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Everything posted by Talon

  1. [color=teal][i]Aris beat the wall. His dream had somehow partially come true. His girlfriend, the girl he'd cared about most of all, was dead. He looked to the sky, streaked black with the remnants of night during the dawn hours. He bellowed, slamming his fists into the wall again and again. The tears would not stop. They would not stop falling. He rushed to the cabins, grabbing Xvirran with more might than a Drow should ever possess from his bed.[/i] [b]Aris:[/b]YOU! You can fly, you've got dragon's visioN! FLY OVER THE OCEAN!! FIND HER!! FIND SERENITY!!!! [i]Xvirran's eyes darted from side to side briefly, before settling on Aris once more.[/i] [b]Xvirran:[/b]I thought you did not care for the young elf. I thought you cared for Taka. [b]Aris:[/b]Serenity....no.....you.....but....I CARED ABOUT YOU!!! I WOULD HAVE ASKED YOU TO MARRY ME!!!! I NEVER WANTED TO HURT ANYBODY!!!!! I LOVED YOU WITH ALL OF MY GODDAMN HEART!!!! [i]Xvirran looked guilty for an instant, but he immediately restored his stoicism. But aris saw it. He saw the bloodstained remains of a torso in the corner. Aris' eyes rose in fury, putting the wrong two-and-two together. He rose, pure, unadulterated fury replacing the distress, pain, and loss in his eyes.[/i] [b]Aris:[/b]You fucking asshole. You ate her. YOU DEVOURED MY GIRLFRIEND! DIE, YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT!!!!! [i]Aris, attacking out of anger, struck against Xvirran, raking his Hybrid form's claws against the scales and drawing draconic blood. The natural acidity to living creatures did not so much as faze the enraged werewolf as he clawed and clawed, lashing furiously at Xvirran. The dragon tired of the elementary game and raised one large, scaly arm. He slammed Aris into the wall and knocked him out, Xvirran's blood burning a hole through hs thick wolfhide and drawing too much blood from Aris for any good to come of anything for the Drow. Xvirran shook Aris awake, knowing a lycanthropes healing faculties had to be concentrated upon.[/i] [b]Xvirran:[/b]Whelp, open your goddamn eyes and heal yourself. HEAL YOURSELF!!! [b]Aris:[/b]*cough* No. I want...*cough* to join her. You'll....have to...eat me...too. I...Serenity....I.....love......you.......Xvirran...bury me.....if you don't eat me....with *cough*the ring...in my....cloak..... [i]Aris fainted from the pain, his body convulsing and shuddering, locked in his Hybrid form. Xvirran looked at Serenity, who was dragging Aris' body onto the bed.[/i] [b]Serenity:[/b]Oh, God....he's....Xvirran, he's really dying! And he said..... [b]Xvirran:[/b]I know full well what he said, AND what his condition is. And if he DOES wake up and heal himself, I will be a hunted dragon until I die. [i]Serenity sat down on Xvirran's bed, stroking Aris' hair and praying he got better. The acidic blood was now burning into Aris' chest...[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Belowdecks, Taka sat bolt upright, Aris not being in her arms. She looked around for him, and then to Kanda for answers. the horse simply whinnied happily. Taka smiled and fell back to sleep.....[/i][/color]
  2. [color=teal][i]Serenity smiled as Aris leaned on her. Until an all-too-familiar scent wafted onto the deck.[/i] [b]Aris:[/b]CHILI-DOGS!!!!! [i]The one thing that would make Aris forget even the slightest hint of Drow dignity, the one thing that would make him lose all pretense, the one thing that could make him fight across a field of berserk lycanthropes......and Glenn had had forty of them made.[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]While Aris snarfed his food, Xvirran walked into the galley for a drink to wash down his own unique meal. He saw the Drow, a huge grin on his face, devouring the odd food at a very rapid pace. Xvirran, interested beyond measure, sat down on the opposite stool. Aris swallowed the four chili-dogs he had in his mouth, gulped a large measure of spiced ale, and sighed a content, yet still hungry, sigh.[/i] [b]Xvirran:[/b]What is that unusual food you're eating as if your life depended on it? [b]Aris:[/b]....CHILI-DOGS!!!! [i]Xvirran, not in the least set back, wtached as Aris repeated his performance with another four chili-dogs, again downing them with spiced ale. He wore an exceptionally large grin throughout the whole ordeal.[/i] [b]Xvirran:[/b]Becoming a wolf must take a lot out of you. Any other elf I've ever known would choke on two of those things. why do you like them so much? [b]Aris:[/b]I dunno......might have something to do with my speed. I just really like food. I mean, REALLY. But chili-dogs are the BEST!!! [i]Xvirran watched Aris perform yet another feat of gastronomical impossibility, all forty chili-dogs reduced to a single plate, two untouched forks, and a half-gone flagon of spiced ale. Aris sighed with relish.[/i] [b]Aris:[/b]Ah, that hit's the spot. [b]Xvirran:[/b]You are an odd one. [b]Aris:[/b]Friend, I am odder than you know. See you around. I got a favor to repay. Oh, and by the way, I know some people who'd like to hire a hard-working guy for sea-work. Ain't too respectable, but Hunter and Briggs only hit merchant traders that screw around a lot. [i]Xvirran pondered this as Aris strolled down into the hold, where Taka was sleeping gently with a pegasus standing guard over her. Aris calmed the pegasus down, whose name he found was Kanda from his empathetic touch. Kanda needed to be reshoed soon. Aris nodded and decided he would ask Kerrick about it later. Aris bent down, pulling Taka closer. She awakened to Aris holding her close. She couldn't react as he pulled her lips to his, a tear sliding down his cheek as he kissed her deeply. Then she saw why through her own empathy, by accident.[/i] [u][i]Aris hung in the air, chained to a cross. the chain ran through his palms and bound his feet together, also piercing them. A large hole was evident in his chest. He was bleeding through all of the wounds, staring wide-eyed at the woman who stood before him.[/i] [b]Firand:[/b]ARIS!!! You've lost everyone but these two. Do you want them to live, to go on? Look where your "mother" has gotten you! She has allowed you this death. Sell your soul to me, join me, Aris! I shall spare these two, Serenity and Ishtar, if you do! [b]Aris:[/b]I can't.....I can't..... [b]Firand:[/b]Aris....both of them carry your child! [i]Aris' eyes shot open, tears flowing. he watched as the blade came closer....closer....[/i][/u] [i]Taka pulled away, enjoying the kiss, but shocked as to what the Drow's fear were based upon. His worst fear.....she clenched her fist, making certain that she would aid him in every way possible. She pulled the crying Aris closer, laying down with him. Both of them fell asleep, Taka after Aris. When he fell asleep, she pressed her lips to his again, thinking that Serenity did not deserve him and knowing that Aris would disagree....[/i][/color]
  3. Talon

