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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Talon


    [color=teal]Hmm.....you still gotta finish that pic of the feline versions of us, sis, and that pic of Deed is awesome! Just needs Parn and it'll be a perfect work....lol. Great pic sis, and hurry with the bro and sis kitties, ok? Love ya![/color]
  2. [color=teal]I apologize, friends, but I had to give a little more. Hunter is not one to accept the throne, though a prince he may be. The wolf within him would have demanded he search for himself within the wilds. To be sure, he never found that what he was missing was always at his side. His own sister. But it's over, no more, done for. I must say, it was very nice to actually FINISH an RPG.....[/color]
  3. [color=teal][b][u]Afterstory:[/u][/b][i]Weeks after assuming the throne, Serenol abdicated, leaving Illythiirtar and Eve to rule in his stead. He left his wife with a message as to his absence, which would indeed be permanent.[/i] [b]Note:[/b]Mara, Please, do not be alarmed at my absence, but be strong. I can never return to you or our child. Please raise him well, and give Eve and my new brother the best of my regards and love. I must find something, something within myself. Within the folds of the envelope are the location of a beautiful home for you and our sun, and I pray you will be happy without me. I have left money and plenty of credentials within the Ten Cities of Ashrenia for you, so that you will never want for money or support. In all regards, to you and our boy, I am dead, aside from physical inactivity. I am sorry, Mara, from the bottom of my heart, but I must leave! I cannot stay for as long as I'd wished, but the missing pasrt of my soul must be restored. Speak to my sister, you will know what I mean soon enough. Goodbye.... -Hunter. [i]Lacroix, baffled as to his monarch's absence, again took up his life as a traveller. Mara, saddened yet strong, took up a peaceful life with her son at the home on the Karagnia Sea her husband had left her. The son, Alaris, after his father's famous sword, grew strong and healthy, eventually taking up his father's throne. Eve and Illythiirtar had their hands full ruling the kingdom, but they still always managed to dind extraordinary amounts of time for each other and Elsyan, owing perhaps to Mara's abilities.... Oblivion maintained his position as the head of the guard, nonetheless miffed at his king's abstinence from the throne, and managed to more or less keep the peace. Elsyan became an excellent chef, with help from Eve, and started an inn, making loads of money and meeting new people. As for Hunter, he became a traveller, a man without a home, family, or money. He searches for something wtin himself, something that was never found, until the day he died, surrounded by all he loved, with the exception of his son and his wife. The Alaris, never again taken up by the Fox Knight, was left to rest within a temple, struck down inside a large pedestal, until the next man worthy of the Eve's Blade would arise, many hundreds of years later, in the city of New Delnahs, in an age of technology, when the Eve's Blade would be all but forgotten.....except to Hunter's great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandchild, whose name would be legend after the Second Death, the return of the Nilo's Blight on the land......the name of Artem Minuet, but that is a story for another day.....[/i][/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: It's over, at last, and will stay that way. As for the epilogue I just made, that will NOT be a sequel. It's gonna be the main story of a book I'm trying to write. Thank you everyone for participating in [i]Siege of the Necromancer[/i], my first and possibly only successful, if it may be called that, RPG, by which I mean the first RPG I participated in on a large-scale basis. Again, thank you all, and I pray to work again with all of you. Farewell, for now, my friends. Oh, and please, if you wish, post an epilogue for your characters if you wish for your own ending to have more closure.
