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M. Son Gohan

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About M. Son Gohan

  • Birthday 02/13/1987

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  • Occupation
    Student and resident wacko

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New Member (1/6)



  1. I think Lieberman is doing overkill, trying to ban all violent video games. I mean, a million to ten, I bet he watches movies that are worse than the video games!!! I'm not saying a play those type of games( I play Zelda^^) but I am going to say that it's not right to ban them. If people don't have enough self control to not act out what's in video games, it's their fault, not the game's.
  2. This reminds me of some of the other hoaxs, like ones on how to get the Triforce and stuff. Yeah, totally fake. Don't you wish people wouldn't get people's hopes up like this?
  3. This is a kind of wierd game, but let's try it shall we? Here's the deal: You post a word that begins with a letter in the order of the alphabet. For example, say I put Angela for the a, the next person would have to post a DBZ related word that starts with a B, for example, Bulma. Also, try not to repeat a word that been said already. They can be Japanese or English, but they have to be legitamite. For instance, although I love calling the evil Lunch Kushami, that is not her name, therefore, it cannot be posted. Okay, let's try this, here's A: Android #18
  4. ?I can?t....hold on......? Goku put his hand on her shoulder, and Pan looked over at him. Goku formed a Kamehameha wave and hit Ebonia. It distracted her long enough. ?Now, Pan! Give it all you?ve got!? Pan yelled and gave up the last of her strength. The energy traveled down the beam and engulfed Ebonia, who gave one last agonizing scream before being permanently silenced. Pan de-transformed and collapsed on the ground, gasping for air. ?I did it......grandpa.....? Pan sat up again and looked around. She got up and walked over to Trunks. She smiled, then collapsed on the ground, unconscious. Gohan awakened, getting up and assessing the damage. Five crystals appeared in front of him, breaking open to reveal Piccolo, Dende, Popo, Korin, and Yajirobe. Dende looked around at the palace and all of the people. ?Wow...I?ve got my work cut out for me.? The five of them walked around, helping and healing the warriors. They finally came to the last two, Pan and Trunks. Gohan was taken aback to see his daughter on top of Trunks. He frowned and turned to his newly revived wife. ?She.....She really does love him.....doesn?t she?? ?Well.......yes dear.? Dende healed Pan, who awoke with a start. She looked around and started crying. Videl gasped and Gohan put his arm around her. ?He.....he saved me. And.....And I let him die!? She sobbed. ?It?s alright Pan,? Said Gohan. ?No it?s not! He can?t be revived because the dragon isn?t going to grant any wishes for another 100 years! And it?s my fault!? Videl and Gohan looked at each other. Then, all of a sudden, a bright light appeared in the sky. The remnants of Ebonia fell, restoring all it touched within in minutes, the palace was restored, the trees grew back, and all was back to the way it should be. Trunks and Krillin glowed, then dulled again. Trunks? eyes blinked open, as well as Krillin?s. Pan looked over surprised then ran over to him. ?Trunks! You?re alive! I-? He put a finger to her lips. She smiled, her eyes full of tears. He lifted her face, and they closed their eyes and kissed. Bulma went red and Vegeta smirked. Gohan and Videl held each other, smiling and sighing in relief. ?Well,? said Bra, ?We better go. Ya know.....This has been one helluva field trip.? ?Bra! Watch your mouth, young lady!? Bulma yelled, ?I know you certainly didn?t hear that from me.? Bulma looked over at Vegeta angrily. Everyone laughed and took off, back towards Tokyo city. Before taking off, Pan looked at the sky, and smiled. ?Thank you, Goku. For everything.? The end. And that's a wrap! I'm sorry. -_-; If you bothered to read all of this, please, tell me what you think of it.
  5. Light flashed around Pan as it enveloped her and dispelled in a shower of sparks. Pan stood there her golden hair waving in her energy. Gohan stared forward and smiled. ?My little Pan.......you skipped Super Saiyan and went straight to level two? Or, perhaps, you are special like me as well. Maybe this is Super Saiyan for you. I hope it?s enough, though.? Energy crackled around Pan. She stepped forward. Ebonia stepped backwards looking from Pan to Gohan and back. ?The sleeper has awaken, I am reborn.? Pan teleported and punched Ebonia so hard that her fist caused Ebonia?s back to deform and Ebonia to double over. Pan kicked Ebonia and began to hit her, each attack connecting. Pan put Ebonia into a choke hold. ?This is for Krillin and Piccolo!? Pan kneed Ebonia then smashed her to the ground. She held her hands above her head. ?This...is for my dad!!? ?MASENKO....HA!? The blast went down and drilled Ebonia into the ground further. Ebonia?s hair drifted into the front of her face, dipping into the blood which streaked from a head wound. ? And this......THIS IS FOR TRUNKS!!!!? Pan put her hands together. ?Ka......Me......Ha.......Me................HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? The massive pillar of energy hit Ebonia. She screamed as the blast engulfed her. The dust cleared to reveal a very pissed and battered Ebonia. Pan landed in front of her and picked her up by her hair. Ebonia sneered. ?What?s the matter, Ebonia? Monkey got your tongue? You can dish it, but you can?t take it, can you? This is what you did to #18 earlier, isn?t it?! Dragged her around by her hair!?? Pan gripped harder and pulled. Ebonia screeched. ?I will enjoy making you suffer! You witch!!? Pan raised her other hand in preparation to smack Ebonia, but Gohan appeared suddenly, grabbing her wrist. Pan turned her head and sneered at her dad. ?Let me GO, dad!!! She will suffer!? Gohan gripped tighter. Pan gasped in pain and released Ebonia to grab her father?s wrist. ?That hurts!? ?Yes. This is a method to get you to listen, to get you to learn a lesson. Another method would be to sit you down and talk to you civilized. But, you?re not acting civilized right now, are you?!? Pan growled. ?What you are doing is no better than what she is doing! Your power is turning you into a monster Pan!? ?What?!? Gohan kneeled down and sat at eye level with her. He stared into her green eyes. ?I know it hurts. I also know that what you are doing is wrong. I know that she must be killed, but I also know that making her suffer is cruel, Pan.? He continued to look at her eyes, ?Somewhere in there, behind all your anger, is a little girl. And she knows it?s wrong too. Your Saiyan heritage says otherwise, obviously. Are you going to give in, Pan?? ?Get away from me!? Gohan stood again, still clutching her arm. ?NO PAN!? Pan cringed under her father?s booming voice. Her eyes widened and stared at him with fright. Gohan continued, ?I WILL NOT LET YOU GO UNTIL YOU COME TO YOUR SENSES!!!? Meanwhile, Ebonia had gotten up and now smirked. ?Well Well. I do hate to break up a family conversation, but I?ve got a schedule to keep.? Ebonia blasted Gohan, which caused him to let go. He squinted up at Pan, who was still scared. ?Pan....if....if you continue...to let your....anger get the best of you....it will destroy as it will her.? Pan gasped and started crying. ?D-Dad!!! I......I?m s-sorry!!!? Gohan smiled and passed out. ?Father......? Pan looked at him, her eyes full of tears, ?I will fix what my stupidity has just caused.? Pan turned her gaze towards Ebonia. ?You will pay for this.? Ebonia smiled and said slyly, ?Really? Now, I thought you just said it was your fault. Foolish girl!? ?What!? How dare you!? Ebonia walked forward, ?While you were having a spat with your father, I regained much of my health. It only took a matter of time.? ?What do you mean?!? ?I mean, dolt, that I can recover! Now, I?m going to wipe that smirk off of your pretty little face, brat!? ?Well, I?d hate to deprive you of bashing my face in, Ebonia, but I don?t want my nose to look all squashed like yours.? ?You?ll pay for that, Son Pan!? Ebonia and Pan took off at the same time. They threw each other into a hand lock. Both of them stood there gritting their teeth. Ebonia broke the grip suddenly and bashed her head into Pan?s. Pan cried and flew back some yards before coming to a halt. Pan came in for another attack, when Ebonia started laughing. Pan glared at her, ?What?s so funny? Other than your face, I mean.? Ebonia smirked, ?Well, your father?s seven hours are almost up. Then, he shall die a permanent death.? ?No!? Pan looked down then up at the sky, ?I need more time!? A wind began to kick up around the lookout. Pan zoomed forward at Ebonia, who dodged to the side and wrapped her arms around Pan, squeezing her. Pan cried out and coughed up blood, de-transforming back into a regular Saiyan. Her bones began to crack even more, causing her to scream out in pain. ?H-Help......Someone.....help......? Pan cried. Ebonia squeezed harder. ?Soon, you will die. Are you ready for the pain?? Something then happened. The wind around them began to howl, then transformed into a figure, which kicked Ebonia away from Pan. Pan looked up to see her grandfather, Son Goku. Pan looked up weakly, ?G-Grandpa?? Goku smiled, ?You can do it Pan, I know it. Just find your power.? ?I c-can?t....grandpa.....I-? ?No, Pan. I sensed it. You can! Now, get up!? Pan wobbily got up, almost falling, but Goku held her up. Pan began to gather energy, retransforming to Super Saiyan, for one final attack. ?Ka.......? ?Me.......? ?Ha........? ?Me.......? ?HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!? The Kamehameha wave blared forth towards Ebonia, who held out her hands to catch the blast. The blast hit her, sending her back a little, but not injuring her. Both grit their teeth as they put everything they had into the blast. Pan began to see spots, and was getting ready to black out.
