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Everything posted by Talon

  1. [color=teal][i]Serenol barely stood, collapsed, and looked at Ilythiirtar.[/i] [b]Serenol:[/b]Damned fool! [i]More blood spilled from Serenol's mouth, and he fell back, unconscious. Mara smiled, then collapsed onto Serenol's chest. Eve did the same onto Ilythiirtar's chest. Since four party members were already asleep, everyone else decided to camp in that room. Corellon left...[/i] [b]Corellon:[/b]It's a good thing we gods exist. Mortals would destroy EVERYTHING in seconds![/color]
  2. Thank you. I REALLY thought you would all just aim a gun at me and shoot me...I...thanks...
  3. [color=teal][b]Blaze:[/b]Aw, damn! Not another one! Fu`ckin' kids. Shi`t! Okay. I'm calm. [b]Jubei:[/b]Pardon Blaze. He's rather stringy right now. I am Jubei Yagyu, he's Blaze Hunter, and these are Dr. James Michaelson, Ryowa, Lou, and Drake. [b]Coty:[/b]I'm Coty. Nice to meet you. Good to see some cops. [b]Blaze and Jubei:[/b]That's police officers, kid. [b]Coty:[/b]Oops...[/color]
  4. [i]Fox sheathed his spears, following Tristam. As they progressed, Fox used a special technique he'd been taught to light the cavern.[/i] [b]Fox:[/b]Fire2! [i]The whole cavern became lit, revealing everything to Tristam and Fox.[/i] [b]Fox:[/b]Lead the way, fellow soldier.
  5. [color=crimson][i]Zero sniggered, though damaged, behind his hand. He heard Bass repeatedly complain about the reports. The airship had not retreated, though. It had been blown to smithereens by the mines. Zero busted out laughing and coughing as he thought of Bass filing those reports needlessly. Then he turned his attention to the rest of the Zero Unit.[/i] [b]Zero:[/b]Lidon, X, Zi, Chaotix, Rage, report! [b]Chaotix:[/b]Let me do my job! [b]Zi:[/b]I'm busy! [b]Lidon:[/b]Bored, but doing great. [b]Rage:[/b]Um...I didn't do it! [b]X:[/b]Armadillo and Launch down! [b]Zero:[/b]Good. Zi, Rage, handle the Chameleon. If you don't, I will. Chaotix, Lidon, kill the Kuwanger. X will if you don't! Out. I'm going to see the doc and Iris! (I ain't getting paid enough just to fight and nearly get my hair singed....)[/color]
  6. Sure. And the RPG is up, Ykonis.
  7. OOC:Farewell, comrade. I acknowledge your necessity.
  8. [i][color=teal]Sonic and Shadow dashed across the desert, neck-and-neck. Neither gained, neither fell back. Both continued until they reached the end of the desert, where they stopped.[/i] [b]Sonic:[/b]Well. We still can't win over each other. [b]Shadow:[/b]Yes. It's good to have a friendly rival. Now...why don't we see what's up in Station Square?[/color]
  9. [color=teal][i]Blaze stared at Ryowa[/i] [b]Blaze:[/b]Damnit, kid. I told you to get the Hell outta here! [b]Craig:[/b]Again, I ask, who are they? [b]Blaze:[/b]Ryowa and Lou, meet Craig, Jubei, Drake, and James. We're ALL stuck in here, so we'd bett-SH*T! [i]Blaze pulled out his Browning and began firing into a crowd of zombies that had smashed out of a locked door. James turned and began to fire with the .38 that Blaze had given him. Suddenly, James' gun began to click, signifying that he was out of ammo. The last of the zombies fell, and Blaze tossed James a box of ammo for the .38.[/i] [b]Blaze:[/b]Use it wisely. I've got an automatic and a FiveSeven in the E.R. of the east wing. Any idea how to get there? And let's keep moving. We agree on that? No leaders. We just do what's best for everybody![/color]
  10. [color=teal]OOC:..... ---------------------------------------------------- [i]Hunter lay on the floor, not breathing or moving. The blood on the floor refused to dry or disappear. Eve raced in, seeing her brother on the floor. She couldn't hide the tears as she buried her face in Ilythiirtar's chest, sobbing. Hunter's prone form even caused the stoic Alriy to fall to his knees. Mara didn't see him. When she turned, Lacroix and Elysan quickly covered their ears. Mara's scream was loud enough to wake the dead, yet Hunter did not stir. His chest didn't even rise or fall with the gentle rythm of his breathing. His eyes wouldn't open, his blood wouldn't stop, and his lips stayed icy blue. His face began to slacken in pallor, and even Artea, when she came, couldn't waken him. Mara fell to his side, crying. Ilythiirtar's breastplate began to soak in Eve's tears. Hunter simply lay there, dead.[/i][/color]
