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Everything posted by MathGuy2
How'd you like it if you were the passenger who was squished? Or the company that had to pay? To my knowledge, you don't tell the company you're obese before you get on the plane...and overbooking planes is a common practice. Totally off-topic: "Waffen-SS, The German Elite Star Wars God." I don't think you intended your signature to be read like that. ;-)
I have a theory about time travel. Everything we do is destiny, and there is no free will. Therefore, if I were to go back in time, I could not do anything that would create a paradox - i.e., kill myself, kill my grandma, destroy the machine, etc. (For that matter, I could not NOT do something that would create a paradox - e.g., Harry Potter's Expecto Patronus spell.) Either that, or time travel just moves us back [i]n[/i] years and splits our existence/reality/universe to whatever we choose from there on out. If I were to go back in time, I wouldn't change anything. I think that the normal course of everything works out well. Actually - scratch that, I'd like to see where I put all these things that I've lost over the years (pencils, etc.) :-).
Laugh? That's not funny at all - read what happened to her carefully. That ought to hurt. In my opinion, if the obese person cannot stay within his/her seat, he/she should hold the responsibility - either buy another seat or pay the money to the plaintiff. Otherwise, the airplane should enlarge the seat size - but that would cause less passengers per flight and hence more cost. Or better yet, let the airplane put about three "fat seats" in the back. They cost the same - for the shame of sitting there.
Nuclear bombs don't work for othe human war mentality. Our revenge/fight feelings work properly in bare-hand/traditional-weapon combat, get worse when guns are introduced, and go wildly out of control when nuclear bombs and other large-scale, no-risk devices come into play. I wish people would realize that they have to restrain their anger when guns and bombs are the weapon of choice. How ironic. We watched "The Lion King" in school today, and now that "Hakuna Matata" song is stuck in my head - when I'm reading about communist countries with nuclear bombs. Why do we think that we, the Western powers, have to get weapons out of other countries? With what - our own nuclear bombs? Why do we assume that our government's any less corrupt and dishonest than others? Just because it's our country and we feel nationalism? Why do I smell worldwide nuclear war and near-destruction of humanity within my lifetime?
No, you said a few posts back that Scotland is cool because you go to highschool when you are 13 (or something to that effect) - to someone else.
Age: 13 Height: let me check...A little over 6 11-inch papers, so about 5'10" Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Weight: 160-something, maybe Occupation: High-school student Intrests: School (yes I'm weird), computer science, God and the reason for our existence (how and why) Fav Anime: er...I don't watch anime...maybe Digimon? Other: Yep, genkai_yyh, I'm 13, and I'm in High School, and yes, I live in the USA. Long story. Also, I enjoy the technical side of computers.
Of course, being that you can plot hurricanes well, you must know that the hurricane came directly on Lafayette, and that the eye probably could be seen from my house. Bah. A mile from the mouth of the river. I assume you mean the Mississippi. The hurricane didn't even get near eastern Louisiana. Had you been where I am, or had you visited Lafayette after the storm, I have no doubt you would quickly regret your words. You should come here, once, and see what happened. The roof of an Arby's was completely gone. A sign for a donut shop on one side of a main street in Lafayette flew across the road and the entire Target parking lot and ended up on the grass near the 18-wheeler parking. Texas people leaving their houses? My, that's really hype. What happened in Texas? Seventeen people lost power due to falied transmission from Louisiana. But me, living in the path of the storm, a pansy? Wonder how you, insulting everyone without reason, even got to be a moderator....and a OBBII housemate. I will repeat this incase you didn't notice: [size=3][b]I Live In Lafayette, Louisiana, (I-10 and I-49 intersection) Directly In The Wake Of Hurricane Lili! I Do Not Live Near The Mouth Of The Mississippi!!![/b][/size]
Pansies, eh? It was God's grace that I have a house to type from...
I don't get it - they're not accomplishing anything by killing people; the people you wanted to do anything with are DEAD! They're just making everyone else mad, and by regularly killing large amounts of people, the suicide bomber that "only" killd one or two people loses its enormity. I have reasoned that all of our belligerent actions were influenced and based on hand-to-hand fighting. With powerful bombs like this, it's sad we still resort to death and war to demonstrate our beliefs. And it's sad that no one is realizing the futility of all of this: Bush is (planning on) attacking Iraq because it has weapons that can kill Americans; bin Laden has said he is attacking the U.S. because it keeps interfering with the Middle East. What happens if you let go of Iraq? bin Laden loses his argument against us; he isn't bombing us anymore, and he has no reason to use his weapons. If everyone gets revenge on each other, "An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind." We have been blinded by all of this death, and now see only more death as a response.
We're having homecoming in a few weeks, I think. (I don't pay attention to this.) Our School Spirit days (Fridays) are weird. The idea is to wear a school spirit shirt and jeans. But a few weeks ago everyone was allowed to wear scrubs (nurse uniforms) to suppord our football team "traumatizing" the opponents. (Their mascot started with T.) Tomorrow they're letting everyone wear camouflage. If this is normal life I hesitate to think what Homecoming week will be like...
Shadow - (house) Maybe he was the moving guy for the next family? Oh...I forgot to tell you about the vowel words. Yes, most of them are -ious's. No, you use -ious in American English. Oneof the answers is FACETIOUS.
Sure, Foredaddy. And Enron is using the Sun for it's accounting - what we see is a giant flashlight. Foredaddy, the reason astronauts haven't been to the moon is THERE'S NOTHING THERE! No life, no atmosphere - it's totally useless except as a goal. There is a lot of technology the government has. They're not "hiding it" - it's just it's not impressive. "The laser used might have been.....just a really bright light." er....a laser is a powerful, straight beam of light - normal "bulb" light goes in all directions, the light from excited atoms in a laser goes in one direction. " i just say this is another example of how russians are still not to be trusted. heck, just before this iraq stuff came up, the russian gov. made a 5 year ecomonic plan with saddam. talk about silly for them and stupid for us to trust them." Sillier and stupider for us to be American citizens - we put Saddam in power and gave him his initial supply of chem/bio weapons. Government is helplessly corrupt. No, I'm not anarchist - that would be worse. It's just that there is no such thing as an perfectly moral and honest organization.
