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Everything posted by Talon
[i]The chimera focused all three of its heads on Serenol, firing its breath weapons all at the same time. Serenol reacted a bit too late, and found himself with a frozen arm and remelted arm. He flexed his limb, the numbness disappearing. He dogded a round of its eye-beams, barely staying flesh and blood. His wing was not so lucky. It became a light stone image, making him look like a construct. The beast reaimed, hitting the wing again, making it flesh and blood and bone again. Serenol smiled. He could fly to fight![/i]
[i]Firemyst stared up at the stars, the tears drying on his face. A fresh onslaught of them came out as he thought of the family he'd lost, and he fell from the tree as the pain overwhelmed his body. As he hit the ground, Namida ran forward to see if he was alright. As she checked his unconscious form, she found a locket containing a picture of a girl with gold hair and silver eyes. Inscribed under the picture was a single word. Myst.[/i] [b]Namida:[/b]So he did love somebody. Amazing a man like him actually cries. Who's this Myst girl, though? [i]Firemyst awakened, his eyes bleary and unfocused. Namida jumped back, the locket still in her hand.[/i] [b]Firemyst:[/b]Where's my locket? [b]Namida:[/b]Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't think you'd mind. [b]Firemyst:[/b]I don't. Just be careful with it. And Myst... died. A long time ago. [i]The heartjewel set in the necklace he wore aside from his locket began to glow, telling Firemyst that there was a Stone Golem headed their way. And it was under Sharisna's control.[/i]
Damn straight you're right. Hell, I think you're the only person that understands ME! And I wrote this along the lines of "A single touch can create a whole new world" though Harlequin's line IS in there, too. Thanks for the praise.
OOC:Ifyou know anything about MegaMan, or like it, please try out if you will. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]Serenol and the mind flayer locked arms in a handgrip match. The flayer's tentacles crawled around Serenol's neck. The monster closed the appendages extending from its mouth, sealing Serenol's airway. As his air was choked from his body, he utilized his wings in an ungainly fashion to hit the flayer in its head. The beast fell, its grip on Serenol's neck collapsing. Serenol became Hunter, and he was pissed. Hunter sacrificed his intelligence, and Ilyth saw what he was doing.[/i] [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b]Oh dear lord! Everybody, get away from the flayer, and from Hunter! [b]Lacroix:[/b]Why? [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b]He's raging! He doesn't know the difference between friend or foe anymore! He's driven by bloodlust, and will kill the nearest "thing" to him! [i]Hunter drove his claws into the flayer, splashing its ichor onto the wall. The beast was not through yet, and it clasped its tentacles around Hunter's skull. It drained his knowledge, but also drained his rage. Hunter had none of the former, but plenty of the latter. As it drained the painful agony from Hunter's mind, he reverted to his normal self, the flayer writhing in the agony of Hunter's torturous rage. It died, writhing like a severed tail from a lizardman. hunter focused his vision upon the chimera, chanting his Wing Slash spell.[/i]
[i]Blaze awoke and decided to take a walk by the stream. He walked on and on, the community of Milahost somewhere ahead. He saw a fight between some odd creatures and a young elf. Blaze drew out his longsword, Lanasen, and prepared for a fight.[/i] [b]Blaze:[/b]Ho, there! I see you need a little help! Shall I be of assistance? [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b]It would be helpful, yes! [i]Hunter strode into the strem and focused his mind. He pulled out his silver dagger and threw into the biggest "creature". Oddly, the beast withered and collapsed on contact with the blade...[/i]
OOC:So your dad wrote that post? Damn. And if 50 gold marks is nothing, then I guess 100 silver gold marks is nothing too. Same goes for 400 steel pieces. Damn. I have equal amounts of each SOMEWHERE in my pouch...^_^= ----------------------------------------------------- [i]As they rode on, Hunter occasionally flinging a stone behind his back nonchalantly, Raistlin hummed his "song", and Hunter ignored him until he reached the part about his mother. At that point, Hunter hummed a large stone into the back of Raistlin's head, and stone hurts more than clay. As Hunter passed Raistlin's unconscious body, he picked up his fifty fold marks again.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]I guess fifty marks gets me nowhere. [b]Rasitlin:[/b](getting up and rubbing his head) Why'd you wait to hit me? [b]Hunter:[/b]Anyone insults me, I'm okay, anyone insults my mother, I get extremely pissed. She is the ONLY family I have, and she lives with insult enough. Do not piss me off, or did that leg of lamb not teach you a lesson? [i]Hunter and Raistlin cast an extremely bad stare at Elysan, who was giggling. Hunter handed back the gold, and his hand. Raistlin took both, and they made up. Though both still managed to get annoyed at little things. Sometimes Hunter would even get annoyed at how his horse's hooves hit the ground. Something was making them edgy, and it wasn't each other...[/i]
[i]Firemyst stared out at the misty glade, his sword glinting. He decided that they would start the adventure thenext day, and he went off into the forest. He climbed a tree, looked out over the cities, the mountains, and the sea. He commanded a great view of it all, but he saw none of it. His head was in his arms, which were wrapped around his knees. He was crying...[/i]
OOC: Post the finale to this battle. This OOC post oughta give you the chance. C'mon, put me in there somewhere! And make it GOOD.
