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Everything posted by Phantom

  1. ..song. I would not change a word of lyrics by this amazing band. *sighs* i wish i could write something more true but what is the use..this says it' all. --------------------------------------------------------- Is it safe to look within And erase all that's been And all that's been between Is it gone tell me what went wrong 'cause baby i'm not that strong And i'm walking wounded All alone, all alone Are you comfortable and numb Did they all succumb to all those lies Does it satisfy the greed Is it all you need Is it all you want 'cause baby i'm not that strong And I'm walking wounded All alone And baby i'm not that strong And i'm walking wounded a All alone , all alone How does it feel How does it feel How does it feel How does it feel If your memories do stray Then they betray all that's past And all that's been between Is it gone tell me what went wrong 'cause baby i'm not that strong And i'm walking wounded All alone, And baby i'm not that strong And i'm walking wounded All allone , alll alone How does it feel How does it feel How does it feel How does it feel How does it feel How does it feel How does it feel How does it feel ---------------------------------------------------- I dont think i need to ask you how it feels (yo know who you are) ..because i'm sure I know how you feel.
  2. Phantom


    I dont know really, from my personal watching experience, if there was an anime to deserve it's own forum, it would be Hikaru no Go. But evidently anime otaku's ways dont seem to revolve around the anime's quality but it's popularity (maybe that is revolved around quality?). I think Naruto is a young anime which is going to be very popular...very very popular :) That is why that I think it should deserve it's own section. But as I said in my first post .(total idea popped up halfway through so I was too lazy to change title, hehe.) An anime series voting scenario would be really good. one anime can only be talked about for so long before something new is needed to say. Well, given that as my basis of arguement. I dont really think Naruto yet has what it takes :) I do think that my idea is super good and is worth looking at :)
  3. [b]Session#xTheRest[/b] [center][i]Submerged inside my own arrogance, I come to realize the type of person I am. I am an *** type person. I don?t know why, but it is what I feel. My mind stirs and I awake, seeing a little body curled up on my lap, it is that of Danielle. We are on the ship still; everything had been such a bad dream. Looking at her I could not bear to hold her any longer, the pain of our past once again, catching up to me. I sit her on my seat as I pick up my lance and walk to Denny. In an unhappy voice I begin my first conversation with a living soul since I had awoken. I begin by asking him why the hell he looked like he did. I was expecting a ninja; instead I get a British rock-loving hippy. I shrug and laugh to myself, knowing he expected some dark, twisted, sexy-looking guy to piss off the local moderators. There weren?t any here. And if they were, I would call them robotic entities which I would not mind to destroy in the least. With that, I happily dubbed these robots ?moderators?, sharing a laugh with Denny. ?You know man; half these people scare the **** out of me. I don?t know why I am here, I am an antisocial son of a ***** from Canada who shares nothing because my possessions take influence on my life so much that I become obsessed.? Denny looked at me as I looked over to Danielle. He simply nodded, either understanding completely or being a wiseass and dismissing my open infectious admission. I stroll over to Ron; sit next to him, wondering if he is awake or just confused with the reality his mind has been forged into. ?Hey ****er, wake up?, I pry at his consciousness, trying to rouse his attention. ?What the?? He asks, unsure of the reason of my hostility. Little does he know that I am just acting like myself, my ******* self. ?Look Ron, I don?t give a ***t who you are but I see your potential. Are you interested in actually doing something about these scraps of metal? Or do you want to sit around like the rest of these kids?? His look was that told me he was trying to wonder if what he just witnessed was for real. ?What the f*** is your problem?? his expression tells me. I smile, looking out over the rail of the ship?s barrier. No, nothing I see right now is real; I am supposed to be wondering around like a primitive being? I don?t want to fight, I want to die. Quickly boot. Quickly apologizing to Ron, I walk back over to Danielle and put her in my lap, knowing she will wake oblivious to the fact that I left for a time. I needed a break.[/i][/center]
  4. Phantom


    Since I have not seen anyone ask about a Naruto section, however I see Naruto-based names springing up all over the place.. I figured since I am doing nothing else at the moment, why not suggest a NARUTO! section, or subsection in the anime forums. From the last year I have noticed how one anime comes as another leaves... Maybe we could do something cool like vote on anime sections per season/year/somthinglikethat. It would be cool if we could make an anuall section voting...Since anime changes all the time, it might be a great way to maximize the effectiveness of the forums, not giving any one particular section too little attention. :) I was thinking besides my idea, Naruto has been getting very popular...since it is currently still an on-going anime (not sure if the manga is done, prolly is..im just too lazy to read manga :)) It might be a really good choice on adding. Im suggesting because I honestly think that it has great potential. If there has already been a thread about naruto, its not in the suggestions forum main viewing area at the moment :-D
  5. yup neirly the entire manga is fully translated at toriyama's world :-D
  6. That is their own stupidity I guess. Why are you making a big fuss about it. It definately isn't your fault
  7. If your a go fan, or if you like less fighting in your anime, and more story depth, try HnG! I want to know other's views on this once-thought boring, childish anime (my own thoughts) now revealed as an absorbing, intellectually entertaining anime. I found that it was a joy to watch and it inspired me to do many other things. It's music really made me wonder because it was so well rounded, even some of it was that generic synthasizer anime music..but it actually fit. I liked the ost and it was nice. Anyway, other's views.
