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If I could be the President of the United States for just one day
Phantom replied to Phantom's topic in General Discussion
[quote]That was uncalled for, Mike, even if it was just a joke.[/quote]Why really? Hmm..Sam what would you do if you were the President for a day? -
If I could be the President of the United States for just one day
Phantom replied to Phantom's topic in General Discussion
Um to clear up anything with anyone. The laugher was not meant for everyone. It was not meant to make queenie laugh or make me a humorous fanatic. Im not. But the general outburst of stupidity for me was kind of funny. I know this isnt very true but I like to think that America makes fun of Canada out in the open and Canada makes fun of America...between themselves. I wanted to act like America I guess. For anyone who likes to see massive making fun of canada, watch "This hour has 22 minutes". It's a canadian show that makes fun of our politics...its funny as hell :) Also, the accent thing was taken a bit out of proportion. I was not [i]researching[/i] because I was only using the typical [i]steriotypical[/i] modes of fun making. If I had researched and actually put effort and care into making fun of the states, than I would kind of not only defeat my purpose of NOT meaning it and also it would be a waste of time to me cuz I never meant it in the first place. About making Canada your biggest ally...Why? We dont have (quite literally) the manpower to truely aide anything oversees. Besides our government has already decided not to join with you unless you had UN backing you...*shrugs* We good trading partners however :).... hmmm.. (a serious one) If i was president of the united states for one day, I would most definately attempt to make my most unstable oversees allies and non allies happy with my country. I would try to get korea to put their penises back into their pants and stop acting threateningly to the entire of the world and try to make ties with countries you wouldnt see the states so openly bonding with. THAT, would be something I would do (seriously :-D) If i was the prime minister of canada I would shoot spitballs at pictures of jean chretien all day and paste them to the walls so his return would be warm and hearty. and of course tony blair would have the same warm greeting if by chance I could take over the british parliment for a day :) -
If I could be the President of the United States for just one day
Phantom replied to Phantom's topic in General Discussion
Its not a steriotype queenie. I said it to get you more riled up. Again you predictably blow your nuts out your nostrils. You best not even post in this thread or report it if it offends you THAT much...for your own wellbeing of course! But in your outbursts of anger and 'hurt'...you have shot filth at me, but meaning it! Which I definately was NOT doing towards the south or anything about the south. It was a joke and if you cant handle a joke why make matters worse? *shrugs* Anyway hate me, love me, kill me or spare me, its all the same. But this WAS a fun thread until you came. Even Kinetic was keeping his cool. Moderators spare this child of the pain and close this thread. -
If I could be the President of the United States for just one day
Phantom replied to Phantom's topic in General Discussion
Im coming to New Orleans quite soon in fact! *smiles* I would also give confederate lovers the freedom to have slaves as well hehe. I was not trying to offend you and I care not if I have but yea I was expecting you to get out of anyone to get mad at me *looks around*...such anger... *shrugs* -
If I could be the President of the United States for just one day
Phantom replied to Phantom's topic in General Discussion
[quote]I hope by southern language you mean Spanish. If you're talking about people who live in southern states being less intellecutal, I find that highly offending. The whole stereotype about people living in the southern states is mostly not true, or was sort of true at one point. Take Texas for example. It was, at one point, just many saloons, cowboys, southern language, and as some would consider, ignorance. Since then Texas has evolved greatly. It has a great economy, and some of the largest companies in the world call it home. Such as the DFW Airport, the third largest in America. I detest it when people mock the southern states of America because the the damn stereotypes. It's aggrivating and very idiotic most of the time I see it.[/quote] BE OFFENDED! I was...Sort of blatently making fun of the southern accent. Not really to make you think that all of you southerners are dumb! Of course not! A lot of the people I know in Lousiana are FRIGGEN smart as hell. I know most of them I know dont have a southern accent. But anyway! Yea I was making fun of it so there *sticks out tongue and does some Canadian slurring of my own*..bleh. lol. I was actually thinking that this would have been closed long long time ago, either that or there would be more people like Kinetic, who got offended. Anyway... If I was president for just one day...Alaska would be handed over to Canada and merged with the Yukon...yeah. Also..uh...Most of the comments which tried to state that we all must take an American history/politics course. NO! I wouldnt waste my time, this thread was kind of a satire to all the openly blunt and stupid suggestions ever presented before us. *looks around* But I'm serious down with the freezy pops! -
I would make Canadians the CEO?s of every big American corporation. That way they could all be as successful as American Airlines. I would abolish the southern language and replace it with English. That way everyone would understand everyone. I would erase the senate and congress, or at least lower their salary. That way there would be enough money to give houses to at least some of the thirty million citizens who live in trailers. I would leave all countries but my own. That way I can remind everyone that this is not the Roman times of global conquest. I would do much much more? :-D (feel free to post your own ?I would(s)?.)
