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Everything posted by Talon
[color=teal][i]Pheonix sniffed the air. Over the last few hours, he'd made very much progress getting near the car. Now, he could smell the decay in the air. He followed the strong scent to a car overrun with vines and plants, Dennis Leary swearing copiously about his car. Two men clambored out, one looking straight at Pheonix with eyes that Pheonix thought could bore through solid crystal.[/i] [b]John:[/b]Pheonix, destined of the blade alaris, welcome to the nightmare of reality. [b]Rob:[/b]Are you talking to the guy with the sword? [b]Dennis:[/b]Now, THAT is one guy I'd hate to piss off, even if he is just a runty teenager. Now, can we get to more ****ing important matters and find the ***** that did this to my new car? I'd like to introduce her to my shotgun, here. [b]Pheonix:[/b]We shall find all manners of evil and eliminate them, but first we must avenge John Paul and my parents. I must destroy Xion. [b]Dennis:[/b]I don't ****ing care, runt! My car is more important than some goddamn dead guy in a robe all the way in Vatican ****ing City! [b]John:[/b]Shut up, Dennis. You want to stay alive, you listen to Pheonix. Now everyone, even you Pheonix, sit down and listen. [i]Everyone aside from John Cusack sat on a corner, ennis Leary looking at his car extremely pissed, but quiet so as to avoid anymore swords from hitting him in any valuables.[/i] [b]John:[/b]There are many dimensions in the cosmos, too numerable to count, and Earth lies within one of them. Every once in a while, about every millenia or so, the Earth in my dimension crashes with this Earth. When this happens, a portal is completed between the two, allowing crossways access in the oddest way for that time period. This time, a Metalord from our dimension broke through the portal with an army he'd been raising to conquer it and become omnipowerful on an essence from the core of your world: lava. The Metalord, named Jack Crimson, has a good group of operatives, generals, really, one of whom he trusts most of all: Xion Excelsior. These "Z-Keepers" are the exact opposites of generals or people on Earth. Xion is the most powerful Keeper of them all, more powerful than even Metalord Jack. Other Z-Keepers are intent upon destroying their counterparts, others on stopping the destruction. Even a few humans have been enlisted to the Zircon Army. Trust no one, only those who pledge allegiance to the flag of Earth. We fear that Xion has been raising an army of his own, the Aeon Army, to destroy the Zircons and route all power to himself. That is why we need Pheonix and his Alaris. To stop all of the evil "Z-Keepers" and to save Earth. But remember, if you meet your Keeper, they will be firmly intent upon either killing you or forcing you to stop the Zircon and Aeon Armies, depending on your alignment. Now begins the distortion. By the way, the odd portal I spoke of earlier.... Pope John Paul enjoyed playing Resident Evil a bit too much. Metalord Jack Crimson is an exact replica of our favorite villain, the Nemesis. We will face many zombies and such. Any questions? [i]John practically slapped himself as he saw Rob and Pheonix playing poker, Dennis snoring loudly, whispering in his sleep about his car.[/i] [b]Pheonix:[/b]We were all listening, except Dennis. But next time, make it more interesting. You're just lucky David Spade and Chris Farley aren't here.[/color]
[i][color=teal]John jumped straight up, finally deciding to move out of the building. The inn, in a devastated area of New Jersey, lay about forty miles from New York City. John, jumping from a collapsed area of the city, heard something active in a small area of rubble. As he cleared it, more distressing news came from the still-functioning television.[/i] [b]TV:[/b]We have just recieved word from Washington that our beloved President Bush has been slaughtered, the White House demolished. The cause and culprit are currently unknown. [i]John kicked the telvision over, destroying it completely. He made sure his armor was on straight before again setting out.[/i] [b]John:[/b]Damned assholes! First John Paul, now George Bush. Not that I care much about that last one, but it still pisses me about the pope.... [b]???:[/b]Indeed, Don't you just hate that I killed your religious leader? My good friend, Mr. White, killed your president. But you don't really care, do you? [i]John jumped forward, narrowly avoiding a large, red longsword. He turned and faced... Himself. An exact image of himself, aside from the white hair, sheer ebony skin, and slight elevation in height stood before him.