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Everything posted by Talon

  1. [i]Firemyst himself stood at the edge of the falls, having removed himself from the party to be alone. Alriy looked at him, gasping when he realized what Firemyst was thinking.[/i] [b]Alriy(air):[/b]NOT YOU TOO!!!! [b]Firemyst:[/b]Please. My destination is at the foot of these falls. My home...I must go! [i]He stood, back to the edge, arms outstretched. He fell backwards in a much more graceful dive than Namida, crying out the phrase that would become his cry.[/i] [b]Firemyst:[/b]FOR RAIN!!!!!!!!!!
  2. [i]Serenol stood, waiting for Elysan. He anxiously stood patiently, looking at Eve and Ilythiirtar. He suddenly became aware that the poison was still running through his veins, made even stronger by Mavericke's return to Serenol's body.Eve opened her eyes just in time to see her brother fall over the edge of the temple, rocketing down the twenty stories of the temple too quickly to react. He didn't open his wings...he was unconscious! Artea appeared from nowhere, catching the unconscious Serenol seconds before he became the pile of crushed organs formerly known as Serenol. She carried him back up, laying him at Ilythiirtar's feet. Serenol gasped, his eyes open, but glazed. Eve ran forward, collapsing at her brother's side. She wept as his breathing became shallow, and his heartbeat began to quicken. Suddenly, Ryuu looked at Eve sadly. He chanted a dragonspell, the same Serenol had chanted for Artea.[/i] [b]Ryuu:[/b]Half my heart to make you whole, to follow the course of the ways of old. [i]The poison finally purged, Eve sighed with relief that Hunter would live. Ryuu, as well, had attained something new. By sharing his heart with a human, he attained the ability to transform into a human. And being that Serenol already shared his heart with Artea, Ryuu as well shared his heart with her, and he already shared his heart with Eve. They were all linked, as a true family...Serenol hiccuped, releasing a small spurt of flame. He fainted from the pain in his chest and shoulder.[/i]
  3. [b]Name:[/b]Blaze Hunter (a.k.a. Flare, Hunter, and Fox.) [b]Age:[/b]23 [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Weapon:[/b].38 Special sidearm, Fire Axe. [b]Occupation:[/b]Marine, Police Officer [b]Bio:[/b]Blaze was in for his check-up when the outbreak occured. He barely had time to grab a side-arm and a fire axe before the lockdown occured. He was an applicant to the S.T.A.R.S. division of Raccoon City Police Department. He never recieved an answer. He recieved a call from HQ about the return of the virus, though he suspects it is not the same as the original. He has been charged with eliminating the virus, even though he is not a member of S.T.A.R.S., and he must save civilians. His test now is to survive and help eradicate the remnants of the X-Virus, hoping to retrieve the Mp5 sub-machine gun and SigSauer FiveSeven handgun he left behind in the waiting room. He has been waiting in the E.R. for three days, and now, he's ready to crawl through the vents! He wants to return home to his wife, Rain, most of all, though he must first face the problem at hand! [b]Description:[/b]Blaze has clear blue eyes, darkish silver hair tied in a braid that falls to his waist, and a mean pair of sunglasses. He wears a green long-sleeve shirt, black jeans, and a blue jean jacket. He is a survivor of the T- and NE-T-Viruses. [b]Personality:[/b]He's calm and even-tempered. He does, however, negotiate with zombies with [b]EXTREME[/b] prejudice, and a little something called .38 Special!
  4. [i]Ganshed stared at Blaze, sensing a traumatic disturbance within the young elf's mind. Blaze found himself kneeling on the ground, with Ganshed muttering a spell over his head. Suddenly, Blaze's past was unlocked to him. The elf had been a true warrior, fighting to stem the flow of hatred from the Mire. Some dak, twisted force had sentenced him to live in the bog that he had tried to stop, and he lost all he had loved for it...[/i] [b]Eve:[/b]Stop it, you're killing him! [b]Ganshed:[/b]I am showing him where his loyalties lie! His past is now a past, and now he has a future!
  5. I love you, too. And don't feel bad. It's okay, really. I've got you, now. Why should I be sad? I've got you, and I've got Dani, Steph, Mike, and Evelyn as friends.
