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[color=teal]The sickest thing I've seen, I'm sorry to say, is what I saw on Friday. A boy from a school (Can't remember the name of the school, but the team name was Raiders. Maybe Neil can help me out on this one.) was walking home at a RED light, and some jackass on a cellphone ran the light, hit the kid, and didn't stop, as if it were a speedbump. About fifteen, twenty people were around, and nobody made a move to call 911. Eventually, somebody called, but my dad was too busy getting dinner (crayfish) for me to do anything but stare at society's ignorance.[/color]
[color=teal]OOC:Same way you talk to someone in the Matrix. And what the Hell are we supposed to do, remain bored while you and Raiha spar, waiting for the next mission. And besides, you know me, I have a suicidal complex. Anything but life-threatening situations are boring as Hell, even Armored Core 3. *lightbulb* Say, anybody wanna help me with an Armored Core RPG? That might be fun.....[/color]
RPG Members:[b] Raquel The Harlequin Orien_Xel DuoMax[/b] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=teal][i]Alucard sighed on the steam engine, staring into the sunlight. The powers of the dhampile gave him blessings that the novel character LeStat would be envious of. The son of Dracula sighed again, prepared to meet the Belmont in the next city. He looked to his left, at the young, black-haired passenger. She looked oddly familiar, as if she were somehow related to someone he knew. He shook it off until he saw her luggage case. "DaNasty", in plain english. She was related to Grant, who had fought alongside Alucard centuries ago in the second successful sealing of Dracula's evil. Alucard decided to begin a conversation with the young woman.[/i] [b]Alucard:[/b]Hell, my dear. What would your name be, aside from DaNasty, the pirate thief [b]Rayne:[/b]Rayne, and what does my name mean to you? [b]Alucard:[/b]Does the name "Alucard" ring a bell? [b]Rayne:[/b]Not particularly. Grant knew the son of the demon-lord, but it's not any concern of mine. [b]Alucard:[/b]Oh, but it is. [b]Rayne:[/b]Look, creep, I don't know, and frankly don't care, what you want, but leave me the hell alone. [b]Alucard:[/b]Your great-great-grandfather.....he said the same thing to Trevor. [i]Alucard gripped a lily from the ceiling awning, enfolding it gently into his hand. He sighed, looking out again. Too many bitter memories surrounded him. Especially of Sonia and Maria. He realized he was crying, but too late, Rayne had noticed the red bloodstains of his tears.[/i] [b]Rayne:[/b]Bloody tears? Then you're the one they named the famous orchestra after. But, the only person with Bloody Tears is Alucard Tepes.... [b]Alucard:[/b]I am him, and he is me. Unfortunately, my name and illness follow me everywhere.[/i] [b]Rayne:[/b]You speak as if being a dhampile is a bad thing. [b]Alucard:[/b]Possibly. It does have perks, when I'm in a pleasant mood. I hate killing the living, though. It is lucky that a dhampile can eat and drink other consumables besides blood. Off the depressing subject, where are you headed? [b]Rayne:[/b]Venice, to lay a lily on my parents' grave. [b]Alucard:[/b]Ah, Venice. I, too, am headed to Venice, but merely to exchange trains and head for Warakiya. [b]Rayne:[/b]You mean Wallachia? [b]Alucard:[/b]I guess you'll tell me that even Yugoslavia has been renamed. [b]Rayne:[/b]Yugoslavia? That was disbanded decades ago. [b]Alucard:[/b]Now I remember why I made up my mind to sleep until I died. Everything changes too rapidly. [i]At that moment, the train began to slow, pulling to a stop near the station.[/i] [b]Rayne:[/b]Alucard? You don't suppose....could you turn me into a dhampile? [b]Alucard:[/b]A dhampile's bite turns mortal blood to dhampile spawn, yes. I could. [b]Rayne:[/b]Will you?[/color]