OOC:Sorry to turn "Siege" into a billboard, but I've got another RPG in the sign-ups. I like the challenge of running two RPGs and helping run another, all the while rping in many others. ^_^= ----------------------------------------------------------- [i]Serenol stood, no longer transformed. He heard scraping and scratching, followed by a large rasping noise. It was the one creature aside from Nilothakir that sent a shiver down Serenol's spine. It was a Mind Flayer. He was accompanied by a Frost Giant, a Fire Golem, and a Sand Worm. Serenol hated the shape behind the four. It was a Chimera. The palace cieling on this floor was brushed by the heads of them all.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]Alright, boys. Pick one of the first four, then we fight the chimera together. Try not to get petrified by it, though I know it will try to turn us to stone. [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b]I'll take on the Fire Golem. [b]Lacroix:[/b]I will fight the Frost Giant. [b]Alriy:[/b]I get the Sand Worm. It looks like a good meal. [b]Hunter:[/b]Hmm. So you leave me with the Mind Flayer. You know what they can do, I expect, else you wouldn't have exposed MY intellect to him instead of your own. Oh well... [i]They drew their weapons and stood against their respective foes, each paired with a powerful demon. The clash of these titans could be heard all the way in the Hylian field, 200 miles south of Ashrenia. Hunter's blade to a mind flayer's magic, and his intelligence rating was high enough to be a weakness in this battle. He'd need help.[/i]
Umm... Smoky Joe, I meant that as Luigi, you use a vacuum. No jumping. In Mario is Missing (SNES) He jumped and killed goombas and koopas. In M64, I recall most enemies hurting me when I jumped on 'em. In SSBM, Mario's jumps DO NOT hurt anybody, not even a goomba, unless you press Down+A. And yes, there are goomas. And as for the Bowser thing, no. I'd rather a good sibling rivalry occasionally. And Kizu, about the last pic, ummm... a whole island confused the impostor for Mario, so why can't Peach and Toad?
Umm... Again, let's just say a part of me died. There. The real event will be known only to those in certain circles until the ache in "her" heart is somewhat healed.
I make the first line of the paragraph rhyme with the first line of the next one, the second with the second, and so forth. That's the A b c d a b c d e f g h e f g h Get it now?
[i]Hunter made it to the Misery Mire, and he changed his clothes again. He now wore a green tunic with white pants and a white shirt underneath. He pulled out his Lanasen and trudged through, his boots squelching. The rage in his eyes was reflected by the grip he retained on his sword. As he made it to the last temple before the castle of Nilothakir, he gasped. The tower of Hera lay at the top of the Temple of Lost Souls, and Hunter was ready. He ran full out, ignoring the octoroks, the lizardmen, and the beholders. The doorway to the temple begas to slide shut, and Hunter dashed through, performing a running somersault to avoid being split in half. As he rolled back into a standing position, he saw a longsword, glowing white, hovering in midair. He stood for a second, staring at his beloved Alaris. He took in in his hands, his gauntlet trembling. In a brilliant flash of white light, his appearance had changed. His emerald wings had again sprouted from his back, his white leather armor restored to his body. He was A holy knight once again. He opened the doors to the inner sanctum of the temple and waited for the rest of the party...[/i]
Armor style is basically a description of your armor. It can look however you want it. Check out the MegaMan Outpost for some ideas. E-Chips are merely enhancers. They increase speed, damage done, and can allow you to use various techniques. They basically give you an extra ability. Capsules physically enhance your Body, Leg, Arm, and Head parts. They can do anything as long as the capsule matches the area specified. Also, as I failed to mention, there are 5 styles of Raiden Armor, which you can ride as a vehicle as well as Cybercycles. [b]Ride Armor Styles:[/b] [b]Normal:[/b]Punches, jumps, and dashes. Generic. Middle armor class. [b]Chimera:[/b]Punches using drill arms, dashes, and jumps. Heavy armor class. [b]Hawk:[/b]Flies, cannot dash, and fires low-strength missile. Low armor class [b]Frog:[/b]Can only be effective underwater. Cannot dash, jumps high, and can propel itself underwater. Middle armor class. [b]Goliath:[/b]Used by Vile. Can jump, dash, punch using spike drills, fire Protobeams, and can fire high strength missiles. Extremely heavy amor class. That's it Ykonis. Have a ball. You can be a reanimated Ride Armor Reploid, that is, a living Raiden Armor.