  6. ?Oh,? smiled Ebonia, ?You mean that shrimp?? #18 threw two ki blasts at her, then zipped forward, hitting Ebonia with everything she had. #18 threw a dozen punches before Ebonia grabbed her wrists. ?!!!!? #18 turned her head and shouted, ? Gohan!! Goku!! Vegeta!! Hurry!!!? Ebonia sneered and hit #18 across the tiles. She skidded to a stop near Bulma and Bra, who gasped in fright. Ebonia turned her attention to the newly fused Gogeta, ?Oh, you two think so, huh? You can?t defeat me!? A fully powered Mystic Gohan soon joined them, though. Ebonia?s eyes slitted in panic. ?Well well. The big dumb monkeys think they can stop me, huh?? Gohan frowned, ?Is that the only way you can attack us? With words?? ?What?!? Gogeta stepped forward, ?All bark and no bite, Ebonia?! What?s the matter? Are you scared?!? The two warriors leapt forward and began to hit Ebonia. She, in return, matched them blow for blow. Gogeta punched wildly, hoping one hit would make it through. Gohan hovered in the air while he threw ki blasts of all sorts at her. Gogeta finally hit her face, which Ebonia, in turn, elbowed him for, sending the fusion across the ground. Gohan took this time to do a Masenko attack on Ebonia. Ebonia crossed her arms just in time. When the smoke cleared, the bottom half of her dress and her gloves were gone, and she was covered with multiple burns. Ebonia lowered her arms and glared at Gohan. Gohan launched forward and began another attack. Pan soon joined the fray, kicking and punching. Gohan threw another ki blast, which Ebonia knocked aside. Ebonia flew forward quickly and head-butted Gohan. Gohan spun backwards, flattening the building he ran into. Gohan continued on, finally balancing himself on the other side of the sanctuary, landing on his toes and flying forward once again. Meanwhile, Pan continued her attacks. ?Why don?t you people just die?!? Ebonia cried out. She sent a ki blast at Gohan and kicked Pan. Gohan caught the ki blast in the stomach, yelling out in pain as he and the blast went backwards. Gohan closed his eyes as the energy ball exploded sending him flying to the valley below. ?Dad!!!? Having recovered from Ebonia?s attack, Pan ran towards the ledge, only to be blocked off by Ebonia. ?Where do you think you?re going?? Ebonia hit Pan back towards the center of the sanctuary. Pan lay in the rubble, coughing up blood. ?You need to learn how to finish what you started, little girl.? Pan growled and flew at Ebonia. Ebonia grinned and dodged Pan?s attack. She hit Pan?s unguarded back and Pan went down into the tiles and through the floors, landing in Korin?s place. Ebonia appeared in front of her, kicking her back up towards the top of the lookout. Pan sat in midair for a second, then started falling again. Ebonia materialized in front of her, and roundabout kicked Pan. Pan landed with a sickening crunch onto the floor below. Ebonia began a ki blast attack, pointing it at Pan. ?Soon, the threat of you warriors shall be gone. When I destroy you, it will only be a matter of time before I kill your friends.? The blast grew big. Ebonia?s smirk turned into a cold stare. ?Now, DIE!!!!? Ebonia threw the blast at Pan. She closed her eyes, her vision blurred from blood and tears, as she awaited death. ?So, this...this is how it ends? But.....why....?? a being quickly ran over just in time, putting themselves between Pan and the blast. Pan opened her eyes just before the blast hit. ?TRUNKS! NO-!? The blast hit, sending blinding light everywhere. ?AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!? Everyone closed their eyes and held on tight, as the ki attack sent debris and some warriors flying. Pan threw herself over Trunks, bloodied and bruised as he was, to hold him down. Videl, Bulma, Bra, Marron and ChiChi went flying backwards. ?Videl! Do something! Catch us!? yelled Bulma. ?I can?t....even...hold.....myself in....one place....right now!!!? #18, Goku, and Vegeta (The Gogeta fusion broke when Ebonia elbowed him) easily caught all of them, then landed behind one pile of rubble still on the ground. Videl huddled closer to Goku. ?Oh, Gohan......? The air cleared, and everyone could see the crater where the energy had eaten away the ground. The warriors came out from behind the rocks and saw Ebonia, her hand still outstretched, staring down at Trunks and Pan. The Z Senshi looked over there as well, and saw Pan holding Trunks in her arms, crying and sifting her fingers through his hair. ?Trunks! You...You can?t die! You can?t!? Trunks weakly smiled up at her, ?I?ll.....be....fine. I?ve....had worse.....heh heh.? Trunks collapsed in her arms. She looked bleary eyed at her beloved, holding him close. ?TRUNKS-KUN! NOOOOOO!? Vegeta and Bulma stared, shocked at what had just happened. Pan removed what was left of his blue bandana, blood stained and battered, and held it close to her heart. She laid Trunks on her lap and tied the bandana around her neck. She sat there staring at him and sobbing. It was then that they felt an incredible ki power. Pan looked up to see her father floating there, the ground around him breaking and his entity on fire. Energy crackled up around him as he landed and walked forward. ?What you did to me was nothing, but what you have done to my daughter is UNFORGIVIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!? Noone, not even Ebonia, detected it. Ebonia was standing there one second then sprawled on the ground 5 meters the next. Ebonia got to her hands and knees, faltered, and coughed up blood. She raised her head and growled at Gohan. Gohan stared forward coldly, looking upon her with no mercy. Pan looked down at the face of her love, his gentle eyes closed, his mouth parted with a slight smile. She looked up at Ebonia. Pan stood up. ?ENOUGH!? The ground began to shake and rocks around her began to rise. ?FIRST KRILLIN AND PICCOLO, THEN FATHER, AND NOW TRUNKS!? Pan?s power level began to rise greatly. ?IT......STOPS....NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!? Hatred coursed through her veins. A spark within her began to grow and mingled with that hatred. Something within her snapped, and grew into a bright fire within her. Pan couldn?t feel anything except the hatred, but could feel a golden glow begin to form around her. She felt her hair rise and grow, becoming hard and shining like unto the flames that she felt in and around her. She could see some of the others staring; her mother stood there, her eyes wide with fright and mouth dropped in surprise. ?AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
  7. The forces of Oni backed away into the far corners of the palace. A dark figure appeared and stood at the entrance to the Room of Spirit and Time for a split second before leaping in front of the gang. The shadowy figure laughed and took shape. A woman appeared, still laughing. Her eyes, onyx pools under her ebony hair, were cold and lifeless. Her sleek figure was well shown under her translucent gown of black. She moved quickly, moving near Krillin. No one realized what had happened, until they heard a rumble and saw Krillin unconscious and a red smear against what was left of the wall. ?S-She moves so fast!? ?Krillin!? #18 tried to run over to Krillin, but was cut off by the woman. The woman kicked #18, then went over to her and picked her up by her hair. ?Anyone want her? Then come and get her.? The demon woman looked around, ?What? No takers? I expected more from the warriors of Earth.? She flung #18 at Vegeta, who caught her quickly. ?Hear my name and tremble! I am Ebonia, queen of darkness! And you pitiful excuses for Saiyans shall not win!? Pan gasped, ?Wait a minute! I--I recognize you! You?re that woman that spoke to me at the Tokyo Tower!? Ebonia smiled at Pan, ?Well, it appears not all Saiyans lack brains. You know...I do happen to favor woman?s powers over man?s powers, why don?t you join me? You?ll be much more powerful than you are right now if you train with me.? ?Never!!!? Ebonia frowned again, ?It appears I gave you too much credit. Very well, it shall be a waste to kill off great potential such as yours.? Ebonia speedily kneed Pan, who doubled over onto the ground. Pan tried to get to her feet, but was kicked into one of the palace walls. Pan got up painfully, her wounds from the previous battle reopening and spreading warm, fresh blood into her eyes and mouth. She prepared to attack, but heard another yell. ?Dad!? Gohan became Mystic and slammed Ebonia into Popo?s garden. She rammed through all of the trees and screeched to a halt close to the edge of the lookout. She stood up and wiped blood from the corner of her mouth. ?Yeah, that?s how I want it! You must be Gohan, right? I?ve heard a lot about you, Z warrior.? She turned to the rest of the Z senshi, ?I hope the rest of you will prove to be more of a challenge than Son Pan. Pan started to run over to Eboni, ?Oh yeah!? Take this!!!? Pan caught Ebonia off guard just like Gohan, so once again Ebonia went flying. Pan started an attack. ?MASENKO.......HA!!!!!!!!? The blast caught Ebonia in the stomach. Ebonia pulled up her arms and tossed the blast aside. ?I?ve got to admit, I dropped my guard; there was no way the two of you could have hit me if I hadn?t.? Pan smirked, ?and you couldn?t have hit me if I wasn?t off-guard.? Ebonia grinned back, ?So, is this all you?ve got, huh? Or are you holding back, Son Pan?? ?Hmph. How?d you like to find out?!? Pan launched forward in an attack formation and fired a ki blast. Ebonia easily hit the blast away. ?Pitiful. I?d have expected more from Saiyans.? Pan started to go again, but a being blurred by her, hitting Ebonia square on the jaw. Everyone stared as they saw Gohan standing there, still in a punching position. Ebonia stood up, staring at Gohan as she licked the blood from her lips. ?Now, that?s more like it.? Ebonia said cockily. Gohan began to start another attack, but stopped suddenly in mid-air. ?Now now, Son Gohan,? Ebonia said cruelly, ?I think it would be easier to fight if we had less people in the way, don?t you agree?? Ebonia lifted her other hand, and pointed it at the unconcious Krillin and Piccolo. Gohan?s eyes widened. ?Noooooo! Ebonia, don?t do it-!? She fired the blast, hitting them both. Krillin and Piccolo began to shrink, soon being encased in a 3 cm. tall crystal. Gohan stared forward shocked. Pan ran over to them, in an attempt to snatch them up. The crystals flew out of her reach and into Ebonia?s outstretched hand. ?Oh dear, you didn?t really think I?d let you have them, did you, Son Pan?? Pan and the others watched as Ebonia threw Krillin down on the ground, smashing the crystal into pieces. Gohan grit his teeth, and growled, ?You monster!? Ebonia obviously caught the comment, because she smiled and threw Piccolo?s crystal over the edge of the lookout. Gohan finally snapped and broke out of Ebonia?s telekinetic grip. He sped towards the edge fighting underlings out of his way as he went. He grabbed it just before it went over. Pan stared at Ebonia. She began powering up as she still stared at Ebonia. Ebonia?s eyes widened as Pan?s power level rose. ?Incredible. You are most certainly your father?s daughter. A true Saiyan.? ?BE QUIET, YOU DEMON!? Pan once again flung herself towards Ebonia. Ebonia kicked Pan back. ?You may have awesome power, but you must learn manners. It?s not your turn to die yet, brat!? Vegeta and Trunks flew at Ebonia while she was busy. Ebonia turned her head at the last second. ?Vegeta-!? Ebonia went flying back as the two Super Saiyans flew at her delivering punch after punch. Ebonia yelled as she emitted a tremendous amount of energy towards the two, throwing father and son into the building. Goku and Goten came next, also getting thrown back quickly. Goku and Vegeta got up and looked at each other, nodding. Goku and Vegeta began the Fusion dance. Goten and Trunks ran at Ebonia to distract her, but got thrown back into Pan who was just coming to join the battle. #18 stood in front of her next, crying. ?Y....You DEMON! That was my husband you killed! You B*TCH!?
