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[COLOR=sienna][I]Springing to his feet, the youthful Ilythiirtar resets his equipment. Now briskly gazing around the room, his dark eyes seem lulled. His cloak only allows his soft dimly-lit face to protrude from the dark translucence of the ebony cloak. Crouching now, Ilythiirtar takes a defensive position. The one he is so accustomed to, the one Muirin so aggressively taught him to master. His eyes find Serenol, he notices the small dragonling wandering over his broad shoulders.[/I] [B]Serenol (hunter):[/B] ?Ilythiirtar, would you just damn well get ready! Stop mussing around?we have to get your Shin-bar?we need our weapons to even contend against Nilothakir? [I]Disappearing into the shadows, Ilythiirtar plays a little game of hide and seek on his mentor. Apperating to Serenol?s flank with a swift aeration-like grace[/I] [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] ?I find that you are so very right? Alaris calls for you as Shin-bar is mine bau-bai?. Without my master Shasmir I am nothing?? [I]They swiftly leave the cabin? Deciphering witch direction to go? knowing that they will stay in pairs until they must separate.[/I] [B]Serenol:[/B] ?By the way my young Shadow-Master?.(Ilythiirtar?s eyes look up from the ground) ?Yes my young apprentice. You have earned it? so very well?I dub you a Shadow Master?you are a grand warrior.? [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] ?Aye, and thank you my master of the light?? [I]Ilythiirtar bows graciously? looking his master in the eyes?locking them penetrably. ?this is not to be forgotten my friend? , Ilythiirtar thinks to himself as they move within the forest at a dead striking speed.[/I] OOC: Hehe I beat you in the spar? I get my shadow masterhood lol. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=sienna][I]Leaning on the edge of passing out, Ilythiirtar stands up briskly while heading for the door.[/I] [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] (on his way out the door) ?G?nite Eve?? [I]After muttering to himself some, he gains the strength to concentrate enough to walk straight. He smiles at Eve softly as he flips his cloak over his young shoulders for the long dash to his hut outside town. Just into the forest, he hears something? Too tired too make much note of it, he continues on. Mistake this was, for several Dark Gnomes were amidst him, as he was none the wiser. Following him home, they waited until he was asleep before they ambushed. They only could beat him to pulp for his already angered mind (from losing his Shasmir) summed up the will to fight back. He would rather die than watch the rest of his belongings be torn from his very body. The lead gnome lashed forth with his club, clouting Ilythiirtar over the head, almost knocking him unconscious. In a desperate attempt to counter, Ilythiirtar knelt forward, springing his right heel into the dark one?s right chin, separating the medulla from the rest of the jaw, thus producing the desired effect. The initial reaction from the other gnomes was to run fast. Seeing their master?s neck spew retched green slime forth at an alarming speed? They run fast, leaving Ilythiirtar on the ground half dead now that his adrenaline has run its last stretch.[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=sienna][I]Opening his eyes, Ilythiirtar senses an additional presense in the band of men/woman. Jumping from the roof of the cabin, he reveals himself from under his translucent cloak.[/I] [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] (bowing) ?Good morning Lauren, Good morning Elsyan?. For once I was not haunted by that ill-fated dream. There is a drow in our presence. There must be. Not many others can awake me from such a ghastly nightmare as this one, you all know.? [B]Lacroix:[/B] (appearing from out of nowhere) ?And I could sense you? I saw you on the roof, I felt you in the perch high in the Elm tree. I saw your every movement last night.? [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] (retorting) ?This I know. If you didn?t I would wonder why you call yourself a drow. Besides, I am still young. I have much to learn, for only a Shadow-Knight I am, the mere equivalent of a Paladin.? [I]With this said, they nod at one another in humble agreement?.letting this morning begin. For there is much to talk about and much to learn.[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=sienna][I]In the tavern, Ilythiirtar struggles to fully regain his mental capacity. Shaking his head off, he spots Lacroix, the drow.[/I] [B]Lacroix:[/B] (thinking) ?Young, he is?.I wonder what he is thinking..? [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] ?Drow? Thou art a drow?.Dark elf?? [I]Getting up, struggling to his feet, Ilythiirtar moves beside Lacroix. Looking into his eyes, Ilythiirtar senses nothing?.nothing at all.