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Session#x4Fight? The Fighting Music.... Knowing full well that I had no chance in avoiding a confrontation, I merely hoped that what skills I had acquired from Ciel and the metal dissolving blades would be enough...If I was just fast enough. Hopping off my hovercraft into the subzero barren, I draw my katana, the shimmer set's the mood and I charge, blindly into a chilled field of robomechanical droids, each with a purpose in it's hunt for me. I had already located and memorized each of the most hostile mechs near me. With that information embedded into my skull, I veer in, my position changing rapidly as I zero on my first target. The whirring of the chemical reaction from my blade exited me even more as I leapt out of the darkness, my blade carving intricate weaving pattern's over the now tarnished alloy. It bubbled away joyously. I think to myself, knowing that even if the blade didn't slice it like butter, the Francium would eat it away. Leaving the heap of ever-reacting rubble in my wake, I swiftly ran through the terrain. Looking over my shoulder, I smiled, my body was invigorated and warm...but most of all, I loved it. Speaking of loving the death of these infernal creatures...I jumped into a cluster of six highly praised sentinel v.35/x.25 squid-like seeker-destroyers. I smiled as I sensed hundreds of tentacles all rocketing at me. Four shurikans expertly thrown, sending a few tentacles to the ground, threat removed. I was having so much fun that before I knew what had happened all the sentinel's sat before me, armless and pissed. I grinned and left them, the severing of their precious limbs had left a fatal dosage of caustic chems on their body. They were all left to die. Sheathing my katana, I draw my pistols, their grips of ivory perfection. Sneaking behind a humanoid bot, I place the tip of one of my Berettas to it's central fuse panel. "Your slow anyway, I wouldn't expect you to dodge something like this...", It turned it's head a fraction of a second before it's chest was blown apart internally from the parabellum tip of the bullet. Rousing two other humanoid bot's attention, the second pistol emptied a clip into their vaguely aware brains, ending their existence. Holstering the pistols, I smile, almost angry that I didn't get to use my mp5. It was ok...I was well on my way to finding Danielle.. Hopefully she was still alive...and hopefully...just maybe, she would return the love I display...
Pain of first love's loss... May it be betrayal, or simply an intolerance to the pain of life's lessons. It still hurts. I am in the midst of one such situtation...I dont know about you but...i dont know about anyone but myself really... i forgave and tried to move on... hopefully you will mov eon in your own way.
Writing ~The Oddity~, Phantom's wooly Poem Thread.
Phantom replied to Phantom's topic in Creative Works
YET another one...this one is dedicate to Kamila Toma...lol Kamila Tom! A friend of mine that I met from going to some computer class with her dad! *grins* this one is for you..:box: [b]Orchid,[/b] Some flowers bloom to the season; some wait their entire lives, I know nothing of an orchid but I surely wish I did. For if I was to think of an orchid, this is the flower its name brings to me, A flower of beauty, delicacy, and ire, I am sure it?s colors are in tuned for awe. An orchid to me, would be a flower that could fly, carry itself into the sun, An orchid to me, would be a flower of treasuring, something to never let go of, Some flowers never bloom at all, but orchids would be ever bloomed. At least in my imagination, the reasoning of an orchid, would be for life, For if I was to think of an orchid, this time it is like a tree, Growing very strongly now, growing to bring happiness and piece to friendship. An orchid to me, would be a flower that shows my pride, my love and my will, An orchid to you?.What might it be? [b]Falling[/b] And I want to love me, to give me all the bliss and passion, And in the life of loneliness, I want you to fall in love with me, I know I am not the best at all, nor am I a prize of any sorts, I am just that guy who lives alone and cries, begging for a life to share. You know who you are, I know who I am, but inside it scares me, To know you are so unsure, to wonder why you even care about me, I dont know, that is why I am trapped, but I have fallen, Fallen so deeply for you that nothing can pull me apart, Ive fallen. [b]Enigma of Whatever falls[/b] Waking up to a rather vibrant scene. Too bad I?m an early riser, It would have been better if she had woke first, That way I would not feel the suffering of knowing it will end. I don?t care, at least I could hear breathes, soft little ones. The kind anyone would want to wake to. I wonder if I snore, I don?t care, It?s not my problem. Its not hers either? I want to sigh and give up but when so close?. I have to stop and wonder how close I really am? It?s enigmatic to realize this but, I am probably further?. Further than I would ever imagine? Or closer, Closer than my most vivid dreams? But in the end, I still fall? It cannot be helped. -
