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Everything posted by Talon

  1. [color=teal]I don't think so. I haven't played very far through Four Swords....actually...I haven't at all. But I've never seen a purple rupee. I've only seen the three original rupee colors.[/color]
  2. [color=teal]Excellent sign-up Raiye. Now all we need is a few more people to join, only about four more.[/color]
  3. [color=teal][b][u]General Awards[/b][/u] [b]Overall Member of the Year[/b]:Juuthena [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]Raquel [b]Male Otaku of the Year:[/b]Mystic's Knight [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]James [b]Female Otaku of the Year:[/b]HuntersArtea635 [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]Phantom's Angel [b]Most Improved Member of the Year:[/b]Cloricus [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]Sirven2k2 [b]Thread of the Year:[/b]OBBII [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]Zelda Quiz [b]Silliest Thread of the Year:[/b]OBBII [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]Every single one of my RPGs.... [b]Funniest Member:[/b]DeathKnight [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]Medra [b]Silliest Username:[/b]Crazy White Boy [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]cloricus [b]Member most likely to be here in two years:[/b]Desbreko [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]Deathknight [b]Avatar of the Year:[/b]Deathknight [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]The Harlequin [b]Signature of the Year:[/b]Kinetic [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]Juuthena [b]Best Otaku Couple:[/b]Mystic's Knight and Phantom's Angel [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]The Harlequin and Ravenstorture [b]Best looking Otaku:[/b]HuntersArtea635 [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]Raquel [b]Otaku Clique of the Year:[/b]The ES-Clan [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]The Clique against Cliques [b]Best Newbie:[/b]Tommy Vercetti [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]Psycho [b]Best Oldie:[/b]ShyGuy [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]James [b]Best Otaku-Related site:[/b]TheOtaku.com [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]TheOtaku.chat [b]Most likely to become a Staff Member:[/b]Juuthena [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]--- [b][u]Otaku Writers[/b][/u] [b]Poet Laureate:[/b]Mystic's Knight [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]RicoTranzrig [b]Writer of the Year:[/b]Raiha [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]RicoTranzrig [b]Role-Player of the Year:[/b]The Harlequin [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]Arikel [b]Brawler of the Year:[/b]Medra [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]The Harlequin [b]Role-Playing Game of the Year:[/b]The Legend of Zelda: World of Ruin [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]*sighs* None of mine, sadly. It's [b]Maverick Hunters: Personification[/b]. *sighs heavily again out of self-dissappointment* [b][u]Social Otakus[/b][/u] [b]Otaku Social member of the year:[/b]--- [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]--- [b]Entertainment Otaku of the Year:[/b]--- [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]--- [b][u]Anime Otakus[/b][/u] [b]Otaku of the Year:[/b]--- [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]--- [b]DragonBall Guru:[/b]--- [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]--- [b]Digipeep of the Year:[/b]--- [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]--- [b]Gundam Member of the Year:[/b]--- [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]--- [b]Yu-Gi-Oh Member of the Year:[/b]--- [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]--- [b][u]Otaku Gamers[/b][/u] [b]Gamer of the Year:[/b]--- [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]--- [b]Nintendo "Mario" Award:[/b]James [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]--- [b]The Sony Award:[/b]--- [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]--- [b]Xbox Gamer of the Year:[/b]Tommy Vercetti [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]--- [b]PC Gamer of the Year:[/b]--- [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]--- [b][u]Otaku Artists[/b][/u] [b]Best Graphic Designer:[/b]Mystic's Knight (designed just about ALL of my banners) [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]--- [b]Best "Traditional" Artist (Drawings, paintings, etc.):[/b]--- [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]--- [b]Best Spriter:[/b]--- [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]--- [b][u]Series Otaku[/b][/u] [b]Series Otaku Member of the Year:[/b]Desbreko [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]James [b]The Chocobo Award:[/b]--- [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]--- [b]Liberty City Award:[/b]--- [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]--- [b]Mushroom Kingdom Honors:[/b]James [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]--- [b]PokéPlaque:[/b]--- [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]--- [b]The Triforce Award:[/b]Desbreko [size=2]Honorable Mention:[/size]Break[/color]
