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About CottemonRuki

  • Birthday 03/24/1989

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  1. I like the Trunks saga, just cause I'm obsessed with him. I also like the andriod saga, cause that's the saga that got me to start liking db/z/gt. but... Trunks is just so cute ^^;;
  2. The movie's called "Bardock: The Father of Goku" and his team is Fasha, Torah, then two other guys. I forget their names. I think one of them is like Borcos or something like that
  3. Yo mama says "I'm off on Tuesdays. Your cooking tonite Hun"
  4. *shakes her head* my gosh. First of all, America is MY home too. But I don't think it's fair for people to go around and judge other countries like that. I think every country is great in it's own way. I often dream about visiting Japan, but I have no intention of living anywhere besides good old USA. But it's not because I'm judging other countries and I favor USA. It's because it's my home and I grew up in America. I may dream about visiting Japan, but my real dream is that one day, everyone will be able to speak the same language. I wish that one day, every country will be able to shine it's own colors, but also that the wars will stop and that people won't hate other races. How did other Americans feel when they saw those children laughing and throwing candy across the oceans? I hope you felt the way I did. And that's going on every day. I want it to stop, not just for Americans, but for every other person. Not race, but person. I know that its impossible, but it'd be nice for this to be even just a little close to my dream.
  5. I hate to sound a lil superstious(sp?), but I believe those predictions. And I dun wanna die! Actually... I dun want my kittyz to die.
  6. don't ya hate it when you get stupid songs in your head? I love it when I get good songs stuck in my head... sometimes they get plain annoying too...
  7. *clunches her fists* I can't stand it! I want to help in some way, but the only way I can help is donating blood. And I'm 'too young' to do that. :flaming: errr... I HATE WHOEVER DID THIS! ThEY DIDN'T NEED TO TAKE THIS OUT ON INNOCENT PEOPLE! I wish I could say that I can forgive and forget whoever did this and all those people laughing and rejoicing over this, but I just can't let this go. It's just who I am. I wish I could say I'm a peacemaker, but there IS a violent side to me most people don't know about. The only thing that keeps me from beating some people up is my fear of blood :rolleyes: I guess being sorta violent and fearing blood aren't a good mix, but they keep me out of trouble... soo... I'll just keep yelling... YOU IDIOT PEOPLE WHO MURDER!!! YOU'RE MURDERERS!!! KILLERS!!! :mad: and I'll stop there before I get too violent.
  8. Kurumi: we need to be more careful Tundra. Two of their digimon already spotted us Tundra: Oh, come on Kurumi. They're the first digidestined and their digimon. Can't they see us, just once. We can help them fight and then return to our own time. Kurumi: Tundramon, if they see us in the open it could alter history. At least for a digital world it would. Just us being here's gonna alter history for the digiworld. And if the digiworld is altered, it'll alter my world a bit too. Tundra: Kurumi, when we go back to our own time you're not going to leave me here in the digiworld to go back to the real world are you? Kurumi: I dunno my friend, I may take you with me next time.
  9. I'm excited to read more. I love it so far :D
  10. ummm... I'll have to go with Yamucha's Wolf Fang Fist
  11. A Small Shadow in the Forest: So... these are the old digidestined... A Larger Human Shaped One: shhh Tundramon... If they hear us they'll notice us... Tundramon: Oh come on. Lighten up Kurumi. What's the worst that could happen? Their digimon are only Fresh and In-Training. Kurumi: Well, if you found someone sneaking around spying on you, what would you ask? Tundra: umm... What are you doing here? Kurumi: EXACTLY! And yuo'd answer... Tundra: I'd tell them the truth. :D We traveled here from the future to watch over the first digidestined to make sure they didn't get in any trouble. Kurumi: Tundra... :rolleyes: oh well *giggles* you are cute sometimes... Ty: awww *eyes sparkle while he watches the digiegg* Nopta: ohhh... *eyes flicker up towards the forest for a second and he sees two figures making their way closer to them* Yoshi: Boy... what is it... Digiegg: *head pops out* Nopta: what is it... *is talking bout the shadows* Lia: it's a... a... blob... New Digimon: *blinks up at Yoshi* YOSHI! It's me! *jumps up and down* Yoshi: *eyes grow wide* ahh! what are you? Nopta: *looks at the digimon* that's a digimon. Corlamon. Corlamon: Yup yup!
  12. Lia: what do you want to show me? Yoshi: look at this *pulls out a digiegg* Lia: it looks like some kind of... egg Ty: What did you find Lia!??! *runs over to Yoshi and Lia and shoves in to get a good look at the digiegg* wow... what is it, Noptamon? *looks down at the little digimon in his arms* Noptamon: What do you mean what is it? Haven't you seen a digiegg before? Yoshi: hmm... a digiegg? *brings the digiegg closer to his face and inspects it* It looks a lot like an Easter egg... Lia: Hey, you're right Yoshi! Look at all the swirls of pink and purple. It's beautiful. But it could be dangerous when it haches. Noptamon: *looks up at Lia* what do you mean dangerous? It'll just be a little baby digimon. Lia: Digimon, Digiegg? whats all this DIGIstuff thats going on? Noptamon: *giggles* Digimon is short for Digital monster. I think you're smart enough to figure what Digiegg is. Ty: *blinks down at his digimon partner* are you a digimon Noptamon? Noptamon: of course! Lia: *crosses her arms* I don't care if you say it'll be a little digi-whatever. That eggs big enough to hold Godzilla.
  13. *clap clap* :D Yah! Me like, me like! Keep going ;)
  14. yup yup. This is funny... this is more then funny... post more!
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