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[color=teal][i]Jack let the dogs loose first, letting the rile the cattle up before rearing Shadow after the cattle, sending them into their pen. He nodded to jaimie, who reared Starlight nervously and led the remaining cattle in. He closed the pen, locked it, and threw some hay in to keep them fed.[/i] [b]Jack:[/b]THAT is a round-up. [b]Jaimie:[/b]That was COOOL!! [i]Jack laughed and brought Jaimie to his aunt's car, dropping her off at home a little later. He smiled and drove off, wondering what he'd cook for lunch...[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC:My post is now on the weekend. You all can keep your post on Firday, I won't post again until your posts match my time schedule.[/color]
[color=teal][i]Locke found himself stuck in a box with five Agent Deltas. He gulped as the first one pulled a gun. Locke, freeing his mind, sped the bullets up on his own, doging them and blasting another Delta behind him to shreds. A third Delta rushed him, but locke jumped into the air, landing on the Delta and breaking his back. The fourth Delta jumped at him at high speed, but Locke backed away and forced his sword square into Delta's chest. The fith and final Delta fired a gun point-blank at Locke's chest, but the bullet never exited the barrel....by the right end. The bullet, forced by Locke's mind, exited through the back end, traveled down Delta's arm, and into his brain after flying from his elbow. The first one, however, was more skilled and much faster than the rest. He blitzed Locke, pounding him into the wall. Locke collapsed, his mouth spraying blood as he coughed violently. Delta picked him up by the hair and whispered in his ear.[/i] [b]Delta:[/b]Before I kill you, just know that I wll immensely enjoy killing Siren slowly, and painfully. I will enjoy to the fullest her agonizing, fruitless call for help through your name. [i]Anger soared in Locke's mind, raging out of control.[/i] [b]Locke:[/b]NOBODY HURTS SIREN!!!!!!! GRAAGHH!!!!! [i]With a fierce kick, Locke broke free of the grip. Suddenly, he was on his feet, focusing energy into his hand, igniting it with green flame and forcing it square into Delta's chest, bursting him into pieces. The clear box disappeared, freeing Locke. Siren had stopped trying to get out of her trap. and most of the others had stopped, too. They'd heard his yell and seen the elemental punch.[/i] [b]Neo:[/b]Locke....you have exceeded the limits of the Matrix. You are ready. You must still push yourself, but I believe you will soon realize your potential.[/color]
[color=teal][i]#%$@! stood on his cloud, looking down upon the peoples of the Mushroom Land when it happened. A nasal laugh echoed through the stars, and suddenly, the Star Road was severed into pieces again! #%$@! sighed and jumped from the clouds, landing once again in the Geno doll in Gaz's house in Rose Town. Gaz, hearing the noise, leapt down his stairs and saw his favorite toy standing tall once again.[/i] [b]Gaz:[/b]Mom! Mom! HE'S BAAAAACK!!!!! [i]Gaz's mother walked down the stairs, sighing and looking crossly at her son. He pointed at the doll standing at the doorway, drawing a scream from his mother.[/i] [b]Mom:[/b]Oh, my God! Are you alright, sir? Are you ok in that thing? It's gotta be hot in there! [i]Geno simply shook his head and walked out the door, heading for the Mushroom kingdom to find Luigi and Mario...[/i][/color]
[color=teal][b]Name:[/b]Geno [b]Species:[/b]Star Road messenger/dollman [b]Bio:[/b]Making a repeat appearance from his lat encounter with a shattered Star Road in Super Mario RPG, Geno has grown to be more...appearance respectable. He no longer wears just a cape and cap, he now wears a brilliant colored suit of armor and a pair of pants to accompany. He has returned to ensure the reconstruction of the Star Road, though he hopes to gain help from unlikely sources....namely, the Magikoopas! [b]Relation to previous heroes:[/b]He IS a previous hero! [b]Description:[/b]Wears a blue cape, a blue helm, and a suit of blue armor. [b]Attacks:[/b]Beam attack specials, Arm attacks normal.[/color]
[color=teal]*sigh* Yes....I am cursed, but I am sure I shall resolve this. I WILL change my fate! Ah, well. Oh yeah, and Mike, Dani's not my love-to-be-torn. I lost all chance of that a long time ago, and I'm not bitter. Just be good to her.[/color]
