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[color=teal][i]Locke cleared his mind as he leaped back onto his feet, kicking the sword from the wall to his fist and bringing the hilt into Delta's temple before the Agent could react.[/i] [b]Locke:[/b]First off, get Eliot Ness quotes RIGHT! It's "just like a wop, bringin' a knife to a gunfight" ya moron! [i]Delta stood, removing his now broken shades and looking extremely pissed.[/i] [b]Locke:[/b]Second, quit the Johnny Cage ********! Your shades SUCK, so you oughta thank me for trashing them! [i]Locke entered a flurry of attacks, extending and shortening the sword with his bending of "reality" as he wished, cutting into the Agent's "skin".[/color][/i]
[color=teal]Break got it. MM is the only other one.[/color]
[color=teal]Hmm....MAYBE this is kinda tough....here's a hint. You have to go JUST ABOUT to the end of the game to play the different character alongside Link.[/color]
[color=teal]What is/are the Zelda game/s to include a character to play as besides Link? (Not permanent play, so forget the CDI)[/color]
[color=teal][i]Locke was the first off after Neo. He kicked a manhole lid, flipped it high into the air, flipped himself backwards into the sewer, and the lid followed, landing neatly in place.[/i] [b]JC:[/b]Show-off. [b]Siren:[/b]Well, that rule wasn't broken, it was shattered.... [i]They seperated and went their way as Locke ran through the sewers, three pounds of explosives in his jacket. Neo's detonator, in the bag, was the only reason Locke wasn't decorating the Matrix with Locke-brand fertilizer. As the thief ran through the undercourse towards a building fifteen blocks away from the Metacortex building, he drew out his SigSauer and blew a hole through the manhole lid, the location Caterpillar had given him was completely accurate. The alley was completely deserted when Locke blasted the manhole lid, crawling from the refuse-filled reservoir. He breathed in the "fresh air" of the Matrix, shaking his head as he commed Neo.[/i] [b]Locke:[/b]Neo, Locke in position. Explosives to be placed on outer structure in zero point five hours. Repeat, bombs ready to blow in half an hour. [b]Neo:[/b]Got it. Stay out of trouble. [i]Locke ran through the alley the whole fifteen blocks to the Metacortex, planting his bombs on the outer structure, the last bombs to go off. He walked back through the alleys towards the manhole, sighing, hoping for some reason that Siren made it back in one piece. Locke began to doubt if HE would when a black-suited shape dropped before him.[/i] [b]Delta:[/b]Hello, Mr. Schock. I'm afraid you aren't returning to your friends, unless you give me their location. [b]Locke:[/b]Go to hell! [b]Delta:[/b]Hmm. An interesting location, but incorrect. Now, I'll have to dissect you for the information. [i]Locke drew ot his longsword, sending a silent prayer skyward to let Siren live through the problems of the Matrix, through the mission. He stood ready for Delta's attack.[/i] [b]Locke:[/b]Get out of my way, or I'll get you out of it for you![/color]
[color=teal]The songs that make the stones change are the songs according to each of the directions. I'E, Song of Awakening, Goron's Lullaby, New Wave Bossanova, and Elegy of Emptiness. Awakening turns them green, Lullaby turns them red, Bossanova turns them blue, and Elegy turns them purple, I think.[/color]
[color=teal][i]Kitsune bent down and lifted Siren, walking her back to her home. He sighed, wondering about the kiss and the way she called him "Fox"....only one person had ever called him "Fox" in his lifetime, no matter how many people he'd told to call him Fox.[/i] [b]Kitsune:[/b]One wish too many, Kitsune, one wish too many. [i]He left her at his house, feeling the back of his head as his consciousness waned. He'd been injured, somehow. A large object had smashed into his head. He left the pad on the picture of Siren as he crashed to the floor, unconscious himself.[/color][/i]
[color=teal][i]Locke dropped the F-16 program as he fell into the Matrix, his blue jean jacket replaced by a black one, his gold earring becoming silver. His entire outfit modeled into his favorite form of gothicism, black on black in a country-edition outfit. Black t-shirt, black jeans, black-jean jacket, no shades. He smiled, feeling his favorite weapon along his back. His longsword was sheathed on his back, under the jacket. He smiled again when he felt the SigSauer in his holster, reaching around and frowning when he felt that his Browning High Power was in his back pocket. He placed it in his jacket pocket, watching as Neo waved them into the Matrix...[/i][/color]
