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Everything posted by Phantom

  1. [size=1][center][color=red][i]Macao, a city of Nothing. Nothing within an overwhelming end.[/color][/size][/center][/i]
  2. [center][i][size=1][color=red]A call. Paid for by a nation. A company wrought from the bottom.[/color][/size][/i][/center] Kinda an odd one..its about a phone card lol.
  3. Oh hey meterora! werent you that guy who was banned b4 for bad post quality? heh anyway yeh lp ownz some mighty fine stuff. my fav song is from hybrid theory... "without you" ..or somthing like that.
  4. [i][color=blue][size=1][center]Fallen, driven, down into the gully of life. Into the abyss I fall, drove, upon the mountain of eternal. Atop the cliff. For thou art kind and to me, all knowing. Alas, be it true to mark. Giveth me thy aim, and I shal anchor myself to thee. Forever.[/i][/center][/size][/color] ..That felt good... You know? To get it all out.
  5. It is a traditional haiku death poem. I would love to be able to write haiku in Nihhonese but I just dont have the linquistic knowlege that would even take years being Japanese yourself to measurably understand well. As to your poem I like it and it expresses what you strive to make understood by all. Good all-around job. Now Shinken is a pretty good word but when you said "The warrior' way" I instantly though of Bushido. But shinken has its own distinctive power.. I like it.
  6. [color=firebrick][i][center][size=1]Florid, ornate... hai, Felled leaves, both colorful and Dull. Sakura... hai.[/color][/center][/size][/i] ...About fall. [color=firebrick][i][center]August 02, 2003[size=1] A fool, a child I Am. Weak from humanity. From weakness I dwell.[/color][/center][/size][/i]
  7. [i][center][color=firebrick][size=1]To prepare them for the game of life and the one meaning. Full demise.[/color][/size][/i][/center]
  8. [i][size=1][color=firebrick][center]I?ll stand by you, I?ll Be with you, evermore and ?til death, together.[/color][/center][/i][/size]
  9. I dot know whatr shinken means but is it something like Bushido?
  10. [color=firebrick][i][center][size=1]Here, alongside me You stand. Beside me, free of All pain and anguish.[/center][/size][/i][/color]
  11. [color=green][i][size=1][center]To depressed to think, Mind racing, tears billowing Down a façade, fast. Trembling inside, With Hidden fear, hiding worries. Mind ablaze from flaws. Sullen, saddened. Tears Of joy, only a trance Suspended in me. [/color][/size][/center][/i]
  12. Ive been dropped/kicked. So sorry, if I was not kicked, I would have probably dropped out anyway. Best of luck furthermore.
  13. Baka. I dont know you like some may, we have chitchatted a bit, we shared a few distinctive interests but mainly you seemed a normal person aside from being texan. (jk lol). I know your reading this so maybe you should (being as face-saving as possible) grow up and face the bacon. Shane-oh, name shmame...tarnish? bleh shmarmish. good luck with your future endeveurs(sp?) but leaving all friends because you feel that you have lost face with everyone... yes your right, wing ding dingy mental problems. *sigh* Again goodluck.
  14. Intrigueing. (sp?) The ryhming makes it so...easy to follow. *tosses a bouquette*
  15. [center][i][size=1][color=firebrick]In genes, lies nothing, Literally, you're quite good eh? At writing Haiku.[/color][/size][/i][/center] [center][i]Wednesday, July 30[size=1][color=firebrick] A mosquito, Yedo?s Most flagrant of nuisance. A Must-kill insect, aye.[/color][/size][/i][/center]
  16. Phantom

    Angie Aparo

    Sorry, no Evelyn. The name doesnt even bear any nationality signatures in my untrained eyes.
  17. [color=red][size=1][center]An unraveled knot A Gordian knot, the Illusory hand cradles it?s Young spawn Cradled as though to Impede upon its fervent brood ling To act as a façade within a façade Lingering, growing to its limit At once released upon a pallid youth Common sense blown away, in ruins The deceptive twist and its yearning For that swift existence-thieving moment The fleeting moment to be [i]Taken[/i].[/center][/color][/size]
  18. Ah so along with the iq drop you also forgot to keep your rage inside while publicly posting. *pats your shoulder gently* The asylum really did you more bad than good. *grins*
  19. My first haiku on OB. I will hope everyone will try haiku. It?s Japanese, and this is a generally Japanese fanatical anime board :). The rules: Three lines/stanza. First line 5 syllables, Second line 7 syllables, Third line 5 syllables. As many stanza as you may wish. I think this can possibly be a fun thread! :) [size=1][color=firebrick][center][i]Within a fire it Ceases to shelter water Because it is sweet About a stinging Pain that is feared, to touch me And smart all within[/i][/color][/center][/size]
  20. Yes, very good poem-age. Boris: Perish, like the Russian-wanta'be Dutchboy thee is. :)
  21. Heh, this is the first time ive been praised this much in over a year. *Will make a more detailed hellish poem for sis Evie and will write a haiku for once*... ty all but the poetry I write is worth no merit.
  22. Thank yee and all yee represents. This poem was simple, beacause all death poems I have read are short and sweeet. mostly haiku unlike mine.
  23. Im glad there wasnt any self pity in it... you messed up and your to blame. Im sorry I promised one thing and did another.. but its a good poem.
  24. I recently found out while reading a cool book, that samurai of all kind, shishi, daimyo, hatomoto, all kinds, would compose a death poem for their ritual/battle deaths. Well, I wrote mine and its dedicated to my ex girlfriend. ================================== Love, As strong as hate. Hate, As strong as love. Both, Present and living, Overpowering, Equalibrium, How love and hate, Can both dwell upon one, How love and hate, Can both fester within me, Its beyond reason. ---====--======-=-=-=--------------
  25. The next day, the carouse of time had shifted within my head. Instead of being where I was/am needed, I was alone on my vast plane of silence. The feelings of being stranded didn't affect me. I was one with the quarrelous new surroundings, meshing gaily within the womb of silence. I quickly rise to my feet to greet the Taiko, he entourage of personal handpicked guards, all clad in their red kimono bearing their fief's ensignia embroidered along the collar and backs of the silken fabric. The bearers knelt and the palanquin-housing the Daimyo of Izu and three of his most trusted retainers and generals-sunk to the ground. Yoshi and Akedo Toranaga quickly peeled from the skirting of their palanquin and walked forth to greet me, both had a lazy hand on the hilt of their respective katana. Before I realized what I was doing, my face bit the dirt in front of me, my bow more than formal for such a pleasant day and pleasant meet of the council. ~~FLASH~~ My fingers gripped tighly to my katana, it was halfway out of it's sheath and at length I was sweating, gasping and nervous. My eyes focused on my surroundings and at once I realized where I was. I sighed with digruntled rage. "Twelve pounds, six shillings and a pence to the first person who will end my life now, silently." I mumbled half-alseep.
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