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Everything posted by Talon

  1. [color=teal]Oops. Majora's Mask isn't it. I musta been thinking of the hookshot by accident. Sorry.[/color]
  2. [color=teal]Four Swords or Wind Waker? I know it's one of those two.[/color]
  3. [color=teal]Legend of Zelda, LttP, Link's Awakening(DX, too), Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, LttP/FS, and I think Wind Waker. Am I right?[/color]
  4. [color=teal]Take it away, Bremma.[/color]
  5. [color=teal]Has anybody ever awakened to the strange feeling that someone, or something, was watching you, touching you, or otherwise just plain being [i]there[/i], even though you knew it was flat out impossible? Did you ever think there were ghosts out there? Do you still? I remember, several times in my eight-to-nine-year-old days, I often awoke to a scent all too familiar to me. It was the scent of spearmint pipe tobacco, my grandfather's favorite. He often used to puff on it while he was telling a story, thinking, or looking out the window at the beauty of the nature I used to live in. e'd died when I was seven. One of these nights, I saw someone in the rocking chair that my grandfather had often slept in, whittled in, or told stories of his youth in. It was his favorite place to be, aside from the window-seat. Wood shavings still littered the ground around that chair, but that night, when I awoke, I heard familiar scrapings of a blade on wood, smelled he tobacco, and saw a faint shape in the rocking chair. It was my grandfather. He told me, right out, that I would be in trouble very soon if I didn't stay home from school the next day. He vanished, leaving me alone with only the thoughts about my grandfather and the scent of tobacco and wood shavings in my senses.I fell asleep crying in the chair. I woke up the next day, but convinced my parents that I had a cold. It was reported later that afternoon that there had been a school shooting....in my classroom. A kid from fifth grade had cracked and tried to kill a second grade teacher he'd hated for three years. He missed, and his bullet hit my chair, right where my heart would have been had I gone to school...has anyone else ever felt like this? Experienced something like this? Or am I just "special" as my parents have been saying for the last few years, even though I have been proven completely, totally sane by four psychiatrists?[/color]
  6. [color=teal]Shibby, be quiet. I double checked my answers with a freakin; guide (I wondered where it went for years). You need the Megaton hammer to get the Great Fairy in Death Mountain's Crater to get the upgraded magic meter. [b]Question:[/b]What changes are made to Link's clothing when he becomes an adult?[/color]
  7. [color=teal]Not good enough, Shibby! One is near Ganon's Castle, one's near Hyrule Castle, one's in Zora's Fountain, one is at the Desert Colossus, one is on top of Death Mountain, and one is INSIDE Death Mountain. I think that is all.[/color]
  8. [color=teal]Bremma got it, though people think there's a continuity between LttP and Link's Awakening from OoT and MM, mainly because of the Seven Wise Men/Sages similarity, though tihs was shot down by Miyamoto saying Where are the Knights that defended Hyrule with their lives in OoT?[/color]
  9. [color=teal][b]Question:[/b]Is the series EVER continuous for more than two games? Or is the whole series connected? Or is there no connection at all for more than two games?[/color]
  10. [color=teal]I forget the script, something to the effect of "He who wields the Master Sword, raise it high and receive the power of Ether.", and naturally you'd get the Ether Medallion.[/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]Or like a true coward... Lol.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=teal]No "lol" about it. The man is selfish enough to believe that his life is above the lives of all he loves is important. Not to say he doesn't love people, I'm sure he does, and not to criticize. This goes for everyone who'd prefer their own lives to those of their loved ones. I would die for any one of my close friends, and for the one person I love most of all, I'd die a thousand times over in the most brutally painful and tormenting ways[/color] [color=crimson][b]without question![/b][/color][color=teal] Nobody is above the lives of those they love! Nobody! Anyone who says otherwise is somebody who hasn't lost somebody they loved, or hasn't even tried to grasp how painful it is to die! I've had so many near-death experiences it isn't funny! I've been electrocuted, bludgeoned, stabbed, thrown over