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[color=teal]Bye, you two. Well, this RPG needs two more people...ColourDeaf, i think maybe you oughta reopen the sign-ups for a bit.[/color]
[color=teal][i]Hunter looked down and floated down to his own horse, Darien. He felt like a bit of a chase, so he rode off as fast as he could after Karina and her father. As he caught up to them, he smiled and gave Dolosus a bit of a wave with his wings.[/i] [b]Dolosus:[/b]Ah, Master Serenol! 'Tis good to see my young prince in good condition. How are you, my friend? [b]Serenol:[/b]Quite bored, Master Winter. I have aided Karina with her magiks, but no more. [b]Karina:[/b]Serenol....he's my father.... [b]Dolosus:[/b]And his former trainer before his own father came into the arts of Magika. Anyhow, I am grateful, mighty Hunter, but why do you follow me? [b]Serenol:[/b]I wish to accompany you to your castle. It gets boring and monotonous in my father's castle, and my father died. Thus being so, I am finished my training and cannot keep mjy mind off of boredom.[/color]
[color=teal][i]Fox moved his leg, wondering what he'd been doing in his sleep. He shook it off, moved over, and went to sleep again, dozing peacefully. Jaudiar propped herself up on one elbow, wondering what was in his mind.[/i] [b]Jaudiar:[/b]What grief plagues you that you sleep so quickly and desperately? And why did you clutch at me as if you were losing somebody? [i][u][b]Dreamscape[/b] Fox took the bullet in his leg, crying out in pain. Jaudiar, unconscious, lay prone on the ground behind him as James fired more bullets at him. He stood firm, getting peppered with the lethal spray and yet standing firm. Then two bodyguards rushed him, bringing him to the ground as two more held Jaudiar up. James smirked evilly.[/i] [b]James:[/b]Heh...this is for the way you stole Ariadne from me! She was supposed to be mine! Killing your father wasn't enough! No, it wasn't enough at all for the way you stripped me of my honor. So maybe I'll kill your lover instead! [i]James levelled his gun as Fox's head was forced up, his eyes held open by some pill he'd been given. He couldn't blink, he couldn't move. All he could do was scream while Jaudiar bellowed in pain as James plugged bullets all the way up her leg, then her other leg. Then he fired into her arms up to the shoulder. Fox found himself unable to transform, his energy spent. He cried in pain as he saw Jaudiar screaming, her eyes pleading him to help her. Fox went insane and made a choice.[/i] [b]Fox:[/b]Mighty Pheonix, Unearthly Blood! I give my life, my eternal existence, to save the life of she whom I love! My aura rest in Hell, Heaven, or the Abyss, where the blood shall choose, but let my soul save Jaudiar! [i]His aura flickered and vanished as a huge blast of energy echoed from his body, destroying the guards, one of which fired a bullet straight into the throat of Fox's body, and James Philip. Jaudiar's wounds healed over as the remnants of Fox's spirit settled into them. She awakened from her shock, finding the guards nothing more than ashes and James a skeleton wielding a gun. She looked around frantically and screamed when she saw her fiancee, huddled in a corner, his lips blue and his skin white in pallor. He was dead. Se took his body in her arms and cried, the first tears she's cried since she met him... [b]End Dream[/b][/u] Fox sprang awake, perspiration covering his face and chest. Jaudiar stood next to him, looking worried. He took her hand as he breathed heaviuly, too heavily to speak. When he recovered his breath, he looked at jaudiar sadly.[/i] [b]Fox:[/b]What's wrong? [b]Jaudiar:[/b]What do you mean "what's wrong"? You were screaming my name in your sleep and bellowing in pain. [b]Fox:[/b]It...it's nothing, really. It was just a dream. [i]Fox lifted his hand to wipe sweat from his neck, sighing in relief that it was just a dream. He sucked the sigh back in when he felt the bullet wound from the bodyguard's last shot in his throat. He collapsed, his hands shaking uncontrollably. He'd had a prophetic dream...[/i][/color]