  8. Trunks stopped next to Pan, ? You okay?? Pan looked at him concernedly, ?Yeah, what about you?? ?Of course! Well...barely.? ?What?s the matter?? Pan placed her hands on his shoulders and he winced. She removed her hands and looked at him closer. Her eyes widened as she saw that both his shoulders were cut bad, as well as his face, chest, and arms. ?T-Trunks!? she turned to Gohan, ?Senzu! Dad, Trunks needs a senzu!? Gohan looked her way, ?Pan, Piccolo has all the senzu. I don?t know where he is.? ?Kuso!? ?Hey, we have worse things to worry about right now, so you?ll have to wait!? ?But Trunks needs one now!? Gohan glared at her, ?If you?d like to try, go ahead. That?s what I?d say, except that monster isn?t letting any of us go where we want to, so wait.? Gohan looked forward again, ?Listen up everyone! On the count of three, we?ll all attack at once, full power! Vegeta turned to him, ?Wait a minute! I don?t remember putting you in charge!? ?This isn?t the time, Vegeta...? ?It is now, low-life warrior! I won?t have Kakkorot?s brat in charge!? ?Vegeta-? Both were cut off as the evolved Oni grabbed the two of them and started squeezing the air out of them. Gohan pounded at the fist while Vegeta blasted at it. Pan stared for a second, then yelled, ?Hurry! We have to attack before they?re suffocated!? ?Right!? yelled Goten, ?Kamehameha, maximum power!? ?Kamehameha!? ?Final Flash!? The ki blasts hit in different spots but didn?t stay the monster. Vegeta went limp and Gohan?s punching became weaker. ?This isn?t working!? yelled Trunks, ?What should we do now?!? ?What do you mean, do now?? Videl said sternly, ?We?ll kick butt, of course!? Piccolo, finally healed, arrived with ChiChi and Bulma hanging on his arms. ?What are they doing here?!? Yelled Pan, looking at ChiChi and Bulma. Piccolo just grunted, and ChiChi hmphed. Bulma analyzed the situation, and quickly came up with a new strategy. ?Everyone, I have a plan. Direct your blasts towards the monsters eyes!? Pan and the rest of the Z gang quickly began to power up another blast. ?Ka...? ?Me...? ?Ha...? ?Me... ?FINAL FLASH!? ?HA!!!!!!!!!!!!? The blasts hit the eyes, causing the monster to rub at it?s eyes and drop the de-transformed Vegeta and Gohan. Pan turned to Piccolo, ?Piccolo, we need four senzu, quickly!? ?Be aware that that?s all I have left.? Piccolo emptied the bag into her right hand and then dropped Bulma, ChiChi, Bra, and Marron on the ground. Pan took one and flexed her restored left arm. She then gave one to Trunks, who took it gratefully. Both went to their fathers and got them to swallow one. Gohan and Vegeta jumped to their feet. Having an idea, Goten yelled out, ? Everyone! Power-up to max and hit it with everything you?ve got!? Mystic Gohan, 3 Super Saiyans, Pan, Piccolo, and Videl flew at the Oni, yelling at the top of their lungs. Gohan and Pan combined their blasts, shouting, ?MASENKO...HA!!!!!? The blast grew huge and blasted the Oni. Although it had blocked it, it?s right arm dropped limply to it?s side, evidence of some damage. While it was distracted, Vegeta did his Final Flash attack on the monster?s head, causing it to yell in pain. Trunks and Pan flew up together and tried to punch the Oni, but it recovered in time and whipped them with it?s tail. The two flew back, steadying themselves in midair. Pan and Trunks once again flew forward, joined by Gohan and Videl. The Oni took the two punches to the nose and the two to the gut and flinched backwards. Piccolo and Vegeta flew up next, catching a fiery blast of flame. Vegeta blocked in time, gaining multiple burns, but Piccolo caught the brunt of the attack and plummeted to earth, out of action. Vegeta blinked through his sweat from the heat and glared at the Oni. It focused it?s attention on him, letting out a blood curdling cry as it launched another attack on him. Vegeta prepared for impact, when he noticed it hadn?t hit. Vegeta looked and saw that #18 had arrived and blasted the Oni, distracting it. Gohan squinted through the scarlet tears he had gained through his battles with all of the demons. He soon formulated a new plan from Goten?s. ?Everybody! Gather together! We need to combine our most powerful ki blasts and hit the Oni!!!!? Gohan started forming the Kamehameha wave. Piccolo, near death, started charging his Makkansoppo beam. Everyone soon followed suit, charging their most powerful attacks, moving next to Gohan. ?KA.....ME.....HA....ME.......HAAAAAA!!!!!! ?................FINAL FLAAAASSHHHH!!!!!!!!! ?...........MAKKANSOPPO BEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The massive beam of energy spiraled towards the Oni. The Oni, caught off guard by the enormous energy source, tried to outrun it. ?YEEEAAAARRRRGH!? The ki blast soon overtook the monster, burning it to ashes. Gohan threw what was left of his glasses to the ground and looked around to assess the damage. Piccolo and Videl had collapsed to the ground in exhaustion, while ChiChi and Bulma, apparently, had been blown into a boulder. #18 floated over to Gohan. ?Have you ever experienced anything more horrible than war?? she asked. Gohan looked at her, ?No....not really. Why?? ?Because I have.? ?Really? What?? ?I can?t tell,? she put her hand on his shoulder, and he winced, ?but I guarantee that if we don?t cure you, you will experience something worse than war.? ?What do you mean?? ?I suspect that the cause of this poison is because of an escaped demon king from Hell. If you die, I think your spirit will go there instead of Heaven.? ?Yeesh. I didn?t think life could get worse today.? She removed her hand, ?Yeah, well, welcome to my world.? She glided away from him and went over to see Krillin and Marron. Gohan looked over at them, then went over to Videl. ?We did it, Trunks! Alright!? Pan celebrated, hugging Trunks so tight that he began to turn blue, until she let him go. Trunks turned to her, ?Well, you know that these were just underlings. The leader will be much tougher, you know.? Pan looked downcast, ?Why?d you have to go and rain on my parade? I knew that, you didn?t have to remind me!? ?Complaints, complaints.? ?Oh yeah, Mr. The-glass-is-half-empty?? ?Hey!? ?Hay?s for horses.? ?Aw, c?mon....? ?I?m just kidding you, Trunks-kun.? Goten, carrying Bra, floated over to them. He moved next to Trunks, and put Bra in his arms. ?Pan,? he started, ?we have to talk, now.? ? Well fine. But talk and fly, we?re shipping out,? she said sternly. They started to fly, and Goten started again. ?Pan, why?d you tell me that earlier, you know, about Marron? You know that I?m in love with Bra!? ?I know. I was just mad at you. She didn?t say that she loved you, she just said that she had a crush-whoops!? Pan clamped a hand over her mouth. ?What?? asked Goten. ?I wasn?t supposed to say anything.? ?Oh.? ?Well, I don?t think she loves you, anyway. She?s moved past that. I?ve seen her dating other guys behind her mom?s back. She was probably asking so that she could have a variety of guys to choose from for a boyfriend, you know?? ?Um.......could...you...repeat that?? ?Never mind, you?re a guy. I should know better than to explain a woman?s dating pattern to a guy, let alone a Son.? ?What?s that mean?? ?Forget it, uncle Goten.? ?Okay.? ?Just, keep dating Bra, okay?? ?Hai.? Pan and Goten moved back over to Trunks and Bra. Goten took Bra again and kissed her on the cheek. Bra giggled and moved in closer to Goten. Trunks put an arm around Pan and put his mouth to her ear. ?Pan-Chan, what was that all about?? ?Oh, nothing, nothing. Just something Goten?s been nagging at me about. Don?t worry, Trunks-Kun.? ?Are you sure? I mean, he is my best friend and all...? ?Trunks, calm down. We?ve got more to worry about right now, anyway.? ?Okay.? Soon they all heard Gohan yell, ?Everyone! Enough talk, we?re about to hit the first wave into the Kami Palace!? The chatter soon stopped and everyone powered up to full. They met them head on and were soon fighting their way through. It was easier to fight them this time, since they knew how the Oni fought by now. They plowed through the first wave easily, and continued on to the next section of airspace. They were soon met by more demons. ?Enough,? muttered Gohan. The others saw him start to glow as he powered up. ?AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!? Ki blasts expelled from the glow and went everywhere. The Z senshi had a hard time dodging them, but the blasts got the job done. The Oni that had begun to surround them were now spiraling down towards the earth, each leaving giant craters as they hit. Gohan stopped glowing, turned around, and smiled. ?Let?s get moving; I want to get back in time to go to the Neo Japan restaurant. I?m starved!? They gave a sort of weak laugh as they started to fly again. They flew and soon saw what was left of Kami?s lookout. The place looked like the Dead Zone had opened up on it again. ?Aw man! Dende!? Yelled Gohan, ?Dende, where are you!?? ?Dad,? said Pan, ?Even if he wasn?t captured, why would he respond?? ?Er...yeah, you?ve got a point.? They gasped as they heard a voice laughing at them. ?Foolish senshi. You really think you can stop me? Bra stood forth and cried, ?Who ever you are, we will put an end to this!? A ki blast came out of nowhere and caught Bra in the stomach. She rammed into the wall, fortunately, which stopped her flight. ?INSOLENT MORTALS! I will take care of you all MYSELF!!!?
  9. Pan closed her eyes and held Marron to her. Pan?s eyes widened as she listened and heard her shallow breathing. ?Marron! Hold on Marron, you?re going to live, you hear! You?re going to live!? Pan zipped off, carrying Marron. She closed her eyes and concentrated, trying to find Piccolo through all of the ki signatures. The only distinguishable one she found was Gohan?s. Then that is where I shall go. She thought Damn these stupid ONI! thought Gohan as he let out a blast of energy that finished off his Oni at last. ?One down, Lord knows how many left.? Gohan looked around for people he knew and saw Piccolo and lowered himself down next to him. ?Piccolo, are you alright?? Piccolo opened his eyes and whispered, ?Gohan...the pouch...six...senzu...? Gohan grabbed the bag at Piccolo?s waist and dug into it, pulling out a senzu. He placed into Piccolo?s mouth, and Piccolo chewed gratefully. Gohan looked up, and saw Pan coming down with a bundle of blonde hair. Pan sobbed, saying, ?G-Give her a senzu! Please, tell me you have a senzu!? Gohan picked out another senzu, popping it into Marron?s mouth. Marron chewed weakly and swallowed. She soon shot up like a spring flower. Their joy was cut short though, as another demon came. Pan and Gohan crouched into a fighting position. The Oni knocked Gohan to the ground, and he blacked out. ?Alright, you demons! If you want my family, you?ll have to go through the prince of Saiyans, first!? Vegeta stood, fist clenched staring at the three Oni that were after him, Bulma, and Bra. One bunched it?s muscles, then, they all moved forward. Vegeta ki blasted two of them and kicked another into the air. The other two came back, one in front of the other. The front one knock Vegeta?s feet out from him, the other came in from the top and brought it?s fists down on Vegeta, driving him into the ground, creating a 25 foot deep pit. Vegeta growled and then roared as he went Super Saiyan and blasted the earth around him. Bulma and Bra went flying straight into Videl, who was in mid-flight. Videl caught herself and the two other women before they fell to the ground. They landed and took cover behind a rock. ?Man!? yelled Videl over the whirlwind of the battle, ?Vegeta sure is a hurricane, isn?t he?? ?That?s nothing!? Yelled back Bulma, ?You should see him when his gravity machine?s broken!? Vegeta kicked and threw a flurry of punches at an Oni. It fell over dead, but the other two came in for more. They both kneed Vegeta at the same time. Something hit one of the Oni, catching it off-guard, allowing Vegeta to blast the other into pieces. As the smoldering remains fell, Videl landed next to him. ?I don?t recall asking for help, woman.? ?And I don?t