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Everything posted by Phantom

  1. [color=sienna][b]Color?s of Deception[/b] In the awkward embrace with hate, One often grabs at the coaxing howl of unjust supremacy, What color is this fate? It is no blacker than the ebony etched scales of Lithitar himself! Alas, the more welcomed clutch of this deceptive malarkey, Tearing at the pain dithered ruler of obsession held only by a thread of life, This angered bastard would filch your soul for a dime, He is nothing you know or would ever encounter, Unless you?re deceptive nature is more than just a discomfited touch with hate, The black deathly rich ichor of this naught wretched beast of twinge, Would be the décor for this type of odious person, Transfix thine eyes on this divine principle?For evil is nothing? Without the encompassing graphic deftness of deception. [/color]
  2. Sweet thankz ...makes us feel special hehe... um ima write more once u post your poem kk?
  3. hey thanks queeeny! if u liek so much...make one of your own and post in here.. i wana here some of your work
  4. [color=sienna][i]Haas just sat, thinking, his chair overly large and accommodating, just perfect for this oafish juggernaut. His great arms rest firmly on the ebony oak arm support. Looking at Lacroix in mid thought, he realizes that he is not the only one who wishes to be kept alone to his thoughts. Nodding at the lithe assassin, his solid white eyes conveying the straightforward message, thus allowing Haas to drift off into further thought. Haas still wonders why he is there. At best. He was only a mediocre warrior, nothing more than a shield wielding gigantor? nothing special. Breaking from his thought, he gazes over at the two sets of couples, Alriy and Namida seemed to be kicking off?Same with Hunter and Mara. Stretching his back with a mighty yawn, Haas stood and walked to Lacroix, tapping his shoulder as he leaves the room[/i] [b]Haas:[/b] ?Stop observing us?.you are ONE of us now..?[/color]
  5. Oh god love? I feel the same? The poems are very good?angel you have no clue how lucky I am to have a girl like yo in my life.. [color=sienna][b]Diving headlong Into The Abyss of???[/b] Andover, our love is restored. The faith that bonds us? The grief that yields to our love. Why is it that nothing can be foretold? Why in this land do people love? the immaculate perfection that has been bestowed upon me is unreal. Take the step onwards, within the hate filled room, beyond the gates of Lucifer and into the dark pitiless shroud of abyss and see the light of the angel that is within? Step to the fore, feel the incinerating heat. Watch, watch ever so carefully and be sure to allow the all-encompassing shadow disperses into the cerulean cobalt notification of God himself. Angel, feel the love I bear and hold it dear, hold it to the tip of your very affection? Watch? Watch as we dissipate this hellish atmosphere, Watch, as give the impression of being in heave, let us douse the fiery pits of hell with our love and extinguish the burning hate in addition to flames with our love.. Take with you the token of our worship for one another?Denote the heavenly existence and proclaim our breech as one to be equaled with naught?[/color]
  6. I am amazed at how open you are with your poetry my love. A sentiment of gloom and remorse that would put even Richard Simmons into a lulling deppressive state... Excellent..ide say keep up the good work but it wouldnot sound right... I thikn your work is touching and I thank you for being able to state your feelings so well. I love you... [color=sienna][b]Ecliptic Percussions:[/b] Standing alone with the wind in your face, Your eyes mingle with the billowing gusts of transparent hate, Clashing to the end of an inconspicuous fate, Delivering the release in an subtle place, Taking with you the love only to submerse you with the pain? Spew through the doors of this time wrought demented fane. Again, seek your release into the dark shroud of obscurity, only to be frayed from the very existence you love and worship? The end only denotes the beginning of something worse, signifying the recursion of your most ample dark element. M.S. Hunter[/color]
  7. This may not be wat Harly thinks of his character..but these two pics are what I have came up with..... [url]http://esphantomes.250free.com/images/lacroix1.jpg[/url] (this one is the face ive always imagined!) [url]http://esphantomes.250free.com/images/lacroix2.bmp[/url] (comes complete with the dark elf drow look and TWINKLE!)
