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Everything posted by Talon

  1. [color=teal][b]Name:[/b]Vaughn Freeheart [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Age:[/b]19 [b]Country:[/b]Fanelia [b]Planet:[/b]Gea [b]Guymelef:[/b]Firebrand [i]Vaughn stared at the sky, listening to the sounds of the night. He looked back at Firebrand, seeing the longsword strapped to its back. The invis-cloak barely covering its shoulders. Vaughn smiled. Ever since his prince had married Hitomi, he'd been happier than ever. It was good to know that there were more than three Drakonians in the royal family. Van and hitomi had had a little son. He was grown now, but Vaughn wondered if the little prince knew of his wings. Vaughn sighed, relaxed, and released his own wings. Lady Hitomi had never known that Vaughn Freeheart was a Drakonian, too. He turned and headed back to Firebrand, silently vowing to protect the prince at all costs. Aiden was only a kid, after all.[/i][/color]
  2. [color=teal]I think it's marquee. I dunno. ^_^= My guess is it works only in siggies.[/color]
  3. [color=teal]OOC:That better? I edited it, Trunks. Well, Juu and I were gonna get out anyway. better make this a long last post. See y'all later! I'll be in the sequel! ------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]Blaze gasped for air, Relee standing, not knowing what to do as Wesker cold-bloodedly murdered her husband. Suddenly, she saw Blaze flexing his leg. Out of the blue, Wesker fell to the ground as Blaze's boot met the back of his head. Blaze smiled, staring at the gruesome visage as he transformed back into a human, Relee doing the same. They held each other as they walked out of Raccoon city, finding a car and driving about three hundred miles out. In the Canadian forest, there were no traces of the T-Virus or any other viruses. Blaze, three months later, could be seen working on a beautiful house near the ocean coast over a promontory. When the house was complete, he and Relee enjoyed the rest of their days holding each other. On the anniversary of their marriage, Relee led her husband up to the bedroom, closing the door and slipping off her shirt.[/i] [b]Relee:[/b]I think it's time to have a little Blaze...*giggles* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC:*lifts finger to mouth* Shhhhhhhh........................hehe. See y'all. Maybe it'll be my kid in the sequel. I dunno. See ya later, everybody. Trunks, PM me if ya got any more problems with my posts. Oh, and guys, when there are eight guys and one girl in an RPG, you HAVE to be insane not to try to get her in your arms. I was expecting Trunks or Safer to get her, but I made the first move. Better luck next time. See ya later. BTW, Wesker isn't dead, just knocked out.[/color]
  4. [color=crimson]OOC: Keep it as it is. ---------------------------------------------------------------- [i]Zero saw the "familiar visitor" he spoke of. He pulled out his sabre, staring at the insane, charging form of Sigma. The reploid Maverick leader had somehow resurrected AGAIN, and rose to become the leader of Neo-Arcadia. He smiled grimly, drawing his Z-sabre.[/i][/color]
  5. [color=teal][i]Blaze spun around in the driver's seat, looking into the eyes of Albert Wesker. Blaze gasped inwardly.[/i] [b]Blaze:[/b]You are the man responsible for the death of my father. I was helpless to destroy you five years ago, but I will destroy you now! [b]Wesker:[/b]Have at it. I await the death of a noble Crimson Guard! [i]Blaze leapt from the car, pulling James into the driver's seat. He gave Relee a cold, hard, yet loving stare that said, "Go now. I will see you soon, I promise. Just get out of here." Relee did not obey. She jumped from the car, too.[/i] [b]Relee:[/b]I have the same stuff in me that you have, Blaze. If we fight, we fight together! Go everybody. If I die, I die in Blaze's arms, not in a car crash away from him! [b]Blaze:[/b]Relee....I love you, too. [i]They embraced, then pulled apart, Blaze guiding Relee through her first transformation. As the fur, followed by scales, crept up her waist, covering her stomach, and arching over her chest, and creeping up her neck. Her eyes slowly morphed into serpentine eyes, gleaming like sapphires as small claw-like nails appeared on her finger. Her dress was filled in nicely as her muscle mass levelled out. To Blaze, she was the most beautiful person in the world. To Wesker, they both belonged in a zoo. He leapt onto Blaze, wrenching his throat. Relee leapt onto Wesker, just as Blaze released a hinge in his jaw, aiming his fanglike teeth at Wesker's face. As he bit deep into the flesh, he left Wesker gasping for air....but something was wrong...[/i][/color]