Session#x3FindingHer I knew that nothing was going right, the situation with Danielle had gotten worse. Why had she been so John'ish? I swore to myself, knowing that I should have paid more attention to her, that way I would not have lost track of her with my stupid god forsaken information gathering. I wish she hadn't left on us but I frankly don't care, now I must find her. Looking to Ciel, the only linkage between us and them. I ask away, hoping my first guess and gamble will pay off. "Ciel, I know you know where she is, I know this because I made you and I have a direct, undetectable link to your very being. It can be shut off now, but only if you tell me where she is, give me a XGFP system and...obviously some weapons." She looked at me, as if betrayed. I smile, knowing that no such 'direct connection' was ever in existence. "Fine, but just because you think that you are god, I can assure you that you aren't." I grin happily as she hands me the small device. It looks much like the one she gave Danielle, except a few minor changes. The XeroGravitationalFactoredPoint system was much more precise and also included a few handy features, such as a com-link between myself and the 'collective'. This sort of gave me the power to watch the 'police' lines as I moved. It worked different from how Danielle's did in that I could tell before any patrollers came, where and when they would come. I was the perfect tool in which to avoid conflict. My mind was racing too, conflict would be short and pleasant if it lasted, especially with me in my current state of mind. "Ciel, there comes a time when people you know, trust and even love, will take a dagger and stick it in your back. Well I have did this once to you, and now I twisted the blade. I had to you see.. Danielle's location is very important to me, and you cannot hide from me." She grimaced, probably wondering how I guessed. I will leave her in the dark for now. "Sorry, but lets move on, we both made mistakes. Fortunately we can forgive and get back on track. I really need only two base weapons from you, but of course, I'll ask for more. I want an mp3sf, using five clips of shunted nickel parabellum capsule tips. Twin berretta elite pistols, same amount of casings please. I want a Francium embedded four foot katana, and three Francium embedded single pointed shurikans in an appropriately lined leg holster." She filled my order out with a rather curious gaze, wondering what I wanted Francium for.. Before she got a chance to ask I piped up, "Well, as you know Francium is the only metal that reacts with air within less than a millisecond of exposure. You may or may not want to put two and two together, but I don't think that by any means can this blade be stopped by another metal..." I smile.. Still worried about Danielle, I figure that speed will be best if I had a damned vehicle. Since I'm too stupid and stubborn, I chose to set out on foot. To my dismay, my tracking system showed that I was approximately 240 Kilometers from her. This was disgustingly far. "Ciel..Make me a car....please make me a car...something please!!!!!!" She looked at me awkwardly "Wouldn't a more modern mode of transportation be a bit more effective?" "YES!!!!! Give me one of them!" She sighs, "Okay". Thinking that Danielle would likely be angry if I came with Ciel..I stopped and looked at Ciel, smiling. "Don't follow me, remember you hate me now? hehe" She smiles back, knowing my real reason for telling her to go away. "Fine, the others probably need me right now, im so very special to everyone" she spits out sarcastically. I lower my head but continue on my way, now at the bridge of a small three person hovership. Looking avidly, knowing a mess of bug-like machines should be on their way to stop me, hearing the 'police' signals broadcasting their detection song. I've already been tagged?
Writing ~The Oddity~, Phantom's wooly Poem Thread.
Phantom replied to Phantom's topic in Creative Works
Ty, this one (trying to do one per day.) is about pure impulse. Youl see. [center][b]Love and Impulse.[/b] [size=1]Do you often wonder if your love is real? Did you know there is a test to find out? I wonder why this test exists, If love is real, no test could tell. To myself I vigorously wonder, Why is there a contrary? Because love in its self is not real. Whoa? Really? Why do you say such? Love cannot be comprehended with words, The fact that love is a word itself?lies. I try to glimpse at what my inner self is stating. So, if it is indescribable, and there are no words, What is this that I feel so strongly for?[/size][/center] -
Initially, it was just to keep the person wondering how simple my mind was. Once they get to the bottom, they realize why the hell I made it soooo stupidly long. I guess its one of them visual applications of a physical/emotional anguishing...shitzt :(
