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Everything posted by Talon

  1. [color=teal]Nope. Sorry. My fav cutscene is in Resident Evil 2. Yes, they made an N64 version of one of the most awesome games ever to bless the Playstation. Why they didn't make a 64 version of Nemesis or RE1, I don't know. Maybe they did and my Blockbuster doesn't carry them. I dunno. But my fav cutscene is when you're Claire and you've just blown the helicopter to Hell with the plastique, you walk into the cheih of police's office and see the mayor's daughter, bleeding and dead, on a desk. The cheif is behind the desk, putting on a show, a very fake one, of emotion at her death and telling how he had to kill her before she became a zombie. Which is a load of crap because the only wound in her is the bullet in her side! I just really liked that scene. I dunno why.[/color]
  2. [color=teal]OOC: Damnt, Mist got grounded. I gotta tie this end up. ---------------------------------------------------------- [i]Mara jumped over Rakshasa, drawing out her wisten. She turned and ran to Serenol, the magical electricity that held him drawing bloodcurdling screams from his throat. As she approached and touched him, he whispered.[/i] [b]Serenol:[/b]Take....AGH!...Alaris. HYAGH!!! [i]Mara pulled the sword from the floor, twirled it, and found it lighter than air. She felt immense holy power pulsing through her veins, and she used this power on Rakshasa. The demon never felt the cleave that severed his right half from his left, but it was soon seen. His two sides slipped apart from each other, and the magic binding and torturing Serenol fell away. Serenol stumbled forward, grabbed the scroll, and absorbed it into the equilibrium of his being, perfecting it beyond mere memorization. Together, he and Mara walked back to Ashrenia. When they got there, Serenol went to the palace, Mara following nervously. She was still not ready to be royalty. Serenol turned lightly.[/i] [b]Serenol:[/b]Whatever pursuits you take, my love, you may take them now. But with or without you, I will soon asault Nilothakir. As I can see, Lacroix has been busy. He has a host of Dark-elves out there. The drow know little of their situation, but they shall keeo his demons at bay while a certain number of infiltrators undermine his castle. I am one of them. I must get the Vengeance blessing for Alaris. Together with my Vorpal Slash, I am the only one that can eliminate Nilothakir![/color]
  3. [color=teal][i]Blaze noticed the streak of coagulated blood (dead blood) on the ground. He clinched his fist, a tear falling from his cheek. He took the bracelet and placed it on his wrist, then rushed off alone into the shadows, following the streak. Suddenly, he bumped into an all-too-familiar "ugly"....[/i] [b]Nemesis:[/b]S.T.A.R.S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [i]Blaze backed off, noticing the streak stopped. He looked around, but pulled out one of the high-power explosives as well. He leaped over Nemesis, noticing one of Relee's earrings in his hand. He grabbed at the earring, leaving the bomb in the creature's hand. He turned and ran, blowing Nemesis to Hell. The demon collapsed on his knees, then fell. He still wasn't dead, but he was out cold for a good long while. Blaze then turned around, hoping to find Relee.[/i] -------------------------------------------------- OOC:Juuthena, I only posted that I HOPED to find Relee. It's up to you if I do.[/color]
  4. [color=teal]Okay, some, maybe most, of you are familiar with my work. I have something that you all might like/hate, whatever. Here it is. It's titled "Light at the End of the Hall" [size=2][font=times new roman][i]I open my eyes, day and night. Only to see that everyone, I apall. The hide from me in shame and in fright. There is no light at the end of the hall. Can my hunger be fed? Can my lust stop at all? These questions swim in my head. Where is my light at the end of the hall? She took me in gently when others would run. Caressed my hard face, heeded my call. She looked at me as though I were the only one. I look at her like my light at the end of the hall.[/font][/size][/i] Well, that's it. Not too good, I know. And Mike, please don't tell me it's repetitive. I know it is. Just had tp post it.[/color]