    Kakashki Academy

    [color=teal][i]It happened before Phalanx could give the readout. An oversized MPSB rose from the debris of the hangar, apparently from a hidden under-hangar. Phalanx was barely turned as it raised its main gatling. Phalanx had just moved as the finger squeezed the trigger. And Mira's MPSB was the target. [b]KRESHH-GRANK-GRANK-GRANK[/b] The sound of metal grinding against bullets resounded through the area. The smoke settled, the MPSB relaxed, sure thatn at least one opponent had been eliminated. The smoke of the discharge cleared, revealing... PHALANX?!?! It's shoulder and left arm, the blade arm, torn to shreds from the gatling fire. Even part of the cockpit had been breached. Kitsune breathed heavily, standing before Mira's MPSB as he forced the right arm up, hefting the double-barrel upwards, pulling the trigger.... The smoke cleared. There was no MPSB, though there was a large set of legs and a missing torso. Kitsune's breath came extremly heavily, blood seeping from a large burn wound on his chest and lower face. He fainted, Phalanx's neural connection to him making him feel the pain in his MPSB. Phalanx collapsed on top of Mira's MPSB.[/i] [b]Mira:[/b]FOX!!! Fox, damnit, talk to me! FOX?! FOOOOOX?!?! [b]James:[/b]MIRA!!!! Drag Phalanx behind you. They're too packed-in and scared. WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!!!! [b]Mira:[/b]Oh, Fox....please be okay..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]It was hours later, the group of people and MPSBs were hidden in a glen, James returning with a sled of various parts for Phalanx and Shrapnel.. Fox was unconscious on a mat, stolen from a nearby village. His burn was worsening. mira leaned against a tree, hugging her knees and crying. Haze crept over to her, noticing a small drawing on the ground. It was a portrait of the four of them, Haze, Fox, James, and Mira. Mira's necklace was included. In new pencil, however, there was a large, red scar covering a decent part of Fox's torso. Haze looked slowly at the unconscious boy. He was crying, tears streaking his face in his sleep. As she lifted the drawing from the ground, a small box, the thing the necklace had come in, fell open and revealed a note. Another portrait, one of a small stick figure with two more taller ones, fell out. Haze read the note, and handed it to Mira. Haze had tears in her eyes.[/i] [b]Haze:[/b]You...you want to read this....it's from Fox. [i]Mira took the note, a fresh burst of sadness pealed from her lips.[/i] [b]Note:[/b]Mira, I love you! I love you with all my heart. Mira....will you marry me? As soon as we're free? Please....I love you.... -Your Fox, Kitsune [i]Mira looked over at Fox.... He was awake.[/i][/color]
  4. [color=teal][i]It took some time, but the puppy-Aris found his way around the deck quite easily. Unable to see properly, the large amount of blood from the battle still clotting his fur, he wound his way into Taka's cabin, believing it to be his own. His mind, canine as that of a newborn wolf's, did not even register that he was supposed to be a Drow, and he curled up happily in the sheets... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Taka sighed and returned to her room, the scar evident against her pale skin. She sat down to change and rest. Hearing a loud yelp, she sat bolt upright, looking down at her bed. Aris was sleeping, but not soundly. She reached down to his head, using the natural empathy that all elves, Drow or otherwise, have. She saw the violence in his dremas, the murders. She lifted him up, cooing softly. She smiled, knowing full well that Serenity was by now asleep. Aris awakened, his mind still too childish to understand. He looked up, nuzzling Taka, and wolf-sighed.[/i] [b]Taka:[/b]Let's get you cleaned up, first. I can't believe that girlfriend of yours would've slept with a bloody wolf in her bed.... [i]In less than half an hour, Aris was being scrubbed head-to-paw in a small, soapy basin. Taka smiled wistfully at the pup, drying him off with a towel and bringing him to her bedroom. She set him up at the foot of her bed. She grinned, noticing how he yawned widely and curled up, not in the sheets she'd set aside for him, but in her hair. She touched his head again, feeling that he preferred contact with others rather than being alone. He was a strange one, indeed, for Drow and lycanthrope alike. She smiled and fell asleep to his happy growling....[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Serenity:[/b]WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY BOYFRIEND?!?!?! [i]Taka awakened with a large wolf on her chest. Aris had transformed upon resting the whole night, and being asleep, he could not remain a pup as it required a force of will. He looked up, seing a howling-mad half-elf standing over him with a frying pan in her hands. He hopped down, raised his hackles, and growled.[/i] [b]Serenity:[/b]You've even brainwashed him!!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!?! [i]Aris recognized her voice from some far-off part of his mind and sat down, yelping and whining imperiously, still unknowing as to what was going on. Serenity dropped her ferocious manner and lowered the frying pan, just as Taka crawled out of bed and took the wolf in her arms.[/i] [b]Taka:[/b]Leave him alone! If only you KNEW what dreams he had, you'd be less forceful with him! It's not his fault he doesn't have half of his mind while he's a full wolf or a puppy! Let him be! [b]Serenity:[/b]NO! HE IS MY BOYFRIEND!!! [b]Taka:[/b]YOU TREAT HIM LIKE SOME PRIZE OR SLAVE!!!! YOU DO NOT LOVE HIM AS I DO!!! [i]Taka held on to him protectively, stroking his fur and staring daggers at Serenity, who was about to heft the frying pan. Somehow, Aris had a feeling he wouldn't be forgiven of this for a while, even though he didn't know what it was he was doing wrong.....but Taka's arms felt nice to him, and he wondered who the furious girl in the sleeping gown was.......[/i][/color]
  5. [color=teal][b]Aris:[/b]They t'rew a rope around yer neck Ta watch ya dance tha jig of death. They lef' ya ta tha starvin' crows, Hoverin' like hungry whores! One flew down, pluck't ou' yer eye, Tha other 'e 'ad in 'is sights. Yeh snarled a' 'im, said Leave me be! Ah need the bugger so Ah kin see! [i]Aris cackled madly, slashing from right to left at the pirates' abdomens with his clawed hand as he madly sang a sea chanty about a heroic pirate captain. The pirates heard the haunting tune and turned to its source, seeing the huge wolf with blood-clotted fur and blood-matted claws. The klaive wasn't even drawn. Aris turned to the remaining pirates and bellowed for the rest of the party to stand aside. Like pins at an alley, the pirates fell overboard as Aris dashed through their midst at high speed, bashing them over the edge with his mighty strength. Aris beckoned towards Lysaii, holding his hands up in the recognized symbol for fire. Instantly, as the pirates retreated and began to sail away, their boat was alight, burning like a bonfire.[/i] [b]Aris:[/b](shouting) AND SO THA PIRATES FELL, ONE BY ONE, TAH THA BO'OM OF DAVY JONES' LOCKER!!!! [i]He turned, grinning, to his party. Everyone was exhausted, with the exception of Lysaii and Xvirran. Xvirran was acceptably unfatigued, but Lysaii.....maybe she just hadn't battled as hard as the rest. Aris sighed, his energy so depleted he shrank to a complete wolf form. Serenity came and picked up her lover, whose energy was so depleted he appeared as a mere cub. He yipped, sighed, and fell asleep. The party merely stared.[/i] [b]Rin:[/b]OOOkayyy.......he sings insanely senseless songs, and when he's tuckered out, he turns into a wee puppy. I am VERY confident about how this will turn out. [i]Others murmurred their assent. Lysaii smiled inwardly, glad that her charge was innocent to the point that he did not shift into the miasmic shape of a shadow-wolf that all other lycanthropes did when their energy was as depleted as his was. Neshaia would be pleased. Kerrick merely guffawed, laughing something out about their hero being "a mere pup with one helluvan appetite, and claws to boot!" Xvirran, whose excellent hearing had picked up Aris' conversation with his "uncle" earlier, simply noted that the journey was indeed a very interesting venture. Glenn sighed, knowing Aris was going to need a hell of a lot of food whenever he woke up, and headed for the galley to whip the chefs into making forty chili-dogs. Serenity nuzzled the tiny cub in her arms, coddling Aris and humming a lullaby he'd been rocked to for four years. Ishtar glared at the girl holding Aris, wishing a thousand types of death on her head. She thought to herself that Aris was quite cute when his battle energy was spent.... The captain on deck grinned, glad that he had such protectors. He kissed the statue of Neshaia on the hand, glad she had given her son to this journey. The kid stood a chance after all....[/i][/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spell check had a field day with the first eight lines.......
