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[COLOR=sienna][I]Glaring at Alriy, Ilythiirtar stands, now with his game face ever present on his dark visage. He wonders what has come over his semi-vampire friend, and how this staff can take over his mind.[/I] [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] ?Well my friend, you still neglect to realize that your Sangre Barra alone will not destroy this necromancer. The Alaris alone can finish the fatal strike. Also I may have extensive training now with these scimitars? (motioning to the two drawn blades) ?but I am nothing without my Shin-bar, it feeds my energy. Besides, though Eve is good with that staff, she needs her Shinkoru.? [I]After receiving a nod of acknowledgement from the dhampire, Ilythiirtar motions to the rest of the group?with a twinkle in his eye for Eve, he grins. Opening his arms, Eve runs for him and flips onto his shoulders, and they begin the trek for the remaining weapons. In tow, the rest follow in order, Hunter, with Mara on his shoulders (it seems that she got the idea from Eve), than the rest of the ?force? walked behind, Alriy first, marveling his weapon. Thar managed to stay in between the dhampire and drow without much uneasiness, happy he has his Greatsword. Lacroix, his Twinkle in its sheath?he seems not to marvel at it, instead he keeps focused as only a drow can in such happy circumstances.[/I] [B]Lacroix:[/B] (to himself) ?I guess Ilythiirtar can handle himself seriously at times like this?.well maybe he isn?t so happy, he obviously still doesn?t hold his Shin-bar?.. I still find it peculiar that his blade is a shasmir? I rarely see a normal elf with one?.? [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] (Telepathically to Lacroix) ?I heard that! Hehe? [/COLOR]
[COLOR=sienna][I]Ilythiirtat took up position next to Elsyan[/I] [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] (telepathically) ?alright here is the deal. I am going to teleport behind the first one and drive him with my amphorism towards you ok? Do what you must to dispose of him.? [B]Elsyan:[/B] ?Deal? [I]At that, Ilythiirtar dissipates into the air, only to emerge behind the Cyclopian?his hands will forth the energy needed to plunge the sprawling monster forward, almost tripping over his feet. Elsyan didn?t expect the force to be so strong?as the Cyclopian came forth at tremendous speed, giving her a fraction of a second to respond. Spreading her arms as though like a bird, she cries out in old evlen tengwar; Amin, Canton oh amin?canton oh amin?.canton oh amin?canton oh shinkoru!!!!! with that, a falconesse appears behind Elsyan, sweeping the Cyclopian into the air and pummeling it with rage?she draws her weapon jumping at it, letting the blade enter its hip? Ilythiirtar does the same, drawing his shasmir, plunging the fiery blade into the beasts back????..[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=sienna][I]Finally getting up, Eve and Ilythiirtar head back to the camp, with Eve upon Ilythiirtar?s shoulders. Smiling at the group, Ilythiirtar nods at a beaming Hunter. Instantly Ilythiirtar?s glance turns from a soft happy expression to a pissed off ?aw common?I didn?t do this to you!! IT WAS EVE!!!!!? expression.[/I] [B]Serenol:[/B] ?Hello my young friend?. How are you this morning? Busy night? [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] (grinning) ?AAAAAAAAK! ?Noooo, We didn?t do any of that! Blah!!!? [I]With that said, Mara pops out from behind Serenol?s massive stature, giggling at the situation, she points at the evlin couple?..They knew what she was going to say??..[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=sienna][I]Leaping into action, Ilythiirtar bounds out of the temple, looking for Lacroix and Alriy. After seeing that they aren?t guarding the entrance, Ilythiirtar stops, scratching his head in thought. A knife flings by his head at that second, sticking into the wall. Turning, he props his hood on, amphorically moving to a branch in the tree. The now invisible Ilythiirtar looks down, seeing the action unfold.[/I] [B]Lacroix:[/B] (Telepathically to Ilythiirtar) ?Damnit, will you get down here? Do it fast and quietly too, maybe you can kill a couple of these ****ing things before they even know you?re here.? [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] (in response) ?That?s a roger sir? [I]Silently, or so Ilythiirtar though, he sweeps behind the mass of half-orcs and hobgoblins. Behind Ilythiirtar sat Thar, looking at him funny, finally realizing how funny it looked when someone was being so quiet.