  4. [color=midnight][center]Standing at a window Wondering what's inside, I saw a million things fly past, For all I had to hide. A mitt from happy times gone past, A song from days long gone, A jacket from my younger days, A picture of happiness for which I long. These memories, at the window, Cut deeper than a knife. Has all my happiness disappeared? Is there nothing left but strife? I wonder, as the things fly by, Of what things might have been Had I been inside looking out, Instead of outside looking in. The happy times I look toward, The sad times ahead to see. All I am prepared for, All that's coming to me. Where will life take me next? When will I find myself? How will my life end at the last? Am I damned to Hell? I don't know what my future holds, Nor do I have a plan. All I know is to do what I must, To do the best I can. With fervor I look forward, With joy I take her hand. For next to her, I am free. Leaning on her, I make my stand. Can life get more complicated? Can joy ever cease flowing? I look toward the future with her, Neither of us truly knowing....[/center][/color] [color=teal]Something I wrote today in C-5, after Stephanie, my girlfriend, whispered that she didn't care what my future or past was, as long as I stayed by her. I know it sucks. Well, I promised. And I keep my promises, no matter the personal cost. Even if it means giving up my PS2 for an hour a day, the attachment WILL be me and her in 6 years. I PROMISE!!!!! [/color]
  5. [color=teal]I think it's the Maiden's Rescue theme. I think they used it for when you defeated the boss of the LoZ dungeons and entered the Triforce room, and in Lttp they used it for Link's conversations with the Crystal Maidens when he rescued them. So.....how'd I do?[/color]
  6. [color=royal blue][size=1]The devil went down to Cam'lot, He was lookin' for a solid fight. Action was gettin' slow, he was ready to go, He was willin' to fight all night. He came across a tall knight, Hackin' at a dummy and layin' it low. So he jumped up on the hickory fence, And said, "Sir, you might wanna know, I'm sure you didn't guess it, but I'm a duelin' fella, too. And if you'll sweat to take a bet, I'll have a duel with you! You seem a pretty good swordsman, boy, but give the devil his due. I'll bet this Sword of Soul against that foal, 'cuz I think I'm better than you!" The knight said, "My name's Arthur, And it might be uncouth. But I'll take your duel, you damn stupid fool, I'm the best of all my youth!" [i]Arthur, sharpen up your sword, and lay into 'im hard, For hell's broke loose in Cam'lot and the devil holds the cards! And if you win, you get the magic sword, no loss! But if you lose, the devil takes your hoss![/i] The devil said, "I'll start this show!" And sparks flew from his scabbard as his readied for a blow. He swung the blade, cut the air, and it made an evil arc! For in two pieces fell the halves of a tiny little lark... [b]*begin sounds of intense dueling, panting on Arthur's part, and fierce grunts and groans from Satan for the strain*[/b] When Satan got winded, Arthur said, "You're pretty good, old chap! But buck up with your shield right there, 'Cuz I'm sick of all this crap!" [i]Swingin' that blade, run, Satan, run! Devil's goin' down with the settin' sun! Slashin' like a madman, makin' him hurt! Spillin' his blood and makin' it spurt![/i] As Arthur finished with a blow that laid the devil down, He picked up the magic sword of Soul off the bloody ground. Arthur said, "Devil, just come to life if you wanna get beat once more! I'm the best of all my youth, as I told you once before!" [i]Swingin' that blade, run, Satan, run! Devil's goin' down with the settin' sun! Slashin' like a madman, makin' him hurt! Spillin' his blood and makin' it spurt![/i] [b]*begin the sounds of Arthur riding off into the sunset on his new horse, carrying a new mystical blade named "Excalibur" across his saddlebow.....*[/b][/color][/size]