Session#x2HavingAllTheAnswers And so frustration pays a hefty dividend. I was one happy camper. I had retrieved the information on the reasons for flushing for everyone but Danielle. Her case was the index. Her scenario was not logged. I look at Denny, watching him materialize. "Heh...Baka no Briton," I had only looked away from my monitor once, and it was to denote his stupidity. I had to though, asking Ciel such a weighty favor. Doesn't he know that now the 'collective' as I like to refer, knows when and where to look, simply by splicing data between Denny's last known whereabouts in the real world with the fact that he entered the matrix, it just scared me mostly. Also it made me mad that I, the **hole of the crew (not no more, hopefully) had been putting forth so much effort to conceal our location. But that lead me to why Denny was flushed in the first place...His incredible luck. I pulled Ciel over to my console, asking her to give me a holograph projector, so I could display the results of my searches for everyone. She does so, a weary look on her face. Since I was her creator we kind of shared a bond. This right now was telling me that she was definitely uneasy about something. Since she looks like my dream girl, her appearance is not too dissimilar from that of Danielle. Thus, her shadow is almost a replica. Everytime I saw her shadow, I just assumed it might have been Danni. I sigh, realizing that with Ciel looking upset, and Danni not in the picture at the moment, that they must have had some minor type of argument. I reluctantly smile. With my projector now in place, I decide on displaying the raw text instead of dolling it up any. Time is money, and in this case time is lives. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Sigint: FE12C-EDB39-FFFF-F3D2 Brief: Post Int: Signals. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ?> ?>ProdTag: Livestock ?>Sname: Hunter Fname: Michael, Steven ?>Gen: Male ?>Loc: South Ontario ?>FarmID: F-F34-DE3B-DFFF ?>Flush/?:Crown Mischief ?> ?>Notes: ?>Flushed for reasons that conflict with the matrix guidelines, ?>essentially, he is virus, a plague best dead. ?> ?> ?>ProdTag: Livestock ?>Sname: Blume Fname: Danielle, Marie ?>Gen: Female ?>Loc: N/A ?>FarmID: N/A ?>Flush/?:N/A ?> ?>Notes: ?>N/A ?> ?> ?>ProdTag: Livestock ?>Sname: N/A Fname: Kevin ?>Gen: male ?>Loc: N/A ?>FarmID: N/A ?>Flush/?:N/A ?> ?>Notes: ?>N/A ?> ?> ?>ProdTag: Livestock ?>Sname: Reeves Fname: Jamie ?>Gen: Female ?>Loc: N/A ?>FarmID: N/A ?>Flush/?:N/A ?> ?>Notes: ?>N/A ?> ?> ?>ProdTag: Livestock ?>Sname: Schock Fname: John ?>Gen: male ?>Loc: N/A ?>FarmID: N/A ?>Flush/?:N/A ?> ?>Notes: ?>N/A ?> ?> ?>ProdTag: Livestock ?>Sname: N/A Fname: Denny ?>Gen: male ?>Loc: N/A ?>FarmID: N/A ?>Flush/?:N/A ?> ?>Notes: ?>N/A ?> ?> ?>ProdTag: Livestock ?>Sname: N/A Fname: Ronald ?>Gen: male ?>Loc: N/A ?>FarmID: N/A ?>Flush/?:N/A ?> ?>Notes: ?>N/A ?> ?> ?>ProdTag: Livestock ?>Sname: N/A Fname: Flynn ?>Gen: male ?>Loc: N/A ?>FarmID: N/A ?>Flush/?:N/A ?> ?>Notes: ?>N/A ?> ?> ?>ProdTag: Livestock ?>Sname: Eugene Fname: Neil ?>Gen: male ?>Loc: N/A ?>FarmID: N/A ?>Flush/?:N/A ?> ?>Notes: ?>N/A ?> ?> ?>ProdTag: Livestock ?>Sname: N/A Fname: Melondy ?>Gen: Female ?>Loc: N/A ?>FarmID: N/A ?>Flush/?:N/A ?> ?>Notes: ?>N/A ?> ?> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ::End Transmission::Array Exploit v0.35 para Mi:: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ooc: obviously a rather information lacking 'array exploit' ...I don't care because my info is as I want it..I dont think anyone wants me to write their section...namely this is for the reason your char was dumped. If you want to fill this...pm with the assorted info required. If I missed you it was likely cuz you havent posted here yet. Butif that is not the case, than pm me with the info and i guess I can doit for you :-D
Well, than I dont feel like you... lol
well, for me, im alone.. but not really...shes right here...with me all the time...but ive been abandoned like never before... it hurts so bad i cannot put it into words you may as well just forget what im saying because only my eyes could tell you the pain i am in right now
Its best to start off a poem tread with the name of the first poem. If it isn?t, it is now by my declaration. My flagship poem is to be named: [b]The Oddity[/b] I want more from life than I am currently given. Don?t you? As if talking to myself, the voice in the rear of my mind, My own killer, he lurks back there, undetained, always alert. I seem to be lacking in life, I want to try harder. Don?t you? He nags at me, as if trying to escape my being, he tugs and howls, My death?s hand, my advocate of pain, he creeps inside me, browned. Take take take, I want to give, and I want to give my all. Don?t you? You know who you are; you lurk inside my existence like a roach, I can cut your head off but you never die, until now, I know what you are, I?m sure of it? Don?t you?