  8. I've never heard of this before but because you are the only one doing it does not mean it is stupid. Maybe if you expressed your ideas in a way even dumb people like myself could understand, and offer more intrigueing reasons to do it mabye it might stand more of a chance not to be critisized. I think staffers are only going to think that it will be uneeded extra work. oh and from plenty experience angering James, I dont think custom titles are things we can ask for. But I wouldnt know as I dont regularely read the rules or the announcements.
  9. Eh, I'm a dilusional psycopathic spawn of hate... Anything that I say right now probably wont make sense nor logic. I dont think that any normal person would get a kick from ratting on their friends. But like Deathknight said.. its just life, get over it. It's definately not the doomsday... *runs in terror*
  10. I personally dont care, but if by planting myself into your shoes, in my current state of mind I would tell on them and feel very good about it.
  11. OOC: Music is meant for this post?Please listen as you read if/when possible. [b]Session#4Baka[/b] ic: [center][i]Again, the tearing ranting rage that embalms my rage ever so slightly, preserving the anger and hostility for just the right time to release it, exploding it into the nothingness before me. This is not a dream, but reality?It faces me confrontationally, begging me to snap, taunting at my very core. My wretched existence blows turmoil like a tugboat blows steam. I pace and pace in my mind, asking myself, ?why?? with such love can I wish to be so destructive? My soul finally remembers why it was torn. For reasons out of my control, I was forsaken? ?Forsaken?? I ask myself, wondering why I continue to bargain with the worst thoughts possible. A self conflict of titanic proportions I am placed in a scenario where I can kill?or be killed. I shake my head and open my tear-stained eyes, knowing that I am truly alone, even the warm being sitting in my lap offers no help, no release, and no warmth, to rest. My sanity drains, no gushes like a geyser. Spewing forth any sane clusters of thought out my mouth ?I vomit. Carefully missing Danielle, the vomit hits the floor of this hovering machine. It rests like my very self, alone, abandoned and left for the dead. It once was one with my stomach, intertwined in what probably felt like an inseparable bond?Than I so arrogantly threw it away, onto the tarmac of this ship. I couldn?t help but feel sorry for my vomit. I look at it? it smiles back. [b]~Flash~[/b] My eyes open as I gain consciousness. I want out?That is all I know, I cannot be cooped up and will not. Moving Danielle into a ball on the place where I was sitting, I stand up, ready to jump off the speeding ship, not knowing I will die the second I hit the ground I lift my leg up, ready to abandon everything I had found? A moment later I hear Danielle grumble in her sleep. She begun to shake violently and I looked back for only a second as she looked as if she would explode. Without notice her eyes shoot open, revealing a pair of red reptilian eyes only comparable to the devil himself. She lunged at me, knocking me off along with her, to begin our descent. As I turn in midair, I see the stones of the earth shoot toward me, and on the moment of impact, I open my eyes to see Danielle curled up in my lap, snoring quite loudly, as if she had not slept so heavily in a long time. I sigh; the tears begin to trickle down my cheeks. I cannot kill this child. She has much to learn, as do I. I stop thinking incredibly angrily and smile, looking at her more, I cradle her, pushing the hair away from her eyes, stroking her eyebrow very lightly, my index finger turned topside as I stroke her beautiful little face, tears dripping from my eyes to her face?I am completely oblivious to anything but her. I do not even notice as my lance falls to the side. I do not even notice as my tears begin to splash over her face. I cry in quantity, letting what feels like an amazing amount of liquid flow ever constantly from my tear glands. I notice her face is wet so I wipe it off with my sleeve and let my head fall downwards onto hers, forehead to forehead I bawl so quietly that the only way anyone would catch on is by noticing how my back is heaving upwards as I cannot control my gasps for air. I feel so dead that I stop breathing, slowing my entire metabolism, letting it become nothing but a pale accumulation of dead soul.[/i][/center]
  12. every word of it was wrote when i was bawling my eyes out... *shrugs* That is liekly why I am still in love with a girl who has destroyed my soul.