[color=teal]OOC: Well, the comic I have, when Link gets his fairy to ask her friends if they've seen a princess around and then he goes off towards the water tower and gets attacked by the Bomb-thrower (forget his name) and the Minotaur knight (damnit, i hate names!), it's spelled "Cumfork". Beats the Hell outtta me why the changed it so many times. IC: It's Zelda. [b]Question:[/b]In the same comic series, what does Roam say about his bloodline?[/color]
[color=teal]In the Zelda comic in NP, what was the object (never appeared in the video game) that allowed Link to speak to Sahasrala when it vibrated? [b]Hint:[/b]The name is nasty, especially when combined with the fact mentioned above. I swear, the writers must have been on crack or something.[/color]
[color=teal][i]A sister, a brother, latter sentenced to Hell While the former goes free, ringing love's bell. A mistake made once, twice, maybe three times, Sentenced the Cloud to live in dark rhymes. In the land of Avalon, a chamber awaits, a black bed, a white one, both tied to their fates. Brother and sister slept in the Chamber of Rose, Where both, in their lessons, recited Poetry and Prose. Now, Cloudrunner has fallen astray Yet fate turns about and his sister must pay! He takes the Blade of Shadows instead of her, Soul ripped from his body, his worst nightmares recur. However, with heart for her foul-sentenced twin, Starkeeper returns his soul with little chagrin. Whilst Star holds her lover in the chamber for four, A Goddess loves Cloud, her love to no longer ignore. Whilst fate shines kind on the gentle, young Star Cloud loses the Goddess, can't love from afar. His tears stain his cheeks in wet, silver streams, Though soon sister comes and heals his heart's seams. The mortal Star loves shall hold her forever, Whilst Cloud must go on, knowing through the sight of the clever. He'll find his love in the heart of the rain, Where freedom, his passion, shall greet him again![/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the sequel to my poem in Mystic Knight's thread "At the Gates of Avalon".[/color]
[color=teal][i]In China, Fox Striker stood ready to meet his opponent...the shower.[/i] [b]Fox:[/b]Damnit, Rose, did you have to use all the hot water? It's frigid in here! [b]Rose:[/b]Look, Fox, if you don't like it, bathe in the sauna! [b]Sai Saichi:[/b]Now why does this remind me of something....oh yeah, bro and sis! [b]Cecil Saichi:[/b]Yeah! [b]Fox:[/b]Whhaatt the hhelll arrree youu sssaayyyinggg mmmassterss? [b]Sai Saichi:[/b]Nothing, and cut the dramatics! [i]In three minutes, Fox finished his shower and walked to the control panel in his hangar. Dressed in a blue-jean jacket, a pair of jeans, boots, and a green longsleeve shirt, Rose thought he looked kind of dashing. He nearly choked when he saw the signal. Shining Gundam was on its way.[/i] [b]Fox:[/b]Rose, get our gundam ready! Neo-Japan's fighter is heading right for us! [b][u]Three hours later, in the heart of Shaghai[/b][/u] [i]Fox Striker sat at a small bar, recognizing the features of a Kasshu on a young man between another boy and a young girl. Fox stood and sauntered away, just as Kyoji saw the mark on his hand.[/i] [b]Kyoji:[/b]You, gundam fighter! I recognize the mark of the Jack of Clubs! I challenge you to a Gundam Fight match! [i]With that, Fox simply smiled and nodded, the mysterious ninja blood inside him forcing him to be silent. Kyoji and Fox both headed for the outskirts of Shanghai, and upon their arrival, Kyoji instantly snapped his fingers.[/i] [b]Kyoji:[/b]RISE, SHINING GUNDAM!!! [i]Fox simple shook his head and backflipped, cracking his knuckles and echoing Kyoji.[/i] [b]Fox:[/b]TO ME, EMERALD GUNDAM!!! [i]Both pilots underwent the slightly painful transitions into their suits, becoming one with their respective gundams. As soon as the fight started, the Shining Gundam rushed the Emerald Gundam, sending it backwards into a river bank. Fox responded by kicking the Shining Gundam in the crotch, which only stopped Kyoji because of the pain synchronizers in the fight suits. Fox leapt back onto his feet, hitting the Shining Gundam with a flurry of weak laser blasts from his Dragon Blaster. Without warning, Kyoji instantly backed away as Fox prepared his ultimate attack, Kyoji following suit.