  7. [color=teal][b][i][u][center]Category One: Your Online Character[/u][/i][/center] Name:[/b]Belmont [b]Type:[/b]Knight [b]Weapon:[/b]Chain whip, longsword [b]Appearance:[/b]See attachment [b]Sex:[/b]Male [i][b][u][center]Category Two: Your Real Life Character[/u][/center][/i] Name:[/b]Jake Outset [b]Age:[/b]17 [b]School level:[/b]Senior/12th [b]Location:[/b]Athens, Greece [b]Biography:[/b]Living pretty much to himself, Jake cares for only himself and his grandfather. This attitude came about when, at the age of fourteen, he suffered heavy losses in the field of dating at the same time his parents died in a plane crash. Deciding that he was simply not attractive, which was utterly untrue, he got a job as a mechanic to take his mind off things and found that he enjoyed working in his grandfather's shop. Haschel 'Ironside' Outset enjoyed watching his grandson put together everything from coffeemakers to Porsches, but he wished Jake would find a nice girl to place faith in. Every time the subject surfaced at the dinner table, Jake would shake his head, grin, and knock on wood. Jake works his way into college, now, even though a trust fund left behind by his parents is enough to last him, his grandfather, and half the U.S. Army for a lifetime COMFORTABLY, Jake still likes the idea of working for himself. He's been working with computers for some time, and has been an experienced player in The World for quite a while. He recently downloaded TWAS_Install.exe to give himself some breathing time. He sits to himself at night when he isn't playing The World, playing his songs to the stars on either a flute or his grandmother's old psaltery, or handharp. Jake currently is vacationing in Athens, but normally lives on a Wyoming ranch. [b]Personality:[/b]Outgoing, optimistic, and cheerful, Jake is a good person willing to help any in need. All of the girls that let him down when he was younger now confide in him as one of their best friends, and he holds nothing against them. He has a hard time truly smiling, however, since his parents died, but when he does, his grandfather is heard to say "Aw, crap, he's smiling. That's NEVER a good thing.", usually meaning that Jake has a project to work on, or worse, has discovered a new life-threatening sport. Even though he rarely lets a big grin on his face, there is always a playful, devilish little smile haunting his lips. Jake's big aspiration in life is 'to become a good person, a better husband, and the best daddy'. [b]Interests:[/b]Reading, writing, working with his bare hands, carpentry, masonry, horsemanship, mechanics, metallurgy, his grabdfather's health, extreme sports, children, video games, swords, magic, trading card games.[/color]
  8. [color=teal]Awaken. Senses, fires within the human soul. A blue sky above, the fresh grass below. Home..... Waterfall. Scent, honors of the forest meadow. The red rock wall, the shattered forest roof. Home..... Belonging. Feel, crushed herbal grasses in my grip. The yellow sunlight, the kisses of the wind. Home..... Freedom. The release from the monotony of day-to-day life. The pleasure of being alone, yet held and caressed by nature. Home..... Freedom. The kisses of life and nature against my breast. The joy of moving on, finding new love while out in nature. Home.....[/color]
  9. [color=teal]I think it was somewhere in one of Miyamoto's sites, I dunno. [b]Question:[/b]Anywho, what game would chronologically be first if there was any connection at all between the Zelda games?[/color]
  10. [color=teal]It's called Calatia.[/color]
  11. [color=teal]Crazy Tracy, everyone knows that. [b]Question:[/b]Who are the parents of the child you can name in Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons?[/color]
  12. [color=teal]Yu Yu Hakusho!, Vegeta Rocker, both of you, i thank you for your opinions, I do. I put this thread up to apologize to people I feel I have hurt, to let them KNOW that I am truly, deeply sorry for any wrongs I have done them. I am currently seeing a counselor because I seriously doubt my own sanity. Jaimie, i read and reread the poem before I deleted it and the other one. I can honestly say I wasn't myself when I wrote it. I am revulsed by what I wrote, deleted it, and accepted the counselor's advice, even if I wasn't the one who contacted the counselor about my sanity, but I do have to agree with Mrs. Hennen(sp?). I worry about whether or not I'm a good person anymore. I doubt, heavily, that I am, and that is what I am depressed about. Not you, Jaim, but about whether or not I'm a sane, healthy human being.[/color]
  13. [color=teal]Actually, VR, proverbially, that's what I did. I was falling into a pit within myself, and I tried with one final effort, tried to get back to what I used to be. I failed, and instead climbed out missing something very important within myself. I do't know what I'm missing, but I know that something is gone....[/color]
