ?I may not be the leader, but if I watch u stand aside like that again, you will not just be pissing me off?? [b]Lacroix:[/b] (shrugging off the comment inertly) ?Sure thing?? [i]Glaring at the long eared scoundrel, Haas just heats up, trying to be calm. His ancestry has always lead a long bloodline of tightly knit warriors. It was not in his custom to see a man, even of such lithe proportions watch as his allies are in possible danger. It merely struck Haas odd to watch something to cowardly. Allowing himself to shrug off the confrontation with the same elegance as the drow, he moves on?showing Raislin great praise for the well ended skirmish. Again shaking his head at what he just witnessed, t?was not normal for a juggernaut to see such an exploit of allies. Even after he made it clear that they would be there for the drow. Heading to Mara, Haas threw her his morning grain of Irk tablets, the juggernaut strength enforcing lozenge of medicine, all natural of course. It was conferred earlier with Mara that she would need something to help her with strength. Being true to his word, he had supplied her happily.[/i] [b]Mara:[/b] ?Going to be a long day?? [b]Haas:[/b] ?Indeed it is??[/color]
  10. [font=gothic][color=sienna][i]Ilythiirtar just gazed into his wife?s eyes, their home rather cozy, something Ilythiirtar would have to get used to. He had always lived alone in his cabin, deep in the mystic forest. Kissing her lips one concluding time, he stands.[/i] [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] ?So love, pack lightly?? [i]Groveling as his wife nods, Ilythiirtar heads for his new solid oak furnishing table, his armor splayed along the top as though it was in need of some massive overhauling. A huge gash in the Scarab shell armor, he winces, remembering that, the maw closing down over his shoulder?Shaking his head out from the elliptical flashback of painful memories. Throwing on his wife-fleece silken robe, the finely spun fabric nearly impenetrable, he sighs, not wanting to pack heavy anyway. Once his equipment adjusted, properly fitted, he pulls out his rucksack. After placing a couple precious artifacts, and mementos, he wraps it up, looking onward to his wife, still in an entangled mess fitting her gorgeous body into her sexy gear.[/i] [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] (snickering) ?Um?.? [b]Eve:[/b] ?What!!!!????? [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] (moving behind her) ?Oh nothing love?you just look so fabulous, here let me give you a hand?? (helping her with the back of her black outfit) ?..Muito bem..?[/color][/font]
  11. I like, its simple but good... love onlything to critisize is yor letters are hard to read... if u had a better prog u couldprolly make them glow.. 8.5/10
  12. yea i got both adobe and corel free, its damned simple... 30 mins dload max...
  13. *Smiles* Aye but I did not claim that I 'suck' at it, merely explaining that I am not all that good, and that people like you who so obviously possess much superior skills than I, can come out and say that I am better than them... *sighs contently* .. There is no winning this wittless battle of modesty... or lack there of?
  14. OOC: Sorry, i belive her name is EVE in this rp John :-D
  15. OCC: I know that his spot is taken by somone else, so I will immerse you all in some of Ilythiirtar?s thoughts :-D IC:[color=sienna][i]Still partially dazed from the onslaught of only an hour ago, Ilythiirtar sits, bemused at the creatures appearance. Why would such morbid creatures stir so close to the human capital? Why had he not known that Ganshed KNEW this Lacroix fellow before? Ganshed was always so open with him. Lacroix, it mystified the young urchin that a fellow banished elf, known to him only by legend, lore and myth, could be standing before him now. Always one to live for the moment, the thought of being like this numinous elf purely stunned him. Shifting thoughts again to the speech he had just witnessed, he almost asks inadvertently if he can join this quest. Ganshed wouldn?t approve so Lacroix must be inquired upon in private. The Mire, such a place, where lack there of life, the only curse placed on the grounds of The Mire, he feels is that evolution is taking a twist of its own. Was there someone? Behind this mess, how to stop it, and the list goes on and on, it inherits Ilythiirtar?s very consciousness, consuming the elf in a pool of unfathomable thoughts, worries, weighty anxiousness. It all envelopes him, driving his infantile elfish mind into a millpond of rippling vex. Coming out of his trance-like state, he smiles at the newcomer after trading glances with Eve, than Blaze, focusing his concentration on the gambit of this new friend? He does not know, simply allowing his peers to interpret this man?s import.[/i][/color]
  16. What is it with people here.. Everyone is seriously too nice... hehe... thanks man... i dont write though.. im not good at it....writing is my fun stuff..stuff i do in my spare time.... Maybe you should start a thread... you are quite the linguist yourself.
  17. *pats your back gently* ....well.. lol.. Naw, its just that we are both quite delirious individuals, besides, who wants to be normal and easy to understand... y'all agree Harly? hehe...Thnx for the praise, can always use an ego boost... hehe
  18. Yes, Corel is actually underated...Adobe is just more well known.... Be prepared for higher prices as Corel Photosuite goes for 1200 retail... um.. as aries *cough* mentioned... this is all free if you have the rigth .....'connections'. IF you are using mac i just have to step back and giggle for a while... hehe ok done...personally, i have tried mac and it blows horribly... i would not knock mac without trying... if you have a mac i doupt you could even run most of the good progs efficiently.