[/i] [b]Domon:[/b]This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! It tells me to defeat you! SHINING FINGER!!! [b]Fox:[/b]The passion of fury within my wings drives me on! Their fierce song tells me to grasp victory! WING SABRE!!! [i]Shining Gundam's fist enclose on the face of the Emerald Gundam just as the glowing wings of the Emerald Gundam prepared to sever the Shining Gundam's head.[/i] [b]Kyoji:[/b]Hah! You must now forfeit or lose your gundam's head! Article One of the International Gundam Fight Regulations: A Gundam that has lost its head unit must be disqualified! [i]Instantly, Sai Saichi and his wife appeared exactly as Sai Sachi's former masters did themselves.[/i] [b]Sai Saichi:[/b]Wrong! You must call this match a draw! [b]Cecil:[/b]Yes! Kyoji Kasshu, notice where the Wing Sabre's attack is going to cut through? [i]Kyoji Kasshu looked and noticed that if he clenched the fist, his head would be severed faster than he could destroy the Emerald Gundam's head. He sighed and released his grip, Fox smiled and retracted his wings. Both pilots ejected from their gundams and shook hands, becoming "bros" like Sai Saichi and Domon had done...[/color][/i]
[color=teal][i]Jack felt Ryan's fist smash into his face one more time, comically sending him over the back of the couch before Ryan stormed out the door, getting into his car and driving off quite violently. Jack stood slowly, dazed at the choice and looking at the calendar.[/i] [b]Jack:[/b]Hmm. No school tomorrow...Hey, jaimie, you wanna spend the night? [b]Jaimie:[/b]Sure, let me just call my mom and ask her. [i]Jaimie picked up the phone and dialed her mother, Doe Reeves.[/i] [b]Jaimie:[/b]Hey, mom, would you mind if I spent the night at my friend Jack's house? [b]Doe:[/b]Well, ok, Jaim, but you'd better be home tomorrow to give the puggies a walk, ok? [b]Jaimie:[/b]Okay, mom. See you tomorrow! [i]Jack smiled, slightly bemused as to why she'd used his nickname. When he asked, her reply was simple and short.[/i] [b]Jaimie:[/b]You're lucky you changed your appearance. My mom still doesn't like John Schock. [i]John smiled and took Jaimie up to his room, where she jumped on the bed like she always used to. Jack smiled when he heard the ranch attendants and his aunt go to bed, and he picked up a sheet from his bed, walked to the kitchen with jaimie behind him, grabbed some food, and spoke gently.[/i] [b]Jack:[/b]Ever had a picnic under the stars?[/color]
[color=teal]OOC:Oh, boy. Here we GOOOO! Fun time! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Jack instantly fell to the ground, an unexpected right hook coming up from a pissed-off Ryan. He flipped onto his feet, getting into his own fighting stance and digging his cowboy-boot heels into the ground, so as not to seriously injure Ryan with a kick.[/i] [b]Jack:[/b]Back off, Ryan. Geez. I was just helping her with her horse! [b]Ryan:[/b]Like I'm supposed to believe that! [i]Jack dodged the next punch easily, grabbing Ryan's arm and flipping him over onto his back.Ryan jumped back up, turning and knocking Jack back with a kick in the side. However, Jack caught Ryan's foot and spun him around, twisting his leg behind him. As Jaimie looked on, Jack kicked Ryan in the back multiple times. Soon, Ryan broke free and pounded Jack in the chest. Jack again grabbed his arm and flipped him, aiming so that his face landed in a pile of manure. Ryan stood, wiping his face off.[/i] [b]Ryan:[/b]It's him or me, Jaimie. HIM OR ME![/color]
[color=teal]Valen, I dunno if you're right, but to talk to Sahasrala, you must touch those gray stones with a triangle. I find it wierd, though.....if you beat a dungeon and go back after you beat the game, the message is still the same....doesn't Sahasrala have a life? 'Breko, tell me if I can ask away, man.[/color]
[color=teal]What is the only way to kill the creatures in the Dream Shrine without risk of getting hurt. The sword spin is null, because you risk a tile falling from under you.[/color]
