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SS Vegeta

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Everything posted by SS Vegeta

  1. Meteor Dragon, he is just too cool. I like Red eyes as well. As the woman from the movie said, "Blues Eyes White Dragon brings victory, but the Red Eyes brings potential."
  2. Yes, it's the Pegasus structure deck, it will be coming out in spetember along with the Joey structure.
  3. Well it looks as though we have enough people. Only one problemo, Cruizr left and I think Stormwing isn't here either, I will give it another day, and if noone else signs up, than it's probably a no-go.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=deeppink] [size=1]well, there ya go! I think the others have answered your questions. They're all really short. I think it's a lil short to be called a [i]movie[/i][/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Well, you have to remember in Japan they will pay to really short movies at the cinema. The Digimon movie, was really 3 (or was it 2?) movies put together. :)
  5. He probably meant saturday, and I think it is only going to last twice, like Yu Yu Hakusho.
  6. I haven't seen it yet. It does look pretty good. But as amiboshi said, why would they be getting all emotional about little spinning tops? That will probably be the downfall of the show for me. Tell you what I think when I see it on saturday.
  7. The first game that I ever beat was ::thinks:: probably Super Mario World for the nes. I know, I know it wasn't much of a feat but I was sure proud of myself. I beat it when I was 4,5, or 6. I really don't remember, it was alot of hard work though.
  8. Well sorry, geez, I can't hope without getting bashed.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aries [/i] [B][color=darkblue] I agree with TN about My Own Prison, that was a great album. But my favorite song on any of their CD's would have to be either "Higher" or "With Arms Wide Open". [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Bah! I hate Higher and "With arms wide open". Creed are pretty good though. I like My own Prison. :p
  10. Ok, lets start from the beggining. 1. You double posted, that isn't allowed. 2. There is a Bayblades thread right below this one. 3. Thus it should be closed
  11. Not to mention those little super deformed versions of the charactors going "Pa-Pa-Parn" That was more annoying than confusing though. :p
  12. Yes, EVA can get confusing at times (I haven't seen/read it all yet) but you just have to guess. Nothing ever fits together. I don't know why, most of the time EVA is just like that.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Legend_Brolly [/i] [B]This Thread is sexist.............. God you make me sick............. [/B][/QUOTE] In what way? If would explain this to me I would be........oh wait your banned, no wonder. As for this subject, my sister plays video games all the time. She isn't a sports person though. :therock:
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amiboshi [/i] [B]I'm afraid to know what the live action DBZ movie will look like.......I can't even believe they're making it. The live action movie in Japan is like a DBZ horror secret, and they're gonna try and do it here? That's just funny....:D I think the teen shoujo animes wouldn't be bad for live action. Like Kareshi Kanojo no jijo, or Marmalade Boy. They're like anime soap operas. They wouldn't be too messed up looking..... [/B][/QUOTE] ::Shudders:: DBZ live action, scary, very scary. As for Kareshi Kanojo no jijo, *shrugs* haven't seen/read it. But Marmalade Boy would make a pretty good live action movie. :babble:
  15. Who says he died. Maybe he lived. You don't know, thats the beauty of it. As for couples I think that Jet and Faye would be great. But they would never ruin the perfect ending by making a new series so I guess we will never know. *cries*
  16. I have thought about seeing this movie. But I doubt I would sleep. You see, I am 13. Yes, I am passed the being afraid of scary movies phase, but I have been afraid of Halloween movies ever since I was 2. My brother always came up with ways to scare me with different masks and such. But one day he went too far. I found my dad lying on the floor covered in fake blood, but at the time I didn't know it was fake. Then my brother started to chase me with a knife. I tackled him though. :p Don't mess with my dad. Of course all of these stunts were done the night I watched a Halloween movie, so I don't watch them anymore. Must....stop...rambling.
  17. No brainer, as everyone else has said, Kagato just simply rocks.
  18. I too have played past Shinobis, and lets just say I wasn't impressed. Though they were fun they lacked many things during gameplay. I still am looking foward to this though, you never know with Sega.
  19. Yes, what I have seen/read of Eva is just utterly amazing. It blows DBZ, and most other animes out of the water. As for Pokemon, I never really got into it, because well, I was simply to busy being into DBZ. Eh...*shrugs*....?
  20. Ah! I saw it back when WB had it. About a year after CN got it, I had bought all the subs. *shrugs* Last dubbed episode I saw was somewhere in the Trunks saga. I'll stop turning this into a dbz thread now. :p
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]See, even the member who is a DBZ fan with a DBZ user name agrees with me. DBZ was ruined because it was redundant. Of course, I will still be a fan of Trunks, but ONLY because he was a cutie. But yes, VERY pointless stuff, DBZ is...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Of course that doesn't stop me from watching it but.......:rolleyes:
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]I think that DBZ is completely pointless. I mean sure, there WAS a plot somewhere at the beginning of the series, but then it got sort of lost in all the pointless, stupid, fighting that just goes NO WHERE with the stupid predictable storyline with alot of bean eating idiots who can come back from the dead. I'd say that series was pretty darn pointless, don't you?[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] But it was pointlessness with fighting. ;) Meh, but yes it was [B]very[/B] repetetive. Other than that, nothing I can think of right now. :shifty:
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai_yyh [/i] [B]uh.... cowboy bebop, definetely! SPOILER i mean, did spike have to go........die? END OF SPOILER anyway, i also didn't like the ending of X: The Movie, though i don't really like X in the first place... [/B][/QUOTE] I thought X was pretty good, I can't wait for the series. :) As for CB *****Spoiler***** Maybe Spike lived, you never know. Most people assumed he died but you just never know. *****Spoiler***** So, Cowboy Bebop was actually my favorite ending.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai_yyh [/i] [B]try these-- gene fusion harlem beat(it's translated, but not many people talk about it) boobgiepop phantom cinderella hop you enjoy! and read the quotes below! [/B][/QUOTE] Harlem Beat? I don't recomend that to anyone, stay away from it. :p But about every anime I know has been previously listed, sorry about that. The Skull Man is a pretty good manga. *shrugs* :toothy:
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeusTheSnail [/i] [B]I would have to be Gene Starwind. For these 3 reasons! 1. He has the Outlaw Star (duh!) 2. He is very good with the ladies 3. He has red hair Red hair is the coolest!! [/B][/QUOTE] Yep, I want to be Gene too. For the same 3 reasons. :smirk:
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