  13. [b]Session#4Baka[/b] [i][center]I sit curled up in the corner of the vessel, which I have refused to acknowledge. Carrying us someplace I do not know, nor care about. My lance, my truth, my reality, my weapon.. It stays held tightly to my side as I close my eyes, hoping nobody tries to wake me up, knowing full well that they would be impaled with my lance upon touching me. I dream lightly, a dream of Danielle (this one really happened like 3 nights ago?before everything was spilled out to me), I was at a new college, my first day, Danni was there?she was another student, an American student that I immediately recognized and became obsessed over. Throughout the dream I was fingerspaces away from snatching her up to be mine, an inch or so from my true medium of happiness. Than the dream ended, just like in real life, I have nothing, and no-one.[/i] [b]~Flash~[/b] [i]Shaking me lightly, obviously stupid in many ways for trying to wake me up, without realizing that my lance had already been driven through her neck. I open my eyes and see her smiling, the lance had barely missed. She giggled cutely, looking down at me and whispers, ?You know, ?Mother? hasn?t been [b]that[/b] useless to me.?. With that she pulled the lance away from my shaking hands and curled up into my lap, like a cat, she kneaded for the appropriate amount of time before settling in, her incredibly slender body freighted my half-asleep self. But in that, it made me look at myself, another bag of bones, needing nourishment badly. I wanted to die; I even contemplated bringing a few others with me. I look at Danielle?Knowing I wanted her to come at one point, but not having the balls or the cold heart to do so. I than glance at the gun-wielding Ronald, thinking, ?So many I want to kill before I end it myself.? Waking up from another dream I feel Danielle?s body shaking, probably from a dream, maybe because she was spying on my thoughts, my evil (but very true) thoughts. I stroke her face lightly, wondering why I am so happy to see someone who has brought me such pain. Wondering why a lousy boy like me feels so happy?just to hold this girl, this being. I almost want to explode with mixed emotions. Self loathing being one of them, emotions that are best left behind and used to motivate a quick, painless ?moving on?. I know in my heart that I need to move on past this, drive myself into a new existence, one without pain but for a boy like me to dream for it is useless. I will vow to myself that even if I am screwed with heart and mind, I will never let it stop me from trying to attain true happiness. Trying tests put forth by God will not be enough for me to prove myself. Nothing can stop this feeling I have welling inside me. I look down at Danielle, remembering a few promises I had made her, having no intentions on breaking them. I smile lopsidedly, wondering how many people think I am a complete idiot, wondering how so many are so very wrong? Again, I smile with a hint of evil?Michael isn?t [size=1]that[/size] dense.[/i][/center]
  14. Pretty good, I like it but its not as deep as you probaby wanted it to be. Trying to let out emotions like this requires pure hatred or pure love upon your part. You will get something very scary as your final product and if you take the time to spellcheck when your done, it could very well become a masterpeice. From my personal experiences in writing melodramatic poetry, when I tried to fabricate the hatred, it would never turn out as good as if I had driven the poetry forth using my own life's anger and just let my fingers move as they want.
  15. with all the glue...the bittersweet binding of life, with all my sadness and turmoil...I grow up alone, heart aloft, dead.. I want to find love but it stares me down...telling me never to run from you. I listen, my tear filled eyes grope opon the chance to be part of a tear sodden smile of happiness They are longing to be a set of father's eyes...to be real with you. In these eyes i long for everyhting ive ever dreampt of... In my eyes I crave for you, i beg for you....i need you.. in the time ive spent with you i have learned so much but i am still a weak child ...a baby in the world lied to, stepped upon.. You have crushed me in ways you would die from if i had doen to you..but i am still here..half dead ....alone.. I am alone..your by my side but i am alone... crying and sullen. Why did god give me the heart of pureness to be smited upon and broken. Because he tests me? he tests my faith in the higher blessings? i dotn know but i deserve not to be treated so. ANd in these eyes..I feel your heart...the pain u suffer...the pain you bring..why me? why would you doit? I know that I am never enough..Never enough...Never what you really wanted... Now i sit in bath of blood feeling sorry for myself..intermittenly tingling with pain...i want to tell you something..the words are simple.. GO **** YOURSELF....go **** the world and go **** some other bastard who will allow himself to be treated like dirt.... I never tell you this because of the love i have so deeply embeded into my soft heart ...because i love you...and you are all i have in the world...beleive me or not.
