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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Eggman IS robotnik! His nickname is Eggman, and Robotnik is his LAST name!!!!!!!!!
  2. [color=teal]OOC:Damned test won't make up it's mind. I retook it and got Spike, too. Though i'm not complaining...BTW, I'm in the lab. ------------------------------------------------------------ [i]Blaze reawoke in a cage. More cages, he thought. He flexed his arm. He still appeared elven, but he knew damn well that if he opened his mouth, he would howl like crazy. He hated being in the lab. He sat on the ground, pressed his knees to his chest, and began crying. There was nothing now to keep him from the thoughts of the losses he had suffered. And this time, there was no Alastuin to keep him sane in his cage. He hoped against hope that his friends would rescue him...[/i][/color]
  3. [i][color=crimson]Zero decided to go for a jog in the desert, so he hyped up the Trance hyperlink machine and teleported to the Outer Rim, running towards some ruins. As he ran, he decided to check out the ruins of what looked like a laboratory. Inside, he found destroyed computers, file cabinets, and other such stuff. Suddenly, as he walked over to a blinking console, he tripped over a trap door. He opened the door, walked down the staris it had hidden, and founs something extremely odd...[/i] [b]Zero:[/b]What the hell is this place. It's like a bomb shelter or something. But it looks familiar. A lab coat...the ID is dusty. It says Dr. Thomas Light. Wow. Sounds like I should,,,wait! Thomas Light is the scientist that built Rockman and X! [i]He noticed a capsule glowing in the corner, and inside was....Dr. Thomas Light. Zero released the seal on the capsule, allowing the good doctor to breathe and speak once again.[/i] [b]Light:[/b]Ah. Thank you, Zero. And yes, I do know who you are. You see, in that capsule, I was linked to all computers. I found the Maverick Hunter HQ and learned about you and X. It pleases me to know that X chose the right path in life. Oh, and do you like your new design? I knew how muck you liked your hair, so I let you keep it, but I changed your armor while I was in the capsule, using a specially designed program. Don't just stand there! Help me move this capsule. I made more reploids than just X! There are a total of 3. Roll, X, and Bass. Roll and Bass are here, and Wily made you as an upgrade to Blues, though Blues was on Rockman's side, not his. As for X....I am afraid he is no longer in this plane. He lives on in comuters, and he has many a spare body, but.....he does not wish to fight. [b]Zero:[/b]Well, let's get Roll and Bass outta here. And nice look for a reploid doctor. You remind me of Doppler.... [i]He and Light began to move Roll and Bass out of the desert without reactivating them, as the sudden jolt of awakening might cause permanent erasure. Just as they were hooked up to be released, Neo Arcadia attacked!...[/i][/color]
  4. [i][color=teal]Bleed bore down on Ilythiirtar and Eve, who both wondered at which point Serenol would show up. Suddenly, a shower of glass hit Bleed and the others as Serenol crashed through a stained-glass window somewhere in the room. He stood, horribly bloody and injured, but he held Alaris aloft as high as the day he recieved it from the very girl that Bleed now plagued. Bleed turned, his true intended victim now present, and Serenol dashed forward as fast as he could, Alaris aimed right for Bleed's throat...[/i][/color]
  5. Yeah, I do, for NOW. Make a guy up and PM me about him, and I'll let you join after 10 posts in the damned RPG. Now let me handle all the OTHER aspects of my life!
  6. Ok, everybody. I just put up the RPG. Just wanted to inform you. And I will accept mid-entries, however. So if you read this sign-up and are interested, PM me and I'll see what I can do. Alright, then. Let's play!