  6. [color=teal][i]Blaze stood in the street, staring at Sid. Sid stared at Blaze, sizing him up. Somehow, the Ne-T Virus that had envenomed Sid was more sentient and less primal than the last one was. Sid smiled. rushing at Blaze, Blaze rushed at Sid. Suddenly, Blaze felt a heavy impact on his stomach. His flesh was too soft too explode the rocket alone, but if he flew with it far enough to hit the wall. He grabbed the rocket with both hands, smiled, and tossed it in a reverse direction while its propellant was still good. It flew after Sid, who ducked it. Sid smiled grimly.[/i] [b]Sid:[/b]You missed! [b]Blaze:[/b]Nope. [i]The rocket slammed into a street light, blowing its base out from under it. The street light fell onto Sid's left arm, shearing off the rocket launcher. Sid bellowed, but Blaze took up a martial stance. Sid grinned and did the same. Suddenly, a lightning-fast punch to Blaze's stomach became a slam with both fists onto Sid's back. Sid redoubled and brought his knee to Blaze's chin, who retaliated with a heavy pummel into Sid's sternum. Sid bellowed, screamed, and raged, but then he got Blaze into a choke hold. That is, holding Blaze ten feet above the ground, a tentacle wrapped around Blaze's neck. Blaze whipped out a bayonet he'd found in the warehouse and severed the tentacle, bringing his knee right up into Sid's groin. Apparently, he still had his "sensitive area", as he did not stop wincing in pain for a good five minutes. Blaze gasped for air, and he held up his right hand. Cruel, three inch long claws shot from his fingertips. They seemed to be made of pure steel, but they were the finest silver. Somehow, Sid had discovered a way to genetically create silver. Blaze stared at his "creator" cruelly. The claws came down. Sid barely gasped as the pain came through his body. He fell to the ground, unconscious. Blaze walked away, seeing Relee and taking her into in his arms.[/i][/color]
  7. [color=teal][i]Blaze stared into the rubble of the burning building. It was lucky he'd had the sense to fall asleep next to a fire alarm and the window. He held Relee, still snoring gently against his chest, in his arms. He walked a ways away, finding a roadblock of dead police and wrecked cars. He'd come back with a grenade launcher later. he holed himself and Relee in the same warehouse that Jill had used. With one difference. The shelter was already occupied. With Sid. Sid slavered horribly, his face half wolf, half man, yet all rage. Sid couldn't speak. Suddenly, Blaze noticed a hypodermic needle in Sid's arm. It was marked "Ne-T Vir. Sample 49B". Sid underwent another change. He grew a large tentacle from his right hand. He held a rocket launcher on his left arm. Blaze smiled, placing Relee gently on the ground and morphing to his D-Wolf, which is what he called his ultimate battleform now. He growled, smiling. He would save his breath weapon for later, for a surprise...[/i][/color]
  8. [color=teal]Favored ship is what you pilot or crew on. you can join, but please pay a little attention to your typing. Sorry if I seem critical, but your spelling is missing a few letters. BTW, it's "assassin".[/color]
