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Everything posted by Willow

  1. [COLOR=SandyBrown]Oh wow, I love them! Once again you did an awesome job ^_^ I love the lil robot, and the monster is soooo cute! I could just huggle it all day![/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=SandyBrown]Aww, they are so cute! You're really talented at drawing wings! The outline on the second pic looks fantastic, I really love them all! I hope to see more ^_^[/COLOR]
  3. That's so sad, yet, it has such a beautiful flow to it...
  4. thank you all so much! I'm glad you all liked it!
  5. Well, I've never read this manga before, but I came across some pics from it and decided to play around with them.
  6. I'm really sorry about that! Thanks for comenting!Here's my second lain banner.
  7. I love it, very cool! It looks really professional. The postion ofd the characters is done perfectly. It has a nice balanced look. Keep it up!
  8. [COLOR=sienna]just a banner I did when I was bored. Hope you like it. Please tell me if you have any suggestions or comments![/COLOR]
  9. I love Tenchi Muyo, it's such a great series! Actually I didn't mind Ayeka that much her voice was lil annoying but deep down she's a sweety. Ryoko was cool I have to admit, but Sasami was always my favorite. I wish cartoon network would put that back on there schedule...
  10. Thanks Dragon Warrior! hehe, that would made a great story wouldn't it now ^_^
  11. Oh my goodness that has got to be the cutest thing I've ever seen! *sigh* just adorable, and the eyes are beautiful!
  12. Thank you all so much! I've always had a problem getting the shape of the face to go right, but I'm workin' on it! and yeah I do think the legs are a lil off and look unconnected to the body *oh my, what a thought!* thanks again!
  13. thanks! yeah, I did think her face was a lil messed up. I'm so happy you like my dainty fairy, that's one of my favorites!
  14. The last part of my short story... I did not understand at the time how he could say that. But later when I found out he died it made sense. He knew. He knew he was going to die and that it would be over. He knew he would not have to fight anymore. It was all going to be OK. At first, I thought he had committed suicide. However, the autopsy showed nothing was wrong with him. No illness had caused the death and he was not hurt in any way. That is when I realized his true cause of death. His heart had been broken beyond repair. Well, five weeks later my parents separated. My mom got custody of me and we moved to a new town, far away from our old one. I think mom was trying to get away from everything, her divorce, and her son?s mysterious death. She cried a lot for almost three months. Then I think she began to recover. She joined a women?s group for women who had tragedy in their past. I think it helped a lot not having to face it alone and all. As for me, I spent much of my time getting accustomed to my new room. It has been one year since my butterfly died. I visited his grave. I placed a bouquet of Freesias on his grave; they were his favorite flowers. I looked at his tombstone and smiled. The man who engraved Asa?s name on it also engraved a butterfly on it free of charge. He said if it made me smile that was enough payment. I wish Asa could have met that man. Asa would have liked him. Now I am back in my bed, with one of my favorite books beside me. ?April is the cruelest month.? No. Eliot was wrong. April is not cruel. True, it is a month of death and cruelty yet at the same time it is a month of life and new beginnings.
  15. this is my lowest rated drawing at otaku fanart and I was wondering if you guys have any suggestions for me. I'd really appreciate it![IMG]http://fanart.theotaku.com/imgs/756-20030814133845.jpg[/IMG]
  16. The second installment of my short story. tell me what you think... It was only two weeks before his death that I noticed anything wrong. He seemed more tired and sadder than any other time I had seen him. When I would ask him what was wrong he would brush me of with a ?nothing? using a small, frail voice that did not seem to belong to him at all. Thinking back on that day, I wonder why I did not probe him more, try harder to get a response. It was almost as if I had just given up on him. The night of his death he came into my room and sat on the end of my bed. He did this when he needed to talk to me. I sat down beside and gave him a warm bear hug. He did not hug me bad. He sat on the bed looking small, frail, and more like a butterfly than I had ever seen him look like before this time. He looked up at me with those beautiful gray eyes. They were filled with tears. This time when I asked him what was wrong, he answered me with a voice that was barely more than a whisper. ?Everything? was all he said. I