staircases, in car accidents, and even shot! All that I can say is that it is the most pain you've ever felt. After the strike that takes your life, another feeling takes the place of what used to be your living, breathing body. it's like the emotions of everyone around you turn to hate and hit you harder than thousands of of tons of bricks. I'd die thousands of times in the most painful ways, just to spare the one I love the horrible pain of what it is to die. I've felt it, or at least half of it. And if what I've felt isn't the whole thing, I'd give even more of myself up to keep those I love from feeling the whole thing. *breaks down andcries my eyes out, reaching for a bottle of whiskey but deciding against it, hurling the bottle against the wall* I've fought so many times to show people that defending those you love is more important than living. Boba Fett....I hope you learned a lesson from my past. Don't make the same selfish mistake I made. I chose to live and let Ami die...and every day, I've died a little more for it. Even if I've found someone else, I still die a little more every day. You lose anyone you love, and that pain will stay with you for the rest of your life, tearing you apart bit by meticulous bit, shredding your soul to the point of insanity. It'll be twenty times worse if you had the chance to save the someone that was killed.....like I had. Don't make the same mistake.[/color]
  12. [color=teal]Ukiki! Valen got it right! now gimme a hundred rupees or ask a question![/color]
  13. [color=teal]There's about eleven people on hese boards I'd die for, including the one I love. Jaimie, Dani, Robin, Flynn, Mike, Juuthena, Neil, Corey, and Mickey, Samantha, and Evelyn. I'd die without a second thought for any of them, no questions asked. Nobody else on Earth would gain their life from my death.[/color]
  14. [color=teal]Nope. THAT would be a thief. The creature I'm talking about is also a relative of the monoliths on the front of the Palace you find him on the way to. ALSO, he empties your pocketbook or rupees ONLY. You lose bombs and arrows when you hit a thief, but not this annoying lil bastard.[/color]
  15. [color=teal][b]Question:[/b]What creature will annoy the Hell outta you near the Dark World's version of the Eastern palace? (He'll empty your pocketbook, too)[/color]
  16. [color=teal]I think it's the Lake of Ill Omens, or the Pond of Omens. Was I right?[/color]
  17. [color=ocean teal][i]Xion stared at his com-screen. He gasped in disbelief. Someone had sent dozens of Hunters to a Power Facility in the industrial sector for some reason. He clenched his ist, grabbed his longswords and rode off into the darkness for the industrial sector... Within moments, he arrived. The Hunters had yet to get there, and Xion went to work. He studied his documented coopy of the orders to attack the Power Facility and played it for every officer there. As a final bastion of proof the employees were not Mavericks, he displayed his Maverick Hunters insignia: He remained alive. He tossed the badge away, having it was unnessecary. He stood on the front lines, the workers having grabbed various weapons, others having welders, busters, and handguns. Xion charged his blade and buster together into readiness for the Vulcan Slash. He wanted to kill the first Hunter to come near the facility. He hoped it wasn't Fenir.[/i][/color]
  18. [color=teal][b]Name:[/b]Flare Kenrilon [b]Race:[/b]Weretiger [b]Age:[/b]28 [b]History:[/b]Born to an elven maiden in the throes of death, Flasre named himself for the rage within himself at his mother's death. He was found by a tigress whose clan concurred that the babe would not survive without the gifts of Lycanthropy. With the new abilities, the child was raised alongside the tigress' cubs. Flare grew to teenage years hunting and using the combined blood of elves, men, and weretigers to increase his skills. His tigress mother, however, was soon taken by a plague. Grieving, he set out for the nearby elven village. At an inn, his blood alerted him of nearby relative. Within moments, he and his half-sister were united. When he told her of all of his trials, and of his transformation, his sister looked optimistic for her brother's future. However, the man that had raped his mother and conceived him was still around. his blood told him so. His father showed up late that night to claim what was his. He believed his son had aqcuired a great treasure and used his right to take it from him. Flare lost the only relic of his tigress mother. Lost in fury, he kindled his fiery rage and grew older. At the age of twenty-five, he