[quote]What if somebody from OB, had enough money to buy a country & manage it with a government & all, and all the OBers (who actually post)were able to come here and move, along with thier family and freinds? What do you think this country would be called? What do you think the people would be lile? What would you think of this country?[/quote] Q1: Waste of Cash Q2: Home dwelling anime-watchers. Q3: I would consider it a waste of money :)
*thinks* Mods are human, mods can make mistakes and definately (as is the biggest theme in any book I've been forced to read throughout highschool) power can corrupt. Here though, I would only say I've seen a mod 'truely' be too strict and not follow the guidlines once. Justin..he is a mean guy :). For the 99.9 percent of the rest of the time. Mods arent being too strict or mean or ..anything really, you know, just being mods...eh..
She messed up cuz ob went down and bleh. *shrugs* Its good word compared to your older word ..im glad you took initiative :-D
Anyone with enough time on their hands can download all this stuff *laughs* Besides the japanese versions of all this anime is much better than the americanized stuffs. *has no clue if I am jumping into the middle of a convo I have no clue about, but does so anyway*
If anyone has ever read this book, please tell me! Discussion is eminent. The book is by James Clavell and is set in Medieval Japan (1600). The basis of the novel is that an Englishman, Blackthorne, "Anjin-san". He was sailing with the Dutch East Indian company as the pilot. They land, he is overwhelmed by the richness of the land and culture and if I was to spoil this classic book..I'd go on and give some details which I wont. I am only interested in seeking other opions about this book and gain information on certain issues. 1. The Shogun game based upon this book (not Shogun: total war). Where is it and can it still be bough/dloaded anywhere? 2. Is there a movie? hehe..and If so, tell me please! 3. I know there is no anime for it, but for those who have read, agree witih me or disagree with me: This book is Anime material!. im thinking about if they made an ova for this book...it would OWN. *thanks anyone in advance for their information~!*
Writing The Pinnacle of Nothing, a depressing poem.
Phantom replied to Phantom's topic in Creative Works
Its not sad, but I did write. I was begun to try to write with a depressing atmosphere but instead it turned into an extended new age Japanse translated poem :-D My bad. Next one will be sad...or if this made you cry, next one you will be wailing. -
The Pinnacle of Nothing, a depressing poem. Starting at the top, hovering about the apex of the world, A falcon seeks its prey. At the bottom, bounding about the belly of the world, A hare seeks its shelter. The story is everlasting but it never ends with joy. The falcon and the hare, both masters of their domain, While sitting on a beach, a child creates a castle, While sneaking in the bushes, the rapist lures a child. What is the difference between life and death? Between creation and destruction? What binds the falcon and the hare? What ends the hare?s life and allows creation of falcon spawn? Nothing, because of course none of this matters, And to understand it all would be useless. When mankind craves life, life as the joy, Mankind forgets the true path to nirvana, And mankind dies.
I think that you struggled to keep the entire picture proportional. Not to say you didnt suceed... It is quite well done. I like the face of the dragon...very nicely done Blanko.
tasty.. *gulps* ...its good poem.
Session#7Destest Flagrant, annoyed and perplexed, I gaze over at the door, waving off Denny and flustered anger, sending his guns adrift in the air, each intermittently landing, a clang that rung throughout the steel hull of Yuginocho. "Bakaa...There isn't any threat here, if there was you would all be dead." Walking to the door, I spin the metallic locking mechanism on the outer compartment, opening it to the darkness beyond. Sticking an arm out, it returning with a young Dutchman. I toss him on the ground beside Denny. "Boris, sind Sie... erwartet worden". He looked at me quizzically. "wer sind Sie Leute? heilige Kuh, diese ist!! verrückt!" he screams in retort. I laugh, my mind laced with irony. "Look Boris, take a good look at us... especially Denny." He looks at Denny, his mind flutters as he remembers his longtime OtakuBoards friend. They share a glance, Boris's eyes travel to the 'nutter' t-shirt. "Bloody good stuff!!" he hollers. I smile at the two european nutcases and continue working.