[color=teal][i]Hunter woke up hours after Riona walked off, this time with a barbed arrow in his shoulder.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]What the Hell? [b]Orc:[/b]Haw! You ain't gettin' away agin, bludder! [i]Hunter struggled where he was, some sort of paralyzing poison keeping him where he was. He saw Siren under the same conditions, the same arrow embedded in her side. Elsyan was trapped in a web of rope and wire. Hunter decided he wasn't in a very good position, wondering how the Hell he'd managed to get captured again. The last thing he could remember was the verbal abusing he received from Elsyan and Sire, then a loud noise and blackness. He'd awakened in this state. He growled to himself, finding that he could move his right wing. He let his body recover from the poison as his half-draconic form's healing took effect, silently sprouting blades on his right wing to cut through his restraints. He silently decided it was HIS turn to do the saving.....[/color][/i]
[color=teal][i]john was in the middle of cleaning his sword and armor when a familiar voice rang through the door.[/i] [b]Xion:[/b]Elise, I'll check in here. Maybe Elsyan is in this room. [i]By heer misfortune, Xion busted down the door to his counterpart's room only to see that John was quick at getting into full kit. He dodged the slash just barely.[/i] [b]Xion:[/b]YOU! I killed you back in the trash heaps! [b]Pheonix:[/b]Yeah, well, I'm harder to kill than a cockroach. [b]Xion:[/b]Well, then, I'll have to resolve th- [b]Elise:[/b]No. Your blade can't kill him. Not permanently. Mine can, though.... [i]The hesitation was all Pheonix needed. He thrust his blade through Elise's arm, cutting full through it and stabbing Xion in the side as the blade burst from Elise's arm. Elise, clutching the wound, let out an ear-piercing scream as a dazed Xion watched Pheonix burst down Elsyan's door.[/i] [b]Pheonix:[/b]Come on, we gotta go! Two people, after me, we gotta go! [b]Mr. White:[/b]Actually, my little falcon, it's three people after you. [i]Pheonix spun, blocking Elsyan from view, a wound in his side from busting the door down bleeding copiously. His eyes raised to stare down the barrels of two SigSauer pistols.[/i] [b]Mr. White:[/b]No swords to kill you, boy. Be proud, Mr. Wo- [b]Dennis:[/b]Yeah? Well, **** you! [i]A burst of shrapnel tore into Mr. White's arm, preventing him from tearing a hole into Pheonix's head. Pheonix grabbed Elsyan's hand, blood from his hand getting into the cut on her palm she'd gotten picking his sword up earlier. Immediately, Pheonix collapsed, elation hurtling through his body. He got up fast, moved out of the inn and almost stopping at the ghastly scene of bloodshed at the bottom of the stairs. A Keeper stood, his fanged teeth glistening in the chandelier-light, his fur outstanding. Pheonix drew out his blade, bringing it down onto the creature's back, but the creature disappeared.[/i] [b]Pheonix:[/b]Dennis! Take Elsyan, Rob, and John out of here! I'll handle "Ugly" here! [i]He turned to fight the monster again, which had reappeared on the reception desk. Pheonix barely blinked before the beast slammed fists of fury into his chest, sending him flying into a wall. As Pheonix stood, the beast again let his fists pound him in the ribs. Pheonix stood, taking the pain, and wrenching the wolfman's head off with a quick slash. The body of the creature began to shift, change into the form of its mortal counterpart quickly. Pheonix let out a scream as the power of the now-dead creature shifted into his being.[/i] [b]Pheonix:[/b]Huragh!! [i]Pheonix sensed the ability to dimensionally raverse the plain of being, meaning he could create a portal and teleport himself and a group of people to anyplace he so chose, as long as it was within twenty miles of his current position. He sighed, looking at the transformed head of the Keeper.[/i] [b]Pheonix:[/b]Ugh.....George Carlin.....why him? [i]Dennis, who's ignored Pheonix's order completely and watched the fight, smiled grimly.[/i] [b]Dennis:[/b]That's why I chose to help you just now. They killed Carlin, I saw his body on the flagpole outside. They're going down. [i]Elsyan bent down as Pheonix rested against a demolished wall, his chest half-crushed and blood dripping from his mouth. Xion, Elise, and Mr. White had teleported away to nurse their wounds and keep their tempers hot. Elsyan felt Pheonix squeeze her hand as he drifted into a restful, peaceful sleep, mumbling about lying about his age to get the key to his room. He didn't stay awake long enough to know if she squeezed back.[/i][/color]