  11. [color=teal][i]Sonic raced through the pyramid, getting no more thrills than drinking a soda. Suddenly, he tripped a very springy spring and found himself crashing through a window into a lab. The odd sky lab came into focus, two familiar shapes looking at him...[/i] [b]Sonic:[/b]Shadow, Eggman! What are you doing here? [b]Eggman:[/b]Get away, hedgehog! You have no idea what you have gotten into! Now...Shadow, attack him! [b]Shadow:[/b]I'm not interested. [b]Eggman:[/b]WHAT!?! I said attack! [b]Shadow:[/b]Need I remind you of what Sonic and I can do? Shut up! [i]Eggman shut up, seeing all seven chaos emeralds begin to throb and pulse. Suddenly, Sonic jumped up...[/i] [b]Sonic:[/b]Hey! I wanna have some fun! Either of you know how to jam or play Sega?[/color]
  12. [color=cromson][i]Zero stood, his circuits sparking. He called in Ryko, who barked and assimilated with Zero. As Zero rushed around the base, picking up the mines, his thoughts drifted. He picked up the last of the mines, hurled them at the giant airship, and hoped to Reploid Heaven that Bass was off of it...[/i][/color]
  13. [color=teal]OOC:Fine. I get the message, damnit! ----------------------------------------------------------------- [i]Corellon had forgotten to mention the minor setbacks... Hunter eye's slid out of focus as he collapsed, blood again dripping from his mouth. A scream erupted from his clogged throat, and he fell, spilling open a wound in his side. The floor was coated in the crimson fluid as the wound that had killed him seven years ago came back. His eyes glazed over, his body shaking. He barely got the words out as he neared death. Again.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]I was wrong...I give it back...but ease her pain...please! [b]Corellon:[/b]I warned you! It shall be so! [i]Suddenly, the wound sealed. His appearance was still changed, and he was still tall, but he maintained his original powers. He collapsed. No one could tell if he was alive or dead, though. He appeared dead.[/i][/color]
  14. [i]Sonic was busy jammin' on Station Square. He sat by the pool, watching time fly. He was bored. Nothing bad had happened, and Eggman was nowhere. He got up and decided to race around Speed Highway and Green Forest, just to stretch his legs. He didn't pay attention and before he knew it, he was half-way through the desert. He looked up at the pyramid...[/i] [b]Sonic:[/b]Hell, why not? I'm bored anyway! [i]He ran in, hoping to find mischeif...[/i]
  15. [color=teal][i]Firemyst walked away, loosening the spear in its scabbard. He packed his things, having fully awakened. He walked on toward the Temple, revenge also on his mind. He jumped into the air, deftly avoiding being torn in half by a falling blade. He looked up and saw Lacroix.[/i] [b]Lacroix:[/b]Truly your reflexes are that of a dragoon. I apologize. [b]Firemyst:[/b]Accepted. I must go. Know this. I speak little, act more. This is the most I've said at a time.[/color]
  16. [color=teal][i]Blaze got up early in the morning, leaving his wife with a farewell kiss. He walked out the door and unfolded his wings, flying to the top of the falls. He flew to the top and looked at the party. He layed down in his sleeping bag to get what rest he'd failed to. When he awakened, the party would move out to the Temple of Evil's Eye...[/i][/color]