[b]SPOILER ALERT[/b] :nono: I ought to stop posting these, give some other people a chance... Cera - (old) None, they flew away; at the bottom of the page; four candies; Bush43, Clinton, Bush41, Reagan, Carter; 28. [b]END SPOILER[/b] :nono:
Hahahahaha, yeah, Darkmoon, that seems like the answer. (Probably drank water from the springs in the bed - doesn't necessarily need to be a waterbed.) Oh, by the way, only one person attempted my riddle of the 11-letter word that describes toothpaste on the floor, which is is...."crestfallen." (groan ... the Crest toothpaste has fallen) New Riddle: Name any English word that has the letters A, E, I, O, U in that order. There are quite a few. (Aside: could this be a valid reason to post a one-word post? ;) ) [b]SPOILER ALERT[/b] :nono: Shadow - (egg and train) The answer you expected was "Roosters don't lay eggs, bullet trains don't emit smoke." But... The first question was phrased "If a rooster lays an egg", implying that the condition of rooster-egg-laying was implied. (Yes, this is a technicality.) Therefore, if the rooster was exactly on the top and there was no wind, then the egg would fall away from the equator (if the roof were pointing north/south) because the centrifugal force is greater nearer the equator, resulting in less net gravity. If the roof were pointing east-west, then the egg would fall east AM, west PM - the sun's gravity would pull the egg toward the sun. And the second question just asks about "the smoke", which could well mean cigarette smoke. The smoke would blow east. [b]END SPOILER[/b] :nono: and stupid technicality :nono:
[b]SPOILER ALERT[/b] :nono: kmjk - (lights) I heard a version of this possible solution in third or fourth grade: Flip two on, wait a few minutes, flip one off. Go upstairs - if the light is on, then it's the on switch. If the light is off but [i]warm[/i], then it's the one that was on for a few minutes. Else it's the other one. Otherwise, turn one switch on, and rapidly flick another off and on for a few minutes. Go upstairs. If it's on, it's the on switch, if it's off, look and see if the filament's broken. Otherwise, flip one on, and balance the other halfway between on and off. This doesn't work for most lights, but it does for the one in my house's hallway... [b]END SPOILER[/b] :nono:
[quote] What goes up a pipe down, but not down a pipe up? [/quote] The teacher's readiness to use discipline forms. (When he/she tells the class "pipe down", then she's about to send everyone to the office, but she's also ready to use discipline forms when everyone pipes up.) Am I close? Is this the meaning of "pipe down"?
[b]SPOILER ALERT[/b] :nono: DuoGod of Death - (tourists) Whereever they want to, when they die eventually. Ask them - they're survivors! [b]END SPOILER[/b] :nono:
I commented after reading the newspaper, "Everyone's dying." It truly is sad that one would kill without reason. I can understand motivated killings against one person; I can somewhat understand motivated mass killings. I cannot see why one wants to kill just anyone. It seems there are two problems with human society: too many births, too many deaths.
Juuthena - (mushroom) the thief broke her stick, anticipating it would grow. DuoGod of Death - (surgery) a) the doctor was the boy's mom. b) the doctor was his biological father (or mother), the "father" was the boy's adopter. c) The "boy" the doctor was referring to was the father; the doctor was the younger boy's grandfather. kool_aid13 - (surgery) How sexist! Doctors can be women, nurses can be men. Get rid of your stereotypes! Juuthena - (box) He tore the calendar in half. He put the two halves, together, making a whole. He reached through the hole and got food. Else he ate the bedbugs. Can you explain this one any more? What does "survive" mean in this context? ChibiV - (coins) Can you tell us the answer, or at least give us a hint?
I don't know much about the Sims, either; I'm speaking about artificial intelligence humans in general. All I am saying is that I see no need, and no ability, to prove existence beyoned that of this world we are in.
oh...You've got your browser set to remember the password automatically. Under Netscape/Mozilla, go to Tools/Password Manager and click around. I forgot how to do this in internetExplorer. Try preferences or something. Hey, try [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/index.php?ThisThingAtTheEnd=TotallyIrrelevant.html[/url] (exactly like that). The tail might confuse your browswer into not autologging you in.
There is a 70-second rule? Strange...I've never heard of it, or seen it. edit: Stranger still, I replied to another thread within 70 seconds of this...
James (or anyone with access to the server), come on, how hard is it to open up the Gizmo file and take out the "http://www.otakuboards.com" (absolute pathname) part? I'm using Netscape 7 here, and I'm not running into the Object Expected problem, but the quickReply's Check Message Length (JavaScript "checklength(document.vbform)") doesn't do anything. EDIT: HELLO! How hard is it to fix that link at the top to use relative paths! Can't you just open up your header and hit "Backspace" five times?! It is so annoying when the major part of the gizmo fails miserably on my browser!!
Vegitto4 - maybe someone goes "up the wall" unless someone else "pipes down", but not "down the wall" unless they "pipe up"? Something like that? ChibiV, check your answer [i]carefully[/i] - unless it's a trick question. I seriously think it can't be done. What 11-letter English word describes toothpaste on the floor? (it's kind of a joke)
Look, DeathKnight was just talking about the skill of the killer, not condoning murder. I respect bin Laden for managing to keep his plot hidden from the U.S.....but I utterly LOATHE him for his thousands of murders and (worse) claiming that God wants Americans to die.