  6. Thanx, everyone. I thought you would hate it. Oh well.
  7. I race along at my fastest speed Carefree of anything or anyone. My heart was lighter than air Before my last chance... She smiled like an angel, Softer than silk, sweeter than sugar. Her eyes glowed like stars Before our last chance. She'd asked sworn she loved me But I was untied, carefree. I didn't realize what she meant to me, Until my last chance. In the crash I had a choice. I live or I die. She made it for me. That was my last chance. I sat by her side through the surgery. They failed to save her life. Even when I risked my life, gave her my blood. I wasted my last chance. Now I live with one I love She smiles like an angel, softer than silk, sweeter than sugar. Her eyes glow like stars... I won't let her waste her last chance!
  8. [i]Lacroix and Ilythiirtar left Serenol to himself, attending their own business. Suddenly, a shadow peeled from the wall, carrying a dark dagger. Mavericke raised the blade, letting himself feel his entire moment of triumph. He plunged the dagger in the sleeping roll, But he cut nothing but sleeping roll. Serenol had anticipated his "brother's" arrival, and he prepared himself for amorphic travel. He appeared suddenly behind Mavericke, Alaris drawn in full.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]Hello, "brother". I thought you'd try to kill me in my "sleep" [b]Mavericke:[/b]You cannot defeat me, Serenol. We are one and the same. Without me your righteousness will overwhelm you! [b]Hunter:[/b]Then let us battle! [i]Mavericke drew out his Azroth, his shadowblade. It was Alaris' exact rival. The two blades met, drawing out a long, explosive metallic ring. Mavericke's eyes glowed red, Hunter's glowed silver. Both jumped backwards, knowing each other's attacks subliminally. Every time Hunter would attack, Maverick would block. However, after a grueling, twelve hour battle, Serenol proved that his endurance was quite below Mavericke's psychotically driven psyche. Serenol collapsed, no longer able to carry his sword, so he transmogrified into his wolfen state. Mavericke also transformed into a tiger-human hybrid named Xerxes. Xerxes and Serenol met in a handgrip match, Xexes falling straight into Hunter's trap. Suddenly, Hunter lunged forward, into Xerxes' body. The two fused once more, becoming the orignal Serenol Ashenmyst Muirin, by the handle Fox Hunter. Serenol looked at the door of the temple. In the long, hard battle, the party had gotten to the top. Each claimed his/her own artifact. Mara had tears in her eyes, for her husband had a gaping hole in his shoulder...[/i] ----------------------------------------------------------------- OOC:Okay, everybody. Post what happened in that twelve hours. Do NOT include me. I will end this temple soon, however you must remain in the dark. And Oblivion, you can look at the list of Artifacts that I posted on Page 7. Pick one that has NOT been called. I wear the Pegasus Boots, Ilythiirtar has the Mirror Belt, Mara has the Chain of Haze, Eve has the Dragonscale Bracelet, and Alriy has the Buckler of Magus. Those are the only ones that I can list for now. The other three weren't claimed, I believe, so guys, DO IT!
  9. We have Protoman. MMX, watch out. Your bro's back! As for you Sirven, you're in!
  10. OOC:This is just a waste of time without Newt. I'm out. Sorry everybody. See you in the other RPGs. ------------------------------------------------------------------ [i]Hunter turned back, not willing to leave his home behind. He went back o his own palace in Lanas...[/i]
  11. [i]The golem sauntered into the camp, and it indeed was not a domineering figure. It seemed as though it were made of pumice rather than granite. Firemyst stared it down, pulled out his CyanSpear, and thrust it through, breaking through the beast's rather weak "skin". Firemyst looked at it oddly, and then the golem transformed... Before Firemyst now stood a hulking, terrifying beast. It was no golem. It was a Shield Guardian. Firemyst pulled out a vial of acid, pouring it on the beast's arm as he jumped over it. The beast's arm collapsed to the ground, then crawled up the Guardian's side, and reattached itself in its proper socket...[/i]
  12. [i]Hunter stared wanly at Lacroix, then retransmogrified into his original form. He leaned over the temple and retched, then quickly leaned back, not wishing to see the vomit's long journey down. He stared at Lacroix again, this time without the vacantly sick expression in his eyes.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]When did you get up here? [b]Lacroix:[/b]I followed Ilythiirtar. I wanted to see just how foolish those boots made you look. [b]Hunter:[/b]I'm going to go to sleep now. If you would like to go back down and help them through the temple, be my guest. I'll handle the dragons, orcs, and golems this temple spawns endlessly up here. Good night.