  16. [b]Session#3Arrogance[/b] [center]After managing to escape the human-made facility, I made my way to the surface. Hoping that I was still located near my home in Canada, I searched for the remnants of my parent?s nineteenth century farmhouse**. Sadly enough, it was still intact. ?Them pioneers were pretty sturdy?, I told myself to be optimistic. I wonder why it has nothing about my family in it, not even broken pictures. After wondering for a few moments I catch on, realizing that it was only a ?dream? that they bought this place. It probably explains that this dream world *** is not too old. It has only been implemented (from the looks of the skies) for a century or so. I grumble to myself, angrily. Secretly I was hoping to have found my laptop which I could have adapted to work off such a dysfunctional light source as the one populating the cold earth. In any case, I pilfered a rather nice lance, probably used by the settlers of the time. This would be a grand compromise in compactness, but would be more than worth it for now my weapon was one to content with, especially when wielded in the hands of a lance fanatic gamer-nerd. I look out over the dreary atmosphere, taking in its lifeless indirect hatred for me, sighing with pleasure. I already knowing that I want?I want to smite the evil that lurks this world and take back what has been so rudely stolen from me. Yes, the ability to take things for granted?How dare these god damned machines even ask for such a privilege, let alone follow through with it! I will have to use my knowledge to make them work against themselves? After my minute of glee, I realized how helpless I was all alone in a world where I look like a Franken-wannabe, puke-your-guts-out-every-five-second, idiot with a spear, knowing already that against a computer you need a computer, and against a beast you need a spear. What will a spear do? Nothing! [b]~SMACK~[/b] After smacking myself a hundred times over, I come to grips with reality. You cannot upgrade/downgrade/destroy a computer without either bashing the **** out of it from the outside (?a lance will not due in a situation this grand), or open it up and destroy the internal components with a few well initiated, ?s.m.a.r.t.? bombs. In other words, [size=1]get back inside[/size][/center]
  17. [b]Session#3Arrogance[/b] And I look into his eyes, the balls of fear and pain welling into his soul, telling him that today is his last day alive. I started crying the second I saw his self worry. ?Why am I such a monster?? I ask myself, so unsure of the answer. In the second I hesitate he begins to fight back, but now it is useless as I ram my finger through his trachea and put him to a long, silent death. It had not been the first humanoid I had been forced to kill, and surely wouldn?t be the last. I get up and leave the room, hoping to find a way out.
  18. What feels like its gone has never left. The pain inside my heart. I thought for a second to be alone after humiliation would be the way. Instead of release, it hurts more and more? Stricken, sad and alone I blow up on life and blow up on myself. My one true friend is gone and I cannot even trust myself. People like me are best left untouched. Gone forever like rotting leftovers. Dead, useless. When I think about my past I have no regrets. Except for ending it?IT is the only mistake I have ever made. Even if she was to end it, At least I knew I had never given up. Never to give up on love?I am such a fool. I cannot take back my evil words and I must now suffer alone and tormented. Alone my torment?.pfft, my torment stretches out and sucks in those around me. I am dying and slowly killing everyone who cares? This is my fate?I care but no one else does.
  19. [i]Why the dreams I once held close, Have gone with the wind?[/i] Because i think that we both agree, waiting for 4 years till im done college is too long ..you prolly get more out of life if u find someone new...not how i want but thats why...essentially [i]I feel the cold icy wind as you speak to me now what did I do to deserve your hatred?[/i] Nothing, that is why i dont hate you... [i]but why now after all this, do you take it on me as if its my fualt?[/i] I didnt mean to take it out on you...I think that all I asked for was to be alone...And i was not in the mood to be told otherwise. I'm sorry for that. I dont think that it matters if i ended it or if i said goodbye...you just told me that you wuold have if i didnt...so please do not push that back into my face. -.- You just told me you would have made the 'final note' if i hadn't have. [i]What did I do ot turn your love to hate? What did I do to make u loath me so?[/i] Both wrong.. I never hated you I never loath you..those are two inconcievable situations... I love you ...more than you seem to know... I guess my love is useless because it wasnt enough to keep it together.