  4. [color=teal][i]Who am I? This is the question..... the question with no answer. My self is unimportant. I am no one. But... why do I exhist? What reasons have I for being alive......[/i] Tess woke with a start, her alarm clock ringing in her ears. Shutting it off, she crept out of bed, looking for her clothes. As she dressed in clothes all too familiar and comfortable to her, she smiled. Her leather jacket, black tee shirt, black jeans, and combat boots weren't there for the fearful appearance, but merely for comfort. The appearance was merely a welcome side-affect, completed by dark, frameless shades. She walked into the street, heading off for work. She crossed the street, smiling gently as she thought of what she and James had done the night before. The test had shown up negative, and she was all the more joyful she hadn't gotten pregnant. Her gothic nature somehow clouded and nullified in James' company. When she got to work, she expected him to be waiting with open arms at the doors to her work, MicroTech. She was mildly surprised when she found he wasn't there. She walked upstairs to her office, programming a new lock for school lockers, when James' sister showed up, teary-eyed. Tess' joy instantly turned into a really bad feeling. "Tess? I'm sorry....he tried not to be late....he didn't slow down when the train was coming....I'm so sorry." "Daisy, what.....you mean...James....he's.....dead?" It was all Daisy could do to nod her head and cry. Tess clutched her heart, the tears coming all too quickly. her life lost all meaning in less than three seconds. She couldn't take it anymore. She was underpaid, overworked, undervalued, and overstressed, but James kept her going. Without him, she couldn't function. Daisy hugged her briefly, then went off to tell her mother about James' accident. When Daisy left, Tess opened her window, eight stories up from the ground. She jumped.... Whitney sighed as he walked near the MicroTech building, his life completely meaningless. He had no friends, no family, and he was all alone. His days as a football player had been numbered when he graduated to college and earned a degree in law enforcement, but it didn't matter. He was alone. He heard a woman screaming from above him and it took one snap decision to dive forward and catch her. He heard his arm snap, he felt his shoulder twist. But the woman was safe. That was what mattered. He groaned, and the woman looked at him. "Does hell always have cute bodyguards?" "Oh, funny, but right now, my arm feels like hell." "Why did you save me? I jumped for a reason." "Like I care. Could you please get off my arm. I think you broke it. Are you okay, anyway?" "Yeah, I think....thank you." She tried to stand, but her legs caved under her. Her left knee was fractured horribly. Whitney helped her up, carrying her to the hospital as best he could with a single broken arm. They ended up in the same room together.... [center][b]Two Months Later[/b][/center] Whitney walked out of the hospital with Tess in his arms. He smiled brightly as tess held her stomach, glad she was carrying Whitney's baby. They turned onto the street that MicroTech was located on, heading for their respective jobs on that night. The company had changed very little, except for the odd figure in front of the building. The man carried a gun, which he aimed right at Tess. In one fluid motion, Whitney stepped in front of Tess, taking three bullets, dying instantly. Tess cried out, dropping to her knees to hold her dead lover when the mysterious man stepped int the light.... It was James. Tess screamed, a rotting corpse standing in front of her. As he aimed a gun right at her, he grinned evilly. "Join me in death, you faithless wench. I swore I'd come back! I swore, yet you went and got pregnant with him! DIE!" A single gunshot echoed across the cityscape, and when the workers came the next morning, they found a gun and three dead bodies. The first two were recognizable, but nobody could identify the mysterios third body....[/color]
  5. [color=teal][b][u]Human-[/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b]Nereis "Kit" McCloud [b]Age:[/b]Twenty-five [b]Bio:[/b]Born in the forest while he mother was fleeing prejudiced police, Kit was born with an innate natural ability to survive. He looks to the stars, though his childhood and teenage years were quite haunting and dire. His optimism has been known to pull many friends from the edge of despair. He has a hobby for collecting rare and ancient items from civilizations of long ago, though he doesn't know why. Aside from that, he is skilled with a flute, a guitar, and has an excellent voice for an aria. [b]Appearance:[/b]See attachment [b][u]Ninja-[/u][/b] [b]Ninja Magic:[/b]Rain [b]Ninja Colors:[/b][/color][color=Ocean teal]Dark blue[/color] and [color=silver]Silver[/color].