  17. [color=crimson][i]Zero dashed over the pit of molten steel, the one that damaged Mavericks were falling into and new Mavericks were being manufactured from. Suddenly, Zero saw a pathway up into the ceiling. Using his saber to destroy the blocks in the way and his wall-climb ability, he came face-to-face with a capsule that Doctor Light had teleported into the tank for Zero's benefit. A hologram within the machine activated, true to Doctor Light's form.[/i] [b]Dr. Light:[/b]Zero, step inside this capsule to recieve a power booster for your legs. It will allow you to hover and dash within the air, though you cannot exceed ten minutes in the air. Good luck! [i]Zero stepped into the device, surrounding himself with neon lights and powerful telemetry. Seemingly, a bolt of energy slammed down into the red gem atom the capsule, completing the transferrence. As he stepped out to give his boots a test, he noticed that his legs had turned a silver color, and his leg creases were black, not white. He ran through the rest of the steel processor of the tank, entered a sealed door, and saw something he didn't like.[/i] [b]Zero:[/b]WHOA, ugly! [b]Flame Mammoth:[/b]Hu-REORRR!!!! [i]Zero jumped up near the ceiling, then brought his saber down onto the massive Maverick. The saber cut cleanly INTO Flame's arm, but it didn't sever it. Zero suddenly found himself in Flame Mammoth's iron grip.[/i] [b]Flame:[/b]Gotcha! [i]Zero slipped his arm onto Flame's...[/i] [b]Zero:[/b]And I got 'cha power! [b]Roll:[/b]Zero, use the Fire Denjin Tech. that you just earned on him! It'll be a sweeping attack that will pummel him with a sharp, fiery saber a million times in a second! [i]Zero focused his power into his saber, seeing it go from a green beam to crimson fire. He dashed forward, swinging as fast as he could. The Maverick known as Flame Mammoth went to pieces, quite literally. Suddenly, the tank stopped when the leaders were both destroyed. It exploded, and Zero found himself partially damged as an all-too-familiar Ride armor approached him...[/i][/color]
  18. [color=crimson][i]Zero dashed into the large tank that was producing many Mavericks. he rushed in, whistling for his wolf, Ryko. The wolf rushed in, helping Zero with the guard. As Zero equipped his Z-buster chip, a large simian grabbed his sabre. Zero turned to see Spark Mandrill, an easy-to-beat Maverick. Zero slipped his arm onto Spark's energy outlet, copying his power into his buster. He grabbed back at his sabre, equipping it with Fenrir Tech. Danchien.[/i] [b]Roll:[/b]Zero! You have just recieved the Fenrir Technique Danchien. It allows you to use a lightning stroke to cleave opponents in half. Watch out when using it underwater! [i]Zero turned, his eyes focused on Spark. He retrieved his sabre, then brought it down, cleaving the ape in two. Zero then turned and dashed with Ryko into the molten steel area of the tank...[/i][/color]
  19. Excellent poem. I love it. Don't love who it's about, though. 9/10. i love you, Rain.
  20. [color=teal][i]Hunter stood and dashed into the heart of the temple, beseeching the god Corellon Larethian, asking for the gift. His eyes barely hid the tears as he fell to his knees. The god appeared.[/i] [b]Corellon:[/b]You know what you ask. [b]Hunter:[/b]Anything to relieve my wife of this burden! [b]Corellon:[/b]Then stand and accept the powers of a Chronomancer! [i]Hunter's energies twisted and melded, forming him a new appearance. He grew more built, stronger, and quicker. His Alaris became longer. His eyes changed clear ice-blue, and his hair became solid white. Mara had been watching, and she ran into his gentle arms. He began to sing a soft song, a lullaby...[/i][/color]
  21. I died. I cannot participate in this RPG. I am sorry.
  22. Yeah. Shadow became a good guy. And he isn't the Ultimate Life Form. He was a failure of that project. He has the same abilities that Sonic has, just by different names. And Shadow is not mean and inconsiderate, he just focuses all his energy around himself and his memory of Maria, Gerald Robotnik's neice, I believe. The Ultimate Life Form is the Biolizard.