[color=teal]I think she means Blue Fire, and if so, the answer's no. If it's anything else, I have NO clue what it is.[/color]
[color=teal][b]Pheonix:[/b]Fine, do what you will. I'm logding at that inn tonight. [i]He walked into the inn, slightly outside of the city limits,though still in an urban area, catching many odd looks and walked towards the desk.[/i] [b]Innkeeper:[/b]Christ, anoter kid? What's your excuse? Parents on vacation? [b]Pheonix:[/b]Yeah, something like that. Look, I'm seventeen, just give me a room. [i]He was given a key and walked up to his room, slapping a swift twenty dollars onto the table, getting him all of the necessary effects of a teenager: food, drink, and heat. As he walked up the stairs, he ran into a young woman just about to enter her room, right next to his. He bumped her, accidentally dropping his sword o the ground.[/i] [b]Pheonix:[/b]Ah! Watch out. [b]Elsyan:[/b]I'm sorry, are you okay? [b]Pheonix:[/b]Yes, I am. Are you? [b]Elsyan:[/b]Yes, just a bit flustered. Like I'm chasing myself, and I'm the victim... [b]Pheonix:[/b]I know how you feel....God, I need a rest. Oh, pardon, i need my sword. Could you move your foot? [b]Elsyan:[/b]Sword...oh, sorry! Umm...my name's Elsyan, what's yours? [b]Pheonix:[/b]Well, I USED to be John Schock...now you can call me Fox Fioris. This blade changed me.....well, see you later, I hope. [i]He walked into his room, slapping himself. He sat on his bed, cleaning his sword and stripping off his armor.[/i][/color]
[color=teal][i]As Kitsune walked out of the park, he noticed something on the televisions in an electronics store. He saw some odd creature rampaging through the park he'd just left, and he hurried over to Siren's house. Siren invited him in, and he hurried in only to drop his pad on her table.[/i] [b]Siren:[/b]Did you see the news? I was about to go to the park to check it out... [b]Kitsune:[/b]So was I, but anyhow, we might want to hurry. [i]With Siren, Kitsune rushed to the park, taking the point so as to prevent Siren from getting into trouble or getting hurt. He drew out his kukri, a medium-sized carving knife, and walked defensively, keeping an eye on Siren as they entered the site where the creature had been.[/i][/color]
[color=teal][i]Kitsune exchanged numbers with Siren, smiling and walking into his house, nursing his arm. As he bandaged the severly injured limb, he thought about her. He sat on his sofa, ecpecting his mother to come home in an hour. He sat down at his table, letting the thin cushion flatten under his weight. He began to sketch freerange, coming up with a cove landscape, a two-story house on the cliff overlooking the cove, and a forest nearby. He smiled inwardly, turning to a fresh page and sketching Siren in what he thought would be a nice dress, the straps sliding slightly down her shoulders, her hair bundled in a ponytail. He sighed and began to put the pad away when he felt a firm grip clasp his shoulder.[/i] [b]Ami Katsuhito:[/b]Good work, my son. You'll become an artist yet. But about your music, why don't you practice flute anymore? [b]Kitsune:[/b]I do, just at night. I like the haunting melody drifting under the moonlight. [i]He smiled as he got up to go to work, realizing it was Friday and plopping back down on his mat.[/i] [b]Kitsune:[/b]Dangit, it's Friday. No work today.....I'm gonna be so bored! Might as well sketch more or go for a walk. [i]Kitsune shook his head, grabbing his pad and calling Siren before he walked out.[/i] [b]Kitsune:[/b]Hey, Siren? I was wondering if maybe I could come over for an hour or two to talk a while. I have something I'd like to show you, too. [b]Siren:[/b]Okay, Kit, just hang on. I gotta clean my room first. You can't miss my house, it's right outside the park. [b]Kitsune:[/b]Alright, see you in an hour or so. [i]Kitsune grabbed his jacket, made sure the bandage was on tight, and tucked the pad under his arm as he walked towards the park, humming slightly as he weaved through the trees and brush.[/i][/color]