  5. [COLOR=teal]Something I wrote when Ami died.....I miss her still, but Jaimie's my lover, and damnit, I'll keep it that way if I have to kill myself to do it! [i][font=times new roman][size=2]Can you feel it? Can you feel this, The shadow of hatred, The pain of loss? Do you see this, The fires that burn, That burn in my mind? Can you feel the rage? My heart rushes, Though it's been Long shattered. It hurts too much. My sword has shattered, My shield's been pierced through, And my armor.... Merely cloth...without her. Every night I wake, Wake to nothingness, Nothingness that echoes, Echoes in the shadow. Her blood touched my lips, From hers, my heart broke. She's gone too soon, I vow this vow. None shall love me, None shall I love. My heart, solid steel. My mind, crystal-clear. Someone save me! Save me from the echoes, The echoes of her screams! Save me from the shadows of reality.....[/i][/font][/size][/color]
  6. [color=teal]I like it. I really do. And, from what people say, I know poetry. Check out my poems for proof! Evereybody says that I'm ACTUALLY a good poet. I don't happen to think so, but hell, they do. But I really like yours, Jupiter. It's one of those rare poems that made me cry. I also can relate to it. My dad's the same way about me. Well, good work, and I hope to god it isn't the last one you post! I wanna see more![/color]
  7. [color=crimson][i]Zero removed his armor and walked into his room, preparing to eat his dinner and waiting for the rest of the Zero Unit to report in from their repairs and upgrades. What he found was Iris in a bathrobe. He looked down at his bare chest and toweled waist. He smiled before turning out the light...[/color][/i]
  8. [color=teal][i][u]The year is A.C. 200, three years after Mahimaya Kushrenada's attempted rise to power. Interstellar travel has been expanded to the far reaches of space, the colonies have ended their war with Earth, and peace seemingly is led by Relena Peacecraft and Heero Yuy. There is one threat, however. Treize Kushrenada and his daughter may be dead, but their dreams still live on. The White Fang has secretly revived itself, and the Gundam Pilots are again called upon, though their Gundams were destroyed. However, newer, better prototypes have been built, and newer, younger pilots have been called upon as well! Completely different, these new GundamX units are capable of lightspeed travel and have a new "sentience" system, making them capable of non-pilot movement, speech, and rational thought! But the White Fang has evil intents this time around, and they have threatened the peace that the Gundam pilots worked so hard for......[/color][color=crimson][/i][/u][b] MISSION, BEGIN![/color][/b] [color=teal][b]Name:[/b]Fox Hunter [b]Gundam:[/b]AlarisX [b]Pilot Bio:[/b]Fox was raised by Duo Maxwell and Hilde Schbeiker after the Mahimaya incident killed his family. He is 15 years old and an excellent mechanic/pilot. He looks up to Duo and found that he had a knack for mobile suits and shuttles. He'd hoped to one day go to space until he recieved the telegram calling him to meet AlarisX, the gundam that chose him as the best pilot for Alaris' unique bio-rythm based systems. [b]Pilot Appearance:[/b]Fox stands 6'5" and frequently wears a green longsleeve shirt and black jeans. He wears leather boots and gauntlets. He is sometimes seen with a black cloak on when he is mourning or depressed. His eyes are clear-ice-blue and his hair is silver. His hair is often in a ponytail or braid down to his waist.He wears a single silver necklace with a green gem shaped like a raindrop. [b]M.S. Weapons:[/b]1x beam sabre, 1x Gundanium longsword, 2x vulcans, 2x Verneay Atmospheric Converter Engines, 48x Tracker Missiles, 12x Implosion Missiles, 2x Medium Impact Automatic Laser Guns. [b]M.S. appearance:[/b]Standing at 17 meters, AlarisX has forest green arms and black legs. His forearms and lower legs are colored light brown. He asked to be colored this way to match his master, Fox. His head is colored silver, however, with blue eyes. He has a "V" crown, and wears a green cloak. He has a forest green torso with the yin-yang in the upper-left chest area. ------------------------------------------------------ Well, that's what I want. I WILL take old pilots with new or old/rebuilt Gundams. I'll also take Zechs Marquise/Miliardo Peacecraft, Lucretzia Noin, Hilde Schbeiker, etc. Hell, I'll even take Relena in a mobile suit! I do want some newer, original pilots, too, though. I hope this is a good one...[/color]