Oh, you know not the equipment? If you aren't going to be one of the main characters of the famous series, just make your name and stats up. [b]And for anyone who chooses MegaMan or MegaManX(not the same person) you must list the eight powers you absorb.[/b]
Thanks. As for the background Queen... let's just say that in a way, I've given my life to save Artea's, and I was reborn. I'll pu that in another poem or story later on, just not now. If you read this...I love you Artea.
Ummm...I'm sorry, but whatever happened to the classic jump-on-their-head-'til-they're-dead? In Mario 64, you used your fists, in Luigi's mansion, you used a vacuum as Luigi. Now Mario's using a spray gun!!!! Why do they change classics? And Zelda foe the NGC...n/m. Not here. Just...WHY DON'T THEY BRING BACK CLASSIC MARIO??? I don't want a game where this imposter sprays gunk, and I end up being a janitor! I don't like it enough to do anything but rent it when it comes out, though I must admit the graphics rule for a Mario game.
Tails' melody is behind a bombable wall. Sorry if it sounds like I'm talking Zelda here, but it is. I dunno WHICH wall, but I know my friend said it's behind a breakable wall. Hope that helps. Oh, and on planting, the chao ALSO have to be at least old enough for the Hero or Dark garden.
[i]It's over in five minutes, but it felt like an hour. I play the scene through my head as I fall. His rash words flying at her, making her scream. He pulled the dagger, flashing it in the sunlight As I ran down the block to see my lover. Her eyes went cold with shock when she saw the blade. He grinned evilly, knowing he had her trapped. He'd tricked her so many times, saying he loved her. The dagger flew, his arm with it, and I jumped. He stopped two seconds too late as I felt it pierce. My blood began to trickle, her scream grew louder. He pulled the knife from me, hindered by police. I fell, bleeding, into her arms, her loving arms. As she cried on my chest, I felt the air leave me. The blood ceased to bleed, my heart slowly stopped. She kissed me one last time, no matter the blood at my mouth. When she pulled away, I saw the last thing I would ever see. Teardrops.[/i] I know it isn't as good as my other three, but I had to do something gloomy, yet lightening. So, how is it?
Nice poems everybody, Lacroix especially. Phantom, you did a good job as well, though I have NO room to criticize. C'est la vie. I have a question, Danni. This poem's about you-know-who, isn't it? Well, Remember I'm always here for you. And GREAT job by the way. Really, I mean it.
OOC:So fifty gold marks gets you nowhere. C'est la vie. And J_C, all my characters have good sense, and, unless somebody is drunk AND insane, my C's always take people seriously. Just a future warning.
Bingo on the rhyming pattern. In the last one, Phantom told me to do more for it, so here it is. Thanks!
OOC:I ain't a dirty halfcast Drow! -------------------------------------------------------- [i]Hunter got up, grabbed a leg of lamb, and walked towards the inn, wiping crap from his shirt. Suddenly, in the middle of another round of "You can all go to Hell" Lacroix, Elysan, and Serena heard a loud, soprano yelp, and an odd crunching noise. When Hunter walked back in, he was carrying a BROKEN leg of lamb, and had a somber face. Suddenly, he whipped his head up, stared at Elysan, and glaringly spoke.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]Why does he think my name is Everyone? [i]He suddenly cracked a smile. The whole party laughed at the jooke, even Elysan. Though they hadn't slept with each other at all, it was still a good joke. But what made them laugh even harder was the sight of Raistlin walking down the street, legs spread oddly, and his robes flowing around them. He walked with an odd gait, as though he'd been hit VERY hard in a certain place.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]They don't make legs of lamb like they used to, huh Mom? [i]He held up the broken mutton, and again they had a good laugh. Then a CLEAN Raistlin walked in, sat down, and got drunk. Hunter left him alone this time, except for putting a good fifty gold marks in his robe.[/i]
Simple contact can be made, And in that single touch, A world can come undone, Memories can flood your mind. Eternal rest is withlaid, A little can become so much, A crippled boy can run, And fast thoughts can fall behind. A tortoise can run at it's own pace, A man can sing without any fear, A child can make a full-grown choice, A steel wall can become dust. A man can forget about ethnic race, An ice cube, flames can sear A mute man can sing with his own voice, And wooden walls can start to rust. The Titanic can rise from its watery grave, The willow can lift its gloomy head. The wind can stop it's fierce cry The mountains, they can be bent. A madman can stop his unending rave, The fine print is finally read. All these events can roll on by, All in the touch of a single moment.