  9. [color=teal][i]Blaze turned and looked over his shoulder, seeing a large, hulking figure in the hallway. He grabbed it from behind, seeing Warren in trouble, and put his gun in its neck. Blaze fired five Samurai rounds into its spine, dropping it for a good long time. Blaze hated the Tyrant almost as much as the Nemesis. He blew two more shots in, and before anyone else saw him and Relee, he ducked into another room, closed and locked the door, and he and Relee took a light nap in each other's arms. They were tired, and they were safe, from the zombies and such. The door was two-inch-thick steel! Blaze held his wife tight, happy to finally have found someone. He dozed off, his last words barely audible.[/i] [b]Blaze:[/b]I...love....you....Relee. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OOC:Sorry, Trunks, but the Nemesis died in the street. And about Sid....I'll show him up, mutated from my bite, in my next post. Okay with you?[/color]
  10. [color=teal]Alright. I'll allow you to do that. Just don't take over the ship and get us all blown to Hell, ok?[/color]
  11. [i][color=teal]Blaze walked down a corridor quietly, he and Relee seperated from the rest of the group. He felt his wife breathing harshly as the chilly air closed in around them. He grasped her hand, drawing out his Samurai Edge, aiming toward a door lock, and fired. He had another reason to be back in the hospital. He'd lost his favorite shirt in the E.R. where he'd been awaiting his precursory examination. He kissed his wife when he saw the corridor was empty, then pulled her gently away from an odd pile of slime. It was blackish, and Relee gasped as it solidified into a Shadow. She drew out a box of matches, fumbling to get one lit...[/i][/color]
  12. [color=teal][i]Blaze found himself with a very tearing proposition. they were going to be tested to see how strong a pack of zombies were. Their goal: escape from the hospital. Their mission: destroy zombies, including the Nemesis. Their despair: this was a bad way to start a honeymoon, Blaze thought to himself. He led the Nemesis out onto the street, where there was no holy ground. Blaze took off his shirt, preparing to fight. It looked like he wouldn't have his "happily ever after" for a long time. But Relee looked so happy and beautiful now. Nemesis uttered the only word he could, charging at Blaze. Blaze caught him in a handgrip, then a headlock. The Nemesis succumbed under the pressure, its vitality growing weaker. Suddenly, it spoke more than just one word.[/i] [b]Nemesis:[/b]Release me, Blaze! RELEASE ME FROM THIS MORTALITY! KILL ME PLEASE! [i]Fox stared, dumbfounded. He pulled back, then pulled out his shotgun, aiming for a new vein pulsating in the Nemesis' chest. He fired, and the Nemesis uttered a final "thank you" as he died, once and for all. Blaze then walked into a destroyed tailor shop, picked up a tux, and put it on. He wanted Relee to see him in a tux. It felt good to wear clothes that were in one piece for a change, he thought as he kissed Relee again. No more nightmare, they just had to make it through the hospital again...[/i][/color]
  13. [color=teal][i]Blaze knelt down, picking his lover up in his arms. She gently awoke, feeling his tender caresses. He pulled a needle from her arm, recognizing the type of poison it was dipped in. She was safe. It was merely a sleeping potion used to alleviate pain. Blaze examined his belt, finding one of his many needles broken. She'd accidentally pricked herself on his belt. She was fully awake now. She gently kissed her lover, happy to be in his arms. She saw him fumble with something in his pocket, and Craig was now jerking his head in the direction of the exit. Blaze nodded, leading them out onto the street. Luckily, he found that the only church was safe from zombies and shadows. He led the group in, finding a priest leading a sermon that nobody attended. The only people in the church were the party and the priest. Blaze led Relee to the back of the church. When they were alone, he knelt down on one knee, presenting her with a diamond ring he'd gotten from his locker in the basement.[/i] [b]Blaze:[/b]Relee....will...um...will you *gulp* will you marry me? [b]Relee:[/b]Oh Blaze. I will. I will marry you! [i]Blaze and Relee walked up to the priest, engaged him in a conversation, and suddenly handed the ring to Ryowa, giving him instructions. Within tweny minutes, James, Cody, Jubei, and Warren were the perfect audience for the marriage of Blaze and Relee.