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Everything posted by Talon
[i]Amazed that Alastuin had not killed him, for she had jumped from the self-same tree he was in, Blaze looked through the window, happy for his friend, but sad for himself. He could not bear to see them together any further, and was slightly annoyed that Alatuin had waken him, he crept back into the house, walked into his room, and got a nasty shock. When he crawled into his bed, he jumped back out, for Eve was in it. He backed out onto the floor next to the bed, packed his things into a makeshift pillow, and fell asleep, tears in his eyes. He now had to face it in his sleep. His lover was dead.[/i]
Kool man! Really awesome, especially the little step-notes between each stanza. 9.999/10. One thing. It could have been a LITTLE more paralyzing in the delivery. I.E. color. Ima start changing the colors of my poems to match the intended emotion.
[i]Fox broke free and picked up his spears. He looked at Jamison with a pissed-off look in his eyes. He was still raging at the memory of Locke and Celes' deaths, and they were the only real family he had. He jumped to the roof of the cavern, aiming his spears toward the ceiling.[/i] [b]Fox:[/b]You can join us, or you can die. Which is it? [b]Jamison:[/b]Idle threat, boy! [b]Fox:[/b]Bad answer. SPEAR RAIN! [i]A shower of magically created spears fell onto Jamison, injuring him. He was pinned to the wall when the onslaught ended.[/i] [b]Fox:[/b]So. What is your choice? Or shall I do it again, this time with all my power and magic?
OOC:Sorry, Cloud. ----------------------------------------------------------- [i]Blaze split off from everybody in the room, heading for the eastern wing. Suddenly, he saw a creature on the floor that looked all too familiar. The Hugger looked up and jumped at him, then fell back, dead, as a .38 mm round ran through it's head. Blaze set off for the heart of this virus, confident he could eliminate all traces of the virus as per orders.[/i]
[b]Name:[/b]Sonic the Hedgehog [b]Hero[/b] [b]Species:[/b]Hegehog(DUH!) [b]Appearance:[/b]Gee! It's Sonic! A blue hedgehog about 5 feet tall with sharp sines down my back for hair. Often wearing red shoes and 'shades. [b]Personality:[/b]Holds the sffinity that he is the coolest thing ever. He cares for his friends, especially a female chipmunk named Sally Acorn. Spends most of his time running from Amy Rose, a pink hedgehog. [b]Bio:[/b]The coolest hegehog on Mobius, Sonic is in love with Princess Sally Acorn. He is a freedom fighter who was vacationing on Station Square when Robotnik started his old schemes. Sonic is the one that coined the term "Eggman." [b]Abilities:[/b]Super Peel-out, Super Spin Dash, Light Speed Dash, Light Speed Attack, Homing Attack, Chaos Control, Sonic Wind, and Super/Chaos Sonic transformation. Sorry, coolmon. Had to list everything about my fav hegehog! And the Chaos Sonic is merely mentioned in the SA comics in Japan, and he is a Silver Sonic with all of the abilities of Shadow, Rouge, Knuckles, Tails, Amy, and yes, even Ro-butt-nik. Chaos Sonic carries a sword made of all the chaos emeralds joined together.
