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Everything posted by Talon

  1. [color=teal]Outlaw, Flynn, skedy, Swordsaint, Ben, Cyriel, and Baron Samedi. Congratulations, you made it in. Sorry to you others, I either turned you down because of post quality or grammatical lacking. And Flynn, don't worry. This post will be deleted the instant I begin the RPG this afternoon and PM the individual members. Or rather, to you, this evening, I believe. I'm in Louisiana, soo.......yeah. *grumbles*[/color]
  2. [color=teal]Ok, we're doing fine so far. Ohkami, you just need to work on your "Impact" and "Cleave" Edges. Manifestation is not powering up an existing weapon, but creating one out of nothingness or out of an existing element. Like my character would prefer to manifest them out of water "isn't mentioned", creating a boiling-water pair of daggers or a steam-longsword. If it's out of nothingness, then they'd be made of fire or a fiery metal. Note that only Hunters can see the manifested weapons or the change in physical weapons. I also hope my "special guest" will post soon.[/color]
  3. [color=teal][b]Name:[/b]Kitsune (Fox) Tendo [b]Age:[/b]17 [b]Appearance:[/b](Unarmored)[img]http://ssj4trunks.250free.com/Starwind2.JPG[/img] [b]Bio:[/b]Kitsune was taken from his home when he was six and watched his parents executed for defying the law and trying to hold onto their child. His rage at the system grew, and he excelled at his training simply so he could one day turn against his masters while keeping their unknowing warriors safe. He vowed to destroy the system, but when he found a young woman named Mira, he put that emotion away and began treating her like a little sister. He is one of the best pilots, though his attitude is frequently reflected in his words. He's carefree, cocky, and he's an excellent fighter, mech or no. He carries a picture of his mother and father, and is often seen by Mira to cry himself to sleep at night. Fox is the subject of a new experiment titled "Replisoldier" because of his parents' defiance. The program places him in a suit of armor with a plasma cannon and a beam sabre. When he is armored, he succumbs to the will of the Academy and is the ultimate warrior, so to speak. His armor is also capable of melding with the Phalanx MPSB, allowing for better control and agility. [b](See attachment for armored appearance)[/b] Fox is an excellent pilot, a skilled weapons master, and the best mechanic at the Academy. He built his own mech, 25 feet tall, and named it "Phalanx" because of it's extreme offensive and defensive capabilities. Phalanx's appearance is somewhat different from those of the other pilots, preferring to be a rebellious sort with a transforming MPSB. [b]Mech Name:[/b]Phalanx [b]Mech Appearance:[/b][img]http://ssj4trunks.250free.com/Mech.JPG[/img] [b]Weaponry:[/b]Beam rifle, beam sabre, folding beam scythe, vulcan cannons in shoulders, and transformation to F180 Hummingbird with a forward vulcan gun.[/color]
  4. [color=crimson][i]The year is 2300. Mankind has not advanced at all. In fact, they have somewhat lessened their technological advantage. It has been three centuries since the three Mages placed their bodies in the limbo between the Umbra and the Physical Realm, tearing their physical and mental beings into shards of consciousness, bombarding the Earth with these "Messengers". Unbeknownst to the Mages, they gave Earth the most powerful weapon against battling the unseen demons. Hunters. Human beings imbued with excellent strength, Hunter Edges, and the sixth sense required to envision the demonic forces called rots, vampires, poltergeists, and ghosts. The Hunters also have an advantage in that most Mages and warlocks are benevolent, and an ally to the cause, as are most lycanthropes, or werewolves. The Imbued are any age, and they have several different Creeds in which to defeat the coming evil.....even the government has fallen to the rising Vampire Houses! Take up your sword and battle through the horde to maintain survival of the human race![/i] [b]~~~~~~~~~CREEDS~~~~~~~~~[/b] [b]Innocent:[/b]Admittedly, you detest violence. You often reject carrying a gun, but when you do, it's normally to keep the Avenger from carrying it. The rest, even the Visionary, refer to you as "bait". [u][b]Virtue:[/b][/u]Mercy [b]Defender:[/b]Tough, strong, and dependable. You are the ultimate in security. However, you tend to be single-minded. As the Judge would say, dependable, but slow and stubborn. [u][b]Virtue:[/b][/u]Zeal [b]Avenger:[/b]You want nothing more than to kick the monsters' asses for even THINKING they can come onto your turf! This is YOUR world, and you don't want them anywhere NEAR it. Screw the Redeemers, you can't save what's already dead! You're strong, fast, but you tend not to think about what the consequences of your actions would be. There are few exceptions. [u][b]Virtue:[/b][/u]Zeal [b]Martyr:[/b]Come on out and say it. You want these things gone, and you're willing to pay the ultimate price to get them OUT! You're resilient and agile, but seriously, YOU oughta be the "bait"!!! [u][b]Virtue:[/b][/u]Mercy [b]Visionary:[/b]One of a kind, you're the type that believes the monsters and Hunters are the next evolutionary step for mankind. Siding with the Innocent, you believe that the zombies should bear scrutiny before death. Excellent intelligence, but low in strength. YOu have one slight problem, though. How much intelligence does it require to think that the thing dripping blood from its fangs is out for BLOOD, not a walk in the park?!?! [u][b]Virtue:[/b][/u]Vision [b]Judge:[/b]You are the judge, the jury, and the executioner of those freaks, and you let them know it. Your decisions affect the party, whether you like it or not. You side with the Avenger, though. Kill them all if they're guilty! And they are. Mostly. But you gotta lighten up, or you'll go insane! [u][b]Virtue:[/b][/u]Zeal [b]Redeemer:[/b]What the hell is wrong with you?!?! These things are dead, most of them, and you want to SAVE THEM?!?! Good for you. You can heal these things, get them on your side, but really, are you STUPID?!? Getting right in the middle of a den of evil werewolves to try to show them the light?!? Why aren't YOU the bait?! Yours is a noble cause, perhaps the noblest. Please, just try to bear the burden of your job. It could be your last. [u][b]Virtue:[/b][/u]Mercy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edges, Your Weapons Against the Hordes! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b][size=5][u]Mercy Edges:[/b][/u][/size] [b]Restore:[/b]Heal yourself of all injuries over a period of time. Even lost limbs regrow. Of course, what's dead can't come back! [b]Rejuvenate:[/b]Heals you faster, but it doesn't regrow lost limbs. You CAN heal others, though.... [b]Cleanse:[/b]Poison's got nothing on you. 'Nuff said. [b]Sense:[/b]Different from Discern, this allows you to FEEL what's wrong with a person/monster. Perhaps your Cleanse could heal that..... [b]Cloud:[/b]You expel a death fog from your lungs, destroying all decayed tissue or dead material. In other words, the enemy. Watch out, though. This will hurt you, too. It consumes your physical wellbeing to destroy that of the annoying guy hacking at your partners....... [b]Retribution:[/b]Whoa! Dude, this is awesome! He's shooting at me, but the bullets are getting ambedded into HIM!!! I wonder what'd happen if I got hit by a NUKE?!?!? Like Cloud, this takes a little life force to use. [b]Hide:[/b]You can hide on a flat plain in broad daylight. Just don't attack anybody. Hell, you could get past Fort Knox security as long as you're careful!! [b]Halt:[/b]Stops an enemy's combat action by infusing them with the image that you are what they loved most. Some enemies succeed at attacking through this, but they do so with extreme heartbreak and reluctance. [b][size=5][u]Zeal Edges:[/b][/u][/size] [b]Cleave:[/b]You either manifest a glowing red melee weapon that you and all Hunters can feel, or you can enhance a currently held one with fire-based damage. And we all know how the freaks hate fire......the weapons