  6. [color=teal][b]Fox:[/b]Damnit, Rose! Where the hell did you put my shirts? [b]Rose:[/b]Urgh! They're in your dresser for once! [i]Fox began his morning like he always did: yelling at Rose. He sighed, wondering why he was always doing this to her, when a message came up on his vid-mail. He sighed as Neo-China's emperor came up on the screen.[/i] [b]Emperor Min-lo:[/b]Ah, Fox, how is Neo-China's favorite son? [b]Fox:[/b]We fare well, master Min-lo. Our fight goes as was planned, and we have even battled the Shining Gundam with no damage. [b]Min-lo:[/b]Ah, excellent news! Now I have some news for both you and your master Saichi. The Shao-lin Temple has been fully restored at last. [b]Sai Saichi:[/b]WHOA!!!! Wait'll big bro hears this!!! [i]Fox sighed as the emperor continued some small talk, and then gave him orders.[/i] [b]Min-lo:[/b]Fox...we have some bad news. The Devil Gundam has attacked again, somewhere in Great Britain. We...we had a few diplomats there engaging in treaty talks... Fox...your father was a casualty of a Devil Gundam attack on London... We need you to get this gundam, destroy it and all parts of it. [i]Fox dropped the bin of shirts he'd been carrying. He fell back, Rose and Sai Saichi just barely holding him up. The emperor phased from the vid-screen, leaving Fox alone.[/i] [b]Fox:[/b]Rose....my father....dead....the man that made me a person....dead..... [i]He cried long and hard against Rose, holding her tight...[/i][/color]
  7. [color=crimson][i]Within the vast reaches of space, Humanity has come into contact with two alien races: the Predators and the Xenomorphs. Both races at one time were violent and hostile towards humanity, though eventually an uneasy peace was reached with the Predators. The Xenomorphs, originally termed simply as "Aliens", however, remain uncultured and unrefined. No treaty could ever be reachable between humans and "Aliens". In the current period of time, Humanity has had time to spread and colonize even further from Earth than ever before. However, a new conflict is about to occur. In light of recent evernt, when Humanity attempted to colonize on the Predator homeworld, the Predator diplomats revoked the uneasy peace and reinstated the "Human Hunting Facilities", facilities that traded the skulls of human beings for currency. Humans found themselves without allies, but more enemies as a war on an old frontier also began. The Xenomorphs reappeared with a new strain of evolution, carrier aliens that could transport the rest of the Xenomorphic genus through space towards an unprepared Humanity. In light of all of these events, a new race has appeared. The Scavs, a pirate-like race of viral, lobster-like monsters has begun raiding the science facilities of Humanity, eventually using their technology against us. Introducing an almost invincible creature to the war front, creatures that could absorb energy by latching onto their prey and draining the very blood from the victim, the Scavs have become a threat to all three races of the Milky Way galaxy. The creatures they spawned, called Vampyres, are spidery humanoids that grab their victims and drain them of blood within three minutes. If the drain does not kill the victim, as is most cases with Xenomorphs and their acid-like blood, the poisons introduced into the victim will instantly destroy the victim from within. Now, to end this threat and restore peace, humanity has called upon a desperate and uneasy friend from long ago: the legendary Dragoons. Lizardlike humanoids were bioengineered by Humanity on utilizing fossilized remains of the Tyrannosaurus and human DNA. Resembling dragons with their engineered wings and holding an inate ability to jump extremely high, they gained their nickname. The battlefield is now comprised of six races, Humanity, Dragoons, Predators, "Aliens", Scavs, and Vampyres. Who will win? It's up to Humanity.....