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[color=teal]If I died.....I'd like to become a wolf. Unfeeling, hunting only be instinct, killing whatever creature had the guts to walk in on my territory. If not a wolf, then a fire elemental.[/color]
[color=teal][i]Jack headed home, sighing in the night air. He got back to his aun't and checked the answering machine. No messages. He sighed again, fixing tacos for his aunt again and going upstairs. He needed to unwind after his trip to Louisiana. When he got to his room, however, he found something new.[/i] [b]Ami:[/b]Welcome home, cowboy. Get some rest. Tomorrow you get to ride for our ranch in the rodeo. [i]Jack stood, shocked. He was good at riding a horse, but not that good. He fell to his knees, almost jumping for joy.[/i][/color]
[color=teal]I was thinking of the sword, actually. In Legend of Zelda, there was no shield, and the power bracelet still had to be assigned to a button. But I'll give it to you, mainly because I want to answer this. [b]Answer:[/b]It resembles a switch crystal, used to raise or lower block patterns on dungeon and/or cave floors. I think. Not sure, haven't played the game in years.[/color]
[color=teal][i]A violent rocking within his own soul sent Blaze toppling through an open hatch, plummeting down into the forest far below him. One word summed up every single emotion running through him.[/i] [b]Blaze:[/b]Sir...e...n.... [i]He fell into the forest near Fort Condor, bashing his skull against an oak tree's trunk. He blinked three times, feeling the pain that Siren felt before closing his eyes in a shattered coma....[/i][/color]
[color=teal]And guess what. I don't care! too many goddamn times have I stuck my *** into a bad situation, only to get either the crap beaten out of me, or the piss out of me. Then, when I turn to writing down my feelings, the very things that create ALL of my goddamn poems, I get criticized. Well, it's a double-edged sword, i guess. Thanks for the...er....CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM.[/color]
[color=teal]OOC:*ignores Jack's post, continuing on from Raiha's last one* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Blaze sighed, disgusted. He walked from the group, grabbing a horse, transforming, and riding into his father;s camp, delivering a single ultimatum.[/i] [b]Blaze:[/b]Father. You have one chance, now, to turn back. [b]Artem:[/b]My "son".....how does it feel? It's time I tell you a story....then my answer. [b]Blaze:[/b]Fine, but I'd better like your answer. Or I'll have a second dinner. [b]Artem:[/b]Ahem....*gulp*..... [b]Blaze:[/b]Begin! [b]Artem:[/b]Yes, I raped your mother, an elf skilled in resurrecting stones from their natural demonic state. However, I caught her, naked, in the woods one day, reviving a sapphire found in the leafy ground. I had a desire for that gem, but it transformed into an unborn child, becoming one with her. That day, I asked her to marry me, but she denied. I raped her. Hours later, her battered and broken form crawled from the ave while I slept, and you were born. You're tiger-like powers were given you by the god of your new clan, but I needed your sapphire form. I could only retrieve that by killing you while you were full-demon, not this half-demon piece of crap that you are. There is your story. You are part elf, part tiger, part demon, and because of me, part human. [b]Blaze:[/b]Reminds me of a girl at the pub I know. [b]Artem:[/b]Yes, I know. She is the reason I need to destroy The Post, and the reaon I needed your jewel. To placate her! Now, without your dead and broken body in gem form, she will destroy me! The man that killed her brother! [i]Blaze sat shocked, staring wildly at the man in front of him. Claws rippled from his paws, but he was too late. Artem was already out of the tent's door, running and barking final orders.[/i] [b]Artem:[/b]take the tavern tonight! Take it now! Kill all inside! Leave none alive! [i]Blaze growled, rushing back to The Post.[/i] [b]Blaze:[/b]I hate that answer. Father, you will pay for this! YOU WILL PAY!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC:Oh, yes, I'm good. Sere Tuscumbia gave me AMPLE fuel for my fire. Twisting two storylines into one.....is this not what you expected from me, Flynn?[/color]