  9. [i][color=teal]Serenol rested his burning hand on Karina's arm, forcing her to whip around in surprise. She didn't notice that he'd snuck in silently.[/i] [b]Serenol:[/b]Because...unhh...we care about you. You do fit in. Look at me. I'm a prince, and I travel around with what my uncle calls "peasants"! You think I fit in? I do. Why? Because I care for my fellows and love my friends. You do, too. As for your spells, I can help you there. Lay your head on the pillow, and I will do the rest. [i]Karina lay her head on the pillow, a tear sliding gently down hr cheek. Serenol sat on the edge of the bed, resting his palms on her temples. He began to chant softly, clearing her head and focusing her thoughts. Suddnly, he stopped and Karina jolted up. She felt the clarity within her, and she knew that she could perform her spells flawlessly. Serenol smiled, then got up and walked to the chair in the corner.[/i] [b]Serenol:[/b]You see? Your mind was just too chaotic to focus. I helped you lay the chaos to rest. And trust me. You DO fit in, or my name isn't Serenol Ashenmyst Muirin.[/color]
  10. [color=teal][i]Serenol's dreams haunted him, causing him to wake up in a cold sweat. He tried to move, but instead screamed in pain. The scream was extremely loud, and echoed all thw way to Dimitri's gatehouse. The pain and agony that filled the howl caused Ilythiirtar, Karina, and Eve to rush into his room. What they saw was horrifying. Serenol was in the second bed, twisting in pain. The sheets were soaked in blood, the wounds in his side and shoulder had reopened. Eve gasped as she realized that Serenol's woulds could not heal without a certain herb, and Ilythiiratar saw something even more horrifying. Bleed had poisoned his sword just before attacking Serenol, effectively poisoning Serenol. Karina rushed forward, healing the poison. She placed her hands on his chest, chanting a soft spell, hoping it didn't blow him up by accident...[/i][/color]
  11. [color=teal]Yeah, Deedl;it WOULD actually know her son, so that would be a great twist. By the way, in a sub-route of the RoLW made by Konami, though it should NOT in any way be considered part of the original RoLW series, Parn and Deedlit had a daughter named Serenity. But yeah, I wanted to twist the plot of this ROG before it started by making them have a son. Oh, and Deedlit should know her son, and I just can't WAIT to see the post where Deed and Fox meet. BTW, It's the Forest of Never Return, not No Return.[/color]
  12. [i][color=teal]Blaze grabbed a few heavy explosives from the rack, slipped a few extra clips of ammo for all of his weapons, and hid an extra box of explo sive shotgun shells in his back pocket. He opened a secret compartment in the ground and pulled out the weapon he'd made a month before he left the CG: The Devastator. He called it the Dev1 because it fired a heavily disruptive round of energy, capable of imploding, disintegrating, or setting a target on fire. He gave the gun to Ryowa, knowing he'd want to have a big gun capable of exacting perfect revenge for his grandfather...[/i][/color]
  13. [i][color=teal]Delita, the new Blaze, opened his eyes onto the destroyed lab. He knew only carnage and bloodlust. He felt only pain and rage. He howled loudly, slamming against the iron doors, 3 feet thick. He clawed and pounded, trying to slam through. As he glared, he felt Alastuin. Blaze resurfaced, his sentience returned, though he could do nothing for his name. Or his appearance. He was forever Delita, the midnight-wolf.....[/color][/i]
  14. [color=teal][i]Blaze lead them through the ducts left, right, so many turns they felt dizzy. Suddenly, he fired at a Hugger, then dropped through another vent grille, showing them a cache of protective equipment. He grabbed a few weapons off of a rack, then tossed a shotgun to Kaze, remembering his earlier question. He strapped on some more body armor, then tossed Relee some light, but powerful, armor. He grabbed a Samurai Edge, twirled it and stuck it in his bag. He started to feel like Rambo...[/color][/i]