  23. [color=teal][i]Blaze crept through the hall, his longsleeve shirt hanging around his waist. As he slowly moved through the hallway, he found the loading bay for the hospital. Some boards were broken over the door to the inside, and outside was a vehicle covered by zombies. Blaze crept back through the hospital, knowing that this was the work of, or at least related to in some way, Umbrella. He entered a large, circular room an hour later. There was a triple-layered window looking into the room, and Blaze saw a body on the floor. He bent over to examine the corpse, judging it to be an officer of sorts by the uniform. He found a Browning 9mm under the the chest, some ammo in the pockets, and several empty used rounds on the floor. Then Blaze saw something that scared him horribly. The patch on the shoulder of the uniform was a red-and-white coat of arms. Umbrella's symbol. He looked under the patch, noticing the stitches. This was a tough Umbrella officer with a high-power pistol, though he had been in for some kind of surgery. Blaze wondered what beast could do this. He stared at the window, and his blood froze. He saw an odd shape, one that looked half-real. It jumped and shattered the triple-layered window instantly, then began to chew on the officer's torn arm. Blaze crept away, feeling sick to his stomach. He ran for over a half an hour, then, as he rounded a corner in an unfamiliar area of the hospital, he came face-to-face with another officer of Raccoon City Police, as well as a doctor and two others.[/i] [b]Blaze:[/b]Jubei! Did you get the radio from HQ? [b]Jubei:[/b]No. James, Craig, Drake, this is Blaze Hunter. He and I work in the same division of RCPD. [b]All but Jubei:[/b]Hi. [b]Blaze:[/b]I have to stop this "virus" before it spreads. And stay away from the operating room. I saw a new type of zombie in there. Damn thing broke triple-layered glass without even thinking about it. Need some help? And a crobar won't be much help. Keep it, but take this. [i]Blaze handed James his .38 special, having gotten the Browning. He set off with the group...[/i][/color]
  24. [color=teal][i]Hunter stood, fully awake. He began to search the palace, looking for Ilythiirtar, Lacroix, and Mara. He walked into a beautiful room, decorated somewhat ornately. He heard and felt a soft melody, and looked to the window. His wife was singing. He smiled inwardly, but also sighed. He walked over when she finished.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]Mara, love. I have something to tell you. [b]Mara:[/b]Yes, Hunter? [b]Hunter:[/b]I know full well that you believe you aren't ready for royalty. You don't realize that you don't have to be a queen yet. [b]Mara:[/b]What do you mean? [b]Hunter:[/b]Well, since my mother died, I must assume the role as king. But until then, I am not royalty, as my coronation and my title are being withheld by Nilothakir. Until he is dead, I am no king, which means you are not yet a queen. [b]Mara:[/b]Okay. [i]Mara fell against Hunter's chest, sighing deeply. They sat with each other in each other's arms for well over two hours. Then Hunter got up to look for Ilythiirtar, his wife at his side.[/i][/color]
  25. [color=teal][i]Blaze's eyes snappd open as he heard what Alastuin said. Humans had stolen her. He, too, had been stolen. He never told anyone. He flexed his arm, feeling the fluid motions of the wolven blood tearing through his bones. The reason he had lost everything was because of that blood. Now he knew why Alastuin had not murdered him in his sleep. She had seen him and recognized him from the laboratory. Blaze shifted and stood up, not realizing that he had transformed into his hybrid state. Alastuin...Blaze remembered.[/i] [b]Blaze:[/b]Alastuin...Now it all makes sense to me. She told me of a man that would love her, no matter how horrifying they made her. And it was all true. She was the only one that kept me sane in there, telling me that people loved me. She was helping to keep me sane, but she was wrong, there. Everyone that loved me has died, all because of my blood. Lacroix knows not how lucky he is. He was not taken by the lab, and he has his lover. Oh well. It seems I am destined to fight, die, and be mourned by no one. [i]He unknowingly said this in Alastuin and Lacroix's presense. They stared after him as he walked out the door and climbed his tree again.He pulled out a set of pan-pipes and played a mournful melody that he called "Reqiuem of Eternity". Lacroix noticed a tear falling from Alastuin's eye as she heard the all-too-familiar pipe song he was now playing...[/i][/color]
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