  14. [color=teal][i]Alucard turned, sensing the blood of a lycanthrope behind him. He turned, sighing with heavy resignation. it was Ortega, his father's most recently turned servant.[/i] [b]Alucard:[/b]Ortega. [b]Ortega:[/b]Alucard. [b]Alucard:[/b]Tell me, has being my father's messenger and shoeshine boy garnered you any respect? [b]Alucard:[/b]Tell me, Alucard, has being a rebel gotten you any success in your love life? [i]He'd hit a wound in Alucard's heart that still stung with Maria's death. Even though standing by Rayne alleviated it, even made it better than ever, it was the thought that counts.[/i] [b]Alucard:[/b]I'd watch your words, lackey, or no amount of Chimera in your blood will stop me from shredding you limb from limb. It'll only give me the pleasure of beheading you four times! [i]At Alucard's recent outburst, it became evident that they were a few strangers in the pub. Very good for publicity. Especially in the case of a bar fight. In the confusion, Ortega slipped out, probably through the rear door. Alucard, Vincent, Bahamut, and Rayne were trying their best to control the crowd without killing, but with little success. Alucard sighed.[/i] [b]Alucard:[/b]What must be done, must be done. [i]Alucard summoned forth his power, seemingly growing to twice his size. He glared at the patrons of the inn, reaching down and grabbing their "leader" by the neck. he tossed him lightly onto a table.[/i] [b]Alucard:[/b]Stop this insanity! I do not wish to harm any of you! [i]The fighting ceased, the people cowered. The realized that it was Alucard, the son of Dracula. They cheered, silently, as the dhampile and his friends went to their rooms. Vincent and Bahamut together, Rayne and Alucard together. It was a dispute over which pair got the two-bed room and the one-bed room, but eventually, Alucard sighed and decided he and Rayne would share the one-bed room. Alucard was amazed to even sleep in a bed, let alone with anyone. He'd slept in coffins for all of his life. While Rayne prepared for bed, Alucard simply sat on the floor, wondering if he should sleep on that, instead....[/i][/color]
  15. [color=teal]It's alright, I can take it. If she doesn't want to forgive me, even though I apologized with everything I could about the poem, the calls, and the insane remarks in my profile and banner, than she is at God's mercy. I have apologized to everyone, including God, for my sins against them. I only wish it's enough, because I don't want to be a bad person anymore. No matter what happens, even if she hates me, a part of me will always love her. I have moved on, though, and I pray I can find a way to remain friends with all of the people I have hurt, and I can only pray that they can in time forgive me. For all of my actions against anyone, I am heartfully sorry and pray your life is happy, no matter at what cost to my personal happiness.[/color]
  16. [color=teal]Umm.....Vegitto? How do I go from an LA speedway to the Brooklyn Bridge? And I already stated that I was found and buried as a John Doe. Ok? Just a little edit. And everyone, it was great being in this RPG. I hope this turns out great. I'm rooting for you.[/color]
  17. [color=teal]Which enemy in the Zelda series started as a minor, but powerful enemy, then became a miniboss? Also, which enemy started as a boss, but then was degraded to an ordinary enemy? Both became such in the 3d titles, the first one in MM, the second in OoT.[/color]
  18. [color=teal]This is an apology to several people of OB. Everything I have done in the last week has been selfish and out of svere depression. I am still depressed, but I realize that I must apologize. Even to several people outside of the boards, but I am not allowed to speak to them. Maybe someone from the boards will carry this message to them. I apologize sincerely to these people: [b]Juuthena:[/b]I apologize for bveing impatient and mean to you, in the case of my Castlevania RPG. I am sorry from the bottom of my heart. [b]Sirven_2002:[/b]I apologize for being short-tempered and angry with you. I realize you are just looking out for me, and I was angry. I am sorry from the bottom of my heart. [b]Medra:[/b]Neil, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the insane post I put in your RPG out of desperation and depression, and I'm sorry for trying to vent my depression by speaking to you on insane, boring topics and RPGs I'll never even begin. I am sorry from the bottom of my heart. [b]Raquel:[/b]I'm sorry for seeming so distant and locked-away, cutting you off. You are one of my best friends, and I wish I had done somthing differen when you called. I didn't really have to go, I just didn't want to talk to you. And last night, I asked Laney to