[/i][/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=teal][b][center]Statistics of Humanity[/b][/center] [b]Lifespan:[/b]About seventy-five Earth years. [b]Genus Types:[/b]Human, Mutant, Cyborg, Android [b]Weaponry:[/b]All types from handguns to Attack Mechs. [b]Physical Stats:[/b]Weak body made up for by exceptional intelligence. Ability to equip armor, weaponry, and ability for interchangeable robotic body parts. [center][b][u]Heroes of Humanity[/center][/b][/u] [b]Major Alan Dutch Schaefer:[/b]Cloned from DNA preserved from original Predator encounter. He is a marine with exceptional skills. He carries a gatling gun and a few assault rifles. He wears no body armor. [b]Liutenant Ellen Ripley:[/b]Successfully cloned after many tries, Ripley returns to the battlefield as an expert with the Trigun, an assault rifle capable of also firing grenades and also features a flamethrower. She is from the first conflict with the Xenomorphs.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b][center][color=sky blue]Predator Statistics[/b][/center] [b]Lifespan:[/b]Four-thousand Earth years. [b]Genus Types:[/b]Predator, Scavenger [b]Weaponry:[/b]Predators carry a claw weaon on one hand, a retractable laser cannon on the shoulder, retractable javelins and throwing discs, and when all else fails, they utilize their self-destructing arm-computer. Scavengers carry only knives, daggers, and clawed weapons. All of them wear a mask over their face and carry invisibility-rendering arm-computers. [b]Physical stats:[/b]Ugly, yet strong. Capable of carrying only the above weaponry, yet also wearing almost unlimited body armor. Also, they can jump far and take an extreme amount of damage. Predators fight for pay and for clan honor, therefore, they fight all races and collect all the dead creatures' skulls. [b][u][center]Predator Heroes[/b][/u][/center] [b]*Arclite* R'salt Mel'zerlt:[/b]Chief Predator of all. He bears no grudge, yet has over eight-million skulls to his name. He is skilled with all weaponry available to both Predators and Scavengers. [b]Nereis K'tlaran:[/b]Predator extraordinaire, he is an expert fight with all weapons for his class. The Predator equivalent of Major Dutch.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b][u][center][color=green]Xenomorph "Alien" Statistics[/b][/u][/center] [b]Lifespan:[/b]Eight Earth years. [b]Genus Types:[/b]Multiple generations increasing in agressive behavior, six basic types: Face-huggers, Crawlers, Bambis, Adults, Queens, and Flyers. [b]Weaponry:[/b]Acid spit, acid blood, and excellent melee capabilities. [b]Physical Stats:[/b]See weaponry. Also, weak body frames, but strong muscular abilities. [b][u][center]Xenomorph Heroes[/b][/u][/center] [b]All Queen "Aliens" are heroes.[/b][/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b][center][color=silver][u]Scav Statistics[/b][/u][/center] [b]Lifespan:[/b]Unknown [b]Genus Types:[/b]One known: Desperado [b]Weaponry:[/b]Bayonets, laser cannons, and Multi-missile packs. [b]Physical Stats:[/b]Armored carapaces, lobster-like claws, bayonets on left elbow, and powerful equipment. Scavs are pirates who thrive upon the wealth of other races, though they themselves are extremely advanced. [b][u][center]Scav Heroes[/b][/u][/center] [b]Artem Kiltarnis:[/b]Wrapped in a Power Suit, Artem is a powerful foe. However, he is not like his pirate brethren. He fight alongside humanity. He is equipped with a Plasma Beam, a Missile Launcher, and a powerful bayonet.