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[b]Session#2[size=2]Michael[/b][/size] [center][b]~Flash~[/b] [i]The computer screen goes black, a fist veering towards the wall?[/i] [b]~Slams!~[/b] God damned. I can?t handle this. I knew this would happen. Going to have to spend all night fixing it. ********. [i]The alarm clock is buzzing[/i] [i]wya?..wya?..wya?..wya[/i] As I reach for the switch I come to grips with reality. I don?t have an alarm clock. I don?t even have food. I gaze up into the darkness of the day, no sun, no stars. The ambient murmurs of the electronically adept robots fill my ears with a whirring melody. [b]Me:[/b] Heh?how relaxing. Stretching out my arms, I yawn and rub the sleep from my over-slept eyes. This morning is no different from any other. A dream based upon one of my favorite computer troubleshooting routines, botched from heaven to hell by this hellish place I?ve come to accept as reality. [b]Me:[/b] *Sighs* Why? I can?t get over the bleakness. I always wondered what hell was, maybe I?m dead and hell isn?t filled with crypt from the past but faint electro-organic beings that show humans the true meaning of inferiority. Again another useless crumb of insanity. Yea, this insanity has been getting the best of me. Alone in a world where creatures once reliable and trusty rule the world in a? [b]Me:[/b] *Yawns* Meh, I have to do something. I?m lazy but letting myself rot to death is extremely moronic. I still wonder what my purpose is. Why such a terrible awakening? They should have just killed me before ejecting me from their ?system?. ?from the looks of it, this system is milking out our life-force for energy. I can?t be too positive but I am not a dummy. They are growing fields of us. Either that or I am living out my most feared nightmare. A wise man once said that a computer is only as smart as the user operating it?So much for Mr. Computer Einstein. [b]Me:[/b] (screaming) For **** sakes!!! What the hell is this! IM SICK OF THIS!!!! 20 days was where I drew the limit but I?m still here! Why!? Why can?t you just kill me!????? [b]~CRASH!~[/b] [i]Several hour?s later[/i] Ow, this hurts! From the second I tried to open my eyes to the second I began focusing on my surroundings, I knew something was up. Nothing registered to me. Why a clean room? Why do ? I sm?ell food!? I instantly jump to me feet and look around the room I am in. Wearing my high school clothes, I instantly realize I?m at home again. Why? I know it is either a dream or a very complex hallucination technique. So I pinch myself. [b]~OWCH!!!~[/b] Kay, so it?s real enough, but what now?[/center]
Try looking at the WINDOWS-->FONTS folder once you put the .ttf file in there. It fully installs them and recognizes them. Danni, why didnt you just ask me.
As you can see in my sigg now, that's my current FR button I had to throw it together fast but it will be updated with new ones. ps: if you want me to put your pics on my site ide prefer 88x31
Ah, buttons! :-D ile make one up PRONTO! however my site isnt ready for affilations yet so let my content build and when i start putting linked places ile add you..I will put you in the 'personal' section of the site cuz your site is a personal site...I dont want personal sites on main page hehe..
That is just the problem... The godess is probably telling you that she cant sort out ALL your problems. There should always be a line between your choosing and fate's. *nods* But your too stubborn. You said once "Yes, I am but you know how weak I am against deppression". Well Danielle...you are only as weak as you make yourself out to be. I know you have been through a hellish life but there IS worse...you have to try to not take for granted the things you think will always be there....like right now you still have a great chance to make something of your life, but your stubbornness is working backwards and not letting you see it. I know that I'm rambling but Danielle..try to find SOME value to these words because I dont know why but I think they feel more powerfull as I am writing them...Sorry for this longwinded 'lecture'... just cuz it's over DEFINATELY does not rule out the fact that your' still #1 to me.
A poem After growing up we all can see it so clear, is it not so? That 20/20 hindsight, that tool we wish we had at the time?such ironic retrospection. A life in toil, growing pains, aches and cramps, Too many things not my way, a life pressured by pinning clamps, When I feel the past teaching me a lesson, it?s hard to listen? Bringing memories of poor times, emotional, financial? But life words his wonders in a game of cards, Dealing a lesson hand, a teaching supremacy? Life has his ways; he tries not to give away these mysteries all at once? No one can really escape his grasp. Life brings out the best and worst in us? But as if we all didn?t know that?It?s only Murphy ?s Law, A poem? Or just a combination of words specifically geared toward opening eyes, turning heads? Maybe both but without the lyrical alchemy of Shakespeare and his passionate beating of syllables. The moral of this story is that when trapped and wounded, one must never feel pitiful against the odds. Life will bring his teachings always in times of ill fate, and those who have the courage to look up at their fears and stand in the face of turmoil?.fighting what seems a winless parry of crushing blows and hectic evasion?Life brings strength. Strength to move on, and power to prove one?s will. Do not back down, even if you are dead already. Do not pass up your chances, you only have so many. Life is here forever, but time won?t teach if you don?t let it, Life is something to cherish, love, and learn from?regardless of your mistakes. Michael 8:46
[b]Name:[/b] Michael [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Height:[/b] 5"10 [b]Eye color:[/b] hazel [b]Hair color:[/b] Brown [b]Life Bio inside the Matrix:[/b] A run of the mill hacker, making his extra money by dealing with ilicit goods. He isnt well known in this particular industry because (unlike Neo) he focuses on his office work. Thus, simply put, Michael is a straight shooter, looking for extra money in the illegal business. Thus far he has not been caught nor is he stupid enough to leave traces. He lives alone and has no intention on growing attached to anyone or thing, mainly he just wants to grow strong at his two callings. Computers, and Go. [b]Time of awakening:[/b] 23days [b]Equipment:[/b] Black trench coat he stole off a carcass (major luck!) and a twelve inch bloodied shank, which he found on yet another life-drained body. He also wears the general scum clothing underneith his overcoat. He attained a pair of sunglasses from more sheer luck. Other than these articles, he remains dry of luxuries.