recall needing your permission for helping you,? Videl shot back. The Oni stood up from it?s resting place in the rocks and started glowing. All around them, another ten glows appeared. Crap, thought #18, now what the are they doing? #18 stared at her Oni as it glowed a bright crimson red. #18 wiped blood from her eyes. ?You will pay for these scarlet tears I have shed, devil!? #18 started to move forward, but the light increased it?s brilliancy and blinded her. When she could see, she stared with horror at the six foot-turned-ten foot muscled demon. ?Crap, they?ve evolved.? The Oni grinned evilly as it whipped it?s tail at her, snapping #18 into a cliff. She pulled herself from the rubble and shot the beast in the nose with a ki blast. The Oni snarled and moved it?s snout around, grinning at #18 with it?s red eyes. ?What the heck is this thing?? #18 jumped back as it?s tail whipped out again. She threw a ki blast, which it whacked back at her. The cliff crumbled beneath her as she crashed into again. The monster came at her again. Wildly, she threw another blast at the monster. The blast went through the wing, tearing it to shreds. ?EEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!? The monster spiraled to the earth and bounced once on it?s impact. Slowly, it dragged it?s head up and snarled at #18. ?So, that?s how to ground them. No sweat. Whoah!? #18 moved sideways as a blast spiraled past her from the beast. #18 growled then moved in for the kill, forming two ki blasts behind her. ?Welcome to my world, Oni! Now, die!? #18?s blasts grew larger as they zeroed in on her target. It?s eyes grew wide as the moving bombs hit home. #18 guarded her eyes as her attack grew bright and then exploded again, leveling the ground where her blast had not made a canyon. She dropped her arms in exhaustion to assess the damage. ?Another eternally damned down.? #18 looked around and saw the glow of a Super Saiyan. The muscles and gears within her body ached and creaked as she landed and ran towards the glow. She stopped near Goten and the remains of the demon he was fighting. Goten turned and smiled, ?You get yours?? #18 stared at him, ?If by that you mean I got the Oni, yes. Where is Gohan?? Goten looked around, then turned back to #18 and shrugged. #18 took flight again and began to scan the ground. ?Come on. People don?t just disappear. Unless...they?re dead.? Gohan?s eyes opened up to see his mother ChiChi beside him, knocked out. Painfully, Gohan grunted and lifted himself up off the ground. What happened? Oh yeah, I was fighting an Oni, then...then I was knocked to the ground and being choked. Am I in Hell? Gohan squinted as his eyes went out of focus. A figure he vaguely remembered stood over him. ?Are you an angel? If so, you can?t be. You?re too beautiful, and I?m in a living nightmare.? he coughed out while laughing weakly. ?Ha! Well, I?m not an angel, Son Gohan, but I?ve never gotten a comment on my beauty since we were dating!? ?Videl?? ?No, the devil. Of course me!? ?Well, my darling, you?re a very beautiful devil, Videl.? ?Ha, ha, ha. Very funny, very. This is not the time Gohan. You?re lucky Pan and I found you in time and surprised the Oni. She?s still fighting it.? ?How...how many are left?? ?Well, let me think. There were 3..4..5..7..11! Eleven glows. But, I saw an explosion,-looked like a nuclear warhead going off-so, I think we?re down to nine. If, of course, Vegeta and Goten haven?t gotten to any others.? ?Of course. Take that into account with my daughter, we might be down to 5.? ?Ooohhh yeah.? ?Was that sarcasm?? ?Maybe.? ?Well...whatever. Where?s Piccolo? We need senzu.? ?I wouldn?t know, dear, Bulma and I have just been finding invalids.? Gohan struggled to rise onto his elbows. Videl tried to push him back down, but he pushed her back. Finally, his bones creaking, he got to his feet. He kissed her briefly and took flight. ?I?ll get you yet, demon!? Pan?s eyes shot back and forth as she searched for the enemy. Battered and bruised, Pan?s left arm was injured, preventing it?s use. ?Got you!? Pan turned and shot a ki blast at it. It teleported away from it, and reappeared in front of her, side sweeping her jaw with it?s fist. Pan flew back until her fall was broken by a tree. Painfully, she got up, squinting through the fresh blood at the Oni. ?You?ll pay for that!? But how? thought Pan. She looked at the demon. It had sustained damage; a broken wing, and several third degree burns. I?ve got to find it?s weakness. It launched forward, hissing at her. Pan leapt up and back kicked it in the back of it?s head. This time the Oni flew, stopping against a boulder, which cracked and broke on impact. Pan then observed something; there was a patch of the rock hard skin missing in one spot on it?s left breast. She glared at it a minute, and realized that if it?s anatomy was even remotely close to a humans?, that?s where his heart would be. There! Pan launched forward. Nimbly, it leaped out of the way. She turned quickly and yelled, ?MASENKO!? The blast hit the left of the monster?s chest. It yelled in pain clutching the spot. Pan cupped her hands to deliver the final blow. ?Ka...Me...Ha...Me...HAAAAA!!!? The monster was overtaken easily by the blast, and disintegrated immediately. Pan wiped her brow and took off on her search again. Pan flew over to the outskirts of the battle field, searching frantically for Trunks. ?Shimatta! Where is he!?? Pan looked around and saw three familiar faces. ?Vegeta! Bulma! Bra! I?m coming!? Pan dived towards an Oni that had a chokehold on Vegeta and threw her body against it. She regained her balance as the Oni went flying. Vegeta massaged his neck. Pan turned to Bra, ?Have you seen Trunks?? Bra shook her head, and pointed a finger east, ?The last I saw him, he was fighting a demon over there.? ?Thank you, Bra,? Pan took off again. She froze in the air as she saw the remaining 7 Oni glow again. ?Kuso!? The seven glows gathered together into one massive one. The new monster stood 20 feet off the ground, it?s red eyes glowing and devilish grin staring around at the Z senshi. It?s tail whipped out and caught Pan in mid-air, wrapping around her waist and squeezing the air out of her. Pan squinted as she started to see spots and darkness. She managed to sputter out ?help!? before blacking out. Gohan watched as Pan went limp in the Oni?s grasp. He felt the anger within his body well up once more, as he transformed into Mystic and went at the demon in a blur of red. His punch connected on the side of the Oni?s face. ?Wh-What?!? Gohan stared at the Oni, who hadn?t moved at all. ?What in the name of Dende-!?? Gohan?s sentence was cut short as Pan was thrown at him and both flew back into a cliff. Two golden glows appeared as Vegeta and Goten kicked opposite sides of the monster?s neck. Neither attacks inflicted damage, ending with Vegeta and Goten joining Pan and Gohan. All of them detached themselves from the wall and got ready to attack again, when Pan felt a familiar ki.
  10. Bulma ran to the car and came back with a laptop and some wires. Gohan laughed, ?ER for those on the go!? ?Hold still, Gohan!? Gohan stopped moving as Bulma hooked the wires up to him. Everything went smoothly, until Bulma had to hook the one up to the injured shoulder. She *gently* placed the wire on his shoulder. Pain shot through Gohan and his arm flung out and caught Bulma on the face. Bulma went flying, until Vegeta caught her. Gohan put one hand sheepishly behind his head. Gohan squeaked out, ?Reflexes.? Bulma turned to Vegeta and said something. The next thing everyone knew, Vegeta had Gohan pinned while Bulma finished strapping on the wires. She started tapping away at the computer, looking very determined. ?Okay, I have the results, but they?re not good.? ?Just say it,? said Pan. She stared at Bulma and then at Gohan, who was still being pinned down by Vegeta. Bulma scratched her head, looking worried, ?Okay. Here?s the deal. Gohan has some sort of foreign poison in him.? ?That?s not any new news,? said Pan irritably. Bulma cleared her throat, ? And, if he doesn?t find the cure within seven hours, he?ll die.? Gohan shoved Vegeta off of him. Vegeta growled, then walked away. He stood up and pulled the wires off. ?Then what are we still doing here?? Demanded Gohan, ?Let?s go!? They got into flying positions, but ChiChi jumped into Gohan?s arms. ?Oh no, you don?t! You?re not leaving me behind again! Right, Bulma?? ?Right!? Bulma agreed as she jumped into Vegeta?s arms. Everyone took off. Bulma tapped on her computer while they flew. Pan stared forward against the wind as she thought about the turn of events. Trunks and Goten, (who was carrying Bra) glided over to Pan. ?So,? Said Bra, ?that one guy said you had hidden powers. Does that mean that you can go...you know...Mystic?? Pan chuckled, ?No, I can?t. The only guy who could cast the power-up spell for going Mystic is dead now, according to dad.? Trunks glanced over at Pan, ?How about Super Saiyan? Can you do that one yet?? Pan laughed again, ?Oh yeah, right. Whatever. Trunks, if I could, I would have told you, ne?? ?Yeah, I guess.? Bulma continued to tap on the computer, then spoke, ?okay, using the energy traces I found inside your body, I?ve found the base. You guys aren?t going to believe where it is, though.? Gohan moved over towards Bulma, ?Where is it, Bulma? Are you sure it?s the base?? Bulma frowned, ?Of course it?s the base! It has the largest concentration of this energy!? ?That?s nice, Bulma, but where?!? ?Kami?s lookout.? Pan gasped, ?B-Bulma! Y-You?re j-joking, right?! It can?t be at Kami?s lookout!? Bulma hmphed and stuck her nose up, then said, ? Why would I joke about something like this?! I know this isn?t a joke!? Pan glided back over to Trunks, hearing Bulma say something about the next generation. Trunks smiled at Pan. ?What?s up, Pan? You think that your dad will let us be together now?? Trunks laughed half-heartedly, then died down when he noticed Pan wasn?t laughing. ?Are you all right, Pan Chan?? Pan looked at Trunks, and then back towards the ground, 80ft. below them. ?Trunks?? She said. ?Yes?? ?I?m worried about my dad.? ?Yeah.? ?Helluva date, huh, Trunks?? Trunks looked at her a second, then drew an arm around her, hugging her while they flew. Pan snuggled closer, while snuffling back a few tears. Goten and Bra came over to them. Goten chuckled, ?If you two stay that close, people might think you liked each other. People like Gohan, ne?? Pan blushed and pushed away from Trunks, retorting, ?Close? The only people I see close are you and Bra, Goten! Some people, like Marron, might be jealous, ne?? Goten gasped and looked over to where Krillin carried Marron. He caught her glancing at him for a few seconds, then, she turned her face forward. He could have sworn he saw some sadness in her sapphire eyes. Sapphire? thought Goten What am I thinking? Bra?s my girlfriend! Darn you, Pan. Why?d you have to tell me that! Pan, red with anger flew ahead of her friends. Her hair flew in her face wildly as she zoomed past Vegeta and Bulma. The nerve of uncle Goten! How dare he come to us and say such a thing! At least, though, maybe now he?ll know how poor Marron has been feeling. Pan barely heard Gohan yell something at her as she zoomed past him. She soon found out why he was yelling as a green flash rammed her suddenly from out of nowhere. She plummeted towards the Earth, but was caught by the same green blur. Pan opened her eyes and soon recognized her savior. ?Piccolo! When?d you get here?? Piccolo stared at her, then grinned. ?Just a few seconds ago. You rammed me just as I flew in.? ?Ooooo, sorry about that. I didn?t know you were coming.? ?If you were listening to your father, Son Pan, you would have known.? ?I was too busy thinking.? Goten slid next to her and said bitterly, ?I didn?t know you could think.? Pan glared at Goten, then looked back over at Piccolo. ?How?d you know there was something going on?? Said Pan. Piccolo responded without looking at her, ?I could sense an evil gathering at Kami?s lookout. How?d you know where to go?? Pan downcast