[color=teal][i]Blaze looked upon his mire home, repeatedly killing the animal-like villains that searched for his head. He had become nicknamed "Jabberwock" in a nearby village, and he'd rightfully burned the village down, mainly because of the derisive, animalistically evil nature of every single citizen in it. He sighed, deciding it was time for the monstrously vile 'Necromancer" to die. The animalistic ***hole had caused the death of his father. Blaze grabbed his whip, pulled out his Crossblade longswords, and walked out of the Mire of Terror. He needed to smell fresh air anyway.[/i] [b]Blaze:[/b]Jab! Hey, Jab! [i]A dire wolf rushed up, getting scratched behind his ears and looking forlornly at his master.[/i] [b]Blaze:[/b]It's ok, Jab. I'll only be gone a while. You need to keep up my little "Jabberwocky". Ok, Jab? And tell Kiara to take care of my house, ok? I'll call you both if I absolutely need you. Take care. [i]Jab howled forlornly as his master strapped his leather body armor on and walked towards a place where a friend of his lived. His friend was named Ezrael.[/i][/color]
[color=teal]What item was originally used in Legend of Zelda automatically, unchangeably, yet became alterable in Link's Awakening?[/color]
[color=teal]Legend of Zelda, Link's Adventure, Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time. Oh, and the two Super Smash Bros. games. If you count those, it's six. If not, it's four. Not counting the CDI games, but those weren't even approved by Miyamoto, I think.[/color]
[color=teal][i]Xion's Limiter reactivated ten minutes before his execution, which was broadcast live to every television in the range of eighteen miles. Xion sighed, his energy levels cooling down. He looked at his busters, which had been removed. His blades, taken. A firing squad of Green Hunters stood before him. Something was wrong, though. He smiled and began to laugh maniacally.[/i] [b]Xion:[/b]You fools! By publically executing me, I can expose you all! People of Novus Concordia! Do not trust the Hunters anymore! They are responsible for the attack on the power facility! The Hunters killed humans! DO NOT TRUST THE HUNT- [i]The squad fired. Xion's main core reactor was hit, his body wracked. Still he lived. To avoid detection, he set himself into deep standby. Zero checked his vital signs, but saw the glowing LED. At once, a moment of conscious struck the red Hunter.[/i] [b]Zero:[/b]He's....he's dead. Shall I junk him? [b]Duke:[/b]Do it. Throw him in the trash heap. His parts might contaminate more of our upcoming Hunters... [i]A Hunter put Xion's body in the dump, five miles away. Right next to the AX-busters and the two sabers. But somebody had to reactivate his system soon, or core leakage would cause him to implode. Luckily, the Hunter was Zero. With a flick of the switch behing Xion's left shoulder blade, deep standby was cancelled.[/i] [b]Xion:[/b]Thanks....but it's too late. I'm dead. Nothing more......just......dead................... [i]Xion's HUD flickered, reading SYSTEM CRITICAL: CORE SHUTDOWN IMMINENT. LIFE SUPPORT: OFFLINE. Xion's eyes closed one last time, his body surrounded by garbage and maverick parts.[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There, I'm dead. Any of you happy?!?![/color]