  15. [color=teal]OOC:Uhhh....seph? One thing: DAMN, you need to work on punctuation and capitalization! I can HARDLY understand your posts! Sorry if I sound kinda rude, but I have a kind of hard time knowing where you're bringing the plot if you don't seperate your sentences. Just a pointer from a J/M to a n00b. --------------------------------------------------------- [i]Blaze leapt into the air, backflipping onto the table. He lifted his hands over his head and bust open a ventilator grille. He showed them into the ducts, leading the way to the Emergency Equipment Bay, where the police at the hospital could go to gain emergency body armor, weapons, etc. He smiled, ouching his lips lightly with two fingers.[/i] [b]Blaze:[/b]All people please mind the emergency seat belt sign has been turned on. (Thanks, Jubei.)[/color]
  16. [color=teal][i]Blaze's eyes snapped open, the tubes unbearably painful. He tried to move his arms, but they were strapped to his sides. He looked down and saw what had become of himself. He was a wolfman. A freak. An abomination. He closed his eyes and howled in pain, unable to bear what had happened to him. The howl became a growl as his grief gave way to anger. A hand reached over to grab a needle, the hand of a Behemoth. Blaze clamped his jaws on to the arm of the Behemoth, causing the beast to scream in agony, and Blaze did not let go. The beast focused and aimed one of his tusks at Blaze, but a magical order came from nowhere.[/i] [b]Man:[/b]NO! This creature must live! He will be the key in our victory! He is the one that will help us destroy all in existence! DO NOT HARM HIM! [i]The Behemoth followed through with his attack, but Blaze twisted his body so that the Behemoth severed the strap that held Blaze's arms. Blaze jumped up and extended his claws, tearing the Behemoth into ribbons. No more guards were in the room, but the doctor had sealed him in. There was no escape, but there was no way to put him to sleep......[/i][/color]
  17. [i][color=teal]Blaze ran into the building, knowing the others would most likely follow. He ran straight up to the top floor, Jubei and Cody close behind. Relee took some time, but she finally caught up alongside Ryowa. Kaze, too, ran after them. Blaze stared in disgust as James and Drake came up. They saw some weird sort of lab, with open cages that were empty, and closed cages that contained...[/i] [b]Ryowa:[/b]Shadows! Blaze....I have a BAD feeling about this. [i]Blaze pulled out his Mp5, reloaded it, and went to town with the flamethrower. He and Jubei destroyed the remaining shadows, but they failed to notice the solitary cage in the corner, and the number of open cages greatly overdid the number of Shadows they'd killed in the hospital. Suddenly, Nemesis dropped in, staring at Blaze menacingly. He knocked Blaze into the corner cage, breaking it open. When Blaze shook and cleared his head, he turned and saw what the cage had held. It looked a lot like Craig, but he looked MUCH different. And he was pissed at Blaze, VERY pissed. Blaze had two problems: Craig and the Nemesis...[/i][/color]
  18. [i][color=crimson]Zero stared at Ryo, unknowing of anything. He held out his hand cautiously, and smiled when Ryo took it. Zero led Ryo to the Renegade base, hoping to see Ciel. As they walked in, Ciel rushed into Zero's arms, thankful he was alive. Ryo walked into the lunchroom, hoping to get some food. Zero and Ciel walked into their room, Zero stripping off his armor for his jeans and longsleeve shirt. He kept his sabre strapped ro his belt, though, expecting a familiar visitor...[/color][/i]
  19. [color=crimson][i]Zero himself reported in to Doctor Cain, gaining his arm upgrade and the ShadowZero E-chip. He was not put offline, though he could barely take the pain. As he faded in and out of sleep, he dreamt of Iris, X, and Sigma. He snapped awake, noticing that Cain had fully upgraded him. His sabre and his buster felt stronger, and his body gleamed silver instead of crimson. His leg armor, too, was silver, and his helmet gleamed in the light. His white-and-silver armor began to glow, and he suddenly turned invisible as the ShadowZero E-chip took effect.[/i][/color]