  6. [i][color=teal]Aris reeled over the side of the ship, retching and trying to keep others away from the lee side of the ship. It wouldn't do for the hero of the journey to be reduced to a hell of a case of seasickness.....enhanced by Serenity's malpractice with new spells.[/i] [b]Serenity:[/b]Oh, Aris.....I'm so sorry!! I didn't KNOW it was a spell that's make you spew seaslugs!! [i]Aris sent a fresh wave of water dwellers into the ocean. He looked up at Serenity happily, wiping his mouth. For a brief three seconds, he was his grinning old Drow self again, but then.....[/i] [b]Aris:[/b]URK......Serie......get me...URK.....some holly. I can make a cure, then.....HURGH!!!! [i]Serenity rushed off to get the curative's ingredients, leaving Aris alone on the rail. Or rather, leaving Aris at the mercy of the gods.[/i] [b]Hyral:[/b]Oi, 'at's a very nice li'l lady yeh've go' there, lad. Don' yeh go screwin' around betwixt 'er back, boyo. [b]Aris:[/b]Hello, Uncle. What's with the accent? URK..... [b]Hyral:[/b]Spent a little time in Downunda, you know, where those Echidna and Dingo people live. [b]Aris:[/b]Echidnas........oh, where Locke and Remington live. Uncle.....URK....could you not tell Mom about this? [b]Hyral:[/b]I forgot when you started calling my sis "mom". Tell me again. [b]Aris:[/b]Urgh....alright. Mom was always there for me when I was a child. When I was about eleven, my caretakers had a child of their own, but Mom welcomed me into the forest. She gave me a home, a place to come home to. And, eventually, she introduced me to her follower, Serenity. I think I'm gettin' the hang of this ocean stuff......That's why I call her Mom. Besides, my real parents moved away to Achilla on my birthday... [b]Hyral:[/b]Ach. Well, kiddo, yer mother sent more protection for you than you know. I have to be going. I don't like storms much. Oh, and watch out for Xvirran. He's planning on stealing a ship when the adventure's over. [b]Aris:[/b]Tell him I'll buy him a fleet of his own as long as he doesn't make me a crew member....URRRRKKK!!!!!! [i]The god disappeared, a fresh wave of rather large sea creatures appeared, and Serenity came out holding a large bough of holly. Aris fixed his cure, none too soon.[/i] [b]Crewman:[/b]ALL HANDS ON DECK!!! MAN YOUR STATIONS!!! PIRATES!!! ALL HANDS ON DECK!!! [i]Aris turned, seeing the scattered members of his party rush out from their scattered places of hiding or resting, each with a weapon drawn. He moved to the fore of the group as the pirates made their way up the starboard side of the hull. When they reached the top, they saw a Drow, several elves, humans, and a half-dragon. They blinked in unison, looking at each other as to what to do. When they turned back, the Drow was gone. In his place stood an seven-foot-tall half-wolf with a large silver sword and a set of claws extended to about a foot long. The wolf vanished.[/i] [b]Aris:[/b]Behind ya, blokes! The battle's begun![/color]
  7. [color=teal]Welcome, inti. Now, sign-ups are closed. And Flynn...please try to back up on the large words. I'm in high school, and my classes have gotten my extensive vocabulary rather scrambled.....in other words, school gives me a headache, so I don't need any from articulate moderators.][/color]
  8. [i][color=teal]Aris looked slightly disappointed, but overall, he was pleased. It took him a while to dry his face after a very-helpful bucket of cold water cooled his all-too-primal desires, but there was one desire that just could not be satisfied to Ryth. There was a chili-dog stand at the festival! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Serenity awakened, her clothes hapiily still in place, but her lover sadly NOT still in place. She stood, walking towards the festival, and instantly saw where Aris was. Bankrupting the chili-dog stand of its massive supply of food.[/i] [b]Serenity:[/b]Every year.....what would I do if I couldn't cook those things? [i]Still wondering, she walked towards the dawn-streaked horizon, settling into Aris' favorite tree and waiting for him to top off his supply of chili-dogs with a healthy amount of pure amontillado, as Aris never failed to do for the four years they had been in love...[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Aris:[/b]WHAT THE HELL?!?! [i]Aris was dumbfounded. Most of the amontillado in the barrell was gone. Aris sighed, taking what was left and drinking it in three hearty tankards. Aris was quite proud of his unuasual ability to down an entire barrel and get little more than a slanted walk. He accepted a few dances from the other women of the village, making certain that they knew where his loyalties lay. Ishtar, especially, seemed keen on dancing. Aris' keen senses told him she'd been crying in a remote area for a while. His keen senses also told him that she was a very skilled dancer.[/i] [b]Aris:[/b]Madam, you have won the dance floor this tune. Perhaps after my ordeal we shall strike another. For now, though...I have duties to which I must attend. [i]He walked towards his tree, Ishtar feeling slightly happier. Perhaps she did have a chance after all.....[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Aris jumped up to the bough where his dearest was resting. He kissed her lips gently, then sat down on the branch next to it.[/i] [b]Serenity:[/b]Oh, Aris, why tonight? Why can't we wait until summer? [b]Aris:[/b]My heart, I would that I never had to go. But....I must, because I was born a lycanthrope. I must remove the emperor of Achilla and depose Neshaia's sister. Now, hush, my love. I shall sleep in your arms surely enough. But for now....I must finish my work at the orphanage. [i]Aris quickly jumped down, Serenity smiling as she saw her lover's afterimage fade. She was glad he cared so much about the children of this place. It meant he was going to be a good father.......if he lived long enough to be one......[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Aris' hammer connected the final beam in the west wing of of the new orphanage. He turned to the children, now wide-awake, and gave each a blanket and a pillow.[/i] [b]Aris:[/b]Now, little ones, go on in. This place will be your home from now on. And after this, I promise, I will keep everyone safe and happy when I get home from my journey. This place, this special place, built just for you, is my gift to you. May you all be good friends. You will always be my friends.....my children! [i]The young children cheered and rushed in, Aris smiling as the littlest one tugged on Aris' coat to be carried in. Aris did so, bidding all of the children good night as he left, leaving his own caretakers in charge of the little wards.[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Next Day[/b] [i]Aris hefted his pack, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He pulled Serenity closer to him as they awaited the rest of the party. He smiled as they said their last goodbyes, those who had them, and turned to the harbor. A ship to the mainland, Achilla, was waiting.....[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]That Night[/b] [b]Aris:[/b]What a time to find out I'm seasick.......URK!!! [i]Serenity was hastily preparing an anti-seasickness spell....[/i][/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Everyone, let's spend a little time on the ship. The mainland is more than eight days way, after all.
  9. [color=teal][i]Aris sighed, surveying the land he called home from atop the high oak. He breathed in the forest air, then saw what he was looking for. The village festival was finally beginning. With a sigh of regret, Aris jumped down from the forest's mighty boughs and ran flat out for the village, arriving in about a millisecond. his sudden arrival startled nobody, as Aris was used to. He looked around briefly, then walked to the center of the village square. He took up the wreath granted to the Grand Mephit of the Winter Festival.....who, in honor of his impending quest, was, of course, none other than Aris D'laranth. He briefly embraced Serenity, his girlfriend, before stopping for the mayor's annual speech.[/i] [b]Mayor:[/b]People of my fair Lelend! I welcome you to our humble Winter Festival! But before our festivities are to begin, you all remember the problem we discussed at last week's caucus? you have all been given a week to decide, and if nobody goes, then Aris shall be at the mercy of the gods! [i]There was a general murmur through the crowds, but several people stepped forward to stand at Aris' side.[/i] [b]Serenity:[/b]I shall take this journey with him! He needs me too much! [i]The crowd giiggled until the blacksmith also stepped up.[/i] [b]Kerrick:[/b]I, Kerrick Smithson, shall go. It's my duty to my village, and to young Aris, to assist him in his time of need. Aris, my sword, skills, and loyalty are yours. [b]Rin:[/b]I, too, shall aid Aris! Whatever rancor I held him is banished, and I must go to aid my people! [b]Glenn:[/b]Like hell I'll let the kid go alone! Aris, I'm with you! [i]The mayor seemed pleased with the number of people, but then a young elven woman stepped forward.[/i] [b]Lysaii:[/b]I must accompany Aris to ensure the safety of my own people. Please, Sir Aris, allow me into your party. My name is Lysaii. [b]Aris:[/b]I happily welcome any who would aid me. [i]The crowd seemed to hold its collective breath as a hulking black figure strolled right up to Aris, dwarfing the 6'7" Drow easily. The creature was obviously a Half-dragon, and the crowd waited to see what it would say.[/i] [b]Xvirran:[/b]So....a Drow that can change the world. Sounds interesting. Mind if I come along to see what happens? [b]Aris:[/b]Um....sure. I welcome you, master..... [b]Xvirran:[/b]No formalities, kid. And the name's Xvirran. [i]The mayor quickly resumed his place at the podium.[/i] [b]Mayor:[/b]Well.....that's very interesting. Well, Aris seems to be in good hands, and likewise for the rest of the party. Aris, we thank you for waiting until tomorrow evening. May you return in one piece so that our beloved island may bask in your presence forever. [i]At this, everybody, including the dwarves that Aris had bested many times at the age of ten, cheered uproariously. The festival began......[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Aris was busy holding onto Serenity when the pegasus came hurtling down, its rider looking flushed and hurried. Aris had barely the time to release his girlfriend and walk up to the pegasus before a young elven woman Aris barely recognized leapt off the saddle somewhat ingraciously and introduced herself.[/i] [b]Ishtar:[/b]I am Ishtar Sakazaki Aka Taka of the High Elves. I am here in order to represent my clan in the defense of Master Aris D'laranth, the famed Lycanthrope and Warrior of the island of Lethraian. Where is the master Drow? [b]Aris:[/b]Right in front of you. Chill out, you're at a festival. And I welcome you to my party, madame Ishtar, though i am NOT deserving of the title 'master'. [i]Ishtar looked very put-out as Aris wandered off, muttering something about food as he headed for the refreshments stands...[/i][/color]
  10. [color=teal]Whoo, boy, more than i expected. But it's all ok. Everybody's in. With the POSSIBLE exception of Valen, if he doesn't edit that thing soon..... Anyhow, Deedlit, VERY clever idea. And good pastel of Kohaku, too, by the way. ^_^ I shall send individual messages to everybody. The RPG starts.....TODAY!!!!!![/color]
  11. Talon