[color=teal][i]Blaze sighed, pulling out his kitana, but Siren stopped him. She pulled out a long, red kitana with dragon insignia on the blade. His Muramasa.[/i] [b]Siren:[/b]The only weapon I would ever enjoy seeing you use. Use it now. It isn't the strongest blade in the world, but it does look good on you. [i]Blaze pulled his mythril kitana from his scabbard, replacing it with his beloved Muramasa. He felt his troubled mind wash int the battle rage, his aching heart healed by the love at his side. Sephiroth was going to die, oh yes, he was going to die.[/i] [b]Barrett:[/b]Looks like we're gonna need a leader. I nominate ME! [b]Aeris:[/b]You think so? I was thinking Blaze! [b]Tifa:[/b]Blaze! [b]Cid:[/b]The fires of Hell are colder than that kid! Blaze! [b]Siren:[/b]You all know what I'm going to say. [b]Cloud:[/b]Finally, somebody else is leader! [b]Lethe:[/b]Blaze. [b]Vincent:[/b]I care not who becomes leader, but I do care who stops that familiar creature from destroying the Highwind. [b]Cid:[/b]Hey, that thing looks like one of those WEAPONs, you know, Ultimate, Ruby, and Emerald? [b]Cloud:[/b]But those were only......oh no! He's not going to do it again! He can't! We have to stop Sephoroth quick! [b]Barrett:[/b]Look! On WEAPON's head! The white-haired freak's got a materia! But it ain't black! It's red! [i]Sephiroth held his hands up to the sky, summoning Ramuh against the party and vanishing. The lightning attacks hit the engines of the Highwind, overloading them. What's more, the giant Sapphire WEAPON was closing in on the ship.[/i][/color]
[color=teal][b]???:[/b]You're all wrong. She is the real Aeris, but she has only a short amount of time here. [b]Blaze:[/b]Who....who are you? [b]???:[/b]My name is of little concern, but you ought to know, if you wish to revive that young woman completely, you need my blood, mixed with the blood of my son. Cloud, your Buster Sword is covered in my son's blood from the time you used it right after Zack died.... [b]Cloud:[/b]Zack? But that means...you're Jenova! But you have to be dead! Your blood, Sephiroth's blood....what th hell is wrong?!?! Don't take her away from me again! Damnit, i'd give her my life, just don't take her from me.... [b]???:[/b]You have my blood, the blood of Sephiroth IS my blood. But my son......my son is in your very midst. My TRUE son.....my Feneris......help your cousin....help your sister Cetra.... [b]Cloud:[/b]Feneris? Isn't that Blaze's last name? Blaze.... [i]The party turned to the young man in their midst, but he was writhing in pain. His body contorted harshly, his very being disrupting upon itself. A pink, gooey figure appeared in the altar, drawing the spilling blood of Blaze and the blood from the sheathed Buster Sword into one large, blue materia. The Sapphire Materia. Good for absolutely nothing, as Aeris once thought. Yet it had one use. Resurrection. The Sapphire conjoined with Aeris, melding and forming a complete form. Yet still Blaze writhed.[/i] [b]???:[/b]Wait! Mother! I found you! At last mother! I have come! [b]Jenova:[/b]No! Sephiroth, you are not my son! Blaze is! You are nothing to me! Let my son be! [b]Sephiroth:[/b]ARGHH! This rat cannot be my brother! Look how he writhes at the truth of his own past! See how he...wait.....that isn't natural. [b]Cloud:[/b]RUN! [b]Jenova:[/b]Yes, Blaze, live up to your name as the Feneris! Become one with your wolf self! [i]Blaze contorted, his body wracking upon itself. He stood once more, his eyes glowing with rage. Sephiroth vanished, presumably back to Shinra, and Jenova shook her head. Blaze calmed his breathing, settling into his mind.[/i] [b]Blaze:[/b]No....I am Blaze Feneris. I am human. I don't care, mother or not, I have a life. My goal is to avenge the wounds inflicted upon me by Sephiroth. I am in love with Siren Kojia, and as such I would cross the ends of the Earth and make them meet if it would mean keeping my promise. [b]Cloud:[/b]I am Cloud Strife, hero of Meteor. I am human. I am in love with Aeris Gainsborough, and as such, i would give my life to preserve hers. My goal is to destroy Sephiroth for the murder of Aeris, and to thank and praise the blood of Blaze Feneris for reuniting me with her. [i]The rest of the present party made similar vows. Jenova shook her now-immaterial head, drifting into nothingness. She left mere statements, directed at her son and Cloud.