Its really interesting because when I dont detect ryhme I look for a deeper meaning. When I cannot detect a deeper meaning I look for some theme. I found your theme. It was suicide. I didnt understand your message though. If I was to depict it, it might be a suicide letter, but the way it is wrote, it shows no pain. No reasons, even if there are good reasons. Its intrigueing, to say the least. *Looks at it more* , you know I am missing something.
Note: Abstract in Nature, do not view unless you have an open mind. I am alone. I am alone.. I am alone... I am alone.... I am alone..... I am alone...... I am alone....... I am alone........ I am alone......... I am alone.......... I am alone......... I am alone........ I am alone....... I am alone...... I am alone..... I am alone.... I am alone... I am alone.. I am alone. I am alone.. I am alone... I am alone.... I am alone..... I am alone...... I am alone....... I am alone........ I am alone......... I am alone.......... I am alone......... I am alone........ I am alone....... I am alone...... I am alone..... I am alone.... I am alone... I am alone.. I am alone. I am alone.. I am alone... I am alone.... I am alone..... I am alone...... I am alone....... I am alone........ I am alone......... I am alone.......... I am alone......... I am alone........ I am alone....... I am alone...... I am alone..... I am alone.... I am alone... I am alone.. I am alone. I am alone.. I am alone... I am alone.... I am alone..... I am alone...... I am alone....... I am alone........ I am alone......... I am alone.......... I am alone......... I am alone........ I am alone....... I am alone...... I am alone..... I am alone.... I am alone... I am alone.. I am alone. I am alone.. I am alone... I am alone.... I am alone..... I am alone...... I am alone....... I am alone........ I am alone......... I am alone.......... I am alone......... I am alone........ I am alone....... I am alone...... I am alone..... I am alone.... I am alone... I am alone.. I am alone. I am alone.. I am alone... I am alone.... I am alone..... I am alone...... I am alone....... I am alone........ I am alone......... I am alone.......... I am alone......... I am alone........ I am alone....... I am alone...... I am alone..... I am alone.... I am alone... I am alone.. I am alone. I am alone.. I am alone... I am alone.... I am alone..... I am alone...... I am alone....... I am alone........ I am alone......... I am alone.......... I am alone......... I am alone........ I am alone....... I am alone...... I am alone..... I am alone.... I am alone... I am alone.. I am alone. Forever. It seems.
I totaly feel the same as you..good peoem
Session#x2HavingAllTheAnswers Summing the courage to talk to Ciel once more, I walk to where she stands, watching, listening to her conversation, letting her finish before I open my mouth. She ignores me as she should. Damned females, so irregular. I know I didn't allow for menstrual cycles when altering her genetic makeup, simply because it would not be an effective way to have a medic, designer, tomb of knowledge who also had PMS. I laugh at myself, knowing if she wanted to, she could make herself, by god an honest full blown girl, but I doubt she has the drive for it, the needing for that feeling, and if she does, lets hope she doesn't act on it. When she finishes, she looks to me. "Can I help you Michael?", "Yes, Ciel, you can", I think to myself, not actually speaking. I look at her, her eyes real, they pierce my consciousness, sending me into a dream. I shake my head, angry at myself for being so dumb. "Yes, Ciel, you can", I say out loud this time. Hoping she didn't notice my abstract stupor. "Okay, what is it that I can do for you?", "Many things...", I almost fall into the same situation again , not speaking aloud. I shake my head once more, finally verbalizing my proposed changes. "Well, you see...Until now, everyone has been getting a picture of Michael that isn't real. I was hiding behind a front that was useless to myself or anyone else. Now, I have decided to change into what my soul would probably look like.". Confused, she attempts some playful sarcasm, "Sorry, Michael, but I am afraid that I cant quite see into your soul, why don't you go find a place all by yourself and ask the mysterious wind for a Tarot reading..". Unlike her, I didn't run from the filth shot at me. Instead I knew it was no fault of hers, but the fault is all my own. "Ciel, if you would?", She looked at me with a cock to her head. Reluctantly, she sits in the seat I direct her to, me taking the one directly adjacent. "This is it, I will just tell you what my sexy soul would look like." , She nods vacantly. "I want this body," I point to the monitor of my laptop. "I see", Ciel states, allowing me to continue. "From this you don't really get a good facial shot, which is what I want to give you. Here is is", I point to the second picture on my laptop, almost blushing, knowing this is far too hot a boy to be asking for, not wanting all the girls to flock around me. I laugh, knowing my looks wouldn't be what does the attracting...or at least the kind of attraction I long for.