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b][color=ocean teal][u][center]Dragoon Statistics[/center][/b][/u] [b]Lifespan:[/b]Seventy-five years [b]Genus Types:[/b]Salamander [b]Weaponry:[/b]Spears, swords, bayonets, and claws. [b]Physical Stats:[/b]Dragoons are skilled with jumping and melee weapons. They are resilient, armored, and often wear body armor. They look a lot like dragons because of their bioengineered wings. [b][u][center]Dragoon Heroes[/center][/b][/u] [b]Kane Firenze:[/b]Expert with a sword, kane wears simple leather armor. He is proficient at jumping attacks, as most Dragoons are. He is skilled at melee combat. [b]Slan Kilnfire:[/b]Unique amongst the Dragoons, Slan cannot utilize melee weapons while he is not wearing armor. Instead, when scantily clad in protective armor, he uses a unique weapon to the Dragoons: Plasma breath. He can fire a concentrated beam of heat energy at opponents, vaporizing them.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b][center][u][color=red]Vampyre Stats[/b][/center][/u] [b]Lifespan:[/b]Until they are murdered. [b]Genus Types:[/b]Master and Childer [b]Weaponry:[/b]Claws, jaws, and extreme strength. [b]Physical Stats:[/b]Spidery frame, extensive strength, and an ability to drink blood. Engineered by the Scavs from an old legend of Humanity, they match the legendary creatures they were modeled after. [b][u][center]Vampyre Heroes[/b][/u][/center] [b]Mother Gaile Nerista:[/b]The first Vampye, she is the strongest and has drunk the most blood. She has the best fighting and diplomatic skills.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [center][b][u]Necessary Stats[/b][/u][/center] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=teal][b]Name:[/b]Nereis K'tlaran [b]Race:[/b]Predator [b]Genus:[/b]Predator [b]Age:[/b]2,673 [b]Weapons:[/b]Claw, laser cannon, stealth mode, arm-module, javelin, throwing disc [b]Appearance:[/b][i]Needed only for humans[/i] [b]Bio:[/b]See above in "Predator Heroes".[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay, that's it. Nobosy can be a Scav, they are the supreme enemy. Our goal is to defeat the Scav, but certain rivalries will exist before total unity. Please join, and note that only three more people may be Heroes listed. ONE PERSON may be the Scav hero, but that will be the ONLY Scav character. Thank you.
  8. [color=teal][i]Jack smiled as he kissed Jaimie after they dropped Percy at Jaimie's house, driving to the airport. He shook nervously as they boarded the plane.[/i] [b]Jaimie:[/b]B'bay, what's wrong? [b]Jack:[/b]Nothing, sweetie, just...well....I've never flown before.. [b]Jaimie:[/b]Oh, God....everything yo've fought before and you're afraid of a harmless plane. [b]Jack:[/b]Yeah, pretty much.[/color]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Psycho [/i] [B]Uh, Nefertimon, I don't mean to be rude, but you kinda ruined the drama of the moment. I mean, there's a time to be cheerful and a time to be sad. So, if it's ok with you, could you change your post to suit the moment? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=teal]Nefertimon, I believe that Psycho wants Frogfucius dead, as he already asked you to change you post. So change your last one and delete the one directly above this one.[/color]
  10. [color=teal]OOC: Copycat!!!! Motherf***ing copycat!!!! No fair!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Jack noticed Ryan was absent from class that day, but it didn't bug him too much. As he focused on class, he found himself wondering what the hell his teacher was talking about. He began to drift into sleep, whispering his lesson plan to make sure he got it. He didn't.[/i] [b]Jack:[/b]Y to the "f"th equals Z to the "n"th, and that equals....x....to...the....."g"th.....huh? [i]He fell into a deep sleep, dreaming about his future.[/i] [u][b]Dreamscape[/b] [i]John sat on his front porch, holding his wife tight as their daughter played in the yard, laughing as the forest leaves tickled her nose. He smiled and laughed himself when Jaimie walked out and joined little Kaylee. Both the girls ran throiugh the yard, laughing and throwing leaves at each other.[/i] [b]Kaylee:[/b]Daddy! Come on! Play with us! [b]John:[/b]Okay, sweetie! Rar! [i]John jumped ito the yardful of leaves, acting like he was swimming as Kaylee jumped onto his shoulders, squealing with delight as her father and mother began to throw her slightly into the air. John smiled the whole while, hearing the words he enjoyed most.[/i] [b]Jaimie:[/b]I love you, B'bay, with all my heart. [b]John:[/b]I love you, too, darling, with all my heart..... [b]End Dreamscape[/u][/b] [i]Jack woke up when the bell rang for the next class, smiling to himself.[/i] [b]Jack:[/b]One day, that will happen....[/color]