[color=teal][i]Locke and Caterpillar grinned broadly, racing back to the Matrix Room. Everyone else was already strapped in as Caterpillar hooked Locke up into the system.[/i] [b]Caterpillar:[/b]Okay, everyone. Let's go! [i]Locke appeared in the loading program, his holes gone, a large sword on his back, and a decent Mag. 60 at his hip. his blue jean vest was in place, and his earring was where it should be only one thing was wrong. His arms felt empty.[/i] [b]Locke:[/b]I swear to God, I'll kill those agents. They killed Ami, and vengeance will be mine! [i]He stopped and wiped the tears from his eyes as Siren stepped into his cone of vision, looking, to him, like a Godsent angel. He knew he was nuts, and that if he tried anything, he'd probably be shot. He sighed and sat down, going to his private sector and asking Caterpillar for an F-16 refresher course.[/i][/color]
[color=teal]DAMN! You got it Ginny.[/color]
[color=teal][i]Kitsune wrestled with his locker, finally getting it open just as the bell rang for hometime. He looked at his watch, sighed, and walked out of the biulding.[/i] [b]Kitsune:[/b]Damn! Literature for first period AGAIN?!? That teacher had it in for me, I swear! Lucky I know about mythology or I'd be swamped! [i]Kitsune walked the long road home as he took in the sights and sounds of Okinawa, the familiar places seeming so foreign to him. He stopped as he heard a young woman yelling, saw her trying to fight two boys, one of them holding a large knife.[/i] [b]Siren:[/b]Argh! Back off! [i]Kitsune dropped his books and ran to help her, the bigger of the two moving to block him, leaving his friend with the knife to handle Siren.[/i] [b]Goon:[/b]We have a little dispute with this girl. Take a hike! [b]Kitsune:[/b]Get out of my way, or I'll get you out of it for you! [i]As the goon tried to mull that over, Kitsune jumped up into the air, connecting his foot to the side of the bully's neck, knocking him out. He rushed over to the guy with the knife, who'd left Siren on the ground when the big guy feel. Kitsune dodged a sideways slash, getting a large slash on his right arm all the way to the wrist from the elbow.[/i] [b]Kitsune:[/b]Whoa, Ugly! [i]Kitsune backed up, lifted his right leg slightly, and let the limb fly into "Ugly's" chin as Kitsune executed a backflip with the kick, landing in a crouching position and pummeling the attacker's groin, dropping him fast. Kitsune stood and walked over to Siren, who was getting up.[/i] [b]Siren:[/b]I didn't need your help, but thanks anyway. [b]Kitsune:[/b]No problem. Ungh! My name's Kitsune Katsuhito, but my friends all call me Fox. [b]Siren:[/b]Nice name, but bad arm. You need that looked at. [b]John:[/b]Nah, I've had worse. [i]As he bent to pick up his books, he indicated his eye, slashed completely through. He fished out a roll of bandages from his bag as he pointed to the red scar.[/i] [b]Siren:[/b]Oh my God, what happened? [b]Kitsune:[/b]Well, a couple of guys from my old class decided to pay me a visit a few years ago. THey really hated me, how I was getting all the attention, how I was the strongest kid in class. They brought a gun to my house, shot and killed my father. My mother and I were out, but when we got home, I saw who it had been. I immediately tracked them down nd confronted them. They had a knife with them, the gun having been dropped onto my carpet. Before I'd tracked them down, I'd gotten a warrant to injure them badly. Well, I fought them, the big guy getting the knife to my eye and slashing it like this. I hospitalized them both, and now they have nothing but jail time. [b]Siren:[/b]Oh my god.... [i]Kitsune hefted his books and began walking home with Siren, stopping at his house and waving good-bye.[/i][/color]
[color=teal][b]Question:[/b]What is the game on the NES to copy the Legend of Zelda II: Link's Adventure's engine of City=side view, battle=side view, but left out the world map view? [b]Hint:[/b]It's another second game in another everlasting game series. THIS makes it too easy, but Hell, why not. I could be supremely evil and just edit the hint out.....[/color]
[color=teal]First, you'd have to talk to Anju around 1 o' clock, first day, to get the reservation belonging to the poor goron. Then, with the Kafei mask, you'd talk to her again after the mailman drops her the letter and get the meeting at night. Go to the nightime meeting, get the letter, and drop it in the mailbox. After that, wait until the mailman gets the mail, wait a while till he drops it off at the Laundry Pool, where a strange kid in a fox mask (Kafei in a Keaton's Mask) will get it. Sneak into his "house" while he's busy with the mailman, talk to him, and get the Pendant from him. Give the pendant to Anju, then go back to the pool, where you'll get the Keaton mask from the the weird dude (hsould be third day now). Go to Ikana Canyon, meet Kafei, and wait until 6. Sakon will come by, open a door, and Kafei will run in. Follow him, hep him get the sun mask, and go back to town to get the couples mask in the final minutes of the world. THERE! Am I right?[/color]