her eyes, ?My dad was attacked by an Oni from there. If we don?t defeat the source of the Oni, my dad will die of the poison that has been injected into him.? ?What?!? ?He?ll die within seven hours-six and a half by now-according to Bulma.? ?There must be some mista-? ?No, unfortunately, as Bulma pointed out, she doesn?t make mistakes.? ?Then we must hurry.? Piccolo sped up, along with Pan, but when Piccolo stopped jerkily, so did she. ?What?s wrong, Piccolo?? ?Something?s coming!? Pan tried to detect energy, but picked up nothing. ?I don?t sense a thing, Piccolo.? ?I hear them coming.? ?I don?t hear a thing, Piccolo-san.? Gohan suddenly appeared by them and stared forward. Piccolo glanced sideways, and spoke. ?You heard too?? ?Yeah,? Gohan nodded gravely. ?You?re both strange, I don?t hear anything!? spouted Pan. ?Our hearing is much better than yours'.? Said Gohan sharply, ?Now quiet!? Pan was taken aback by her father?s brashness, and backed off. Soon, she picked up a large amount of energy. ?Is that what you guys were talking about?! It?s huge!? ?That,? said Piccolo, ?is a fleet of Oni, headed this way.? ?How many, Piccolo?? questioned Gohan. ?Roughly, I?d say about one for each of us.? Pan gasped, ?Even the ones that can?t fight?!? ?Yeah.? Pan?s eyes swept from Bulma to ChiChi to Bra and Marron. ?B-But, dad could barely kill one!? Gohan spoke calmly, ?I was blinded by rage during that battle, and I made a lot of careless mistakes, which cost me dearly. But, this time, I?ll not make those mistakes.? ? But what about ChiChi!? She can only fight humans and come out victorious! And...And Bulma, Bra and Marron can?t fight at all!? ?I don?t know, Pan,? said Gohan. ?But-? ?Pan! I said I don?t KNOW!? Pan trembled and flew over to where Trunks had froze. ?Will we survive, Trunks-kun?? ?I don?t know.? ?Here they come!? The wave of Oni hit them and went after them in one on one battles. Pan caught her assailant in a hand lock, floated to the ground, then fell backwards, kicking the Oni over her. During the time she was free, Pan looked around for her defenseless friends. ?Marron! Bra!! Where are you?!? Pan searched around frantically and saw her own attacker and another Oni attacking ChiChi, who was barely defending herself from becoming charcoal. Pan?s feet instinctively ran towards ChiChi. She formed two small ki blasts, throwing them at the Oni. Pan?s feet turned to lead as she strived to outrun her blasts and rescue ChiChi. She jumped the last five feet and grabbed ChiChi as she rolled and jumped to her feet. Pan took off in flight just before the blasts hit home, escaping by just inches. That was close. thought Pan. She landed a few meters away, put the battered ChiChi on the ground, then flew on blindly through the melee. Where is Bra?! Where is Marron?! Pan gasped as the wind was knocked from her. She flew through the clouds, soon hitting the ground. *Cough**Hack* ouch. Pan tried to get her body to cooperate. What happened? Did I make this crater? Pan felt her way through the dust and rocks until she got to the edge of the pit. She leaned on the edge, seeing a blurred figure. ?Ugh, my eyes. Hey...there?s...three of my dad! W...Who?s...making the...clones?? Gohan leaned over Pan, searching her thoroughly. Pan grimaced, ?Will I live...doc?? ?Yeah. Come on Pan, you?re tougher than this, I know that. Get up.? Pan winced as she stood and looked around. She took off in flight, with Gohan soon following suit. They turned opposite directions. Pan was halted as her path was obstructed with her Oni again. ?Alright, enough of this! Turn around and fight!? The Oni turned and flew at Pan. She dodged and uppercut the Oni in the gut. It?s tail whipped around and raveled around her neck. Pan sputtered as she gasped for air. The world around her faded as she started to see stars and darkness. Pan felt a sharp pain and she saw Trunks in front of her. ?T.....Trunks?? She squeeked. Then she realized it was Trunks strangling her. ?W......what?? Pan gasped. No! said something inside of her No! Not Trunks! It?s...not...Trunks! Pan roared in rage as she loosened her hands from the Oni?s wrists and blasted the figure through the midriff. She watched with satisfaction as the figure transformed back into the Oni while it fell to it?s death. She massaged her neck and looked down to see a limp figure down on the ground. ?Oh, crap!? Pan dived to the ground and landed. She was horrified to see that it was Marron. ?NO! MARRON!?
  11. ?Who are you?? Pan yelled. The cloaked figure showed no emotion, ? I am, that I am.? ? And that is...?? said Bra sarcastically. ? I have many names. You may choose any one.? ?I don?t mean to be rude,? said Marron, ? but, we don?t know any of your names.? There was a long pause. The figure looked like it was thinking. It finally spoke, ? My names are Black, Darkness, Chaos, Death, Sorrow, Pain, Seductive. I am the comforter to those suffering these things. I am in black, henceforth, the name Black; My world in which I came from, darkness, therefore, Darkness; I cure Chaos, yet, love to see minor forms of it, therefore, Chaos; death, sorrow, and pain, I heal those wounds with time, henceforth, those names; Seductive, because I am.? Pan looked at the figure suspiciously, ? So...Chaos. Why are you here?? ? You already know, Son Pan.? Pan thought for a minute, then answered, ?Those men I saw in the Lobby!? ? Correct.? ? They were planning something, weren?t they?? The figure (now determined to be a woman) nodded, ? yes, the destruction of two of the most powerful people in the universe. Both with hidden powers far beyond the limit of what you call a ?Super Saiyan?.? Pan gasped, ? Me and dad!? Gohan gasped as he heard the conversation between his daughter and the stranger. He looked around at the people to see which men it might be. What?s going on? pondered Gohan, I can?t read minds! They?re all being shielded! Gohan walked over to Pan when the stranger was gone. He put his hand on her shoulder. Pan spun around, looking surprised then worried. ?D-Dad! What are you doing scaring me like that!?? exasperated Pan. ? You know why. You know perfectly well that my hearing has increased as I?ve trained in my Mystic form. What?s going on?? The seriousness in Gohan?s voice was strong, but at least he didn?t sound mad. Pan downcast her eyes. ?We?re in danger, dad. I think our training is about to pay off.? BOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM! An explosion was heard throughout the tower. A figure dressed in black came down. He scanned the area, then threw another blast at a group of people. ?Show me the one called Son Gohan, or I?ll blast you all!? Pan saw her father clench his fists and grind his teeth. His eyes flared underneath his glasses. She could feel his power level rise. ?Here I am! What do you want, monster!?? The man turned his head. He chuckled. Pan shuddered; the laugh reminded her of ice. ?So, you?re the all powerful Gohan, eh? ?Strongest in the Universe?, well, THAT was an exaggeration, I see. A wimpy, four-eyed scholar. Hmph, hardly worth my time.? Gohan?s blood pressure was rising. Pan could see her father turn red and see a vein popping out. She and the others backed away from him slowly. Gohan snapped a remark, ?At least this scholar doesn?t get mad over remarks that would snap a normal man in half. But, I do get upset over the crimson tears shed in this tower as people cried while you killed them!? ?Oh, did I hear correctly? The greatest warrior in the universe and you have a soft spot for these humans? Surely, a Saiyan would never show emotions to such a lowly creature.? ? I?m no Saiyan. You are on dangerous grounds, if you value your life, you?ll go in peace. NOW!? ? Are you saying that you?ve never told others you?re an alien?? ? Oh shi-? Bra whispered. Gohan looked at the dark figure with eyes turned coal black. He looked ready to pop. ?If you wish to fight, you must agree to take this elsewhere. If forced, I will kill you here.? The man laughed, ?If you insist. It?s a small price to pay for some entertainment. Lead on!? Gohan took off into the air, followed by the figure, Pan, Bra (carried by Goten), Marron (carried by Pan), Trunks and Goten. Soon, Vegeta, Krillin, #18, and Videl, who left ChiChi behind, screaming her head off. ?Here,? said Gohan. They landed at a spot in the country, half of the distance between Tokyo and Okayama. Gohan removed his glasses and handed them to Videl. He proceeded to power up to Mystic level. Gohan seemed to burst into flames as his energy swirled around him in a blinding light of red. Gohan?s anger was visual as he gnashed his teeth and ripped off his tie. He threw his tie and jacket down to the ground. ?Get ready to pay, evil Oni!? Gohan fumed. He laughed, ?I think not.? Pan flew up to Gohan, ?You?re not doing this alone. I feel that you have enough energy, father, to beat an army of these types of Oni, but I feel that something worse comes. I?m helping!? Gohan glared at his daughter, ? You will not!? ?You are blinded by anger, Son Gohan, I?m helping with or without your consent!? Gohan stared at his feet, then raised his head towards the menace that sat in front of them. ?It?s time to die, Oni. You will not survive.? Gohan charged at the figure. He threw a punch, only to find out that he?d whacked thin air. Gohan?s eyes dodged back and forth as he searched for the demon. The Oni then threw some reddish darts at Gohan, which pierced his left shoulder. He then launched an energy attack against the demon, but it was canceled out by the Oni?s own attack. Gohan took this moment to deliver a blow to the Oni. It went flying, eventually doing a flip to balance itself. ?So, you know some moves, eh? I bet if I gave you a free shot though, you couldn?t kill me!? It shouted. He then turned his back and said, ?tell you what. I will give you that free shot. I even have my back turned. Go on, Gohan, I dare you. Gohan growled. He cupped his hands. ?Ka...? The Oni?s ears perked up as Gohan started the Kamehameha wave. ?Me...? ?NO!,? yelled the demon, ?not that attack!? ?Ha...? The demon crouched into a blocking formation. ?Me...? ?I will live on!? shouted the Oni. ?HA!? A tremendous amount of energy washed over the Oni. It held its defensive position for a small amount of time, but gradually, It was forced to drop its guard. The Oni turned to dust, and then disintegrated. Gohan gasped for air. Pan put her arm around him. ? Are you okay, daddy?? She asked. ?I-I don?t...know. Just before it died, I think it did something to me.? Pan gasped, ?B-But how?! What?d it do? Is there a cure? Can I-? Gohan put his fingers over her lips and smiled, ? I?ll be fine, but the sooner we beat the source of this, the better. Then, I think I?ll be cured.? Pan backed away, smiling and crying at the same time. Gohan smiled back, then looked at his shoulder, where the needles had gone through. He pulled them out, a painful process. He ripped a piece of his shirt off as black ooze poured from the wound and tied it around the cut. ?That?s how I was poisoned,? Gohan thought aloud. The roar of a car was heard as ChiChi and Bulma pulled up by them. ChiChi exited the car, slamming the door behind. She looked angry, until she saw the scene around her. Bulma soon followed, running over to Vegeta, checking him over. ?What happened?? Asked Bulma, ?It looks like there was a hurricane here!? Vegeta just mumbled beneath his breath. Bulma glared at him, then looked around. She, seeing Gohan and the blackened scrap of cloth around his shoulder, ran over to him, asking if he was okay. ?Are you all right, Gohan?? She asked concernedly. ?I don?t know. Can you scan the cut and see?? Requested Gohan. ?Do dinosaurs kill?? ?Huh?? ?It?s a figure of speech, Gohan.? ?Oh. So...does that mean you can or can?t?? ?It means I can.? ?Oh, okay!? Gohan held out his arm for her to examine. Bulma took the shoulder in her hands and stared at it. She twisted it slightly, and Gohan yelped. Bulma jumped back for a second, then moved back towards him. ?Well, Gohan, the needles went all the way through.? ?I knew that.? ?Let me grab my computer.?
