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M. Son Gohan

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Everything posted by M. Son Gohan

  1. I have a question. Is there a media place somewhere in the vincinity of the western US where I can buy the missing episode from Outlaw Star? You know, the Hot Springs one? I'd appreciate it!
  2. I have a question also. I almost got done with the 7th(I think that's the one, anywho) dungeon, the one after the Mermaid's cave. Well, I put the water all the way up to the top, and I can't lower it again. Is there any way to, or should I just keep going with my new file I started?
  3. Well, if you just got the boss key and beat the blue ghost, that means.....you missed the red one!!! Go back to the first set of stairs that you went down. The red ghost should be in the portraits!!! Beat her the same way as the blue one.
  4. Go to [url]www.anipike.com[/url] and look at the Bardock websites. You'll find what you need. Most definately!
  5. Does anyone know the name of the cat on Dr. Brief's shoulder? He does call it kitty a lot, but in a Namek ep. he called it Scratch. Does anyone know?
  6. His mental void. I think (refering to the first post) the second ep. was called The Emperor's Quest. But, like said earlier, the whole thing was about not having a tail. They left the whole scene out with him pulling off Bulma's panties and everything. At least they're getting better at trying(notice I said trying) to cut things out. *remembers old Namek episode with Goku in his ship* That whole ep. was cracked!
  7. I dunno....I think Washu would be cool, but it wouldn't work out. Sasami is too young for him, most definately. Maybe...Yeah, Ryoko would work out best! (But Washu'd be cool!) Sakuya can die in a ditch for all I care. ^^
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