say I was asleep after I called. I am sorry from the bottom of my heart. [b]James:[/b]I am sorry for the vulgar, inapproriate conduct I have been showing on the boards as of late. I acted out of depression and anger, and I realize by doing so I degraded the quality and safety of your boards. I am sorry from the bottom of my heart. [b]Mrs. Doe:[/b]I am sorry for everything I did. I realize my repeated calls were annoying and by every right, I deserve to be called a sick son-of-a-*****. I am sorry from the bottom of my heart. [b]Mrs. Caire:[/b]I am sorry for the desensitizing remark in my signature. I was angry, depressed, and it was a very bad way for me to vent my feelings. I am sorry from the bottom of my heart. [i]And lastly, but most importantly:[/i] [b]HuntersArtea635:[/b]I am sorry I couldn't be a better person. I am sorry for every single bad remark I ever made about you, I apologize for all of the hurtful things I put in my signature and my profile. I was angry, depressed, and it was extremely hurtful to you, I realize. I wish from the pit of my soul that I could do something to make up for it. It hurts me very badly to see you cry, even if I have been hurt to the point of near-suicide by you. I am sorry I couldn't have made you happier. I am sorry from the bottom of my heart. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To all members of Otaku[b]Boards[/b] that have seen my irrational and disgusting behavior, I sincerely apologize. As you can see, my week has been ful of anger, hatred, and self-destruction. I apologize from the bottom of my heart to anyone who was offended, hurt, or otherwise adverse to my actions. I pray for your forgiveness.[/color]
  19. [color=teal][i]Blaze sighed. He was a burden. He could sense it. He packed up everything, put it all together, and left his prize torch on Neil's locker with a note saying "I know you've always wanted this. It's yours.". He left his Colt .45's to Loren, he left his katanas to Rali, and he took off a necklace he prized, a gift from someone he used to know. He left the golden heart engraved with an "R" in his own locker, with a note explaining where he went. He locked the small closet and took to his heels, disconnecting his signal from Frost so that the agents would not find his friends. He walked right into the middle of the LA speedway. A young girl, about Blaze's age, was standing in oncoming traffic, trying to revive a black-haired, Italian boy with a gash in his head. A huge eighteen-wheeler barreling right at them did not have time to slow down. Blaze kicked up, running right at the girl and the boy. Blaze pushed them out of the way of the truck, onto the median. The girl grimaced as she saw Blaze's bones disconnected, his arms splaying wide. His legs bent backwards, his body flying backwards, but not fast enough. His ribs pressed against his back, his spine popping out. As Blaze fell to the pavement, powder from his calcium-poor supports checkering the concrete, the wheels of the eighteen-wheeler rolled over him. Blaze was dead before the engine's roar overwhelmed and passed him. His last thoughts were of a young woman, blackish hair from dye, her brown eyes sparkling. Blaze's body was picked up hours later by an ambulance, only for him to be buried as a John Doe the next day...[/i][/color]
  20. [color=teal]Bad Bats in the first few games and MM, (Fire/Ice) Keese in OoT. No idea what it is in WW, just played a demo.[/color]
  21. [color=teal][i]Alucard walked into the Two Forests Inn, spying someone sitting at the table dressed in heavy armor, wearing a sword at his side. Alucard passed him by, grinning maniacally as the patrons stared at the odd, white hair and the long, slender katana that stood apart from Alucard's otherwise black wardrobe. One patron stood, flexing huge muscles, with oddly scale-like markings on his skin. Bahamut strode forward, clasping Alucard's hand.[/i] [b]Bahamut:[/b]Hello, old friend. What have we to do now? [b]Alucard:[/b]Hold, my brother. I sense another Vampire Hunter in our midst. A Baldwin.... [b]Vincent:[/b]I'm the one you sense, dhampile. I recognize your Rune Sword, the blade of Alucard Fahrenheit Tepes. [b]Alucard:[/b]You've done your studying, my friend. Hold, we wait for one more.... [i]Rayne walked in, a stale tear sliding down her cheek. She wiped it away and sat beside Alucard, staring at her "creator" and his new friends.