  11. [color=teal][i]Geno sighed and walked forward, occasionally battling a koopa with ease. He stopped when an arrow fell from the sky, paralyzing a koopa he was battling.[/i] [b]Geno:[/b]Everybody, STOP! I recognize this arrow... [b]???:[/b]Nyagh! Missed I did, miss again, I won't! [b]Geno:[/b]Bowyer! How'd you get here? [b]Bowyer:[/b]Wished, Bowsie did! Came back, I did! Vengenace will I have, death will you meet! [b]Geno:[/b]That is the most you've said at once.... [b]Bowyer:[/b]NYAGH!!!! Fight me you shall! This time, win will I! My star you will not have! [i]Geno looked at Marry and Leggy, giving them the nod for a battle for what looked like either a Star Piece or a Super Star....[/color][/i]
  12. Talon

    The Crafters

    [color=teal][b]Name:[/b]Nereis K'tlara [b]Race:[/b]Silver dragon (prefers elven appearance) [b]Age:[/b]194 [b]First Desired Iem:[/b]Armor, the last was gifted with stamina. One who wore this armour could go for weeks without sleep or energy depletion. [b]Second Desired Item:[/b]Sword, The first, a sword engraved with ancient runes, gave the gift of longevity. [b]Bio:[/b]Nereis watched over the world since his birth, questing the world over with his father. One day, an evil wizard destroyed his father with a stamina-breaking attack. He now quests for the armor that will allow him to dispel the wizard's attack and to destroy the man that murdered his father. Once, many years go, during the birth of his clan, it was foreseen that a young wyrmling of his family would aid in the rescue and final stages of the Creation. It was said that the dragon would require the armor crafted with special care and ability of its forger, the ability to fight and travel almost tirelessly and to take great damage with little consequence. That dragon is Nereis, a silver dragon with exceptionally weak scales and sensitive skin when in his mortal shell. He vowed to ascend to his destiny, but his vow to avenge his father comes first. [b]Description:[/b]His elven appearance has silver hair, pale, white skin,a scar across the right eye. His physique is strong, though his skin is delicate. He wears white leather armor, leather boots, blacks pants, and a green shirt with long sleeves under his armor. Gauntlets protect his skin. His dragon form is tall, silver, and his face us bright and joyous no matter his mood. His eyes are emeraldin both forms. [b]Unique Characteristics:[/b]Extremely sensitive skin and weak scales, a blade has been able to slash a scar across his right eye while he was in Dragon form, whereas the eyes of a dragon are known widely to be the strongest material on the world. Another strange characteristic of him is his silver hair and emerald eyes.[/color]
  13. [color=teal][i]Locke wouldn't admit he was crying through his painful pride, but he gently kissed her lips, leaving her stunned.[/i] [b]Locke:[/b]I'm...not....crying... [i]His head swam and he forgot what he was about to say as she pulled him closer and kissing him again. He pulled away gently, putting the necklace around her neck.[/i] [b]Locke:[/b]Where it belongs....[/color]