[color=teal]I think it's green, red, and blue for the ChuChu question. If I'm right, here's the question. [b]Question:[/b]What is considered to be the MOST annoying enemy on LttP, and what same enemy by a different name proves to be just as annoying in OoT, but less annoying than the LikeLike of OoT?[/color]
[color=teal][i]In the middle of "Runaway", Blaze got one of his bad feelings. He grabbed his head, put his beer down, and tapped Rali on the shoulder. Rali turned, saw Blaze's grin, and gripped Ryan by the shoulder. Blaze looked towards the exit, where an FBI-like "man", as the rest of the people in the crowd called him, was ushering people out due to a "bomb scare". In truth, it was just a kid pulling a prank, but it was enough to cause havoc and attract agents. Blaze pulled and punched the nearest person twice his size, who in turn hit Ryan, who in turn went nuts and punched wildly in every direction. Rali simply grinned, preparing to use his entire body in a wave of attacks against Blaze's upstart rioteer. Rioteer #1 went down, bleeding from a broken nose. Mass fighting ensued, Blaze, Rali, and Ryan somehow avoiding too much bodily damage, yet still sustaining enough hurt to look as though they were just a few overeager fans, or maybe some rioteers, but the Smith clone didn't notice them.......for ten minutes, anyway. People cleared as the gunshots rang out, missing Rali and Blaze by fifteen inches and killing a young woman going risque with her top, thinking it was simply a gag for publicity. Blaze looked to the left, then to the right, Rali engaged with another agent. Ryan, rushing for the exit, took a couple of agents out with a quick bullet to the head. Blaze pulled out his twin katanas, slicing and dicing better the Emeril on a cube steak. Agent #1's end result was worse than Rory on Final Destination 2. Working their way to the ladies' room in the lobby, agents fell, but not before inflicing a bloody bullethole in Rali's shoulder, two in Blaze's leg, and one snapped wrist for Ryan. All three stumbled through the gateway into the Safehouse, two laughing like maniac kids who just caused mass havoc at Six Flags and got away with it. Frost just looked at Blaze, Ryan, and Rali, then at Neil and Loren.[/i] [b]Frost:[/b]Neil, I think we have a couple of people here more insane than you. [b]Neil:[/b]No way in Hell! [i]Frost pulled out some bandages, beginning the smalltime labor of repairing the bodies of the insane. Blaze was wondering when the next mission was. He was already getting bored, and he'd ducked out of the concert before it got interesting.[/color][/i]
[color=teal][i]Blaze sighed, putting a watch around his wrist. He tossed another watch of the same type to Rali.[/i] [b]Blaze:[/b]Press the button on the side to warn me of any agents, or when Neil decides on our mission. [b]Rali:[/b]Where are you going? [b]Blaze:[/b]There's a Linkin Park concert at Madison Square. I gotta be there. [i]Blaze hitched up his katanas, pressing a button on the hilt and retracting the perforated blades. Placing the hilts into his overcoat pocket, he produced front-row seats to the concert and placed them in his back jeans pocket. To finish the ensemble, Blaze grabbed his Colt .45s and put them in his holsters. Cinching the overcoat closed, he walked out of the safehouse......into the Matrix. Right next to Madison Square Gardens.[/i] [b]Frost:[/b]Hey Blaze, we got an emergency exit for you, the "under maintenance" ladies' room, just outside the concert hall. You'd better enjoy that concert, man. At least for me. [b]Blaze:[/b]No problem, mano. You and Rali watch my back, unless you want to come with me, Rali?[/color]