Session#x7Intermittent I get up, walking to my computer, leaving the dumb drunkards to themselves. Clicking the switch, I gaze at my own constructed reality. Mine, alone to gaze at for the rest of the evening. Ciel manages to wander over to me an hour later, it was sincerely good timing as I had an updated network interface for her. It was a smaller, more human looking chip that would slide into her neck quite easily and stay relatively concealed. "Well, this will fit fine, just look at the floor and relax." Pulling the existing card from her neck proved more difficult that first imagined. I was thinking that hotswapping was out of the question, she would have to go to sleep. She seemed tired enough, so I let her pass out, sitting her on her belly. Once down, I pull the 'plug' on her life, basically killing her for a couple minutes, pulling out the card once she was dead was easy, no pain involved, and sliding the new chip in, covering it and applying it's interface was a snap!A minute later she was up and blazing, in fact going off the wall. I tried relaxing her but it was of no use, she would best be placed with the other drunkards at the other end of the ship. I think to myself for a few minutes, concluding that it was definitely a boost, everyone together, seemingly happy. I sigh and sit with my laptop, fiddling with it's components sure was tiring...And so for the first time in what felt like ages, I passed into a realm of rest, but was it really rest? or was it an illusion of rest? I wouldn't know until I woke up...or was I really up?
Session#x3FindingHer I know too much. I try to give up on the facts, but they are useless. Ciel, as usual tells us to leave her alone, I tell her to go ***k herself and leave, with a second coat. Following her mindlessly, I retrace her steps, glowering at the fact that she so simply destroys her body just to get away. Maybe it serves her right for running, expecting us to follow, but not wanting it. She wants it, I don't NOT know her. She runs to find out who cares, who doesn't, and sometimes probably to just think and sulk to herself. We all do it, but she is instrumental and running like a child. I always follow. Not trying to tug her out of the misery so placed upon herself, I merely sit next to her and wrap the second coat around her shivering, stinking body. "Christ where the ***k where you guys?" She shrugs, another common fact of Danielle. I pull her head onto my shoulder and pull a hood over her head, gripping at the body which doesn't overtly express any intention of wishing to be held, helped, or anything meaningful. She was and is lost. I knew patience would win in the end, so just holding her would be sufficient until she deemed it was time to take a step further. Turning to my side, I notice a few onlookers, probably from worry. "Danielle, you can sulk all you want, you can boo-hoo for ever, you can even piss your pants from fear and not feel bad about it, whether you like it or not, I'm taking you back to the warm ship. You can sort out your problems alone there if you please, I am not going to do anything but carry you there. Than on, you do as you wish, knowing only that I wont let you leave." She shrugged again, knowing she could leave, but it would be useless, I would only follow her.
Writing ~The Oddity~, Phantom's wooly Poem Thread.
Phantom replied to Phantom's topic in Creative Works
Hey that is garbage! I think there should be a specific rule on poeotry threads. If you have decided to put some god damned effort into doing it... there is now a moderator here, and there arent aLLL too many people with a thread for poetry...it wouldnt take much to just check it once a week and make sure that the poems are/if doubled up... at least at the next day? you see? I am trying to write a poem per day. thus to prevent spam, i do not double post unless it is on the next day. If i so decide to make two poems one day i would just simply edit my post and add another one to it if no one had replied. for people seriously wanting to be consistent without spamming, there HAS to be a way to double post fairly. This is a rather different case and I can accept that doulbe posting can be abused here, but if you make sure that only double posts will be allowed in a person's poem thread but the person who made the thread as long as the second acting post is on the next day... its not hard to check and im askin here now if you think it is a good idea.. Cuz what just happened is bullcrap. I dont want to make a new thread every day... that is just unorganazed.. Oh well, tell me what you think of this idea and ile take it directly to the suggestions forum. -
Terry Brooks is VERY AMAZING except i didnt read teh shanara i only read the magical kingdom where the dude bought a kingdom for like 1 mil or somthing! lol its crazy fun
Oh yea 1 more thing.. In the end, its not about if we deserve or not.. lol..WEERE HERE!! Give it up :)
[quote]Originally posted by Baren..watever ur name is lol [i]really, how i see it , mankind is abusing any right they have to existence. we are polluting our planet and killing animals. the only reason we are doing so well is this-well 4 reasons... 1. we can store information outside our bodies2 we can walk upright3 we are prehensile- we can walk and manipulate stuff at same time.4 we have eyes without them we would be useless. if everyone went blind, humanity would be gone within a few weeks. less. our balance is so precarious it is not funny, and the way we are ruining our world is less funny. do you think mankind should be alive?? does it have a right to act the way it does? is this the right thing for the world?? if we cant get our act together then what????[/i][/quote] Well, we will end...we will go ecsinkt(sp?). If you think of it, we have only been here for a fraction of a second in life of the world, if it was measured by the hour. Dinosaurs were probably killing off a lot of the worlds resources too but without realizing it since their brains were quite less evolved. :)...anyway we deserve to be here, how we spend our days is how we limit them..oh well stupid human nature...the nature of us is what shortens our existence...bleh..im not in the moood to argue..i just think we are here, and thats too damned bad for mother earth :-D we will be gone soon.