[/i] [b]Priest:[/b]....you may now kiss the bride. [i]Blaze kissed Relee, his tattered uniform makeing a tuxedo, while Relee was wearing a beautiful, somewhat old dress that Blaze had also taken along for such an emergency. It, too, was from the locker. He never knew why he kept the dress and the ring in the hospital locker, but now he supposed Fate held a large part of that mystery. He put the thought of his mind, focusing intently on his new and only love. Of course, at that time, an old "friend" of Blaze's made himself known from one of the back pews. Even the Nemesis had manners enough not to ruin a marriage....[/i] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC:I am following Juuthena's post in that she's not away from the group. I advise everyone else to do so.[/color]
  14. [color=teal][i]Serenol sucked in a sob, reaching down into his shirt, pulling out a small ring on a necklace. He pulled the ring off of the chain, placing it upon Mara's hand.[/i] [b]Serenol:[/b]My dearest. If ever you have need of your husband, kindly rub this ring twice and I shall be whisked to your side. [b]Mara:[/b]Th...thank you. I.. I love you. [b]Serenol:[/b]I love you, too. [i]They both turned, Serenol's wounds not qiute healed, and he set off towards Nilothakir's tower. Mara walked towards her destination, tears in her eyes. Serenol could never know that she wasn't really pregnant.... Serenol grimaced at the thought of the truth. He'd felt it that day as Mara gripped Alaris. She wasn't pregnant. When she was out of view, he slipped behind a lonely oak tree, pulled out the picture he'd created of her, and wept. He cried as hard as he would allow himself. He loved her, nut he knew all too well what Alaris was asking. The chances that he'd see her again after he entered the Palace of Nilothakir were noit good. He knew his life would be at very high risk...[/i][/color]
  15. [i][color=teal]Blaze broke through, Sid staring in surprise. Blaze yanked the tubes from his chest, smiled VERY hungrily, and Sid had time for one scream before he found himself a Sid-kabob, well-done. Relee smiled as Blaze released her from the table, though she was now injected with the exact same venom he had been. He held her close as she slapped him again, smiling a reprimanding, yet comforting smile. Sid was somewhere in Blaze's stomach. Ryowa jumped down, smiling. Warren was slightly pissed, but otherwise alright with everything else. Blaze was slowly rubbing his cheek as he reverted to human, kissing Relee passionately...[/i][/color]
  16. You are accepted as members of "Past. Present, and the Kei Pirates!", Episode #Alpha of the Future Hero Next Generation series of Outlaw Star. Welcome to the team Juuthena. (Is it just me or does it appear that in RPGs that we both are in, our C's get married or fall in love?). And I accept your character BlueGender. Good choice being Jim! I hope to see some new pilots soon!
  17. [color=royal blue][b]Narrator:[/b]There is a void between a man and his past. A struggle to cope with his present, yet to feel at peace with his memories. Then there are those who lie in shadows, waiting for vengeance....[/color] [COLOR=darkblue][i]It's been four years since the Leiline adventure. The Outlaw Star has become a distinguished figure amongst the stars, though Gene STILL has a bit of a debt to pay off for Fred Lou. Jim is a fifteen-year-old genius mechanic, as he always was, but now he even designs cars and ships! Gene and Melfina recently joined each other in marriage, but something haunts Gene "Solaris" Starwind... [b]Meanwhile...[/b] Across the galaxy, in an unknown nebula, a grpuo of pirates are reborn once again. They await their vengeance upon the Outlaw Star. They want to destroy Gene Starwind![/i] [b]Name:[/b]Gene Starwind [b]Age:[/b]25 [b]Occupation:[/b]Bounty Hunter/Pilot [b]Appearance:[/b]You oughta know it, but here it is. Gene has two scars standing out from his profiled face along his left cheek. He wears a red outfit under a large cloak. He has long, red hair, and bright eyes. He is never seen without his white-and-blue gauntlets. That's all I need, but please include a favored vehicle or a ship's name. It's universal that Gene flies the Outlaw Star, so if you're one of the original crew, do NOT include Favored Ship. If you're a new guy, please include this.[/color]