[/I] [B]Thar:[/B] ?Jesus boy, you should learn to watch yourself, you almost hit me!? [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] ?Your that paladin are you not? And I am not a BOY?I am a man! And we could use your help here!? [B]Thar:[/B] (drawing his blessed blade) ?Thought you would never ask!? [I]Jumping in at each other?s flank, Ilythiirtar and Thar join the battle. With his amphoric nature, Ilythiirtar subconsciously throws a dozen hobgoblins at Thar?s waiting blade. Tearing the first wave?s heads off with one swift swing, Thar begins to move his way to Lacroix, taking goblin after goblin and thrusting his sword gave the old chap a jolly good time. Ilythiirtar, using a couple scimitars (poor quality) donned to him by Lacroix to further his training with the shasmir, ripped violently through the masses of half-orcs, his dual blades chopping the infernal beings into thinly sliced liquid-like pastrami. After watching the amazing amount of ichor spew from the neck of a half-orc, he grins, telling himself that eve would be proud of his artwork. ? only now realizing why theses ****ers never get laid ? Lacroix, back to back with Alriy, whose claws now dripped with a green-white solution of orc blood and rotting body tissue. He draws his own silver-glimmering scimitars, jumping forward; Lacroix rolls forward, bringing the right blade up into the jaw of an hobgoblin, giving it a chance to feel two medullas as an ant would. Now jumping up, hindering the chances of the orc living, by planting the heel of his left boot into the cranium of its skull. The echoing crunch granted Lacroix a satisfying sigh. Alriy lunges forward with that infamous hack and slash vampire style, modulated with a less outward combination of smarts and grace. He demolishes a group of ten goblins with a soft poisonous precision that would seem as thou he was poised from the get go. Meeting up with Lacroix, Ilythiirtar and Thar stand in a back to back position, guarding each other as the drow knelt in the middle. ? Kodak moment ? The dhampire joins the threesome after indulging in his first real feeding of the month. None of the members think this is over as they brace themselves for a heavy assault.[/I] [B]Thar:[/B] ?See that wasn?t so bad!? [B]Lacriox:[/B] ?Hmph?? [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] ?Oh yea?.Thar, don?t you feel it?? [B]Thar:[/B] ?feel what?? [B]Lacroix:[/B] ?Shut him up!!!? [I]Emerging form the tree-line, eight gigantic corpulent Putrid Brutes begin to run full force at the band of four. Another four demonic beasts appear, each of these Vile Beholder Mages dripping with puss. They fire off a quick yet unsteady mixture of Ray of frost and Ray of Paralysis. One small blast hits Thar?s knee, causing it to freeze momentarily?. Smiling, Ilythiirtar reads Lacroix?s mind (for once), teleporting behind one of the beasts, giving it a strong blast of mana?st, forcing it forward into a waiting set of luminous scimitars. The beast screams in a frightened screech. Jumping over its head, Ilythiirtar spins his body around hastily, putting both of his scimitars into the beast?s neck. The second blade completely dislodges the head from the beast, causing an enormous spurt of red-green juice to spurt from its neck as it falls to its death. Looking to his flank, Ilythiirtar sees that Thor alone delimbed two of the beasts single handedly. ? Must be pissed at his leg ? Alriy was struggling with his own beast, as the Mages were firing off rapid shots at him, causing him to have to evade. Getting rather annoyed at this whole fight, Ilythiirtar cloaks himself, disappearing into the shadows?.waiting for the right time to apperate. One of the slimy mages, - the beholders really are a large levitating eye?.the vile mage defiled beholder has only ten eyes for its last and most centered eye is missing. ? actually takes aim at Lacroix. This troubles Ilythiirtar enough to materialize below the beholder. He focuses his thought, than a brilliant flash of light surrounds him, as his body changes?His claws now extend far longer than Alriy?s ever would. Seemingly lost of sanity, Lycantar (Ilythiirtar in Lycanthrope form) lashes upwards, splicing the mage in two?.letting his innards ooze onto the grass?making it steam as it?s acidy body tissue burns into the earth. Now seemingly out of control, pissed off that his mentor was about to be put into the Ray of Paralysis. Lycantar begins to glow dark red?as flames sprout from his shoulders, his body becomes and infernos of madness. The flames grow almost white with the unbearable glow of anger; the basis of his outer body now blazes a bright insane red. Now with his Feral-Ire in motion, Lycantar sweeps the rows of remaining monsters, howling with rage. His left claw crashes down on the final beholder, slicing it in two, dividing the floating chunks into what look to Lycantar as only two more possible attackers?.. His claws move with such a rage that the amount of times he divides this beholders body becomes uncountable. It lands on the ground with an even more than averagely gooey consistency. As the battle unfolds, it leaves all the calm meadow to the side of the temple in a red, green, and white mess of fiery (from Lycantar?s Feral-Ire) ashen, hove trodden ground. Ilythiirtar (as per now morphed), Alriy, Thar, and Lacroix all sit on the only green patch left?.all seemingly tuckered out. All with good reason, for Lacroix had taken a rather harsh blow to the side of the head, leaving him woozy. Thar with his still iced over leg, Alriy with the full stomach, and Ilythiirtar, whose body feels like it had been torched until the point of death. Also with his mana?st drained to the point of exhaustion.