    Kakashki Academy

    [color=teal][i]Kitsune placed James in a safe place. He stared at his flight recorder's video, seeing his own eyes glow with a red hatred as he brought James' MPSB down as easily as tearing through tissue paper. Kitsune stood, looking at James.[/i] [b]Kitsune:[/b]Get behind the seat again, and be ready for some serious heat. [b]James:[/b]Wha...why? [b]Kitsune:[/b]I have to stop this bullcrap. And I have to save Veil. We're going back, you're getting Cooler, and we're starting this rebellion. When you've got Cooler, you go straight to the American embassy and alert them to the Kakashki situation. [i]James didn't question a thing. They took up their positions, Kitsune firing Phalanx's Verneas in a beeline for Kakashki Academy......[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Loudspeaker:[/b]ALL DEFENSE PERSONELL REPORT TO HANGAR!!! RENEGADE MPSB IS ATTACKING THE COMPOUND!!! REP- [i]The laser beam from Phalanx's twinbarrell took out the P.A. system. The assulting mech paused for a second to allow James out, who instantly ran for his now-complete MPSB. Phalanx headed for solitary, hoping that Veil was alright.[/i] [b]Kitsune:[/b](On comm)Mech Cooler, this is Captain Fox, please keep watch over my MPSB while I infiltrate the compound. [b]James:[/b]Mech Cooler, acknowledging and en route. [i]Kitsune jumped from Phalanx's cockpit after keying the ignition to Kitsune's DNA structure, taking with him the spare pistol he kept in the "glove box" as he called the space below his seat. He rushed in, killing two of the guards and stealing a set of keys. He ran to the first cell, opening it and finding nobody. He ran to the second, a repeat. Finally, the third block revealed a young woman, injured and bleeding from various areas, and a young man, hunched over her.[/i] [b]Kitsune:[/b]Zieg, Veil, get to your mechs. We're leaving, NOW! [i]He led them back to Phalanx, picked them up in its bare hand, and carried them to the hangar. Veil stopped before jumping into Shrapnel, which she noticed had not yet been scheduled for demolition.[/i] [b]Veil:[/b](In comm) Captain, there's a matter of interest to you in the administrator's offices. It's part of your "special elective", keyed to your DNA structure. Go there before heading to the dorms or even you'll never walk away. [i]Kitsune made Phalanx nod it's head before dropping into the main office building's complex. Drawing his gun again, he took out four of the guards. Reloading his pistol, he rushed into the office where his "elective" was normally held, finding a suit of red armor. He suited up, wondering if he should connect the neural-link but decided he didn't have the time. He hopped into Phalanx and rushed to the dorm, drawing the energy sabre. Inside was an entire cohort of guards, all aiming automatic rifles. Kitsune levelled the plasma rifle in the armor's left hand, firing and demolishing a small group. the cohort opened fire. Kitsune ducked and dodged while firing, but he didn't escape unscathed. His old head wound reopened, and he added a number of scars where bullets hit the unprotected joints in the armor. Kitsune dashed in, removing his helmet. A mistake, as Mira brought a large object down on Kitsune's head. Before shaking his head, he dimly realized it was his own trunk.[/i] [b]Mira:[/b]Oh my god, Kitsune! Are you..... [i]The stress from his absence for over twelve hours, Phalanx's disappearance after James' rebellion, and the knowledge that Veil had been dispatched to destroy Phalanx and all occupants caught up with her.[/i] [b]Mira:[/b]You....you jerk! Don't you ever do that to me again! Do you have any idea how much I worried? Do you have any inkling of what I've been going through?!?! WHAT IF YOU'D DIED!?!?! WHAT KIND OF FAMILY WOULD YOU HAVE THEN!?!?!?! [i]Kitsune simply took her in his arms, rocking back and forth and humming the same lullaby as before.[/i] [b]Mira:[/b]I guess we'd better get everybody's stuff, huh? Haze's already packed. She was gonna go after James. Kitsune....please.....tell me we're leaving for good. [b]Kitsune:[/b]Love, we're leaving for good. We might have to fight the Academy, but damnit, we'll do it. We'll make our own family. We'll....we'll get married someday, to people we love, and we'll lead normal lives. But we have to get out of here, first. Phalanx is just on the other side of the wall. Get everybody's stuff, their trunks and clothes, and stuff, and get ready to load it into the compartment in Phalanx's right hand when I break the wall down. I'll comm Haze.... [i]Kitsune left the last sentence hanging as he lifted his gaze to Mira. She was wearing the necklace, still, and her cheeks were stained with tears from constant crying....[/i][/color]
  12. [color=teal]Valen, edit that thing SOON. We need a few more people. I'll PM everybody when I feel we have enough. And Dani.....argh. Just........GO POSTING PERSONAL INFOMRATION WHY DONCHA!?!?!?! And no, Flynn, this is NOT the reason I posted. I posted to put up two pics of my character. The attachment is Aris in Half-wolf form. Drool away, power-hungry maniacs. This pic is him when he is battling without his wolf form. As for claws......yes, he has those in drow form. Just doesn't use 'em much. [img]http://www.classicgaming.com/castlevania/lament/leon4.jpg[/img][/color]
  13. Talon