[color=teal]Dr. William Light gasped in horror as the holovision screen flickered to life, showing the chaos that was happening all over the continent of Robotropolis. He?d thought all traces of the former Maverick Virus was gone, yet surely all the havoc was being caused by Mavericks. Suddenly, the greatest nemesis of the hibernating MaverickHunter named Zero appeared on the screen. Vile glared violently, tired of hiding from the public for two-hundred years.[/color] [color=indigo][b]Vile:[/b]Attention, Dr. Light! I am Vile, former servant of Sigma. I know for a fact that even though all traces of the ?Maverick? Virus are gone, it is still feared and known as the Zero Virus. Yes, I do know that it originated from Zero?s systems, and I also know that the MaverickHunter HQ is still active. I challenge you, X! And I challenge you, as well, Zero! Try to defeat my Goliath![/color] [color=teal][i]Zero?s eyes snapped open. He grabbed his sabre, called X on his comm. unit, and grabbed his E-chips. Vile would pay! He called up his Zero Unit, the special forces squad that was always called in when Mavericks got out of control. He called a special meeting. When he got there, he had a bone to chew at HQ.[/i][/color] [color=crimson][b]Zero:[/b]Zero Unit, we?re active! Let?s roll! Alia, I want reports every half an hour directly linked into my database. Douglas, you?re on weapons development with Dr. Light. Zero Unit, time for our traditional brief briefing. We have approximately fifty Maverick Leaders to tear through before we reach the heart of Vile Isle. In that fortress, we have just about every kind of Maverick staring down our throat. Stay frosty, kick a**, and don?t get killed.[/color] [color=teal][i]Iris walked in, her eyes tearing up at the sight of Zero at his former post as leader of the MaverickHunters. She realized what he was doing, and she ran into his arms before he had time to react. She was crying, for ever since her brother gave himself up to save the Reploid race, she had been free to love Zero, but he had been ?dead?. He?d died the very day Colonel, Iris? brother, died. Now Zero was alive and well, but he was about to leave her?[/i][/color] [color=deeppink][b]Iris:[/b]Don?t go, Zero! I?m sorry, I really am! I?m sorry my brother kept us apart. I missed you so much! I?m sorry! Please don?t go! I want to be with you again! I love you![/color] [color=crimson][b]Zero:[/b]Iris, I?m sorry. I have to go. And I never held it against your Maverick brother, or you, that we couldn?t be together. I love you, too, but I must go.[/color] [color=teal][i]Suddenly, Signas, the commander of the MaverickHunters Tactical Engineers, appeared on the holoscreen.[/i][/color] [color=sienna][b]Signas:[/b]Scramble, scramble, scramble! All units scramble! We are under attack! Repeat, we are under attack! A Maverick force is attacking the base! They are lead by eight Mavericks that we thought to be dead:[/color] [color=sky blue]Chill Penguin-Shotgun Ice, Icicle Blade[/color] [color=burlywood]Spark Mandrill-Electric Spark, Hyper Slash(Danchien Fenrir Tech. for me)[/color] [color=purple]Boomer Kuwanger-Boomerand Cutter, Boomerang Slash[/color] [color=green]Sting Chameleon-Chameleon Sting, Chameleon Sting[/color] [color=firebrick]Flame Mammoth-Fire Wave, Flaming Blade (Denjin Fenrir Tech. for me)[/color] [color=chocolate]Armored Armadillo-Rolling Shield, Spin Slice[/color] [color=red]Launch Octopus-Homing Torpedo (no sword power)[/color] [color=royal blue]Storm Eagle-Storm Tornado, Hurricane Slash[/color] [color=dark blue][b]Zero Unit Battle Computer(Roll):[/b]Zero Unit, mission begin! Scramble![/color] [color=teal]OOC:All people, besides Boba Fett, are my Zero Unit. We are now defending the base. Everyone picks a Maverick and battles him. You MAY copy their power if you want. The first one is a buster power-up, the second a sabre power-up. Each fight lasts one post. We also have to fight the Maverick force harassing the defenses. Everybody, let?s get going! I get Flame Mammoth and Spark Mandrill. And this MAY be the only post in which I complicate the color scheme. Just wanted to make an eye-catching entrance![/color]
[i]Blaze sat on the E.R. table, his shirt removed. He had been pacing for the last hour. His doctor had not been around for a while. He took his shirt, grabbed his .38 Special and tucked it into his belt, and swiped a fire-ax, his sixth sense for trouble overloading. He put his shirt on, walked out of the E.R., and turned a corner. He found an unpleasant surprise.[/i] [b]Ryowa:[/b]Who are you? [b]Blaze:[/b]Holy sh*t, kid! You wanna put that bat away? You could hurt somebody! The name's Blaze Hunter. [b]Ryowa:[/b]My name's Ryowa. [b]Blaze:[/b]Well, it's good to see some LIVING people. Sheez. I had to blow the crap out of my doctor a few minutes ago. F*ucker was a walking corpse. At least...oh no. It can't be... [i]Blaze's radio buzzed and sputtered. Suddenly, Blaze was hearing the current chief of police's voice giving him orders. His name was Leon Kennedy.[/i] [b]Leon:[/b]Dammit. Blaze, come in! We've got trouble at the hospital. You're one of our only units in that sector, so we need you to take care of a situation! [b]Blaze:[/b]Got it, chief. I've been sealed in during the lockdown. What's the situation? [b]Leon:[/b]Look, Blaze. You may be a sergeant, but you'll get a SERIOUS promotion if you can handle this. It's the worst news I could give after...the incident a few years ago. Get ready for this Blaze. We've got reports of the return of the T-Virus, or some new strain of that virus. [b]Blaze:[/b]Check. Blaze out. [i]Blaze looked at the kid after hanging up on Leon.[/i] [b]Blaze:[/b]Okay, kid. We have a BAD situation. We gotta get you outta here. And your grandfather as well. Too bad my automatic's in the other wing. Same goes for my FiveSeven. Oh well. Let's get a move on!