can be one-handed, two-handed, or even two weapons, one to a hand. you can even enhance your FIST with it! [b]Ward:[/b]You create a temporary barrier that only humans, Lycans, and Mages can pass. Hunters are included in human category. Drains you of physical energy, leaving you tired. [b]Discern:[/b]Where would a fighter be if they couldn't feel their enemies around them? From sensing that a hand doesn't leave heat on a desktop to noticing that that weird guy in the corner has really sanguine breath and hasn't TOUCHED the plate or drink in front of him, you know your foes are around you. Now, what to do about it? [b]Impact:[/b]Your weapon, for one swing, has the attack force of a tank moving at Mach 10. Ouch. Maybe you could use that against the Behemoth over there, see how he likes it..... [b]Burn:[/b]Your blood is replaced by magma. Anybody TOUCHING you is burned. Badly. [b]Smite:[/b]Point and snap boomboom. You cause spontaneous zombie combustion. [b][size=5][u]Vision Edges:[/b][/u][/size] [b]Detect:[/b]Any lie told within ten minutes stings you like an arrow. Even works on that white lie your wife told you about "dinner with Ralph"...though I think that hurts worse than the arrow. [b]Farsee:[/b]See what goes on at a location of your choice.....NOT THAT LOCATION, YOU PERV!!!! *SMACK* [b]Glare:[/b]Look right through your enemy, scaring them stupid, no matter what. Useful on the annoying IRS guys... [b]Enlighten:[/b]Wanna prove that evil does exist? How about ruining the bastard rot's hopes of becoming a governor? Use this in a crowd of people and anybody within your range can instantly see the demons for what they really are. However, this does not encompass the circumstances required for Imbuing, so unless you're REALLY lucky and the "Messengers" show up at the same time, the humans will only get one glimpse of what the electoral candidate really is. It'll be enough to hurt his chances, though. But then, he'll be after you. Maybe. Unless you kill him first. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rules! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Police are NOT YOUR FRIENDS! Remember, to them, a corpse is a corpse, even if it was a zombie to you. Be reasonable with your gunfire, unless it's suppressed. You think they'll believe you killed that upstanding citizen because he was a VAMPIRE? Also, you never know just what the freaks have their hands into. Like the police. You know, the guys in blue with the captain whose zombie pal you whacked last week? Yeah, them. 2.FIVE EDGES APIECE! You cannot be ultra-mega-powerful-God-Hunter. No way. Your Creed Virtue must have the most Edges, or equal with another. Say you're a Judge, you can have 2 Mercy, 2 Zeal, and 1 Vision. Or 4 Zeal and 1 Vision Edges. Not 4 Mercy and 1 Zeal. 3. DO NOT USE YOUR EDGES UNLESS YOU HAVE TO! The enemy, if they are near, can sense certain Edges that can sense THEM. They can also especially sense Edges like Cleave and Ward. And remember, ALL of the Martyr's Edges consume health to use. If you're a Martyr, you're screwed if you use even Discern! 4.CARRY CASH, PREFERABLY IN THOUSANDS. If you do get caught by the cops, you're ninety percent likely to be able fork over some serious dough and be done with it. Unless he's one of those heroic "Hah! I am Copman, here to save the day!" types. Just don't waste them. You REALLY don't want to put THAT hair up the department's collective ass. 5.DO NOT KILL HUNTERS, WEREWOLVES, OR MAGES UNLESS THEY ATTACK YOU FIRST!!!! Even though the Innocent and Redeemer ARE assholes, you shouldn't kill them! Why else are they called BAIT?!?! Just kidding. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stats (The annoying required junk) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Name:[/b]Your name. [b]Hunter-Net Name:[/b]Must be one word that ends in a number of the 600's!!! (Ex: Slasher634 or Gamer651) [b]Age:[/b]Anywhere from 13 to 45. Younger, go insane by whatcha see. Older....I'd like to see a seventy-year old wield a gatling gun..... [b]Hair:[/b]Duh. [b]Eyes:[/b]Double-duh. [b]Height:[/b]Duh. [b]Weight:[/b]Sorry, girls. [b]Creed:[/b] [b]Weapons:[/b]Modern (NOW! Not eighty years from now, NOW) guns, but be reasonable. Swords, daggers, and wooden stakes are also advisable. For silent, deadly kills. [b]Edges:[/b]Your Edges over the monsters! [b]Appearance:[/b]What you look like and wear. Remember, armor can SAVE YOUR LIFE! [b]Biography:[/b]Events up to just before your Imbuing. That is, when you became a Hunter. [b]Imbuing:[/b]What happened around you when you were Imbued? Did you murder a zombie that was trashing a horde? Or maybe you healed the freak from his ways? Mercy Virtues tend to have a healing experience, be it human or otherwise. Zeal tends to have a bloody battle, especially a Judge, with mulitple freaks in the mix, and Vision Virtues tend to have a sight-lending Imbuing. Like learning WHAT kills THAT thing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Stuff!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Name:[/b]Ryu (Rocky or Fox) Saotome (Pronounced Ree-yu Sao-toe-may) [b]Hunter-Net Name:[/b]Fighter626 [b]Age:[/b]17 [b]Hair:[/b]Black [b]Eyes:[/b]Emerald [b]Height:[/b]6'0" [b]Weight:[/b]185 lbs. [b]Creed:[/b]Avenger [b]Weapons:[/b]Always carries a katana strapped to his back. Hides a pair of Uzi 9mm's in his coat, as well as a pair of Colt. 45's and a magnum. He has a sawn-off 12-gauge in a strap under the coat, as well as a bandolier of wooden stakes across his chest when on the Hunt. He has some heavy artillery, such as shotguns, assault rifles, rocket launchers, and more swords in the trunk of his station wagon. Yes, it really IS the best vehicle for a Hunt, bein' built like a tank, nice speed, and excellent handling. Bein' cheap also helps..... [b]Edges:[/b] Cleave- manifests a longsword or a pair of daggers. Ward-holds up hands and yells "Back!" Discern-closes his eyes for three seconds Burn-focuses all his energy into his bloodstream Smite-gestures at an enemy [b]Appearance:[/b]Muscular, yet thin, much like Ranma from the popular anime, he's built as hard as a rock and as quick as a fox, hence his nicknames. His american heritage is hidden behind his Japanese name. He's traditional, and wears a flowing trenchcoat over his black chinese gi, sort of like Seraph from the Matrix. Except it's black. He never wears shades, but his armor is visible when he removes his jacket and shirt. It is a solid plate of conforming, muscle fitting damascus titanium, a new alloy created just for his purposes by an old friend named Shriek. He has no scars yet, a first for a veteran Hunter. [b]Biography:[/b]He was an ordinary kid, wondering what was wrong with the world, until he was told about his father. An american naval officer, he was killed during World War XIII, and left this world not knowing he had a son by his girlfriend, Maiko Saotome. Upon realizing this, Ryu trained hard, day-in-day-out. He wished to live up to his father's memory, eventually becoming the best martial artist and weapons master in Japan...at age 15! Shortly after recieving this award, the incredibly strong Ryu was imbued....only to find that his principal was a vampire!!! [b]Imbuing:[/b]During a private ceremony at the park, eleven people were Imbued with Hunter talents, Ryu included. The entire assembly saw the principal and teachers for what they were. Vampires. Everyone with the exception of Ryu was slain. Ryu spent a month in the infirmary, injuries to great for even him....he found Hunter-Net, an on-line community for people with gifts like his. He joined as Fighter626 and learned the turth of what he was. That was two years ago, nearly a record for Hunter survival. He now dedicates himself to his job as a Hunter, living off of his friend Shriek's "allowance" as a professional thief and Hunter. Ryu has been looking for the descendant of Witness1, the original founder of Hunter-Net. The descendant is said to be the most famous of Hunters today....because he is a Vampire![/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's about it. hope you have fun! AND READ THE RULES FIRST!!!