[color=teal][i]Jack sighed and walked out to his aunt's ranch, letting the smells of his old life waft through his nostrils.[/i] [b]Jack:[/b]Maybe..maybe it's time I returned to what I used to be. [i]With that, he unwrapped the bandage on his head and took a running start towards a tall, black stallion, vaulting off of a fence and galloping across the field with him at top speed. He galloped like this for hours, vaulting fences and performing fancy moves until he heard clapping. He reigned the stallion in to see his aunt standing behind a fence, clapping and whistling with a crowd following suit. Jack stopped and brought the horse in, smiling and blushing.[/i] [b]Ami:[/b]He punches walls, cooks tacos, crashes cars, but wait, that's not all, he also comes with a cowboy skill! [b]Jack:[/b]Aunt Ami! Come on, quit! [b]Ami:[/b]Jack, I've never seen riding like that. You're one of the best I've seen. [b]Jack:[/b]Thanks. I was just following the horse's instincts. What's his name? [b]Ami:[/b]It's Shadow. And he's yours. [b]Jack:[/b]You mean it? Thanks! [i]He stabled the stallion after nearly killing his aunt in a hug, then walked home, bored out of his mind after the exhiliration of the horse's speed.[/i][/color]
[color=teal]Buzz Blobs? You simply use the Level 4 sword on them. Kills them, one shot, no mess.[/color]
[color=teal][i]Locke fell forward slightly, bringing his feet up into Neo's jaw and flipping into a standing position.[/i] [b]Neo:[/b]Excellent. You've managed not to fall. Still nothing special. Cat, load the jump program! [i]Cat responded, loading the infamous program that nobody ever made on their first try.[/i] [b]Neo:[/b]Free your mind, and you will be able to reach unconquerable limits. Free your mind. [i]Neo ran and jumped across the expanse between the two buildings. Locke stood nervously, calming himself and setting his mind free. He exhaled and ran to the end of the building. He jumped........and made it.[/i] [b]Cat, Neo, and Trio:[/b]Holy ****.... [b]Neo:[/b]Nobody's ever made it on the first try.... [b]Cat:[/b]I think we have a winner... [b]Trio:[/b]I think I lost my popcorn.... [i]Trio turned back to see that Locke had jumped, forgetting her lost bag of popcorn. The jaws of the people who had been watching dropped to match the expanse between the buildings....[/i][/color]
[color=teal]Finely done, Mike, but shall I recite my own verse of The Homeland? [i]A bed of black, a bed of white, To all who see, a heavenly sight. Brother and sister, inside, do sleep, Together, the clouds and stars to keep. Time, it has passed, and teachings, they fade. The sleeper in black has fallen awake. Sister does follow, to find what she lost. To return with her brother, no matter the cost. Too late, to mortals they have become attached. Though the brother, a mistake has made and a heart has been scratched. The Council curses the Cloudrunner, exhiles him to die. But what hurts worse, his sister fails to cry. A blade, it does raise, but against her and not him. Nobly, he gives his own freedom for her free-made whims. Brother has fallen, exhiled in Hell. His sister frolicks free, ringing love's bell. The brother gave his own heart and soul, For a sister who killed him, made his heart a hole. He regrets the choice he finally made, And Starkeeper, the blade against him, she left unstayed. Cloud's wishes remain nly for his sister to forgive, For his wrongs to be righted so that he might again live. Now, however, he realizes that she'll never come to, With Star's name on his lips, a blade sends him to where he'll find no rescue... Hell.[/i][/color]
[color=teal][i]The starlight of heaven within her eyes The keen fires of passion within me dost rise. With dulcet tones and a sweet gentle kiss, She has sent me into pure, unkempt bliss Her name falls to earth, gives life in all places, Quenching the thirsts of mine and many faces. Listening to the break of the waves on a beach, Only her words, to my ears dost reach. "I'll love you forever" her sweet voice resounds, And, oh, but my heart, with joy it abounds! The reality of love shall set the soul free, Thankful I am, God has sent her to me. I thank heaven, for to me, they've been kind, Giving me love I tried so hard to find. Now God calls us to sit at his side, Forever with love we don't bother to hide.[/i] [b]Dedicated with love at the request of Jaimie Reeves[/color][/b]