[i][color=teal]Fox leaned over, lifted her up playfully as if she was a feather, and brought her to their bedroom. As he put her down on the bed, letting her drift into her deep sleep, he sighed wonderfully. He smiled, gently stroked her hair, and walked out onto the roof of the ship. He watched the stars and began to reminisce....[/i] [b]Flashback[/b] [u][b]Young Fox:[/b]I swear, dad, I'll be the best detective ever! [b]Artemis Eretima:[/b]Of course, son, of course! [i]Fox Eretima was standing out on a field, looking out at the stars. He was fourteen years old. He held his longsword aloft easily after his father had taught him how to hold the heavy blade. The natural strength his father's blood had given him also aided him, allowing him to perform flips in midair, double jumps, and charge attacks. But all he wanted was to grow up and live for thrill. He didn't want life to be too easy. Right then, as these thoughts pervaded Fox's mind, his best friend James walked up.[/i] [b]James Philip:[/b]Fox! Hey, buddy! I forgive you for Ariadne pickin' you, man. Oh, hey, I forgot! Look what my dad gave me! I'm gonna practice my aim! [i]James was brandishing a Winchester repeating rifle, carrying a dove in a bircage with it. He stopped and set the rifle on a rock, releasing the dove into the air. Fox's father saw what James was going to do an instant before it happened and dove between the bird and the bullets. Fox screamed aloud as he saw his father's blood fall to the ground, watched as his father smiled gently for the last time, and cried as James got up and ran away. Fox buried his father, realising he was all alone with his mother and father dead, his best friend a deserter, and Ariadne, his girlfriend, unsure of what she wanted. Fox cried and cried through high school, all the way to college. As a matter of fact, he'd only stopped his crying when he met Jaudiar....[/u][/i] [b]End Flashback[/b] [i]Fox awoke suddenly in his bed, Jaudiar having awakened and carried him in. His wound was dressed and his fiancee asleep at his side. He tossed his mind about remembering that night of his father's death just as a warning came through on his comm.[/i] [b]Comm unit:[/b]Warning. Tracer destroyed upon impact. James Philip at large. All codes and security personnel altered. James Philip ID number changed. [b]Fox:[/b]****. Just friggin' ****. He goes and FINALLY gets paranoid on me, so he decides to disappear. [i]He shut the comm off and sat down, thinking of his dream. Suddenly, a thought hit him. He realized, at the time when James had said "I forgive you", he;d been wearing an evil smirk. He'd been wearing the smirk as he fired. Fox then realized it. Artemis Eretima's love for birdlife would drive him to stand between the dove and the gun, thus tearing away the last person in the world that loved the victor of Ariadne's heart. Or so James had thought.[/i] [b]Fox:[/b]So he really is vengeful....and now that I'm engaged to jaudiar, Ariadne is free....so Father needn't have died....and it's all James' fault. Oh well.... [i]He wiped away the tears in his eyes, leaned over, and kissed Jaudiar gently on her cheek as she slept. He fell back into his pillow, took his sleeping lover in his arms, placed his head on her shoulder, and fell asleep to her rythmic breathing...[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC:Holy ****, my mind hurts! Ah, well, all for the sake of the RPG. Anyway, ColourDeaf, is that better? All of my wiles are useless, now, in the hunt. Better?[/color]
[i][color=teal]Fox smiled and decided to play around a bit. He cut various areas of his body artfully as Jaudiar looked on confused. Fox stood up all of a sudden, igniting his aura powerfully and creating a show of ignited blood, his eyes gleaming from crystal blue to fiery silver-orange. Jaudiar smiled brightly as she moved back into Fox's arms, gently kissing each of the wounds on his arms, chest, and shoulders. The blood stopped flowing, the wounds healed over and scarred, and Fox lay down in bed. He looked out at the globe of the Earth in the distance through the window, smiled, and kissed his fiancee. Suddenly, as they stopped kissing, he sat bolt upright in bed, a bullet embedded into his shoulder and a smoking gun in front of him.[/i] [b]Fox:[/b]****! My arm! I forgot...Jaudiar, down! It's my training program! [i]The huge, hulking robot turned and followed its master out into the cargo area as Fox drew his sword, the wound igniting in the fury of his yet-uncalmed aura. He dashed forward, slashing furiously in a brilliant onslaught of sparks, flashes, and flaming blood. The robot parried each blow, though a few slashes had ignited the oil inside its system. Within minutes, the fight elevated to a tremendously violent level, the robot soaringly cleaving at the gleaming Fox, sweat poring down Fox's body and igniting against his bare chest and bathing him in an iridescent glow of Etherfire. The robot succumbed, its timer wearing out. Fox stood there, his chest heaving, his blood glowing in mystic flames that were far ahead of their epoch, and his eyes glowing. He looked over to see Jaudiar in the doorway. She'd seen the whole thing.[/i][/color]