  13. Okay. See you in the RPG, and can somebody get a hold of Boba Fett?!? I would kinda like HIM to play Vile!!!! I'd like somebody to play the villain! If not Boba Fett, then screw it, we can handle this on our own.
  14. Welcome, though I thought Bass in MMX was named Forte... hmm...intersing. There was an SNES game called Rockman X and Forte... and Forte DID look just like an upgraded Bass, AND he had Treble...odd...very odd. *wraps self in thoughts, continuing to say "odd" every now and them*
  15. Thank you, my friend. Yhis is the true story of my life in Jaimie's arms... I felt I had to tell the story. Thank you, my dearest love, Jaimie. I love you, too. *Cries a little, not believing I could show such emotion in public*
  16. The sunlight glimmered in her soft black hair, All the radiance shimmering in her crying brown eyes. I took her into my then-rough arms, Comforting her sorrowed mind. She looked at me as if I was a knight And that's when and where I vowed my heart To guard, protect, and keep her sane I became her shining, loving knight. Her arms locked around my waist, One of her warm hands found my right one. She gripped it firmly, cascading me away Into a realm of dreams come true. The way she kissed me the day after that Sent me into a deep, deep trance. I felt as though she needed my heart Though hers belonged to another. He tore her apart with his desperate lies, Left her lying naked in her own mind. He forced me to draw my sword, Forced me to stand in the line of fire. She held on to me, not letting go. She wrapped her arms around me. I took blow after blow, helping her with the pain. Her lips met mine once again, This time we kissed as lovers. She felt me collapse into her arms. She is my vision of an angel...
  17. [i]The now-grey worm screeched in pain as the blade slashed into its side, its blood and membranous fluid slowly seeping onto, and through, like an acidic compound. As the beast screeched, its weapon called the Piercing Wail was unleashed. Serenol held his ears shut until the scream ended, then he did something he would not go hungry for a while for. He transformed into his dragon state, made angelic by the return of Alaris to its beloved holder.The huge dragon stared at the worm interestingly, then chomped into it like a salami. The beast wriggled, flailed, and died. The blood not affecting the tough dragonskin.[/i]
  18. [i]Fox had been knocked unconscious by the final Bomb. He dreamt...[/i] [b]*Those kool ripple thingies affect the scene*[/b] [i]Fox stood in a forest, his eyes set on something in the distance. It was an odd person, dressed in odd clothes. He was surrounded by armored vehicles, and Fox vaguely recognized them as Magi-Tek armor from his textbooks and engineering manuals. He ran through the forest, towards the figure. "It" held out a sword, the Illumina. He tossed it away, off into the distance, and suddenly Fox was alone, on an ashen plain, the world torn and disrupted by some odd force. He looked around and saw a spear in the ground. It spoke to him, clling him "destined one". He grabbed at it, but just as his hand closed around it...[/i] [b]*ripple, ripple, ripple*[/b] [i]He awoke. His face dripped with sweat, and he noticed that Locke's body had lost the Illumina. The weapon was now lost...forever. Fox saw a person in front of him, staring into a LARGE cavern. He walked up, thinking of the dream that had haunted him since his birth.[/i]
  19. Lonewolf, I can say just one thing. Please do NOT put this in first person. It's a tad confusing, and this isn't a requirement. Do what you will, you're in, but I'd rather a third-person. Thanks for applying, kid, you and Phantom made the cut. So did you Gohan Enraged. BTW, X's squad is the Hunter 17th Unit.