  20. oh yea oh well the first one is only a button for my site whch used to be a textbased button so i guess thats cool but thank you mr. moderator :)
  21. COMMMENTTTSS AND SUGGGGGGESSSZTIONZ!!!?!?!?!?!?! [img]http://www.firerender.com/misc/abst.jpg[/img]
  22. [b]Session#2Michael [center]~Flash~[/b] At home I was always surrounded by warm people. We were neither most rich nor most poor family. We were comfortable, as my father liked to say. Life was so simple for us. Eat sleep work and try hard. I always wanted to get a break from the harsh reality of life?One day school would be over and life would truly commence. It brings me back to a fond memory of highschool. The setting was simple; Adam, Jason and I would setup cards at our lockers, eat our lunch and play *******. Furthermore time would wind down in an endless battle of calling passing niner females** ?who?er? as they walked by. I never thought of how immature I was through those days but it sort of occurs to me now that I needed a chance to express myself in a better way. So as we played out our games of *******, we would briefly touch base with our futures. What we wanted, who with, why, when, where. This was all before I met Danielle. There was a really cool Brasilian girl that I would taunt Adam with. See, I was the computer chat phreak and he was the programmer genius (my mentor), life back then was simple; I would be the gamer with no plans and he would be the programmer with all the answers. The roles changed over time and he became a pothead. Like most, I instantly realized that I was working to a very bright fut... [b]~Flicker~[/b] [i]The aged bronze door handle turns with a bitter squeal as the faculty ?associate? turns the lock. He sees a boy strapped down (because he likely would kill a staff member before thinking), sleeping.[/i] [b]Associate:[/b] (Thinking) Say?I?m sure the drugs have wore off by now, why isn?t he awake? Strange. Please, let me go to sleep, I say to myself repeatedly, knowing that [i]something[/i] was looking at me. My eyes sealed shut as I try desperately to hide my freight, knowing outright that I cannot sleep my life away. [b]Associate:[/b] (Thinking) He is awake but I think he is frightened. Maybe I?ll risk taking off the straps. As the worker removes my straps, my eyes flicker open instantly, focusing on him. I know my shank is gone, and I am in some type of low grade medical gown but that doesn?t stop me from pouncing, using all my strength, I veer up at him, jabbing my thumb and index finger into his neck, cutting off his windpipes from sheer pressure. Once he is on the ground with me atop, I quickly tell him that if he makes so much as a peep other than to answer my questions, I will push my finger directly into his neck and kill him?than eat him. (I was dead serious. Besides I was also starved.) [b]Me:[/b] I know you aren?t one of [i]them[/i] I can smell you. But what exactly is this place? Keep it very simple or I will end your life now... [/center] [color=red][size=3][b]OOC:[/b][/size][/color] [color=blue][size=1]** Eh, well this term is prolly not known well in the states so, Niner would be freshman hehe. [/size][/color]
  23. [b]Session#2Michael [center]~Flash~[/b] [i]A series of jolts surged to the cavernous hallway, propagating most likely from an overload in the circuitry panels. The locale is an office building, submerged in an artificial subterranean canal.[/i] Unaware of my current disposition, I wake up rubbing my eyes peacefully. To my left is an alarm clock. It sits upon a cherry night table, varnished to perfection. Still, unaware and vulnerable I have yet to catch on that I am sitting in a semi-normal room. After several minutes of this odd, drowsy awakening, I comprehend entirely. Gazing at the locked door in front of me, I sullenly notice that the handle is turning. My legs are clasped tightly to the bed, and without realizing it, I am in a cell. Figuring that this is the end, I relax, hoping it comes fast. Shutting my eyes, I drift off, into a dream that I hope no one will wake me from?[/center]
  24. [b]Session#2Michael [center]~Flash~[/b] [i]The birds resonate in their carefree way, almost oblivious to the danger that lay ahead. The sky, a bright blue (tinted green) azure plane filled to the brim with a sentiment of billowing cumulous. It [i]was[/i] an infinite jade field of grass and shrub land, centered on the common focal point of a large oak tree. It's clear that the tree is aged considerably, placing it¡'s origin around the mid eighteenth century.