[i][color=teal]John stood up from his seat at the piano as Setsuna walked out of the room. He walked back into the kitchen, where he immediately destroyed all traces of alcohol in the mansion. He then turned around and went out into the garden for tea-time, which he never enjoyed. He checked the calendar stones and saw that it was Friday. He drank his darjeeling and walked back into the house, feeling absolutely disgusted at his dad's taste. He walked into the mansion at four thirty, sitting down in his room, blaring Emerson Drive tunes and playing Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. He left the door open and caught the attentions of DeMario, Katiya, Bremma, and Kwaz as they all passed his door at odd times.[/color][/i]
[color=teal][i]Fox smiled and leaned up, kising her gently and receiving some of his own blood for his taste. He drank it quickly and continued the kiss, turning off the country music and putting on some Marilyn Manson. again getting up and practicing his swordplay, though he was always being interrupted by Jaudiar's impulses. He shook his head clear and then sat down, letting Jaudiar do what she would.[/i] [b]Fox:[/b]I guess we're all crazy... [i]He reached over to the nightstand, pulling out the ring he'd decided to wait for. He held it up to her, smiling sadly as the blood trickled down his arm and chest, sighing at his violently unromantic scene.[/i] [b]Fox:[/b]Jaudiar, would you marry me?[/color]
[color=teal][i]Fox's attention was caught by Jaudiar. He looked at her apologetically, then excused himself from Ian.[/i] [b]Fox:[/b]Sorry, Ian, but Jaudiar and I have...work....to do. Besides, I need rest. My Pheonix blood DOES have a price, you know. [i]With that, he took the hint Jaudiar gave him and let her lead him away. As they returned to the [u]Alaris[/u], he saw that Ian had followed them in the [u]Bohemian Rhapsody[/u]. He locked the [u]Alaris[/u] down and let Ian do what he would to set up their camp. He walked into his room, letting Jaudiar do what she would, pumped up the volume on his stereo to Emerson Drive's "Fall Into Me" and looked at Jaudiar apologetically as if to say "Sorry. I like country music." Before grabbing his sword and practicing with it, intentionally slashing across the scar on his chest and drawing warm, bright-red blood.[/i][/color]
[color=teal]Valen, Zelda II DID have a beam sword. [b]Answer:[/b]The Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time. The Legend of Zelda, Majora's Mask "Celda" (Zelda Gamecube) All CDI titles of "The Legend of Zelda", because Link was NOT a character to be played in those. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For all fans of the "Legend of Zelda", on the Grand Adventures there's a nice fan-created RPG demo. The real version isn't available yet, but from the demo (which isn't very long) it will KICK ***! Here's the link to the low-down.[/color] [url]http://members.shaw.ca/the_zodiak/tgarpg.html[/url]
[color=teal][i]Fox awoke at that instant.[/i] [b]Fox:[/b]No. And Philips knows nothing of the tracer, yet. He'll thinks it's an ordinary bullet, because that's what it is. The tracer's on the bullet, though. And as for me, give me a blowtorch. [i]Jaudiar, who'd been too preoccupied to hear him, screamed as he torched his own body, burning into ashes rapidly. She cried softly until the ashes moved and flashed, reforming into the Pheonix, then melding back into Detective Fox Eretima.[/i] [b]Fox:[/b]Now, down to business. I'm the best on the force for a reason,. and reward has no meaning to a man whose total assets are estimated at eighty-eight billion woolongs. Anyway, you, Ian, ought to know that James Philip is my former best friend. I know him and his mind. He never gets paranoid or even. He doesn't seek vengeance. He wanted to kill Jaudiar earlier because she was holding a friend of his. See that bounty head? It's his sister, Marie. She alone is worth thirty-eight million. Now, Ian, I have information you need, I have codes, passports, and a badge. I have no interest for money, so what's in it for me? Action. Let's get started. You lead, I navigate.[/color]