[b]Babygirl:[/b] I guess I sort of hear where you are coming from but your right. Most people dont openly agree that those types of things are good... But I figure anything is bad if it lacks responsibility. So drinking responsably, or smoking weed responsably, or having sex responsably... meh what is the harm in that?
The tea party is one of canada's best and im sad that they arent as famous as they should be....they do some spectacular work. But I was not reffering to her ending as being one of the best ever....but one of HER best ever. Even the infamous Harlequin can misread praise!? No! I must be missing something! HEH! :)
ah, Othello is basically like reversi.. hehe Go is much more unique than people figure it is from my synopsis! :-D I really think the anime Hikaru no Go is a MUST SEE. It's based on this game.
To clear up any mishaps. Go is most likely the oldest known board game ever invented. I've played riversi and it is definately not alike. Riversi is based upongaining territory by choosing to surround lines of the opponent's color. The colors may be the same but reversi plays until there are no longer places on the board to play. Other than that, reversi is played within the squares while GO is played on the line's intersection. Othello is much more like go however I'm sure the strategy is quite disimilar. :) And to Cloricus. I prefer Go better because of it's simple rules yet unending complexity of moves. It really is about ballance rather than quick percision. Me, being an impatient person, can find many an advantage to the discipline and patience required to competitively play go! :)
[size=1][b]Name:[/b] Touya, Kenji [b]Age:[/b] 44 [b]Height:[/b] 5?4 [b]Appearance:[/b] A battle-worn veteran of the revolution, forced to fight to protect his family. He was originally a farmer. His frame is solid but compact. His speed was quickly realized and he was trained to be a silent killer. Not knowing better he took on these roles hoping to relieve his family of oppression. With matte black hair and soft blue-gray eyes, he can appear a harmless old man, however if caught in his piercing gaze regularly leads to being the last thing the target sees. His cloak is black and green, representative of the time period. He often wears different clothing for different situations. [b]Weapon:[/b] Katana (attachment) [b]Special Skill:[/b] [i]Lightening Chakara;[/i] When Kenji is in a pressing situation he can summon the remnants of his life energy and force his body into a self-damaging feat of speed and mobility. Though this helps to destroy his own body, it renders him into a rather chilling creature.[/size]
[b]Comments and Acknowledgements:[/b] Length is no excuse for a lack of quality Danielle? You should have tripled on a few minor spelling things. But remember how you were not as long as a year ago. You have improved the most of all of us. I don?t think anyone would disagree, maybe except a complete jerk who knows nothing about you. That was a great ending Danielle, and when it says the end, means it. About John?s add on. If it was his idea to finish the rpg, than it would have been his discretion, but it wasn?t. He quit just like me. Danielle, as far as you should be concerned, you can just ignore that last epilogue post for your documentation. I?m not trying to be cocky but John. Just think that you might have wanted to be a bit more considerate to her work. I know that I have not been the best role player here, but I am grateful to everyone for joining and finishing [b]MY[/b] first ever rpg. I remember setting its goals as to match the criteria for what OB wanted as a solid rpg. And congratulations to all who joined and tried, because we were successful! TY ALL AND ESPECIALLY DANIELLE FOR FINISHING something that we all had deemed dead. I want to thank John for all of his egotistic posts?without him this would not have been fun for me. I love the indirect rivalry between him and I (even if no one else notices) and thanks to John, I was always trying my best on my posts! I want to thank Flynn as well. His style and flow are what I will always strive for in writing. He is a skilled young man and I will always view him as a mentor in this business. 100000 shout outs to OZ! You guys own us Canadians! Evie! You?re a great sis, and even though you were baffled many times in this rpg, you were instrumental in many of my slews of writing. Your support, (much like Danielle?s) inspired me to press on and try harder. So many others were involved with this work that I feel I am not doing justice to them unless I congratulated them ALL equally. Thank you all?.All my friends? You are all so special to me in your own way! MK!!!!! *(new and improved?maybe even more grown up!)