[color=teal][b]Name:[/b]Kenshin Himura [b]Age:[/b]-- [b]Weapons:[/b]Reverse-blade sword, battou-style swordskills. [b]Appearance:[/b]Long red hair, often tied in a pony-tail, a cross-shaped scar on the left cheek. Often wears a purple robe and white pants. [b]Personality:[/b]As though completely reversed from his evil, killing nature, the Battousai is now cheerful, kind, and caring. A mistake made by a famous drug-lord was "He's a Manslayer, after all. It's not like he'll care enough to rescue her." The mistake was never made again. Kenshin is skilled with his reversed sword, possibly more so than with a normal blade katana, but he uses his skills to protect and impress, especially when it comes to a certain Mrs. Kaoru.....[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Blade [/i] [B]I don't like the 2-D stle. Wasn't the GBA supposed to be 32-bit??? If it was surely it can have better graphics that that. The MGS version is much better(my opinion). I might rent it or brrow it off a friend but i won't go as far as buying it. I think that the whole stealth aspect will be ripped apart!!! Regards Blade:naughty: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=teal]I have to say, he does have a point. But, in lieu of 3D, we must remember that Nintendo was the first to make wide usage of Mode7 graphics (Final Fantasy III, F-Zero, MegaMan Zero, etc.), but we must also remember that they also have the limits of cart space. A completely 3D game, like the battle animations from Golden Sun and GS2 (which also employed Mode7 as well as 3D), would be completely oversized and we'd end up with Splinter Cell on the N64 or GameCube. Also, the engine required for Splinter Cell's darkness/stealth system would overload the GBA's 32-bit system. We must settle for Mode7 backgrounds, exceptional foreground graphics, and action and RPGs until Nintendo develops a more sophisticated handheld. And I don't think I'll live to see that day.[/color]
[color=teal]The results! I chose four, mainly to keep numbers low and to make the story more focused around a group than split members, but also to make it transition easily to split parties. My choices are: [b]The Harlequin[/b] [b]Raquel[/b] [b]Orien_Xel[/b] [b]DuoMax[/b] I am waiting on one more member, Juuthena, though. If she does not make the grand total 'six', I shall choose one of the remainders or allow more to try out. Thank you for trying out.[/color]
[color=teal]The only one I know of so far is LttP, in which the ending sequence consists of Link speaking with the Triforce's essence and then grabbing the Triforce. In all the rest, aside from Wind Waker (which I have yet to beat), I know there is no getting the Triforce, and unless you SERIOUSLY want to screw your game to hell, I advise against using the Gameshark cheat and saving on the N64.[/color]
[color=teal][i]Blaze entered the Construct, falwlessly pulling out and spinning his Colt .45s, mentally calling up an extremely difficult shooting range program, where the targets shot back and moved. Fast. Seamlessly, as if made of water-turned-silk, Blaze spun, taking out three of the dummies with two bullets, one head shot, another fragmenting through one's sternum into the other's groin. Flipping, he peeled off two more, then five, with as many bullets. He began to run up a wall his mind had called in, killing more and more dummies. Craig stopped what he was doing and looked at Blaze with a little surprise and respect in his eyes.[/i] [b]Ryan:[/b]Whoa. Lara Croft on steroids AND adrenaline. [b]Blaze:[/b]Not even close. I need to work harder to get there. [i]Blaze shook his head and took out his Python, aiming low and blowing the entire lower half out of a dummy at close range. He looked to neil, who looked back. Blaze walked out of the Contsruct, wondering what to do if any agents came.[/i][/color]