[/i] [b]Jenova:[/b]My son, Cloud, take care of those you love. And Blaze, my son, I am sorry you didn't know sooner. I am sorry nobody knew sooner. Remember, Cloud, never make Aeris cry....Siren.....take....care...of.....Blaze....... [i]The church fell silent, Marlene gasping for breath.[/i] [b]Barrett:[/b]Omigawd! Marlene, sweetie, you okay?!? [b]Marlene:[/b]It was an angel! An angel! [i]The entire church filled with the sound of easy laughter for a time. Then Blaze smiled and Siren's hand found his. They sat down in a pew together, watching Cloud and Aeris tearfully catch up on their lost time...[/color][/i]
[color=teal][i]Blaze's tortured eyes met those of Siren. He held up his hand, trying to steady himself on the doorway. He fell backwards onto a chair a woman in a pink dress left him, wondering exactly who she was. When he turned, nobody was there. But there was a Great Gospel playing on the self-playing organ, and a Full Metal Staff laying against the wall.[/i] [b]Blaze:[/b]Siren....the word that's kept me going. The very thought of completeing my promise drove me to find you. I thought Sephiroth had killed you... [b]Siren:[/b]Hush....you're shaking. You need rest. [b]Blaze:[/b]I don't need rest, I need to come to grips. I mean, first Spehiroth reappears, Shinra resurfaces, weird things keep happening in Cloud's bar, you show up, and Cait Sith has been trying to tell fortunes again..... [b]Siren:[/b]Yeah, you have to be Blaze Feneris. Only you could have a sense of humor during a complete nervous breakdown. [i]She took Blaze's hand, held it firmly. A woman wearing a pink dress walked up the path, heading for the church and beckoning Blaze and Siren.[/i] [b]Blaze:[/b]What the hell? [b]Woman:[/b]Now's your chance to fulfill your promise.... [b]Siren:[/b]Church....priestess....promise.... [b]Blaze:[/b]This is kinda scary. She looks like that picture on Cloud's dresser... [b]Siren:[/b]Well....I'll take the chance if you will. [b]Blaze:[/b]Are you sure? I mean, we only just remet....[/color]
[color=teal]This looks like fun....hehehe. I'll go Elseworld on this thing's ***! [b]Name:[/b]Etrigan Batman/Bruce Wayne [b]Age:[/b]28 [b]Powers:[/b]Hellfire, Super Strength, Lightning Claws, and an annoying ability to rhyme in odd situations. Ex.(in a fight against Killer Croc) "Aptly, for it rhymes with croc, I'll finish you with this piece of rock!" [b]Weaknesses:[/b]Fast villains, claws, and ice. [b]Appearance:[/b]Take Batman's costume, turn the whole thing red, eliminate the "skin" that shows on Bruce Wayne's costume, and give him a long, tattered blue cape, huge-arse muscles, and one helluva bad attitude. Bruce Wayne is classic Bruce Wayne. [b]Personality:[/b]Etrigan is evil, rotten to the core, but bruce Wayne's good tempers it and forces him to kill only villains at night. [b]Bio:[/b]In medieval times, Gotham City was under attack by Metropolis. A sorcerer named Merlin summoned a demon, Etrigan, to destroy Gotham's enemies. When the deed was done, Etrigan's hands were so stained with blood, he was banned from Hell. the councilman was forced to bond with Etrigan as a cage, becoming Batman. Years would pass, and as time wore on, Gotham City experienced many unexplained murders. All of them villains. Yet still, every night, Bruce Wayne always got closer to dragging the secret from his trusted butler, Alfred, who was really Merlin in disguise. Now, at the high point, yet again did Bruce Wayne find who he was. As Merlin recast the spells of forgetfulness, a rip opened, dragging the immortal Etrigan from Merlin, cancelling his evil and his immortality. Wherever he is, he is vulnerable, yet powerful. Unfortunately, in his opinion, he had to drag that ninny Bruce Wayne.[/color]