    Kakashki Academy

    [color=teal][i]Kitsune's mind was lost. He prepared to crush James in his mecha's bare hand. But a voice from the past filled his being.[/i] [b]Man:[/b]Show them......what a gentleman is! My little Fox..... [i]Kitsune opened his eyes, James aiming a pistol at his cockpit. His hands were shaky. Kitsune looked down at them, wide-eyed. He opened the pit, staggering out along Phalanx's arm. He fell.[/i] [b]James:[/b]Kitsune!!!! [i]He rushed to Kitsune's side, leaning down and pressing his fingers to Kitsune's jugular vein. His pulse was very abnormal.[/i] [b]James:[/b]holy crap! A drug-pulse! What are they DOING to you, Fox?!?! [i]Kit opened his yes, looking at James and climbing to his feet.[/i] [b]Kitsune:[/b]Get in the cockpit, hide behind my seat. I'm bringing you in. They finished Cooler. And the program....it was made by Veil, you idiot. She did it to get back at the academy. [i]James simply nodded, realizing that Kitsune was setting himself up for James to escape. Kitsune was probably going to be executed or at least confined to solitary for a very long time. James clapped Kitsune's hand and climbed in. He noticed Kitsune editing a video in his flight recorder.[/i] [b]James:[/b]What are you doing? [b]Kitsune:[/b]Making you look dead. Don't want them thinking I let you live. Write a note to Mira and Haze and the others. I don't want them going mutinous on me. [b]James:[/b]Why are you doing this? You'll get in some seriously deep sh*t. [b]Kitsune:[/b]Because.....I love Mira. And you're my best friend. [i]James kept the knowledge that Kitsune was crying to himself in the note. He resigned himself to the space behind Phalanx's pilot seat as Phalanx lumbered back to the hangar........to Cooler.[/i][/color]
  14. Talon

    Kakashki Academy

    [color=teal][i]It happened just as Kitsune went in to cry in his pillow.[/i] [b]Wristcom:[/b]Student #1788, mission is available. Please proceed to briefing office. [i]Kitsune glared at his wristcom and sighed, walking to the briefing office, still in his formal wear. When he arrived, he saw a single, extremely stressed secretary. She handed him the portfolio and told him to retrieve his MPSB.[/i] [i]Kitsune walked down the hall, reading the file as he entered the bay. He broke into a run as he read his mission, all but punching the mechanic out of the way as he reached Phalanx's cockpit.[/i] [b]Kitsune:[/b]James, you freakin' nut!!! You ran out after the sim?!? Veil mad eit herself. Jeez, you moron...it was an incentive to inspire rebellion, sure...but still......NOT JUST NOW!!!! [I]He fired Phalanx up and proceeded down the trail after the unfinished MPSB. He activated Phalanx's Verneas, rushing as fast as he could. The hulk of a machine was hidden under a bridge, its movements erratic and illogical.[/i] [b]Kitsune:[/b](In comm) James, you nut!!!! You went crazy over the Execution sim?!?!?! [b]James:[/b]Leave me alone!!! If you're smart, you'll follow me and be done with the academy! [b]Kitsune:[/b]James, I understand you, but still.....come back. Haze needs you......and Mira needs you. [b]James:[/b]What's with the wistful tone? Are you a soldier or not?!?!? [b]Kitsune:[/b]....I'm...I'm not. [b]Kames:[/b]What?!? You're the best student at the academy! [b]Kitsune:[/b]BECAUSE I WANT TO USE MY SKILLS AGAINST THEM!!!!! I WATCHED MY PARENTS MURDERED WHEN I WAS SIX!!!! SIX!!!!!! MY ONLY FAMILY IS GONE, TAKEN FROM ME!!!! NOW, I"M IN LOVE WITH MIRA AND SHE'S NOT SURE ABOUT ME!!!!! I AM NO SOLDIER!!!!! I AM AN AVENGER!!!!! [i]It happened. the supersoldier chip in Kitsune's head activated, driving him to his his Replisoldier frame of mind. he attacked James' unfinshed MPSB, unaware even of his best friend's cries of warning......[/i][/color]
  15. [color=teal][i]I am the scholar Ramze Hiyate. Let me tell you a tale, boy. *nods* There lies, in another world, in another time, the continent of Achilla, an imposing land ruled by an iron-fisted emperor. To the south of this dark world lies the smaller island of Lethraian, a wonderful island free of the emperor's grasp. On this island, there are ranchers, warriors, and academies. There are elves, there are drow, and there are dwarves. There are a few giants, there are some dragons, and there are spirits. And there are humans. But somehow, they all live in peace. Every time the island is attacked, the force is turned away without a single arrow being fired. no disease has ever had much sway to the islanders, some magic has emboldened their immunities. Somehow, someway, the island is as close to paradise as possible. It is the goddess Neshaia. By her will, her islanders, whether they worship her or not. Her brothers, Intangir and Hyral, are thre other gods of the isle. Intangir worshipped by the dwarves of the forge, and Hyral worshipped by the warrior-elves called the High and Wyld. But one day, seventeen years ago, there was born a sign that the sister of the three, Firand, the dark-skinned and hateful Drow goddess that presides over Achilla's evil emperor Belg, was gaining power enough to end the peaceful life-style of the island Lethraian. A child was born with the blood of the wolves in his veins. A lycanthrope of will was born to the drow. Neshaia had no choice. She sent her powerful whispers down to the people of the island, searching for the young people to defend the boy as he grew so that he could defeat Firand. Are you sure you would like to hear the rest of the tale? *nods* Well then, the legacy of the Knights of Neshaia so begins....[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The heroes' were brave and strong. They were...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Name:[/b]Duh [b]Age:[/b]Anywhere within reason. [b]Race:[/b]Elves, Drow, Humans, Dwarves, Half-Giants or Half-Dragons. [b]Eyes:[/b]Duh. [b]Hair:[/b]Length, style, and color. [b]Armor:[/b]It can be anything, silk, chainmail, full plate. If you have a shield or vambrace, it goes here. [b]Weapons:[/b]Of course. [b]Powers:[/b]Magical abilities. Note that there will be only ONE lycanthrope on the island. [b]Personality:[/b]Do you shine like the sun? Do you focus on your job? Remember, though, we live on a peaceful island. [b]Biography:[/b]Of course. [b]Appearance:[/b]Duh. [b]Kinship to the chosen one:[/b]Assigned protector, best friend, or simply just along for the ride? Make something up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The chosen one was a hero, himself! He was...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Name:[/b]Aris D'Laranth [b]Age:[/b]17 [b]Race:[/b]Drow-Lycanthrope [b]Eyes:[/b]Silver [b]Hair:[/b]Silver [b]Armor:[/b]Reinforced silk shirt over chestplate. He has a buckler on the right hand and a vambrace on the left. Both allow for free use of weapons. [i]Half-wolf Form:[/i]Same, except the legs are armored instead of the chest. Vambrace and buckler remain on the forearms. [i]Full-wolf Form:[/i]None. [b]Weapons:[/b] [i]Drow Form:[/i]A katana, a whip, and a longsword. Also a quarterstaff and a pair of fighting daggers. His main weapon in his whip. [i]Half-wolf Form:[/i]A grand klaive (a longsword made of silver), which is deadly to him, a quarterstaff, and his claws and jaw. [i]Full-wolf Form:[/i]Claws and jaw. [b]Powers:[/b] [i]Shift:[/i]Transforms him into any form he wished to be in. [i]Sense:[/i]His trained senses can detect the slightest of sounds, scents, and details. [i]Serene Soul:[/i]A Gift bestowed upon him by Hyral, the God of Lightning, upon birth, Aris can run as fast as lightning can strike, which tends to put a very many people off balance. His record so far is running around the island five-thousand times in two days. Nonstop. Unfortunately, it also makes for a huge metabolism that focuses mainly on chilidogs, Aris' favorite food. He does not activate this ability, it is simply his. he fights himself when he wants to control his speed and run normally. [i]Nature's Call:[/i]He can call upon nature to aid him in any way, be it binding vines or an overflowing river. [i]Vorpal Slash:[/i]Draining his life force only when in Drow form, this attack hits a thousand times in an instant. [i]Force-of-will:[/i]Half-wolf only. He completely disregards even mortal wounds until his mission is complete. [b]Personality:[/b]A nice and generous boy, he's always cheerful and unwilling to give up. He never, ever forfeits a match. He's incredibly stubborn, but instantly fills the role as a leader when danger arises. He is often looked up to as a role model, even though his kind is rampant on Achilla. He is not looked over by Firand, and thus, he is loved by his island. He is sometimes arrogant and over-confident, but he has a big heart. His favorite colors are blue and green. [b]Biography:[/b]Born to the drow, his birth was marked as he did not possess the dark skin of the dark elves. It was also noted by the elves that his body held untapped power. He was sent to the main city of Lelend for the church to raise him. He grew into a fine young man, his wolf blood interfering with his longevity and forcing his body to age like a human. Upon his twelfth birthday, he transformed for the first time. He did not kill anyone, he didn't even know he was transformed. It wasn't until he bent to drink from a basin that he saw what he was. He looked up and began to cry. Upon Aris threatening suicide, the village realized that he held his mind, unlike the lycanthropes on Achilla, and begged him to stop. To make up for his blood, he began training to warrior-hood. He became a loved figure on the island, helping where help was needed. He had a few rivals, certainly, but nobody on the island hated him. Except himself and the scattered bandits. Now that he is seventeen, he is marked to begin a quest by Neshaia. He must overthrow Firand in hopes of attaining a purified blood.... [b]Appearance:[/b]See attachment. [b]Kinship to the Chosen One:[/b]Aris IS the chosen one![/color]
  16. Talon

