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Everything posted by CutieKitty101

  1. CutieKitty101


    GT means Grand Tour
  2. You all keep acting like 9 months is a year. Yes, it is CLOSE to a year but if if Goten in conceived within those ten days or right before the andriods (cause I dunno how Goku and Chichi could get away from Roshi during the 10 days) then Chichi wouldn't look pregnant or possibly even know yet. Then 9 months later Goten is born, it'll still be in the year Cell came. So it would be possible for Goten to be 7 at the start of the Buu Saga, maybe just in his younger 7's.
  3. Anime (or manga) just isn't the same without more Dragonball seasons being made. I wish that Akira-san continued. How he could've gotten tired of Dragonball I'll never know.
  4. I liked TiT. a lot. it's my second season favorite of the series. None of the two seasons after the original will ever live up to the original, but I, unlike practically the whole otaku boards, like TiT more than Universe
  5. Talking about Tsunami and Sasami, did Tsunami save Sasami from death back when Ryoko attacked Jurai or did Tsunami just take over Sasami's body in some weird way? I was sure that Sasami's thoughts were in tact with Tsunami's, maybe not so Sasami could read Tsunami's mind but so Tsunami could read Sasami's mind, so wouldn't Tsunami be able to give Sasami the powers needed?
  6. Let's all just face it... Ryo-oh-ki is just plain cool! :D
  7. Um... actually not sure if they ship to the UK and I'm too darn lazy to go check but at [url]www.members.aol.com/DBGoten/[/url] they have like every dragonball/z/gt episode and movie fansubbed and they have some of other anime too, but they totally specialize in db
  8. If you all are talking about the English dubbed version, yeah I must say it stinked. But the Japanese version is rather good I must say, I think its better than Universe. But I think everyone would agree that the original Tenchi Muyo series is by far the best.
  9. She is completly the best character in the tv show. I personally think she gives Tenchi the strength to do what he did to not destroy Yugi and actually befriend and help her. And she has the kewlest eyes. I wish I had her eyes ^^;;
  10. I say Achika cause she had no idea that she had some blood in her that wasn't human and then the next second she was able to practically defeat Kain.
  11. sorry typo demon got me. I meant not that he deserves her ^^;;;
  12. I'm sorry. but Sakuya should be with Tenchi since HE actually fell in love WITH HER. Not that she deserves him, shes way too good for him in my opinion. So Ayeka and Tenchi should be together. Why everyone falls in love with that guy I'll never know.
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