[/I] [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] (extending his left hand) ?Name is Ilythiirtar kind sir, pleased to meet your acquaintance. It?s not often I come across a dark elf such as you?well Eve is dark, but she isn?t a drow.? [B]Lacroix:[/B] (taking Ilythiirtar?s hand wearily) ?As It is a pleasure to be of acquaintance to you.. You are a normal elf? but I see from your appearance that you are of the darker devotions?? [I]At this, Ilythiirtar belches, chuckling loudly. He apologizes at once, pushing away the rest of his ale. After thanking Otik for the fine accommodations, he turns facing Lacroix. They converse quietly together about their shared dark processions. The rest of the ?party? was now calmly sipping at their drinks, talking amidst one another. [B]Alriy:[/B] (to Elsyan) ?And, tell me more of your enchanted weapons?.My Sangre Barra comes soaked in blood?? (closing his eyes, smelling the air) ??.yes indeed? [B]Elsyan:[/B] (to Alriy) ?Aye, good sir, and many words could be traded about the Nevloria? (smiling) [I]The evening slowly died off as the townsfolk drifted off to their residences, leaving the group of crusaders alone in the tavern.[/I] [B]Otik:[/B] (to them all) ?Alright my gentlefolk?.I must be closing down?travel off now?I have to clean this place up? (chuckling)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=sienna][I]The form they saw was simply Ilythiirtar playing with the shadows again.... A now healed Lauren still looking up at the two people looming over her hears a faint racket in the bushes? Scared that it?s demons again, she reached for her blade, again empowering her mage skills, she motions for the others to follow? They all do so, walking slowly forward, following the sound. All with their weapons drawn, ready to severe the very demonic force they sift through. The clutter completely stopped by now, they look around the dense woodland with utter bafflement, not know what to expect. [B]Ilythirrtar:[/B] (thinking) ?Oh my, I was going to introduce myself in the morning so I wouldn?t frighten them?Aw well..? [B]Alriy:[/B] (to Lauren) ?Dear? ?.Young elf?what is it?.do you still hear it?? [B]Lauren:[/B] (responding) ?No, not anymore?.I still sense a presence. T?is strong enough to feel?..? [B]Elsyan:[/B] (to Lauren) ?Yes, I feel it too?.If this is one demon I sense, we should be worried?..? [B]Alriy:[/B] (to them both) ?Fear not ?Alone we are not but I have felt this force before?be weary however, Ilythiirtar is a friend from my childhood?. His father died, and was a pupil of a great mentor.. [I]Smiling as he looms within the shadows, knowing they can feel him but cannot see nor detect him?..He could kill them all right now if he wanted to. Unproductive though.....so he decides to scare his old friend. Swiftly moving, he emerges from Lauren?s shadow, facing them with his left knee on the ground, while both hands well up with the invisible dark magic that flows throughout his veins. The mana?st gleams from his palms. Lifting each and every one of them with the dark telekinesis, the amulet he boasts, was given to him by another childhood friend, Eve.. She encloses the powers of the wind within it. He tortures them with the wind, making them laugh helplessly. Ilythiirtar drops them each slowly, letting the wind stop to a dead calm. He looks at Lauren, letting his dark grey eyes sparkle with caption. For she knows it was him to brought her here. He gazes into new eyes, those of Elsyan, which stare away from him. The blue glimmer which they hold captivates his concentration for a few seconds. Knowing she won?t look him directly in the eye, he lifts the index finger of his right hand. At this her face shifts uncontrollably to meet his simmering grey eyes, which look as though so calm that they are set aflame with dryness. She closes her eyelids, than realizing its useless, as he gently opens them for her.[/I] [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] (telepathically to Elsyan) ?Thine electric blue eyes art truly stunning?.? [I]Letting her be, his eyes are drawn to his old friend Alriy, who looks on with a smile from ear to ear..[/I] [B]Alriy:[/B] ?Oh, Ilythiirtar?Amazing me is something you cease to neglect doing?? [I]Jumping forward clutching Alriy in a long manly embrace?[/I] [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] ?Oh thank yee mine good friend?. You know, it has been increasingly dfficult to sleep in this forest. I was hoping that I would get some rest for tomorrow.? [I]Looking over his shoulder toward Lauren, Ilythiirtar smiles, telling her with his eyes alone that she indeed has senses of great magnitude, for he knew as he committed someone with greatness would hear.[/I] [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] ?Well?we have a lot to discuss my good friend....First about this horrid dreams?.I HAVENT SLEPT SOUNDLY FOR MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!....Arg?Why must they avail me ?.? [I]At this, they all take gait moving toward the cabins?..for the next morning will indeed be a long one?