  8. OOC: NEW pic of Ily and his Xzarite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [url]http://esphantomes.250free.com/images/ilythiirtar.jpg[/url]
  9. if i didnt have a girl in my life this idea would be very appealing... cept i guess its just for those dreamers who think they can make a top notch game all on one drive... hehe well some can...best game ive seent that was home made: Tread Marks...Quite good...tank game....anyway back to the topic... ide put some serious thought into tryng this out if maybei had more time..well thnx smoky joe.
  10. I must say..a lot of material... and its good to have a forum for this type of priceless slur of thought.. Rico you are quite the poet... :-D
  11. Hey hunny...thatsa cute lil dude... What is his normal appearance?
  12. [quote] Originaly posted by Panther3751 I have some pictures of this on my site. . . . (looks innocently at my siggy).[/quote] haha... Kute...
  13. simple, and blunt... funny.. the wit shines through... man.. ima disect this sob if its ok wif u? two stanzas.. the AABCB rhyme which is carried throughout is very nice indeed...thus keepig it mechanical and smooth, however my friend...why the uneasy and long B^1 line? .. it just..well doesnt fit... pleasnt and yes KUTE! lol... keep up the witty high jinks.
  14. well done, nicely rounded and good effort.. rico i like the fact that your stanza's have a distinct pattern.. its great to see a good competant poet..also your poem's style changes for each poem.. never the exact same tambre... agian good effort.. i love the work.
  15. i think rico has soome great ideas..but he fails to see that poems like this are striahgt from the heart and soul... not from the logical and the straightforward.. if it doesntmake sense.. that just adds to the beautty of it..
  16. why post here?... hmmm i dont see anywhere that is declares newbies to anime un authorised... dont be snappy with me dear....i want to get to know anime just as well as you so please...give me a break and thank you for the explanation.
  17. A person with 5 posts, and 2 of them being utter garbage I think you should consider thinking out your posts more.. heh Refering to this topic.. i have only seen the first episode... i want to knwo where i can get more eps. hehe.. i cannot afford to go out and buy them. .anyway... i think Gene is just a woman crazy dudde anyway ...from his appearances in the first episode..and.. hehe Jim kix ***! hehe.
  18. yep..ieve never seen Tenchi b4..so somone fill me in on who Kagato is
  19. i dont even know heero.. i just love his face..... my fave anime char.. well i like duo too cept he looks like a girl....and i like gene starwind.. oooh coolies say ami.. who is the dude in your banner?
  20. im gona give a 6/10.. just not me...
  21. [color=sienna][i]Veering at Ilythiirtar, two manticores thrash their demonic maws at the Shadow Master. Blade drawn, its flaming edge gleams almost gently as Ilythiirtar slips below the leaping matinticore. Evading the deadly swipes, Ilythiirtar slides under the beast, his Shin-bar flowing in an array of robust and percussive patterns, chopping the beast?s stomach into an intricate patchwork of fiery gashes. Rolling out behind the now dead manticore, Ilythiirtar watches his handiwork, watching a thick stream of rich ichor flow from the wretch?s torso.[/i] [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] (to Alriy) ?Never fought one of these before? Is there a less dangerous way for me to kill these sonzabitches!?? [b]Alriy:[/b] ?Just use magic?Christ knows you have a lot of it?? [i]Taking the offer as an inclination to be a show off, Ilythiirtar gapes at the herd of fiends. Closing his eyes, his body initiating the luminescent actinic from his base. At his feet, the growing glow envelopes him at the same time as he dodges the sweeping claws of a nearby manticore. Once fully ?charged?, Ilythiirtar swipes his shasmir at the scene before him causing the entire corporeal plane around the group is devoured in black shadow of melancholy. The shadow stops all movement from any living being which so happens to be grasped in the shroud of darkness? for time altogether stops.