[/i] [b]Xion:[/b]I am Xion Excelsior, you, but yet not you. You don't need the particulars, just know that I will kill you. [i]Xion drew his sword up as John drew his own out. John rushed at Xion, clashing his blade against Xion's, pushing the Z-Keeper back to the rubble.[/i] [b]John:[/b]Monster! I will destroy you if it's the last thing I do! I WILL KILL YOU!!!! [b]Xion:[/b]Just try, runt! [i]Xion pushed John back, sheathing his blade and focusing his Baneblast right at John's chest. As the blackness exploded around them, reflecting all the way to a car miles away, inside which three men, Rob Gordon, John Cusack, and Dennis Leary all amazed at the violent outburst of evil energies.[/i] [b]Dennis:[/b]What the **** is that? [b]Cusack:[/b]The two destined have engaged in their first battle. I pray the Pheonix can make it out alright. Balance must not be severed! [b]Rob:[/b]You know, you never really answered my question. I know your name, but who the Hell are you?!?! [i]Miles away from this argument, Xion walked away from a pile of ash with a sword stuck in it, laughing. As Xion rounded a bend and disappeared again, John's fist punched through the ash in a beam of light. The ash reformed the rest of his body, his hand clenching the sword. As the whisper of energy disappeared into his blade, he heard it speak to him.[/i] [b]Alaris:[/b]John Schock, I am the Alaris, a blade of utmost power and magic. I am the one that saved your soul, reimbued your body. So long as you wield me, you will never die at the blade of Excelsior, the Atlasscar, or Excelsior's Baneblast. Nor can I kill him, nor can your holy blast. Your name now shall be Pheonix. If you wish, shorten it to Fox. Now, recieve your lessons of the Auracannon! [i]John felt an awesome energy form in his mind, unlocking his forgotten Auracannon, the holy blast of energy to rival the Baneblast. The new-born Pheonix set off, a silvery glow in his eyes. He was being drawn to the three in the car, wherever they were. He needed to reach them, somehow.... In the car, John Cusack turned to Rob, holding back his desire as a Z-Keeper to kill him.[/i] [b]John:[/b]Look, you'll hear the explanation later, when we find the Pheonix! He's the one that can save the pope and the world. Just sit tight.[/color]
[b][color=teal]Name:[/b]Kitsune Tenriyoko [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Age:[/b]19 [b]Country of Origin:[/b]Kyoto, Japan. Raised in America from age 14. [b]Occupation:[/b]Robotics engineer. Helped to develop the war machines used in WW3, mainly human-like assault suits used like tanks (Gundam, anybody?), even though he was only about sixteen. [b]Fighting Style:[/b]Jeet Kune Do (basically, Jackie Chan style) [b]Group Affiliation:[/b]Loner, sometimes fights with American government. [b]Description:[/b]See attachment [b]Personality:[/b]Likeable, and very optimistic of life. Often smiles broadly, bringing joy to everyone around him in a time of turmoil. However, when angered, a fighting spirit within him siezes control and often wrests the life or honor from the one who angered him. [b]Bio:[/b]Born in Kyoto, Japan, he was raised by Japanese parents even though he was not himself of fully Japanese blood. His mother, an American woman, had been raped by a Japanese man and thus had been made pregnant, giving birth and dying in her best friend's home. The friend took the child, for she was unable to have children, and raised him with her husband and gave the child their last name. The child grew to be exceedingly smart and strong, and eventually was drafted to create war machines to help the Japanese government against Iran at age sixteen. He did so, and as a cost, he took Jeet Kune Do lessons, a style of fighting involving improvisation. Think of Jackie Chan with a knowledge of robotics.[/color]
[color=teal][i]Elsyan and Riona looked on on amazement as his back began to repair itself, Siren's spell combining with his regeneration. His wings unfolded as Siren poured more of her strength into her, his body becoming more and more strong. He awakened, his breath no longer coming in ragged gasps as he stood up, shaking. He smiled as Siren finished her spell, falling against him. He smiled at all three of the young women, picking Siren up and carrying her into their rooms. He lay Siren down on a bed, where she turned to him and practically accused him.[/i] [b]Siren:[/b]THIS time, you're staying in bed! And if I have to hold you down, so be it. [b]Elysan:[/b]Hunter, don't you ever do that again. Just please don't worry me like that. [b]Riona:[/b]Umm.....bad moment.... think I'll go look for Twomoons. [i]Riona left all of them alone, carefully stepping out the door as she heard both Elsyan and Siren explode into a deft berating at Hunter's stubborn pride.[/i][/color]