[/I] [B]Mara:[/B] (emerging from the temple) ?Well Illy I guess you told them the news?? [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] ?What? Huh?? [B]Eve:[/B] (running to Ilythiirtar) ?Awe?are you okay? You all look like hell?? (tending to Illythiirtar) ?You look like you got hit by a truncheon right over the head, love.? [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] (eyes growing wide with excitement) ?lo-cough-ve?? [B]Eve:[/B] (Smiling) ?No need to worry Illy?.You guys fought well.? [I]The rest of them, Mara, Eve, and Elsyan now on scene, explained to the others exactly what had taken place, for Ilythiirtar who was almost dead sitting there with his mind on Eve, couldn?t really do any explaining anyway?.[/I][/COLOR] OOC: Mist, no I am not angry at you. I go coo-coo somtimes. Hehe many appologies.
[COLOR=sienna]Standing up once more, Ilythiirtar looks consciously around the room. Ilythiirtar: ?Relics!!!!! ?that?s it?its been haunting me for the last week too.. relics?damn my friends?alright.. Alriy?you must be thinking exactly what I am for when I mentioned it your body grew quiet. Lets say there are relics of some sort?how will be go about getting them?certainly the clues lay within the dream?...dear all I know was that it glimmered and shawn to me like a wave of deception?.six of them there are..but only five of us?..Alriy? care to expand here my good chum?? As the rest watch, Lacroix just sits, and absorbs it?.Illy can tell that he has a powerful piece to this whole system of neuro-networked dreams.[/COLOR]
Thank you my love.... *grinz* ... :wigout: hehe
[COLOR=sienna]Mirror of the Future: Looking out the window, I see a foggy subsistence of life, Family in ruins, terror streams his face, I am so scared Is there someone looking out of his window at me? Will I make the same erroneous decisions as he? Will he feel this or be free? When looking at me?? I believe in a higher life force that is all powerful and wise, But I cannot nor can anyone knowledgably pinpoint who or what it is, Is this what I see? I see such pain and sad-stricken guilt and shame, But I cannot help or interfere, Do I take what I see and live with it? Or is my conscience free? M.S Hunter This poem is confusing, so I want to clear up its meaning, first and foremost I do believe in something beyond us and we are here for a reason but the reason does not revolve around us. Let me explain. We were the first organisms on this world to evolve into intelligent beings, so the force that drives all mana and empowers our knowledge lays within the Quantum Hologram and tells us what to think. For modern example, when someone is shown a picture of a scary monster face, tests prove that his/her heart rate jumps dramatically ten to fifteen milliseconds before the picture is shown and vice versa for calming relaxing pictures. We do not tell ourselves to calm down, a force that is within everyone and everything does. For ancient examples, the pyramids of Giza and the ancient Incan? lost city of Machu Piccchu were so ahead of their time that the only explanation of their existence is by means of supernatural powers. (no I am not cracked out hehe, just inquisitive) My poem tries to empower you to want to know what I mean by each stanza. In each stanza I secretly give you clues to my mythical theory that doesn?t exist. We all have dreams and see things that we cannot explain, and that is the future of someone else. Or so my poem would have you think, or at least wonder. But I see someone?s future and that someone may not even be born yet, but doesn?t that mean that someone in some time or place had dreamt my future? ?. Its very weird for me to write poems and when I do I try to touch base on the confusing elements of my life. I am sorry but this is the best explanation I can muster.[/COLOR]
OH HELLYA!!!!! Firearms may have the best gun models in all of HL... oh they just own.. have you ever watched in real life the disasembling of an mp5? ..well in the game the model can doit..and change to a suppressor.. shiznit!! i love it.. heh firearms makes up for the lousy graphics with excellent game play and models..... four stars man
Yea, agreed... Even though this series is filled with a violent barrage of destruction and such.. lol You got this dude who is perfect.. .yep.. my kid's would watch this show if it was around when i have children... I dont think any kid could become somone so cool and super perfect as goku...we are all human... but simple enough... i agree with JCB
Never seen, prolly would like.. my mind is easily amused lol... and im very proud to admit it... yea man its common knowlege u can download all this stuff for free...i dont really think u should go advertising for K---a...they already got enough of that...