  18. [i][color=teal]Blaze turned, nodding. Suddenly, Relee looked at him fearfully. He felt strange, and the world was swimming. Suddenly, a large shadow fell from the cieling, grabbed the falling Blaze, and took Relee as well, escaping before anyone knew what happened to the supersoldier and his girlfriend. Jubei saw a hypodermic needle from the upper labs.....[/color] [color=crimson][/i][b][u]FIRST PERSON FOR DETAIL![/u][/b][/color] [color=red][i]Bubbles....I awaken in a large tank of water, green, slimy water. An oxygen hose is attached to my throat, and Relee lays strapped to a table across from my tank. No cjanges have been made to her, but she stares at me with tears in her eyes. I look down as best I can and see why. I blink back tears of my own as I see the hoses and the tubes entering my chest. Sid walks in, smiling. I attempt to free myself from the tube, but utterly failed. Suddenly, my arms started to got stiffer, stronger again. The hair grew out again. I smiled as my anger triggered a more powerful transformation past wolf. Scales began to link upon my skin, and a maw about a foot long grew out. I became a dragonwolf....[/i][/color]
  19. [i][color=teal]As Blaze turned his back to take one last look at Relee, he saw the remnants of the Nemesis creeping along behind Warren and Relee, and it was pulling itself back together FAST! He also saw several Shadows walking around the western entrance, the only escape from the hospital being blocked effectively. He lifted his flamethrower, aiming at the woodwork and the Shadows, fired, and burned the entrance and the creatures to nonexistance. Warren turned to yell at Blaze, but stopped when he came face-to-face with a VERY mutated Nemesis. Warren punched at it, but Blaze ran up, yelling a war cry, and lifted Nemesis over his head. An open elevator shaft was nearby, and Blaze fell, fighting with the Nemesis for five stories into the lowest basements.[/i] [b]Relee:[/b]Blaze! [b]Blaze:[/b]I'll be fine! Go find Craig! I LOVE YOU!!!.....[/color]
  20. [i][color=teal]Blaze pulled Relee closer to him, walking away from where Warren was leading them out. He turned, looking at Warren, and Relee looked at Blaze, snuggling her head into his chest.[/i] [b]Relee:[/b]I'll never leave your side, Blaze. [b]Blaze:[/b]I know. I'm going to save Craig, even if it kills me.....[/color]
  21. [color=teal]What in the world happened to all of the threads? I mean, Siege of the Necromancer, A ton of spars and other RPGs like Resident Evil, and a ton of my poems are gone. I'm sure other people are equally perplexed as me. Maybe they're on their way, but i don't know. I hope they are on still, just currently unavailable. Can somebody tell me what happened, though?[/color]
  22. [color=teal][i]Blaze walked around the corner, smiling and holding Relee.[/i] [b]Blaze:[/b]This is Blaze. You have no need for your radio. I'm right here. [b]Warren:[/b]Holy Sh*t! Don't do that. A dog, a girl, and a licker gave me enough to deal with, thank you! [b]Blaze:[/b]You think that's something to be proud of? You remeber the Nemesis? [b]Warren:[/b]Yeah. Why? [b]Blaze:[/b]Damned son of a b*tch has been focusing on killing ME. I tore the sonof a gun to ribbons earlier, but I'm betting it won;t be enough to get him off me. [i]Warren's jaw dropped. This guy had been fighting the Nemesis! He must've been tough. He even had a magnum bullet in his throat![/i] ------------------------------------------------ OOC:Hope I gave you enough to work with. BTW, you're dead wrong. I am the King of Hearts. Not only am I a mechanical wizard, but I also have a way with girls. I dunno why, I just had ten girls asking me out, which wouldn't have been so bad if it hadn't been AT ONCE! And I also somehow manage to get my C's a girlfriend in EVERY RPG! Don't ask how or why, 'cuz I don't know![/color]