[color=teal][i]As Fox was complimenting Jaudiar's apparent bloodthirstiness, his nostrils dilated violently. He picked up the scent of his former best friend with gunpowder-stained hands. Three seconds before James Philip pulled the trigger at Jaudiar, Fox pushed her out of the way, pivoting and pulling a tracergun. The two former friends both fired at the exact same time. Fox found himself pierced through the heart, James found himself with a tracer in his stomach that, if he tried to have it removed or deactivated, would blow him to black Hell. Fox fell, James ran.[/i] [b]Jaudiar:[/b]Fox! Fox, don't you dare die on me! [b]Fox:[/b]*cough* Don't worry, love. *cough* I'll be alright. I'm...the...Pheon...ix.....re..mem..ber? [i]Jaudiar refused to cry as she called Ian MacMarmil to inform him of the tracer in James Philip's stomach.[/i] [b]Jaudiar:[/b]*choked voice*Ian, we've got a tracer in James Philip. My partner, Fox Eretima, shot him with a tracergun. Fox is the only one that knows the tracer's frequency, so get your *** out here to get it! [b]Ian:[/b]Alright, fine. But why are you so choky? Ah well, not my business. [size=1]Sit down, Rev, or I'll blow you both to Hell![/size] Sorry, I'm a little busy. We'll be there soon. Hellcat....you sound like you're crying...you didn't fall in love did you?[/color]
[color=teal][i]Fox landed and folded his wings into his back and running into the casino. He pulled out his 30mm Browning high-power automatic and made sure it was clipped and ready. He put it into his rear pocket and walked casually in after James Philip, taking him by the shoulder and chatting as if they were old friends. In fact, they were. Fox and James had been best friends growing up, but they'd seperated from each other fourteen years ago over a young woman named Ariadne Kittana. Now, however, Fox acted like an old friend gone astray. Until he slapped cuffs on James and led him out of the back door of the casino. Then, as Fox drove to the police headquarters that he was a Detective Grade 3 at, James started up a conversation.[/i] [b]James:[/b]So you got her. Otherwise, you wouldn't be so happy, eh, old friend? [b]Fox:[/b]No, James. I have another woman, even better than Angel. Jaudiar's the most perfect person in the world. [b]James:[/b]Ha! So the demon cat and mystic eagle have cooped up! I knew some mystical person would get her? How'd you get that Etherblood, anyway? [b]Fox:[/b]My dad....you know how that hypergate exploded long ago? Well, my dad survived and gained the abilities of the Pheonix. But they were dormant and passed to me, giving me Etherblood. And they are irreversible in me.... [i]As Fox put that note of depression in his voice, James quieted down. They pulled into the station, where one of the bodyguards was waiting. A huge explosion rocked the HQ as a rocket launcher blew the car to smithereens and released James from his cuffs. James and the bodyguard disappeared, the flames licking Fox's body as Commander Aris walked out.[/i] [b]Aris:[/b]Well, kid, I told you it would be a challenge. Even for you, the best hunter out there. Anyway, I revoked the bounty on your head. Ami's...she's dead. We found her in one of James' space casinos. [b]Fox:[/b]I know....she tried to bring me in. A friend of mine killed her and saved my life. In fact, here's Jaudiar now. [i]Jaudiar was walking down the street, carrying a bounty head with her. She turned him in and waited for Fox to come out.[/i] [b]Jaudiar:[/b]You're a detective? [b]Fox:[/b]Yes, I am. And a damned good one, at that.[/color]
[color=teal]*sighs* Okay, Desbreko. you get the question, though "Gaiden" was the "temp name" or a name that it would be called until it was properly titled. What I was looking for was the title "Mask of Mujula" and the sword was originally called the Feather Sword for it's ability to be dulled. Take it away, Desbreko.[/color]
[color=teal][i]Pheonix blinked out, using his blood's ability to Blink to where Jaudiar was. He reappeared at his love's side, floating above the city limits of a large metropolis-like casino ring. It reminded Pheonix of Las Vegas on Earth. He smiled at the memory, then began to shift into his human form completely, his Etherblood cooling to common blood. He took the burning form of Jaudiar in his arms as she, too, cooled to her human form. Fox's wings kept them aloft, iridescently flapping in the sunlight, flashing brilliant beams of emerald light onto Jaudiar's face. As Fox set down, alighting onto the ground, he found himself having trouble letting go of Jaudiar. She'd wrapped her arms around Fox's neck so that he'd have a surer landing. As they landed near a casino, Fox caught sight of his bounty and several body guards. He still had a huge amount of trouble releasing Jaudiar...[/i][/color]