[/i] I sprung to my feet the instant I regained consciousness but unfortunately I was no longer where I thought I was. I peer curiously at my surroundings, seeing meadow, birds, and one very large, old tree. Stopping to think about what just happened*, I can't comprehend any of this. I am begging to think too much. I was never like this before so I should never try to change who I am, even if the real me is just a dummy battery (at least so I think). I march toward the ominous oak tree, its overwhelming size and stature drew me in, pulling me close, yearning my touch... [b]~Flash~[/b] The second my fingers met the bark of this imposing oak the birds began to squawk, dying off almost instantaneously. Before my eyes the tree began to dissolve and a new environment appeared. I could hardly blink. The pressure was overwhelming, as if I was being crushed within a vise. As my vision slowly regained, a figured approached...[/center] [color=red][size=3][b]OOC:[/b][/size][/color] [color=blue][size=1]** It seems that my character is in a mess. I don't want to give away any of my personal end of this role playing game but I want you to try to focus deeply on what my character is up to. I am trying to do things differently than that of my normal style so those who know my normal style might be confused as to wtf I am doing. ^^; Right now my character has been transported away from the dangerous detector somehow. He nor anyone knows why. Maybe you have caught on maybe you haven't but good luck from now on! ^^. Note: Serendity, don¡¦t sign up for rpgs if you can only write two lines! Lol even if your computer is bad (no worse than mine) you probably can write. Don't feel bad about not getting a chance to write. Take your time and make your post worth reading and I assure you that you will come clean with some jaws dropped. (mine anyway) And I don't want to sound mean but its just reality. don't blame your computer heh. [/size][/color]
  25. [b]Session#2Michael [center]~Flash~[/b] [i]The ally was abandoned. No sense of life for an extreme distance, no life. For the past fifty years the earth has been wrought by them. Revolutions usually happen but with a lack of manpower, the computers seem to have the advantage.[/i] When I rose from my ?dream?, the entire world spun furiously as if a hand from the gods were to be tossing me into a chaotic sense of instability. Its ok, it happens a lot, I tell myself. By sheer luck I have been able to find a few items?kill a few mindless creatures but I am still quite wrecked. I know that for the last eighteen years my body has remained immobile. Without a doubt I would regain my past strength?.. I always remember myself before I woke up. Now I must even doubt my childhood, for it probably never happened. Come to think of it, the dream world. It reminds me of a MPORPG*. A globally networked role playing game called Life?. As interesting as my thoughts had become since my time alone in this re-awakening, I still had one common goal with these beings. Survive. Gripping my neck, I grew tense from the stress and pain. Tumbling to the ground, I feed the dull, lifeless ground the contents of my stomach, letting any and every ounce of liquid lurch out as fast as possible. I shakily collapse beside the pool of gag and try to breathe normally. As I look up at the sky, I smile, knowing full well that my trench coat conceals any minute heat signatures I may be giving off. I wish the man whom? I stole it off was still alive. Maybe he could explain why it works so. It?s another hopeless dream that I should give into and forget already. I should focus on right now, thanks to ?them? I now have a full head of intelligence to use against them. It?s stupid; they put us in a prison and give us the chance to grow enough to destroy them. I seriously think if they were to grow us in a farm that we will feed them with, life would be based in our age of economical and political climax. Why then 2004? Don?t they realize that while the American and European countries seem to be doing just that, they don?t very well contain any of the FOOD?.All the food is in the rural of China, India, and Afrikas. [b]Me:[/b] *Sighs* It isn?t right! How can such a deviant plan make such little sense!? I look up at the sky once more before attempting to implement a few exercises. My muscles still half-dead after twenty four days of this pitiful existence. [i]A dim whirring of props indicates that a detector is nearby. Playing it?s endless game of cat and mouse, this seeking devise of destruction has some rather new features and has already locked itself on our friend Michael.[/i] After completing a few pushups without completely dying, I hear a twin screw ship heading my way. Frantically I conceal myself within the shroud of my coat. Its stopped! Great! This trusty coat is ama??.. [b]~THWAP!~[/b][/center] [color=red][size=3][b]OOC:[/b][/size] (Any terms with a * indicated will be discussed here, and always here. Just a note for future reading.)[/color] [color=blue][size=1]** [b]M[/b]assively [b]P[/b]layed [b]O[/b]nline [b]R[/b]ole [b]P[/b]laying [b]G[/b]ame Aka; everquest, ragnarok Online [/size][/color]
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