[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=sienna][I]With the sun glinting through the canopy of the dark forest, Ilythiirtar walks briskly through the forest, he heads for the holy city of AshenHyre, the home of Serenol.[/I] [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] (thinking) ?Well, Maybe Serenol can help me find my Shin-bar, oh my bau-bai?.I am sure I left it on the table? [I]Now with gusto, he picks up, the wind his ally, Ilythiirtar moves through the shadows of the forest with lightening speed. As he reaches a small hut on the outskirts of Hyre, Ilythiirtar stops, resting beside it listening from the window, not wanting to wake Serenol.[/I] [B]Serenol:[/B] (snoring) ?Die?I-er? Unleash thine VORPAL SLASH!!!!!? [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] (thinking) ?Oh dear? the dreams again?.Serenol mine friend? We shalt get our revenge on that sick being?? [I]Getting up, Ilythiirtar heads to the village square, knowing Thar will be there. They will wait until Serenol gets up. They must discuss the way to attain their special weapons so they can do siege on the black mage Nilothaikir?..[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=sienna][I]Ilythiirtar, sitting in his perch in the forest near Alriy?s residence, his eyes flutter open from his slumber. A soft bristling sound from below him becomes ever present. Swinging his cloak over his body, allowing it to resonate the quiet hum that allows him to appear invisible. Lauren, a seemingly lost elf finally protrudes from the bushes. Her soft skin tattered and bruised from what only could be the result from a great deal of fighting. This reason giving her good reason to cause a minor disturbance in the bushes?Her body aches, calling out to her mind for rest, begging it, again showing the reason she moves so clumsily through the woodland. Materializing before Lauren, Ilythiirtar protrudes from one of her shadows, as she wearily flips backwards, drawing her blade from its scabbard, whilst her free hand gathers mana?st within the air, charging her energy in the flash of a second. Crouching slightly, his scarab husk emits a grayish yellow resonation of Ilythiirtar?s embodiment with the darker elements. The outer rim of the armor glints with a glossy tone of ebony. Its impenetrable casing is soft, permitting agile movement within it. Underneath is a soft fabrication of wire fleece. Its paper thin texture rubs Ilythiirtar?s torso as a feather would glide softly over a baby?s nose. Its fabric is made of simple studded armor, sewn together so closely with the mystical fibers of the Elkwold branch that nothing more than air can circulate through it. Tucked away behind the plethora of armor coating this Shadow-Knight bears, lays the amulet of his loves procession. Its gold chain visible around Ilythiirtar?s protruding neck muscles. His bangs wave gently for it is still being caressed by the loving amulet that keeps him calm. His cloak lulls over his entire being, revealing only a minute opening on his frontal plane. The cloak is of satin, a dark midnight ebony shade of black that turns translucent with his sheer concentration. Beneath the cloak lay three articles of weaponry. His Shin-Bar, a fire rich Shasmir that sets a flame anything in which in has contact with, except for in its master?s hand, it is as cold as a midwinter night in the decimate planes of the Asunsheiro arctic deserts that lay in the lands to the far north beyond the humble Elvin world of Faerun. Ilythiirtar?s second blade is the Xzarite. This blade wrought forth the forging of the purest silver, the sister sword of Lycanis, which is a sword wrought of pure silver as well, for a Lycanthope to use. His final weapon is hung strapped to thine right leg. For this crossbow shoots at a speed that would destroy many orcs if only it could muster the strength to do the damage required. However, it is capable of much more than damage for it momentarily paralyzes it?s prey, leaving the inflicted vulnerable to a harmful, blast of anything this seemingly little Elvin warrior wilst unleash.[/I] [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] ?Who art thou, and why dost an elf move with such clumsiness?? [I]Watching her pass over with fatigue, Ilythiirtar sweeps beneath her within the fraction of a nanosecond, cradling this older elf?he moves with her on his back, swiftly to anyone. He spots Alriy and another conversing?. Dropping her at the feet of Alriy, Ilythiirtar again folds into the shadows, he flips backwards, drawing himself into his ever-present shadow, allowing it to envelope him into the shroud of darkness which only a Shadow-Knight can do?[/I] [B]Alriy:[/B] (thinking) ?Hmm, I wonder how she even made it here, such a dilapidated body?.? (a loud) ?Rest well, young angelic one. Elsyan do you know this elf?? [I]Resting at his perch once more, his eyes close with a slumberous haste, one to which he rarely has the pleasure of experiencing.