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  • Birthday January 7

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    I am a Duelist
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GAIA DARKDRAGON's Achievements

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  1. ok where do i go? do i make a place in sparring?
  2. ok you know the rules32,ooo lp you keep urs and ill keep mine, who ever losses all lp you must state k Lets ro battle!
  3. OK CHECK IT OUT:: YOUR GONNA HAVE TO EMAIL ME YOUR SCREEN NAMES OK THAT HAVE TO BE PERFECTLY SPELLED ( SEE LIKE MINE IS DragonPhil2 ) so this way i can invite you to the arena, you can practice with me as soon as you want( for my practice's you will recive a 2,000 lp boost) so Let's Ro Battle!
  4. :Hay i have a proposition: Go to my rpg in the sign up area! Tell me if ti sounds cool, and if you like it, by all means join( make shure you read everything real good k, and read the other posts all well:: Thank You For your Time::
  5. Ok check it out im an aol user k so my s/n is DragonPhil2 so instant message me if u wanna talk about the plans i havel. we will be doing these battles in a chat room ill make it an post the name thanx. Thie is to all the people who have joined so far( Thank you all verty much i promise this will be awsome!
  6. I have updated the format I need T least 20 People to join Total The setting is this: We will do this like a tournement, the battles will be held in the following place's ( Forest, Mountain's, grasslands, streets of cities, and the Hyperbolic Time Chamber( This is were you will face me , after our fight win or lose( you will lose) you attacks and power and lp will go up by 5,000 i will choose who i fight by their perfomence in the Ro Battles. I will also pic the battle grounds.
  7. ::OK LOOK IM NEW AT THIS SO BARE WITH ME:: I AM CREATEING A METABOT RPG,YOU CAN MAKE UP A METABOT OR YOOU A ORIGANAL ONE, YOU HAVE TO DESCRIBE THE FALLOWING:: 1. NAME OF META FIGHTER 2. NAME OF METABOT 3. DESCRIBE HIM( parts, status(evil/god guy),personality,and what he looks like. 4. His metal(name it, you can also make it up, the first 5 to join will have their metal named rare thus giving them the power of the meta force( this can only be used one time per battle it dose 20,000 lp damage), it is counted as an attack. 5. His type( Rare, ninja, warrior, puncher, kicker etc.) 6. His Power Source( Battery, Sun, Wind etc.) 7. His attributes( attacks can have up to 6, 7 if you have meta force, he can also have techniqs like martial arts skill, wrestiling etc up to 4. 8. His can have up to 4 speacial moves like Extreem speed,heal, etc. 10. Must State His Abilitys like Power scaner( to see power levels) ,night vision etc can have up to 3. 11. Must state how much damage each move dose( like super kick 400) each metabots life point will be 32,000( 400 lp for each part ,head, L arm, R arm, L leg, R leg, chest) I will help you out with an example this is my metabot::(THIS IS IN ORDER AS I LISTED) GAIA DARKDRAGONHART Name: Dark Stalker Parts: Gungan Port(lanches Adimantuim Moon Stars, Grows a hand,Also port used to fire metaforce or as ill call it Hyperbeam) His body coated with adimantium. Sword of Light( adimantium sword)Attachd to the centerof his back. Kenetic Sheild ( Can equip to his left arm) Personality: Warrior Metal: Adimantuim Type: Rare Ninja Power Source: My life force Attacks: Shuriken Storm( Fires 10 stars)=900 Hyperbeam( Meta Force)=20,000 White Light Sword Slash( Final attack with Sword Of Light)= 10,000 Dragon Kicks( 3 Powerful kicks 1. To head 2. Gut 3.Spin kick to neck)= 1,500 Magical Fist( Destroys any part it hits, makeing it none functional= 400 Rapid Fire( Moon Stars)= 100 up to 2,000 Techniqes: Tae Kwon Do, Jeet Kune Do, Samuri style Speacial: Extreem Speed Invisability( can bend light like the preditor) Self Repair Teleportation Ability: Night vision Thermol vision Power Scanner !ok this is My metabot you can not copy it either! :flaming:
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