[color=teal]Stereotypicality is common when comparing game systems, like the GCN stereotype about it being made "for the kids" while the PS2 was branded "for the teens and adults" when GTAIII came out. However, did anyone realize that it's the GAME, not system, for the "kids" of the "adults". Anyone ever heard of Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly? One of the first fifty games on the PS2, came before GTAIII. It was a game MADE FOR THE KIDS! Resident Evil? My little brother would have nightmares for years if he played it. RE Zero? No way in Hell. But me? I play the games all the time ON THE GCN! And when the cel-shaded Link, it wasn't for appeal, it was for a different approach. Everyone thought the same way you do, but then they played the game. A child could NOT get past the first dungeon. It took my little brother four hours to realize you could pick the lizalfos' torches and light them. Lesson: IT'S THE GAME, NOT THE SYSTEM, MARKETED FOR A SPECIFIC CROWD! On the subject: Nintendo may have experienced a gray area in the N64's time, mainly because of the difficulty rating "Near impossible, even with cheats, but without 'em, yer screwed" (Jet Force Gemini was the main one) on most games, then the graphical inequalities when they sacrificed quality FOR this difficulty, but when 'SSB' came out, the gray area made way to the GCN, in which Nintendo has become one of, if not THE best, in video game creation.[/color]
[color=teal]In Ocarina of Time, where is the Sinking Lure located, and what fish can be caught with it?[/color]
[color=teal][i]Blaze's body got used to the being back in the real world again, cutting his voice off. Sasha nearly jumped in surprise at Blaze's next question.[/i] [b]Blaze:[/b]Hherg hig faxer? [b]Sasha:[/b]What? I never understand you. [b]Neil:[/b]He said "Where's the water". [b]Sasha:[/b]You understand him? [b]Neil:[/b]No. [b]Sasha:[/b]Then how did you know he wants water? [b]Neil:[/b]Right before we got ambushed, he siad he was gonna get a drink of water. [b]Sasha:[/b]Oh. [i]Blaze laughed hoarsely as his body began making corrections to itself, rearranging his torn vocal cords to a point where he was understandable, but still very raspy. He sat down next to Frost after the glass was emptied. He was looking for the Nebudchadnezzar.[/i] [b]Frost:[/b]The system gets more and more complex every time we try to use it. Neo's death was just the first of many. [b]Blaze:[/b]The oracle? [b]Frost:[/b]I have no idea. Neil, you know if the Oracle is still around? [i]Neil was busily raiding the mess area of the gargantuan room when the question was aroused. He walked to the area with Frost and Blaze, looking at the asker.[/i] [b]Neil:[/b]Hmm? [b]Sasha:[/b]He asked if the Oracle is still alive.[/color]
[color=teal][i][b]Blaze stood still, making an odd grunt in his voice. Neil recognized it as Blaze's version of "Deja Vu", this time at an alleycat.[/i] [b]Neil:[/b]Two D-vu's in one minute. This is gonna be bad. Operator, get us the Hell out of here! [b]Blaze:[/b]Down, now. [i]All of them ducked, avoiding a Browning 9mm spray from blowing skulls. Blaze pulled out his twin kitanas, looking at Neil for guidance.[/i] [b]Neil:[/b]No. We don't attack. Not yet. We wait. GET US OUT OF HERE!!!!![/color]
[color=teal][edit=begin]You two, I have available weapons classes up. Aside from editing for grammatical errors, you may want to change your equipment, too.[/color][color=teal] [center][b]Weapons[/b][/center] [i][b]Note:[/b]You may equip up to five weapons and three pieces of armor: Leg, Body, Helm. The number next to the name, if any, denotes a penalty. (2) = two spaces, meaning only three weapons can be equipped.