[color=teal]You work, you sleep. You eat, you drink. I work, I sleep. I work, I drink. But nobody gives a damn. Everyday life, repetitive, renouncing. Everyday strife, heartless, unmoving. I work everyday to make my ow ends meet, In a world where they beat you down like an intense heat. But nobody gives a damn. Well, it's my turn. No more sweat, no more blood, no more tears. If nobody cares, why should I? If I don't care, nobody can stab me in the back. But you know what? That's life![/color]
[color=teal]Sorry guys, i have to withdraw. Too many RPGs already. I can't deal with all of them. I just wanted to inform you.I[/color]
[color=teal][i]Blaze stood, knees shaking so hard he could barely stand. He was real after all. But Shinra had ruined his life, tried to, at least. And Sephiroth was behind it all. Blaze walked out to Cid's hangar, where Cid had left the PHS.[/i] [b]Blaze:[/b]Hey, Cid, you there? [b]Cid:[/b]Blaze, that you? Whatcha need, I'll be right over. [b]Blaze:[/b]Cloud, Tifa, and Vincent are heading out to New Midgar and they need a Shinra plane. [b]Cid:[/b]The only "Shinra" plane I got's the Highwind.....alright! I get to bring out the one and only Highwind again! I'll be over in a sec, just gotta handle this little problem. [i]Blaze sighed and tossed the PHS to Tifa, who had followed him. She looked at the tired, apologetic look on his face and sighed.[/i] [b]Tifa:[/b]You aren't coming with us? [b]Blaze:[/b]Nah. I can't fight like this. My nerves are shot. I gotta talk to Siren....[/color]
[color=teal][i]A voice rang out behind him, asking fo Tifa. Vincent stood, accepting the pay from the woman and preparing to show her to her room. Blaze, however, spoke up himself.[/i] [b]Blaze:[/b]A familiar voice from days when life was easy... [b]Siren:[/b]Who are you? You seem.......familiar. [b]Blaze:[/b]Heh. Straighten my hair, dye it sheer black, and take the Mako glow from my black eyes... [b]Siren:[/b]It couldn't be......you just can't be....Blaze died four years ago! I watched him die! [b]Blaze:[/b]Died....no.....I....ARGHH!!!!!! [i]Blaze collapsed under the strain, his memories clouding him as though a physical force entered his body and shred him. He stood again, his mind unclear. He reached for the hands that had always comforted him, but they stayed at Siren's side.[/i] [b][center][size=5][u]FLASH!!![/size][/b][/center] [i]Blaze stood on the edge of a cliff, next to Siren. Sephiroth's evil gaze landed on Blaze, the Masamune glimmering in the moonlight. The long kitana falshed through the air, cutting it like a razor, and Siren fell. Her neck had been slashed, all the way from her right ear. Blaze cried aloud, howling in emotinal rage. He picked up his own kitana, the Muramasa, and thrust it forward at Sephiroth. The attack was parried easily.[/i] [b]Sephiroth:[/b]Move aside, fool, my mother is waiting for me. I must free my mother! [b]Blaze:[/b]You Ancient freak! You killed her! YOU KILLED SIREN!!! [i]Blaze slashed again, but Sephiroth hit him low. Blaze dropped the Muramasa, falling from the cliff, his chest slashed wide open. He hit the ground, but he never felt it....[/i] [b][size=5][center]FLASH![/center][/size][/b][/u] [i]Blaze was shaken awake by Vincnt, Siren shaking her head from the table. Blaze sat up, opening his shirt. A long, silver scar filed from his upper torso to his bottom ribs. He remembered seeing the "him" in the tank in the Mako reactor. He remembered seeing a long, bloody scar in the exact same place, but that scar was unhealed. It all made sense. And it drove Blaze to tears.