set out to find the man he refused to call father. He now spends his time at The Post, trying to search the bloodlines in his body for the evil man. [b]Description:[/b]Standing six-foot four, his frame is muscled, yet less bulky than a boxer. He has clear, ice-blue eyes and long, black hair tied into a braid that ends at his waist. He wears leather armor over a green shirt. His shadow-black pants are covered up to the knee by his laquered boots. A single scar mars his appearance: the mark given him by the ritual that turned him into a weretiger. It is a simple triangular scar present on his left shoulder. [b]Equipment:[/b]A single longsword, a quarterstaff, and a travelling cloak of green, used for concealment in the forest. In Weretiger form, his only weapon is a short sword and his supreme strength. [b]Reason for being at The Post:[/b]Searching for his "father" to kill him and take back the only relic of his mother: a sappire leaf-pendant. He believes his father will turn up at the post. Flare has grown restless, however, and will probably soon start out. (Hoo boy, I can twist this story into a ton of ways...with even more for multiple adventurers.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hope this one does better than all the rest of 'em. It sounds good anyhow.[/color]
  19. [color=teal]Just a minor note. It's random whether the poe RESTORES health (I think it's five hearts) or takes it away. A poe actually saved my life while I was fighting Bongo-Bongo with only ten hearts....and no faeries. Kinda suicide if you aren't good enough, but a poe saved my life (coulda taken it too, but I was gonna die anyway). Just to let you know.[/color]
  20. [color=teal]It's six each. Twenty-four masks divided by four children equals six masks each.[/color]
  21. [color=teal]I'll take it. They were also supposed to collect information. Anyhow, those things really confused the hell outta me. Ask away, GinnyLyn.[/color]
  22. [color=teal]Throw in your boomerang, get the magic boomerang. Throw in your shield, get the red shield. Throw in a bottle, get a bottle filled with magic potion. In the dark world, throw in your bow and arrows, get back the bow and silver arrows. Throw in your tempered sword, get back a golden sword. Throw in a bottle, get a bottle of magic potion. [b]Question:[/b]What is the mission of the Stalchilds in Ikana Canyon?[/color]
  23. [color=teal]Well, i have nobody to test this with (can't unlock riddle quest without at least one other person) I'm just going by what my cousin told me. I didn't have the patience to unlock the Riddle Quest when I actually had the chance. [b]Question:[/b]What changes in the inventory screen are made in the LttP revamp?[/color]
  24. [color=crimson][i]After turning in the numerous skulls and healing the even more numerous wounds from the battle, Nereis returned home. As he slept in his straw mat-bed, he sighed, staring up at the stars through his [/i]pith-glar*[i]. He made the motions that entranced him into a deep sleep, caressing the currents of air with the very breath from his lungs. He sat bolt upright in a matter of seconds, however, when his ears were met with the sound of a silent, still motion that only Predator ears could have picked up. He stared towards the source of the sound, seeing in his infared mask an area of slight cold, yet mild warmth. The traces of a vampyre. Nereis ripped his mask off, seeing normally the pale, gaunt face all too familiar to him.[/i] [b]Nereis:[/b]Asmodeus, what the [i]Nirthak*[/i] are you doing here? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Pith-glar = Tree canopy. (Prdators traditionally sleep and live in treehouses) *Nirthak = Hell (Previous post)*Ysla = Wine (Previous post)*Milak = Whiskey[/color]
  25. [color=teal]It's always there, always here, Everywhere you go, it's near. Yet somehow, it's always far. It's the one inconquerable obstacle. Distance. If you cover a thousand miles, it taunts you. When you walk only a few feet, it laughs at you. Yet it also let's you know of reality. It keeps you from your enemies. A paradox, the distance can frustrate and calm. It can comfort, it can worsen. No matter what, though, it is always there. The one thing that will always exhist. Many hate it, some love it, most disregard it. Somehow, someway, it is always there. None have ever traveled all of distance. Distance is eternal. You can travel from here to Mars, there is still more. From here to Pluto, still there's more. You can never eliminate distance. For good or ill, it's always there. Distance...[/color]
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