[/i] [b]Longswords:[/b]Kitanas, Longswords, and Iron Swords. Medium damage. Great with Belmonts, Lycanis, and Draygnars. [b]Greatswords:[/b]Huge blades, heavy damage. Greatswords, Claymore, Bastard Swords (Hand and a Half swords if "Bastard" is offensive to you), Kagari-Bi's. Awesome for Kishines. [b](2)Magic Blades:[/b]Muramasa, Masamune, Rune Sword, Caladbolg, Illumina, perfect weapons for Renards and Alucard. Medium damage with exception of the Masamune and the Rune Sword, but also with elemental penalties (poison, darkness, confusion, etc.). [b]Birds:[/b]Doves, hawks, ravens, crows, sparrows, basically any small bird. Best with Belnades and Fernandez. Light damage. [b](2)Axes:[/b]Greataxe, Waraxe, and Tideaxe. Best with Kishines and Lecardes. Heavy damage. [b](3)Claws:[/b]Ironclaw, Steelclaw, Boneclaw. Medium damage. Lycanis and Alucard only. [b]Rods:[/b]Quarterstaff, Magirod, Elempedra. EXTREMELY light damage, best with Belnades, as it augments elemental magiks. [b]Pistols:[/b]Colt .45, Colt Python, Sixgun. Best with Oldreys. [b]Whips:[/b]Leather Whip, Thorn Whip, Flame Whip, Hunter Whip, Killer Whip. Best with Belmonts. [b]Daggers:[/b]Dagger, Knife, Throwing Knife, Mythril Knife. Only for DaNastys. Medium damage. [b]Throwing Axes:[/b]Pinionaxe, Shuriken, Kunai, Spiral Edge. For DaNastys and Belmonts. Light damage. [center][b]Armor[/b][/center] [i][b]Note:[/b]Anyone can eqipu any armor except the Heavy Armor, which only the Kishines and Lycanis can use.[/i] [b]Leg Armor:[/b]Crystal Cuirass, Black Cuirass, Iron Cuirass, Boots, Leather Boots, Steel Boots. [b]Armor:[/b]Atlas Armor, Steel Armor, Magi Armor, Robes. [b]Heavy Armor:[/b]Atlas Mail, Steel Mail, Crystal Mail, Darkmatter Mail. [b]Helms:[/b]Cap, Steel Helm, Magi Helm, Aqua Helm.[/color][edit=end] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=teal]Oookaayyy. Now Zerosabre007, Vilearchangemon, kindly edit your posts. I am filtering for grammar and spelling, too. Good luck to all.[/color]
[color=teal]I think it's Majora's Mask. Bigger than a skullfish, Tatl says something about it not letting go when it gets you. You have to kill one to get one of LuLu's eggs and learn the New Wave Bossa Nova.[/color]
[color=crimson][i]He lives in his keep, huddled away from the masses upon which he feeds. His rule upon the world secure. His powers beyond measure. His wife, Lisa, dead and gone. His damphile son, Adrian, asleep in his coffin. Or so our "noble" lord would hope to think....[/color][/i] [color=teal]The year is 2364. Mankind has suffered greatly, and instead of progressing, has regressed. When the Belmont clan fell during the Cleansing, a genocide of all ?magical or unexplainable? persons, the world had killed one of their only saviors. Dracula, sensing his rival finally defeated, arose again to plague the innocent. His wrath first enveloped Europe, then Asia, then the Americas. Every continent fell to his grasp, his minions spawning more minions from each continent. Nobody was there to hinder his dominance.... Well, almost nobody. Adrian Fahrenheit Tepes, better known as the dhampile, Alucard. Asleep in his sepulcher since he, Maria, and Richter sealed Dracula away for a hundred years, Alucard vowed never to allow his nature to harm anyone else. However, the last living Belmont accidentally stumbled upon his casket and unsealed it, releasing at last the sleeping Son of Darkness. Alucard and the Belmont must now collect descendants from all of the other killers that aided the Belmonts and Alucard in Dracula's defeat numerous times before.....[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b][color=royal blue][center]Families[/center][/b] This is a list of all of the families available. Note that I will allow up to two members from each. [b]DaNasty:[/b]Expert thieves that carry only daggers and throwing axes, the DaNasty family has aided Trevor Belmont before with their ability to climb walls and leap far distances. [b]Belnades:[/b]Powerful magicians with a taste for irony, they carry only staves and rods. Their elemental magic skills are unparalled, but their vitality is something to be missed. They aided Trevor Belmont first, then Soma Cruz. [b]Lycanis:[/b]Members of the lycanthrope Cornell's family, this hardy clan is unmatched in strength, though they only use their bare hands (or claws) in battle. Preceded