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SS Vegeta

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Everything posted by SS Vegeta

  1. Name: Shining Age: 17 Class: Bounty Hunter Race: Human Weapons: Black light sabre (thats all I need) Ship: Code Black Ship Description: This is a modified speeder. It can now recieve massive amounts of damage without showing any signs of stoping. Only problem is the armor weighs it down a bit. Making it harder to fly. Allies: Shining doesn't trust many people. You have to earn trust with him. It's a privlage not a right! Bio: Shining is young, short tempered bounty hunter, with high hopes of glory and fame. He is not yet used to being a bounty hunter and is still a begining to realise the dangers of his chosen profession. But, if he works enough at something he can acomplish just like the rest of them. Description: He wears heavy black armor and almost never takes it off. But when he does he re-veals a slightly good looking young man with blonde spikey hair and dark brown eyes. _________________________________________________ Did I make it?
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Amphion [/i] [B]Reason I do not buy Abercrombie, its too over priced. I dont buy Old Navy just cause I hate their comercials. But I like Polo and Gap, some of their stuff is high too, but I like it so I buy it. I say buy what you like no matter if its 20 bucks or 1.50$. Well that is if you have the money to buy 20 dollar t shirts. If not thenstill buy what you like that is in your price range. [/B][/QUOTE] Well now were on Where and what type of clothes you buy. For jeans and shorts I just let my mom deal with that. As long as they are baggyish, I am good. As for shirts, I shop at Hot Topic. Most of the shirts I own are Old Navy though. My sister (who is 18) goes there all the time and insists in buying me long sleev Old Navy shirts. I usually wear another shirt over them though. But the shirts I mainly wear are from Hot Topic and Fast Foward. For those of you that don't know, Hot Topic is a store at the mall here in San Antonio, witch focuses mainly on gothic type clothes and stuff like that. Fast Foward is a skate store (it's where I got my first skateboard too!) and has many skate/punk shirts there. I also go to random places for Dbz shirts. Phew, finally you know what I wear.
  3. Name: Daniel Drives: 96 Toyota Supra Attitude: Adventureous and daring. Very goofy as-well.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Amphion [/i] [B]Yeah, a gaming geek would be cool too. Some of the contestents are real geeky though. One girl collected tea cups!??? And one guy owned every album of the Partirdge Family. If you where a contestent on the show, what would be your geekiest thing? [/B][/QUOTE] My geekiest thing eh? Probably the fact that I can't stop making ikonboards. If anyone needs a messageboard I will gladly make you one. Please, sombody, anybody? :bawls: I have no life.
  5. I am not sure but I am pretty sure you can find it [URL=http://www.store.yahoo.com/dragonballzcentral/dragonballz.html]here.[/URL] Hope it help's.
  6. Perfect files: Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy VIII Final Fantasy IX Almost Perfect Files: Final Fantasy X
  7. I read in a recent Wizard magazine that Wesley Snipes will star in 2 movies to be in production soon, Blade 3 and Black Panther. I hope Blade 3 is as cool as Blade 2 was!
  8. Jackie Chan would be playing Lei right. I hope so, they are an exact match. Anyway, I don't know about an Iron Man movie so I can't answer your question. But I have heard about a Daredevil movie. Ben Afleck is going to be playing him though. It's due out in November.
  9. Now I remember what wrestler I was thinking of. Brock Lesnar, he would be perfect for Eddie Brock. Heh.......if he can act!
  10. I would say soemthing, but I don't understand you. There is a little button called edit, so you don't have to double post.
  11. You shouldn't double post. It is against the rules.
  12. I believe you are talking about movie 13. The "demon" you are reffering to is Hildegarn. But as to how he learned the attack, I have no clue. He probably just learned it while he was dead, with the kai's. Yes that movie was indeed awesome. But it didn't have any subs. But life goes on...............sometimes.
  13. He calles is scratch in the dubs. He calls it Kitty in the subs. :angry3:
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nekkyo [/i] [B] yes thank you scary piro one. i realised that AFTER i typed that and i was too lazy to edit it. I CANT SPELL OK?! i can sometimes. but most of the times i'm just lazy. so lemme alone so blar.:nervous: [/B][/QUOTE] I just saw you spelled it like that and copied you. O,o O,o O,o O,o O,o O,o O,o O,o O,o O,o (>")> Talena...........................Happy?
  15. Maybe a wrestler of some sort could play him. R-V-D is playing the main villian in Black Mask 2. So, it's possible.
  16. Yes, clothes are a big deal at my school. But do I care? Not really. So many people made fun of me, or whatever, for wearing my TMNT shirt. The only people that understood were my friends. What stereotype are they you ask. They like me are Punk/Skater/Goths.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]Well it no longer lists her among the band members on the [b]official[/b] site, so [unfortunately] I would assume so. It's sad really...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yea, I saw that on "Mtv news on Mtv 2" a while back. This Talina, was the hot, red-headed, mexican one right?
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B] [color=crimson][size=1]...retards attempting poetry...: [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I have never heard anything more true in my life. Yes I agree, [I]rapping[/I] requires no talent what so ever.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dark Sephiroth [/i] [B]Read the title. What r your thoughts? [/B][/QUOTE] Well let's see here, it has tons of amazing exclusive games, dvd capabilities (without a $30 remote), and the controlers aren't all freaky (X-box's humongeous one's). I think this topic has served it's purpose. :angry3:
  20. I am mainly into Heavy Metal,Hard Rock, and Punk. Some of my favorite bands are...........Slipknot, Mudvayne, Soad, Mushroomhead, AFI, and last but not least The Ramones.
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