  23. [color=teal]OOC: Ok, then. This one's gonna be bloody....for me![/color] ------------------------------------------------------- [i][color=royal blue]Blaze ran down the hall, telling Ryowa and Kaze to stay back. They turned to leave....and the body of Nemesis had disappeared from the floor. They ran back up to Jubei and the others, but they were still ok. They turned to where Blaze had disappeared through a door. They saw Nemesis, up and wide awake, enter the door and lock it using a high-power electric lock. Even a rocket couldn't unseal it.[/color] [color=teal]Blaze crept silently down the tunnel, hearing a loud metallic clank behind him. He quickened his pace, running full out down, following the trail of coagulated blood. Somehow, he felt it matched the blood on his arm, the blood of the Nemesis. He saw a half-broken steel door ahead, and he broke through, busting his shoulder wide open with the door. He staggered up, clutching his right shoulder. He fell to his knees, crying at what he saw. He stood, then ran forward...[/color] [color=deeppink]Relee opened her eyes to Blaze's tear-streaked face. She felt his light longsleeve shirt on her body, her own clothes torn. His right shoulder was bashed in, and his chest was extremely bloody from a wound just below his neck. Nemesis was laying, his chest torn fom his legs, and his head was attached to a ceiling fan. That explains his wounds and my clothes, Relee thought. Blaze pulled her close, kissing her passionately, before getting up and carrying her out to the group...[/color] [color=crimson][b](Slightly in the past)[/b][/color] [color=teal]Blaze jumped up from his position and rushed to Relee's aid. He shot the chains that bound her to the wall, and she fell against him. Suddenly, an ugly, familiar face appeared in Blaze's line of sight, aiming a magnum right at him. The blast entered just below his neck, the armor not even hindering it. Blaze suddenly reverted to his wolf-form, tearing into Nemesis mercilessly. He tore Nemesis' torso off, then bit fiercely into his neck, sending the head flying onto a ceiling fan. Blaze reverted to human again, and he rushed to Relee's aid, putting his shirt on her and wrapping her in his arms...[/color] [color=crimson][b](Present time)[/b][/color] [color=teal]Blaze held Relee close, enjoying the feeling of being in her arms. That had done it. As soon as they got out, he was going to ask her...[/i][/color]
  24. [i][color=teal]Blaze fell as the air faded. He fell to the ground, unconscious, just as the man walked in...[/i] [b]Man:[/b]A longsword. Hmm...I have an idea! Why not make Blaze a little....less presentable? [i]Blaze awoke, again in a tank. His arms were strapped, and his legs were free. His jaw was muzzled, and he felt something wrong inside his body. He stared at the magical screen outlining his condition, reading the technical readouts. He screamed in terror and hatred. He had a suit of armor in his chest, a longsword for his right arm, and a shield that could fold from within his left hand. He'd become even more abominable than ever. His friends would run from him, scream and try to kill him....[/i] [b][u](FLASHBACK SEQUENCE)[/b][/u] [i]Blaze sat calmly in his home, holding his sister tight. Their parents had just died. She was all he had left. Eve was everything to him. She would never turn from him. [b]Eve:[/b]Blaze. I may forget you, but please don't forget me. I have to go. I have to find friends. This existence without anyone.....it hurts. [b]Blaze:[/b]Alright, sis. You can go. I'll have to find my own way. That night, Eve set out, and Blaze was left with only Rain. Suddenly, the glass window shattered and a suited man jumped Blaze. The house was ablaze, and a wizard aimed a beam at the retreating Eve and Rain. Blaze jumped in front of the beam, protecting Rain and Eve. He was awake long enough for them to run, and the wizard instead settled to take Blaze to the lab...[/i] [b][u](END SEQUENCE)[/b][/u] [i]Blaze's eyes again snapped open, this time strapped to a table. His "sword" arm, however, was free.........[/i][/color] -----------------------------------------------
  25. [color=teal]Please man! I wanna see more! I wanna know what's happening with Sonic. I mean I can JUST see Tails puttering around, holding a camera and struggling to keep up with the coolest, bluest king of speed! Please hurry up![/color]
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