  12. The next day... ?Okay, everyone gather here,? yelled Videl, ?Do all of you have your badges?? Orange Star badges went up everywhere. Videl smiled, ?Good, you?ll need them to get on the train for free. Come this way, to platform Ten.? They walked to the platform. Videl stood to one side of the entrance to the train and Gohan stood on the other side. As Trunks walked into the train, Gohan gave him a look. Trunks gulped and kept walking. ?Hey, Trunks! Come sit here!? Pan yelled, patting the seat next to her. Trunks looked around, and then sat down. ?So, how was it? Will you live?? ? No, Gohan says if I go near you again, I?ll have more than a sore gut. Bah, sore my butt, I was throwing up all night. I liked my mom?s dinner better in than out.? ? Oh man. I tried to call you to warn you. I guess I didn?t get there in time.? ? Oh well. I can sit with you right now. Your dad wouldn?t try anything in public. I think...? ?Yeah. Oh, hey! Bra! Goten! Marron! Over here!? Pan waved out of their compartment. ? Hey, Pan!? Said Bra. An hour passed, and everyone but Pan and Marron were asleep. Pan looked down at Trunks, who was asleep in her lap, with a smile. Then she looked over to Marron. ?Marron, about the talk on the phone yesterday.? She looked up from Pan?s Gameboy, ?Yeah?? ?Do you...you know...like Goten?? Marron gasped and dropped the Gameboy and then scrambled down on her knees, looking for the battery pack. ?Pan! Me, like Goten?! D-Don?t be s-silly! W-Why would I like Goten?!? ?Marron, I?m not stupid, it?s written all over your face! Why else would you call me about Goten having a girlfriend?!? Marron sat back up and handed Pan the Gameboy, while blushing. ?Well......I guess...I kinda...have a crush on him.? ?Ha! I knew it! Don?t worry, I won?t tell.? ?Thanks.? The trip on the train took two hours. It was 10:15 a.m. when everyone got off the train sleepy and got ready to travel. There, Gohan and Videl met up with #18, Krillin, Bulma, Vegeta, and ChiChi. ? Okay, Gohan, I?ve got to deliver some new prototype capsules to a business here. I?ll catch up with you guys tonight at-what was it called again?- the Neo Japan. See you guys!? With that, Bulma drove off, leaving Vegeta with them. ?First stop, we will go to an Anime studio. This way, please,? shouted Gohan. They took a bus to a studio near the Tokyo tower. Everyone got out and walked into the waiting room. ?Hello, Orange Star party here for the tour,? said Gohan. The receptionist searched her papers, ?Ah, yes. You?re a little earlier than we expected, but that?s okay,? she stood, ? this way so that we can begin the tour.? She began, ?Here, we produce such cartoons as Sailor Moon,? she pointed to a room to the left, ?In here, you?ll find the artists that create the characters and paint them on cells. Some do the characters, others, the backgrounds. Please, move single file so that all can see and we can move fast. Don?t bother making faces, the glass is tinted so that we don?t disturb them.? They kept moving along to the next window, where the receptionist began again, ?This is where they do the story,? she said. Bra leaned over to Goten, ?I told you they were going to make this educational.? Goten nodded, ?Yeah, I guess you were right.? Bra smiled evilly, ?Let?s have a little fun with this.? Goten gasped, ?Bra! What do you mean?!? She continued to grin as she spoke, ?I mean, why don?t you move so fast into the writing room and mess things up that they can?t see you, and then zip back?? ?But, but Bra! Mom will kill me! Maybe your dad will support you, but my mom won?t stand for it!? ?Well, your mom won?t stand for it either if she heard anonymously that I was going out with you.? Goten looked like he?d had a heart attack, ?Y-You wouldn?t!? ?Just try me.? Goten looked at the floor then at the window. Within an instant, he disappeared and reappeared back next to Bra. In delayed reaction, the papers everywhere flew all over the place, pencils broke, and one storyboard had Sailor Moon drawn sloppily in only a bra and underwear. Bra snickered, ?I didn?t know you were such a good artist, Goten!? ?What was that?? Goten and Bra gasped as they heard Gohan behind them. Gohan spoke in a cold tone; ?you two are in so much trouble...? ?Oh my, ? said the receptionist, ?um, err, let?s continue.? When the tour ended, it was lunchtime. ?Single file into the restaurant, please!? Shouted Videl. Everyone was still laughing about the incident in the studio (not knowing though that it was Goten that did it.) while they got they?re food from the beef bowl restaurant. ?So, my dad done okay so far?? Asked Pan. ?Yeah!? Said Bra, ?excellent, even!? ?Yeah, we agree,? said Marron and Goten. ?I guess,? said Trunks, ?But...? ?But what?? Inquired Pan. ? But he hasn?t let us have our date yet.? Goten laughed, ?He never will, Trunks, you know that.? ? Well, well, ? said a voice behind them, ?if it isn?t Goten, and with my girlfriend again, I see.? Bra and Goten were facing him, so Pan, Trunks, and Marron had to turn around. ?What a creep; Goten, who is this?!? Demanded Pan. Bra spoke first, ?For the last time; I?m not your girlfriend, Tom. Lay off the funny fungus, okay? It?s affecting your brain.? ?No one insults me like that! Not even you, Bra!? Tom picked up his plate and threw it at Bra. Pan held up her hand, levitating the plate and food. She turned it around. Tom gasped, ?W-What are you?! A monster?!? Pan smiled, ?no, but maybe, you should look in a mirror.? She launched the plate and it hit him in the face. ?FOOD FIGHT!!!? As soon as those words were shouted, sushi, beef bowls, and rice flew everywhere. Waitresses ducked under tables while cooks yelled. Finally, after Gohan had been hit with a third beef bowl, he popped. ?THAT?S ENOUGH!? The results were immediate. Everyone froze. Gohan crossed his arms. ?Alright. As punishment for this, we?re not watching the Ancient Chinese play, Saiyuki, but instead, you all will assist the workers here to clean this place up while I call the theater and tell them we?re not going. After, I would like to talk to Son Pan, Bra Briefs, and Tom Akira.? 1 hour later... ? You three should know better. You?re in what, high school now, the 10th, 11th grade? I expected this out of 8th graders or freshmen, but not you guys,? lectured Gohan, ?Now, one at a time, tell me what happened. Tom, you first.? ?Well, I was walking along, going to my seat, when I saw Bra and Goten, kissing deeply while Pan, Marron and Trunks stared,? he said innocently. ? Yeah right!? Exclaimed Bra; ?You?re so full of-? ?That?s enough!? Said Pan, ? Listen, I?ll tell you the truth, dad, since you can?t get a straight answer out of the offender and offended.? ? First thing I heard was that Tom had come behind me, saying ?Well, well, if it isn?t Goten, with my girlfriend.? Then, Bra told Tom that she wasn?t his boyfriend, and to lay off the funny mushrooms. Then, Tom threw a plate of food at her, but I stopped it-? ?In midair!? Interrupted Tom, ? What kind of freak are you?!? Pan cleared her throat, ? As I was saying, I caught it midair, turned it around, and threw it at Tom. Then, someone yelled food fight, and that?s how the rest of the mess happened.? Gohan granted them leave. He turned when he heard that his wife, Videl was speaking to the chefs. Apologetically, Videl spoke to a chef, ? We are SO sorry, I didn?t mean for this to happen!? He ( Chef #1) replied, ? Zis iz ze worzt mess I have evaur zeen in my career!? Another chef, (Chef #2) a woman, stepped up, ? Zat iz not true. Ze lazt grup zat came waz horibel!? Chef #1 fired back, ?Iz not!? Chef #2, ?Iz too!? Chef #2 spun over to Videl, ? It iz all zright. He iz just paranoid. Zis is nosthing. Vwe realize zat zey are teenz. Zay are worzt zan eight year oldz. But, ze worzt evaur group zwe?ve had waz a group of midel zchoolers. Zis iz nosthing.? Videl, puzzled by the accent, answered, ?O...kay. Well, we are still sorry, and we?re glad you?ve forgiven us.? Chef #2 shrugged, ? Like I zaid, itz nosthing. At leazt you help uz clean up. Ze othears wouldn?t evaun mop a liittel.? Videl walked off, thoroughly confused, and met up with Gohan. ? Gohan, I am SO confused. What caused this, did you find out?? Gohan growled, ?yeah, teenage jealousy, rotten kids. They?ll never learn.? ?You realize that we were like that at one time. Remember when you took Angela on a date, and she caught you after your Saiyaman routine? She thought you were giving me a kiss!? ? Ha! Yeah, I remember that. Remember Sharpner at the tournament, though? He was green with jealousy!? ? Ha ha. He was my ex-boyfriend, you know. So, lay off.? ? Are you saying you still like him?? ?NO!? ? I believe you; I?m just pulling your leg, Videl.? Videl snuggled up to him; ?it?s time to go now, dear.? ? All right. Class!? All attention turned to Gohan. The room was deathly silent. ?Time to go. Get your bags; it?s time for our trip to the Tokyo Tower.? The Orange Star school continued to the tower on foot. Bra breathed the air deeply then sputtered, ? Good Heaven! How much pollution IS in this air?!? ? Good question, a perfect enigma!? Emphasized Goten, ? And do I detect the scent of acid rain on top of that?? ? Cut the sarcasm, guys,? muttered Marron. ? You?re getting more and more like your mom, Marron,? snickered Pan. ? What?s THAT mean!?? ? It means-? Pan stopped as a wave of sickness hit her. She doubled over, holding her head and stomach as she gasped for air with pain. ?Um, Pan,? Said Bra, ? that isn?t funny!? Pan ducked for the gutter and threw up. Trunks patted her back, rubbing it at the same time. ?Are you okay?? Asked Goten. ? I don?t know,? gasped Pan. ? What happened?? Inquired Marron. ?I...was walking...when I felt an...Evil force...and then...I felt nauseous.? ?An evil force?? said Bra, mystified. Gohan fell to one knew, gasping and trembling. He looked up at the sky. Videl ran over to him. ? Are you alright, Gohan? You look pale! Are you sick?? Gohan looked at her with a faked smile, ? Are you kidding! I just tripped, that?s all!? ? O...kay. If you say so. You sure?? ?Yeah, go make sure the teens up front aren?t spray painting the walls.? Videl snorted in disgust, ? Are you telling me what to do?? Gohan got a real cheesy grin, ? Yep!? ?Ha ha! Well, okay then.? Videl ran up to the front. Gohan frowned then looked around. ?Nothing,? he whispered, ?Gohan, you?re becoming paranoid.? They soon reached the tower. Pan looked around, noticing a fight at another section of the building. Pan?s keen hearing picked up the conversation. ? He?s not ready. If you go and give yourself away right now, you?ll screw up our plans!? ? To Hell with the plans. If we wait, this opportunity will pass us by. We should attack now!? What a strange conversation, thought Pan, what are they planning? ?Hel-l-loooo? Anyone home? Pan, your a space cadet, you know that?? Pan blinked, ? Oh, er, sorry. What were you saying?? Bra crossed her arms across her chest, ? I said ?Your father says we can split up.?? ?Oh. I guess we can go wander then.? Marron chuckled, ? Bet you and Trunks are going to some secluded spot in this place. Smooch smooch, eh? Pan shoved her, ? Stuff it. I don?t think we will do something like that, but we are going to have our date, dad or no dad.? Someone behind her put their hand on Pan?s shoulder. Pan jumped very jerkily beside a stunned Bra and Goten.