[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=sienna][B]Name:[/B] Ilythiirtar Naïlo [B]Race:[/B] Evlish [B]Class:[/B] Shadow-Knight [B]Age:[/B] 22 (bout 1 or 2 human? Who cares) [B]Alignment:[/B] Dark (not black) Order [B]Description:[/B] A six foot three Elvish Shadow-Knight. Ilythiirtar is fully trained in the darkest of all Elemental transfigurations. He can morph into the Midnight Wolf, and is always crouching in a defensive manner, never giving his true height. [B]Bio:[/B] Ilythiirtar, the pupil of Serenol, the angel Holy-Knight, who?s father died at the hands of an evil necromancer. Ilythiirtar sought out revenge on his past mentors name?Currently he resides as the youthful but highly developed protector of the sacred forest ?Faerun Ashenmyst?. [B]Strong Attribute:[/B] His ability to interweave his telekinetic mastery with his transmutation to render his opponents literally helpless. [B]Average Attribute:[/B] He is strong against all forms of the elements. Certainly a sword to be contended with. [B]Weak Attribute:[/B] While in Werewolf form, Silver is his only natural weakness. While not I man-beast form, his weaknesses are against Hell Magic, and his lack of experience renders him open to making poor choices. [B]Spells/Abilitie's:[/B] Elemental Surge (releases a dark blast of all combined elements in a disruptive wave of five necromantic orbs. Since his first experience with this attack, he can now concentrate it and hit a small area with devastating effects. Feral-Ire (When in Midnight wolf form, his body is set aflame, rendering Lycantar immune to fire and wind. Only can use if angered to the point of no return.) Energy Transversal (the absorption of the earths spirits, to drive himself to deeper, stronger attacks. It also allows him to draw energy to merely stay alive) Atmospheric Shroud (the bending and manipulating of gravity's forces, also can include minor dimensional shifts...such as the shaping of a inanimate object) One time use. [B]Equipment-be reasonable:[/B] [B]Armor:[/B] Wirefleece Chest guard, covered by an impenitrable scarab husk given to him by Serenol, his mentor. [B]Helmet:[/B] Only the hood of his mystic dark cape. [B]Tailisman:[/B] An amulet that permits him divine control over the planes of wind, given to him by Eve, a frined of his youth. [B]Blade:[/B] Tulwar [B]Gloves:[/B] Cryptic Vampirebone Leather gloves. [B]Boots:[/B] Mirror Greaves [B]Crossbow:[/B] Lotar Crossbow, fast xbow that renders enemies debilitated. [B]Intstrument:[/B] Gold-plated Lute.[/COLOR]
...i didnt mean to be rude with thine comment but i seriously find that jeeses... why is ther so much fighting...and the only reason we are all worried about this type of stuff is media.. i mean they are only trying to give us the stuff we consider "infotainment" sorta like makin a ruckus of our entirety... if it wasnt for the way news media potrayed issues, than maybe children like Juuthena would not have to make complete fools of themselves.
lets just say... you all need to wake up and face the facts..usa is a good place...but not perfect...and those countries u think critisize. most just dream.. hope they can be as good as yours.. and the way you treat them all for the mistakes of only a few... i wouldd like to tell u all to go shove it up your ***** u rightchous $0n0V@|3|TCe$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (only the ones who think they are all that)
Alright, coming from a person who has many islamc friends.... i dont understand how a child can tell the world what is in the Qua'ran.... christ three years old right? Hmm, lets say he can even read? ... yes this is VERY disturbing my friend... but if the thought for even one second of slaying so many people of good faith. the only part of the Qua'ran the denotes jewish or christian people is the part where it explains that if the jews and christians wish to fight than god (allah) will punish them in his own time, at the right time... he does not give bidence to an Giah'd of holy right... hell my friends, what you see is the one percentile of the worlds population acting in what we like to call [B]extremist[/B] I must throw my hands in the air at the gullibleness of such people. Canadian i am...thus my heart goes out to my southern neigbors.... Regarding your .... "children" and how they will suffer... i rarely use the words "suck it up" but this calls for it... Thank the heavens that your children are going to have an unheedless hope for a good life... most of those children in the eastern countries are shaped by the way they must endure... If a son or daughter of an extremist ask their mother or father; "why daddy, do i have no food?" ...and he says "meh son, its the jews faults...." ... what do you expect this child to learn better from? obviously if they have lack of vital basics they most definatly will have little schooling... Alright to try to contain myself... I wilst add two things... It is ALWAYS