  20. [i][color=teal]Serenol slowly walked towards the lair of Rakshasa, hoping the scroll was intact. Suddenly, he felt a large beam of darkness crash into his chest. He stood, staring at the surce of the beam. In front of him stood...Mara! He looked to his side, and there, too, stood Mara. He remembered the Rakshasa was a shapeshifter, and found himself trapped in a net of darkness. He'd been too late and too confused to act. It was up to Mara to fight Rakshasa. Serenol saw the scroll and used his enhanced sight to memorize the spell. He softly chanted to himself, mastering the Vorpal Slash as he did so. He hoped to himself that he lived long enough to use it, and his life was in Mara's hands...[/i][/color]
  21. [color=teal][i]Serenol stood, his body extremely weak. He fell forward, landing on his hands and knees, coughing blood. He stood again, his eyes gleaming fiercely.[/i] [b]Serenol:[/b]D...da....damnit, B...blee.....bleed. C...come b...a...ck here..... [i]Karina caught Serenol before he fell onto the glass and thorns again, holding him up. Ilythiirtar and Eve helped hold him up as they walked to his palace slowly, not wanting to jar his fragile frame. As they neared the palace of Ashrenia, a guard stopped them.[/i] [b]Dimitri:[/b]Lord Serenol! What happened?!? You are our strongest fighter! Nothing can hurt you! [b]Serenol:[/b]W...wat...water. [i]Dimitri led them all to the palace and got Serenol some water. He put him to sleep in his room, where Artea already slept soundly. He put Karina, Eve, and Ilythiirtar in the guest rooms, Eve and Ilythiirtar in one, and Karina in the one next to Serenol's room. They slept soundly, with nary a nightmare between the four of them...[/i][/color]
  22. [color=teal]Actually kool aid, I wouldn't mind my mom "tagging along". Like I told you, Fox lost ALL his memories. He knows his parent's names, but not what they look like. Go ahead and make a sign-up with Deed.*does not cower at the glare*^_^=[/color]
  23. [color=teal][b]Name:[/b]Fox Orianis [b]Age:[/b]21/ Actual=259 [b]Race:[/b]Elven [b]Class:[/b]Knight/Rogue [b]Description:[/b]He wears a white mythril chest plate over a green longsleeve shirt. He wears tight blue jeans under thigh-high leather boots. His gauntlets have diamond plates set in with a single ruby each. He wears no helmet, though he does have a long green cape. His eyes are deep green and his hair is silver. His hair is often in a braid that falls to his waist, though it frequently hngs over his shoulder. He stands 7 feet tall, and he carries a longsword strapped to his back. [b]Bio:[/b]He has no memories of his past, though he carries a blessed longsword named Alaris. He wears a single ring on his left ring finger. He has but one memory. He is a fighter destined to be a hero, though he will regain his memories soon. He remembers his mother and father, An elf named Deedlit and a Half-elf named Parn. [b]Location:[/b]The city of Valis, 30 miles from the Forest of Time [b]Century:[/b]Old age. He is from the 30th century of Lodoss Isle, though that means in no way they are advanced. They are as advanced as 14th century Europe, for they were caught in a timewarp in their 12th century. Gunpowder and explosives exist, though guns do not.[/color]
  24. [color=teal][i]Blaze lifted the launcher and blasted an acid round into the Gravedigger, effectively decaying the corpse within two minutes. They stared down the street, an escape route open. Then Blaze thought about Craig, and he whipped out his magnum. He turned and began to walk into the hospital, disdaining his escape into the city.[/i] [b]Blaze:[/b]My mission isn't over. I have to eliminate the virus, and I have to rescue Craig. Who's with me? [b]Ryowa:[/b]I can't avenge my grandfather if I'm running away from this place. I'll go, too. [b]Cody:[/b]Hell, I gotta get revenge for my former comrades. And I want to stop Umbrella like the sky is blue. [b]Blaze:[/b]Who else?[/color]
  25. [color=teal]Thank you, much, everyone. Sheez, it was Hell. I was up from 8 to 12 making that one up. My head hurts. Ow.[/color]
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