[color=teal][i]John woke up at 3:17 and unfolded the sheet of paper at his side. He read it on his way to training, then met Rev and had to put it in his pocket.[/i] [b]Rev:[/b]Hey, kid. Training's postponed until six. I forgot about your dad's strict rules. It's- [b]John:[/b]Yeah, I know. Tea-time in an hour. No activity for two hours before. [i]With that, Rev walked away. John then unfolded his letter, reading it while in the lounge, not noticing who was playing the piano.[/i] [b]Letter:[/b]Dearest John, I am sorry about what I've done, and I want to make it up to you. I remeber that day we first met....how much fun we had. And that kiss....my first and yours. It's....just surprising to find out that I'm loved....by someone who was loved by servants and peasants, but not his own parents. It amazes me to think that you are such a kind person, and such a remarkable figure to your servants to where they'd give their lives for yours. I was never like that. I thought it was impossible for me to love...but your proved me wrong, John. Meet me in your room tonight at eight after training. [i]John smiled to himself. He walked over to the piano, where Setsuna has stopped playing when she'd seen him with the letter. He sat down and played his old favorite piano song, the Reqiuem of Illusion. Setsuna smiled as he played, remembering the tune from when he wrote it just for her so long ago...[/i][/color]
[color=teal][i]Hunter stopped his mourning when he saw Elsyan walk inside. He looked up to Siren and bellowed aloud, his happiness at finding someone like him knowing no bounds. He leapt into the air on his wings, bursting through the treetops. He hovered in the air, shifting into his hybrid form and flying in place, his scaly torso catching the suns rays and augmenting them to the people below. He then floated down and took out his spear, practicing with it on the rooftop of the Inn of the Last Home. He wanted to know what Elsyan would say, but he also wanted to know what Siren wanted...[/i][/color]
[i][color=teal]Pheonix dove from the window, flaring his wings and landing in a fierce whirlwind of fire. He hear a flaring and a soft "click" behind him and knew Jaudiar had followed him out. The hunters turned and ran for their lives.[/i] [b]Hunter#1:[/b]Run! Demons! [b]Hunter#2:[/b]The gods of fire! Run! [i]Pheonix raised what used to be his gun, firing a blast of Etherflame at the hunters that wanted the reward on his head. As Jaudiar repeated the action with her own mouth, she leapt onto another hunter, tearing his throat out bloodily. The rest of the hunters died in the Etherflame wave blasted from the two mystical beings' wings. Together, the two returned to their room, the catlike appearance of Jaudiar rearranging into a humanlike Pheonix form.[/i] [b]Pheonix:[/b]A blood filled with mysticism....you get more beautiful every time I see you... [i]Jaudiar, who could now speak, smiled brightly in a flash of flames.[/i] [b]Jaudiar:[/b]Come on, follow me. We have to find our bounty...[/color]
[color=OCEAN teal][i]As Massacre began to struggle up to finish Warlock and Demos each in their turn, a fully-charged plasma beam sent the unused sword flying into the air. Xion caught the blade, Massacre had had it embedded in his hand since the building had collapsed, in the middle of a flying flip. He deactivated his buster and took up a fighting stance, charging his blade with the Wind Dash ability in his system. As Storm Eagle's energy pervaded the blade, making it glow an iridescent silver, Xion began to dash forward. The Wind Dash, charged to its fullest Cyclone Cleave, cut next to Massacre's chest. Massacre, too weakened and injured to do anything, let out a sigh as if he'd learned something very depressing, which was true given the circumstances. He turned and walked away quite rapidly, for the pummeling Demos and Warlock had given him, giving Xion a sad look that clearly said "I will get them". Xion turned, his compassion overriding his impulses and letting Massacre go, and let his energy reserves lessen from 105% to a safe output of 83%. He walked over to Demos and Warlock, making sure Warlock's body was insulated and safe to take a journey to HQ.