unfortunate because the news media thrives on things that make people bite their teeth.. its called infotainment.. if they showed a child in good contention to the jews, christians or Americans... than it would not be "newsworthy" ... the point i am making is that heedless of the fruituous effort you display.... the worst of the worst will be displayed on the television, internet, or any known medium for tele-news communication, your always going to receive the worst. And the second thing... Proximity is what leads to Dismal and anxious over reaction.... IT WAS GONA HAPPEN SOONER OR LATER! yes of course it was tradgic.. ok done move on.. christ... if only americans would learn to move on....what doesnt kill them only makes thine stronger... if so why does it take six months.... are americans dumb? i think not... it shouldnt take six months and more just to relay the message...it matters not... the point is.. just cuz its at home does it make it THAT much differnt... how many of you heard about the Genocide that so swiftly swept two million humans of this earth.. oh i say about maybe five people i have online even asked more than "Genocide?" ... again this is because it was not at home.... i saw not one person grieve for those two million people... what about the death of four canadian soldiers fighting for YOUR cause, remarkably getting disembodied by YOUR planes... excellent *clasps his hands briskly* ... this my friends is odd because not ONE american i asked knew... why? well cuz it would get alota news stations in serious **** if they told the public much about that.... I must wrap this up however, leading out of pain and arguements, leaving you all knowing that the only infidels that the Qua'ran (Koran) states are those who break the ten commandments so clearly stated in all of the three great religions.... that is all.. not by thine color, not by thine beleifs... only if thine decideth to breath thine holy ten principles of faith that guide us all through this everlasting bond of reconciliation...and peace is only wrought forth by the joining in united soveignty... the peace of this global market for arms and deceptions.... Be weary not... and never be trapped into the beliefs of a co-extremist... that kind which makes false lies about a religion so closely mingled with our own... amil aslab sitar... do not let yourself lose your kinship for mere slander..... M.S. Hunter
[B]Name:[/B] Ilythiirtar [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Race:[/B] Elvish [B]Class:[/B] Shadow-Knight [B]Height:[/B] 6"3 [B]Weight:[/B] 210lbs [B]Eye color:[/B] Varies, however usualy off grey. [B]Hair Color:[/B] Brown. [B]Short Bio:[/B] Ilythiirtar is an elvish knight, who studies the darker form of the elements... Thus his palpable ambition to become a Dark-Knight. His master, Muirin was the King of Faerun. He died at the hands of Nilothakir. Serenol taught Ilythiirtar his final lessons in Knighthood. As Serenol was Muirin's son. [B]Equiptment:[/B] [B]Armor:[/B] Wirefleece Chest guard, covered by an impenitrable scarab husk given to him by Serenol, his mentor. [B]Helmet:[/B] Only the hood of his mystic dark cape. [B]Tailisman:[/B] An amulet that permits him divine control over the planes of wind, given to him by Eve, a frined of his youth. [B]Blade:[/B] Tulwar [B]Gloves:[/B] Cryptic Vampirebone Leather gloves. [B]Boots:[/B] Mirror Greaves [B]Crossbow:[/B] Lotar Crossbow, fast xbow that renders enemies debilitated. [B]Intstrument[/B] Gold-plated Lute. [B]Weapon Loss:[/B] Sacred fire enchanted Shasmir, dubbed Shin-Bar. [B]Nilothakir's Intervention:[/B] As described above in EFN's Nilothakir Intervention. [B]Spells:[/B] [I]Elemental Surge[/I] (A rift of all elements in the darkest form that destroys anything it touches, leaving it in ashes.) [I]Feral-Ire[/I] (When in Midnight wolf form, his body is set aflame, rendering Lycantar immune to fire and wind. Only can use if angered to the point of no return.) [I]Energy Transversal[/I] (the absorption of the earths spirits, to drive himself to deeper, stronger attacks. It also allows him to draw energy to merely stay alive) [I]Atmospheric Shroud[/I] (the bending and manipulating of gravity's forces, also can include minor dimensional shifts...such as the shaping of a inanimate object) One time use. [B]Abilities:[/B] Transmutation (Midnight Wolf), enhanced senses, Tele-amphoric movement (Teleporting). [B]Weakness:[/B] Silver (Only when in beast form), Hell Magic, and the fact that he is naive, for he is curious and still young and must learn the ways of the world in depth. [B]Strong against:[/B] The fact that he has so much room to grow, and learn, makes his potential quite undaunting. His greatest strength is with a sword brandished as he focuses his mana'st, to use against his foe. Can kill tremendus amounts of orcs in seconds.... If so that is considered a strength [I]His eyes slowly flicker open as the light shines through the open window. It is morning, and Ilythiirtar, a newly brandished Shadow-Knight awakes for his morning exercises.