  5. [color=teal]Who says it had to be a song? I just put up the first stanza like that to give it a more Christmas-y feeling. It's a poem. I'd kill myself before writing a song, at least not until after i take some music classes.[/color]
  6. [color=green][font=vivaldi][size=4]Fantasy, fantasy Fantasy all the way. O what fun it is to watch Them have a Christmas day! Cloud and Squall both fight Over who gets the eggnog. While Aeris and Setzer bet On who draws their sword first, hey! Fighter gets real drunk, Black Mage can't cast a spell Thief has lost his keys, And Monk sends orcs to hell! Locke and Celes dance, Edgar hits on Tifa, Sabin fights Kimahri, While Tidus argues with Mog, hey! Selphie's obsessed with trains, Shadow fights Auron, Sephiroth compares swords With Seifer all the way! Seymour hides mistletoe, Wakka gets a buzz, Lulu tries "new things" With Rikku and Yuna, hey! Barrett takes off his gun, Puts on a candy cane! Gau and Red XIII Both have a good time! Terra and Dagger yell At Zidane and Steiner! Both the guys got drunk, And tagged Cid's airship, hey! Cyan's still depressed, Over the family he lost. Yuffie and Vincent both Go on a rampage! The chocobo dinner Finally gets served. The Final Fantasy cast Wish you a merry christmas, hey![/color][/font][/size]
  7. [color=teal][b]Name:[/b]Katsuyo Otohime (Khoryu, Kitsune, or Fox to his friends.) [b]Sex:[/b]Male [b]Age:[/b]19 [b]Eyes:[/b]Right one emerald, left one sapphire. [b]Hair:[/b]White with two black treads that fall down to his chin, the rest falls down to the small of his back in a braid. [b]Appearance:[/b]Tall and wiry, almost always wears his favorite emerald longsleeve shirt, blue jeans, and ankle-high leather boots, which he recieved at a Legend of Zelda/Ogre Battle convention in Tokyo, except when he's participating in his Combat Annuals, in which he wears black leather chest armor and gauntlets with said jeans and boots. Has a scar that runs vertically through his left eye. [b]Personality:[/b]Serious when the situation calls for it, yet humorous and genial when it doesn't, he's a perfect balance of samurai honor, unmatched combat skill, and political capability. Except he hates politics and has serious issues when it comes to being a human being. Plus the fact that he's in Todashi's cram school, class, and even section for all the right reasons, he's somewhat of an outcast's outcast. He shows no knowledge of this, though he's a loner by choice, even if he has young women queueing up to him for dates. Part of his code of honor allows the first girl in line a day a date, even if Katsoyo has a previous engagement. And no, it isn't because he's stuck-up. He just likes making others happy. Even if it pisses his friend Todashi off that he won't settle down. [b]Biography:[/b]Born in Kyoto, he was trained under his swordsman grandfather, Kagate Otohime, to be an honorable and unsurpassed swordsman. He grew up with his teachings firmly embedded in his open mind, and eventually bested every student and instructor of the Wolf's Tear School of Disciplined Jutsu....at the age of fifteen. Attaining the title took his entire store of energy and self-discipline, placing him in the hospital with a bloody gash through his left eye. Doctors offered to alter the color of his unusually-colored left eye, which he had earned by a genetic imbalance at birth. He declined, and the resulting appearance from the combination of the scar and his unusual eye gave him a very handsome and genial expression. Upon leaving the hospital, he began focusing even harder on his studies, but suffered a massive setback when he discovered that he had failed the Tokyo University entrance exams, placing him in cram school. Having no problem with money, he purchased a persocom, not understanding what a chobit was. For four years, he's been teaching Kaoru, his chobit, who's been helping him with his studies and felt equally unnerved when he failed his T.U. entrance exams. Katsuyo is intelligent and knows the boundary between human and chobit, and only engages in a platonic relationship with Kaoru, who understands Katsuyo's honor code involving the girls that ask him to go out with them. Although, she's very.....perturbed by the girls that try to monopolize the person she refers to as HER master and HERS, Katsuyo. [b]Occupation:[/b]Participates in many forms of combat tournaments to earn money, but on the side, he works as a movie theatre attendant at Tokyo 2nd!, and also works as a skilled repairman. He's also a student at cram school.[/color]
  8. [color=teal][i]Hunter looked up from his vow as Corellon placed his hand on Hunter's shoulder.[/i] [b]Corellon:[/b]There is little time for formality. [b]Hunter:[/b]What?! Is something wrong?! [b]Corellon:[/b]No. You just forgot the intense importance I place on introductions. [i]Hunter proceeded to hit the ground, heavily embarrassed. Corellon had that natural, benevolent smile that told Hunter that nothing was wrong. He was here just for pleasure. And booze. Corellon LOVED whiskey.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]Forgive me, lord. This is my sister, Eve. This, our dearest friend and brother, Valen. The lovely apparition to my right is Elsyan, and the sullen elf to Eve's left is Ilythiirtar, who I think needs a bit of training. These two, I just met, would be Bal and Crewger. As for these two, they're Artea and Runeth, mine and Elsyan's dragons, respectfully. As for the little dragonling that's.... [b]Eve:[/b]It's Ryuu. It's nice to meet you, Lord. [b]Corellon:[/b]Jeez, what's with the formality? Can it! I like casuality! So, Elsyan....you busy tonight. [i]Corellon found himself on the recieving end of a smack for the first (but not last) time.[/i] [b]Corellon:[/b]That's the spirit, but not quite the spirit, if you know what I mean. [i]Like I said, it wasn't the last time. Nor was this.[/i] [b]Corellon:[/b]Okay, okay. I'll just hit on Eve.... [i]See what I mean?[/i][/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'll leave the battle stufffor the others. I'm tired right now.