Bluntly... I think relgion is an optional ruitine for everyone. If it is optional to go to church on sunday, than why people are fighting to make it optional to say "it" in the pledge of alegiance is quite understandable.....
Well, only idea to that is ... give up all your gun rights and move to canada... serious.. Canada has the nicest drug policies next to the netherlands... but our gun control is quite strong... its like recripcating with the states who hate drugs and love guns... kinda funny lol
OOC: If you want to add my into your posts?well just maybe? use ILLY: ?I know my name is long. I don?t want to make it a burden for you. [COLOR=sienna][I]Walking in on the ended battle, Ilythiirtar smiles at them, clapping with commandment. It isn?t everyday he completely misses out on a fight with deviant beasts.[/I] [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] ?I would like to stand guard outside the temple of light with the other two, but I know that you need your young little apprentice eh Serenol?? [B]Serenol:[/B] (breathing heavily from the fight) ?Yes, you are more than welcome to fight along my side.? [I]Watching them exchange words, Eve sits with Ryuu. Angrily she yells at them to stop the talk and move on. They acknowledge willingly. Serenol and Mara take the lead, followed by Ilythiirtar and Eve, as the rest trail miscellaneously behind.[/I] [B]Alriy:[/B] (to Lacroix) ?This indeed has proven to bring odd ties in allies.? [B]Lacroix:[/B] ?Yes, from what I have saw.. A drow, dhampire, Angel-knight, High Dark Elf, Talented young elf, elvish assassin, and another elf?.we haven?t seen much of her?and an evlish Paladin? we saw him once.? [B]Elsyan:[/B] ?Quite observant you are hmm Lacroix.? [I]After much is said, they continue on their path to the light temple with Lacroid and Alriy sharing tactics on how they intend on defending the others.[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=sienna]After finishing up his breakfast silently, Ilythiirtar looks around with dark grey eyes. Thinking about speaking up, he neglects to see why he had to travel this far for bacon.[/I] [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] ?Okay, the deal is? I come?cuz I get these dreams?.the rest of you came..cuz of these dreams?but why here? Ok..your important Alriy?that?s final?we all see this. It would take a fool not to consider the obvioius.? [I]With general approval, Ilythiirtar takes helm,[/I] [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] (standing up, pacing as he thinks aloud) ?Alriy has the key, but without us, he is nothing so it seems. Else we would not be here?.Lacroix, you?re the one who is a drow?explain to me your thoughts?? [B]Lacroix:[/B] (finishing a mouthful of bacon) ?Well, you see?What I have learned over the countless years of this rubbish, is that you can never start empty handed. What I am getting at, is that there is much more than a band of five people here?there is a group of mysteries waiting to be solved?.This is about the most I have said in twelve years, so make use of it.? [B]Alriy:[/B] ?What are you getting at Illy, I mean?sure my place, but me? Center?? [B]Lauren:[/B] (walking in) ?yes you?.for Christ?s sake, cant u tell?? [B]Alriy:[/B] ?Well?.no? [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] ?T?is okay? .its only logic my friend?besides?now we know where to start. When did you start having your dreams? ?do you know where you were, were you with anyone? ?why we will find out soon enough?but this vally?...what does it mean to you?is it from your life? ?we need these questions answered ?.maybe you can answer them? I mean we came to you for a reason didn?t we?? [I]They all rose, nodding at Ilythiirtar, for making the first, minor breakthrough of the morning. He blushed, knowing any one of them could have said as he did. He sits down again?awaiting Alriy?s disposition on this matter.[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=sienna][I]Ilythiirtar, looks up at Eve, softly gazing at her. Her eyes seemed to glow, but looking straight ahead, she paid little attention to him, other than the occasional glance.