  13. ? Oh, man! That?s her! But, I think I do her better.? ?Oh, really? Let?s see you do it!? This continued for a while. But somewhere else, meanwhile... ? No way! She can?t! I?m not letting my little girl go to some brain numbing field trip! It?s ridiculous!? #18?s shouts could be heard throughout the house as she hurled chairs, tables, and other furniture at Krillin. ? B-But, sweet heart, I think...?stuttered Krillin. It?s always hard for him to stand his ground against his ?sweet heart?, Android #18. ?You think, you think. Krillin, that?s not your job.? Smirked #18. She loved teasing him like this sometimes. But, this whole field trip thing was unnerving to her, ?Krillin; I don?t want my daughter gawked at by every possible male in Tokyo! She?s 18 and just looking for someone to take her off this island!? ?The-Then why don?t we go to Tokyo too? Bulma said her family was going because of a shipment they needed to deliver. We can go with them! And we can ask if ChiChi and Gohan?s family want to go too! All right, babe?? #18 blushed. She hated it when he called her babe, but it pleased and amused her at the same time. She knew he knew this, that?s why he pressed her buttons like that, because it was the way to get her to agree to anything, ?Fine, I guess we can then. You call while I help pack Marron?s stuff and mine.? ? Err, will you pack mine, too?? ?No,? She left the room. Then, in walked Master Roshi. He cleared his throat and spoke to Krillin; ?you and #18 haven?t paid me rent in 14 years. Can you, um, pay me yet?? Krillin sighed. Master Roshi had asked him this each year, and each year was the same, ?No, Master Roshi, we can?t, and we won?t, we?re temporary guests, until we can find a house, remember?? ?Oh, all right.? Master Roshi then left. It wasn?t as if he wasn?t looking for a house, he just couldn?t find one. He sighed, At least #18 doesn?t have to go through this. It?s just because Master Roshi wouldn?t dare ask her. I should buff up my morale, sometime. ?So, mom, what?s up? Are you and daddy going too?? Marron asked. ?Yes, we are, Marron. Has Pan and Bra called back yet?? #18 said in her usual monotone voice. ?No, I guess they?re busy.? ? Well, I have to call Videl anyway. I?ll let you ask then.? Meanwhile... Bulma stirred the Miso soup in the pot. She began to read from the book, ?Let?s see... carrots, check. Onions, check,? Bulma lifted the ladle and tasted it, ?not as good as Chi Chi?s, but oh well. Saiyans eat anything and everything.? She set the ladle down and went to set the table; ?Bra wants to go to that trip real bad. If I know Vegeta, the best way to negotiate anything with him is through his stomach.? She set down the last fork and yelled, ? Dinner Time!!!? Bra and Trunks were downstairs almost immediately, but Vegeta was late. Bulma tapped her foot and checked her watch. She cupped her and hands and yelled again, ?Vegeta, if you don?t get down here, I?ll turn off the gravity chamber!!!? The results were almost immediate. Vegeta was there instantly, ready to eat. ? What?s for dinner, Woman?? He asked, ?I?m starving.? ? I?m sure you are,? Bulma said bluntly, ?it?s Miso soup. Dig in!? ?Wow, thanks mom!? Trunks went at it with a will. ? Well, no problem,? said Bulma, ? but you two owe me something. Two report cards for the term.? They gulped. When it came to report cards, it was hard to please her. More so than usual, anyway. And she didn?t like it when they opened them before she did, making them even more nervous. Trembling they pulled them out. Vegeta, on the other hand, was enjoying it. He liked seeing his kids sweat, especially Trunks. It kept them sharp. Bulma snatched the cards from them and inspected them. ? Well, Bra, you pass. All A?s.? Said Bulma, nodding. Bra sighed for relief. Bulma looked at Trunks?. ? Trunks Brief.? Trunks gulped. He didn?t like her tone. It scared him. ? Well, Trunks. You pass! With flying colors, I might add; extra credit in business and marketing! That?s my Capsule President.? Trunks felt like he was going to pass out. No one noticed the slightly disappointed look on Vegeta?s face. ? So,? said Bulma, ?continuing on, how?d your day go kids?? Bulma winked a ?Now?s your chance? at them. Trunks knew to let Bra do the talking. If he tried, they?d have to buy new windows. It?s a good thing we?re millionaires at the rate dad busts windows, thought Trunks, and it?s a good thing that Bra is a daddy?s girl, or we?d never get to do any school activities. Bra took the hint, and spoke, ?Hey, um, daddy, our school is having a field trip tomorrow, and I was wondering if Trunks and I could go?? Vegeta shot her a look, ? Where?? Bra got her innocent face on, ?well, to Tokyo. Mom had to go there tomorrow, anyway. Why don?t you go too, daddy?? ?Well, I don?t think...? ? Pllllleeeeeeeeeasssssse?? Bra pleaded. It grossed Trunks out when she used that tone, but it worked. ? Well, all right.? Brrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiinnnnnnnnnggggggg!!! ?Oh, it?s the phone,? said Bulma; ?I?ll get it.? As she left she heard Vegeta mutter, ?Never fails, sit down for two seconds and someone has to call.? Bulma picked it up, ?Brief residence, Bulma Brief here, how can I help you? Oh, hi, Krillin! What?s up?? In the kitchen, they heard a long pause. Bra looked up; ?Krillin must be having a rough night if mom hasn?t talked yet.? Bulma then spoke up, ? I don?t mean to cut you short, Krillin, but could you get to the point, we?re eating dinner.? She nodded her head, ?Of course you can! We?ll meet you at the train station. Bye!? She hung up, ?Well, we?re all meeting Krillin at the station tomorrow. His family?s going, too.? Meanwhile... Ring ring! Ring ring! Pan walked over to her phone and picked up. ?Hello, Pan Chan here, cutest being in the universe, how may I help you?? Marron laughed at the other end, ?You know, Pan, with an ego like that, you?re going to get into trouble, someday.? ?Oh, hey Marron! What?s up?? ?Well...? ?What, Marron? I still have to pack.? ?Oh! Well, I don?t want to bug you....but...? ?Yeah?? ?Do...Do you know if Goten has a girlfriend?? ?Well...he does hang with Bra a lot. Does that count?? ?Um... yeah. Thanks, Pan Chan. See you tomorrow?? ?Yeah, tomorrow.? ?Marron signing off!? Pan put the phone on the receiver. ?Strange conversation.? Pan looked at her empty bag. ?I swear,? said Pan, ?I?m never going to get packed at this rate.? She pulled open a drawer and started. She put in a deck of cards, her Gameboy, A toothbrush, a hairbrush, makeup, a book, and a dress. ?There, done,? she said. All of a sudden, she heard screaming. She ran downstairs to find that ChiChi and Goten arrived, and Chi Chi was at it, full blast. Her family stood there with their ears covered. ? What on Earth?!? Yelled Videl, ?Gohan, why?d you have to mention that!?? ?I didn?t know that she didn?t know!? Yelled Gohan back. ?What?s going on!?? Yelled Pan. Finally, Gohan popped, ? BE QUIET!!!? All was silent. Gohan closed his eyes and left the room. Videl answered Pan?s question, ?Your father asked if Goten was going on the trip tomorrow. However, it seems that Goten hadn?t told ChiChi yet, and she was mad to find out that she was the last to know.? ?Why?d he burst a vein like that?? Videl looked from side to side, and then leaned forward, ?You and him have quite the temper sometimes, but so does ChiChi. You two are just more patient. So, when one of you three meet with another, and one starts yelling, it just grinds your patience. However, you and Gohan are Saiyans, so you two have the advantage in yelling, strength, and patience. You two also get along better.? Pan mouthed an ?oh? and sidled over to a very disturbed Goten. ? Are...Are you okay, uncle Goten?? She said. Goten nodded. Pan grabbed him by the arm and led him upstairs to her room, ?I?m going to call Trunks, okay?? He just nodded. She scooted away from him a little, and then dialed his number. Trunks picked up. ? Trunks Brief here. ?Sup?? Pan smiled, ?Hey, Trunks; it?s me, Pan! So, do you get to go to Tokyo?? ?Yeah, thanks to Bra. The little brat?s useful, after all.? ? Hey, she?s my friend! How about Marron? She called me, but have you heard from her?? ?Yeah, Krillin called. I guess his whole family?s going. Hey, you know what, mine?s going too! You should ask your dad if him and your mom could go!? ?Well, you?re a little late. Dad and mom have to go, because dad has to organize the whole trip.? ?Really? Have him make a reservation at the Neo Japan restaurant for dinner. It?s my favorite place!? ? Hahaha! Right, I?ll see.? ?How?s Gohan? He been busy?? ?He?s good and very busy.? ?Has he started training again?? ?Actually, yes! My dad?s training me more, and he?s been training alone in his mystic form. He?s really strong.? ?Bet he isn?t as strong as my dad!? ? Oh, B.S. My dad could whoop yours any day.? Trunks changed the subject, ?How about Goten? Can he go?? ?Um, he?s, err,? Pan cupped her hand over the receiver and whispered, ?Hurricane ChiChi struck downstairs. He doesn?t know yet. In fact, he?s right here, looking rather pale. I?ll tell him you asked in a while.? ? Okay, I guess. Okay, have your dad take everyone on the train. That?s where Krillin and my family are meeting. Have them be there by noon, okay?? ?Okay, bye, Trunks-san.? ? I hope we?ll have our date during tomorrow, okay? I?ll see you soon, Pan-Chan!? Pan hung up and sighed. Goten woke up suddenly and spoke, ? You and Trunks! I never would have believed it! I just-? Pan clamped a hand over his mouth, ?Shhhh; I don?t want the mom and dad to know!? She released his mouth. Goten massaged his jaw, ? Well okay, but you don?t have to hold so hard! So, how long have you been going out, anyway?? ?One minute.? Pan listened to the air vent that went to the gravity room. When her dad was training, he could hear her, if the vent was open. It?s way too quiet down there. Maybe the vent?s shut. ?Okay, we can talk. We?ve been going out for half a year now.? Pan answered. She thought she heard someone choke, but shook it from her mind. ? Really? Cool, I really never would have thought about you and Trunks. I mean, you?re my niece and he?s my best friend. But, Gohan would bust 6 more veins if he found out,? said Goten. As if on cue, a bloodcurdling cry was heard throughout the house. Pan heard a boom as she noticed that half the countryside out her window no longer existed. Her eyes widened even more as she heard an unearthly noise. ?PAN!!! GET DOWN HERE IMMEDIATELY!!!? ?My life is coming to an end. Goodbye, Goten.? ?Goodbye and good luck, Pan.? I guess the vent WAS open. When Pan got downstairs, the site she saw disturbed her. Gohan stood there, shaking, red, and in Mystic form. Electricity sparked around him, making him look even more freaked out. To his left, the gravity room wall was missing. In fact, the whole room was missing. Videl and ChiChi had backed away to the opposite side of the room, looking frightened. ?This way,? said Gohan firmly. He led her outside and they flew a few miles into the country. They landed and he faced her eye to eye. His voice was calm, but it was angry, ?Why didn?t you tell me?? Pan looked down, ?Because...I...I didn?t want you to be mad.? ?MAD?!!! MAD?!!! YOU HAVEN?T SEEN MAD! THE MINUTE I GET A HOLD OF TRUNKS, THEN YOU?LL SEE MAD!!!? With that, Gohan flew off. ?No, daddy, don?t!? Pan yelled as he disappeared into the distance. She flew back to the house. ?Are you okay, Pan?? Asked Videl. The others just stared. ?I am, but Trunks won?t be.? Meanwhile... ?Good dinner, mom!? Said Bra. Trunks nodded in agreement while Vegeta just growled. Then, they heard a knock-no, a pound on the door. Soon, the door came down to reveal Gohan. They stood there dumbfounded until Bulma spoke. ?G-Gohan! What?s this all about!? You better pay for that door!? Gohan pushed her out of the way and had Trunks by the collar before anyone could make a move. ?WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING WITH MY DAUGHTER!?? Trunks couldn?t say a word. He was still in a state of shock. Vegeta stood, ?What are you talking about, Gohan? What is the meaning of busting into my house like this?!? Gohan gave him a look that even had Vegeta scared. He turned back to Trunks, ?How dare you go out with my daughter for that long behind my back!? Gohan punched him in the gut. Trunks doubled over and was released to the floor, ?If you ever go near her again, you?ll have more than a sore gut!? Gohan zoomed out the door, leaving Trunks in pain and his family staring after him. Vegeta stared at Trunks. ?Well, how long, boy? Speak up!? Said Vegeta. ?Um, six months,? said Trunks weakly. ? Good job, son!? Said Vegeta, patting him on the back. Gohan could hear Bulma from a mile away.