[/i] [b]Demos:[/b]*cough, cough* Damnit, kid. Is the bastard dead? [b]Xion:[/b]No. He's walking away. But if not for me, you'd be scrap. Let's get back to HQ. Unless that chick in the transport has anything to say about it. [i]Iota had pulled up in an odd transport to him, pulling over and taking Warlock in the rear-cushions. She headed for the [u]Alpha[/u] with Demos and Xion following.[/i] [b]Xion(to himself):[/b]Let's get to HQ and let Signas and Demos decide what to do about the missile. And I think we all need repairs. I thought my systems were at 81%, but my legs, buster, and torso are damaged to about 50%, 42%, and 83% respectively. The medic was lying. Said he was sent by Karmen, though....Ah, Hell, let's just get to HQ, I'm talking too much. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC:Massacre had picked up Xion's sword by accident when the building collapsed. Xion had dropped it when he was thrown out of the silo. Nobody said Massacre knew how to use it. But I'm wondering what happened to Gunner, the other guy Proteus saw. Anyway, Medra, Flash, or Warlock, you decide what happens next and whether or not we go to HQ. [b]Edit:[/b]Is that better, Medra?[/color]
[color=teal]Uh....thanks. lol. It's just something I got into my head a while back. The "one two, one two" thing I got back when I was reading Lewis Caroll's "Jabberwocky" for my English teacher and from there I decided to repeat everything. Thanks.[/color]
[color=teal][i]Xion struggled to get up as he applied his sub-tank to himself, getting his damage percentage to 19%. A medic from the [u]Alpha[/u], dispatched by HQ, had been repairing him for the last half hour. He stood up after the medic ran off to the [u]Alpha[/u], dusting himself off. Xion then looked out at the tower as it collapsed, then watched as the wreckage shifted. He began to walk towards the wreckage to pick up his sword, then saw Massacre standing inside the rubble, carrying Xion's sword.....[/i][/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry if it's crappy. It's 1:30 in the morning and I had a bad day woth no sleep for 36 hours, no coffee, and plenty of trouble with fighting.
[color=teal]Come on....it's not that good. My grandpa's probably pissed at me, wherever he is. It sucks....doesn't it?[/color]
[color=teal][i]Fox lightly traced her lips with his fingertip, then kissed his fingers and moved them back up to her lips. He kissed her lightly, then moved up to the window. He looked outside and saw more bounty hunters heading for the inn. He sighed and pulled out an ancient amulet he'd been given by his father, an amulet that could bring out his Flare-self with impunity. Suddenly, his body melded into the Pheonix, but some residual energy entered Jaudiar's body as well, transforming her into the second Pheonix in the galaxy. Fox looked concerned, wondering if her body could handle the new Etherflames it was engulfed in...[/i][/color]
[i][color=teal]Fox awoke slowly, his blood still burning, three hours later. He coughed blood as his wounds finally closed over with help from Jaudiar. He struggled to his feet, moving into a town nearby. As he traced the shield around the [u]Alaris[/u], he felt the wings of fire fold from his back without the flames, exposing themselves as iridescent emerald wings. HE beat the air softly as people ran from his, his eyes gleaming that cold crystal-blue. He walked into an inn with Jaudiar helping him, his body still weak from the transformation. He ordered a room, set himself up in the two-person bed, which was extremely hard, and invited Jaudiar to join him. He folded his wings around himself after removing his shirt, falling fast asleep as he breathed still more shallowly than ever, yet feeling a lifelink between himself and Jaudiar. And he could never die unless he wished it, which meant that the Hellcat was immortal as long he he wished to live...[/i][/color]
[color=teal]His name is Cojiro, and he only crows for his master, the blue goblin-dude that USED to sit at the base of the lone tree in Kakariko, but when you're an adult he's in the Lost Woods. [b]Question:[/b]What is the original name (first name planned for original release) for the Razor Sword of Majora's Mask and what was the original name of the game itself?[/color]
[color=teal]Uh, thanks Spikey...and no Artea, it's NOT about you. It's not about anybody but me. But it's for an old friend...*begins to cry* I'll miss you Grandpa.....I will miss you.[/color]