Session#x2HavingAllTheAnswers Looking at the new John, smiling happily at what Ciel had applied. I finally had started to wish for myself to look different, but again, I held back, waiting, searching for what my soul would look like. Instead I look at Ciel (A composite copy of Danielle but with different eyes and different hair. A more slim [if that is possible] body and she is taller.). "Ciel, replace my mossimo shirt with one of them 'nutter' shirts that Denny is so stylin' in. I want one.", Ciel and I shared a glance. "So you have yet to decide upon a transition yet? You are so stubborn. Fine.". A second later I was flashing around in my brand new 'nutter' shirt, loving every second of it. Gazing back at Danielle, I try to keep my mind straight, my goals aligned and my sanity intact. I am going to need it if any of this ******** is going to end. To me there was far more to it than just killing these creatures of dictating power. It was about freedom for my heart as well. Fusing the information I had successfully retrieved from what I now like to call the XIRTAM, I smile and realize upon mere scanning why I was propelled from the system. Three days after Danielle had died, I had blamed it on some unnatural force. Knowing her well enough or just being to stubborn to admit loss, I began a very in-depth Matrix-wide search. I was deep into my searches and was actually unfolding the secrets of the matrix. No body believed my theories were actually feasible, most were too scared to admit that the facts presented were true. Besides that, I had the one, final piece of evidence that would allow everyone to believe...and rebel. Either way, when I was flushed, all memory had been drawn from my brain, deleted as though I was a giant hard drive and they were an even larger magnet. However much they tried to destroy my memory, nothing could remove Danielle, who's very existence was etched, burned into my soul. Still, it hid nothing about my activities. Everything but the one bit of evidence needed to wake everybody up. I smile to myself, knowing it will come to me eventually. Little did I know, but in the Matrix, I had devised the ultimate in 'flushing' technology. A virus that would make the matrix's operating system work like reverse psychology. Everything that has no access to leave the matrix can leave. Everything that does have access, does not anymore. And mostly...everyone who is not flushed....IS flushed.. A shame that my 'real self' doesn't remember anything about this, but it will...It is ever trying to remember...And it will. Looking over to Danielle, Ciel following me like an obedient slave. "Ciel, you are one in your own, you do not need to follow me around, hell why don't you go find a safe spot and learn all about what 'masturbation' means. I am sure you will get a kick out of that.", i remark slyly. Having already searched her databases on 'masturbation', she looked at me and walked off, arms folded. "Christ, she is turning into a real girl....I guess I should watch my mouth from now on.", Danielle walked up to me and slapped me hard across the face, calling me a couple unpleasant names in the process. "Have you even stopped to think that maybe she liked following you? You did give her what she has right now!? Cant you ****ing grow up and act mature!?", her words burned my consciousness. Reminding me about how stupid and selfish I have been. It did not take much more than that to make me see. I began sobbing, not from pain, but from realization of my false existence. I had never so much as looked at everyone here as real people, just tools, toys to play with. I smiled and wiped at my eyes, no longer wanting to play, my serious face had come back, and probably would not leave for a long long time. Chasing after Ciel, like I knew that I should, almost laughing at myself if for that remote chance I would find her masturbating. I laughed that over inside my head a few times. But she wasn't. In fact, she was sitting in the cockpit of her old existence, looking at her parts and wondering about things out of my knowledge. I picked up her relatively minute body and hugged her, apologizing. For only a second I thought Danielle, but after which I relished in the fact that this is not Danielle. Ciel is real, and mostly I think I hurt her. "Ciel, I am sorry, if you do not want to follow me around anymore, I wont make you, but know, IT would be an honor for me to be followed by such a smart girl like you. Again, I am sorry, nothing like this will happen again. Also, please come back, not because I asked you, but because everyone needs you." I than let go, leaving but still looking back, she hadn't shed a tear, and if she had, it might have been a weird feeling. Especially for her. I walked back to Yuginocho and sat in my seat, across from everybody else. I sat alone for my own reasons, mostly because I had no right to be with the people who cared. Ciel had not wasted any time returning to Yuginocho. Her swift beauty had captivated my interest because she was real, and seemed to look past my stupidity and come back for everyone who needed her. She was now mingling amongst the 'crew' like she was one of them. And that she was, I was proud...I was also now sure of what my soul Looked like.