[color=teal]Yes, you are. It's the only instance of a serious love interest without any playing around. Zelda doesn't count in any of the games, but aside the point. Bremma's right, have a cookie, ask a question.[/color]
[color=crimson]The years have passed since the last confrontation between the Zerg and the Terrans. The Earth has lost all interest in the Koprulu sector, letting them destroy themselves....or so they think. The Koprulu sector has become more prosperous than Earth itself, and have become more militant and economically stable. However, the Zerg have regained interest in the Koprulu sector. The Terrans somehow gained an inate ability to control reality, expanding the abilities of the Ghosts and Marines exponentially. The Zerg have become intent upon bringing the Terran strain of DNA completely under Zerg control, the new controlling abilities of Kerrigan enforcing the decision. The Protoss, too, have become more advanced and have retaken Aiur. With their homeworld and Shakuras under their sway, the Protoss have become more intent upon defending the Terran race. But the new evil has grown larger, more powerful. The Hybrid Protoss/Zerg mutagen has gained a foothold in the Koprulu sector once and for all. This is the last stand. We fight here and now! Commander Jim Raynor out.[/color] [color=teal]Here it is, people. Finally, a Starcraft RPG. You're either Protoss or Terran, any class or, if you wish, a multitude of classes. Our goal is to destroy the resurrected Kerrigan and her minions. What happens after that will decide our fates.... [b]Name:[/b]James Raynor (Jim) [b]Race:[/b]Terran [b]Class:[/b]Became a Ghost, an espionage unit with a C14 canister rifle, Cloak, and Lockdown abilities. Also pilots a Battlecruiser with Yamato Gun abilities, and a Vulture with Spyder Mines ability. Occasionally handles the Marine Assault Rifle, but has foregone the Stimpacks. [b]Appearance:[/b]See attachment [b]Bio:[/b]Jim became a Ghost when his abilities were discovered after he drank some of the fallen Fenix's blood. First, he was simply an officer as a Vulture pilot that fell in love with Ghost Sarah Kerrigan, who later became a Zerg agent. When Kerrigan murdered many of his friends and turned on hom multiple times, ending in the deaths of Edmund Duke, Protoss Dragoon Fenix, and Arcturus Mengsk, Jim swore that he would kill Kerrigan. He carried it out, but somehow her DNA had been preserved and she became alive again. Now Jim has sworn to kill her once and for all with his new abilities, no matter the personal cost.[/color]
[color=teal]Kool. [b]Question:[/b]What does it appear is happening between Marin and Link in Link's Awakening?[/color]
[color=teal]The answer was "Tra la la, look for Sahasrala. Good, you found Sahasrala!", but the answer to your question, Desbreko, I think it's the Master Sword of Ages from linked Seasons. I'm not sure, though.[/color]
[color=teal][b]Alias Name:[/b]Locke (also called Pheonix) [b]Age:[/b]25 [b]Expertise:[/b]Picking locks, "treasure hunting" (stealing), and espionage, also skilled wth hand-to-hand weaponry as a protective skill. [b]Bio:[/b]Grew up playing the old "Final Fantasy 6" game on his SNES, John Schock earned his alias from his favorite character, Locke Cole. The second alias was earned from the Phantom Beast Locke found to restore his dead girlfried to life, temporary as it was. With Locke as his role model, he became an expert thief/treasure hunter (call him the latter or he'll rip your lungs out). He went out to ruins, tombs, and such, raiding them of their treasures for his own pleasure or for museums. He became a bodyguard when he turned twenty-four. [b]Appearance:[/b]Another reason for his alias. He is an exact Locke lookalike. (see the attachement)[/color]
[color=teal]Close, but no cigar. Any other takers?[/color]
[color=teal][i]John walked from his sanctuary, wiping his sword clean of the white blood of the Zircons. He continued on, fighting hard to the last breath in every battle. Still his vengeance wasn't satisfied. As he wept in the inn every night, waiting for the wraith that he'd seen in the monastery to return, he saw one feminine face hovering over him in his dreams. Her shining smile, her gentle eyes..... he needed her, whoever she was. He awoke one night, with fresh blood in his nostrils, a name on his lips.[/i] [b]John:[/b]Elsyan....who are you? Why does it feel as if my blood is yours?[/color]