    Kakashki Academy

    [color=teal][i]Kitsune heard the whole conversation. He got up and reached into his bag, pulling out the goods he bought earlier. He walked into Veil's room.[/i] [b]Veil:[/b]Fox! You're.....dressed up. Why? [b]Kitsune:[/b]Surprise for Mira. Gotcha some goodies, as well as an AI for Phalanx. By the way, couldja help me out with workin' on the big guy? [b]Veil and Zieg:[/b]Er...sure. Goodies? [i]Kitsune laughed as they looked at each other, and produced a pair of new programs. He tossed them to Zieg and Veil.[/i] [b]Kitsune:[/b]I assume you know how to copy and reproduce a program, Veil, but one of the programs is an enhancement for weapons systems, improving accuracy and firing rate. the other one is an engine booster, increasing engine output and lowering heat levels. The last one is for me, but you can copy it if you want. It improves turning speed, jump height and length, and agility. All i need now is a beam-sabre or beam-scythe upgrade and Phalanx will be all set. [b]Veil and Zieg:[/b]Umm.....whoa...... [i]Kitsune smiled sadly as he turned around, heading into the main room. Every thought of asking Mira to dinner at the finest restaurant in town was pushed away as he saw Mira, with tears in her eyes, in his room. She was wearing the necklace.[/i][/color]
  17. [color=teal][b]Name:[/b]Aris D'laranth [b]Age:[/b]17 [b]Sex:[/b]Male [b]Race:[/b]Drow (Dark-elf of Ellestraee, a benevolent goddess) [b]Location:[/b]Menendel [b]Side:[/b]Protector [b][u]Weapons:[/b][/u] [b]Risal:[/b]A katana blessed by Ellestraee, it is useful against vampires. [b]Fierce Dragon:[/b]A solid steel spear that strikes with fiery ferocity. [b]Crossbow:[/b]A simple light crossbow with a collapsible bow for mobility. Quick and accurate. [b][u]Powers:[/b][/u] [b]Globe of Drakness:[/b]Speaks for itself. The opponent is harnessed in a globe of pitch black, nullifying even night vision. [b]Vorpal Slash:[/b]An ultra-fast attack, Aris deals a thousand hits in a single instant. Drains heavy amounts of energy from Aris's life force. [b]Awareness:[/b]By tuning his blood to the proper channels, Aris can detect the faintest of noises, the slightest of scents, and the most intangible of sights. [b]Weapon Charge:[/b]Unleashes an attack based upon his weapon's elemental base. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Personality:[/b]Aris is lighthearted, even for a human. He's very well-trained, but always cheerful. The only time he's ever hurt emotionally is when he realizes that he's an unwanted outcast to the rest of the world outside of Menendil. [b]Bio:[/b]A priest in the church found a young Drow child in the street with a note. "Raise my baby to Ellestraee!" was all it said. The baby grew up quickly, and became a fine gentleman under the church's tutelage. At the age of six, he received the name "Aris" because of his kindly, yet firm nature. "Aris" meant oak in his native language. At the mere age of ten, he was exceptionally strong and could leap all of the huts and houses simply by exherting himself. He is so light, he can actually jump onto a hut without disturbing a single straw. His favorite hobby is leaping from hut-to-hut to get where he wants to go. He is also exceptionally skilled in martial arts. Aris grew outside of the rules for elves. He is only seventeen years old, and ages like a human. Many believe it is the will of his goddess, so that he may never feel the pain of outliving his beloved. Everyone in the city knows his name, as he fights daily to protect the city, and everyone knows of his love for Azaria. One night, while sleeping in the rafters of the church, his dreams took him to a mountain where he saw the great choice Azaria had to make. And he vowed to help her through her troubles. [b]Appearance:[/b]Though he is always cheerful, when he's in battle, his countenance grows grim. See the attachment, except he's more tanned. When he isn't in armor, he wears a black shirt with a pair of reinforced pants, much like blue jeans. They're even colored blue.[/color]
  18. Talon

    Kakashki Academy

    [i][color=teal]Kitsune closed his door, wishing to Amaterasu-kami that he could have had the guts to kiss her again. But he simply sighed and opened his note. It took him a full hour to read it, a combination of pain in his head and in his chest (it wasn't physical. As a matter of fact, Kitsune knew he'd only felt it once before, when he lost his parents.) keeping him from focusing for any lengthened period of time. When he put the note away, he curled up and cried. He even cried in his sleep.[/i] [b]Fox:[/b]Mira.....how am I supposed to tell you?! I'm in love with you, I see that now......but..... [i]The tears didn't stop until morning.[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Kitsune walked out of his room, not even bothering with a shirt. Mira was still sleeping, and James, Zieg, Veil, and Haze were still gone. Kitsune looked at the clock. It was six in the morning. He passed through the halls, snagging a clean white dress-shirt from the laundry room and putting on his best jeans. He walked into the Administrator's office.[/i] [b]Administrator:[/b]Fox, what are you...oh, your leave. Well, feel free to go to the village down the way. It isn't too far. Oh, and Fox, your first class is at 1800 tomorrow. [i]Kit nodded and walked down the street, grabbing a bowl of miso from a beef bowl. He grinned when he saw the new electronics in the shop, stopping in and blowing a few credits. He walked out with a small bag and decided to go uptown for a little while. As he passed by the bar, still too young to go in, he saw something that tugged at his very will. A beautiful heart-shaped-sapphire necklace, embroidered with mother-of-pearl roses, on a silver chain with a small embossable platinum bar in the shop across the street. Kitsune immediately drew out his card and entered the shop.[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Kitsune entered the dorm at the academy. He noticed that Mira's bed was empty and remembered she had classes. He left the necklace, now embossed with Mira's name and the phrase "I love you always", with Kitsune's name on the other side. He walked over to bed, leaving his door unlocked and laying down in bed. He didn't bother removing the dress shirt. He didn't even complain about the amount of money he'd spent. Of course, he was broke now. It'd take another four years to save up that much again....[/i][/color]
  19. Talon

    Kakashki Academy

    [color=teal][i]Kitsune grinned, seeing that when their company leader got nixed, his HUD glimmered into the commander style.[/i] [b]Kitsune:[/b]Omega Company, fall back and give me a swath of fire to their right flank. I want them dead and buried before breakfast. Commanders Alpha, Foxtrot, and Charlie, I advise shield activation and cover fire. People, this is the real thing. Give me your best, or else I'll give you mine! [i]He saw, to his amazement, his unit acting as one as they followed his orders. The other companies took his advice seriously, backing away and activating their standard issue belt-shields. He hefted his own, physical shield and pressed it behind his head, activating the transformation mechanism and amazing the hell out of the rest of the students. He hovered slightly, fixing his engines so that they only pushed him off the ground. He took a shot in Phalanx's head, and he heard screaming as the blood dripped from a slight gash in his forehead.[/i] [b]Kitsune:[/b]Omega, sound off! O-1, ready. [b]O-2:[/b]O-2, ready. [b]Zieg:[/b]O-3, ready. [b]Veil:[/b]O-4, ready. [b]Commander Omega:[/b]O-5, negative. Fox, I gotta pull out. I can't move. [b]O-6:[/b]O-6, negative. my leg's busted, sir. I'll provide fire with my heavy bazooka, but that's about all I can do. [b]Kitsune:[/b]Commander, you fall back. O-6, you're my lifeline here. You keep laying into them, boy! O-4, I want you to give them a tight burst of auto-fire with the commander's gatling, O-2, use your damned laser!.... [b]Veil:[/b]Captain, what are you thinking? [b]Kitsune:[/b]O-6, keep your fire close to my right flank. I'm going in! [i]Kitsune drew his beam scythe as he shifted from his commanding F180 Humminngbird's presence to Phalanx again, the gash widening as the exertion increased friction in the titanium armor on Phalanx's head. Veil saw it and almost cried out.[/i] [b]Veil:[/b]Captain, are you all right? You're head's gotta be bleedin' like crazy! [i]Kitsune was indeed bleeding like crazy as he shifted his Vernea engines to his rear, dashing forward and slashing through the enemy MPSBs. The fire unit O-6 provided was a lifesaver. As the last mech fell to pieces courtsey of Veil's borrowed gatling gun, the sim ended abruptly, allowing the students out of their cockpits. Zieg and Veil were the only ones untouched above the neck, and Kitsune had it the worst. Of the thirty people in the sim, twenty-seven got out. The other three.....[/i] [b]Administrator:[/b]Congratulations. You've all passed your test. You'll be allowed a week of rest if you so choose. Do not worry for your comrades. They failed the test, and so, they lose their lives. We needed to see if you could give your best under the worst circumstances. Some of you fell but survived, so congratulations of being so hardy. You will notice you were all heavily outnumbered, your mechs were in bad state of repair. Two wouldn't even respond to the controls for more than five minutes at a time. Yet you all still passed. I'm proud of you all. Student Tendo, I must speak with you. The rest of you are dismissed. Get some rest. you earned it. [i]The rest of the class, including Veil, filed out, failing completely to miss the blatant sign that all of them had been expected to die. A long column of thirty pine boxes lay in the large space just inside the room. They also noticed that three of them were being carried towards the veeyar modules. Kitsune last saw Veil and Zieg leaving the room.[/i] [b]Administrator:[/b]Kitsune Tendo, you're only allowed a single day's rest and recovery, even though you should have been the first one down. How the hell did you get so damned rsilient, boy? [b]Kitsune:[/b]I have people to fight for, sir. [b]Administrator:[/b]Well, congratulations on being so stubborn a nuke wouldn't take you down. Anyway, back to business. The next four days will be spent completely in your special elective. Understood? [i]Kitsune could barely, but definitely managed to, supress his surprise and outrage.[/i] [b]Kitsune:[/b]Yes, sir. [b]Administrator:[/b]Dismissed. [i]Kitsune hurried to his room, trying to keep his guts from falling out of the new gash in his left side. An Abrams had got him square in the ribs just as it exploded, ending the sim. As he entered the room, he saw a note crumpled on his pillow. He walked over to the cabinet first, bandaging and applying medicine to his new gashes. He walked from his room, seeing Mira crying in her sleep. He walked over to her, sitting on her bed and cringing from the pain. He brushed her hair away from her face and wiped away the tears staining her cheeks. He hummed a light lullaby, and it seemed to calm her dreams.[/i] [b]Kitsune:[/b][i]Come stop your crying, it'll be alright. Just take my hand, hold it tight.........[/i] *OOC:it goes on to the end, but I do NOT feel like typing the whole thing. And by the way, Phil Collins is one of my favorite singers, next to Rod Stewart, Sting, and Bryan Adams, so back off!* [i]Before he could control himself, he leaned over and kissed her. And her eyes opened.[/i] [b]Mira:[/b]What....Fox?! [b]Kitsune:[/b]Oh, jeez, I'm sorry! I didn't....I mean....umm...whoa, boy. [i]Fox hung his head, waiting for the slap to come and hating himself, even as the tears from his eyes mingled with the blue blood still staining his face and dripping from his unbandaged gash.[/i][/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Out of one-thousand something posts, I think that is my only real tear-jerker. I gotta focus on giving my character more of a personality than a fight complex. And call me Locke. It's my preferred nickname among friends.
  20. Talon