  14. [color=teal]OOC: Stolen? From who? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Locke choked down a sob and shook his head. He grabbed his necklace again on an impulse, trying hard not to cry. Siren noticed his sudden movement and saw the necklace.[/i] [b]Siren:[/b]What's that? [b]Locke:[/b]It's...it's nothing. Just something I made. [b]Siren:[/b]Really? Let me see it. [i]Against Locke's restraints, she reached over and took the necklace, staring at the heart shape and the inscribed "S". She saw a tear roll from Locke's eyes as she turned it over to the side with a steel-carved inscription made by tiny tools used with the expert hands and eyes of a professional thief.[/i] [b]Inscription:[/b]Love has driven me on. One day, I hope to die with her for whom I make this necklace for. Always, with love for Siren, shall I fight. [i]Siren looked at Locke, who was about to get up and leave, when she noticed the tears falling down his cheeks...[/color][/i]
  15. [color=teal]You need the Cane of Somoria (sp?), and you get it in Misery Mire dungeon of the Dark World. [b]Question:[/b]What game does Link make a cameo appearance in with his popular "secret discovered" riff, AND what other character makes a cameo in the same game?[/color]
  16. [color=teal][i]Locke sighed and shook his head, his energy running too high.[/i] [b]Locke:[/b]Neo, I'm too energized in my head right now. If I stay in here long, I'll blow. I need a rest. [b]Neo:[/b]Agreed. But you'll report to me first thing in the morning. Go have a rest. [b]Locke:[/b]Cat, disconnect me. [i]With a metallic hiss, he phazed back into his body. He stood up and cracked his back after returning to the real world. He looked over at Cat, who pointed towards Siren's room and nodded. Locke sighed and walked into Siren's room, placing a hand on her shoulder while she lay down in her bed.[/i] [b]Siren:[/b]Why? Why did you scream that? Why me? [b]Locke:[/b]It's..it's been that way ever since we got here. I've...been in love with you.... [b]Siren:[/b]How did that happen? [b]Locke:[/b]I don't...know. But for the first time, I've had something stolen from me. My heart...[/color]
  17. [color=teal]THIS one, I remember. I haven't played the game in ages (SNES is currently undergoing repairs at Gametrader), but it's a blue rupee, worth five. [b]Question:[/b]What's the BEST way to kill the Ball and Chain Trooper guarding Zelda's cell?[/color]
  18. [color=teal][i]The huge, green bolt of energy that was the Shining Finger sword slashed at Fox, but his golden agility dodged it, firing a stream of laser energy at the Shining Gundam. Without warning, the bolts made contact, but with only as much power as an ordinary laser beam. The Shining Gundam brought its elbow deep into the Emerald Gundam's chest, but lso failed to even dent the armor. Both gundams then stood ready, aiming a sword at each others' weak necks, with exactly the same result as the last match. A draw. Fox jumped from his gundam and clasped the Cup of Tokyo, the award for the first winner of the tournament. More would be awarded, but his cup contained a chip for enhancing his beam rifle power, his engine power output, and his speed and agility. His Gundam's hyper mode energy usage also was cut in half, making him an even more formidable weapon...[/i][/color]
  19. [color=teal]You mean the Palace on the Lake in the Dark World? Don't have it, but in the game, Kholdstare is the boss of it.[/color]
  20. [color=teal][i]After eliminating the Lumberjack, Taepo, Venus, Czar, and Windmill Gundams, Fox Striker's opponent was the mighty Armstrong Gundam from Neo-Korea. His final match in his bracket, he would gain an upgrade if he won. He smiled to himself as Rose prepped his cockpit.[/i] [b]Fox:[/b]Thanks, Rose. Just make sure the oven's warm when the match is over. [i]Within the Armstrong Gundam, weight-lifter Artemis Korlon flexed, waiting for the mighty Emerald Gundam. Ten minutes later, the bell rang for the match to begin. Fox caught a small glimpse of Kyoji in the crowds, fifteen rows down, he also saw Domon. He smiled, but the Armstrong Gundam caught him. Stuck in the mighty grasp, Fox screamed in pain. His anger bubbled, forcing out his Hyper Mode....[/i] [b]Fox:[/b]The passion of fury within my wings drives me on! Their fierce song tells me to grasp victory! I give you my pain, my passion, and all of my fury! EAGLE STRIKE!!!!! [i]A flurry of laser blasts exploded from the Emerald Gundam's beam cannon as it transformed into an eagle shape, slippng from the grip of the Armstorng Gundam, flying with its bladed wing slashing through the Armstrong Gundam's head unit....[/i][/color]