[i]Serenol stood, staring out after Karina. He dashed after her, thinking how she was more like him than anyone. He caught up to her when he found her crying at the base of a tree. He knelt, wiping the blood from his lips. He put his arm on her shoulder, looking into her eyes.[/i] [b]Serenol:[/b]Trust me. Nobody is a worthless, stupod child, least of all you. You DO have your values, and everyone is good to me. I see no stupidity within you. [i]Karina looked at him, the sobs and tears slowing down. She fell against his chest, thanking him for his kindness.[/i]
Sorry, Arikel. You can be Sigma, if you can get a Bio up. Or, make an entirely new villain up. This is already getting interesting. RPG starts TOMORROW!
OOC:Sorry. My RPG, I post when I want. It doesn't involve you, though. Just me. -------------------------------------------------------- The darkness within Firemyst's oul began to demanifest and decay. His wife, Rain, felt the evil drain from his soul. She leaned against his chest, knowing he would leave her in the morning. She sighed, enjoying what little time she had with him left.
Still need a couple of heroes, and my villain hasn't shown up yet. I'll start this RPG in 2 days. If luck holds out, then tomorrow.
Well, uh...no, it wouldn't have. People would just stare at it and say "What the hell is he talkin' about?". ^_^=
Heh. First person to say "keep it". Thanks. I guess my life WILL end up somewhere.
Heh. I think deeply no matter my state of mind. ****, I have to rationalize in the middle of bloody, gory battles most of the time. Video games came in handy, there, though. ^_^= *smiles broadly despite gaunt and haggard look in eyes and face*
[i]Hunter suddenly collapsed, his mind shaken by the pain of a faraway time and place. A young boy and girl, both aged about fourteen, were tearing him apart, even if they lived in the year 2002. The boy on Edenborn Avenue seemed to be the most torn, his sensitivity toward the girl from Lemon street causing him to care deeply, yet she merely wanted to get away from it all. The backlash from the boy's mind caused Hunter to falter, spit blood, and collapse completely.[/i]
[b]Name:[/b]Who Ami. [b]Equipment:[/b]Broomstick, a trenchcoat (clothes underneath), and sunglasses. [b]Bio:[/b]Is currently questing for snow in the middle of the tropical regions of his mind. He cannot understand why people put "Out of Order" signs on toilets, because they aren't restaurants. At least, not any HE'D like to order from. He remembers the name of everyone he sees, even if he's never heard their name before. He has spent many years trying to figure out what the word "dictionary" means.
No. It wasn't Sean. Somebody that Mike, Dani, Jaimie, and I know, and I am closer to her than most, except maybe Dani. *begins to cry* WHY THE HELL WON'T YOU LET ME HELP YOU?!?!?