  7. [color=crimson]OOC:Hey. Didn't want too many people to clog this thing up, so I kept it down. Members of this Rpg are: Me, Mstyrios WX, Schratn9, Final_Flash, and Ykonis. Note that most villains will be resurrected Mavericks or Robot Masters, and that the surprise character will indeed be well known by most MegaMan fans. ------------------------------------------------------- [i]The smoke cleared, and before Ciel stood the legendary hero of the year 2179, Zero Mavericke. He towered over his enemies, firing his Z-gun into them mercilessly. He led Ciel to an area unguarded by the robot Guardians and Spyders, and she stopped him. She wanted to talk.[/i] [b]Ciel:[/b]Umm....you're Zero Mavericke, aren't you? [b]Zero:[/b]........ [b]Ciel: (to self)[/b]Dammit, I just had to resurrect this guy by accident. [b]Zero:[/b]I heard that. And yes, I am. [b]Ciel:[/b]What happened? Why did you seal yourself away? [b]Zero:[/b]To remove all strains of Maverick data from my program. It worked. [b]Ciel:[/b]Thank Go-AHH!!!!!!! [i]The floor gave way, and Zero dashed into the area where it had been just before Ciel fell to her death. Zero landed on his feet with her in his arms, hers wrapped around his neck. Zero got an odd feeling from this close contact, but he shook it off as nausea after having been awakened. He raced forward with Ciel.... The flashback ended, and Zero stood in his jeans and shirt, staring out into the ruined city. He now led a small group of freedom fighters that hid for the most part in the ruins of Robotropolis, a once noble city.He looked back to the sleeping Ciel, aching to be in her arms, but he shook it off again, knowing a scientist would never accept a warrior. Suddenly, an alarm blared, waking her from her deep slumber. She had been dreaming of Zero getting destroyed at the hands of a large, evil reploid with a red gem in his forehead.She screamed aloud, not knowing who was in the room. Zero stopped and decided not to let her know he was there, so he jumped out the window and grabbed his sabre. He did all this for no reason, as the alarm wasn't the warning alarm. It was simply Ciel's bedside alarm. When Zero got into the briefing room, he found four of his soldiers sleeping or heading to the kitchens.[/i][/color]
  8. [color=teal]OOC:Hey. First thing I do when a wierd puddle rises out of the ground to kill me is torch it. Damnit, now I gotta find a flamethrower.... ---------------------------------------------------------------- [i]Blaze leaped up in surprise as the beast fell to the ground, dead. He held up his pack of matches and stared.[/i] [b]Blaze:[/b]I KNEW that I was doing the right thing when I stole these from that hotel. But should I have taken the towels....? [i]The group laughed uneasily at the joke, though Blaze insisted it wasn't a joke. Everyone still laughed, except Jubei.[/i] [b]Jubei:[/b]If I live through this, I gotta have a talk with you. [b]Blaze:[/b]Hey, man. It's a joke, just don't tell them that. You know how serious I like to be.[/color]
  9. [color=teal][i]The kyton's chains tearing apart his skin, the ten-year-old Serenol could barely take it. He sank into his more violent side, allowing Hunter to rage on the fifteen demons. A huge blast of light blinded them, and when their vision cleared, seven had been torn apart by the wolfish figure in front of them. He carried a longsword in his right hand, the claws in his left extended about 5 inches into a molecular point for each, and a long black cloak flowed around his shoulders, matching the denim pants he wore. He clawed into an eighth kyton, eliminating it...[/i][/color]
  10. No, he did not. He was destroyed in Rockman and Forte. And sorry, I have enough people Sirven.
  11. [color=teal]OOC:Ummm....Mike? I'm in the lab. Sorry 'bout the cabin thing, but I"M IN THE FRIGGIN' LAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It isn't a friggin' memory for cryin' out loud![/color]
  12. [color=teal]OOC: It feels like this RPG is falling apart. Anyone say we shut it down? -------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Zero:[/b]Bass, get us outta here! [i]Bass flew the shuttle in, and everyone got on safely. They flew back to Maverick Hunter Headquarters and unloaded, Zero shaking his head at the failed mission. Bass walked past, grumbling about reports.[/i][/color]
  13. [i][color=teal]Sonic stepped up and curled himself into a ball, revealing his razor sharp spines. He began to spin rapdily in place, building up speed. Suddenly, he shot forward, right at Nitro's throat....and Shadow still had his foot on Nitro, pinning him down. Nitro was going to have a very slashed throat if something didn't happen quick...[/i][/color]
  14. [color=teal][i]Serenol leaped from his bed, grasping Alaris as he flew down the stairs, fully clothed in his armor and cloak. He met up with Ilythiirtar, and together they rushed off towards the cavern in their dreams, though the ran to it physically now. Serenol gasped in pain as the thought of what Bleed would do to her ran through his mind, and he rushed faster, his pegasus boots taking him farther and faster than Ilythiirtar could go. As Serenol ran, he was surprised to see Ilythiirtar keep up with him. Ilythiirtar's love was in danger, and his blood and adrenaline allowed him to rush faster than even Serenol could run. Together they came upon the cave, though getting inside would be a challenge. Bleed's friends guarded the entrance.....and Serenol was pissed enough to take them on by himself. He leaped amidst the fifteen demons, leaving Ilythiirtar alone.[/i] [b]Serenol:[/b]DAMMIT, ILLY! GET YOUR A** IN THERE WHILE I KEEP THEM DISTRACTED![/color]