  21. [color=teal][b]Name:[/b]Fenix [b]Sex:[/b]Male [b]Guardian Type:[/b]Light [b]Bio:[/b]A boy whose past is shrouded in mystery, his memory extends only two years back, when he awakened in an alley with only the memory of his name.... [b]Description:[/b]Tall, shy, and strong, he mysteriously has never suffered a malady or an illness. He feels an inner peace within him, but understands nothing of it. [b]Appearance:[/b]Wears a white longsleeve shirt, blue jeans, and a blue jean vest. He has silver hair and emerald eyes. He often wears a bright white cloak. [b]Special Attack/s:[/b]Wing Slash, Vorpal Slash [b]Summon:[/b]Holydance (Becomes a Pheonix with a powerful Holy Striker attack)[/color]
  22. [color=teal][i]Geno sat upon a rock, blasting away at the Spikeys and Hornets trying to harass him as they always did. A hammer flew past his head, and he turned about as the last hornet fell with the Hammer Bros. insignia plastered to his forehead.[/i] [b]Geno:[/b]So you're finally here, Marry and Leggy. I've been waiting for you for the last twenty minutes. I need your help, as once I needed Mario's help. [b]Marry:[/b]Mama-mia, who're you? [b]Geno:[/b]I am #%$@!, but it's too hard to pronounce, so just call me Geno. [b]Marry:[/b]What are you? Where do you come from? [b]Geno:[/b]I come from the Star Road, as I once did when it was broken into seven pieces. Now, Bowser's son has split the road and taken control of everyone's wishes. [b]Leggy:[/b]What does the Star Street have anything to do with wishes? [b]Geno:[/b]It's STAR ROAD, Leggy, and it has everything to do with wishes. You see, when someone makes a wish, a star falls from the Star Road when the wish has been made to grant said wish. We grant your wishes, but lately, stars have been falling too soon, before the wishes are granted. Basically, yours in once again a world without wishes. And Spike, if you want to fly, I could help you, but we'll need a Star Piece. [b]Spike:[/b]Star....Bees? [b]Geno:[/b]Star PIECE, a chunk of the broken Star Road. These can be used to grant individual wishes THREE TIMES, but of course, we need one to do so. We only just found we could do that with an individual Star Piece when Bowsie wished he could control Nimbus Land. We must stop him and his father at all costs. [b]Marry:[/b]Um...okay? Where do we start? [b]Geno:[/b]First...we must see Frogfucius...[/color]
  23. [color=teal]Then it was most likely either Mothula, Trinexx, or Vitreous, but I never got any issues of NP past Link's battle against the Minotaur and the Cyclops, aside from kholdstare, so i don't know.[/color]
  24. [color=teal][i]Fox sighed and hoppe in his lander, heading back to base as his gundam made its own way back. He stopped at his postbox and grabbed a personal invitation to Japan, this one from Domon.[/i] [b]Note:[/b]I'm sending this note without my son's knowledge. There is a private tournament in Tokyo, and those that pass the tournament shall gain a new weapon from the Neo-Japan Gundam Development team, modified to your Gundam's capabilities. My son knows nothing of this, Fox Striker, because his Gundam's systems will overload and malfunction. He is already too powerful. head for Tokyo, enclosed is your ticket. [i]Fox crumpled the paper and threw it away. He smiled at Rose and kissed her cheek, slapping himself after a minute of hard thought.[/i] [b]Fox:[/b][i]Why did I do that?[/i] (Out loud) Rose, we're heading for Tokyo.[/color]
  25. [color=teal]It was either [b]Comics:[/b]Argus [b]Game:[/b]Argghus or [b]Comics:[/b]Coldstare [b]Game:[/b]Kholdstare[/color]
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