The sword collapses to the ground, My eyes flutter ever so slightly. My foe cackles evilly, His victory ensured since I'm breathing so lightly. BLEED gleamed darkly in the moonlight, His claws extended toward mine throat. The final slash came through my skin, BLEED suddenly began to laughingly gloat. My breathing staggered, My chest heaving with blood loss. The dripping of my sweat and tears Ended it's journey down in the moss. BLEED took the time to stare me down, Enjoying the death of his greatest foe. My fists clenched deep in the dust, Leaving me to drown in my woe. My final breath came and went, leaving him alive and well. My failure cost me dearly, leaving me to roast in Hell. OOC:This is the way I feel right now, though my enemy isn't BLEED in real life. It's... nothing. n/m
[i]Blaze melted into the shadows, leaving only Lacroix to even think he was still there. He snuck out a window, using his extreme agility to climb a tree. Eve wondered where he went, then she stood up and tried to sleep in the bed that Ganshed had laid out for Blaze, staring out the window at the tree. She saw a shape in the tree, and it looked like Blaze. Ganshed knew of Blaze, and had a secret that Blaze and he alone knew. Ganshed had restored Blaze's memory, revealing in the process that Ganshed had personally known his family. He himself had named him Blaze for his affinity to control fire, light, and heat. The elements had to be present, however, and when they were, Blaze was frequently bathed in fire as a pleasurable exercise in relaxation. He sat in the tree, crying himself into a state of misrelaxation, and he stared at the stars, wishing he could have a great life and relationship.. He felt jealous of Phantom, being handsome and young, rather than scarred and tired. Blaze fell asleep in the tree, alone and afraid...[/i]
[i]Blaze sat in a corner, making up his mind to eliminate every beast of darkness in the Mire. He would kill whoever sent him from his wife, or he'd die trying. Eve was the only one to notice the tears in his eyes, but she kept her eyes on Ilythiirtar.[/i]
OOC:Sorry, Harlequin. I just LOVE Sean Connery movies. Just don't let me get into beheadings and immortality or I'll run around calling myself Juan Sanchez Denaro Ramirez. ^_^= ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]Hunter's eyes snapped open, and he struggled to his feet. He coughed blood, and couldn't stop shaking and trembling. His nerves were racked, and his courage shaken. He stared out at Nilothakir's tower, which stood out in dark relief against the sky. The blood trailing from Hunter's lips, his torn wings hanging low, he stumbled in to the palace again and took his sleeping wife in his arms, and he let her heartbeat restore his wings. He fell asleep with her in his arms...[/i] ------------------------------------------------------------------ OOC:Jaimie, don't be pissed. You are the ONLY one that I love sweetie. This is JUST writing. Okay. You know that you're the only one that can give me wings. ^_^=
[i]Nobody noticed the tears that had formed in Hunter's eyes. He realized what he must do to bring even more peace to his sister, wife, and his best friends, Artea and Ilythiirtar. He unfurled his wings, flying into the forest. When he alighted there, he yelled out the name of his oldest foe, a man known as Bleed.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]Bleed! Come out you coward! I WILL DESTROY YOU! [b]Bleed:[/b]Sssso, you have come for me at lassst, Sssserenol! Why have you been keeping me waiting, sssilly fool! [i]Hunter drew out both his Fiore and his Alaris, staring at his opponent. Bleed drew out his claws, being a demon. The battle lasted longer than any Hunter had yet fought. The fight lasted more than twenty-four hours, but Bleed had an advantage. Hunter knelt after a day, his wings torn and ragged. He remembered something Eve had told him seven years ago... [color=teal][b]"As long as you have friends, the strength in your heart is unbeatable. Just believe, and know, that I'll always be your friend. To me, you are the strongest person in the world" [/color][/b] Hunter stood, his energy refueled. Alaris began to glow, and soon Hunter had thrust Alaris through Bleed's black heart, ending his life forever. Hunter teleported back to the tower and fainted again, this time from exhaustion...[/i]
[i]Fox unslung his spears and jumped in, shaking away his fears. He walked into the cave, prepared to fight. He dealt with a few Lobos and Vomammoths, but nothing much. He stood beside Tristam, prepared for the worst, except maybe a Whelk or Kefka.[/i]
OOC: DAMMIT! I need your help, Arikel! I know NOT what lies in the cave!!! (Is it the cave where the Falcon was? If so, HOLY ****!!!)
[i]Firemyst folded his arms in, splashing into the pool at the bottom of the falls. He strolled up to the bank, completely dry. He reached back, feeling the wings that had been given him to help in the quest. He looked up. The wings would be handy getting back up the falls. He walked through the forest, seeing his former home in the trees. His wife was making his favorite stew, tears in her eyes. He alighted through the window, surprising her. Rain ran into Blaze's arms when she saw it was him. That night, he stayed with his wife. He'd rejoin the party in the morning.[/i]