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SS Vegeta

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Everything posted by SS Vegeta

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ryo the Tamer [/i] [B]sign me up! i love pointless quizes. [/B][/QUOTE] Nigga, this **** aint pointless, it..............................has a point
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Domon [/i] [B]Can't we all just calm down and talk to each other like civilized human beings???? OR are we gonna act like wee little babies??? Just thought i'd ask... I don't like to see people fighting. It makes me...want to....:bawl: :bawl: [/B][/QUOTE] Little Babies!
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Treble [/i] [B]My very first game that I have played is also [b]Duck Hunt[/b] on the NES.The first game that I have ever beated was [b]Double Dragon[/b] on the NES, along with my brother of course.:) [/B][/QUOTE] The original Double Dragon I have no clue about. But Double Dragon II, Erg I could never beat it! I played almost every day but never got close. :flaming: I hated it.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B]That's the basic new anime fan that only understands the good vs. evil part of storylines talking --; Anyway the final 15 or so eps kick serious ***, and if you have watched the whole series in sub which I doubt SS Vegeta or Gundam Sandrock(ignorant Wing-only watcher) the plot goes deeper than that. Finally...its better than Wing. Wing is nothing more than Power Rangers with mobile suits...which is very sad.. SS Vegeta, by the way you look at storylines, you wouldn't enjoy or even comprehend Neon Genesis Evangelion. [/B][/QUOTE] .........Ok hold on. Your bashing because I have a different opinion than you. What kind of crap is that. I don't like G-Gundam that much so you throw it back in my face and doubt that I saw the episodes. Whatever man, do what you want. What do you think I got for my birthday this year? Some crap and some money, know what I did with that money? Bought some fan-subs, while that may have messed with the plot a little it doesn't mean anything. Oh, and I full enjoyed Eva thank you very much.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Fou Lu [/i] [B]Really? i got told there was supposed to be a Joey structure deck with a Red Eyes in it. ( not sure if it's true or not but that's what i was told :p ) [/B][/QUOTE] Yes there is. If you scroll down a bit you will see I posted a topic with all the cards it comes with. ;) Well, actually it's not a structure, it's a starter. But whatever. :p
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ryo the Tamer [/i] [B]2.[url]http://starwindnetwork.cjb.net/[/url] has never had false information. [/B][/QUOTE] That is true, but alot of people thought DaBlackGoku would never lie when he started the big Dragonball AF thing though. :p
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue] 2) "final atonement" from dbz always reeeeally gets to me b/c it's the first time vegeta ever showed "love" for anything, & poor trunks didn't even know what to do when he was getting hugged. then he goes & suicides, & it was all for nothing!! you have to understand vegeta, though, b/c it was sooo unlike him. actually, the whole post-majin-transformation stuff is really sad to me, b/c of the stuff he talks about. [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Well, I think what would be a sadder Vegeta moment is in the Freiza saga. Where he cries to Goku about how Freiza [B]must[/B] be defeated. The first time I saw it, I admit it kinda got to me. :p
  8. Everyone is basically saying "Everything has been done before, it is definetley going to be re-done" and that does have a truth to it. But I mean, a naked chick in a box. Come on! God, I mean that is a straight rip. When I dig through some junk and find my first Outlaw Star dvd, I am going to watch that episode and check what her position is. I am thinking it might even be the same position. :p
  9. Well, I would like to think that I don't act much different. I mean really who cares what people think of you. They are just people. :p As of now in my social classification at school I am labeled skater. Probably because I listen to punk, metal, and I skate. :toothy: A few days ago some Homie G-Dogs (Or whatever) were trying to start some shiz-nit with me and my friend Andrew. I am not big on fighting at school, but I am not going to back down from them. Anyway, they ended up backing down so I never got in trouble. :p Woah, what was this thread about again. LOL :p
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][color=darkblue][size=1] Then I'd ask SS Vegeta on the boards... [b]2) Why did you dream about me making out with Queen Asuka, I must know!![/b][/QUOTE] I probably shouldn't have even posted that! :p Anyway, I don't know [B]why[/B] I had the dream, I just had it alright. ;) As for the 3 questions, I am a bit blank at the moment. A few hours ago, I did something I probably shouldn't have done and it's kinda messing me up. :hippy:
  11. outlawstar_14, chill out dude just calm down. As for Mist, just because they didn't comment on what you said doesn't mean they ignored you. ;)
  12. You guys weren't at school? o.O I was in second period, but at the time I had no idea it was terrorist. I thought some random plane crashed into some random building. I had no clue about any of it, until 8th period. My teacher Mr.Beedle explained it all to us. :box:
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Schratn9 [/i] [B]Hmm I just posted a thread in the GC thread. Oh well.... I love the game...Im almost done with it.... Its great [/B][/QUOTE] You posted a thread in a thread? :smirk: Anywho, I admit I haven't played it alot, being that I have to go over to a friends to play it. But, what I have played is very fun. ;) It is still #3 on my GCN list though. I just have more fun with Super Smash Brothers Melee, and Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (Chao raising rules). :p
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B]I'm not hatin', on the newbs. I'm talking to one person and one person only when I said that. G/S/B Master. Not you, not Cera. I respect the rest of you, and I won't diss ya anymore, but G/S/B Master coming in here with his "knowledge" of the game and telling me that a monster of that magnitude isn't much...please....it's ten times better than your beloved BEWD. [/B][/QUOTE] Okey Dokey, this is my stand on the matter. Now, I bet alot of you are going to say "your just saying it because Altron Gundam said it and he is a moderator!" But no, I am saying it because BEWD just plain sucks. Heh, people at school are so stupid. I traded two "Kaiba Deck" Blue Eyes for a Barrel Dragon. I guess they have no idea what a Barrel Dragon can do. :smirk:
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B]Wing with plot and storyline? ROTFLMAO!!!!! That's the biggest bunch of bs I've ever heard. I finished watching most mainstream Gundam series' before they even hit the U.S., Wing sucks, except for the Altron Gundam *cough*, Wing is stupid. 5 INVINCIBLE Gundams go around trashing things and "supposedly" annihilating fleets of 200-300 mobile suits. Come on..how cheesy is that... G-Gundam is aiight, and is WAY better than Wing. The Gundam designs are weaker, as is the diversion from the normal cockpit system, but plot, characters, ESPECIALLY in the final ten eps, if you haven't cheated and looked at some stupid site with Ep. Summaries, the last 10 episodes are among the best of ANY Gundam series, FA SHO. Man...dubbies and their pre-mature opinions..--; [/B][/QUOTE] I am pretty sure you were telling Gundam Sandrock off and not me, but anyway. Yes, I have seen dubs and subs of both series. While I don't think it is way better than Wing, I don't even think it is better than Wing. But geez, you have to admit this about the plot, it sucks. They made some mech designs and threw them in a tournament. Simple concept. ;)
  16. Wait a second, Tool isn't like heavy stuff. They are softer and slower the APC most of the time.
  17. I had a very very short dream about OB, but that is it. I think it was Shyguy and Queen Asuka kissing, or something like that. o.O I don't know what Shyguy looks like but it just seemed to me like it was him. ;) But yea, those are some strange dreams roxie.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]Oh my gosh, I love A Perfect Circle. That is the most favorite CD in my whole collection and I listen to it all the time. The song "Three Libras" is mine and my Ryan's song and stuff and it makes me want to cry when I hear it... So what's your favorite songs on there, Mist?[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, APC is [B]pretty[/B] good, I am not sure if I like them as much as you do but, whatever. :p My favorite song is......I can't really remember. I have a burned copy so I don't know what the songs are called, but it goes like this "It's not like you killed someone, it's not like Jesus Christ is....something" I know it's not a very descriptive thing, but I tried. As for the statement Hideki made about Tool. I love Tool! They are my second favorite band of all time! First being Slipknot. :p I go to sleep listening to Tool every single night.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]X is one of those special animes that you just keep on getting new stuff from everytime you wtach it. I myself have never seen any of the episodes, but I do own the movie on DVD, and it does rock. In that 'depressed, end-of-the-freaking-world' kind of way. -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] In my opinion "rock" wouldn't be the correct word. It's "ok". But there is a reason for that, when you try to fit a whole manga series into one movie it just gets messed up. Am I right?
  20. SS Vegeta