  9. Talon


    [color=teal]*sighs* I'm giving this RPG until Tuesday, Louisiana time (3 days), then I'm starting it with current cast. After it starts, I'll allow sign-ups to remain open for three of the RPG's pages or until we reach a reasonable cast limit. I'm hoping, however, that Dani, Corey, and Samantha join up. I've PMed a few people. Flynn, Ron, think you two could help me out, there? PM people to see if they'll join?[/color]
  10. [color=teal]Let him live on. But let me describe how he lives![/color] [color=crimson][font=vivaldi][size=4]Darkness... All around me. So thick...I can taste it. The repressing blackness...of harsh midnight eaves. While i hear nothing but the ruslting willow's leaves. Twisting forever, the sword's thrust pierces again. More and more, his face scarred by scratches.... A woman's claws scratched him. So bad he would bleed. Why does he hate me so? He says it's for my own good. His black blade pierces my heart yet again. I hold back my tears.... No avail. They flow like rain, marring my resolve. Again and again, the weapon falls through. Denied life, wishing for death, and enduring pain. Another torture at the bloodstained Demon's hands. His grin.... Hitched to his face like a needle-bound doll. It reviles me, makes me recall the man I once was. Just like him. That's why he does this to me. So I'll be his brother again. So I'll be...like him....again. It stops.... He stops slashing my chest. He shows me what he's done. Repelled her from me. With mere words. I wish I could kill him, knowing I couldn't. My brother... I couldn't kill him. Even with a blade. My tears stop as I slide down, the blade not pinning me. It hurts more than anything. Knowing she did it to me. I can't blame her. it wouldn't hurt. She'd just.... She'd just laugh, say she didn't care.... Then she'd just walk away. Like she did then. Like she's always done. Abandoned me. Left me to my tomb, where I constantly brood.... [i]Should I become the Demon again? Should I....embrace...HIM? And give up my life?[/i][/color]
  11. [color=teal][i]Hunter pulled on Eve's ankles so that she dropped, riding instead of standing, on his shoulders. She tousled his metal hair, cutting his hand on on stubborn lock, and yelped.[/i] [b]Eve:[/b]Ouch! Hunter, your hair...it's metal! [b]Hunter:[/b]Mythril, sister. Mythril. Bal, you come here. Show me your wound. [i]Bal and Eve both drew close, Eve wondering, until Hunter grapsed both wounds in his hands and sent a surge of Heavenlight magic into both, healing all of their wounds instantly, as well as restoring their stamina and mindset. Hunter grinned as he looked at Elsyan, who was clutching Runeth protectively to her chest. Hunter held his hand aloft, chirruping in a strange language, and suddenly, Runeth was at his neck, scrabbling into his armor, and sighing masterfully as he fell asleep in the crook of Hunter's neck, opposite Artea, both tails wrapped around his neck.[/i] [b]Elsyan and Eve:[/b]You speak Archaic Draconic? [b]Hunter:[/b]Corellon taught me. I speak all languages but one: Abyssal. Nasty. What little I know made me feel like I was uttering endless profanities. As for Runeth, he's just fine. Though I think he's got a crush on Artea. [i]The entire group laughed as the young golden dragonling, Artea, looked up and around, confused. She chirped a little sentence to Hunter in ordinary Draconic, and then flew over to Elsyan/[/i] [b]Elsyan:[/b]What was that? Why's she think it unfair that I have both dragons? [b]Hunter:[/b]Been hanging around me too long. [b]Eve:[/b]Brother, what's that down there? [i]She pointed down to a large, glowing figure at the base of the inn's tree. hunter smiled broadly.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]It is Corellon. He must have an assignment for me, or would like to meet all of you.....[/color]
  12. [color=teal][i]The appreciable gasps from the listeners, even old Otik, the barkeep, came in all the right places to Hunter's story. His mother nearly screamed and almost fainted when she heard about Khoryu, Prince of Evil. By this time, when Valen came back into the room, Hunter's tales of adventures were over, and thus began his smaller, less windworthy recount of his bodyguard days...[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]And so, Corellon Larethian himself laid his hands upon me, and for twenty-five mort-err.....years, I was charged with heavily intensive training, focusing mainly with magiks of my blade. I was taught by the Wind, Fire, Light, and Frost Master angels of Heaven, and swordsmanship by Saint Michael himself. I was then brought back to Hell willingly- [b]Crowd:[/b]WHAT!?!?! [b]Galianna:[/b]You went BACk of your own accord?!?! [b]Hunter:[/b]Mother, everybody, please. Hell held no more REAL danger for me, with Khoryu destroyed. Nobody would attack me, except that whole legion later on. I went back to Hell to become a master of the Hellfire and Hellearth magiks, and mastered them. After I returned, I was deemed the most powerful being in Heaven and hell, with exception to Our Lord Corellon Larethian. He needed a bodyguard, however, as his powers were waning through the call of some mystical sword. I guarded him from injury by many demons, though I was brutally beaten in return. Then, two days ago, I was given leave of my duties, Corellon's power having returned. For repayment of my services and my blood, he transformed me into this Sihaya, as he calls them. he gave me my wings, [i]-here he unfolded them, drawing many awed whispers from his listeners, especially from his childhood friend, Elsyan-[/i] as well as my eye. [i]Hunter revealed his single silver eye, hidden behind his thick lock of mythril hair (It was discovered later on that his hair never fell out and was better defense than his armor because it was REALLY mythril metal, not colored like mythril). He shrugged, ordered a round for everybody, and sat down at the nearest table with Elsyan, Eve, Valen, and Galianna. Bal, Ilythiirtar, and Crewger enjoyed their own table, Ilythiirtar noticeably not drinking.[/i] [b]Eve:[/b]Hunter...you're back. You're really back. [b]Galianna:[/b]how'd...how did you....how'd you die? [b]Hunter:[/b]It was Nilothakir. I had to make a choice....... [i]He caught Eve's gaze and shut up quickly.[/i] [b]Eve:[/b]What choice?!?! WHAT CHOICE!!!! [b]Hunter:[/b]....... [b]Eve:[/b]Brother, by the love we share, WHAT WAS THE CHOICE?!?! [b]Hunter:[/b]Either he kill you or kill me. He was honoring Bleed's "last" wish and taking what he thought was rightfully his. I have no idea what that meant. [b]Eve:[/b]You...you...YOU IDIOT!! [b]Elsyan:[/b]Like you should talk! Why'd you her before yourself, Hunter?!? [b]Hunter:[/b]It's...it's my fault that...that Garland died. [b]Galianna:[/b]What?! [b]Hunter:[/b]Garland...was...my best friend. She helped me through....through Frenze's death. But the dragonslayers came....and...I let them....I didn't know what they were...and they....they..... [i]Hunter collapsed after he told of it. Garland had been his dragonfriend, who had helped him during the time that Artea's egg-father died. Hunter had never been able to forgive himself, even if he had met Garland in Heaven, and had always held that he must die for his sins. Galianna put a consoling shoulder as Hunter's pet and friend Artea awakened and wrapped her tail around Hunter's chest, crooning for him to cheer up. Hunter looked up, his gaze falling outside the open inn door. he jumped up instantly, unsheathing Alaris and pushing everyone else to the ground.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]OTIK! EVERYONE! DOWN!!! IT'S A BALLISTA!!!!! [i]A huge log with a pointed tip came rocketing through the inn door, bursting through the back wall as Hunter jumped down. Hunter and everyone in the party with a ready weapon and sober disposition (namely Valen, Ilythiirtar, and Elsyan, who'd not drunk anything, and Eve, who could not get drunk) rushed outside the bar, only to find a hoard of bounty hunters.[/i] [b]Bountyman 1:[/b]Which of ye whelps is the one what flew that dragon overhead?! We'll make a pretty penny with the offspring scales, once we get ye as a trainer tah handle 'em! [b]Hunter:[/b]You'll not get Runeth! You'll have to go... [i]-Here he transformed into his half-silver dragon form, a muscular and agile body supplemented by his now-draconic wings and his smoking nostrils set long on his draconic snout, though his eyes remained the same-[/i] ...THROUGH ME!!! [b]Bountyman 2:[/b]Ye Gods, it's Serenol! We'd get a decent bag of gold for his blood, too! Get 'im![/color]
  13. Talon