Reinhart Schneider (a Belmont) and Carrie Fernandez in defeating Dracula. [b]Fernandez:[/b]A branch of the Belnades that studies beam magiks, they use magical chakrams and short blades as weapons. The vitality and strength of the Fernandez, like the Belnades, is something lacking. [b]Kishine:[/b]Family that aided Juste Belmont. They wield huge swords with great efficiency, though they lack any magical abilities whatsoever. [b]Baldwin:[/b]Like the Belmonts, this family weilds whips and swords against the Prince of Darkness. Their speed and agility are unmatched, as is their skill with their respective weapons. it is rumored that they are descended from the mighty Alucard. They aided Nathan Graves, a Belmont, in Dracula's defeat. [b]Lecarde:[/b]Wielders of the mystical Alcarde spear, they are fast, agile, and able to leap extraordinary distances. They can also twirl the Alcarde Spear, fashioned from the very thigh bone of the last living dragon, Bahamut [b](see ?Draygnar?)[/b], with excellent ease and skill for any amount of time with lethal efficiency. The Lecardes aided John Morris, a Belmont descendant, in destroying Dracula in the early 1900?s [b]Draygnar:[/b]A family of dragons capable of regeneration, their bones have been said to grant a human holder with great speed, strength, and skill. With excellent vitality and defense, they outlast even the most hardy opponents. One remains, the mighty Bahamut. They bear the ?transform? ability, mixing their dragon and human appearances. [b]Oldrey:[/b]Masters of the pistol, the descendants of Henry Oldrey, who aided Carrie Fernandez and Reinhart Schneider by rescuing children before they could be vessels for Dracula?s spirit. The Oldrey family is strong, especially when firing their magnum pistols. They have the ability to equip any form of armor. [b]Renard:[/b]Summoners with unmatched skill, the Renards aided Alucard himself before in Dracula's defeat. Their vitality is lacking, but magic has no effect at all on them. They attack with doves, ravens, or whatever small bird suits their attitude.[/color] [b][color=crimson][center]Skills[/center][/b] [u][b]Note:[/b]You may have any abilities but Transform, Feed, and Climb (unless you belong to the family listed), but if you do not belong to the family listed, you will be half as effective as the family member with that skill. I.E. Dash at half speed, breathe in only water, Backflip less distance, etc.[/u] [b]Doublejump:[/b]Jump twice in a row. Kishine?s and Lycanis? specialty [b]Backflip:[/b]Jump backwards in a flipping motion, avoiding danger. Renard?s and Belnades? specialty. [b]Transform:[/b]Available only to certain families, enables the person to become one form of a creature related to him/her. [b]Dash:[/b]Move at high speeds along any surface, including water, if a special artifact is equipped. Anybody?s move. [b]Feed:[/b]Available only to a dhampile, this ability allows the dhampile to feed off of an enemy?s blood to restore health. Alucard?s specialty. [b]Climb:[/b]Towers? Not a problem. Just scale the sides. DaNasty?s specialty. [b]Defend:[/b]Guard an attack and take half damage. Lycanis?, Kishine, and Oldrey specialty. [b]Breath of Life:[/b]Breathe in any environment without penalty. Alucard?s, Belmont?s specialty. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Note: The single Belmont is preferrably to be taken by a girl, but if needs be, an exception can be made.