[/I] [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] (yawning) "Hmm, what dost find it's way to mine schedule for today?" [I]After his morning yawn, he dresses, pulling his tattered undershirt over his rippling chest first, smiling as he sees the scar made by his mentor two years in the past. Knowing he will be seeing Serenol later this afternoon. T?was strange how they met, Serenol and him. Was the slaying of his mentor that brough these two together, in an epic battle that could have killed them both, now that Ilythiirtar things of it....All by the doings of Nilothakir to boot...That being so called as a Necromancer destroyed the lives of so many, taking this young Elvish Knight with him... Now fully dressed, he slings his newly gifted breast plate over his shoulder as he walks out the door.... Realizing he has forgot his Shasmir, Ilythiirtar walks to his shelf of blades searching through them.[/I] [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] "Odd, I swear I laid you to rest right here, my good Shin-bar...." [I]Ending his fervent battle to find his mystical Shasmir, he runs out the door with a badly beaten Tulwar to subdue him until he can reunite himself with his beloved Shasmir.[/I]
[SIZE=4][FONT=arial][COLOR=green]Alright, and welcome to [B]Siege of the Necromancer[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=arial][COLOR=sienna][SIZE=2] [I]A necromancer named Nilothakir has disrupted the lives of eight warriors and set himself upon the throne. The setting is Faerun a world of mytic teachings and divine nobel and prosperous magic races. It is early spring(will change) and the year is A.N. 07 Nilothakir is a powerful Black Mage skilled in all forms of Magic. He disturbed the lives of 8 proud warriors. He then set himself up on a throne of darkness after killing Serenol's (ElvenFoxKnight) father (Muirin), the king and wise teacher of the elvish race. Especially in the art of fighting.[/I] [/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] [B]Current Members of this RPG[/B] - Phantom - ElvenFoxKnight - MysticDarkElf - Mist - The unholy Newt - The Harlequin - Arikel - Kool_Aid13 n/a, also means NO SIRVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [B]I forbode you![/B] - High quality content....this has to be a good rpg, and we want it with people who can perform, grammatically, and with passion. - Minimum characters per post will be 400. - If you can only play dbz style we do not wan't you... You must bee able to play in a style fitting for middle earth Elven style. [B]What we need from you[/B] Name: Age: Race: Class: Height: Weight: Eye color: Hair Color: Short Bio: Spells: Maximum of four, and one may be "special" and only used once Abilities: (transmutation, enhanced senses.etc) Weakness: Strong against: (you cannot be immune to everything so please....keep it realistic?) [B]We also need...[/B] Each character has lost their weapons, so in order to do this, we all must have a quick role play at the end of each of our applications. This role play will just be a quick description of how your character found his/her current weapon. Each character will find his/her [B]special[/B] weapon midway through Rpg. Five will be found in a temple of light, and the other three (Phantom's, Fox's, and MysticDarkElf's) will be found in dungeons. In the character intro, you will need them to issue their equipment, their future mystical weapon, and the way Nilothakir disturbed their life. If you need any more info on the content issue... click [Here] Also...Goodluck!!!! This RPG my friends, shall give Neil (SuperSayain) what he wants to see and more! [SIZE=4]THNX FOR COMING OUT, WE ARE FULLY SIGNED UP NOW[/SIZE] :whoops: :whoops:
Indeed, a strong willed one you are Stardust, yes..... Mine values are similar to yours yes.... But than again, based on Common Sense they are..
[SIZE=1]Alas, mine friend... for the fixation of thine problem... is easily procured... The main reason I spend thine hours on otaku, is for the fact of the sparring potential.... Ease thine mind with the battling of others...strengthen your will to move on.... If yee cannot say "if you both just want to treat me like trash, or cannot be nice whatsoever, be gone with you".. given the situation permits... than you wilst needeth strengthen thine will... Friends like that do not deserve such a kind wrought of friendship that thou' giveth... They regard yee as simply a toy... do not let this happen... for your kind heart wilst not handle this lashing often... with life... I imagine, your youthfullness implores you... you wilst learn as thine years stack, persumtuous fate agrees; for your undaunting ability to sense when when ones presense is not for friendship, merely for when they are [B][I]Bored[/B][/I] .... For now, just relax thine mind, fear not, for life goes on....[/SIZE]
Hey babe.... i didnt know ure dawg..but me sorry..