    [color=teal]I doubt you're wrong, Flynn, but has "the old group" ever really led us atray..... Don't answer that. And a VERY long-winded post, my friend. Excellent work conforming it to fit the back story, though. If that's what it was. Anyway, we need a few more sign-ups, so please keep 'em coming! And here's a picture of [b]Nyrlol Aerinha[/b] and [b]Deth Covisra[/b] titled Trials of Blood.[/color]
  14. Talon


    [color=teal]What we need are basically the parameters given by Valen. We need about seven people, excluding ourselves, to join. Show some variety in the races. make a few up. But make sure all of them are some sort of warrior/mage that carry LEGENDARY weapons. Like Excalibur, Muramasa, Murasame, etc. Hell, even Glamdring and Orcrist are acceptable! The reason will be unveiled presently. You may also carry plain weapons, but your character must also have some level of experience in an academy or otherwise. [b]Name:[/b]Serenol Ashenmyst Muirin (Can split self into two beings, the other being Ryth lethraina, whom Valensia Cernunnos believes to be his older brother, when in fact, Serenol is his true brother. Though, technically, Hunter [Serenol's nickname] spends more time as the younger, defter, and much more agile Ryth.) [b]Age:[/b]654 [b]Race:[/b]The last remaining Sihaya, a half-angel race with near-immortality and uninhibited and unlimited potential. [b]Height:[/b]6'6" [b]Weight:[/b]128lbs. [b]Hair:[/b]Varies, but normally silver and tied into a braid to his waist. [b]Eyes:[/b]Left one silver, right one emerald. [b]Weapons:[/b]A longsword, formerly belonging to his best friend, a woman named Manatsu no Eve. The blade is a wind-element controller by the name of Alaris. However, he carries a second sword he uses for desperate combat, a lightning-quick blade named Murasame. He also carries a collapsible longbow for distance fighting. [b]Magic:[/b]Powerful Heavenwind, Heavenfire, Heavenfrost, and Heavenlight spells, as well as the most advanced Hellfire and Hellearth magic, as well as advanced Goriolo freezing magic, advanced Goriolo incediary magic, and two spells of peronal invention: Wing Slash and Vorpal Slash. He also bears the ability to shift into a wolfen form at will. (Wolfen means half-human, half wolf. Human shape, wolfish face, silver fur, and CLAWS, as well as agility, reflexes, and strength.) He has a Heavenshift form of magic taught him by Michael, an Archangel, that allows him to alter his form and physical abilities, or even to split it, into another being named Ryth Lethraina, whom Valensia Cernunnos believes to be his brother. [b]Education:[/b]His father, King Muirin of Ashrenia, put him through rigorous magic and battle training. He was also taught by the Master Angels of heaven during his fifty-year tussle with death. [b]Masters:[/b]King "Firebrand" Muirin, Vizier Sheridan, (No medals or titles), Fire Masters Shasmir and Ifrit, Ice Mistress Shiva, Wind Masters Garuda and Ramuh, and Light Mistress Kohaku (Order of the Seraph, highest rank all of them), Fire Bashar Balrog and Earth Bashar Titan (Bloody Emblem rank demons, both). He was taught how to battle mystical beings by a Seraphim named Micheal, who had no last name in Heaven. He holds the highest ranks in Heaven as well as the rank of Protectorate (pronounced Pro-teck-tow-rat-ee) Imperium of the gates of Eden, though he leaves that post when extreme matters occur in the realm of Mortality. [b]Biography:[/b]I'll keep it short and sweet. Born a prince, he fought valiantly to protect his sister and best friend, Manatsu no Eve, died in the process, went through many ordeals through Heaven and Hell, gaining an altered appearance and the new racial class, Sihaya. He is a Holy Knight, returned from Heaven at the age of 123, and fought against the man that murdered him and later his father, Nilothakir. Revenge on Nilothakir complete, he went through Goriolo Academy to gain strength, and eventually earned their highest ranks and orders, becoming the most famous intstructor. His latest project has been Valensia Cernunnos, a youth in whom Hunter senses great potential. Hunter feels an odd disturbance within the folds of the earth, something he knows hasn't been felt for millenia. The Halcyon is awakening and calling for its wielder, an unknown, to battle both Nyrlol Aerinha, a powerful, and the last, Ghola (a race marked by their unmitigated hatred for anything more benevolent than an atomic explosion, they are also marked by their exceptional strength, skill, agility, and magical prowess. However, they are lacking in the defense, constitution, mental defense, and just plain mental departments. Nyrlol is a demonically enhanced exception, he was infused with overmuch power by his creator, Deth Covisra, a necromantic vampire in search of Lichdom) and the vampire named Deth Covisra, previously mentioned. Nilothakir was nothing compared to the vampire sorcerer Deth Covisra. Hunter feels his power growing, calling out for the Halcyon. Hunter begins to prepare for a long journey, taking his two trusted blades, Alaris and Murasame, out of hiding..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yep. You guessed it. Stop the bad guy, save the world, get the sword, and hopefully the girl (if any join up). We want this RPG to have full interactivity between members, as in PMs as to what you want characters to do with each other, etc. etc. This isn't required, but we want dedication for sure. Also, we'd prefer seasoned VETERANS at RPGs. Bad grammar = bad chance of getting in. The RPG will start off with all the characters meeting for the most important event in Northern Ashrenia: The Goriolo Academy Graduation Ceremony, where the greatest tournaments of skill and strength are held after the acceptance of students to the title of Mastermage.[/color]
  15. [color=teal][i]In the Crystal Forest Inn, Hunter's favorite haunting ground in AshenHyre, Hunter settled to the long task of explaining his adventures over the last fifty years. His tale, beginning as soon as he'd dispatched a messenger to AshenHyre Palace, home of Lord Muirin, about hjis life, well-being, and his request for his mother to bring his heartstone. The story enveloped his ordeal of bringing the great Maur, guardian Dragon of Hell, to his knees, retrieving his dying breath in a jar of spun honey, and drinking it to gain unfathomable abilities as a wolfen. He told of his defeat of Satan's son, Khoryu, and his gaining of white magic. He told of his earning of the wings and his appearance through standing in the tempest at the center of Heaven. As he finished, Lady Galianna of AshenHyre walked through the door. Seeing her son, she cried aloud, rushing to him, pressing the heartstone into his chest.[/i] [b]Galianna:[/b]Serenol, my son! You're safe! [i]For now, he was....[/color][/i]
  16. [color=teal][i]Hunter awakened as Crewger was jumping out of the hole. He twisted from Crewger's grip, unfurling his wings and leaping back towards it.[/i] [b]Crewger:[/b]What the hell is wrong with you, man?! [i]Hunter pointed at Eve, who wasn't Eve anymore. It was Bleed. Hunter dove downward, into the hole, to where Valen and the other person were standing around Eve's unconscious form. Bleed had knocked her unconscious and subtituted himself for her in the instant of the thunder spell. Hunter, being EVe's brother, knew of the switch as soon as he woke up.[/i] [b]Crewger:[/b]Whoa! Damn, man, you're stupid. I'm outta here! [i]Hunter merely grunted assent as he dove down, shifting into his wolfen form and grappling bare-handed with Bleed, valen and the other person reviving Eve.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]I killed you once, long ago. [b]Bleed:[/b]Nilothakir killed you once, long ago as well. [b]Hunter:[/b]How'd you come back?!?! [b]Bleed:[/b]Same way you did! I appealed to my superior. I had a vendetta to fulfill. You see, Hunter? You and I are not so different. I have my vengeance against Eve, you against Nilothakir. We are the same! [b]Hunter:[/b]If you think I'm the same as you, you're crazier than I thought. Adios, Bleed. tell Satan I said his son was a wimp! [b]Bleed:[/b]You killed Khoryu?!?! [b]Hunter:[/b]Yeah. And here's how! [i]Hunter's claws began to glow a bright emerald, the light engulfing the whole room.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]MOONSHADE SLASH!!! [i]Two powerful claw swipes impaled Bleed to the whole, extremely long claws pinning his now-fading form to the wall. Eve, now awake, embraced Valen and then went to examine the claws that Hunter ejected and regrew.[/i] [b]Eve:[/b]They're...they're pure silver. Hunter....how... [i]She walkked up to him and hugged him, then smacked him as hard as he could.