    the links

    If you would have just read the message. "Why the splash page, you ask? We're in the process of redirecting our URL. Soon this page will not be visible and you will be taken directly to OtakuBoards.com. Please click the image above to enter"
  21. Not to forget your local comic store. Where do you think I got mine? :smirk: But, be warned they are usually sold out. :(
  22. X; The movie was pretty good, but I still probably wont buy the DVD. As for End of Evangelion, I am definatley going to get it. Probably not the day of it's realese, but soon after. :) I haven't been waiting [B]that[/B] long for it, but that is only because I finished the series like 3 days ago. :p
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final Flash [/i] [B]Ugh, Beyblade is the worst excuse for an Anime i've ever seen. Can you say 'Marketing ploy'? By making a cartoon they're just trying to sell their lame, [i]lame[/i] toy. [/B][/QUOTE] I know what you mean. I have been told it's pretty good but when I saw it........I was stunned at how much it sucked. ;) A bunch of kids getting all into spinning tops. Woo, someone on Altron's boards told me the sub was good, but I seriously doubt it. :p
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ifm2181 [/i] [B]One of my friends was suicidal, but he was overdosed on Rittalin and tried to jump out his window. He's a little nuts still, but I'm starting to shape him into a model human by throwing his Rittalin away so he doesn't take it. [/B][/QUOTE] God, I know how he feels. Riddelin doesn't make me go phsyco, but it doesn't work at all on me. So they gave me this harder stuff called Concerta. I went beserk, I questioned my religion, my existense, my family, everything. I just wanted to end it all right there. I told my Mom about it and that was the last time I have ever taken one. ;)
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Domon [/i] [B]I amend my apology! and i personally think YOU should shut your mouth Gundam Sandrock! I am not gonna put up with that BS from you! If you think the plot is cheap then the plot is cheap! But you do not tell me to shut up! you probably think the plot is cheap cause you don't notice the minor details that make the characters so interesting and gives the plot some pizzaz! That is all i have to say. Otherwise i'll blow up! [/B][/QUOTE] Calm down dude, don't shout at him just because he doesn't like something you do, and guess what the plot is cheap. They ripped off DBZ's plot and that isn't even a good one. :p If you say you hate Outlaw Star, I wouldn't freaking go beserk on you even though it IMO is the best anime ever. :smirk: Just try to chill.
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