[/i] Amin setu ah canton , amin setu ah canton, alesiu senimau mah , shientau heaise shunkoru. shinkoru shinkoru! lle seniia heti vane! lle hutru ah may shinkoru! [i]Ilythiirtar just continues to chant this dark Elfish chant for a few moments? His eyes open with a deep yellow flair to them? The fire burns in his eyes as he makes his release. Shouting the chant over in his mind, Ilythiirtar sheathes his weapon as he begins an advanced amphorication technique, allowing him to move twice the speed of light. His body leaves the corporeal plane? but only partially as he only moves a fraction of the speed required to fully commit to that holy feat. This body completely invisible to anything or anyone, he travels directly through the remaining four manticores. (three were killed before he decided to finish them off) After traveling through the manticores at superluminal speed, he leaves a wake of elements in his wake. They tossed and turned the manticores bodies like rag dolls. Their life energy being stolen from them by the dark Mage, but not without drawbacks, for the Elemental surge he used came equipped the emotion and element of love. The last invisible trace of element that fumbles through is love? Which not only kept the manticores alive? it also drained Ilythiirtar?s energy to near empty. Returning wholly to the corporeal plane, Ilythiirtar collapsed, feeling spent and nearly dead, he smiles, choking out a couple words to his comrades.[/i] [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] (pointing to the barely moving manticores drunkenly) ?Go?breath?o?n?..th..em????they?..frigg?en?.d?.ea?.d??[/color]
  22. Phantom

    Paul Oakenfold

    Ya, he is different...maybe thats why he is so good.. the sucsessful integration of the three sweetest genres of music in one..well techno-rocky trance-like feel of off paced jazz hipnotism...well or somthing like that lol
  23. Indeed, Great and thank you, your ooc comments cease to amaze me... i also liek the "slice" pic ..very nice....gawk-worthy. also..you dont mind that Ilythiirtar seeks Lacroix as a mentor? or ...well somone to look up to?
  24. [color=sienna][i]Haas heads to the newcomers, being the longest running member of the ?force? , it was his obligation to introduce the members accordingly. Haas and Mara traded glances, as they looked at Alriy and Hunter.[/i] [b]Haas:[/b] (ranting) ?Fine, but just because he is cute doesn?t mean you have to maul him!? [b]Mara:[/b] (smiling sweetly) ?Thank you?besides it?s only flirting..? [I]Haas just shakes his head at the minute female. Thinking to himself, Haas figures that she needs another of her ?kind? around so she would stop being such a pest. Walking to Alriy, Hunter, and Raistlin with an extended left hand, Haas greets the stranger friendly smile. It is hard not to smile at this oaf. His giant face is like a teddy bear. He either scares his opponents to bereavement, or pacifies them to sleep with his casual face.[/i] [b]Haas:[/b] ?My name is Haas, and well I guess God himself has chosen you three to join us in this?well whatever it is, you are going to be fighting evil so yeh..? [b]The three newcomers:[/b] (collectively) ?Yah?.? [i]Sighing, as another one comes, he waves to Mara, who was already clung to Hunter, motioning her to introduce the new one (lacroix) to the entourage. As he so puts it. Now alone again as he is well accustomed, Haas re-fits himself into his new heavenly wardrobe. His Balrog Skin armor fits his large figure nicely?But most of all he loves his twin gilded shields, the twin Dakrs. He already decided that the dhatstar will be his primary as the Dindum was in name of his god. And would only be used offensively during his special attacks. His white eyes gleam fluidly as he returns to the group? Dressed up and looking rather intimidating, all but his eyes, which seem to erase all of the fear that he may generate. The general approval of his new companions is all he needs, as he sits slumped in his well grooved chair.[/i] [b]Mara:[/b] (walking to him) ?Haas, looking all spiffy?wanted to show off or something? Hehe? [b]Haas:[/b] (simply shrugs, his game face set upon his warm visage) ?Just waiting to get everyone, so we can get out there, y?know?? (points to the Dindum slung on his back) ?That is what keeps me going??[/color]