[/I] [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] ?Eve?? [B]Eve:[/B] ?Yes, Illy?? [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] ?All this fighting. Why? ? I mean, who would want to fight all this much. Why does Nilothakir beg to be slain?Its dumb too? I mean what does he get from all this? Sex isn?t all that important to a black mage anyway?I don?t any reason to want the power if I wasn?t getting any action..? [B]Eve:[/B] (giggling) ?Well there is always those naughty dragonite woman?.but I understand. Its sorta like so; He isn?t getting any, and he knows he never will, so he takes the next best thing?.total and complete supremacy? [B]Ilthiirtar:[/B] (laughing fruitfully) ?I suppose? at least us good guys get laid? [B]Eve:[/B] ?oh yea, just what I needed to hear!? [I]They trade laughs for a while, Eve occasionally striking Ilthiirtar over the head playfully and Ilythiirtar playing back, dropping her to the ground, savagely tickling her. Behind the two, the group of three watched on in good humor as they occasionally walked by a pinned down Eve, only for the couple to teleport ahead of them again, continuing the pleasant good natured antics for a while.[/I] [B]Hunter:[/B] ?Well, on we move?. Ilythiirtar must receive his Shasmir first. If we intend to train him, he cannot be with his Xzarite alone, I know this. His isn?t as skilled with the larger swords.? [B]Lacroix:[/B] ?This I know, for his Sharmir is the exact shape?well it is an upgraded scimitar. He will learn quite well from me. I will show him the best usage of his small weapon.? [I]Alriy, still weary from his encounter, follows quite silently, looking over his shoulder now and than as they continue to move forth.[/I][/COLOR]
Alright, after seeing all the replies i must comment... Damn some people really need to learn money management... half the things you guys buy can be stolen freely on the internet lol...
[COLOR=sienna][I]Ilythiirtar trades glaces with Lacroix as they dart forward at the same pace toward the Demonic presence. Serenol, weakened by his attack, staggered half dead behind, with Eve making sure to tend to him before joining her two dark companions.[/I] [B]Serenol:[/B] ?I will be okay, it only drained half my life (giggling), you know me, I always come back for more? [B]Eve:[/B] (with a worried glance at Serenol) ?I know kind friend?.seeing you are okay, I will now aid the others.? [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] ?Do this much?? [B]Lacroix:[/B] ?If you are going to be my pupil, you will learn to keep focus on the objective? [I]With that said, they lunge forward, Ilythiirtar folding his body into the shadows of the trees, as the drow speeds forward invisibly. With the glimmering scimitars in each hand, Lacroix uses the shimmering flare of them to divert the demon?s attention. Ilythiirtar emerges behind the gigantic unholy beast. His Xzarite brandished now. Ilythiirtar lunges forward, plunging both the Xzarite and tulwar into the back of the demon. He only pulls the Xzarite back out as the drow comes forth with his scimitars readily swinging. The demon was caught off guard, writhing in pain from the wounds to its back, thus opening itself up for the dual scimitars to swipe with ferocious speed, opening up its discusting chest. Maggots seep from the rotting flesh and an array of green/blue membranous fluids spew forth from the open pores in the demon?s chest with an alarming speed. A now angered demon swings desperately with its enchanted ? black, unholy magic donned by Nilothakir himself ? claws swipe clumsily at the side of the drow, missing by mere inches, as Lacroix flips backwards, holding the beast with his telekinetic powers. A glowing jade disk explodes beside the demon, causing a small burst of light. Eve jumps behind the crouching Lacroix, firing off multiple glowing magically conjured explosive disks at the beast. As she slowly razes the demon?s chest into mere bones laced with rotting flesh, its only choice was to attack with the black magic given to it by Nilothakir. The demon waved its tail striking Ilythiirtar?s leg. As he cried out in pain, Eve leapt forward in time to miss the blast of dark filth that spewed forward from the beasts mouth. The dark shadowy wave of black-ki strikes where it most counts, throwing Lacroix?s telekinetic hold on it out of balance. As the beast tears free of the force, it dives at Ilythiirtar, whose leg is badly injured. Eve looks up at the beast?feeling herself grow flushed from head to tow, seeing a good friend in danger. She looks at Ilythiirtar once more, before shouting a chant of her own, throwing the beast away from Ilythiirtar and against a tree.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] ?Why must they always have to anger me so?? [I]Eve jumps at the beast clouting it over the head with the end of her staff. Before she lands, the staff would strike the demon several more time upside the head before she lands in front of it very angred???.[/I][/COLOR]