[/i] [b]Vincent:[/b]In the whole year I've known you, you've never cried. What's wrong, Blaze? [b]Blaze:[/b]I know why i'm alive....why Siren believes I'm dead...the real Blaze Feneris is dead. [b]Vincent:[/b]What do you mean "real Blaze Feneris"? [b]Blaze:[/b]I...I'm....I am his clone...I am a perfect clone of Blaze Feneris. I have his memories, his very essence....but I'm not real.... [b]Cloud:[/b]Wrong. I was still in SOLDIER when the body of Blaze Feneris was found in Cosmo Canyon. You, my friend, are real. The thing in the tak was a hopeful clone of you. I...I kinda healed the real you and swapped you with the failed clone. Revive magic comes in handy....and I wanted to undo what Sephiroth did to you. [b]Siren:[/b]Then that means.....you're really the man I was marrying that night on Cosmo Peak......You're really Blaze Feneris... [b]Vincent:[/b]Damn, this ****'s too freakin' confusing.[/color]
[color=teal]I shall be on TUN's side, but i will be very, very incontactable for a little while. Unless any of you wish to walk through the Mire of Untold Terror, where I live. Where even a giant's skeleton lies bleaching in the blood-clotted swamp. Of course, the reason for its name is actually me. Hehe.[/color]
[color=teal][i]Blaze couldn't sleep. He had been working on something in his room long and hard, and he had just solved one problem. He walked out into the bar, seeing Vincent awake.[/i] [b]Blaze:[/b]Well, at least you are still as predictable as you always were. [b]Vincent:[/b]What's that supposed to mean? [b]Blaze:[/b]Ever since I came here, every night I couldn't sleep, I'd come down and talk to you. [b]Vincent:[/b]Just because the world is yet again on the brink of destruction doesn't mean I can sleep at ease now. [b]Blaze:[/b]Well....I think Cloud's right. [b]Vincent:[/b]The anagram? I solved that hours ago, before I even told you. [b]Blaze:[/b]Heh. Always were smart, Vincent. "Rith Phenos", just rearrange the letters into one word, "Sephiroth". So.....are you going to fight for the planet again? [i]Vincent nodded as he picked up a drink. Blaze walked outside, becoming a victim to his own memories...[/i] [center][b][u]Dreamscape[/b][/center] [i]Blaze and Siren sat in the middle of a field, Midgar's poisoning fumes far behind them. They held each other close, Siren smiling gently.[/i] [b]Blaze:[/b]Siren? I...I want to join SOLDIER. [b]Siren:[/b]I know. But....why? [b]Blaze:[/b]I want to protect everything we've always worked for. For our livelihoods. [b]Siren:[/b]Promise me one thing? Any promise, but please, promise me something. [b]Blaze:[/b]Alright...I promise you when I leave SOLDIER, when I come back, I promise you I'll marry you. [b]Siren:[/b]That would be wonderful...... [b][center]End Dreamscape[/b][/u][/center][/color]
[color=teal]OOC: As I mentioned, or should have made more clear, Drizzt was forced to. If he lost, he'd lose the bracers. If he won, Flare would lose his life. When Flare transformed, High-and-Mighty Kenrilon hightailed it and Drizzt and Flare called it off. Now, damnit, you made me reveal PART of one of my twists. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Flare grinned, hearing a march on the way. He heard a familiar shout shred the air, felt the readying of axes, swords, and glaives. He stood, knowing the army was not very far off, but still to far to stand against The Post for a few days. Lacroix returned to the room, a familiar grin on his face. Nepenthe walked in the room, spying the preparations of the three warriors and Lacroix's grin.[/i] [b]Nepenth:[/b]We're about to have a battle, aren't we? [b]Flare:[/b]Yes, how did you guess? [b]Nepenth:[/b]He's smiling. That's never a good thing. [i]Flare grinned again, his hunger returning in a wave of nauseating, yet invigorating emotion. He pulled out his trusted longsword, though in his lycanthropic form it was a mere short sword. He licked his blade, drawing his own blood. Yes. He was hungry indeed.[/i][/color]