Session#xTheRest Looking away from my terminal, I spot the new Denny. He looked pretty swell in his 'nutter' shirt but that gave me no reason to be polite. "Well, mate, it looks like you were a tad insecure with your sexy self? That's ok. I do intend on changing myself eventually, but I have yet to figure out what I really want with myself.", Denny merely nodded in understanding as I turned away from him, looking at my console. "What I am doing right now, if you are wondering, is trying to negotiate with the matrix's backup server. If i can successfully log in undetected, I will have access to a wealth of information based upon our lives before we were 'flushed' from the system. I can denote the causes with pinpoint accuracy.", I waved a finger over the failure dialog for Denny to see. "See, this is an i/o (input/output) error basically telling me that I need to broadcast the proper physical address of a sentinel class-34FE. It seems that with this particular login is prompted from serial location. Denny pipes up, "So what your saying is that if you can get in, you can find out why we were deemed so 'hostile' to the matrix's programmed environment in the first place?", I nodded but also decided to explain the error to him. "As you see, I cannot get in, but the system, being run from the same setup they were run when we were IN the matrix, it gave me an error message telling me why I cannot access. Stupid bad luck for them because they have just essentially gave me a grid to work from. Now I just have to change my virtual address to broadcast a false phsyical address so that when I log in, It thinks that my physical address is actually that of a class-34FE sentinel or above. Ranking discerning who can log in is very unclear to me at the moment because from what I have seen today, sentinel's are a detection/destruction unit. Why do they have rank to log into past records? I am not sure, but if you ask me, I think they have gotten smarter. They can research on identified prey by using the matrix server raw backups.". My long-windedness really got the best of Denny, who seemed awfully awestricken by my detailed, yet fussy explanations. Ciel had evidently shrunk his brain at the same time as she expanded his muscles. I grin to myself and continue plugging in new values and attempting to access. This was so very tricky because I did not want to give away our entire party's location. So I just didnt mention how risky of a situation I was purposefully getting all of us into. My scheme worked incredibly well though. All I had to do was spoof my logical address. Again a very easy task, achieved by substituting a real unit's id tag with my 'hacker' tag. It was pure vanilla once you took the time to appreciate it..
Session#xTheRest Walking behind Danielle, the newcomer directly behind me, I spot the 'hero' John, Fox, whatever he is calling himself now. Looking behind me. "Ciel?, can you not do anything for this poor soldier?", I exclaim sarcastically. She steps up immediately, placing her new-found hand on his cheek, momentarily of course, but before our eyes he returns to the boastful and rather well shaped healthy warrior he was the last time he had contact with 'mother'. "There, now your all fixored up...say there is another one of them pits just down the way some, if you need directions I bet Ciel or data can show you the way.", I readily waited a punch in the face for my rude behavior. Seeing as I have not altered my body in anyway a punch from a beast like John would probably kill me. I turn away, walking on my own, wondering how long I can place this arrogant front on my real being to hide the pain in my mind. No one but Danielle can catch on to my real suffering so I continue about my business carelessly and happy. At least I had my kickass new laptop to tinker with. "Say, Ciel, do you think that you can change a couple simple things about me? There is no barber shop around here, nor is there any designer shops either.", I smile. She understands what I am asking and with a gentle slap on the face I am freshly shaved and dressed in sixteenth century Frankish Marquis clothing. Looking at her in disgust, I demand more modern clothing. She laughs blatantly, almost scaring me at how a computer can pull such a childish prank....And like it. A moment later I was wearing a typical pair of stone washed jeans, a red mossimo T, and a casual overshirt. Ah, the life. I was about to ask her to remove any excess face fat but than I realized that being out of the matrix, living on nothing, I had no more face fat. Sighing with a few ounces of remote happiness I look over at Danielle, Jamie and John....Hooligans.
Session#xTheRest Looking at mother's console, I try to purge her system files, they are unneeded now and as long as wireless communication has not changed much since the days of 802.11b standards, she will do fine. I continually check for any possible serious defects in my strategy. I look at her database-retrieval program and am amazed at such simplicity in a very complex environment. This proves the problem solving and programming skills that the computers of today can potentially possess. Finishing the networked connection (only 11mB/s because I am still unaware of the wireless fiber abilities that I will find out about later ^.