[color=teal]They're knights/agents of Hyrule sent to guard her as they take her to Hyrule for refuge. [b]Question:[/b]What do the odd Cacti-thingies say when you sprinkle Magic Powder on them and then talk to them in LttP?[/color]
[color=teal][i]As he took his first step. his mind swam from the pain, his leg caving underneath him. Elsyan bent down, her eyes wide with fear as she felt his back, using her elven blood to search for abnormalities. She screamed when she realized his reason for falling.[/i] [b]Elsyan:[/b]Oh, God, NO!!!! [b]Riona:[/b]What? [b]Elsyan:[/b]It's....his back is broken.... one of his vertebrae is shattered.... he needs help.... it won't regenerate. [i]Hunter, now unconscious, groaned loudly. He began shifting to his dragon form as Elsyan and Riona carefully carried him out to a clearing so that he would do no damage. As he shifted, the bones of his spine stuck out against his scales, showing indeed that he had a severely fractured backbone. Hunter, without knowing it, called to Siren in his sleep. He cried for her, his unconscious state allowing tears to flow unhindered...[/i][/color]
[color=teal]Okay, here goes: [b]Question:[/b]What is special about Majora's Mask in relaton to the other Zelda games. [b]Hint:[/b]It's more than just tradition.[/color]
[color=teal][i]John watched the television reports in grievious awe. The pope.....dead? He couldn't believe. Yet somehow, for some reason, he felt as if he'd been the reason. He shook his head, walking back into the monastery to complete his training.[/i] [b]John:[/b]Lucky I'm just training here to be a knight. I feel sorry for ANYBODY who has to swear off girls. That would be just.... WRONG! [i]As he trained his kicks and punches, he accidentally knocked a hole in a thin wall, revealing a small cache of weapons. Amidst the swords, daggers, guns, and armor, John saw one rag-bundled object in the far corner. He furtively crept through the hole, walked over to the object, and unwrapped it, revealing a beautiful silver sword, engraved with the runes of Wind, Ice, and Light. He held it tight, feeling as if his destiny lie in the very metal, which was no Earthien material. Suddenly, as he held the blade, shadows passed over the hole in the wall.[/i] [b]Zircon:[/b]Sir, is he here? [b]Xion:[/b]No. [b]Zircon:[/b]Then what shall we do? [b]Xion:[/b]Sack the place. All religious areas are to be destroyed! Remember what I did to the Vatican? Do it here! [b]Zircon:[/b]Yes sir! [i]The figure that lead the Zircons vanished, leaving the men to their dirty work. As the flames leapt higher and higher, John simply cowered in his corner. When his mother and father entered the room he had been in to find him, but were instead slaughtered by the Zircon Army, John's pupils dilated. The former black ran silver, his anger level soaring. He rushed out, swinging the sword full-force into the nearest Zircon. The Holy spell within it turned the man to ash instantly. A group of Zircon's gathered around him, and he leapt into the air, turning and executing the Pheonixdance, pounding them all violently with his fiery attacks and his unending siege of fury. When it stopped, he collapsed, the soldiers around him dead. He walked back into the hole, grabbed some leather armor and laquered thigh-high boots, placed them over his green longsleeve shirt, the boots over his shadow-black jeans. He knelt to his parents, kissing each on their forehead.[/i] [b]John:[/b]Vengeance will be mine. This blade shall further my teaching until I become the ultimate warrior. And I shall not fail you. For the Earth, and for my parents! [i]With that, he leapt from a window, walked out into the world, and traveled to a nearby town, setting himsefl up in a ruined inn. He looked out, feeling a human's presence nearby...it felt feminine.[/i][/color]
[color=teal]OOC:Whoa......Go to sleep for eight hours, six people join up....and you guys.....don't laugh....John Schock....is my real name... I HATE my name... IC: Anyhow, this is all we need. Eight is a little hard to keep track of, and sometimes people don't post as quickly, so thank you everyone. You're ALL in! RPG starts in the Adventure Arena....right....about...now![/color]