Session#x5ATrekHome ooc: Denny, pimp that shizit!!! Btw: Ciel (sky in english) doest NOT remotely look like danni..She almsot looks identacle..but taller and..as you said, model of a human being, NOT THAT DANNI ISNT!!! *dodges tomatoes* ic: While carrying Danielle, I felt her body slowly grow warm. The warmth exited my, mainly because I knew that the person I cherished most in the entire universe will be ok....at least for now. My body was physically spent, my skin a frigid blue but the blood in my veins was still piping hot. It flowed and as my heart beat faster, so did my will to move on... We neared the hover ship and to my dismay... We had been utterly surrounded. Three sentinels dove in at me, their robotic maw's ready to dissolve my iced-over self. Quite literally getting sick of these, I raise my hand, three drop, I feel like 'dropping' as well, but with Danielle on my back, I let them come, stopping them the second they get to me... I finally drop Danielle, drawing my blade, shrill anger surging through me. I jump, flying at a hungry sentinel, quenching it's thirst, forever. My blade had carved four neatly applied lacerations, cutting it in four large, icy chunks of sizzling metal.I look do Danielle and Stephany. "GET IN!!!! BAKAA!!!!!!!!" I scream at them. Not trying to play hero, but really the only one who is willing to fight, with any effectiveness, I draw my mp5, specially fit for these creatures, bullets to pierce their armor like cardboard. Assembled At the party's current whereabouts Ciel walks around her area of worry, the crew. They all seem to be healthy, ready to append themselves in a hostile situation. She, even though a computer at heart, was still worrieda bout Danielle and her creator. She sighs, turning to Denny, "I must confide, disclose...You shall join me? We will speak in confidence." Her conscience had finally kicked in. Mike would be proud, such a massively human characteristic... as he said...it was pure vanilla.
Session#x3FindingHer Without delay, I look at my advanced gps system. Danielle's point of sustenance was not far off. In fact, she was quite close. I was still teaming with energy, this vigorous feeling flowing through me was not human. I smiled, uncaring about that...I knew Danielle had been stubborn, I knew she did it all by herself, and if I knew anything, she would be alive....too stubborn to die, even if she wanted to. I wanted nothing more than to see her face, just to see her breathing and well. I draw my katana again. Having already infiltrated the compound that Danielle's position was within, I course the narrow walkways until I find myself face to face with a small, blonde girl. Her face and hair were soiled with dirt and muck, but her eyes and face were not mistakable. It was Stephi-chan. I look at her, wordless, wondering why Stephi was the bleep on my locator. I was sure to hell... I froze almost instantly, looking beyond Steph, over her shoulder. I could only see a lump on the ground, it was Danielle...a very badly worn Danielle at that. "Steph....take this, it will help you with the most minor of inflictions...You have to come with us, so be careful." She nodded, seemingly fully aware of what has happened. I grab Danielle's minute body and pull my jacket off, surrounding her in the drab, but very warm material. Almost instantly I began to shake from the cold, I was quite vulnerable. Backpacking her fifty odd pound body, I kept a weary clutch on my katana, one hand always at Danielle, while the other kept a protective clutch on the handle of my katana. Pressing two buttons, my three persons hovercraft began homing on my location, using a smart algorithm to steer clear of possible contact, hiding itself within the shroud of a false identity.. the sentiel b5.
idont know what she means...maybe, lol she is actually happy..and this is 'just' a poem lol...