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SS Vegeta

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Everything posted by SS Vegeta

  1. [SIZE=1]First man on mars? Cool, but I am just wondering, where have we been. I believe that we had the technology in front of us the whole time we were just to lazy to use it. I believe that if we really wanted to we could have acheived that quite a while ago.[/SIZE] :freak:
  2. SS Vegeta


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Blackhawk [/i] [B] Well from what I can help these pics were to help out DB AF which as we all know is nothing but a hoax.:( [/B][/QUOTE] Very unfortunatley that is. I heard all this talk about a new series and it was all bull crap. Man, was I dissapointed. :confused:
  3. That is quite a good poem, I will probably post a few of mine if I can find that old notepad. Where did I put that anyway?
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Herman [/i] [B][size=1]The internet is life for me...:( O well *contiues posting spree*[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] that's me as well, I mean just look at my post's per day. :bawl:
  5. [SIZE=1]Suddenly a crowd of people attacked him![/SIZE] [B]Shining:[/B] [SIZE=1]Who are you and what do you want?[/SIZE] [B]Crowd:[/B] [SIZE=1]You will die.[/SIZE] [B]Shining:[/B] [SIZE=1]Well if you wanna play like that than.....[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Shining pulled out his axe and started swinging, pretty soon he was covered in the people's blood[/SIZE] [B]Shining:[/B] [SIZE=1]Now wheres Link?[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]He slowly licked some blood from the bottom of his lip as he fastened his axe back into it's case.[/SIZE]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DarkOrderKnight [/i] [B]Unfortunately I have a hypocrite father. Otherwise I would spend the whole summer on the computer as well. He stays online untill midnight some nights playing a card game. Than he yells at me when I am on untill 1 or 2 in the morning because he didn't get off in time for me to do my stuff by midnight. Hmmmm... I better get off now before he comes out to check if I am there. It's about 1:00 am by me right now. See ya later people. [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]My dad just tells me "there is more to life then that damn computer" and then he gets on.[/SIZE] Bah!
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Herman [/i] [B][size=1][color=crimson]Summer is going to fast! School isn't to far away!! *runs to hide from school*[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]It's going ssssssssslllllllllllloooooooowwwwwwwwww, for me. Maybe you have one of those social life thingies. Well I don't. My whole summer will be spent on the computer.[/SIZE] :toothy:
  8. j00 and your l337. What's the deal with l337 anyway. But thats another subject. Yes Stewie owns j00.
  9. "Pancakes, that must be his nickname for crack" Remember that one? Ha! Stewie is awesome.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B]I go here, to the boards. I post on everything that intrests me, then I go to another message board and post there. Once all that is done I will either go to bed or read Star WArs books. If it is a Friday night I watch Star Trek: TNG. [/B][/QUOTE] I am with you Boba, I often come here and then well read Star Wars books. Hey Boba what "other" boards do you go to, I would like to join.
  11. Nowadays I don't even think the sci-fi channel plays anime anymore :bawls: if anyone knows when I can catch some it would be much appreciated.
  12. The questions will be dbz too right?
  13. It is true indeed that Tyson got knocked the **** out. I am just glad someone finally shut him up.
  14. I have only read the 2nd book in this particular series. I believe it is called Slave Ship. That trick Boba use's at the begining is great.
  15. I am not exactly sure how this is going to work but I'll be Vegeta.
  16. [B]Shining:[/B] What!? Where did Link go, I was just following him. Then that beam came and took him away. It makes no scence what the heck was that thin....... Suddenly the beam picked Shining up too. Ah, he was dazed when he awoke in the "real" world. [B]Shining:[/B] Where's Link? and more importantly where am I?
  17. Name: Shining Age: 17 Weapons: A gigantic axe Good or Bad: Evil Personalality: A very insane person. Dreams of world domination. Tortures his enimies, and never gives up. Appearence: Shining wears all black and doesn't care what you think about it. Bio: Shining is a very ill-tempered phsyco path that was discovered as a boy by Ganondorf. Soon Ganon morphed him into the perfect right hand man.
  18. Name: Shining Age: 35 Race: Human Class: Sith Weapon(s): The force and a black lightsabre. Ships(if any): A regular cruiser Bio: An unknown (will reveal) sith helped him on hist way to the darkside. He is currently training under that sith. Carrying out special missions for him. Description: Wear a long black cloack that covers his normal human clothing. he is unusually short and has dark red eyes. Personality: Shining is very impatient and wants to get things over with quick. As a child he dreamed of being a bounty hunter but soon found the profession was not for him. This is why underwent training with Yoda, and became as strong as any jedi. ____________________________________________ When are you going to start bount hunters revolt?
  19. I don't think were isolated, but where I live, were an indangered species. I mean there are even some people that are in the closet anime watchers. I mean I don't parade around yelling I love anime, but I am not afraid to show it.
  20. Back in the day I was flipin through some channels and I saw Dragonball Z. But no, it was not on toonami. If anyone remembers way back when it was a WB exclusive, that's what I am talking about. Anyway, I became obcessed and followed it through toonami. One day me and a friend of mine (who was much older than me) took a trip to one of his friends house. There he introduced me to emulators and roms, and the wonderful world of sub's. Then I began watching other anime. The list just keeps growing.
  21. Faye easy. She is just the hottest chick out there right now. Simple as that.
  22. I would probably be Vegeta, in the early days, before he goes ssj. Back when he and Nappa just flew around destroying random planets. Yep, thats the life for me.
  23. You could always try Suncoast. That's where I got mine.
  24. Oh yeah, there is another place that should definatley have it. [url]www.dbzstore.com[/url]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cruizr [/i] [B]but, I dont really like people blurting out the answer's after 2 people reply... [/B][/QUOTE] Blurting out answers? What are you talking about? It's a quiz, Altron just took the quiz.
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