NEAT! ... i envy those who can phsycially get married. .cuz my girl is soo far away we cant really set a date.. .besides.. we both too young
[COLOR=Sienna][I]Dropping back, Ilythiirtar walks alongside the drow. He senses something now, but obviously his age only permits him of a small amount of his potential senses. Striding slowly in front of them Hunter ? with Eve atop his shoulders of course ? paces onwards into the eminent future.[/I] [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] ??.Lacroix?? [B]Lacroix:[/B] ??Yes young one?? [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] ?Well? it?s just? I?ve seen you in action. In the corner of my thoughts, I saw you from the mort decimate shroud of obscurity. Your scimitars? I see you have a calling for the hunting. Your ability to sense perfectly while being nothing more than a spec of dust?.. What I am getting at. Serenol may be the very best teacher of the magic, the mind, and the spirit. But he has not yet been able to enhance what I really strive for? this is what I spend my free time doing. I try to embrace myself with the darkness. I have been quite successful. However I am looking for a second mentor, a teacher really. Someone who can teach me the tactics of the stealth and cunning, would you be that person?? [I]Obviously caught off guard with the sudden question, Lacroix merely mutters to himself, something about not wishing to waste time.[/I] [B]Lacroix:[/B] ?Look, I will think about it, you are young and I know you have the potential?.give me time my young acquaintance.? [I]Nodding, Ilythiirtar looks forward, wondering what of his proposal this drow would ?think? about. His mind strays to the words that now rush through his head over and over.[/I] [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] (thinking) ?Waste of time? ?. What does this stranger have against time? I would not be a waste of time? he knows little of me. I must prove him wrong?I HAVE to?? [I]As ?Waste of time? courses through Ilythiirtar?s head, Lacroix ducks forward, nearly making himself invisible to the naked eye. Eve jumps off hunter?s back kneeling forward with caution, her staff crossed her chest with one end in the dewy grass supporting her. Lacroix must have already sensed this for when Ilythiirtar turns his head the draw was no more than a reflection of darkness. Ilythiirtar and Serenol instantly stand at each others flank, both drawing their weapons. Ilythiirtar kneels forward to the right of Eve, protecting his mentor, while keeping an eye on his ?crush?. Lacroix now would be invisible except for the glinting silver of his scimitars.[/I] [B]Lacroix:[/B] (before Eve could even say anything) ?yes, I feel it too.? [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] ?Watever it is, we are ready, Eh?ol buddy?? [B]Serenol:[/B] ?Yes, you are so very right, let us not wait?whatever it is. I feel it is not too terribly strong? [I]Ahead of the band of men and woman, a demon awaits them, obviously summoned by Nilothakir, it is surrounded by hordes of bugbears, gnomes, and ClannedDefilers, their wings covered with a thick green tar-like poisen, that is nauseating to the scent, but lethal to the touch. The group moves in on the four warriors, as they wait. The demonic presence grows stronger.[/I] [B]Serenol:[/B] ?this must be one of Nilothakir?s lesser summons, for it has no control over its hordes? [I]The first wave of creatures flood the forest walls, as the warriors crush them on contact.[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=sienna]No embarrasing moments here.. lol maybe having the principal misreading my name over the PA once.. but no one in my class knew me...so i just sat there beat red... ive for my entire life managed to stay within that fine shadowless shroud of nothingness... and i am glad for it.. hehe i get to laugh at all your embarrasing moments... i find they are quite satisfactory for substituting my "missing" out hehe...[/COLOR]
my teeth have been screwed from the moment i was 3 till now... i mean i coulda got them fixed when i was a kid but my parents didnt have the financial support for me i needed. so they tried to find alternatives.. the dentist and ortha **** face both knew that braces were my onlychoice but they made my parents spend ever penny just to do this dumb "shave" **** that only fukced my mouth even more... yea thats my story.. pissed me off to think of the crackheads out there these days.