[/i] [b]Eve:[/b]Where the hell where you!?!?! [b]Hunter:[/b]There. [b]Eve:[/b]You just said it. Hell. And Heaven, but that only explains the wings. Come on, let's get out of here. Before jackass comes back. And why the hell hasn't Ilythiirtar shown up y- [i]The door to the chamber burst off it's hinges, and Hunter barely glimpsed the blade of Ilythiirtar's sword to realize where he was.[/i] [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b]What? Damn, I'm too late? [b]Hunter:[/b]Yes, you are. now let's leave before he comes back, as I KNOW he will. It's a bad habit all of Satan's favored have. Let's get to the Crystal Forest Inn. I sense an old friend thereabouts. There, I can tell you all about what happened to me.....and get my Heartstone from Mother. [b]Valen:[/b]Dude, what's wrong with your eye? [i]Artea violently chirruped at Valen, expressing something along the lines of "I like his eye, it looks very mystique! It makes him look handsomer, and if Bunni has a problem with it, well then, more Hunter for me!".[/i] [b]valen:[/b]Ok, ok. I get the message. Speaking of Bunni, have you been to see her yet? [b]Hunter:[/b]No. Not yet. [b]Valen:[/b]Why? Afraid Artea'd get pissed at the competition?!? [i]Everyone laughed as they descended the tower, Hunter introducing himself to Bal, Artea to Ryuu and Bal, and his hair to something called a mirror, gel, and a comb......[/i][/color]
  17. [color=teal][i]Hunter stopped slashing at the rooftop when Artea reappeared and chirruped the news that Eve was waiting, and that Valen and some others were assaulting the gates as well, though Valen and an unknown were trapped in a mirage of Hunter's home. Hunter nodded and pulled out a pair of small gems. He pressed one into Artea's clawed talons.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]This is a teleport gem. Give it to Valen and tell him it will warp him to the location of the other jewel. I will go on ahead into the room where Eve and Bleed are. Be quick, be safe. [i]Artea crooned and chirruped as Hunter kissed her head gently, at which note she vanished again, leaving the wolfen Hunter to continue breaking into the demon's lair. A glimmer of green was present near the steeple, where Hunter had left the other jewel...[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Bleed:[/b]WHY IS HE NOT DEAD YET?!?!?! It does not matter. he shall be soon. As shall be those fools in the "forest", lost in Hunter's hometown. Such a simple spell, and they know not that they are trapped in a mirage. BUT I WANT THE WHITE KNIGHT DEAD!!!!! [i]Bleed pounded the wall, sending a spider-web of cracks all the way to the ceiling by accident. A further accident of this action was that a half-formed hole on the roof caved in, dropping Hunter, who'd expected such a thing to happen when he felt the impact, into the hall.[/i] [b]Bleed:[/b]Serenol....you persistent, clueless, self-righteous prick. [b]Hunter:[/b]Shut up. I'm tired of your games. Just give Eve back. I have enough mortal energy to leave you bloody on the floor. [b]Bleed:[/b]As if a mere elf would be capapble of such a thing. And what a form! [i]Eve, who did not know of Hunter's wolfen form, stared wildly as if Serenol were another of Bleed's minions. Until she saw the blade strapped to Hunter's back. Alaris.[/i] [b]Eve:[/b]HUNTER! How...what....IS IT REALLY YOU?!?! [i]The wolfen Hunter grimaced, then began to shift back to his elven self. From under a lock of silver hair, his one emerald eye sparkled in the torchlight. He drew out the Alaris, swinging it the way his sister had taught him, their secret greeting. Her happiness was brief, as Bleed swept down upon Hunter, driving him into the wall. Hunter stood, his wings -Since when did he have WINGS?!?!, thought Eve- flared. Alaris began to glow a bright silver.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]Now, you feel the wrath of heaven! VORPAL SLASH! [i]Hunter vanished, but Eve saw thousands of slashes appearing on Bleed's body. She saw the pain in Bleed's eyes, heard the agony in his cries. He collapsed, and Hunter reappeared. Before Eve ran to him, she vaguely felt aware that Hunter had the exact same slashes that Bleed now had. She cradled Hunter, blood seeping out of the corner of his mouth. He smiled briefly, gave Eve a thumbs-up, and then fell unconscious, but alive. Artea appeared at that instant, trilling loudly as she saw her master in such a state. She nestled against his breast, breathing rapidly. Eve was preoccupied with her brother, who was wounded but way too alive, too busy to notice that Bleed was standing up again, fully healed.....[/i][/color]
  18. [color=teal][b]Hunter:[/b]Damned reckless and impetuous jackass. [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b]I heard that! [b]Hunter:[/b]Good! I'm outta here. Keep up if you can. [i]Hunter extended his wings from their hiding place in his back as he launched himself into the air with enough leg force to push a two-story brick wall. He heard the loud, involuntary gasp of awe from Crewger as he experienced first-hand the flight of a Holy Knight. Hunter chuckled softly as he heard Ilythiirtar's awed whisper.[/i] [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b]Damn, I didn't know he was THAT self-righteous. Wings and all, huh? Where'd he go for fifty years? [i]Hunterr swept towards the castle, flying as fast as his wings would carry him towards the now-visible tower in which Eve was barely discernible.[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Bleed:[/b]Eve, your brother is foolish enough to storm my castle by air. The scream must have awakened his backbone. [b]Eve:[/b]Raven is no coward! [b]Bleed:[/b]I did not mean Raven. It's Serenol. [b]Eve:[/b]Hunter?!?! You lie! He's dead! [b]Bleed:[/b]Certainly, he was dead. And shall be again! Alraune! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Hunter's flight towards the tower was impeded by a swarm of bats. As he battled through the cloud of squeaking winged mammals, he failed to notice the half-plant, half-woman climbing on top of the keep's tower. It was Alraune, daughter of the purest evil in the world. A throny vine lashed out from her waist, slashing Hunter across his chest. Hunter flinched in pain, silvery blood pouring from the huge gash. He fell to the tower, prepared for a close-in battle. Alraune wouldn't let it happen. She kept him at bay with her vines and thorns, lashing him until he was silver all over from his own blood. He fell to the tower, prostrate. Alraune laughed her victory, failing to notice the position of Hunter's hands, and the chant he was uttering, his mouth not visible. Her laughter turned to a scream of unfettered agony as a well of fire engulfed her weak, flammable body. Hunter stood, the minorest of the wounds healing, but the gash across his chest barely mended. He focused his mind, and his armor and clothes repaired themselves. He'd look after the gash after he was through with Bleed.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]It's been only four decades and they've already forgotten my father's teachings on basic elemental principles? Artea, to me! [i]The dragonling that had been gifted to him from Corellon's daughter appeared on his shoulder, crooning sadly for his wounds.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]Not now, Artea. I'll be fine. Go to Eve, tell her I am well and shall be there soon. As soon as I break this roof of the tower! [i]Artea chirruped and blinked out as Hunter transformed and began to beat his way through the hard mortar....[/i][/color]