[color=teal][i]Jaimie left after the Ryan incident to find him, Jack sighed and fell asleep. His dreams of the past haunted him, as they had for every day since he left Jaimie...[/i] [b][u][center]Dreamscape[/center][/b][/u] [i][u]John took Jaimie's hand, tears in the eyes of both.[/i] [b]John:[/b]Jaimie...I'm sorry! I never thought I would have to decide...but I do. She came back... [b]Jaimie:[/b]John....no matter what, I'm going to remain faithful to you. What do you want from me? I've given you everything! [b]John:[/b]It's not what I want, Rain...It's just that i don't wantto hurt you. Goodbye... [i]With that, John walked away, leaving Jaimie to cry in the rain she had been nicknamed for.... John sighed as he climbed into the car, Leita smiing broadly as her new boyfriend got in the front seat. She strapped her seatbelt on as her father pulled from the driveway, a beer in his hand. The school dance was all the way on the other side of town, but john still failed to put his own seatbelt on. It was too late when the car slammed into their front side, leita's neck snapping instantly on her seatbelt. John jarred forward, merely cutting himself on a chipped piece of glass. The paramedics arrived instantly, prying John, Leita, and her father from the car. John had a headache, but Leita had died. John felt dead...[/i] [b][center]End Dreamscape[/b][/u][/center] [i]John woke up at 10:00 the next morning, tears in his eyes. He hoped he hadn't gotten Jaimie in trouble, though she'd initiated the kiss. He signed his discharge form and walked out of the hospital with a bandage on his head and a knuckle-protecter on his hand. He sighed again, heading for home. His insurance wouldn't get his car fixed for a week...[/i][/color]
[color=teal][i]John awoke in the middle of the night, his brow drenched in sweat. He got out of bed and looked at himself. Somehow he'd gotten scratches along his arm, probably from Setsuna's nails. John smiled, leaned over and kissed Setsuna's forehead, silently thanking God. He walked from his room, into the arden, and saw Rev and Ariadne out there. He smiled again, shaking his head. He lay himself down on his bench and looked to the stars, thinking each one was twinkling for Setsuna and him. He sighed and called himself to bed, waking back in and setting his body heavily in his bed. He slept peacefully until the next morning.[/i][/color]
[color=teal][i]Locke moved, feeling a bit of deja vu (NOT connected to a change in the system), though he knew not way. He and Neo traded punches and kicks for ten seconds before Neo backed away slightly, smiling.[/i] [b]Neo:[/b]Come on, stop trying to hit me and hit me! [i]Suddenly, locke remembered as he felt his body surge with strength and power. He rushed forward in an attack, though Neo slammed him back and jumped in the air, about to bring his knee down onto Locke's body. Locke rolled over and ran to the wall, climbing it and spinning landing behind Neo, who had turned around during the flight. Locke, however, was ready for what was going to come next. As Neo brought his foot up to kick him as Morpheus had done, Locke dodged and grabbed Neo's leg, swinging him around and slamming him into a wall.[/i][/color]
[color=ocean teal][i]It has been many years since Jim Hawkins became a legend at Treasure Planet. The Etherium Seas have become a rough place for merchant ships bound for the outlying systems. The cyborg, John Silver, had been found to be leading a pirate group on raids of merchant ships and even upon planetary treasuries, much like Captain Nathaniel Flint. His raids have become no more than a legend, now, as what happened with Flint. The seas are still unnerving, though the Royal Fleet of Crescentia has managed to keep things under control. However, the legend of Cyborg Silver has told of a new place, not of treasure, but of adventure. The very world his treasure lies on is unknown, and his loot is said not to be purely of gold, but also of adventure. Our story starts with a young boy named Locke Hawkins...[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b][center]Necessary Information[/b][/center]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Name:[/b]Locke hawkins [b]Age:[/b]17 [b]Sex:[/b]Male [b]Rank:[/b]None [b]Race:[/b]Human [b]Bio:[/b]Born of the same line of blood as his legendary great grandfather, he even suffered a similar tragedy. His father was killed in a galleon accident on the Etherium. His mother has raised him to be a rebellious lad, much like Jim Hawkins, though she did it on purpose. Every day, he looks to the Etherium for his father, unaware of what will happen to him when a familiar face shows up at the door.