^) and fuse the networked chip into her mechabiological body, I complete the process. Smiling at my own dream mate, grinning shaking it off, I move to behind her head, I look at the funny pci wireless network card, such out of date technology but it will do for now. While operating the system, I had given myself a laptop with some very unreal statistics, and unbelievably, it works! Using a xenoncadium battery supply, It can amplify my own life-force to power it forever without even realizing it is draining my body. I don't ever want to be 'plugged-in'. Obviously this feat was not for anyone but myself. Truthfully, I am that selfish. Anything to not have to be plugged in. Even if it means that the rest of the group gets the most advanced, mobile computer system to work as an omni-useful bot/being. I wanted to clear this as fast as possible, so naturally I clothed her myself, having not let her acquire the basic human movement skills (I wanted to force her to learn) I put her medic's gear on her, taking considerable joy with her undergarments. She didn't seem to mind. I was half glad, but I knew who's undergarments I truly wanted to tamper with. With Mother completed, I could finally look at her as something nameable. I had no intentions of calling this 'mamma' 'mother'. So instead I gave her a name. "How about a name other than...'mother'?", she looked at my quizzically. "No one but me will use it, I just refuse to use such a dumb name, pardon whoever named you but its pretty gay", I quirked in my usual a**hole self. "Oh....",mother announced, as if to be in a state of awe. "Look, I really don't want to call you mother, simply put, I have one already and she doesn't look like you heh, further more your half my creation now so I think it best that I give you a special name for my own purposes. As mere documentation to my conquests and goals..". She nodded, still bewildered at this new environment, the true feeling of cold however seems to have disgruntled her immune system, as she heaves whatever the contents of her stomach might have been. I had already chosen her name; Ciel. ::..Music Now...:: Away from the mess with Michael and his 'Ciel', a second conflict has arisen, within his own mind, Michael is being torn from heaven to hell, from life to death. He is lost, he wanders so, confused alone, wounded, maladjusted and bitter. He has been projected into an endless desert of black sand, black skies, and black emotions. He wonders like a vulture, scavenging. Except he does not scavenge for food, but for answers, answers to what haunts him. Behind his guise-like composure is a weak child, alone and afraid. I trudge along, trying to understand life, not ever having a full hand of cards myself, It seems exceedingly difficult to break this barrier of the unknown. I walk, disassembled and fearful. Not of death, of course, but of how long this might last. I stop for a second, catching my breath and catching a lurid glance at the pale horizon. No stars, no life, nothing. Only the pitch blackness awaits me, it welcomes me home. It loves when I come back home, my true home. My destined home seems to be a dark existence. I look to my side, my imaginary Danielle is but an impression in the darkness, doing only so much for me in a grieving time like this. I know that if I am the chosen one, I will be tossed from this place like nothing faster. If I am not the one, I am nothing. I am alone in this darkness forever, walking alone and undead. Lowering my head, I curse myself for looking at the hope that is not there. The one source of light seems to be at the end of this very long endless desert but I've been walking for what feels like years, will that end actually come? or is it just a waste of time, lie, inspiring me to go on but having no intention of giving me what I want? I sometimes fear that in reality this is the same. I don't know about this very much but about reality, I know quite well. This is stark in comparison, quite similar, indeed. I comb the desert slowly, unaware, unkempt, undead. I sometimes wish that death would just come and end this, but when I relate to real life, I don't want the death I want the light at the end, I want the happy ending just like everyone else. I want to be Cinderella, I want the god damned glass slippers and I want my prince charming, I dont care if it sounds stupid but I continuously beat it into my head before letting the pounding heartache take over. A song flutters into my mind, than another, and another. They torment me like nothing before. All country music songs from which the man is singing about how 'amazed' he is, I cry and break down in the black sand. The second song is about a man talking about how he always 'Trying'. I dont feel much worse about this, there is no love involved. The third song is about a son and a father, having a 'man to man' ...I cry harder. The final song is called "Through the years"...Nothing dissolves my being more than sap-like country music that has no tolerance for poor, alone bastards like my undead self. The mess I am in now is my own fault, I know this no matter what anybody says to me. I get up and trudge alone, wiping my eyes, walking forth, walking alone, walking undead. Walking wounded.
i originally feared to reply because i am so scared of waht i am not going to get... but the poem itself..it is fantastic... *sighs* ...im sorry.
[b]Session#xTheRest[/b] [center][i]Staring past Danielle?s head which sits nestled at my neck, I gaze into the never ending vast sky. I move, looking toward the machine that gives us skills and physical attributes. I smile inwardly; putting the new Danielle on my shoulders, knowing what is to come is nothing for us or anyone to really watch. She fidgets and begins trying to get off. My grip surprises her for being so unaltered. I grin, she does the same. I find out why a second later as I hear the disassembling of one of her pistols with accurate perfection. With the base of the pistol-grip she smacks me playfully over the head with it, whipping me into anger. ?Bakaa!!!! ? I shout angrily at her, tossing her off my shoulders, pouncing upon her, I sit proudly. Whispering, ?I don?t want any trouble out of you; I am going to do something to the machine that made you so ?different. You have to play along or else I am going to fail.? She nodded. After whispering to her the rest of the scheme, I walk to the computer dubbed ?mother?. Danielle had held my hand like a school girl, following suite, just as I had asked her. ?Honey? What are we doing here? What is this place? EWWW Spiders!?, Danielle quirked to ?mother?. Damned, she played the part perfectly. I move down into the ?cockpit? and tapped on the communication systems on this wretch of a machine. ?Look, whatever you did to Danielle, it?s gone now. She looks the same but obviously you