  19. [color=teal][b]???:[/b][i]Your mission has been accomplished, young Savior. Go now, back to your home. Your family surely awaits you, Child of the Blessed Race.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]I thank you, my Lord. Are you sure my days as your protector are over? [b]???:[/b][i]Yes. I shall no longer walk where there is danger. Until you join me for good, my Child, I shall stay peacefully inclined. Take with you what you may, and may the powers granted upon you shine on you in your time of need.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]I thank you, Father Corellon! May the rains never cease to fall under your reign! [i]A flash of bright light engulfed the figure of Serenol Muirin, whose new-grown wings had already accustomed themselves to Hunter's body. The winds of travel surrounded him...he closed his eyes, feeling the embrace of a light he'd not known for decades. Sunlight. He sighed to take in the air of his home world, then set off towards his home city...... He stopped. He felt it, a spasm of pain in his midsection. He heard her cry for him. The pain was unbearable. He looked to the sky, towards the realm where pain had been somewhat of a mystery for five years. His head then fell to the ground, where similar pains had been felt, then multiplied. He'd been through both worlds. Now he was home, and his sister needed him. He drew the Alaris, begging it to tell him the direction where his sister lay. The blade pointed him north, and Hunter flew. He continued on for some time, until his feet grew restless and his wings grew bored. He alighted....in the middle of a camp of orcs. Hunter simply grinned, barely flicking his wings as his blade came down upon numerous skulls, cleaving helms and parrying blades. The evil creatures had been planning on pillaging AshenHyre, he knew. He set this small victory aside in his mind, setting off again for his sister's silent cries for help. He marched many miles, he blade never faltering. Until sundown.[/i] [b]???:[/b]So, where've you been, [i]Prince[/i]? [i]Hunter turned, his cloak falling away. Nobody knew he'd returned, and surely couldn't have recogonized him if they had. He looked up, and old "friend" having given the sarcastic greeting. He recognized the old friend immediately. He'd seen the face before him many a time at his father's castle.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]Bleed. How nice. [b]Bleed:[/b]Why, Hunter, you cut me to the quick! No "Sorry i've been gone so long"? No "Hi, how've you been"? Nice hair, by the way. And I love what Heaven did to your eye. [b]Hunter:[/b]I've been busy. [b]Blees:[/b]Oh, yes, I know all about your exploits, old [i]friend[/i]. Protecting a god, destroying demons, etcetera, etcetera. I've been up to a few things of my own. Like your sister. If only you'd been there, even with your primitive spells, she might be here today. With you. [b]Hunter:[/b]WHERE IS SHE?!?!?! [b]Bleed:[/b]You know it isn't you she calls for. It's Valen. [b]Hunter:[/b] Be it me or Valen, i will save her. Even if I have to die again. [b]Bleed:[/b]Try. I. Dare. You. She's in my keep, a mile north of here. Watch out though. I've a few surprises you won't like. [i]He vanished. King Muirin's old subject had vanished faster than Hunter could bead him.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]I can't believe that....[i]thing[/i]was ever a member of my father's court. Why did Eve have to see anything in him? Why wasn't I THERE?!?!?!?! I should have saved her. i should have.... [i]The sobs came. His anger gave way to grief as he realized his sister was in danger because he'd not been there. She had promised to care for him, though he had been dead at the time. Why hadn't he given up on his training and just come back home? He fought his way to the keep. When he arrived, he hated what he saw. A black dragon. And Hunter's dragon-form was out of commission until he got his heartstone from his rooms in the castle....[/i][/color]
  20. [color=crimson] Heartbeats..... I hear them from so far away. I see their owners, laughing, holding hands. Am I destined for such a privelege? [i]Am I....?[/i] Pulsing... Pulsing through their veins... They love each other. Everyone has somebody....but me. [i]Am I even.....?[/i] Breaking..... The sounds of silences breaking.... That's all I hear, though I see hearts healing. Will nobody care for me....ever? [i]Am I even here....?[/i] Loving.... That's everywhere I see.... But my heart is shrouded in darkness. Nobody could ever care for me. [i]Why am I even here.....?[/i] Fighting..... I fight my way through the darkness.... I fight to get to her. To the one that abandoned me...... [i]Why am I even here? To be punished? Why am I to be punished when she tears me apart? Why does she escape this purest hell? This torture of seeing love? She, who sexes everyone alive? MUST I CONTINUE THIS DAMNATION?!?!?![/i] Heartbeats....hers grows rapid..... While mine slows....... And stops.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This was the final poem I ever wrote under an old surname. i decided to put it up to do honor the my former self. Now, I destroy him completely. May I never look upon the *itch this poem references again. She destroyed me. Now, I look out for myself and my [color=teal]sister[/color]! -In memory of [size=4][font=vivaldi][color=silver]Locke Oldrey Hyral[/font][/size][/color]
  21. [color=teal]What about me, sis? And Ron, hurry up and post our RPG.... [b]Name:[/b]Serenol Ashenmyst Muirin (Hunter or Fox to his friends and family) [b]Age:[/b]157 (Appears 16) [b]Race:[/b]Half High-elf, half angelic being (See bio) [b]Hair:[/b]Platinum silver [b]Eyes:[/b]Due to a recent change, one eye remains its natural emerald, the other is silver. [b]Description:[/b] Emerald wings expanding from his shoulder blades, Hunter stands about 6'6", tall for an elf, but his frame is thin and supple. Muscles ripple under his pale white skin, and untold agility lies within his elven capabilities. He wears white leather armor, a longsleeve forest green undershirt, and a pale green cloak on his upper body, though it changes according to his mood (in rare cases, he's been seen in nothing but jeans and boots), and his lower body is clothed in shadow-black jeans and a pair of thigh-length boots. When not in this attire, h wears a pair of jeans, which are of a strong material called denim (he learned of this when the great change in him occured. See bio.) His hair falls to his waist, usually in a ponytail or a braid. He has two "antennae" that sweep first upward fro a couple of inches, then downward to his chest. [b]Bio:[/b]Born of High-elven royalty, Serenol Muirin was trained in the finest arts of battle until his seventy-fifth birthday, at which point a grave incidence occured. He had just received from his sister, Manatsu no Eve, a blade named Alaris. But Serenol's life was stolen from him by a sorcerer named Nilothakir, a fellow student in magic under Serenol's father, Lord Muirin of Ashenhyre. Hunter found himself at the gates of Heaven, but a young child for an elf, and was told his time was not yet to die. He was tested witha quest through Hell to retrieve powers of divinity. The quest took him nearly a hundred and fifty years, but he accomplished it and became a Holy Knight. He returns now to Ashenhyre, the missing prince everyone in the city of Ashrenia had spent years looking for. His blade, Alaris, the only tie to his sister (who made a promise to take care of him though their father was dead, and knew Serenol was coming back), was blessed by divine powers as he searched for the home he once knew. Numerous scars trace his back and arms, and one of his eyes has changed from its natural emerald to a glowing silver, as his hair went from black to silver. He also achieved emerald wings that enable him to fly and cast certain spells. He can hide them at will within his body. Another fortunate side-effect of his journey into Hell is his ability to transform into a wolflike being with a muscular torso and razor-sharp claws. [b][u]Weapons/Belongings:[/u][/b] [b]Alaris:[/b]Hunter's most trusted weapon. A holy blade cpable of slashing through any material, be it flesh or steel. [i][b]Claws:[/b][/i]When in wolf form, Hunter slashes visiously with his clawed hands. So sharp, they've left marks to remember on even dragonscales. He's broken through a brick wall with his brute strength. [b]Rai:[/b]A small silver dagger, it holds powerful attack strength. It always returns to Hunter's hand after he throws it. [b]Collapsible longbow:[/b]A bow that can be folded down to fit in a small bow sheath attached to Hunter's upper thigh, Hunter is perfectly accurate when shooting his bow, even while flying at high-speeds or running. [b]Leathern armor:[/b]Actually, it's the hides of numerous white demons stitched perfectly to be leather armor. Tough and resilient, it takes more than a crossbow to pierce this armor. When damaged, Hunter focuses hard on the armor so that it becomes whole again. He does this only under moonlight. [b]Laquered boots:[/b]Actual leather this time, the boots have many pockets for equipment and goods. They stretch all the way up Hunter's legs to his thighs. [b][u]Skills/Powers:[/b][/u] [b]Wing Slash:[/b]Hunter's trademark technique, he focuses the air around his wings into a deadly blade that can severley damage his opponent. The attack is augmented by stealing the air from within an opponent's body if the opponent has open wounds in the area of the chest. [b]Moonshade:[/b]Hunter becomes a walking, talking werewolf capable of tearing through brick walls and enemy ranks. [b]Vorpal Slash:[/b]A powerful attack that lands a thousand hits upon an opponent in a single second, sapping life-force from both Hunter and the target. Useful only against an opponent with less life-force than Serenol, as both lose an equal amount of life-force during the attack. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Did I leave anything out, Dani? If so, PM me.[/color]
