SS Vegeta
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Everything posted by SS Vegeta
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Twinzam v [/i] [B]They used to show these cartoons ages ago (Can't remember what channel it was on) Well has any one seen these shows They were good:) [/B][/QUOTE] Okey Dokey, let me give you my veiw point on both of theese shows. :) I absolutley hated the Mario one. It disgusted me and still does. Same goes for [B]one[/B] of the Sonic shows. The one they are currently playing on Toon Disney sucks. But Sonic Underground was possibly the best American cartoon ever. ;)
I am actually [B]very[/B] happy to be going back to school. I get to see alot of my friends alot more often, not to mention the girls! ;) :: Sigh :: Man, I hated summer. I only basically did 3 things, Skate, Come on OB, and Eat/Sleep. :smirk: But the weird thing about this year is, usually even with people I already know it takes me a while to re-aquaint. Last year I only had like two friends untill the 2nd semester. After that I had tons. This year it only took me a few days to go through that cycle. Maybe I became more comfertable about being myself around people or something? I don't know. :)
I love Sugarcult! "I'm bouncing off the walls again woaho" I thought I was the only one here that had even heard of them. :rolleyes:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1] You guys must not know very much about the series. Jet's cooking is [b]horrible[/b], due to the fact of lack of materials. So, no, his food isn't great. But there's no denying that he's a chef.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Excuse me, I know alot about the series. For the materials he had he was a [B]great[/B] chef. All the different meals he made with mushrooms in "Mushroom Samba". He is a master chef. :smirk:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=deeppink] [size=1]Well.... I went to the otaku chat. Not just because OB was down though... I hadn't been there for a while, so I decided to pay a visit! ^^ And... I went to Mike, sirven, Lauren..and D_A's boards ^^[/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Woah, that many people have boards? I only knew of Sirven's and I just now found out. But I was at Kevin's boards and Altron's too! :smirk: But yea, that is about it. Juu, you [B]will[/B] send me links!
Sephiroth was my match. I will be ANIME MAN! O.o;;; Excuse me, but yea I have been useing that site for a while now. I got a link from your old sig at......another board. Altron better get his forums back up! :smirk:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1] I don't really consider myself a mainstream junkie...I'm not even really sure what that [i]is[/i], but anyway... When Spike died, I was pissed. They wasted a perfectly good character. (Who happened to look [b]very[/b] good with a flared collar and a gun...) *Goes into dream-like state*[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Don't worry I wasn't calling you a mainstream junkie, i was calling myslelf one. But, as a mainstream junkie, I fed off of mainstream anime (Dbz, Digimon, and others) and strayed away from................not mainstream anime. :) I am now I Junior Member! Finally. :smirk:
Woah! Nice work. ;) I liked it alot. It took me a while to read though. :p
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b]They will prolly still come out on tape. The fusions saga is already out. with ssj3 gotenks, mystic gohan, super buu...[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Well, of course but then you have to go and buy them instead of simply coming home from school everyday and relaxing in front of the t.v. for free. :) If you do buy the tapes, just go all out and buy the subs, much better I tell you! :p
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sensei-San [/i] [B]My favourite animes always turn out to be the least popular ones, oh well.... here's a taste for ya. [I]My Neighborough Totoro[/I] [I]Princess Monoke[/I] [I]Dominion Tank Police[/I] [I]Venus Wars[/I] Yes siree, those are the best animes known to me, I recommend "My Neighborough Totoro", it's really cute and funny. [/B][/QUOTE] I love all of those anime, except for Venus Wars, I haven't yet seen that one. I ahve never even heard of it, seen it or anything like that. From what is on your list I can tell you have good taste. Where did you get Venus Wars.....you must tell me!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1] I have the perfect answer this question: When Spike from CB died, with his ever-famous quote "Bang!". So sad...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Well, Mist I am afraid that I shall have to agree with you on this one. :smirk: When Spike died I was all like, Woah! The main character died. For someone who [B]uesed[/B] to be a mainstream junkie like me, that was a shock. It is actually what made me want to get into other anime. :) ;)