[color=teal]Nice! [b]Name:[/b]Kitsune Katsuhito [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Eyes:[/b]Emerald [b]Hair:[/b]Silver and long, tied in a braid, but bangs still fall over his eyes. [b]Distinguishing Features:[/b]A scar going through his right eye. Also, a slash going through his right eye to match the path of the scar. [b]Casual Clothing:[/b]Green longsleeve t-shirt, blue jeans, cowboy boots, and a blue jean jacket. [b]Likes:[/b]Anime, country music, manga, forests, and the ocean [b]Dislikes:[/b]"tough guys", hotshots, snobs, people who strive on hurting others [b]Personality:[/b]Calm, gentle, collected, smart, and bright, though when angered, his temper can flare and he'll fight anyone who harms his friends. [b]Zodiac sign:[/b]Dragon [b]Personal Element:[/b]Wind [b]Bio:[/b]Born of an American woman, his mother moved to Okinawa when Kitsune was still in his mother's womb to avoid her ex-boyfriend, who had raped her to get her pregnant. She died in childbirth, givig her son to the kind family that had helped her while she was pregnant. Kitsune grew up to be strong, smart, and kind, not to mention a handsome to boot. He grew to love his family and friends, and is an extreme philanthropist. This changed when his foster father was murdered as part of a prank by jealous school bullies, whom were later hospitalized by a warrant-bearing Kitsune in a fight that cost him his right eye's ability to see. Kitsune's anger will now see anyone who threatens his friends into the infirmary. For all of his good qualities, Kitsune is shy and has yet to be kissed, a fact that he seriously regrets and blushes at. Kitsune knows fluent English and Greek, and now takes care of his foster mother, who is extremely proud of Kitsune. Kitsune holds a job at a Japanese restaurant and a martial arts assistant to Master Fong at the Okinawa School of Defense. [b]Typical Character Quote:[/b]"Get out of my way, or I'll get you out of it for you."[/color]
[color=teal][b]Locke:[/b]Crap! Just when Mortal Kombat was getting good! [i]Locke practically yelled. He'd forgotten about the EMP as he was pulled off the program, back to the real world. He'd only been on it for three minutes, but he acknowledged the command as Neo prepared to hit the EMP if the Squiddies got too knowledgeable about their location. Everyone held their breath. One minute, ten minutes, an hour it seemed like. Finally, the danger passed, the Squiddies left. Locke sighed as the electronics systems came back on. Locke walked over to Caterpillar, who was rebooting the mainframe computers.[/i] [b]Locke:[/b]What's the EMP for? [b]Caterpillar:[/b]Only weapon we have, well, HAD, against the Squiddies. Tank's old F-16 Operating Data gave me an idea. I just need one more part, and we'll have F-16s ready for manufacture in Zion. We have a prototype on board, with hover modules, but we don't know if it'll work. Only a psycho would go out in that thing without testing it. [b]Locke:[/b]A psycho, eh? [b]Caterpillar:[/b]Don't even think about it, mano! If anybody gets first dibs, I do! [b]Locke:[/b]Need a copilot? [b]Caterpillar:[/b]Okay, [i]barboso[/i], so we're both loco! Let's go! [i]Caterpillar led Locke to the cargo bay, which held the first F-16 Locke'd ever seen. Caterpillar smiled broadly.[/i] [b]Caterpillar:[/b]Yep, that's my creation. Needs a name, but the pilot has to name her. So what's it gonna be, bro? [b]Locke:[/b]Me? Whaddaya mean, me? [b]Caterpillar:[/b]Well, I ran you through the pilot course, you know how to fly everything from a B-62 chopper to a B-2 Bomber. Bro, this baby is yours! [i]Locke pondered over as Neo swaggered in, his head hurting from all of the numbers and code. He gasped as he saw the fighter, the sleek wings and the eagle splashed on the side.[/i] [b]Locke:[/b]How about.....the Pheonix? [b]Caterpillar:[/b]Pheonix? Mano, that is awesome! [b]Neo:[/b]I assume it's because, in a world of ruin, in a world where no more exist, this baby can fly. [b]Locke:[/b]Actually, you got the Ruin part. The Pheonix is named after a Phantom Beast from the World of Ruin in Final Fantasy 6, the game also of my namesake. [i]Neo just stared at the ma as if he'd played one too many video games, then realized he probably had.[/i] [b]Neo:[/b]So....when are you gonna try this baby out? [b]Locke:[/b]When we get to Zion for our refueling. I want to try out our new weapon under safe measures. I might even be able to pickpocket the part Caterpillar needs for the assembly line. We'd have an army, then.....[/color]