  22. [color=royalblue][i]Silence. All is quiet but the pain of the wound. The wound inflicted by my brother. [b]Still, the stream runs on.[/b] Fire. It burns within my chest. This wound inflicted by my brother. [b]Still, the stream runs on.[/b] Blood. My blood pours freely. Pours from this wound inflicted by my brother. [b]Still, the stream runs on.[/b] Blossoms. The cherry blossoms fall to my mask. This mask marred by the wound inflicted by my brother. [b]Still, the stream runs on.[/b] Silence. My brother is silent, Silenced by a wound inflicted by me. [b]Still, the stream runs on.[/b] Tears. My tears flow, my brother's death vain. His vanity the greatest wound inflicted by my brother. [b]Still, the stream runs on.[/b] Water. The swift stream cleans my wound, This wound inflicted by my brother. [b]Still, the stream runs on.[/b] Shinobi. The clan is gone, our fight in vain. Leadership the goal, a wound inflicted by our father. [b]Still, the stream runs on.[/b] Sword. My katana broken in the center, A wound inflicted by my brother. [b]Still, the stream runs on.[/b] Silence. His breath, to soon, has halted. Finished by a wound inflcited by me. [b]Still, the stream runs on.[/b] End. My life meets its end.... At this wound inflicted by my brother. [b]The stream no longer runs on........[/b][/color][/i]
  23. [color=teal][b]Name:[/b]Hideki Kanryu [b]Age:[/b]14 [b]Activity:[/b]Band - Flute [b]Description:[/b]Black hair that sweeps across his brow, pale silver eyes that seem to reflect the will of heaven. At 5'3", his frame is well-built, not quite muscular, but still strong. A single scar decorates his handsome face, dashing just under his lft eye straight to his chin. Always wears a green tank top and either tight-fitting white jeans or tight-fitting blue jeans. He usually wears a thin black jacket to cover his arms, which is a superstition with him. [b]Bio:[/b]Having been s subject of exteme violence with his parents, he lives with his aunt and uncle, the owners of a fine restaurant in town. After his father gave him the long gash on his face for wetting the bed at age three, Hideki began to think he'd become like them. He drove himself to a perfection akin to that od Soichrou Arime from Kare Kano, but even more intensely. He took up playing the flute as a way of expressing the pain of his life in music. His life with his aunt and uncle is very much different from his life with his parents, being much better and more love-filled. He doesn't realize anything about his exceptional skills with the flute or even his looks. [b]Schedule:[/b] [b]Items:[/b]Textbooks, Schoolbag (one strap severed on purpose), jacket, Thin flute case (in school bag), ordinary school supplies, sometimes carries Magic cards pending on mood of the teachers in class.[/color]
  24. [color=teal][i]Ryth looked into Eve's eyes as blood dripped into his face, clouding his vision. The prophecy was wrong, then, he thought. Only his blood could restore him. Only.....[b]CRAAAACCCKKKKK.[/b] Ryth realized it wasn't Eve's blood or his own dripping onto his face just in time to dodge Matthew's attack, the tree barely grazing Ryth's boots as he dragged his siter from harm's way. He drew out his blade, the rusted Alaris, and tried to restore it to what it once was. He failed.[/i] [b]Matthew:[/b]Please, uncle. You honestly believe such trinkets will banish me? Or even.......my grandfather? [i]Ryth gasped in shock, understanding what the boy was saying, and drawing out Knight, dashing forward towards the boy.[/i] [b]Eve:[/b]HUNTER, NO!!!! [i]Ryth's hilt connected with.....a tree trunk, Matthew's bootheel connecting with his skull and driving Ryth to the ground. Ryth tasted blood and knew it was his only chance......[/i] [b]Ryth:[/b]Selvenia elder moons! Chase the shadows, ancient runes! [i]His bones elongated, his back cracking as his spine lengthened. His finger joints popped as his fingers grew, claws sprouting from the tips of each member. Almost as if he were in the womb once again, grayish fur began to coat his twisting body, his contorted face. Within ten seconds, he had become a full Ascetic Werewolf, the Nightshade. He charged Matthew, the full moon increasing his speed and power. A large gash to Matthew's head drove the boy into a frenzy, burying a long, cruel-edged sword deep into Ryth's gullet. Eve screamed as Matthew disappeared.[/i] [b]Matthew:[/b]Uncle Serenol will soon die, mother, and you will be next!!!! Save him if you can!!![/color]
  25. [color=teal][b][u][i]Note:[/b]This character is only playable by Deedlit and I, due to reasons concerning the storyline. Eventually, full control will be turned over to Deedlit due to reasons of my own. She is not a part of the team at the present time, but soon will be. I still need four more sign-ups.[/u][/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/color] [color=green][b]Name:[/b]Deedlit [b]Age:[/b]243 (Looks about 19) [b]Race:[/b]High-elf [b]Class:[/b]Druidess [b]Appearance:[/b]See picture [b]Bio:[/b]Before she met Parn, she was like most elves: curious towards humans, inquisitive towards them, but believeing herself vastly superior to them. However, her opinion changed the second she met Parn. She knew not why. He was only an average swordsman, like most of the other humans, but there was something inside him, that attracted her. Perhaps it was his honor, or the fact that he defied humans in order to "save" her. She fully fell in love with him when he rescued her from Marmo's grasp, destroying the Goddess of Destruction, Kardis, and nearly getting himself killed for an [i]elf[/i]. Two years later, after another adventure in which Parn captured even more of Deedlit's heart, she bore Parn a young son. Another year passed, and another boy was born. Deedlit and Parn had moved to Zaxon to raise their half-elf children, but a raid by thieves killed Parn and left Deedlit seperated from her children by a magical call to her homeland. The boys were left in the care of a human family, who raised the boys with tales of their father, the noblest knight Lodoss had known. She only recently left her homeland of Elendar, seeking the son whose destiny lie along the same path as his father, knowing that Sethra and Goltana's prophecy was true: that one of her children would succeed Beld and Ashram, the other would succeed his father. She carries the female Silhouette Rapier, hoping for it to glow so that she can embrace her son, knowing full well he was not hers, but Fate's child..... [b][u]Equipment:[/b][/u] [b]Silhouette Rapier:[/b]A thin, sharp rapier reinforced with a powerful magic so as to make it nearly unbreakable. It is the female version of a set of two, a male and a female. [b]Twinbee:[/b]A double-bladed dagger formed when the hilts of her two seemingly useless daggers, given to her recently by her father, are connected to form a sort of miniature double-voulge, one edge bears the powers of earth, the other carries the power of wind. [b]Leather armor:[/b]Highly decorated protective armor, it was a gift from King Gladorel to Deedlit, his daughter. It comes with a fashianable cloak. [u][b]Magic:[/b][/u] [b]Nature's Aid:[/b]A call to the forces of nature surrounding her, Deedlit employs the might of the trees, the swiftness of the stream, the strength of the wind, whatever force of nature happens to be on hand when Deedlit summons it. [b]Magic Missile:[/b]A beam of white-pure energy, it often gives the opponent more than enough pause for thought to solve the meaning of life. Often used, however, for lighting dark dungeons at the same time as scaring off any unwanted guests. [b]Torchlight:[/b]Twinbee's blade glows brightly, illuminating a space of about a hundred feet in every direction. If an opponent is attacked while Torchlight is in use, they're instantly burned to the third degree, if they survive. [b]Static Force:[/b]Twinbee's other blade is charged with a powerful bolt of electricity, so that when a metal surface is struck, it is made see-through so long as the blade is held to the surface. Deadly when used in water or against enemies, Deedlit must be very careful when utilizing this ability....[/color]
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