  15. [color=crimson][i]Decades after the end of the Maverick War, a company called Neo Arcadia arose and ensured peace for humans and Reploids. They introduced robots into the public, and life became peaceful for all in Arcadius.....until Neo Arcadia began to fear the return of the Maverick Virus. Reploids became the subject of heavy genocide, and soon began fearing for their half-human lives. Then, a group of Reploids led by a beautiful scientist named Ciel ran towards the ruins of the city Robotropolis. Her group was ambushed, but still she ran on with a soldier named James...[/i] [b]Ciel:[/b]Huff....huff....huff. [b]Soldier in distant background:[/b]Shoot them! Shoot the golems! Don't let them get Cie-AGHHH! [i]The large, white robots fired a laser through the remainder of the group, leaving Ciel, James, and Ciel's Cyber-Elf Pashy. Suddenly, they stumbled upon the entrance to a lab. James took out some explosives and opened the passage, revealing a demolished laboratory. Green cryo-fluid filled the lab up to the group's knees. However, a figure caught Ciel's eye. A handsome, deactivated reploid knelt on the ground, wires running from his back to a destroyed capsule. Long blonde hair flowed from under his red helmet and around his neck, falling to the floor. His right arm was destroyed about six inches below his shoulder, but what really caught Ciel's attention was that he had tear streaks on his face, though he had surely be inactive for at least fifty years...then the Robo-gaurds entered. James was shot to death instantly, and Ciel and Pashy dashed behind the dormant reploid. Pashy got an idea, and sacrificed herself right next to the reploid, bombarding him with spirit energy.... A brilliant white light erupted in a vertical beam from the reploid, filliong the room and destroying the robots. Suddenly, in front of Ciel, stood the restored Reploid, a buster on his arm and his blonde hair flowing behind him. Ciel gasped in recognition of the legendary hero of the former Maverick Hunters...[/i] [b]Sign up requirements (I'll use my stats as an example):[/b] [b]Name:[/b]Zero [b]Age:[/b]Indeterminable [b]Weapons:[/b]Z- sabre, Z-gun, MechaStaff, Boomerang Shield [b]Appearance:[/b]His green eyes and blonde hair still the same, his armor has changed. It is still red, though it covers only his chest and is about an inch thick. He has a black jumpsuit on under it, and a red helmet with white edges. A lavender gem is set in his helmet. The armor and jumpsuit are removable, as well as the helmet, revealing a human with cybernetic enhancements. Frequently wears jeans and jean jackets. [b]Bio:[/b]After his resurrection, Zero has found himself face-to-face with a world too similar to the one he once knew. He finds war, and he finds reploids in trouble. He draws his sabre for the destruction of reploids, but he finds himself falling in love with Ciel....who finds herself falling in love with him! ------------------------------------------------------------------ Okay. That's all I want. The mission:destroy Neo-Arcadia and the computer that controls it. There is a surprise for any MegaMan X fans in store, and no, this will NOT have the exact content of the next Capcom game in America. BTW, it's released August 7. And watch out, though. There WILL be a few spoilers. I happen to have a connection at Capcom, so i already have a copy of the game![/color]
  16. [color=teal][i]Hunter saw his wife leaning against the stately tree, and a flicker of recognition flew into his eyes. She rushed into his arms as he collapsed in guilt at what he had done. She saw the tears in his eyes, and the pain in his heart, and she wept with him, though out of joy that her lover was once again her Serenol.[/i] [b]Serenol:[/b]I am truly sorry, my love. My anger...my rage....I couldn't control them...I'm sorry. [b]Mara:[/b]And I, too, am sorry. Now let us rest and have a ni-HUNTER! [i]Nilothakir had not left without giving Hunter a parting gift. He now had two smoking, bleeding gashes on his left cheek. They signified that the evils within Hunter's soul were still there, and forever would be unless Nilothakir was vanquished. Hunter led the party, or what was in it, to Ashrenia, awaiting their questing comrades so that when the party regrouped, Nilothakir would be the next victim of Hunter's rage......[/i][/color]
  17. [color=teal]OOC:Nope. We somehow managed to get our a**es back in the Mire. I think it was J_C that was residing in your old cabin...I dunno. Now I'M confused. --------------------------------------------------------- [i]Blaze staggered to his feet, his chest bleeding and his mouth dripping the crimson fluid. As he staggered through the marshy area, he was suddenly hit upon the back of the head.... He awoke in an all-too-familiar area. He was again strapped to a table, and he had needles in his body once again. He screamed. Or rather, howled......the lab....he was in the lab........again. He passed out again, from the pain of the needles and the chemicals they were injecting into him.[/i][/color]
  18. [color=teal][i]Blaze's eyes snapped open, his mind being tormented by an echoing scream of pain. His years in the "lab" had somehow connected his mind to his friend's. As she screamed and wailed, Blaze stood and grabbed Lacroix's arm. He dragged him out into the swamp, leading him towards the torment and grief. Alastuin lay on the ground curled in a ball, crying for her lover...Lacroix was there. Blaze collapsed again, his chest bleeding from some wound. How these things were happening, he didn't know. It must have been the evil in the Mire...[/i][/color]
