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About Kyubimon

  • Birthday 05/19/1992

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  1. Mines a Barbie. I HATE BARBIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [B][color=red][size=1]We're talking about this [b]seriously[/b], although what you said was quite amusing...Where are you [b]really[/b] going for vacation?[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I'm really going to China. All my relitives live there.We're leaving on July 4. Terrible time to leave.:wigout:
  3. I've heard of Redwall books but never read one.
  4. I can't remember everything I watched so my favorite from what I can remember would probobly be "Rush Hour2".
  5. Kyubimon

    Fear Factor

    The 2nd stunt always disgusts me. I just hate the one where they have to get those chicken legs from a box full of magets.
  6. Some of the thing in Beyond Belief aren't scary though like the one with the physchic nurse and the one with the a two robbers which dated back into th 1800's! But some of them are scary like the one with the teacher and the doll and the one when two girls experienced something that happened two years ago. (That dead body is still giving me nightmares. You probobly don't know what I'm talking about.)
  7. :devil: I do but I hate the ones where they show dead bodies.
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