  25. [color=sienna][b]Name:[/b] Ilythiirtar Nailo [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Race:[/b] Elf (regular one hehe) [b]Class:[/b] Wanderer [b]Alignment:[/b] Neutral [b]Appearance:[/b] Six foot three inches tall. His weight is roughly two hundred and ten pounds (UK). He is a dark fellow, as his genuine curiosities for the darker elements prevail; he wears an ebony black cloak that renders him translucent. Dark brown hair and deep grey eyes are all of his visage that a stranger would ever see. He wears a thick leather vest. Black of course, with baggy leather pantaloons. Emerald plated cuffs that supplement his strength, and an amulet that allows him to control the wind (a gift from Eve as a child) are his only enchanted articles of clothing or accessories. His blade is a fire enchanted Kris, it?s eight inches long and the blade is black, however it emits a red glow when in Ilythiirtar?s hand. The fire it yields is enchanted from the fiery pits of hell. It is referred to as [i]Gekitsuu (n) pain (intense, [b]sharp[/b], violent)[/i], He also wields a crossbow, the lotar x85. It remains strapped to his left leg. It is very weak, but one hit from this deceptive bow and the victim is paralyzed for minutes. It is best used when enchanted with fire light (read down) and used (It fires quite rapidly) to stun multiple victims, allowing him to hit with multiple direct blasts of Elemental surge. (read down) Unfortunately it is most effective against hordes of orcs, for their obvious lack of brains, these dense brained giants may be Ilythiirtar?s ally in this quest of deliverance. [b]Bio:[/b] As a young Elf his bio is quite brief. However he lives amidst humans, for his dark magic had him banished from his homeland before he could even speak. Let me clear this up some; His parents were banished as he was born for being apostles of the drow teachings, and so they left him with trusted human mages. They taught him everything they knew, but he wanders, seeking the true following?which leads him to The Mire?in search of the great one?(Lacroix to his teachers.) [b]Spells/Abilities:[/b] [/color][color=red]Elemental Surge[/color][color=sienna] (taught by his human masters, it allows him to manipulate the elements around him, delivering a ghastly dark derivative blast that encompasses everything in a black shroud of capture, sucking the life from anything that wields it.) [/color][color=red]Transmutation[/color][color=sienna] (the ability to turn into a midnight wolf, which is the bases for the next spell) Feral Ire (The ability to turn his entire body into an ember-rich mass of flaming wolf. This only can happen if an ally is hurt or in danger of being injured.) [/color][color=red]PsiVine[/color][color=sienna] (This spell emulates a vine of shadows. The vine works like a lasso and can be deadly if enchanted with fire.) [/color][color=red]Fire Light[/color][color=sienna] (The ability to enchant inanimate objects or magical spells with an added fiery touch.) [/color][color=red]Energy Transversal[/color][color=sienna] (The raping of mana?st from his immediate surroundings. This black spell can be used as an offensive attack, while healing himself at the same time. Note: this spell steals nearly ALL of the energy surrounding him and is best not done near allies, for it will leech their energy the very same way. That is unless they hold his bearer of release [A token of power that renders one immune to all of ilythiirtar?s life or death magic.]) [/color][color=red]Atmospheric Shroud[/color][color=sienna] (this spell is too dangerous to even attempt at his age and experience. It is a very advanced form of telekinesis and allows him to manipulate the very geological and mathematical geometrics around him or others? Thus, he could turn an orc?s head into jello with the mere thought and flick of a finger.) [i]Note: You will not see this happen in this rpg, it is just a foresight into what he is going to do if he is forced to.[/i] Also, Ilythiirtar wields the most basic amphoricative knowledge. (he can teleport very well, as amphorication is the most advanced type of intracellular modulation available to date.) [/color]
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