  19. How does a strobe light work? The way I meant that was that the answers are never clear and complete.. the truth and meaning to the answer would never show itself in a 'straightforward' demeanor. Never constantly splaying an exact area with the true light.... which denotes my relationship with Danielle... she rarely (like most girls hehe) gives me straight answeres, without me having to bug... Explained?
  20. [color=sienna][b]Transcribed clash of uncertainties:[/b] Welcoming the grasp of inner beauty, my mind stirs, Handling this new obsession with a grand asphyxiation, Probe the fears, denoting my trust, my faith? Ascend the scaling range of mountainous atrocities, Begging for the pain to end, this procession virtue will conclude, Designate the finish, promoting my release, my grace? Depriving me of the love I entail, the necessitate I grow, Requesting this wait set sail, liberate, to discharge, Slow the end, accelerating my lust, driving my hate? With the cumbersome hatred lifted, my mind stirs, Handling this age old passion by means of appreciation, Query the qualms, symbolizing my conviction, as of late? How do you welcome what is already present? Can you handle fixation-rich prodding still? Investigate the doubts? Do you trust? Do you still have faith? Trying to understand the life questions, my mind rouses, Unsure of the future, my psyche takes on this task, I strobe for answers, ensuring my survival, my place? Welcoming the grasp of inner beauty, my mind stirs, Handling this new obsession with a grand asphyxiation, Probe the fears, denoting my trust, my faith? M Hunter[/color]
  21. Can trust Neil to produce the most, 'interesting' comments. In most cases i would agree with Neil's opinions concerning graphics... however he is more wrong than right. Wallpapers should not be cluttered with immense amounts of editing, having every squared inch filled to the brim.. Simplistic is somtimes a GREAT choice and fankly that picture would look like garbage if it was more complex.....just my opinion.. not trying to knock you Neil...
  22. [color=sienna][i]Too venturesome for his own well being, Ilythiirtar finds himself in the second basement of this gargantuan temple. Sauntering hallways rather cautiously, he comes across a magically sealed door. The sense was rather well adept to him, being able to detect anomalous instances in precarious situations. Deftly attending to the magical barrier set to his side, he encounters an Arachnidan Dusk Underling, its eight legs splayed in an intricate array of spinney (sp?) quill shards. The vast globes of eyes on the fore body of the beast glint with razor precision. It lunges with its poison quill attack, its bug-like shrills send a hiss through the empty corridor, causing Ilythiirtar to lose concentration, parrying away from the vindictive creature. Rather annoyed at this immediate abruption of concentration, the elf releases his irritation with hastily made explosion of fire, causing the arachnid to flail backwards slightly. Leaving the eight legged beast little time to react, Ilythiirtar dove in with his shasmir, directing an elaborate rig slashes and hacks lacerating the fiend deeply, causing ichor rich liquid to discharge from the newly made rents on the backside of the beast. As the fiend writhes on the ground half dead, Ilythiirtar rams the flaming shasmir into the head of the arachnid, letting the blade burn the brain of the beast, driving the edge in the entire way to the hilt. Withdrawing the blade, Ilythiirtar resumes his work, muttering to himself as he watches the green ichor sizzle into a chestnut brown ashen state. Blowing the dust from his blade, Ilythiirtar finally picks the seal, sheathing his blade, entering the room wearily? Within the confines of the room lies a large Victorian chesterfield, an oak armoire, two odd looking paintings, one of which hung over the chesterfield as though an exact match in border. The room remains dark, an overcast of mist-like fog hangs near the floor. Mystical, in awe, Ilythiirtar?s eyes lock enchantingly at a glowing belt lies on the middle seat of the chesterfield. The silk patterns grow epically on the room. The walls of burgundy, and the floor of a lighter forest green, this room glows with a sense of old elf magic?This temple must have been an ancient elfish shrine. After gaping at the belt for what seems like hours, he walks out of the room with the belt slung over his shoulder, he walks past the lifeless pile of inert damned perdition, knowing its soul is to be spent in eternal damnation. He rejoins to Serenol?s side, smiling with pride, knowing he found his relic?[/i][/color]
  23. Dangerously repetative John. My brother, the message is clear and i love the poem. 8/10, only because it does not match the style you are able to emmit.. the end could have been more .... brief i dont know, i guess i saw one too many 'her's but... its still good... peace bro.
  24. yea ima agreat with truman just add a coupe opinionated idears... 7/10.. try out more exdended usage of vocabulary? ...and possibly separate stanzas?
  25. Not bad at all.. nope nope nope... for one or two months i think you own... EXCELLENT work...first one i dont like only because i am dumb and dont understand hehe. but second one owns... that is my opinion, but prefessionaly, they rock and the onlypoint of critisism can be the fussyness of the first one.
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