  14. Okay, this is my first fic, and probably my last, since I'm an artist, not a writer. I'll warn you now, it's REALLY long. I don't post this just to flood the thread, I promise. So, grab a drink and a snack and enjoy. ^^ Crimson Tears: Pan?s trip to Tokyo It was a rainy day in algebra. Pan sat at her desk, doodling. The only other person she knew in that class, Bra, was passing notes to another girl. Man, thought Pan, If I was popular like Bra, I?d have more fun in here. ? Pan? Pan!? Pan looked up suddenly. The teacher and half the class were staring at her, and a few were snickering. Pan blushed, ? um, what... is it I?m supposed to be doing?? ?You,? said the teacher, ? are supposed to be solving the equation on the page.? ? Which page?? Her acquaintance that sat next to her, Ami, whispered, ? Page 48!? ?Oh!? Exclaimed Pan, ? 2x + x = 18.? ? Thank you,? said the teacher briskly, ? Now solve it!? ? X equals 6.? ? Now, let?s move on.? BRRRRRRIIIIIINNNNGGGGGG! ? Have a good day class, and remember: that assignment is due Wednesday!? Pan rushed down the hall to catch up with her friends. She was just about to speak, when the intercom came on. ? Attention students! Tomorrow we will be having a field trip to Tokyo. Please ask your parents? permission to go. And don?t forget to wear your badges!? ? Wow!? Said Goten, ? A field trip! And we were going to have a test in French tomorrow!? Bra sighed, ? So. You know that they?re just going to make it educational, like they did with our field trip to Okayama. And besides, you?re just going to have to take that test on Wednesday.? ? Yeah, I guess. But that postpones my execution. Mom says if I fail this time, she?s going to make me go without food for a day!? ? Okay,? sighs Pan, ? We obviously need to prepare for tomorrow. So let?s split up and ask if we can go.? ? Good idea!? Exclaimed Marron; ? it?s going to take all day for me to convince mom to let me go!? ?See ya!? And with that, they split up. Pan ran down the hall towards the class where her dad taught. ?Dad! Dad!? She shouted. ? Hm?? Gohan peered over his glasses at his daughter, ? What is it, Pan? You didn?t put firecrackers in the principle?s office again, did you?? ? No! Dad, can I go...?? ?.... To the field trip? You know you can. But...? ? But what, dad?? ? No holding hands with any guys.? ? Oh come on dad, you know me.? ? That?s why I?m worried.? ? See you, dad! Love you!? ? Ditto, Pan.? Pan turned out the door. Gohan chuckled, Ah, the youth. Unknown to Pan, Gohan knew that she and Trunks had been dating for two months now. He didn?t say anything because if Vegeta heard of it, Trunks would be gone. However, he doesn?t know that they?ve been going out longer than that... Pan took off after she got down the street a bit. She zigzagged through the trees and landed on Mt. Paozu. They lived there because it was Gohan?s home, but they made sure to live far enough away from ChiChi. ? Mom, I?m home!? Yelled Pan. Videl shouted back, ? Hi dear. #18 called about a field trip; do you know anything about it?? ? Yeah, it?s tomorrow. We?re going to Tokyo. Why?? ? #18 thought Marron was trying to get out of chores tomorrow. Thanks Pan, I think you just saved Krillin and Marron from #18?s bad temper.? ? Hahaha! Well, I?ll be upstairs if you need anything.? ?All right dear. But, it just so happens that I do need something.? ?Um, what? Man, thought Pan, As much as I?d like to help mom, I gotta pack... Pan blushed.... And call... Trunks. ?Well, Pan, you know how old ChiChi's getting, and with Goku gone and all, it?s hard for her to take care of herself, even if she won?t admit it. So, could you swing by there and ask... no, demand that your grandma join us for dinner? I?d appreciate it; I?m a little busy.? ?Um... Ok,? busy my foot, thought Pan, she just can?t stand grandma, so she sends me. Even dad can?t take her pushy nature. Pan smiled Dad?s so like her sometimes, though. Maybe not in the bossy way, but he sure does worry. Pan then frowned. Which is why he can?t know Trunks and I have been going out, or he?ll blow a gasket!? Pan took off towards the other side of the mountain with her menial task, wondering what she?ll pack. ? Hmm, maybe I?ll take my new Zelda game...no, wait, I beat it already. Or maybe...Hey, wait a sec!? Pan stopped mid-flight and looked below; ? it?s uncle Goten! I wonder if he?s done packing yet.? She stooped into a dive and headed to the spot. When she got there, she recognized the spot. The area had lots of bushes and trees, a waterfall, and a pool at the bottom. ?It?s grandpa Goku?s fishing spot,? she whispered in reverence. She turned to see Goten. ? Heh, he?s fishing again. Bet I could scare him again, too.? Pan crept quietly through the bushes. She snuck behind him. ?Don?t even think about it, Pan,? he said, not turning. ? Huh!? But, how?d you know it was me!? ?I used my powers of concentration.? Goten crossed his legs and began humming. Pan shoved him over. ? Har har. If you?re fishing, then I suppose that you?re done packing?? Smiled Pan. ? Uh, you mean, I had to do that today?? Pan face-faults. She got back up, ? You mean you haven?t packed yet? Weren?t you listening?! And I suppose you haven?t asked grandma if you could go either?? ?Well, err, not yet.... I mean, I?m going to ask her! You know how temperamental mom is.? Pan smiled evilly, ?Well, she?ll be even madder when she finds out that you didn?t tell her right away!? ?You wouldn?t!? Shouted Goten. ?I would, and I will, uncle Goten!? Pan smiled. She took to the air and zoomed towards the Son family residence. ?Oh no!? Goten zipped after her. Pan had an advantage of a good 3 miles, though, by the time he got going. Pan chanced a look behind her. She grinned; ?I left him in the dust. Now, to ChiChi?s house. I hope she?s in a good mood. You just can?t talk to grandma when she?s not.? Pan landed in front of the house. She knocked on the door. Once. Twice. Finally, an answer came. ? If that?s another insurance agent, I don?t want collection for my husband.? Pan shook her head and chuckled, ? no, grandma; it?s me, Pan! Son Pan!? The door opened swiftly to reveal the 54 year old ChiChi, ?Pan? Well, why didn?t you say so, dear? I?ve missed you! Come in!? Pan walked in, ducking to avoid the doorway. Being a 5 foot 9 teen isn?t easy sometimes thought Pan. ChiChi sat down in her chair and picked up her tea, ?You know, you should tell that father of yours to come visit me!? Pan looked up, ?Well, grandma, that?s good, because I came to ask...? ? You know, I haven?t seen my son for a while, so I don?t want to hear any more of his excuses. First, it was he had to correct Trigonometry homework,? ? Well, grandma, that?s why we...? ? Then, he said that Videl was sick,? ? But, grandma...? ? Next, he said that he had to help pick out a dress for your dance,? ? What I?m trying to tell you is...? ? And then he...? ? CHICHI! ENOUGH! I?m trying to tell you, that my mom has asked if you?ll join us for dinner tonight! Then, you can see dad, okay!? ChiChi stared for a second, looking somewhat appalled, then shook her head. She smiled, and spoke; ?you should have said that in the first place. You know, dear, your temper is as bad as my Gohan?s is sometimes. You should be more patient. And besides, it?s rude to interrupt your elders, dear. That?s your mother?s side, I?m afraid. My Gohan doesn?t have such manners. Why, he...? Oh MAN! She?s like a bird. Gossip, gossip, gossip. And she cackles on and on! Now, if she wants to talk about families, she should know that her babbling is unique to the family, Thought Pan. ? Pan? Are you paying attention?? ? Oh, sorry, ChiChi. Err, what were you saying?? ChiChi now looked slightly annoyed, ? I asked ?do you know where Goten is??? ? Oh, he should be here soon. I?ve got to go though, ChiChi. See ya!? Pan slid through the door before her grandma could say anything and took off towards her house. She passed Goten on the way, but he looked disheveled, so she didn?t bug him. She arrived home at the same time as her father. Gohan looked crabby, unusual for her father. ? Hey dad! What?s wrong?? Pan asked. Gohan looked up. He smiled slightly, ? Hey, little Saiyan, what?re you doing?? ?Nothing,? Pan grinned. She liked being called little Saiyan. It made her feel...accepted, ?But what?s wrong dad? You looked upset.? ?Oh, that. The district pulled me in and said that I have to help with the field trip. On top of having to chaperone, I have to work out the tour, find a way to balance the funds between this trip and the ones for the rest of the year, get lunches together, get transportation, reserve us at Tokyo Tower, get tickets to a theater at Tokyo, and, on top of that, I have to get you and myself ready. And that?s just the tip of the iceberg.? ? And they dumped this on you at the last minute?!? Pan knew that the school was demanding on the teachers sometimes, but this was ridiculous! ?What made them want to do this to you!?? Gohan grinned, ?well, their jealous of my good looks, brains, and my beautiful daughter, of course!? He chuckled; ?actually, the district?s been trying to nail something on me for a while now. They?re trying to prove that there?s something ? Gohan the brainer? can?t do. They think I?m too perfect. They?re like vultures, Pan, waiting for me to screw up. That?s why they did this last minute. To be hard on me. But, I?ve got connections.? ?Like whom?? Asked Pan. ?Like Bulma. She can get us anywhere with her good looks, charm, and wit. And, if not, Vegeta will just threaten them, anyway.? Gohan held his hand out in a ki blast formation and imitated Vegeta; ?you ticked off my wife. No one ticks off the wife of Vegeta, prince of the Saiyans! Now, you die!? Pan giggled, ?That?s good, dad! Let me try! I think I can do your mom now!? Pan got a goofy look on her face and started, ?Blah-blah, bl-blah blah-blah, blah blah.?
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