[/i] [b]Alucard:[/b]There should be one more, but we must find him later. Alexandra Belmont is on her way to my father's caslte as we speak. John, another friend, was put to sleep on the train. He shall be following Alexandra. The plan is to catch up with them, for we are suited to night travel. [b]Vincent:[/b]Hold on, you plan on killing Draculka yourself, right? How? Only a Belmont can whip the final blow. [b]Alucard:[/b]Because the Belmonts of today.......are descended from me. The first Belmont, a girl named Sonia, was my lover. Our child, Trevor, fought beside myself, Grant DaNasty, and Sypha Belnades to defeat my father. After that came Simon, then Juste, then Richter, another who fought beside me, then Reinhart Schneider, then John Morris, then Alexandra. All descended from me. I, through all means, am the oldest Belmont.[/color]
  22. [color=teal][i]It was too much for Alucard. He swept down, licking the crimson fluid from Rayne's lip. The Thirst drove through him, as it had on that day.....[/i] [u][center][b]Flashback[/b][/center] [i]Adrian Fahrenheit Tepes sat silently in his mother's lap, hating with all of his power the hated cage of his half-vampirism. His mother, Lisa Tepes, was rocking him gently. She set him down and began to collect her herbs for healing when the mob came.[/i] [b]Mobster 1:[/b]Adrian, stand back! Your mother is a witch! [b]Lisa:[/b]I am no witch, I am simply an herbal healer. [b]Mobster 2:[/b]Tell that to the fire, you demon! [i]Adrian was grabbed and forced down, watched as his mother screamed and twisted against the scarring flames. There was nothing he could do. His mother was dead. An uninterable rage came upon him as his mother's last words bubbled through his mind.[/i] [b]Lisa:[/b]Do not hate humans, my family, instead let them be, for theirs is already a hard lot.... [i]The rage, a rage of bloodthirst, took him. He killed the entire mob, draining their waiting necks. The sudden drinking of the scarlet restorative pulled Adrian into a new body, a more adult version of himself. He cried for what he had done, cried out for his mother, and trudged home to watch his father's rage.....[/i] [center][b]End Flashback[/b][/u][/center] [i]Alucard snapped awake, his canines retracting back from Rayne's neck. In his unknowing state, he had bitten her. He shook himself, paying no attention to the terrified, pale man in the corner. He instead sat back, waiting for the train to slow and stop at Venice Station while Rayne's body shook in the throes of the Dark Gift. Somehow, unconsciously, he had set her Gift so that she would not thirst, but would instead be immortal, stronger, and flawless, as all dhampiles were. The man fainted, and Alucard touched his head.[/i] [b]Alucard:[/b]Sleep, my friend. What you have seen is nothing more than a dream of overintimate lovers, a dream and nothing more... [b]Rayne:[/b]Thank you, Alucard. [b]Alucard:[/b]My real name is Adrian, but call me what you wish. I travel with you, as far as my father's castle. Then, if you feel strong enough, if you wish, can you continue with me. In Venice, i have a friend to speak with. I hope Bahamut remembers the favor he owes me, after I gave him the location of his sister's lair and her..... "contact" with my father. [b]Rayne:[/b]Let us go, then.[/color]
  23. [color=teal] I think it's six. Never paid attention during the demos.[/color]
  24. [color=teal]Mei, it's IndigoGos. Two Gos. I just finished MM for the eight time, and I was forced to play that god-awful Ballad of the Windfish again. It sounds nothing like the slightly soothing GB version on LA. But yeah, it's two Gos.[/color]
  25. [color=teal][b]Boards Name:[/b]Etarah's Maverick (AKA ElvenFoxKnight) [b]Real Name:[/b]John "Hunter" Schock [b]Bio:[/b]Born in the Lakeside hospital of Metairie, Louisiana, John was a born fighter. After beating the solid crap out of many obstacles (mainly chip bags and soda cans) in his life, he grew to be a Brandon Lee fanatic, complete with crow familiar and black threads. He has had an inate ability to sense danger and to reverse it with several good wallops. He joined OB in June of 2002 with an intense feeling of impending doom for the ultimate Otaku message boards, and a flair for the RPG forum, and felt he must reverse these foreboding images. He currently leads a movement called the Ravenna, an anti-prophecy militia bent on saving those whose impending doom is foretold. Except Apocalypse. No way in Hell will John mess with Apocalypse. Even Wolverine got the piss beaten outta him by Apocalypse. John pretty much just wants to save OB.[/color]
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