[color=teal]I think it was 255. Not sure though. Last time played=1 year ago. BRING OUT THE NINTENDO, BABY! I wonder if I can still beat Metroid in under two hours...[/color]
[color=crimson][i]Within every human being on Earth, there lies a counterpart in the Z-Realm. This "Z-Keeper" watches over you, keeping your balance of alignment in check with the exact opposite. If you are a passing good person, the "Z-Keeper" will be the epitome of evil, if you are evil, they will be benevolent. Neutrality is the only unaffected alignment, yet the Z-Keepers always hate their counterpart when contact is made. If a Z-Keeper and their Earthien counterpart meet, a battle shall ensue greatly. Usually, the two Realms of Earth and the Z-Realm are kept far apart, yet every once in a millenia the two crash. This time, the crash shall be permanent. Unfortunately, Pope John Paul's "Z-Keeper" has been amassing a force of other warriors from other realms into the Zircon Army. This army is prepared to swarm over Earth, killing their Earthien counterparts in an attempt to rule the entire cosmos. Pope John Paul has already fallen. Who shall be the next to fall at the hands of their "Z-Keepers"? Or rather, whose "Z-Keeper" shall save them and force them to end the reign of the evil Metalord Jack Crimson, counterpart of John Paul? The decision lies with you.....[/color][/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay people, here it is. You choose to be either Z-Keeper or Human, but you must fight to either stop or aid the Metalord in his quest for conquest. Z-Keepers can be whatever you wish them to be, and may have up to four magical abilities/weapons. I.E: one blessed dagger, three abilities. Humans can have three, but two must be spells given them by the death of another Z-Keeper. You kill a Z-Keeper, you absorb ONE of his/her powers. Only in this manner can you exceed the maximum limit of magical abilities. Think of Z-Keepers as bosses and gaining new spells as gaining levels from killing the boss. Here goes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=teal][b]Name:[/b]John Schock (Minuet or Fox to friends) [b]Alignment:[/b]Good [b]Z-Keeper/Mortal counterpart:[/b]Xion Excelsior [b]Age:[/b]14 [b]Hair:[/b]Short, black, cropped ina crew-cut. [b]Eyes:[/b]Deep black, unusually can change color to bright silver [b]Build:[/b]6', solid body, muscular frame [b]Weapon:[/b]Silver longsword, blessed with Holy, Wind, and Ice magiks. [b]Abilities:[/b]Pheonixdance (moves and attacks multiple enimies with fire-enhanced punches at highspeed), AuraCannon (mystical purity slams an enemy) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Z-Keeper:[/b]Xion excelsior [b]Alignment:[/b]Evil [b]Age:[/b]28 [b]Hair:[/b]Long, white, and tied in a braid [b]Eyes:[/b]Deep white, mysteriously change to a deep red when angered [b]Build:[/b]6', solid build, extremely muscular frame [b]Weapon:[/b]Red longsword, curse with Bane, Earth, and Fire magiks. [b]Abilities:[/b]Wallwalk (walk through walls), Baneblast (Bolt of energetic evil slams enemy), Geofist (mountain slams one enemy) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let's go, everybody. Please join up![/color]
[b]Reminiscence...the shaolin haunt you.....fear your own mind....[/b] [i][color=teal]When last that ever he saw her, he was swept away in a moonlight shadow.... Hatred called her to him, yet love sent her away, longing for his grasp, the grasp of a moonlight shadow.... His death, mourned by none, was still all to realistic....to painful to bear for her, in her moonlight shadow....[/color][/i] [b]Converge....become one.....change is the only constant.....[/b] [color=teal][i]His blade swept in a storm of passion, yet the knife could pierce no flesh, not in his moonlight shadow.... The young trees danced with the evening in their silky leaves, carried away by a moonlight shadow..... The last that ever she saw him, he was carried away by a moonlight shadow.....[/color][/i] [b]The end is near....change is the only constant in an uncertain world.....[/b] [color=teal][i]The fiercest blows were all for naught, he was shot six times in a desperate fight, his soul carried off by a moonlight shadow..... The gentle sway of the evening wind slowed, ended the soft caresses of her skin with a moonlight shadow..... Her blood fell to the floor with the knife, her heart floating to Heaven in a moonlight shadow.....[/color][/i] [b]Learn well this lesson, let not love leave you. If it does, do not let yourself go on if it will kill you in the end. For change, the only constant in an uncertain world, will not let your reminiscence of your love's death live. The shaolin teach you that you are your own worst enemy. Learn well this lesson, you must fear your own mind....[/b]