  19. [color=teal]OOC:Hey. I've seen worse than dead bodies, but I always get sick at the sight of a fallen comrade. -------------------------------------------------------- [i]The shots went into the head, merely phasing it a little. Suddnly, Blaze lost all resolve and pulled out a pack of matches. He lit one and flung it at the beast, setting on fire. The beast screamed in pain, its body solidified. Blaze unleashed his Remington on it, blowing it's now-solid arm into pieces. Blaze recognized it as the beast that had gummed up the chopper's blades...[/i][/color]
  20. [color=teal][i]A wave of nausea hit Cerdian. He felt himself being torn apart again, the good within himself overcoming. In a flash of light, the demonic Hunter separated from Nilothakir. Nilothakir's strength had been worn, but he stood up, his eyes glowing with evil. Mara had done enough to stem the flow of rage within Hunter only enough to bring him to a state of insanity, not evil. Nilothakir could no longer posess Hunter's body.[/i] [b]Nilothakir:[/b]If that is how it's to be, then DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [i]Nilothakir lifted Hunter into the air againm performing the denijir once more. Hunter gapsed and struggled, his unfocused and uncontrollable mind wildly screamig. Suddenly it stopped, and Nilothakir vanished. Hunter ran off, howling and crying, towards the forest. He ran into Eve, but she had her face covered. Even in his insane state, he recognized his sister. He pulled her hands away from her face. SHe fought, but still he pulled. Suddenly, her hands flew down, and Hunter saw it. She had been consumed by her evil as well, but she had been transformed. He held her in a hug, his mind still unclear, and it would remain so until Mara saw him and saved him. But right now, he was sane enough to speak. He wiped away the tears from Eve's face.[/i] [b]Eve:[/b]No...don't look at me. [b]Hunter:[/b]No, sister. For all the power and gold in the world, I wouldn't flinch at the sight of your face. Family bonds and friendship are stronger than a mere face's appearance. Please do not fear. I will destroy Nilothakir, and I will regain my sanity. You shall regain your striking beauty, and our world will be clean as it was before Nilothakir came. Do not fear that I will fear you... [b]Eve:[/b]Hunter....I....thank you, brother. You always were there to help me when I needed help...[/color]
  21. [color=teal][i]Sonic stood, shaking his head. The lovely forest, all gone. He blinked away tears, then looked at Shaodw. Somic made up his mind to find the seven chaos emealds...with or without Shadow. Only Super Sonic and/or Super Shadow could stop that beast![/i][/color]
  22. [color=teal]Damn straight Time heals all wounds. It took Time to put me in your life. It took time for you to pull me outta that liquor bottle. It took TIME for me to realize that I was in love with you, and it took time for you to realize you were in love with me. Time has given me so much after taking so much away, and though I DO look back sometimes on what happened with Ami, I know now that it wasn't my fault. And I also know that you can't change the past, so i'm going to make my future the best thing in the world to me. My future, my darling, is YOU![/color]
  23. [color=teal][i]Blaze saw something in the air. It was a chopper! A helicopter had been dispatched, and it was close at hand. Suddenly, the same zombie that Blaze had seen in the circular room appeared on the roof somehow. It looked up at the chopper, then leapt, altering its course into the ground. Blaze's smile disappeared. Jubei and Drake walked out onto the roof just as Blaze led the group back in.[/i] [b]Blaze:[/b]We're on our own. Leon's probably dead. This virus has spread again. I wouldn't be surprised if the old Nemesis came back, killing all the S.T.A.R.S. members again. Oh, and guess what Jubei and I happened to become an hour ago? Dammit, I HATE THIS CITY![/color]
  24. [i][color=teal]Sonic raced as hard as he could, knowing that Nitro was slower than he and Shadow. Shadow paced with Sonic step-for-step. He looked at Sonic, and without speaking they both had a plan. Quickly, like a mirror of each other, matching perfectly, they quickly reversed direction and ran as fast as they could TOWARDS Nitro as fast as they could. In a mere millisecond, they had passed hgim and gotten a mile away from him, leaving him with no hope of catching up...[/i][/color]
  25. [color=teal][i]As Lacroix rolled over, his expression of grief turned into one of horror. On the chair in front of him, Blaze was dying, his lifeblood draining rapidly. Eve's magic could not stem the blood in his arm, nor from his mouth. Lcroix leapt, surprising even Eve.[/i] [b]Eve:[/b]But...how? You were so... [b]Lacroix:[/b]My lover just walked away from me again! I will not let the closest kin I have aside from her leave me as well! He is the closest friend I have now that Alastuin is gone! [i]He ripped the knife from Blaze's shoulder, the blood flowing more fluidly with it removed. Lacroix wrapped the wound in an old cloth, making a tourniquette. He lay Blaze down on the bed, Blaze's eyes unfocused and his mouth slackened...[/i][/color] ----------------------------------------- OOC:Again, I ask if you would allow a friend of mine in this RPG?
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