[color=teal][i]Locke stood up from his seat, having just finished his eighteenth hour of combat training. His best friend on the ship, whom everyone called Caterpillar, simply looked at him in amazement.[/i] [b]Morpheus:[/b]Before I leave, I want to be sure you can handle everything until I send Tank over from the Nebuchadnezzar. [b]Caterpillar:[/b]Yeah, we'll be fine. I'm just worried about Locke here getting through all of the programs and getting bored. He's more of a machine than Neo was. [b]Morpheus:[/b]Yes...that's.....it should be normal. Good bye, Caterpillar. See you later. [i]Locke wondered at the exchange, but walked back in, his understanding of computers more exponential than anything else, aside from his treasure-hunting skills. He walked over to Neo in the Matrix Room, laughing to himself as Neo struggles with the code.[/i] [b]Neo:[/b]So this group of numbers here must be a guy on the toilet, and this one here a rainstorm in Atlanta.....I'm confused. how can a single number mean so much? [b]Locke:[/b]Beats the Hell outta me, but it does. That's pretty much all I need to know. Oh, by the way, it's not Atlanta. It's Chicago. [b]Neo:[/b]Argh! [i]Locke again laughed, grabbing his plate of gruel and sitting a little ways off from Siren, shoveling it into his mouth fast. He swallowed, smiled, and went to get more.[/i] [b]Siren:[/b]How the Hell do you eat this stuff? [b]Locke:[/b]It's simple, I just really like grits. [b]Siren:[/b]It's...grits? How do you know? [b]Locke:[/b]I made it. [b]Siren:[/b]Oh.... [i]Locke again laughed as Siren began to eat less resignedly as she set off for bed. Locke's good mood was unable to be brought down by anything....until Caterpillar rang out the alarm.[/i] [b]Neo:[/b]Christ, Squiddies![/color]
[color=teal]OOC: Chris Farley as in Adam Sandler and David Spade Chris Farley. Black Sheep Chris Farley. We DO have movies in America, you know. Chris Farley's one of my favorite insanity actors. By the way, if there were a warning on nastiness, I wouldn't have allowed you to pick Dennis Leary for your character. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Pheonix stood up, finally pissed off. Before John and Rob could stop him, he was on top of Dennis Leary, pummeling furiously. After three minutes of merciless beating, Rob and John managed to pull to raging teenager off of Dennis. Dennis stood and pulled out his shotguns, ignoring Mr. White as he crawled away.[/i] [b]Alaris:[/b]Do not fear, Pheonix. The weapons of those around you cannot kill you permanently, aside from those of the slinking Mr. White. Allow Dennis to "kill" you, and he shall see the truth. [i]The voice of the blade rang out only in Pheonix's ears, and the teen smirked.[/i] [b]Pheonix:[/b]Go ahead, fire. You'll see just how many "comic books" a knight in training can read in a monastery. [b]Dennis:[/b]You know, you just gave me permission to blow your *** to fertilizer. Don't mind if I do. [i]The gun fired, Pheonix let out only the slightest gasp as his chest folded under the impact of a five-hundred psi buckshot. He smiled grimly as his body turned into ash from the wound around and fell to the ground, the sword clattering to the pile.[/i] [b]Dennis and Rob:[/b]THAT was the freakiest thing I've ever seen. [b]John:[/b]Just watch, Leary, and really find your destiny. [i]The ash began to reform a fist around the hilt of the longsword, Pheonix's body appearing from the ash in a kneeling position. Mr. White also saw, from his faraway position, the rebirth of the teenage knight. He also saw the Auracannon blast from the boy's open palm, blasting him forty miles away, into the very inn that Pheonix had spent five days awaiting vengeance. Back in the demolished city, Dennis, Rob, and John backed a few paces away from the reborn knight.[/i] [b]All Three:[/b]Whoa. [i]Pheonix stood, sheathing his sword and looking daggers at Dennis.[/i] [b]Dennis:[/b]You know, I think m schedule was just cleared. let's go save the pope. Just don't blow me to Hell, ok?[/color]