[color=teal]The Anti-Kirbies....I believe the dungeon they're found in was the Eagle's Tower. GinnyLyn, I think you were right there. If the answer is correct, give her credit. i just beat the game for the fifteenth time...in a week.....I have no life!!! *bawls over the fact that I have no life*[/color]
[color=teal][i]Hunter awakened in his room, bandages on his body. He realized Elsyan's spell was merely temporary. Wounds as mortal as his could not be healed by magic alone. He tried to move his legs and arms, but his condition would not allow him any movement at all. He began to cry softly. No warrior could suffer a crueler fate than to be unable to move, yet still alive. It was five times worse for a warrior whose true form was a dragon. In the back of his mind, he heard Siren gently calling to him. He tried all the more to get up, forcing his regenerative abilities to work faster. His back realigned with a resounding crack that could be heard thirty yards away, through a brick wall. Elsyan, now awake, rushed in the room to see him standing up, putting his armor on gingerly as it brushed over his head, scraping against his wounds.[/i][/color]
[color=teal]OOC:There is NOTHING wrong with my post (except that I had/still-have one helluva fever). I wrote that Fenir grabbed Warlock and Demos from wherever they were, so back off. And as for Duke, I avoided using him because I have NO clue what you want him to do, Flash. If you want, you can have him track me down and blow me to hell for breaking Zero's nose. As for "beat on Signas hour", no. I just had to beat the crap outta Zero. After X6, he just really began to annoy me and I wrote that post RIGHT after beating X6....that game just......*punches a wall, breaking four knuckles and cracking the wall* ANTI-CLIMACTIC PIECE OF CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!![/color]
[i][color=teal]John walked Setsuna back to the mansion at first, then led her to her rooms. She shook her head silently as he opened her door, taking his hand and leading him to his own rooms. As he walked in, dressing furtively when she wasn't looking in a t-shirt and jeans, he turned on his Castlevania CD, letting the hard rock blast the drunkenness of three bottles of Bennigan's Prime Guiness from his head. He sat loftily on his bed as Setsuna walked from his bathroom wearing her nightgown, forcing a heavy blush from John's cheeks.[/i] [b]Setsuna:[/b]What's wrong? You act as if you've never seen a girl in a nightgown before. [b]John:[/b]Um...I haven't.... [b]Setsuna:[/b]Well, there's a first time for everything. Are you gonna be okay? [b]John:[/b]Well, yeah, I guess..... [i]He turned out the lamp, remotely turned off his stereo, and pulled Setsuna close, listening to the beating of her heart as he kissed her passionately in the dark, his own heart thumping hard as he turned over and climbed to the floor, letting Setsuna have the bed.[/i][/color]
[color=teal]I haven't asked one. here it is. [b]Question:[/b]In LttP, what is the exact inscription on the Pedestal of the Master Sword? [b]hint:[/b]You need the Book of Mudora to read it, don't give me a bunch of crappy symbols and expect it to be right.[/color]
[color=teal][i]Hunter struggled uselessly against the binds as the ogre brought his giant warhammer down upon a group of Solamnic knights that had joined the liberation group. Fortunately, no knights were killed, yet two were critically wounded in the leg and chest. Hunter bellowed drowsily, the drugs only just beginning to wear off. The effects were instantly banished completely as the beast raised his hammer against Elsyan and Siren, both in the same group, having guessed where he was from Raiye's vision.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]RAAAARRRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!! [i]Hunter, with an almighty heave, burst through his bonds, breathing flames into the air. He leapt forward as the ogre brought his mighty warhammer down. Elsyan and Siren, both safe from the crushing blow under Hunter's carapace, watched in horror as the mighty dragon shuddered under the hefty blow. Elsyan screamed as the saw the silvery blood drip from his back, the spiked side of the hammer having cracked through his scales. Hunter fell, his back bleeding and broken, breathing harshly. He was dying yet again, for his body was shifting from dragon to human....[/i][/color]