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b][center]Story Information[/center][/b]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b][u]Midnight, the Benbow Inn[/b][/u] [i]Locke was settling into his bed when a harsh rap came upon the door, a rock solid knock. He jumped out of bed, ran down the stairs, and rushed to the door. He threw it open to see the Golemian standing in front of him, his waistcoat tattered, his eyes weary and worn-looking. Locke recognized the face and looked to a picture hung on the wall by his near-immortal friend, Amelia. It was Samuel Arrow, former first mate onboard the Legacy. Locke jumped back, surprised at Arrow's appearance. Surprised, in fact, about his being alive.[/i] [b]Locke:[/b]Mr. Arrow! You're...you're dead! You were sucked into the black hole.... [b]Arrow:[/b]I know, young one. And it seems that time has changed much. The black hole, however, was indeed a time warp. I discovered that the hole could be used as a dimensional warp before it was too late, and controlled it to get to the doorstep of Jim Hawkins. I need to warn you. On my way through, I found a pirate vessel, all hands dead, with this map. I haven't much time, lad. Lead me to Amelia so that I may pass my secret and tell her how to control a black hole's properties. [b][u]2:00, Benbow Inn[/b][/u] [i]At last, Arrow had a funeral worthy of his nobility. After the rites had been spoken, a teary Amelia turned to Locke.[/i] [b]Amelia:[/b]Young Locke, you take this map. Your blood shall redeem whatever secrets it holds. We shall all again journey, but where....only time will tell. You will need a crew... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's where you come in. Join up, please![/color]
[color=teal][b]Name:[/b]Fox Striker [b]Age:[/b]17 [b]Country:[/b]China [b]Gundam:[/b]Emerald Gundam (see attachment, though the blue parts are emerald green) [b]Finishing moves:[/b]Eagle Strike, Wing Sabre [b]Golden Hued Hyper Mode:[/b]Yes [b]Character Bio:[/b]The pupil of Sai Saichi, Fox learned much of his master's abilities. He, with Sai Saichi's help, built the Emerald Gundam with a few of the old Dragon Gundam's capabilities. It has a single interchangeable fist with a dragon's maw flamethrower. The Emerald Gundam also has the capability to change into a fighter jet, though it sacrifices the flags and braid-blade of the Dragon Gundam. Fox is fighting in Sai Saichi's place in the tournament and has succeeded him as the Jack of Clubs. [b]Crew:[/b]Rose Fireheart[/color]
[color=teal][i]Jack shook himself awake at about 8:00, sighing.[/i] [b]Jack:[/b]Why can't I sleep? I haven't slept like this since...since I fell in..love...with.... [i]He clenched his fist, smacking the wall hard with his injured fist. He teared up, deciding to stop his madness and raving, jumping into his car for a ride. He perused the neighborhood in his car, so preoccupied he didn't know where he was going. He passed a house where a party was going on, Leigh's house, though he didn't know it, when the truck came out of nowhere. Jack had time to slam the brakes, though he couldn't stop in time. The truck swerved, slamming its flank into the front grille of Jack's car. Jack hit the steering wheel, carving a gash into his forehead. The crumple zone rumpled onto itself. Whn Jack opened his door and collapsed to the pavement, his vision was blurred and his stomach was in agony. Blood dripped from several gashes on his body. The trucker stumbled from his Ford and ran to check Jack's pulse.[/i] [b]Trucker:[/b]Holy Chirst, kid! Are you ok? Kid, speak to me! God, let this kid live! I swear I'll never drink again! SOMEBODY CALL AN AMBULANCE! [i]Within ten minutes, the street before leigh's house was loaded with bystanders as an ambulance loaded Jack onto a stretcher and wheeled him to the hospital. Four hours later, a new message appeared on Jaimie's machine.[/i] [b]Ami Threscett:[/b]Jaimie, I'm Ami Threscett, John's aunt. You're his friend, so I decided to let you know. He's been hospitalized. He was hit by a trucker on a buzz. We decided not to sue, but John's going to be in the hospital until about eight tomorrow. He's lucky it's Saturday tomorrow. He's in room number eighteen at the Kansas Community General Hospital. By the way, he's okay. Just a few bruised ribs and sixteen stitches for two scars just under his left eye. *beep*[/color]