[color=teal][i]Siren had fallen asleep during the tired repast from their living feast. Flare, with no resignations whatsoever, carried the vampyre back to the post. He cared nothing for the looks the patrons gave him, but they indeed cared for the growl he gave them in return. Lacroix appeared, showing Flare which room was Siren's and noticed a mark on his wrist.[/i] [b]Lacroix:[/b]You were a gladiator for the Tyndarus Knight Arena? When? [b]Flare:[/b]I shall explain that part of my past when I place this beauty in her bed comfortably. [i]Flare went to her doorway, placing her in her bed, and, on a whim, reverting for a second to kiss her forehead. He sighed, knowing the near-heartlessness of the Icaran race to be renowned. Sincerely, he hoped this individual was off from the rest of her kith. She deserved love, if anyone did. He sighed and returned to his natural form, returning at once to Lacroix's table. Lacroix brought out a bottle of good dwarven spirits, bringing more of Flare's past into light.[/i] [b]Lacroix:[/b]Tell me again, why do you have that mark on your wrist? [b]Flare:[/b]A while ago, I came upon the Isle of Tyndarus, famous for its knightly training and hardened warriors. I had tracked my father there, but I lost the trail. I knew he was in the higher-ups of the island's nobles, but the only way I could get close was in the battle arena. I gave myself in to a life of slavery....to my own father. he never knew I was his own son until after I won eight-hundred battles, when a fight against the dark elf Drizzt Do'Urden made me transform. At once, my father dropped ownership of me and fled. I picked up his scent and tracked him to the mainland, where I overheard him in a tavern, speaking of "returning to The Post" and "destroying the drow's livelihood", and last of all, he spoke of a pair of valuable scimitars he would do anything to get. [b]Lacroix:[/b]So he wants my blades, does he? And Drizzt Do'Urden...I haven't heard that name in a while. If Drizzt came anywhere near your father, it must have been because your father wanted those bracers. [b]Flare:[/b]Bracers? [b]Lacroix:[/b]The gauntlets that make Drizzt's hands faster than lightning. Your father appears to be collecting magical items, but there is no reason why. We must find out soon. I don't want aan entire army knocking down my home. [i]Kinrade walked over, joining in with a now-hushed conversation with the tiger and the drow. Plans began to formuate about what to do in case of an attack by Flare's father...[/color][/i]
[color=teal]You'll never guess. Desbreko, take it by default. The answer was to use the Pegasus Boots at EXACTLY the right time, ram the rabbit, and he'll die, but you'll also get hurt. You can't just walk into him, though, and that sucks.[/color]
[color=teal][b]Name:[/b]Blaze Firestorm [b]Race:[/b]High-elf/Controlled Lycanthrope(wolf) [b]Class:[/b]Cross Knight [b]Alignment:[/b]Good-Neutral [b]Weaponry and Armor:[/b]Crossblades, a pair of longswords strapped to the wrists. Armor is a light leather armor, a pair of reinforced gauntlets, and a pair of steel-reinforced leather boots. Carries a whip as a default weapon, and only resorts to Crossblade combat when his enemies exceed medium range for his whip. [b]Description:[/b]Brown hair, combed to the side, nice build, dark eyes. See the attachment. [b]Bio:[/b]Born Artem Skilfore, of a noble family, he was raised with battle skills that could only rival a buried rock. He was forced, however, to watch his parents' brutal murder at the hands of a Dhampile. Ever since, he has undergone a severe transformation at the hands of his trainers, a dark-elf named Lacroix and a man named Hunter Macleod. After being trained by Lacroix for a year, Blaze changed his name to what it currently is. He was trained four years later by the most skilled Vampire Hunter of all, Hunter Macleod, an indirect descendant of a famous Killer Clan. Because of the fruits of his intense training, he was given the famous Hunter Whip.[/color]