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Everything posted by Willow

  1. That's how it is in my family too. I've been playing (well, trying to play) video games ever since I was three. my dad got a NES for his birthday and me and my brother took it over. now my brother has a N64 and begs for a gamecube, while I sit in my little corner playing my playstation wishing for some good fighting games to play. even though I am a girl I grew up playing video games so i've always thought it normal for girls to like video games...guess i was kinda wrong, oh well.
  2. wow!!! your poems are so good....i hope mine doesn't feel stupid next to them When your dreams die, falling with silent tears Remember me, the one who always hears, When the pains in your heart ,are too much to bear, I'll be there for you anytime, and anywhere You've always been by my side, Always seeing me through, Know it's my turn to be there for you! Best friends forever, that's what you always said, This will be true even after where dead, A promise I give that no matter what may come, No matter what we have to bear, I'll be there for you anytime...and anywhere
  3. guys are always amazed when tell i love video games and anime. the most anoying thing is when i guys says i play like a girl( but really, what's wrong with that?) they automatically jump to the conclussion that girls can't play video games, it drives me insane!!:flaming:
  4. thanks so much i'll have to try it!
  5. i feel kinda dumb asking this but, I have the Harry Potter game for the PS1, and I'm totally stuck. I'm at the part were your in the forbidden forest and there's a fire spitting turtle, but I don't know what to do, somebody please hepl me!:bawl:
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