asked him what he meant by that and he told me he had heard mom and dad fighting and they were going to break up. He said the kids at school beat him up because he was smarter and shorter than they were, so he was beginning to fail classes so as not to be beaten. A girl at school said she had liked him but a day later said he was a little baby and she was going to date someone who was better in gym class. I stared at my butterfly Asa. I had no idea life had been going so hard for him. He had always been a happy child not caring what others thought of him. Then I looked down at the child in my arms, my Asa, my butterfly. His world was collapsing around him and there was nothing I could do to help. I was angry. I was angry with myself, with my parents, and with the children at Asa?s school. Asa gazed into my eyes. ?Don?t be mad.? I burst into tears.
  17. Thanks everyone, glad you like it! Sorry Sara, I'll have to remeber that!
  18. Oooo! You get bonus points for having such a cool subject! hmmm...the shading is very cool, and a very neat style I might add! maybe it's just me but his legs seem a lil short, or maybe it's just because his cloak his long, I dunno. Great job overall!
  19. A short story I wrote a lil while ago. I cut it into three parts. hope you like! ?April is the cruelest month.? I placed the book that I had been reading down beside me on the bed. I gazed at the cover as I thought about what that phrase meant. The words ?The Wasteland? and ?by T.S. Eliot? were beginning to fade on the cover of the old book. I had read this book many times before but never had the first line caught my attention as it did this time. I bit my bottom lip (I always did this while I was thinking). The harder I thought the harder I bit. I have only bit myself to the point of bleeding once. It was when I was a small, uncomprehensive child and I had no idea I was capable of causing pain to others or myself. I always was a foolish child. Yet, it was the memories of childhood that kept me alive. I again let the first line of the book take priority of my thoughts. I had always liked the month of April, until last year. Last year I realized the true cruelty April possessed. On April 16 of last year my little brother died. Nobody but I knows how he died. If I try to tell someone, they never believe me. They always say it was just his time to go or other junk like that. But I know, I know how he really died. He died of a broken heart. I understand if you may have doubts about this, but it is true. My little brother?s name was Asa, butterfly Asa, as I liked to call him because he always reminded me of a butterfly. Asa was the most beautiful little boy in the whole world. His hair was slightly curly, and it was the most gorgeous color. It was a strange color for a little boy, it was dark gray, however it never made him look old or anything, it just made him look strangely beautiful. His eyes were the same strange, lovely color. He was a little short for his age, but that never stopped him, it just made him more determined in everything he did. He was my little butterfly.
  20. A sketch I did of a little boy. he head got a lil messed up when I scanned it though. tell me what you think and if you have any suggestions!
  21. Willow

    The Beatles

    I was wondering if there were any other Beatles fans out there. If so which is your favourite song? Mine's Eleanor Rigby--who is the face in the jar for ?*sits and ponders it*-- a close runner up is Your Mother Should Know. Those guys really were the greatest band ever....
  22. *sigh* That was such a good movie! I laughed so much, and Jonny Depp was as cute as usual ^_^ I didn't know there was a book though, I oughta check it out sometime.
  23. It's not that great, but then again I'm not a poet... Anytime and Anywhere As your dreams die, falling with silent tears, Remember me, the one who always hears, When the pains in your heart are too much to bear, I'll be there for you anytime and anywhere. You've always been there to see me through, Always being true, Now it's my turn to be there for you! Friends for life, that?s what you always said, Now remember this it'll be true even after we're dead, A promise I give that no matter what may come, No matter what we have to bear, I'll be there for you anytime and anywhere.
  24. My parents are divorced too. My dad left me, my brother, and my mom about four years ago when i was 13. he met a women on the internet and moved away to live with her. i've only seen him three times since he left but i don't really want to see him after what he put my family threw. he wants to get together with me and my brother and e-mails us a little but i don't really want anything to do with him. i hope that's not a bad attitude to have...*sigh*
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