[QUOTE] Aw man, Korea lost. They had a pretty tough time, I think. They did awesome though! Their goal was to get into the top 16, and look where they are now! Top Four. Thats pretty good if you ask me. With luck, maybe Lorea will get into the semifinals if Hiddink stays with them. But now, every country wants Hiddink![/QUOTE] Yea, i was really rootin for them asian folk... gota love their grit and determination thou.
[COLOR=sienna]Name: Ilythiirtar Eye color: Grey Height: 4"11 Age:10 abilities: Basic telekinesis, Extra fast movement. spells: Energy Focus (allows Ilythiirtar to set aflame close objects) Rejuvination (allows Ilythiirtar to heal minor wounds) Defusal (He can slow time for breif seconds) weakensses: Any Elements strenths: Physical Endurance equipment: Tigulated plate mail, Amulet (eve's present), Leather (baggy) plated pants, GoblinHide Boots, Mini Vampirebonegloves (sooo cute lol), deflateable cot, Tulwar, Razor bow. [I]On his way home from the school house "Otair's Evlin School of Etiquiet", Ilythiirtar runs into a few of the older pupils whom attend the school.[/I] [B]Older kid:[/B] "Oh, lookit that lil elf...Illy!! ...you forgot your books on alchemy!!!!" [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] "oh, I did? Thank you!!!!" [I]An unknowing Ilythiirtar walks to the older elf with his mind set on gratitude...doesnt realize that the older one is just out to cause havoc. He steps forward slowly as he senses somthing other than safety. Ilythiirtar looks forward as the older elf brings his fist down towards Ilythiirtar. Seing this unfold before her, Eve swoops out of her tree dropping the older elf with a swift boot to the face... The others now look down at her and Ilythiirtar furiously...all charging at once.. as they wish to pummel this dumb young woman elf for disrupting their fun. Ilythiirtar will have non of this as he gleams angrily forward casting a small telikinetic blast of energy through the crowd of elfs...sending them backwards a little. Drawing her dagger. Eve stands alongside Ilythiirtar who has his tulwar drawn as swiftly as she can blink. They stand closely together in a defensive manner as the elfs move in.... Jumping forward in the same direction, Eve and Ilythiirtar strike the same older elf, tearing his jaw and knee to shreds. The rest just figure that it would be wastefull to urge on these two little devils more....knowing that Ilythiirtar was skilled with his little dark magic and that Eve, the unknown wasnt somone to anger....[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] "So, Tell me bout yourself.....I did save you, do I not have reason to know?" [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] (countering in the tone of voice Eve will soon be hearing alot) "oh i beg your pardon? I would have killed'm all if you didnt show!!!" [I]Smirking to herself, Eve bounds away from Ilythiirtar, off to her perch....where she will rest.[/I] [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] (shouting after her) "Its Ilythiirtar and thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sarcastically)" [I]He retrieves his books as he walks the final leg home, thinking only of the mystical one who appeared at his side as only god would permit... a true godsend at that....[/I][/COLOR]
I really didnt know this... I guess its that I am too young and lacking in the knowlege of this world. Or maybe I'm just naive. I dont know, just as long as my beloved GobStoppers dont cause cancer.. I'm Set!
I am sorry, I would never buy anime, considering its all free anyway. My aspect of this world is that at my age I am forced to save moulaah for college... cant expect my parents to do that shiznit.