This is a pretty weird thread, but I guess I'll have a go at it anyway. I think the best anime chef is Jet Black from Cowboy Bebop. He uses basically nothing to cook and still makes it good. Jet all the way! WOOHOO! :freak:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Vegeta [/i] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=indigo]Neon Genesis Evangelion (what I have seen)[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Well now I have seen just about all of it and it has risen to #3 on my list. Watching it is like pure bliss. How the story makes no sense and then if you really think about it every little bit in the series comes together. ::Sigh:: Outlaw Star and Roruni Kenshin still are the top though. ;)
I think it's great Shyguy. Tons of information and media, it is quickly becoming one of the best Outlaw Star sections/sites on the net. :smirk: I am head over heels in love with Outlaw Star so seeing that section for the first time was like going into heaven. You have really outdone yourself with all the info. Shyguy, and I really mean that. ;)
Awesome! I have seen alot of your work before Herma......Shift. But I must say that avatar surpasses anything I have ever seen you do graphic wise. ;) Keep it up Herma.....Shift. :p
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solid Snake [/i] [B][color=teal]For those of you who visit theOtaku.com, and even some of you who don't, you would know that there is a rumor going around that the last 14 episodes of Dragonball Z may not be aired on Toonami. Personally, I couldn't take it if I had to wait another whole year just to watch 14 episodes. What is probably going to happen is that FUNImation is going to try to get you to buy those last 14 episodes, so even fans who tape record all of them will have to give in. I don't want this to turn into a thread bashing FUNI or dubbed dbz. I was just wondering how many of you have heard about this, and what you think.[/color] :blah: [/B][/QUOTE] Yes unfortunatley the rumors are true. The last 14 episodes will not air this season. Man, it sucks big time. The second heard about it, I bought the whole series subbed. ;) So, I still get to see them. In fact I already did. :p
I would like to think I act the same whether I am alone or with other people. While I admit to occasionally talking to myself, or singing EXTREMLY loud, I don't do much else that I wouldn't in front of another person. I actually talk to myself while on Otakuboards. I would say random things such as, "Ack! That is SPAM" or "Loser". But nothing to extreme. But within my head, a million thoughts are all racing around at once. I don't really know why I think about such thing, but if I think too hard, I will start to question my religion, existense, and strange things like that. :p I have actually contimplated suicide, when my life is pretty much going how I want it to. I don't know why but I do. Witch is why I like doing things with friends, going here, or watching tv, keep my mind off crap like that.
[SIZE=1][COLOR=indigo]Thanks for the info Altron. I can always count on answers when your around. :p[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=indigo]Well, mine really depends. I can't choose an anime or manga that I love more than all the other. I guess a list will have to suffice. ;) Anime: Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop, Yu Yu Hakusho, Escaflowne, Neon Genesis Evangelion (what I have seen), and Trigun. Manga: Dragon Knights, Magic Knights Rayearth, Marmalade Boy, and GTO! I have just began reading manga and I have only read 2 others.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=indigo]I have one of their cd's. The one with "What do I do" and "String of Pearls" They are pretty cool. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=indigo]I knew you were making a joke, I am not as stupid as I seem. :p[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=indigo]Hey, my mom didn't drive me anywhere, Sarah did. But I pretty much agree. Jared was on the phone with her earlier and she was being even more of a *****. She said it was his fault and he should have mingled with Eric.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=indigo]We had to. I am 13 and have an might say that we didn't have to wait, but if she would have actually come we could have been home in 5 minutes. She took her sweet time. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=indigo]Not to mention he payed for her ticket and her food at Sonic.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=indigo]I (a 13 year old) just got back from a movie. I went with my friend Jared who is 16, and various other older people. One of them was his Ex-Girlfriend Sarah. We went to see Signs and then we ate at Sonic, all was going well. By then it was 10:30 and I had to be home pretty soon. But Sarah had this idea to goto this guy Eric's house. Witch was yet another Ex-Boyfriend. Jared was here to visit and one of the main reasons of his visit was to see Sarah. They only broke up because he moved. Now once we are at Eric's house, they single us out and go in Eric's room where they make plans to goto the mall together. Thus boring us to death and pissing Jared off. We decide not to put up with this crap, so we walk home. On the way Jared calls Sarah to tell her that we were walking home. She then states that she will pick us up. So we waited, about 20 to 30 minutes later, she shows up. We could have walked home by then. Well this just pisses me off! Should wehave to put up with such bull? [/COLOR][/SIZE]