completely destroyed her sense of self. She is acting like a California housewife. When in the matrix I dealt with similar programs, mind altering systems that we could ?plug? into. I was wondering if you can let me see the source??, my ploy directed at ?mother? begun. Danielle, once again coming through (she lies well) began another well-acted barrage of stupidity. ?You know, Mother, I really don?t like these clothes, and why aren?t my breasts bigger? I mean Gawly, my Mikey-kinns needs [b]something[/b] to grab!?. I almost laughed as her coy nature comes through for me bigtime. ?My goodness! I never would have thought that the hex-based body modify program would ever manipulate the brain.? Mother hesitant responded. ?Well, I know first hand that this can be permanent if we do not transduce the condition. Can you lend me the source damnit, this is an emergency!? I inquired. I motioned for Danielle to sit in the seat; she looked at me almost frightened, probably not thinking she would have to go back under the knife but she did as asked. This relieved me because as we spoke mother began riffling some of the most intricate code I have ever laid eyes upon at me with alarming speed. It was a shame that I knew exactly what to look for, an exact hex string denoting the molecular reconstruction techniques used to alter our muscles and bodies like so. I even caught wind of how the weaponry and clothing programs worked from this. They were obviously different because they generated non biological ?options? that work like they do in the matrix, everything around the weaponry is tricked into believing that the item is actually there. ?So unbelievable!? I think to myself. ?This is so destroying every single god damned scientific rule put forth by man? This is the reality of virtual reality!? I almost orgasm in my pants at this wealth of knowledge. Finding the genetic string I had been looking for, I disconnect from ?mother?, pulling Danielle away. ?I never wanted to tell you I was lying because I already know you would have said no for the risk involved. But?Mother? How would you like to be real? Just like me and Danielle??, I offered. I sensed hesitation, but why? She is only running off a set order of event-driven ideals. I smile again, realizing that computers have come to have the ability to draw their own conclusions and base them in a realm of truth and functionality in an existence once thought impossible, she has feelings. ?You?.cheated me? You? I?.What?.is this!? I am?.actually confused! What have you done?.?. She was actually spent. She had searched all of her databanks for a possible scenario in which she had just been placed in torment for. Unable to find a logical answer to what I had done she inquires curiously, ?What can you do for me??. I smile, letting Danielle watch in awe, not understanding anything about my ploy. ?Don?t get me wrong, I hate you and everything you stand for?but you can be much more beneficial if you can walk around and simply touch somebody with your hand anywhere on their body and you can grant them the strength to continue. You can be our ultimate in real world/matrix medic. I don?t want anything to do with you however. You seem to be good at altering appearance and such. You cannot enhance my own brain power and make me smarter at what I have already mastered. Thus I don?t care, I am a hacker who can change your being?I don?t need your help. But others do.? If she could grunt in annoyance, she would be doing that right now. I laugh out loud, mostly at her lack of words. ?I will do it, you seem to have an unending supply of confidence.?, she quirked. She could not have gotten further from the truth really. ?Okay, you need to let me admin your system however difficult it will be to let a snitch like me in to mess as I please but I assure you, you already gave me the genetic transformation syntax. I just have to use it from scratch. You see, the program to manipulate is easy. You just have it scan and input various parameters from the subject?s body such as height, weight, mass, volume cubed and all of the various anatomy things that can be used in the reconstruction, right??, if she could nod, that is what she is doing. ?Well to put it simple, I will input typical sexy-girl parameters and than subtract them to the exponent most suited to your preference. Say you want to be shapelier than the typical sexy-girl; you will have the exponent of xcubed. This will be applied to the curve parameter and you will be forged from the matter that is all around us. Of course we don?t ant you appearing naked, Ron might blow his cool. So in this case you will be given the generic clothing of a combat medic hehe!? I begin typing like mad, extracting all the nessesary code, applying it to my free copy, changing all the required parameters, choosing xsquared instead of xcubed. Once completed I insert the all powerful hex equivalent of the human genetic reconstruction sample. ? 1F19BE197D0519.1F19BE197D0519.1F19BE197D0519.1F19BE197D0519**?. I was quite proud with myself upon expanding upon this. ?See, with this code, I can create a noseless Barbara Streisand from scratch, given the right params. Mother you do see what I am doing?? Mother completely knew what I was doing, Mother was probably the most happy computer in the world?She should be.[/i][/center] Ooc: ** 1F19BE197D0519 = the alphabetical equivalent of ?GENETIC? in Decimal format. Converted directly to hex, digit by digit, letter by letter. I figured it would fit, given my current disposition in character and time.
I had to own it...which i did.... It's fixed
No because there is definately a hack ob has placed that changes the [img] tag into an [i]image not found[/i] tag. i dont know why it isnt working. I can only fix it by trial and error
..try making sure your case is perfectly sensitive. but thats just common sense. Maybe the server is down? ...hell many things could be wrong.
The tea party...link for the song is: [url]www.firerender.com/songs/[/url] just click the right link.. ule even get to hear the full song ...