No problems... I guess as long as there isnt some sort of direct blood. But I wouldnt personally do it. I have to think of my 3rd cousin, her name is tara and even if she was pretty (hehe, she's not) I spent too much time growing up with her to even consider her anything but direct blood. So I guess depending on the culture, and enviroment and definately how close you grew up together...It might or might not be (to me) an act of monstrosity! :-D MK!!!!!
Personally, from experiance, if you feel that you must worry about the thread closing in the first place than the problem can usually be solved with a few pm's to a few good friends. But since it has yet to be shutdown, why the hell not! :) Eh highschool..I always became extremely nervous and felt that everyone was watching me because I wasnt the best looking... But quickly I got over that and realized that the people who are superficial and dont look at your innerself even a tiny bit are those who will not be good friends...and for me good friends are my life. Thus everyone else doesnt matter... try thinking about the type of peopl who might bug you.. sometimes helps. And the feeling you got when in manhattan, its normal. I mean I'm not from any big city but life is essentially the same regardless of where you are. I think you just felt a bit overwhelmed.. Might have been a third party stress factor...If that makes any sense. Could something else have already been bothering you? :) Possibly. Just dont worry, life is going to pitch a few more curves at you before you are well enough to get the foresight required to be truely knowledgable :) good luck with future self vs. self contlicts, I'm sure that you wont feel out of place if you can convince yourself that everyone is essentially the same in the very end...right? MK!
I havent read it yet...far too long for me to sit down. My patience is quite simply too slim at the moment. However I promise to read and comment. BTW Efk, did you really have to do that aftermath? lol it's like you needed to get that last word in after Danielle put forth so much effort... baaaaaaaka! Show off... anyway I'll commment that as well Efk.
...open discussion on the game of 'Go'. [center][img]http://www.firerender.com/misc/go.jpg[/img][/center] Let me open up the disscussion with a brief synopsis of go for the people who may not have heard of it, or for those who might need a quick briefing about it. [quote]Go is a game of strategy. Two players compete in acquiring territory by placing markers on a smooth wooden board with a simple grid drawn on it, usually 19 by 19 lines. Each player seeks to enclose territory with his markers (called ?stones?), much like partitioning a field with sections of fencing. Further, each player may capture his opponent?s markers. The object of the game is to enclose the most territory, a simple goal the leads to the elegant and fascinating complexities of go.[/quote] Simply put, this game is the ultimate in absract strategy and was created in Asia over three thousand years ago. It is still played in basically the same form, with a few exceptions to the rules, which are definately minor. Besides the growing Asian influence in the western hemisphere, I am frankly surprised that so little a populus actually knows and plays Go. The main purpose of this thread is to bring this game into the light and what better place to doit than here on OB. For people who arent in the western hemisphere (lol, a great deal many of the members here are from elsewhere!) Go is still not widely known. You can play go on Yahoo games but I dont beleive you will get the same learning experiance from it if you try up against people on Yahoo. I want to try to answer as many questions as I can with my limited knowledge of go, and I want people who DO know more about it to post here and try to offer some insight to beginners (like me hehe!). I will add some links at the end of this post for people who are interested in learning game. And to finalize with one more quote, [quote]Go is essentially a form of harmony... - Mirel Florescu 9dan (kgs)[/quote] [b]Some links that you might find helpfull.[/b] - [url=http://learngo.world-go.org/menu.htm]Learn GO![/url] - [url=http://kgs.kiseido.com]All purpose go link![/url] The all purpose link is rather simple to understand, click it and you get many options to learn and grow. And also play if you are interested. MK
Usually... Cept for lucky breaks. Since the non-nice guy is going to take the shortcuts and cheat-pimp his way to the top :)
Is there ever a good enough reason for suicide?
Phantom replied to wrist cutter's topic in General Discussion
Eh, selfish is selfish. Definately, each situation is based upon very different reasons. I dont think that all suicides are selfish, but I dont think that they are really justified. I mean it goes against our coded genetic make up. will to live and spread is what we should do. Maybe it's a genetic fault...or just the will to defy our genes in the face of hardship.. But my final personal verdict is that there is no reason to justify it unless your ill with a terminal illness and all your family agrees (including yourself lol) that it is the most painless transit of bringing to end a painful existence. Of course thats not 'legal' everywhere. And again, depending on the situation, its not selfish... or it is. -
For once, I have to side with Neil... We had this dicussion before. And it sorta hit me now... That is a very basic effect, no? Its been around for a long while, that warped effect, that it has. For a program with such prestige as adobe photoshop, would you not concieve it POSSIBLY have been discovered by more than one living soul? *shruggs*... For Neil's potential it still sucks newbishly :)
[color=green]My crappy eyes cannot read the text. But I think I saw this 'warped' background before....a few times. Medra, I would think, did not try at all on the banner... ^__^ [b]Overall Rating:[/b] [size=1](You guessed right Neil)[/size] Crap-*** Banner[/color]
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
Phantom replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
i sure as hell hope this isnt u ur talking bout...mainly cuz i cant physically stop u... also... ...forget it.. im sorry u want to die.. i know i do nealry nothing for u these days... I love you anyway... wether it hits home to u or not... *sigh* .. please dont doit....