Well the X-Box's graphics are slightly better,but that in no way makes it better then the PS2. There is more to a game or system then looks. Everything Rico mentioned is right. That, and the Final Fantasy series alone make it one of the best systems.
I am going with [b]Godfather[/b]. I am a big movie fan so I have alot, but I think this is the one I enjoy watching the most. In fact it is airing tonight, uncut on TNN.
It varies at my school. Some certain "clicks" demand you have a certain name brand while others have name brand but dont care if you dont. I have name brand but I do not look down on other people for not having it. And I make it a point in my life to not hang out with people who do think you have to have name brand stuff.
Name: Smoke
Age: 21
Weapons: Twin Katana's
Side: Bad (someone has to do it)
Personality: Ruthless. Will do anything for a certain price.
Bio: Ruthless Assassin. He was let out of prison to hunt this "Alien" down. He is usually closely watched by feds to make sure he doesnt try to get away. But do to the goverment paying him a large sum of money and freeing him upon the "Aliens" capture, he plans on sticking around and doing the job.
I try not to let things annoy me. But thats a bunch of crap cause there will always be something that annoys you.
Few things are, Hypocrites, Know-it-alls, and arrogant people.
I tried it once. A friend let me use some of his Marines. I enjoyed it alot. But it was way to expensive. Its almost impossible for a person who does not have a job, like myself, to buy a good sized army. But if you have the money to spend I would suggest it.