    Kakashki Academy

    [color=teal][i]Kitsune walked back into the room, his chest bandaged so that it was reminiscent of a ronin's traditional chest tape, except his was matted blue in too many places. He looked up at Mira and James.[/i] [b]Kitsune:[/b]Uh...guys...I've...um...got another...um....special exercise. [i]The response was immediate.[/i] [b]James:[/b]No way in hell! [b]Mira:[/b]What, are you crazy?!? [i]He sighed and looked at the clock. Eight-thirty. He was gonna have to hurry.[/i] [b]Kitsune:[/b]I'm sure it sisn't the same as earlier, there'r other people involved. I'm the ONLY person in my "special elective", so there's probably no reason to worry. No, I gotta go. Sorry....and lil sis? Um...there's....a note for you in my trunk. Just.....um.....please don't think I'm nuts, ok? I...uh....just read it. And try not to muss up my clothes.....or my pictures. [i]He walked out, heading for the training hall. He made it just in time, as Veil approached from the same direction. Kitsune did not fail to notice the bandage on her hand. Both of them walked in to find a small group of students, most of them in the higher classes.[/i] [b]Voice:[/b]Students, please calm down. To your right, you will notice the veeyar units are running hot. Each of you take the one that holds your Mech's name. [i]Kitsune got into the "Phalanx" cockpit, running his hands over the controls. He'd only touched Phalanx's controls once before, and it felt good to him. He hated the school's MPSBs.[/i] [b]Administrator:[/b]When we begin the program, you will all be in formation. battle formation. Your goal is to take out the enemy. You are divided into teams for a reason. We require intelligence, power, and mobility. Let's see what you've got. [i]Kitsune started the veeyar, finding himself amidst a ragtag group of mechs. He leapt forward, immediately looking at the strategy comm in the upper right of his HUD. The radar in the lower left showed nothing so far, and the ammunitions info on the far left showed he was at full energy and weapons. He grinned. Until the first blast hit him. He felt the jolt in his mech, but more importantly, felt it in his chest. He looked down, seeing that he was bruised in the exact place Phalanx had been hit. He realized it then. The 'special training' was to see if they could fight if their lives depended on it.....because they did.[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile...... [i]Mira dug gently through Kitsune's trunk, eyeing with caution the stack of pictures in the manila packet. She found the note, addressed "Mira" with an intricate design written in Kitsune's blue blood surrounding the name. She opened it.[/i] [b]Note:[/b]Mira.... I'm sorry about everything I've ever done to worry you. You're the closest friend I have. Every single thing that life's thrown at me, you've been there. And it's been the same for the other way around. But lately (maybe not, I don't know when I'll give this to you) I've been thinking. Maybe I like you MORE than just a sis. Maybe...I need something more than a family I lost. I think I need a new one. I'm only seventeen, but.....well.....given this academy's agenda for us, I think we're never going to know what creating our own family will be like. That's why I'm going to fight them. I need to avenge the family I lost, sure......but I also need you and the others to be safe. That's why I'm telling you this. Because....I think....I really like you. Mira, we need to escape this place. We need to have our OWN lives. But the academy won't let us have them. I've made doubles of all of the pictures in the packet. Take the doubles....they're of me and my family. And please...tell me if you think I could be the guy for you. More than just a brother. The stars are always there to look to, but it's up to you to reach for them! -Fox [i]Mira opened the packet and let the pictures spill onto Kitsune's bed, seeing the smiling face of the six-year-old boy looking at her in every one. She saw the boy's mother and father holding him up at the beach. She saw them hugging him when he got his own bed for the first time. She saw them crying worriedly as he was hospitalized for an appendectomy, the first of all his scars. And she saw the most beautiful of them all. A birthday cake reading "Happy Birthday, Kitsune!" with six candles, and the mother and father kissing the little boy's cheeks, one each, and she saw, in the little boy's hands, a painted picture of three stick figures. Two tall ones, one short one, holding hands. The picture read "I'll love mommy and daddy forever. I love them so much!" Then Mira saw the rubber banded package in the trunk. A VHS tape fell out, just one. The label read "Last Day" on it. Mira put it in the VCR of Kitsune's personal unit.[/i] [i][u]Kitsune danced up to his parents, hugging them both, and then running over to his large pile of presents.[/i] [b]Boy:[/b]Momma, poppa! Which one can I open first? [b]Woman:[/b]Any of them, sweetie! they're all yours! [b]Boy:[/b]Really!?! All mine?!?! [b]Man:[/b]Yes, Kitsune! They're all yours. Happy Birthday, my little Fox! [i]The six year old quickly rushed to the largest of the wrapped boxes, and he picked it up easily, carrying it to the woman.[/i] [b]Kitsune:[/b]Momma, you help me with this one! [i]They both began to unwrap the present when the knock came at the door. Kitsune's father opened the door. Kitsune and the woman started when he lurched back into the room, blood running from a wound on his chest.[/i] [b]Tall man:[/b]Hosuma and Kyoko Tendo, you are found guilty of withholding your son, Kitsune Tendo, born this day six years ago, as a child of blue blood. Your sentence is to know, before you die, that your son will be a killing machine belonging to Kakashki Academy. [b]Bleeding Man:[/b]Kitsune....will never.....do such things! We've...already shown him......what a gentleman is! [b]Kitsune:[/b]POPPA!!!! [i]The tall figure in the doorway lifted the flame thrower in his right hand as he lowered the smoking Colt .38 in his left hand. He began burning the house, then, caught on camera, began burning the woman alive. Her screams echoed against the little boy's until the man lifted his pistol and fired it through the woman's head. Kitsune, so far unnoticed, was by his father's side.[/i] [b]Man:[/b]Son.....take the tape in the camera.....hide it in your jacket.....and when they take you, show them what a gentleman you are. Don't ever cry about us, my son. Blame the academy. Fight them and be strong. You are my little Fox....my son.....oh, Kyoko...... [i]Kitsune suppressed a sob as his father died. The last image on the tape before the tall man returned was a burning picture of three stick figures holding hands, the half-charred words "I'll love mommy and daddy forever. I love them so much!" still visible. Then the tape cut off...[/u][/i] [i]Mira replaced the tape exactly as she'd found it, rewound and everything. She silently cried as she saw in her mind every instant of Kitsune's last day with his parents. His sixth birthday. She was about to close the trunk when she saw a small, burned piece of paper under the clothes. She lifted the clothes only to see it. It was the half-burned drawing a six year old boy had made because he loved his parents so much. Mira reread the note Kitsune had given her......[/i][/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry I had to RP your character for a bit, there, chaosfaerie. Had to show my character's story and needed the note thing to show it. I didn't post your character doing anything but reading and watching.
  21. Talon

    Kakashki Academy

    [i][color=teal]Kitsune was having a helluva day. He could barely remember half of it, but as he lumbered off to his Advanced Maneuvers class, he sighed it away. His vengeance would be swift, just as soon as he got into the damned cockpit. Then the Academy would know how bad they screwed up when they murdered Kitsune's parents in front of him. His mind focused hard, blue blood dripping from the various cuts on his bare chest he couldn't remember receiving. His eyes locked onto the individual targets as he finished his test, spinning his VR training module for Phalanx in his program. He was trying to take on a group of American M1-Abrams tanks with a combo of F16s and even a B-2 Bomber. He was getting thrashed, but he still continued on, unfazed by the jarring in his cockpit. Then the sim's voice rang out.[/i] [b]Sim:[/b]Mission Complete. Pilot Rating: 1. Class:Berserker. Student #1788, Kitsune Tendo, please try to reign yourself in. Your mech may not be able to handle such intense combat tactics next time. [b]Kitsune:[/b]Sim, just give me my grade and tell me if I get any extra points for the three flips I did over the bomber's platform and the Domino Effect on the fighters. [b]Sim:[/b]Grade: A. Special bonus: 50 points. Special Deduction: 29 points. An oil rig is normally occupied by civilians and does not make a good shield. [b]Kitsune:[/b]Noted. Thank you, Sim. [i]Kit climbed out, walking towards his rooms. He needed rest, and Mira might need some moral support after her day. He also needed bandages. The sim had torn open the gash on his chest a little more.[/i] [b]Kitsune:[/b]Damnit, I'm never gonna get rid of these scars at this rate. [b]Mira:[/b]I dunno. I kinda like 'em, big bro. [b]Kitsune:[/b]Mira?!?! What...what about History of Warfare?!?! [b]Mira:[/b]It ended a half hour ago. You might wanna close that up, Fox. You'll never get a girlfriend if you die from bloodloss. Jeez, every week....where do you go, Fox? [b]Kitsune:[/b]Ah, shut up. Hey, ya know, never do anything around Veil. She's a rat.....and where'd ya put my katana? It was my dad's.... [i]Their 'scuffle' continued on, past even when James returned, complaining about his courses yet again. Kitsune still hadn't told Mira how he felt. Of course, there was always tomorrow.....or supper......or never. He grabbed some bandages and began applyying them, bantering with James and Mira the whole time.[/i][/color]
  22. Talon