  20. OOC:That's what ya get. ------------------------------------------------------------------ [i]Hunter reached the top, the poison's effect showing in his now-gaunt face, his hand clutching the wound. He found the Pegasus Boots on a pedestal, awaiting his touch. He shed his old leather footwear, and he replaced them with the fine laquered boots called Pegasus. As he strapped them on, he felt light as a feather, and he ran up the wall. He dashed too quickly, however, to slow down in time to avoid the purple worm...[/i]
  21. OOC:Alright, fine. It's a goddamn longknife. A friggin' silver dagger.
  22. [i]Hunter stood, breathing harshly as he stood in Mara's arms, folding his wings around her. He held his wife tightly, knowing what was going on in her mind. He suddenly looked up, grabbed out at nothing, and pulled out a Khameleous. The near-invisible beast wriggled, its mouth full of Mara's hair. It was trying to infect Mara, becoming an effective spy. Hunter had saved the party, and his wife's life. He fell to the ground, smashing the beast's head. He looked out at the mire, which had turned into a lush, green forest with the death of the Chimera. A waterfall could be heard somewhere in the distance. It gave Hunter an idea, and he ran off. When he came back, three days later, he was setting up an odd form of elevation device. It was run by a water wheel. It twisted a rope around, lifting it, then lowering it. He lifted his wife onto it, and he climbed on after her. It would raise them to the top, to the Tower of Hera. He looked at his wife, knowing she wanted to stay with her friends, so he climbed it alone.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]I am sorry, my friends, but there is a foe up top that only Alaris can handle. And besides, the poison will calim me if I don't get my Pegasus Boots soon. I will see you up top, where you will find the remains of a Purple Worm!!!
  23. [i]Serenol swooped down, bringing Alaris into the lionhead's neck, severing it. The beast was being boiled from the inside, and it only had two out of three heads. But it could still be a challenge to defeat. Serenol had forgotten about the living serpent the chimera had for a tail. It bit Serenol on the leg, injecting a fiery poison into his veins. Serenol fell right into the path of the ram's head, leaving him a prime target for a meal. The head swooped down and ate him in a single bite, not bothering to chew. That was its biggest mistake. Mara screamed, seeing her husband swallowed whole, but she gasped when she saw him explode through the beast's side. The monster swayed, dripping a flammable form of ichor, and still stood. Chimeras had strong attacks, but ultimately stronger endurance...[/i]
  24. [i]Fox sat there, admiring the scenery in the Kohlingen desert. Suddenly, a sputtering noise from the back of the castle rapted his attention. The castle had broken down again. Fox hung his head, got up, and walked to Kohlingen, dealing with the Sand Rays and Rohbites that messed with him. His spear trailing the sand, he exited the cool desert, and walked into Kohlingen, a mile away from the desert. He walked into his house first, knowing who awaited him. His undying greatx200 grandparent, Locke and Celes.[/i] [b]Locke:[/b]Well, hello there Fox! It's so good to see you again! [b]Fox:[/b]Hi Grampa. It's good to be home. How are you, Gram? [b]Celes:[/b]As long as I look young, and as long as my family's here, I'm okay. [b]Locke:[/b]Well, kiddo. How goes the engineering? It's amazing you took after Edgar and not me. [b]Fox:[/b]Well, not everybody wants to be a thief, Grampa. [b]Locke:[/b]That's TREASURE HUNTER!!! [i]The esper magic in Locke and Celes' bodies somehow kept them alive, and they retained their youthful looks. However, Locke had long-since given up "treasure hunting", and now lived a peaceful life. The reunion was cut short, however, when a cloud of bomns descended on the village. Locke grabbed his Illumina, Celes grabbed a Regal Cutlass, and Fox unslung his spears. He strapped on his Genji Glove, and walked out. He battled fiercely, losing sight of his grandparents. When the fight was over, he found them. Dead. The center of the village was torched, and so were Locke and Celes...[/i]
  25. [i]Smiling at his success at finding a weakness in the bastard beasts, Blaze drew his longsword, bringing out a memory as well. He pushed it back, slicing through the first two creatures. He watched Ilythiirtar struggle not to fight, and Blaze pulled back, remembering a dark-elf technique. He slid into the river, disappearing from sight. The waves began to churn, then spiral, and finally, the tumultous waves swallowed the remaining rats. He'd used the magic in his sword to control the water in the river. Dark-elves were one of only a few elves that could focus a sword's energy.[/i]
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