[/b] [b][center][color=teal]Info[/center][/b] [b]Name:[/b]Alucard Tepes [b]Family:[/b] None [b]Weapon:[/b]Rune Sword, Steel Claw. [b]Armor:[/b]Atlas Armor, Aqua Helm, Leather Boots. [b]Skills:[/b] Dash, Transform (bat, wolf, mist), Feed, Doublejump, Breathe [b]Bio:[/b]First revealed in [i]Castlevania Legends[/i], in which he fought, then aided the first Vampire-killing Belmont, Sonia. Together, he and Sonia had a son, Trevor. After that, Alucard disappeared. Later, he was found by his unknowing son, defeated, and he joined his son to defeat Dracula. After destroying his father, Alucard sealed himself off until he was awakened by Maria Renard to battle Dracula and save Richter Belmont from an evil sorcerer?s grip. Succeeding, Alucard again slept after the adventure. His dreams were fitful, filling his mind with unholy thoughts of his mother, Lisa Tepes, for whom Dracula was fighting, even though Lisa begged Dracula not to hate humans for her death. Alucard now awakens to battle his father and Shaft, the sorcerer who caused the Great Cleansing, yet again. [b]Appearance:[/b]See attachment.[/color] [url="http://www.classicgaming.com/castlevania/midi/BL_Bloody_Tears.mid"]Serenade of Illusion's theme.[/url]
[color=teal][b]Name:[/b]Jack Altrerem [b]Codename:[/b]Blaze [b]Age:[/b]23 [b]Height:[/b]6'7" [b]Appearance:[/b]Blaze has dark black hair, often tied in a braid that falls to his waist over his shoulder, silver eyes, and a strong, yet thin, frame. He has a single scar on his right eye, preferring the "Auron" look to anything else. He wears a black vest, black jeans, and combat boots. He wears a long black cloak in cold weather. [b]Personality:[/b]Despite his appearance, Blaze is cheerful and outgoing. His mindset is to accomplish anything he is assigned to, though he is cheerful to a fault even in a deadly situation. He is, however, not at all talkative and would prefer to stay silent thn anything. When out of the Matrix, his vocal cords are atrophied and decayed, ruining his speech, which explains his unwillingness to speak IN the Matrix. [b]Preferred Gear:[/b][u]Note: Only carries two of the follwing at a time.[/u] [b]Twin Katanas:[/b]Think Highlander, but cleaner and more lethal. [b]Dual bowie knives:[/b]Remember Final Destination? That's where these send you. [b]Colt Python:[/b]Excellent accuracy, excellent power, bad recoil. Six rounds/reload. [b]Dual Colt .45's:[/b]John Woo, the Phantom, and Lara Croft, all rolled into one. 30 rounds/clip [b]Torch:[/b]A mini-flamethrower. It's where he gets his name. 5 ounces fuel/canister.[/color]
[color=teal]Bingo, Desbreko. In my opinion, though, they oughta make a new genre simply for the Zelda games and those that follow the free-roaming style. Dunno what it would be called, though. Anyway, ask away.[/color]
[color=teal]What genre does Link's Adventure belong to?[/color]
[color=teal]Hmm......If it's not 200, then K must say she's 380, then her sister says they're both 400, and then one of them calls themselves the cute one......ick.[/color]
[color=teal]Nope. Koume and Kotake argued because Koume (or is it Kotake) claimed to be 180 (I think), but Kotake (or is it Koume) argued that they were twins, so since Koume (or Kotake) was 200, so was Kotake (or Koume).[/color]
[color=teal]She tore my heart out, left me to die. But I got up, as if Nature to defy. I shook myself off, looked to the air, And discovered that feeling was no longer there. Stone cold, then warm, then rocky again, My heart's emotions no longer will bend. One thing races through my mind, driving me mad. "Become the best and strongest so that you'll never be had." Everyday, I fight a battle, growing strong yet falling weak. As if missing something I don't even bother to seek. I shake it off, reach up to the sun, And grab a part of what belongs to this fallen one. No more remorse, only cold, hard truth. I've killed you, foully uncouth. No more feeling, my heart is dead. Goodbye world, fight in my stead.[/color]
[color=teal]There's one more Ginny. *hides the Ultra-Cool-Mega-Special-Edition Auron behind my back*. Des oughta know it. These enemies made a SINGLE appearance as the most annoying and third-most damaging enemies in the Turtle Rock dungeon in LttP. (The boss being first damaging, the cactus-bouncy-thingie *hides that plushy too* being second damaging).[/color]