    Kakashki Academy

    [color=teal][i]Kitsune dodged the attacks from the three bullies. Nobody messed with his hair and got away with it. Dispatching them one-by-one was his area-of-expertise, so he decided to try them all at once.[/i] [b]Kitsune:[/b]Come on! Izzat all ya got? [i]The arrogant teenager began laying into two at a time, nullifying their attacks and slamming their heads into the third's, effectively knocking them all out. He turned and began walking towards Mira, whose head was down towards the ground. He even noticed Zieg across from her.[/i] [b]Kitsune:[/b]Yo, lil sis? Heard about your troubles in the main office. [i]Mira barely looked up, and Kitsune handed her a slip of paper, grinning broadly. She also noticed the detention slip in his back pocket.[/i] [b]Kitsune:[/b]I pulled a few strings to getcha that. Ya could be a little more careful, Mira. I mean, I ain't gonna be around here all the time to watch your butt! And save that into your persa-unit. James did earlier. Gotta go. My "Special Elective" is next..... [i]Kitsune walked off, laughing gently, as Mira realized she was late for class and dashed off, wondering why Kitsune would go to the lengths of getting a detention just to get her a schedule. Zieg sat there, dumbfounded, for a bit.[/i] [b]Zieg:[/b]Lil sis? What the heck? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Fox bobbed and weaved, his sabre slashing through the trainsim's drones. The red glow in his eyes never ceased as he violently murdered drones made to look like delegates from Japan's enemy nations. A small squad of drones on level three eventually bested him, knocking his armor's reactor core out. The suit fell and the sim was deactivated.[/i] [b]Shadow1:[/b]Hmm....I'm not impressed. [b]Shadow2:[/b]His talents are extraordinary, but he is no match for a squad. Without his armor, he would have died fighting the first few drones. And even with the armor, he is not impressive. [b]Shadow3:[/b]But imagine what a group of our children equipped with that armor could do! If only we had more than one student that could handle the sheer bloodlust the armor imbued in the subject. [b]Shadow2:[/b]No matter. Given his history, I can say we chall continue on with the experiment. Return him to his quarters. He'll need his rest...... [i]A couple of med-drones picked up Kitsune's half-naked body, dragging him to his rooms in the dorms. They checked his schedule and programmed his sleep-module to force him awake in two hours for his first class of the day. Mecha Maintenance.[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]At lunch, Kitsune could barely walk. He'd only just gotten out of his mechanic's class, and blood still threatened to spill from his lips at any given moment. It didn't take long for Mira and James to notice their friend nearly out of it again.[/i] [b]James:[/b]Jeez, I hate Battle Tactics. You okay, Fox? You don't look so good. [b]Mira:[/b]Yeah, bro. What's goin' on? You get in a fight you COULDN'T win? [b]Fox:[/b]Ugh.....except for James, it ain't possible. Nah...I can't remember, actually. I remember gettin' to my special elective course, then wakin' up in my bed feelin' like I got tooled by King Kong.....THEN I had Maintenance.......jeez. Ah, well. My Mech's doing all right. [b]James:[/b]You already HAVE your mech?!?! [b]Fox:[/b]Yeah...ugh.....Phalanx. I'm still tryin' to get his Tactical AI down-pat, but..... [b]James:[/b]Yeah, you're not the tactical type..... [i]Fox's demeanor immediately changed as he recognized the insult and began yet another lunchtime brawl destined to end in a draw. Except that Fox was wounded, and it ended with james victorious. Nobody really cared. until the star mechanic of the Academy fell to his knees, coughing blood.[/i] [b]James:[/b]jeez, I think I shoulda gone easier on him. [b]Mira:[/b]Somebody call the nurse!!! [i]Instead of the nurse, the administrator of the academy himself walked into the mess hall, grabbing Kitsune by the collar and forcing him into the wall.[/i] [b]Administrator:[/b]You little worm! You call yourself a student of this Academy?!?! Get off your damn high-horse, bite the bullet, and swallow the pain! WE DO NOT TOLERATE WEAKNESS!!!![/color]
  23. [color=teal][b]Kitsune:[/b]He isn't human. He's one of you. [b]Ryu:[/b]Who? [b]Kitsune:[/b]That boxer on the 'ships. Qiqirn or whatever. [b]Ryu:[/b]Well, we'll wait for him to see the post. Call that Hunter, Thrasher. I have work to do. [b]???:[/b]Wait! [i]Ryu and Kitsune looked up, startled. In front of them was a familiar vision. But it wasn't quite the same.[/i] [b]Kitsune:[/b]That you, Sare? [b]Sare:[/b]How do you know my name?!? [b]Kitsune:[/b]I know your mother. I..uh....*whispering to her* I'm the one that turned her. I was turned about eight years ago, right after Ryu left my dojo. Sorry.* I'm Kitsune, called Kitsu-kun or Kitsu-chan. This is Ryu Saotome, called Rocky or Fox. [b]Sare:[/b]Konnichiwa, Ryu-san. [i]Ryu squeezed the young woman's shoulder.[/i] [b]Ryu:[/b]No need to be formal. I'm only seventeen, after all. [i]With that, Ryu walked off towards a dark alley, the chop shop he'd heard a few rots inside of. He reached into his car's front seat first, grabbing his incendiary, a firebomb that incinerated everything softer than glass in a forty-yard radius...provided there wasn't an obstacle. Just the weapon for that chop shop....[/i] [i]Kitsune's enhanced senses picked up the rots screams as well as the large "whumph-KRESH" of the incendiary bomb. He looked at Sare vacantly.[/i] [b]Kitsune:[/b]Yeah, I'm a good few years older than Ryu. But hey, we're still rivals. I had to whisper earlier because...well...he had a bad experience when we were at school. He was hospitalized by eleven vampires of ENORMOUS power in the Houses, and he kinda tore 'em all up. Hated "evil" since. He always was on the "good" side, even if he was an extremist. But he has a caring nature. Always did. It came from his mother. [b]???:[/b]Yes, Ryu's mother was very caring. Things would probably be different if I hadn't been turned.... [b]Kitsune:[/b]MASTER?!?!?! [b]???:[/b]Do not fear, Kitsune. i am only here in the minds of those in the bar. Namely, yourself and the young woman. So my son still lives? Good. He shall soon know just who I am! Hahahaha...... [b]Kitsune:[/b]RYU?!? SON?!?! WHAT THE HELL?!?! [b]Sare:[/b]We can't tell Ryu! He'll.....he'll go insane![/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry, guys. Tired. Continue on.
  24. [color=crimson][b]Just fine, guys.[/b] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]???:[/b]Rocky!?! [i]Amaterasu-kami[/i], what the hell are you doing in Chicago?!?! [i]Ryu turned towards the familiar voice and his native area's deity. Before him stood Kitsune Seiryu, a fellow trainee in Ryu's first dojo. Ryu smiled briefly at the warm memory, then banished it. Emotion was not something that was welcome to him in his line of work.[/i] [b]Kitsune:[/b]How are you, Rocky? Been, what, ten years? [b]Ryu:[/b]Eleven. How have you been, old friend? [b]Kitsune:[/b]Well, been here and there. Ya know, I've gotten a LOT stronger since my defeat. I doubt there's any human being on this planet that can beat me, including you! [i]Ryu's eyes narrowed briefly at the human being remark. He began to focus on his drink, something that Kitsune took to mean Ryu was remembering their past. He was wrong. Instantly, Ryu Discerned that Kitsune had not touched his drink and that he was not breathing. The telltale sign, though, was that his hand left no heat print on the counter. He decided to take action.[/i] [b]Ryu:[/b]Would you like to back that up? [b]Kitsune:[/b]After a conversation. I know what you are, Mr. National-Champion-of-Martial-Arts. I ain't THAT desperate to fight the youngest-ever Japanese Martial Arts Master. [i]They settled to a light conversation, not noticing the group of younger people entering, one of them talking about how expensive their hotel was.[/i] [b]Far-off Girl:[/b]Seriously, Annie, you gotta chill out. We booked it, alright? Now, I took us out here to relax, not nag about prices.... [i]Ryu ceased his Edge's effect, tiring of hearing the tires rotating in the chop shop down the street. He looked at Kitsune and stood up, removing his shirt and upper-gi to reveal a bare, unscarred chest.[/i] [b]Ryu:[/b]Let us fight now. We have both had enough alcohol for the drunken style, but I shall hold back and use Jeet Kune Do! [b]Kitsune:[/b]Alright. But afterwards, can you help me with something? Seriously, it's an urgent matter for me. [i]Barely noticing the girls in the group muttering about the bare chests of the incredibly handsome boys (it was not known to them, he suspected, that it was due to unnatural transformations on both parts that they had such intense charisma and appearance), the fighters made their way to the center of the bar's floor, where the owner had conveniently removed the tables to one side and set up a ring of sorts out of overturned stools at the flash of a green piece of paper from Ryu's pocket.[/i] [b]Ryu:[/b]Three falls or five hits to the chest determine a win. [i]Hai[/i]? [b]Kitsune:[/b][i]Hai[/i]. The judge shall be....you, girl! [i]The girl named Annie came forward, barely noticing the red glow flickering at the tall one's fingertips. Ryu was at least five inches taller than Kitsune.[/i] [b]Ryu:[/b]Annie, is it? I heard your friend talking to you. You will judge our fight. Five hits to the chest determines a win, but three falls to the floor may also determine a winner. You understand? [b]Annie:[/b]I...I guess. [i]Annie began the match, watching as Kitsune and Ryu charged each other. Eventually, after an hour and a half, Kitsune called a forfeit, realizing that after an hour and a half of no points on either side combined with Ryu's stubborness meant he would be battling until he died.[/i] [b]Kitsune:[/b]Enough. I tire, and you seem to have no end to stamina. You are as skilled as ever, Rocky-chan. [b]Ryu:[/b]And you as strong as ever, Kitsu-chan. Never have I been so badly bruised....except during the Im...incident at school two years ago. [b]Kitsune:[/b]You mean when you were hospitalized? Jeez, how'd all those people kill each other? [i]Annie, picking up Ryu's status from the now-visible glowing daggers in his hands emminent in only Hunters with the skill called "Cleave" on Hunter-Net and his near-miss with the word "Imbuing", sat next to him. Ryu looked slightly miffed at the girl next to him, especially more so as she scribbled a simple note on a napkin and handed it to him.[/i] [b]Note:[/b]Nice knives. Ditsy_Chic605 on Hunter-Net. You? [i]He hastily scribbled back, tearing the napkin in half under the pretext of returning a "phone number".[/i] [b]Note:[/b]Fighter626. Cleave Edge. Kitsune is a vampire. Will kill. [b]Kitsune:[/b]No, you won't. See, that's the favor I was going to ask. Can you kill my creator? [i]Ryu's mouth dropped open, apparently faced by a benevolent vampire with no clan.[/i] [b]Ryu:[/b]Why? [b]Kitsune:[/b]I want to be free. I don't want to kill. See, I'm only half-vampire. A cursed one. Have been since you left. I'm called a "dhampire" a Kindred of the East or whatever. I don't need blood. Just body heat. But my master wants me to kill for pleasure....and I have to. He's got me under a mind spell or something. [i]Annie put her hands on Ryu's as he raised his Cleave-daggers. Her friends called out to her and she yelled she'd meet tham at the hotel later. She faced Ryu again when the three had some privacy.[/i] [b]Annie:[/b]Don't kill him. He's a good guy. [b]Ryu:[/b]What the hell d you mean "don't kill him"?!? His kind have plagued mankind for centuries! We're here to STOP that! [b]Annie:[/b]WE DON'T HAVE TO NEEDLESSLY KILL!!!! [i]Ryu began to see her reason and put the daggers away, looking at Kitsune.[/i] [b]Ryu:[/b]Alright. I'll help you. But you have to SWEAR not to turn anybody! EVER! [b]Kitsune:[/b]I can't anyway. But I can help in the hunt back in Japan when this is done. [b]Ryu:[/b]Fine. Annie, you get on Hunter-Net and alert the site that two temporarily, at least, Chicago-based Hunters have found a large vampire horde and need assistance. It's a nest, right, Kitsu-chan? [b]Kitsune:[/b]Yeah. [b]Ryu:[/b]Alright. Get on the site and tell them Fighter626 NEEDS assistance. We need every Hunter in Chicago at The Night's Last Stop bar in two days. If possible, Hunters on the city's outskirts are welcome. Also, put it on the site that we have a dhampire in the Hunter ranks, even if he wasn't Imbued. [b]Annie:[/b]Is that even allowed? [b]Ryu:[/b]It is. I was made administrator of the site after Witness509 died. Can't believe a hundred people have logged on since him. [i]Ryu and Kitsune sat down to trade battle stories and information about the monsters' weaknesses as Annie set to work looking for Chicago-based Hunters......[/i][/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter one - Fall of the Lord Vampires - Begin *Have fun, friends*
  25. [color=crimson][i]Ryu stood outside the club, adjusting his trenchcoat over his sawn-off. He walked inside, the rave music and lights making a feeble attempt to dull his senses. He quickly flowed into the motion of the dance. He quickly saw a young man, approximately 20 years old, at least at first glance, off to the side, necking a fifteen-year-old girl. Without skipping a beat, he signalled the "bouncer", who lit up the kerosene puddle in the far end of the club. Kit tore off her hat and yelled over the music.[/i] [b]Kit:[/b]FIRE!!! EVERYBODY, OUT!!!! [i]Kit's voice, amplified by a megaphone, rang out over the music. The crowd, getting the message, began flowing out the door. The young man, however, slipped away with the young woman out the side door. Kit and Ryu followed. They confronted him just as he was about to bite the giggling young woman.[/i] [b]Ryu:[/b]Listen, girl, you want to go home, NOW. [b]Man:[/b]Aw, come on, we're just having some fun. [b]Kit:[/b]Girl, you want your mother to know you're neckin' a twenty-year-old? [i]At this threat, the young woman kissed the man apologetically and ran off, leaving the three in an alley.[/i] [b]Man:[/b]Great. You have NO idea what you've just done! [b]Ryu:[/b]Actually, I do. Kept you from feeding on and turning her, [u]Ravenn[/u]. [i]Upon hearing his Gifted name, the vampire quaked. He launched himself at Kit, taking her down and slashing her arm.[/i] [b]Ravenn:[/b]WHO ARE YOU?!?! HOW DO YOU KNOW ME?!? [i]Ryu simply bashed him in the side of the face with his bare fist, making the vampire flinch and change targets.[/i] [b]Ravenn:[/b]You face a vampire with no weapon?! How foo- [i]The word was halted as Ryu drew out his shotgun, taking aim and blowing Ravenn's left arm to mangled shreds.[/i] [b]Ryu:[/b]Unarmed? I've been a Hunter for two years. I killed eleven of you, LORD RAVENN, on my Imbuing. I killed the last of Carpenter's descendants. And I WILL wipe out the last of your kind! [b]Ravenn:[/b]Foolish boy! You cannot! We are- [b]Ryu:[/b]Shut up. [i]He grabbed the wooden chair that he'd planted in the alley two days before, holding it over Ravenn. As Ravenn smirked, presumably at the thought of Ryu bludgeoning him to "death", Ryu bashed the chair against the wall, shattering it to sharp pieces. An especially long piece was in Ryu's hand. The grin was gone from the vampire's face as the makeshift stake plunged through his heart, spilling what little blood he'd drained in the last three days to the ground. The body turned to dust......[/i] [b]???:[/b]I would have taken him! It is merely a fleshwound. [i]Ryu turned to the now-Crinos Kitiara-of-the-Fang, or Kit, for short. He grinned as she shifted to human form.[/i] [b]Ryu:[/b]Whatever. My debt is repaid. [b]Kit:[/b]What about our child? [b]Ryu:[/b]We agreed I would not raise it. Maybe we'll talk later, but I tell you this. If it is a son, he will be the savior of the Lycans against the Wyrm. If it is a girl, she shall be the last Silver Fang born to fight the Wyrm, for it shall die before her children are born. The Balancer shall die, and the Weaver shall no longer be tainted. Your "Gaia" will be again safe, except from THEM. [i]Ryu kissed Kit's cheek and left. He hated the smell of Chicago. He barely listened to the sobs of the young werewolf. He knew she would die in three days. Her child would kill her from within, then grow to be the deciding force in the war of the Werewolf Apocalypse. He barely blinked. He'd almost gone insane when he heard his friend was a werewolf, he had nearly gone berserk when the Visionary fortune-teller told him that his child would kill her, and HAD gone berserk on the rots under that bridge trying to come to grips with the reality that his child would SAVE the Lycans from destruction. All in all, Ryu decided he was having a shitty day and headed towards the nearest bar, which happened to be named [b]The Night's Last Stop[/b]. He needed some time to clear his head from the onslaught of the Visionary's fortunes. To his dismay, the Visionary was IN the bar.[/i] [b]Ryu:[/b]Since WHEN can Hunters see the future? [b]Visionary:[/b]Only I can. I am a stargazer, and I learned from a Wendigo and a Philodox. [b]Ryu:[/b]What the hell?!? Why are Lycans coming to us so much. [b]Visionary:[/b]Because they realize we are their last hope! The vampires are nearly upon them all. Their troubles with the Wyrm are not nearly over. They scarcely need a new threat, but they are desperate for a new ally. [b]Ryu:[/b]How the hell do you know this? [b]Visionary:[/b]I am a Visionary! [b]Ryu:[/b]What the HELL is that?!? [b]Visionary:[/b]I am a type of Hunter that can see all kinds of things. I pick up trails and threads of fate, and weave them into the grand pattern. As I am a Visionary, so you are an Avenger! [b]Ryu:[/b]I barely get that Visionary bullshit, now you expect me to think I'm an "Avenger"!?! I have never heard these terms on Hunter-Net! [b]Visionary:[/b]They do not exist to Hunter-Net. They are the terms I have named them by. Other Visionaries agree with me in our classification system. An Avenger is the fighter, the one who carries the brunt of the anger. The one who carries the fight to the monsters' proverbial doorstep. You demontrated this by chasing the vampire down, not waiting for him to threaten you or your home. [b]Ryu:[/b]I don't have a home. [i]This continued on, the bartender barely noticing that Ryu Saotome, a faithful customer since he came to Chicago, was underage as a seventeen-year-old. Of course, the wad of bills underneath Ryu's glass may have had something to do with it....[/i][/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alright, this is it. Somebody, pick up. We are all in the same city, for some reason or other. I'll make it clear in a little while.
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