[i]The year is 2398. The Mavericks have been destroyed, and the Sigma virus has finally been purged. MegaManX's body lays dormant in a capsule, and Zero is undergoing study in a dormant state. Dr. Cain and Dr. Doppler are long since dead. Dr. Light has been resurrected and is studying Zero's mainframe. Using a program similar to the MegaMan.EXE NetNavi, he has purged all Maverick data from Zero. He has adapted Zero to uplink directly into a computer. However, Zero's newfound ability was deleted when Dr. Light discovered a mechanics problem. Zero would malfunction with it. But then a new problem occured. Chaos began to occur, ovens spitting fire, street lamps blinking wildly. The Sigma virus was nothing. When Vile appeared on holovision, Dr. Light assumed, and assumed correctly, the worst. The Mavericks had returned. Dr. Light reactivated the dormant MaverickHunter HQ, and he reawakened Zero, who wanted to settle that first score...[/i] BTW, we retain our ability to climb walls, though we don't slowly slide down. We cling. I am Zero Mavericke, leader of the Special Zero Unit. There are 7 MaverickHunters aside from myself. You CAN be Protoman, MegaManX, and others. I, however, am Zero. The goal is kill Vile. There may be a few surprising guests along the way. I need a description of your armor. I'll show you with my stats. Can't play the file on Otaku, it's a goddamn MIDI. *turns on Zero's theme from MMX* [b]Name:[/b]Zero Mavericke [b]Type:[/b]Reformed Maverick/MaverickHunter [b]WOC(weapon of choice):[/b]Beam Sabre, can be enhanced. [b]Capsules(four max):[/b] [b]Leg:[/b]Air Dash. Allows for the hover dash. *already dashes on ground* [b]Arm:[/b]HyperSabre. Powers up saber. Can cut through damaged walls. [b]Body:[/b]ZirconArmor. Enhances defense and changes armor color. Allows for the use of 2 E-chips. [b]E-Chips:[/b] [b]Z-Buster:[/b]Allows for the use of the Fenrir fighting techniques. [b]ShadowZero:[/b]Zero becomes a shadow-like image, nearly invisible and able to cross spikes. [b]Appearance:[/b]Gee! It's Zero! Red armor with white limb creases, a blue gem in my forehead, and a blond ponytail. I have a big-arse buster as my left hand, and I carry my saber with my right. I have two green orbs in my chest. The red turns silver when I get my Body capsule. [b]Description:[/b]Zero is the strongest MaverickHunter at HQ. He uses the Fenrir fighting techniques: The Fire Denjin, the Thunder Danchien, the Ice Gatzou, and the Earth Ganten. These techniques are employed with the Z-Buster Power Absorbtion, and can only be used after theses powers are gained from Mavericks and Renegades, Zero's former troops from when he was a member of the Mavericks. He killed Sigma numerous times, eventually reducing him to a virus. His strong point is his ability to attack and use strategy in the same action. He is often accompanied by his dog, Ryko. [b]Bio:[/b]Zero is the crimson robot who is like a brother to X. Zero was initially a Maverick, and this was proven during his battle with the then-leader of the Maverick Hunters, Sigma. Following that epic confrontation, Sigma was soon corrupted and turned against the humans. Zero, somehow, rose to become the leader of the MaverickHunters, loyal to their cause. Yet, Zero harbors a dark secret - that which concerns the initiation of the Reploid Wars altogether! [i]Please sign up. No limit on E-chips, but without a special upgrade, you can only use one at a time. No character description is necessary. And kindly, whatever you do, don't try to put Sigma in this RPG without my permission.[/i]